Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 9, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Sep 26 2018

it's finally here anthem has reached its alpha milestone so what is there to

expect from anthem now? What should your reaction be?

iX-Acht here and I'm back with a new Anthem video it's time to inform you

that Bioware announced a moment ago that their new game has reached the alpha

milestone, some five months before the game's official release. In this video,

I'll be using footage of Anthem's latest trailer our world my story to give you

feedback on the reaction BioWare's announcement caused, what it implies and

what you can expect from anthem what we know "every part of the game is in and

functioning" and teams are now working on "bug fixing testing and tuning" which

first means that what you see is what you get and don't expect what you see to

be fundamentally different from what you got in Mass Effect Andromeda!

The similarities I pointed out in a previous video are here even more obvious.

The graphics we saw in the trailer feels very much like Mass Effect Andromeda.

Let's hope all facial animations will be working this time! In terms of gameplay

the similarities between the two titles are even more prominent. After all the

Javelins are like the profiles in Andromeda--your game is not limited to one profile

Unlike all the previous Mass Effect titles but unlike Andromeda, the single-player,

you can't change your 'profile' in game it's like Andromeda's multiplayer met the campaign

in terms of gameplay and had a baby called "Anthem".

What worries players is that anthem reached alpha five months before release

while both Dragon Age Inquisition and Mass Effect Andromeda had one additional

month for bug-fixing testing and tuning and

these games are what they are. So have the devs master the Frosbyte engine?

Was Mass Effect Andromeda's sacrifice for Anthem worth it? What worries me,

in particular, is when you peel the rhetoric off Casey Hudson's announcement, when

you read behind the line: "there's a ton of work ahead" and "hitting the milestone on

time is a tremendous achievement"??? Nah! It's your job! Clearly Bioware is no

longer at the helm and changing the release date with early access now

available and stuff would most likely cause controversy.

My job is that I make videos and I make music and yeah I like to plan release

dates - but in case the product is not ready I can postpone it. The difference

between you and me, BioWare is more famous and people have expectations. I can release

an unfinished product people won't care but if you do you will have to live up

to their --our!-- expectations but let's focus on what's good. The key word to

characterize Anthem so far would be hybridity. Generic hybridity, first, the

game is described as an "re-invention of personal narrative in a multiplayer game".

What about the story, lore and universe? It looks like a mixture of different genres

with a universe wavering from science fiction to more fantasy-like elements.

The world looks lively. We had more information about the different factions

in the game and about the elements and the gameplay can be expected to be as

fluid as it was in Mass Effect Andromeda which, let's face it, was one thing

that game did right. Let's hope the story makes it and forgettable. I'll keep on

posting information videos about Anthem in the months to come and in the

meantime thank you for your support!

For more infomation >> "ANTHEM" NOW ON ALPHA TESTING! What to expect from BioWare's next game? (Gameplay reaction) [VOSTFR] - Duration: 4:40.


What is The #1 Best Penny Stock Pattern to Learn? - Duration: 5:58.

- What's up?

Tim Sykes, millionaire, mentor and trader

here answering your questions.

A lot of people say, "What is the best pattern?

"What is the best strategy if I could just learn one?"

And my answer is that there is no one magic formula.

There is no one magic pattern

or magic strategy to success.

The problem, the gift and the curse,

the good and the bad is that the stock market,

and especially low price stocks, it's a moving target.

Sometimes earnings winners are great.

This is why I have 300 plus video lessons

on earnings winners on

Sometimes, dip buying morning panics are great.

This is why I now have 600 video lessons on that.

Oftentimes buying multi-day breakouts on OTCs,

I have 700 plus video lessons on that.

Sometimes short selling first red day

or shorting into morning spikes,

I have video lessons on that.

It's good to learn a whole bunch

of different strategies and different patterns.

The good news is there's not unlimited patterns.

There's not unlimited strategies.

You can boil it all down to basically

maybe a dozen, maybe two dozen patterns, that's it.

And if you learn each of them

and you'll have favorites and you'll have

things that you just don't like.

If you learn each of them, you'll be prepared

if and when the strategy changes.

I'll give you an example.

Back in 1999 and 2000, when I first got started,

I made nearly a million dollars

on one pattern, buying penny stock breakouts.

