Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Sep 27 2018

hey what's up guys Shawn Ryan vigilance elite I'm Jeff Reid from frozen trident

kennel today we're gonna kind of go over building a shelter out the middle of

nowhere so some things to look for where to build it where not to build it and

then actually how to build it so starting off what where would you want

to build one all right so you find yourself in a situation one of the first

things you're going to want to do is get yourself right now it's raining out of

the rain into some kind of shelter where do you want to build a shelter first

thing you want to look for is like right here where we're at in the stand of

trees it's going to protect you from the wind the environment you also want to

look for a place that's near water source but not too close if you get too

close that water can rise get everything wet ruin your shelter and you also want

to be near some food food sources as well there's berries here I saw some

cranberries there was a rabbit over there eaten by bear which brings us to

another point on things you don't want to be near yeah there's plenty of bears

on here there's bear shit we saw a moose kill site and a rabbit that was torn up

just over there alright guys check this out as we were

gathering firewood or our wood to build our shelter came across this it looks

like a be an old bear kill it looks like killed a moose all that is left here is

bear shit and just bone shards nothing else is left pretty cool what you can

stumble on out here so I found this bunny rabbit here that it's been

decapitated and then Jeff just found the moose over there that was eaten so

there's bear shit all around pretty cool definitely threats in the area we're so

fucked there's plenty of bareness areas and but

you can't really help it where you're at in a survival situation got to make the

best of what you got and that's where it's important to be in a stand of trees

some place protecting you yeah you know what you want to kind of be in as much

structure as you can find so it kind of keeps you out of the wind a little bit

it keeps some of the rain off you and it gives you a hell of a lot of

concealment yep so yeah and like you were saying a lot of people want to

build like right or you know put up put something up right on the river you know

but you know the snow starts melting and there goes your structure yeah so but

yeah so let's talk about well how to build this thing yeah so what we started

out here is just your a-frame structure we had to we'll take this door off you

look at it we got the a-frame right here we just took two pieces of wood put them

on each other like this and then we have a cross beam right here that is anchor

them together from there what we did is we found branches dead tree branches

like this we just start to stack them on each other and then once we had this

thing covered with tree branches we took this Moss right here which is all over

the place abundant which makes an excellent insulator and we just cover

this with moss that does two things one it keeps that you out of the rain keeps

you dry and two most importantly I think is it insulates it so it traps in the

heat and it blocks blend yep coming into so this stuff we didn't do this all the

way but when you are sleeping out here especially when it's cold the ground

gets cold and your body is gonna absorb that cold so pine pine branches are a

great insulator so you can take these put them in there stack them up a little

bit and that'll keep your body off the ground and it'll keep you warm so or

keep you up help you retain that body heat a little bit more so just a good

thing to know you know I've done that before yeah several times but another

option for that right now we can't do this because it's been raining here for

the last two days but this Moss here makes great insulation as well but only

when it's dry so if you have a way to dry this out you can use this instead of

the pine needles or with the pine needles but if it's wet its defeating

the purpose you're trying to use it for so only this dry moss would be good for

the leyland for bedding yeah so you'd actually probably want to get all the

get out of there yeah and then you know before you start laying your bedding

down but these this really helps too so yeah so last once you get all this done

the insulation on which is the moss you get your bedding put in there the last

thing you do whenever you crawl in there to go to bed

to increase your warmth is a door and you can use the same thing these spruce

branches make great doors and all that is it's just sealing it up so that way

traps and all that heat from your body you don't know that your body heat

losses coming out of the shelter so the door is actually a pretty important part

and it protects the win as well it's gonna be a little tight in here dumb big

spit yeah so alright a hundred thousand likes and the film crews coming back out

here and we're doing a winter series

what you guys think of that anyways subscribe to my youtube channel check

Jeff out at frozen tried in on Instagram check his dogs out they're awesome and

see you next week


For more infomation >> Vigilance Elite - How to Build a Survival Shelter - Duration: 7:05.


3 Ways To Build A Customer Email List and Make More Sales! - Duration: 4:23.

Hey, what's up at Scott again, and I wanted to jump in here because I know some of you

may be saying, well Scott, I don't really have an email list yet.

Well, the thing is you probably do.

You just don't know how to get access to it.

Now there's three different ways that you can have an email list or that you can build

an email list.

Number one is you have Amazon customers.

Yes, you don't get their email addresses, but there are a few ways that we can get their

email addresses and I'm going to share with you how we can do that.

