Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 4, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Apr 28 2018

2008 was an eventful year.

Rhianna's Disturbia graced the music scene, The Stock Market plummeted, Barak Obama became

the first black Pres and Jess the Killer came out to play.

Ho great.

But of course, we can all sleep easy because Jeff aint no real boy… but…what if he


Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that likes to cover

a multitude of topics – sure we ask some genuinely big questions such as Is God Real…

but we also like to go on a few flights of fancy every now, talking about what life would

be like…if say our worst nightmares were a reality.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking – What if Jeff The Killer was


Get outa here Jeff… you creep.

Before we get into this video I just want to ask you guys to leave this video with a

thumbs up and share it with a buddy you would fight Jeff for.

I've heard that for every like, Jeff stays away.

So yeah.

Okay Jeff.

Let's talk about Jeff.

For those of you who don't know about Jeff he comes from a creepypasta story in 2008.

What is a Creepypasta?

It is a horror urban legend that has been copy and pasted around the internet and adapted

as readers go on.

Let's have a lil look at Jeff shall we….here he is!

Most of you will have seen this picture before, but may not have known its our mate Jeff.

The official story seems to go that Jeff was a bit of a loner with a bit of pent up rage.

He loves his brother Liu and that seems to be about it.

He stabbed some kids for teasing him but got away with it, he then gets into another fight

where he is doused in bleach and lit on fire, as you do.

Anyway, his face is horribly burned, his eyes blackened.

This seemed to be the greenlight he was waiting for in terms of becoming an all out killing


He kills his mum, his dad and possibly even his brother Liu.

Jeff then creeps kids around the world, hiding in their cupboards, whispering for them to

Go To Sleep and then jumping out and attacking them.

So, if this here Jeff was real, we would have a bit of a problem…there would be a serial

killer on the loose.

The Creepy Pasta story doesn't specify where geographically Jeff is, however we can assume

from the English language used and the tone that he is somewhere in the United States

of America.

I'd go with something like Oregon, but that is a stab in the dark.

Pun fully intended.

If Jeff the killer was real, I'd check your cupboards at night…or…why not do away

with the issue…don't have a cuboard.

I don't have a cupboard.

I have a rail.

Very modern.

Very Ikea.

Take that Jeff…you try and nestle amongst my clothes unseen.

Jeff likes to whisper Go to Sleep… but like…why wouldn't you just not go to sleep.

In your face Jeff…

I am actually wide awake, so come at my bro.

Seriously though, if Jeff was real, the police would be all over trying to find him.

It is not like he could disguise that burnt off face too well.. he is pretty recognisable.

Sure, Jeff may get a few good kills in before he is caught, but I am quite positive he would

be caught at some point.

Also, he lives in MERICA, land o the gun.

Sure, some people might not sleep next to their favourite revolver, but with a serial

killer loose as a goose, I imagine people might start getting into it.

When Jeff came at you with a blade, wouldn't you …you know…just shoot him.

Jeff could decide to up his game and Uzi up, but the blade seems to be intrinsic to his


So I doubt it.

What if…if if if….

We are talking like Jeff isn't already actually alive.

There is a video on youtube called "Jeff The Killer Caught on Tape" - despite its

1.7 million views and 12 thousand thumbs up, there is no evidence of actual jeff.


What a relief.

While Jeff is just a silly internet ghost story told for lols, a modern day Bloody Mary,

or a kind of Charlie Charlie…it turns out that he may have his roots in some actual

factual reality – the 4 chan community x discovered the potential origins of Jeff.

It seems in 2008, a girl named Katy Robinson was bullied relentless and later committed


A post on 4 chan read: Attention

4chan….yesterday I found my sister in her room, crying her eyes out.

I asked her why she was feeling down and she said it was because she is fat, She said she

was being bullied on 4chan and people were photoshopping her pictures into horrifying


The post ended by saying : I am appalled…take a good look at this picture because this beautiful

beautiful woman, my sister, committed suicide later last night.

On trawling 4 chan, some people think the photoshops that upset katy so much was one

of her in a closet, photshopped to look like this….. is this the original Jeff the killer


The closet looks similar.


That could be the origin of Jeff….

But what if Jeff was actually real… yeah, he may rack up a few kills and sucks to be

you if you get in his way… but really, he would be caught and locked up, or worse.

So don't you even worry… but also, he isn't real…so don't worry too much.

Aint no thing.

So that is one questioned answered for you there…

What would you do if Jeff the Killer was real?



Let me know in the comments section below…also why not tell me what murderous fiend you would

like us to discuss next?

Let me know.

That just about wraps up the video – make sure you leave a thumbs up and hit that notification

bell to stay up to date with big answers.

I am your host Rebecca Felgate, I'll catch you in the next video, but for now…stay

curious, stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

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