But as 2000 happened and the Nasdaq crashed,

2001, 2002, the whole market was crashing,

there were no more penny stock breakouts.

I had to adapt and I made my second million

by short selling the pumps.

So, I didn't even know about short selling at first.

I'm very thankful, I'm very grateful

because if I had learned short selling

in '98 and '99, I probably would have been wiped out.

Short selling became very, very good

back in 2000, 2001, 2002.

So, I learned both of them.

Now, I've made millions going long.

I've made millions going short.

I mainly go long these days just because

I'm a teacher and most students,

even when I profit very well shorting,

students don't like it.

Students get offended, they can't find shares,

they're short, it hurts their head.

Sometimes I have a 20 or 30% win on a short,

shorting a pump and dump at Interactive Brokers.

Interactive Brokers oftentimes has shares

to short, but a lot of people

can't afford Interactive Brokers.

A lot of people don't want to know how to short sell

and so they literally get offended, like they cancel.

They stop their education short

because they're like, "This hurts my brain."

And I'm like, "I don't want anybody to stop their education

"because they don't like a strategy."

For me, I've tailored my strategy.

I've tailored my trading to you guys, the students.

This is why I trade with a small account

because I show how to grow a small account

and I show how to grow it exponentially.

And frankly I think for that, dip buying

morning panics and buying breakouts is best.

But, I know a lot of students who do like short selling.

Try all these different strategies,

learn from different traders,

learn from me, learn from Tim Grittani,

learn from Mark Crook and Michael Goode.

We're all in the Trading Challenge,

in the Trading Challenge chatroom.

We give live webinars every single week

so that you can take a little something from each of us.

None of us have the exact same strategy.

We've all made seven figures which is kind of cool,

learning from experienced, self-made millionaires,

which I don't think you have that anywhere else.

You have a lot of newbies teaching these days.

You have a lot of people who claim to be millionaires.

They don't show every single trade.

They don't show their tax returns.

They don't show their audits.

So, you have a lot of fakers.

We're real, for better or worse.

We don't win every single time.

A lot of the time we make mistakes,

but we're gonna be honest about it.

You can learn from mistakes.

I'm not ashamed of the mistakes that I make.

I'm not ashamed when sometimes I screw up.

I'm not ashamed sometimes when I lose.

Sometimes I just buy a stock and I'm just dead wrong.

I buy into a wall of sellers and the stock

just cracks and I cut my losses quick.

That's rule number one.

So, I'm gonna try to teach you

every single thing that I've learned.

I'm gonna try to teach you

multiple strategies, multiple patterns.

Don't feel like you have to copy me

on any one trade or any one strategy.

In fact, I want you to be self-sufficient.

That's the beautiful thing about all my top students.

They haven't just made a lot of money.

They don't need me anymore.

I'm just training wheels.

I don't want you to need me two,

three, five, ten years from now.

I can be your introduction and that's what I like.

A lot of people don't have any mentor in the beginning.

I think Wall Street and almost all of social media

is not geared towards people with small accounts.

Brokers don't like me cause I say,

"Don't trade as much as you think that you should."

Brokers make their money through commissions.

I make my money through students

and I still trade too, but I donate

my trading profits to charity.

My main business is teaching

so I'm invested in your success.

The more successful you are,

the more successful my main business is

and, frankly, the happier I am.

I get a lot of enjoyment and a lot of fulfillment

out of creating millionaire students

and creating students who, frankly,

are very self-sufficient within a few years.

That's my whole goal here.

So, leave a comment just below this video.

Let me know if this makes sense.

I'll teach you multiple different strategies and patterns.

You choose what works best for you.

And don't be afraid if you might like one pattern

and then a year later or two years later

you might be like, "Oh, I see

"this other pattern that's growing on me."

That's cool, it's not an exact science.

You always have to be adapting.

You have to think of yourself as a scientist

and you're always experimenting,

you're always trying different stuff and seeing what works.

That's what you can do.

Cheers, I hope you have a good day.

Hey, Tim Sykes, millionaire, mentor and trader.

Thank you for watching my videos.

I hope that they help you.

I want to share everything that I've learned over the years.

You can check out more videos right over there

and also click Subscribe so that you can watch

all of these videos, get that knowledge

and become my next millionaire student.

