hey what's up guys Shawn Ryan vigilance elite I'm Jeff Reid from frozen trident
kennel today we're gonna kind of go over building a shelter out the middle of
nowhere so some things to look for where to build it where not to build it and
then actually how to build it so starting off what where would you want
to build one all right so you find yourself in a situation one of the first
things you're going to want to do is get yourself right now it's raining out of
the rain into some kind of shelter where do you want to build a shelter first
thing you want to look for is like right here where we're at in the stand of
trees it's going to protect you from the wind the environment you also want to
look for a place that's near water source but not too close if you get too
close that water can rise get everything wet ruin your shelter and you also want
to be near some food food sources as well there's berries here I saw some
cranberries there was a rabbit over there eaten by bear which brings us to
another point on things you don't want to be near yeah there's plenty of bears
on here there's bear shit we saw a moose kill site and a rabbit that was torn up
just over there alright guys check this out as we were
gathering firewood or our wood to build our shelter came across this it looks
like a be an old bear kill it looks like killed a moose all that is left here is
bear shit and just bone shards nothing else is left pretty cool what you can
stumble on out here so I found this bunny rabbit here that it's been
decapitated and then Jeff just found the moose over there that was eaten so
there's bear shit all around pretty cool definitely threats in the area we're so
fucked there's plenty of bareness areas and but
you can't really help it where you're at in a survival situation got to make the
best of what you got and that's where it's important to be in a stand of trees
some place protecting you yeah you know what you want to kind of be in as much
structure as you can find so it kind of keeps you out of the wind a little bit
it keeps some of the rain off you and it gives you a hell of a lot of
concealment yep so yeah and like you were saying a lot of people want to
build like right or you know put up put something up right on the river you know
but you know the snow starts melting and there goes your structure yeah so but
yeah so let's talk about well how to build this thing yeah so what we started
out here is just your a-frame structure we had to we'll take this door off you
look at it we got the a-frame right here we just took two pieces of wood put them
on each other like this and then we have a cross beam right here that is anchor
them together from there what we did is we found branches dead tree branches
like this we just start to stack them on each other and then once we had this
thing covered with tree branches we took this Moss right here which is all over
the place abundant which makes an excellent insulator and we just cover
this with moss that does two things one it keeps that you out of the rain keeps
you dry and two most importantly I think is it insulates it so it traps in the
heat and it blocks blend yep coming into so this stuff we didn't do this all the
way but when you are sleeping out here especially when it's cold the ground
gets cold and your body is gonna absorb that cold so pine pine branches are a
great insulator so you can take these put them in there stack them up a little
bit and that'll keep your body off the ground and it'll keep you warm so or
keep you up help you retain that body heat a little bit more so just a good
thing to know you know I've done that before yeah several times but another
option for that right now we can't do this because it's been raining here for
the last two days but this Moss here makes great insulation as well but only
when it's dry so if you have a way to dry this out you can use this instead of
the pine needles or with the pine needles but if it's wet its defeating
the purpose you're trying to use it for so only this dry moss would be good for
the leyland for bedding yeah so you'd actually probably want to get all the
get out of there yeah and then you know before you start laying your bedding
down but these this really helps too so yeah so last once you get all this done
the insulation on which is the moss you get your bedding put in there the last
thing you do whenever you crawl in there to go to bed
to increase your warmth is a door and you can use the same thing these spruce
branches make great doors and all that is it's just sealing it up so that way
traps and all that heat from your body you don't know that your body heat
losses coming out of the shelter so the door is actually a pretty important part
and it protects the win as well it's gonna be a little tight in here dumb big
spit yeah so alright a hundred thousand likes and the film crews coming back out
here and we're doing a winter series
what you guys think of that anyways subscribe to my youtube channel check
Jeff out at frozen tried in on Instagram check his dogs out they're awesome and
see you next week
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