So if you already have an Amazon product that is selling pretty well, we can grab that data

as of right now.

We can do that and I'm going to share with you how we can do that.

All right?

The second way is to do a giveaway and in that giveaway it's something that your audience

or that your market is interested in and then we can just put it out there in front of them

and we can say, hey, would you be interested in winning this?

And then they're gonna raise their hand and say yes, and then from there we've at least

got a lead list, not necessarily a customer list yet, but we have people that are interested

in our products.

Now this list, obviously the customer list is always going to be a little bit better.

All right?

But this is a great way to get in front of your potential audience or your potential



Shopify or your ecommerce store, depending on what platform you're on, whenever an order

is processed, most likely you're getting the email addresses.

Sometimes people aren't even aware of that going on your shopify store in your database,

and you can find those email addresses.

All right, so I talked about before in the past videos that you can go ahead and you

can send them out an offer, right?

Well we have to get those on a list and we have to then also start engaging with the


All right?

So a lot of times people will have this list and it'll just sit there dormant there.

Nothing will happen with it.

No one will, no one will receive anything.

So you should definitely be sending them at least one thing a week, but in the beginning

you want to definitely keep them, as we call it, the marketing world, warm.

We want to keep that a warm lead where they're not just receiving something sporadically,

like once here and then maybe three months later that it's a cold list.

We don't want that.

We want them to remember that they bought from us by delivering value.

And that's where I put in here content.

All right?

Most all markets support content, meaning that you can create something that helps that

customer with their product or their experience.

All right?

So for an example, if you're in the fishing niche, we could do fishing a tutorials on

how to catch more fish, right?

And that would be the content.

So your content pieces are like three.

I like to have three different pieces of content before I ever offer them anything.

So create value three times in a row and then you can follow up with an offer.

All right, now you can play around with this all you want, but you definitely want to build

some goodwill up so this way here you're not just hitting them over the head with an offer.

All right.

Back to the Amazon customers.

I know a lot of people want to know this.

What you can do is extract all of your data.

You can just pull that report.

It will give names and addresses and zip codes and all that stuff.

You can upload that to facebook and create a custom audience.

Then you can create something like this giveaway or something that would get their interest.

Maybe it's a coupon for your product, 25 percent off, 30 percent off in exchange for their

email address, and then what you can do because facebook will match those to their database

and you might get a 50 percent match rate.

If you have 10,000 leads and you get 5,000 customers that you can then target.

It's pretty powerful.

All right, so this right here is something that you should be actively doing on a regular

basis and sending emails on a regular basis because that will definitely lead to more

sales, which means more revenue for your business and more profit that you can also have at

the end of the day.

Alright, so hopefully this helped you.

Again guys, I'm here to make sure that you guys can grow and scale your current businesses

and take it from whatever it is now in five exit, maybe even 10 exit in the future by

using some of these principles that I've been sharing with you here.

All right, so do me a favor, comment below.

Let me know what you think.

Let me know if you have any ideas or if you've done any of this stuff and let me know how

it's working for you or if you have any other thing that you want me to create in the future

to help you build your business.

Let me know that as well.

All right guys, so that's it.

That's gonna.

Wrap it up, take care, and as always, take action.

We'll see you guys.


For more infomation >> 3 Ways To Build A Customer Email List and Make More Sales! - Duration: 4:23.


How to build a free wooden top for kitchen furniture - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> How to build a free wooden top for kitchen furniture - Duration: 4:29.


Abi Coates - How to build a glider - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Abi Coates - How to build a glider - Duration: 3:12.


Louise Bungay-Azman - How to build a bridge - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Louise Bungay-Azman - How to build a bridge - Duration: 2:04.


Helen Littler - How to build a shelter - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Helen Littler - How to build a shelter - Duration: 3:00.


★ Advanced Training: How to Build A Powerful UX Portfolio plus VIP invitation★ - Duration: 1:02:24.

Welcome, everyone. So excited you could make it. Please excuse the sound, this is the first time I've got my mitts on Zoom app. So excuse my fumbling with it!

Sorry for my dyslexic moment - it's 10 pm in Germany and I'm flagging :)

Webinar format: 30 mins training followed by 30 mins Q&A session.

I've got a very special case study to share with you: The $2M Redesign Case Study that gets me $37K+ contracts. Sign-up to get it below.

For those that make it to the end of the webinar I've got a special VIP invitation to the '$12K UX Contract' program, I'm launching in January 2017. Sign-up to get an invite. Places limited.

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