(light music)

For more infomation >> What is The #1 Best Penny Stock Pattern to Learn? - Duration: 5:58.


What Is Inside Of A Black Hole? - Duration: 7:06.

Black holes are a deep dark mystery.


Our galaxy alone is thought to contain anywhere between 10 million to a billion of them.

We know they have the ability to destroy planets, maybe even solar systems, but why exactly?

What is going on in there?

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that wants to answer

everything and anything but actually, curiosity didn't kill the cat… that's just a thing

people say to keep you in your place.

Knowledge is power, but is there anything more powerful than a black hole?


I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking What is inside of a black hole?

Okay but I also really quickly want to say that each and everytime I host these videos

Muse's Supermassive Black Hole dances through my head all day….anyone else know that song…just


*editors play clip.*

Right – before we get into this video, I want to ask you what YOU think is inside a

black hole?

While you are down there leaving a comment, why don't you hit that thumbs up button

and share this video with a person that needs to see the inside of a black hole today.

Also if you want to connect with the team that went into making this video, there are

links to our socials in the description box.

Okay, black holes.

So black holes were first discussed in the 18th century, but it was David Finkelstein's

1958 publication that established them as a region of space from which nothing can escape.

Fast forward 60 years and we now know a little more about black holes but, excuse the very

intentional pun, we are still very much in the dark.

In fact, one of the biggest goals in astrophysics is to understand and observe what happens

in a black hole.

What we do know is that black holes are areas of space and time that exhibit such strong

gravitational pulls on all things, from particles to radiation and even light, that nothing

can escape it.

This has lead scientists to realise that black holes are very, very, very dense.

There are two types of observable black hole – Supermassive and Stellar Mass…although

there may well be a third; miniature black holes.

At the moment we are going to talk about the two observables.

Supermassive black holes have the mass of many millions, maybe even billions, of stars

and stellar mass black holes are still dense, but on a much smaller scale.

These black holes comes from the gravitational collapse of a huge star.

Our sun, would need to be around 25 times its size to create a supernova and then a

black hole.

Stellar mass black holes can be anywhere from 10 times as dense as our sun.

The nearest one to earth is thought to be up to 12 times the mass of our sun.

Named Monocerotis, it is 3,000 lightyears away…that's 18 trillion miles….

It would take the fastest rocket we have on earth hundreds of thousands of years to reach

it…so, probing is basically at this point not an option….we are doing our best when

it comes to telescopes; Hubble can actually observe light from 13.2 billion lightyears…so

we can see them…we just can't travel to get a better look.

So, as you may have gathered, because of the limitations of current technology, we can

only observe what is going on surrounding a black hole, rather than knowing exactly

what is inside – however our observations give us a clue.

It seems that blackholes are so, so dense that they cause the laws of physics as we

know to break down.

The way gravity works is that objects of a lower mass are drawn to objects of a higher


Black holes have extremely high masses and they start to break down things that approach


It can tear planets and even stars apart.

The black hole is kind of like a drain in slow motion, Particles that have been torn

from what they previously are, as well as radiation and light, swirl in that hole until

they fall in.

This swirl is called the event horizon…which is very much the point of no return – from

this point you can't see any light as no light can escape.

We have never seen beyond the event horizon, all we see is what is not there – darkness…a

black hole.

We do have some pretty educated theories as to what could be inside, though.

Well, for starters, it is hot.

The event horizon may as well be called the ring of fire - as the material gets consumed

by the black hole, friction heats it up to billions of degrees, producing lots of radiation,

and outflows of energy and charged particles.

Beyond that, it is thought that the black hole is like a funnel, leading down to a small,

very very very dense place just one atom wide, as matter is destroyed and sucked into the

hole, it is stretched out in a process scientist call spaghettification.

The thing is…. even if we could get up close to a black hole – anything or anybody we

have on earth would be destroyed and sucked in by it – so couldn't report back exactly

what is inside.

It is a paradox.

Although, the paradox in theory could be broken if something could travel fast enough through

it – perhaps faster than the speed of light.

It's just a theory, but some cosmologists are pretty keen on it.

Even if we could travel that fast – I am not sure I would want to be the one testing

it out.

