Hello I'm Carmen and welcome to my
Before you start watching this video, if you
If you happed to speak Portuguese and want to see
to see a more complete version just
click the link in the description box
I made a video a couple years ago that
explains so much more than this one and
it talks about the full natural hair
guide not just for wash day, but for
your entire natural hair routine
So..wash day, the best day !
This is the best day in
your natural hair regimen because it's
the most important one and to make your
wash day easy all you need to do is
follow four simple steps
cleansing, detangling, moisturizing and
styling and that's it, you're done.
So, the first one is cleansing. To cleanse your
hair all you need to do is use a shampoo
sulfate or sulfate free, a co-wash that
has to be silicone and mineral oil free
to actually clean your hair properly or
or a mud/ clay, anything like that to clean
your hair and your scalp. Now there are
other methods to cleanse your hair but
if you go on the description box I have an
article that explains that many of those
mild cleansers don't really cleanse your
hair. So if I were you and if you happen to use baking soda apple cider vinegar
or water only to wash your hair, you should read that article, look at the
actually celan. pictures and see and think if your hair is
Second step is detangling
To detangle all you need to is grab
conditioner, a deep conditioner, a DIY hair
mask, a detangler and they all need to
have slip. Just pick one
Just pick one and
and you either finger detangle, comb your hair through
or use a brush. Pretty easy.
number three is moisturising
moisturising is what you do after you wash your hair to restore some of
the moisture into your strands. You use a product that has a moisturising
ingredient as number one on the list. Not an oil not, not mineral oil silicon, not
butters, not glycerine, but water.
Water is the most important moisturiser that
there is. Its water!
So make sure that your products that using to moisturise
your hair have water as number one in ingridient.
And number four is styling!
And this is where I you style your hair for the week. you can do a wash and go like I
have, you can do a twist out, a braid out a roller sat, you can straighten your hair or you can
just let it be and have afro.
So, you chose how you style your hair for the week or for
a few days before you wash it again. and that's it this is how I build a natura
And that's it ,this is how you build a natural
hair wash day routine you cleanse, detangle, moisturise and style.
You don't have to follow any of these trendy routines that have a bunch of steps but
if you want you can add additional steps like preepooing and that's pretty much all
that I do. I don't really do much on my wash day and my hair is pretty healthy
and fluffy, people can improve that. So this is all you need to know to wash your natural
hair and if you need anything any help, if you have questions, if you have comments to
just let them in the comment section. Like this video and subscribe for more
and I'll see you on the next one.
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