Toward the end of his life, Professor Stephen Hawking was working on a theory of multiverses.

He alluded to the possibility of a black hole spilling its matter out into a separate place….a

new universe, maybe.

He said The hole would need to be large and if it was rotating it might have a passage

to another universe.

But you couldn't come back to our universe."

So…what is in a black hole….If it sounds like I haven't really answered the question

so much as I have discussed black holes in general, you would be right.

As of yet, we simply do not know what is inside a black hole, but as we discuss them and study


The answer may be closer on the horizon than we think, too.

Scientists have created a machine called the Large Hadron Collider – it is a particle

smasher that they want to use to simulate some of the things that happened at the beginning

of the universe.

Not only could this machine shed more light on the big bang – some think it could create

miniature black holes.

This may be a touch far fetched, but if it could…then perhaps we would be able to answer

this question once and for all.

So guys, what do you think is in a black hole?

Let me know in the comments section down below.

Also why don't you click that thumbs up button to and the notification bell to be

the first to hear big answers.

My head feels like it has been sucked into a black hole so I need to get out of here.

Thanks for listening.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch you in the next video, but until then – stay

curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

For more infomation >> What Is Inside Of A Black Hole? - Duration: 7:06.


What is it like to play The Crete Golf Club ? / Wie ist golfen auf Kreta ? - Duration: 5:44.

Crete is not really known as Golfing destination

but nevertheless you will find what could well the best course in Greece

The course is towards the mountains in a hilly region

In this clip I will show you a few impressions of the course on which I played 9 holes.

On the course I got to know two nice people. Giannis, a Greek sax player in one of the nicer hotels in the area

and Arjan, a Dutch fellow, who is a golf-guide : your are able to "book" him to play golf with you

he knows every rock on the course, every bush and every hole

and of course he also knows the island, and

he can show you around

and is a very joyful person.

For more infomation >> What is it like to play The Crete Golf Club ? / Wie ist golfen auf Kreta ? - Duration: 5:44.


Luka Modric wife: What is her name? How long have they been married? - Duration: 4:02.

 The midfielder has led Croatia to the World Cup final and also won the Champions League with Real Madrid this year

 He joins Cristiano Ronaldo and Mohamed Salah in the final three of the Best FIFA Men's Player award

 Modric will be looking to add to his personal collection of awards too. He was crowned player of the tournament at the World Cup, winning the Golden Ball award

 He was presented the award by Russian president Vladimir Putin after defeat in the final against France

 Modric was also named UEFA Men's Player of the Year by beating Ronaldo, something he'll be looking to repeat

Luka Modric wife - who is she? Modric married girlfriend Vanja Bosnic in Zagreb in May 2010

 He had been dating her for four years before they tied the knot. They got married in the Croatian capital Zagreb at a private ceremony

 Together they have had three children while living in Madrid. Their first child and son Ivano was just over a year after their wedding, in June 2010

  Their first daughter Ema was born in April 2013. Finally, Modric's third child Sofia was born in October 2017

 He has been integral in helping the club win four Champions Leagues in five seasons

 Modric has been crowned Croatian Football of the Year six times, tied with Davor Suker for the most wins

 Real Madrid have made an impressive start to La Liga, winning four and drawing one match

 Modric has become one of the key figures at Real Madrid since the departure of Ronaldo to Juventus

 He will be looking to add to his fantastic calendar year by winning another award in London

 LUKA MODRIC IN NUMBERS 3 - Modric won his third successive Champions League title with Real Madrid, and his fourth in total, when they beat Liverpool in May's final

 2 - the midfielder scored twice, adding an assist, as he captained Croatia to their first World Cup final

 20 - Croatia were the lowest-placed team in FIFA's world rankings ever to make a World Cup final

 1,976 - minutes played by Modric in LaLiga last season, excluding stoppage time - just 58 per cent of Real's season

He did, though, start 11 of 13 games as they won the Champions League and played all but 26 minutes of Croatia's World Cup campaign

 1 - Modric is Croatia's first ever winner of FIFA's top award and only his country's second nominee, 20 years after Davor Suker finished third in the voting in 1998

 6 - Modric is the sixth different Real Madrid player win the prize, passing Barcelona for the outright record

For more infomation >> Luka Modric wife: What is her name? How long have they been married? - Duration: 4:02.


Trump attacks second Kavanaugh accuser: 'she admits she was drunk' - Daily News - Duration: 6:49.

President Donald Trump is attacking the second accuser of his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as admitting to being drunk and raged against a 'con game' Democrats are playing with the confirmation process

  The president was visibly frustrated with the situation surrounding his Supreme Court nominee and repeatedly dinged the Democrats for holding up the process around Kavanaugh, whom he described multiple times as a 'high quality' person

And when asked about the allegations revealed by a second accuser in an article in The New Yorker on Sunday, the president dismissed them

He noted Debra Ramirez said in the piece she was drinking at a college party when she and Kavanaugh were students at Yale

She claims Kavanaugh took down his pants and thrust his penis in her face. He denies the allegation

'The second accuser has nothing,' Trump said. 'The second accuser doesn't even know - maybe it could have been him, maybe not

She admits she was drunk. There are time lapses.' He slammed Ramirez repeatedly for her accusation

 'Now a new charge comes up and she says it may not be him and there are gaps. And she was totally inebriated and all messed up, and she doesn't know

It might have been him, or it might have been him. Gee, let's not make him a Supreme Court judge,' Trump said

 He added: 'I can tell you that false accusations of all type are made against a lot of people

This is a high quality person, and it would be a horrible insult to our country if this doesn't happen

And it'll be a horrible, horrible thing for future political people. It cannot be allowed to happen

And the Democrats are playing a con game, C-O-N.'In The New Yorker story, Ramirez remembers that Kavanaugh exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away

 She told the magazine she only came forward now because she had been drinking during the evening and admits there are 'gaps in her memory' when recollecting the story

 In a statement provided by the White House, Kavanaugh denies the event ever happened and said it is 'a smear, plain and simple

'Ronan Farrow, the co-author of The New Yorker story, had defended Ramirez on Monday

'The fact that she took several days to carefully think about whether she wanted to cast herself into this storm is acknowledgment that there were gaps in her memory, which is often the case with experiences that involve alcohol, and this is not a woman that is behaving in a way that would suggests she has a agenda, or making something up,' he told CNN

 The president showed his fury at what was happening to his nominee as he spoke at length about what a 'high quality' person Kavanaugh is and turned his ire  onto Democrats, charging them with running a con game and noting they were beating Republicans in it

'I think it is horrible what the Democrats have done,' the president raged. 'It is a con game, they are really con artists

' Share this article Share He also offered a passioned defense of Kavanaugh, saying he was a 'high quality' person but Democrats wouldn't admit to that

 'They are trying to convince – they don't bite, they don't believe it themselves – They know he is a high quality person, they don't believe it, it is just resist and obstruct

They are playing a con game, and they are playing it very well, much better than Republicans

They are lousy politicians, they have lousy policy, they don't know what the hell they are doing,' Trump told reporters in New York during a bilateral meeting with the president of Colombia

 'They're good at one thing – obstruction and cons,' he added of Democrats.Trump also said he could relate to Kavanaugh, when his Supreme Court nominee told Fox News Monday night that he spent his time on school studying

Kavanaugh, with his wife Ashley sitting next to him, gave an in-depth interview to Fox to deny all the allegations against him

  'I was focused on trying to be number one in my class and being captain of the varsity basketball team and doing my service projects, going to church,' Kavanaugh told Fox News' Martha MacCollum

Trump said that was so 'believable' to him.'He is one of the highest quality people

He said when he was focused on being No. 1 in his class at Yale, to me, that was so believable

I understand college very well, being number one in your class, I understand a lot of things,' the president said

 He went back to slamming Democrats. 'This is a con game being played by Democrats,' he said, handing waving in the air as he complained about Kavanaugh's treatment

'They know it's a con game and they know he's high quality.'He bemoaned what happened to Kavanaugh and his family

 'He has the chance to be one of the greatest justices in the United States Supreme Court

What a shame,' Trump said. 'His wife is devastated, his children are devastated. I don't mean, 'Oh gee, I am a little unhappy

They are devastated.' And it is because of these Democrats.''It will be a horrible horrible thing for future political people, judges,' he noted


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