Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Sep 2 2018




For more infomation >> All skin scars & Pigmentation removal cream||Remove DARK SPOTS,BLACK SPOTS & ACNE SCARS\\100% WORK - Duration: 4:42.


3D Model of Dark Wood Bookcase Storage Review - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> 3D Model of Dark Wood Bookcase Storage Review - Duration: 1:46.


PROOF DARK CORE IS CONNECTED TO THE UFO & The Hatches| SSO THEORY 23# - Duration: 14:54.

Hello everyone!

Remember 2 weeks ago when I made a theory about how there was UFO music added to the

fridge doors.

eh I mean hatches?

Well my friends and I decided to take a closer look at this, and found some really interesting


So let's get started!

The first thing I questioned was obviously, why JUST WHY, Why did they add the UFO's music

to the so called "hatches"?

That's when I got an important flashback from the previous game Starshine Legacy.

Alex was walking down to Pinehill which coincidentally happens to be owned by Mr. Sands, or at least

that's what he thinks!.


Derek (a photographer) who in our game is working as a mailman, was also walking at

the same area and was attacked by Mr. Sand's goons, had his camera broken and lost the

majority of his photos (Anne's and Jessicas).

After the incident Derek confessed that his camera was "special'' and gave him the ability

to take pictures of things the naked eye can't see.

Now, a bonus, A viewer once told me, that in the Swedish book, there's actually a drawing

of Mr. Sands crumbling a photo of Concorde with wings ,l once came across this drawing

while researching, but for some reason I can't find it.

Anyway, back to Derek, so while Derek was walking, the UFO music started playing in

the background and lasted until Derek had his camera broken.

Needless to say, the UFO is somehow related to Dark Core, which also means that Dark Core

is related to the hatches, going back to an older theory, I had shown you, that the portal

at Dark core in daytime has the same light the hatches have at nighttime.

BUT...Do you know what else was changed regarding the portal?


If your character stepped into the portal several times you would get a purple swirl

along with the 'default' stone circle music, BUT NOWWW they replaced the default music


Which can only mean one thing.

The Dark Core portal is connected to the UFO, which is connected to the hatches.

Hatches lead to someplace underground, and they're mostly seen in boats, but in the achievements

book they are also referred to as the "Hatchery" hatcheries are used for businesses that hatch

eggs usually from fish and chicken, a hatch is actually way different from a hatchery.

Also A viewer of mine, Brigitte Purplemountain suggested that the underground area could

be Darko's Nightmare Institute, and that the noise comes from the monsters banging on the

door, while there is no solid proof to confirm this, it makes a lot of sense so congrats!

Anyway back to my theory, So, there's a connection between, Dark Core, the Hatches and the UFO,

According to Starshine Legacy the portal at Dark Core leads to Garnok's ship, yes it is


So if there is the music same Dark core has, wouldn't it make sense if the place it leads

to had the exact same music?

Portals are like wormholes, therefore the sound that's coming out of it is the sound

coming from the area the portal leads to.

If that makes sense.

So, it should be leading to either the hatches or the Ufo but, there's one more thing l want

to mention, In the Starshine Legacy comic, there is a specific part where Mr. Sands (After

kidnapping Starshine) said: "Gazing up these satellite infested heavens, I sense that the

only star I need will soon appear.."

Speaking about stars...

Have you noticed those little star silhouettes on the hatches?

Most of you already know what's up with them, there are four hatches and in every each one,

there's tiny star with a circle at its corner, According to Northena, who was the first person

to examine this the top corner is missing, and it is suspected to be somewhere around


So what if Mr. Sands is looking for the last hatch?

As if its something like a key to Garnoks prison?

He also mentioned that he is using satellites to look for it, so it might be either on land

or water.

But pay attention to the way he phrased it, the only star I need will soon "appear" he

didn't say "will soon be found".

Which means that the last star or hatch does not exist yet.

But again, if we assume that the last star is the fifth hatch, then what if its somehow

related to us being the fifth Soul rider?

Back at the times the comic was created, there was no fifth rider, so what if the last star

appeared when we did?

The last door could potentially be the key.

But, if its not found, it can also be done with a soul horse or rider.

Mr. Sands has attempted using Tin-Can before, and Darko even stated that Anne is their "insurance"

in case the other plan falls through.

According to Mr. Sands the other plan is to find the last star which I personally believe

is the fifth hatch but who knows?

What if we are the last star and we don't even know?!

Anyway, there's something else I'd like to state, as I said before, hatches are used

to go underground.

Which obviously means they lead somewhere, AND if they have the UFO music, wouldn't

it make sense, for them to lead to the...UFO?

The portal at Dark Core is known to lead to Garnok's ship, Back In Starshine Legacy

on Anne's route, when she entered Pandoria, she came across some murals printed on the


They visualized the story of Garnok, and he was transferred on a spaceship, which does

kinda look like the debris in the crash site.

Is it random that both of them Crashed?

I highly suggest watching my previous theory on the UFO, as I have mentioned some pretty

important stuff there.

But I know what you're thinking.


Could Garnok fit in that tiny spaceship.

And this is where the good things start.

So the hatches are all placed symmetrically on Jorvik, AND the area they cover could possibly

be big enough for Garnok to fit.

Remember that the few times we've seen Garnok, we've only seen SOME of his tentacles reaching

up to the surface, and he was able to keep in track the dimension of Pandoria.

So no, Garnok can't possibly be transferred in that spaceship, but what if there's more

to it than we think?

As I mentioned, the hatches lead somewhere underground, and there was UFO music recently

added to them, so what if the spaceship's crash site, has something below of what we

already see?.

What if Garnok was actually placed on the bottom of the spaceship?.

Let's go back to the connection between, the portal at Dark Core, The Underground hatches,

and the UFO.

Literally the only thing making sense to me is that if one enters the portal, they are

transferred to the hatches, which the hatches lead them to the UFO, or atleast grant them

access to it.

The colors from the light at the portal are exactly the same as the hatches, and everysingle

part of the music, matches all of those 3 options aswell, so if I'm correct, the portal

should be leading to Garnok's ship, or the UFO's crash site.

But now you're probably thinking, UHM NAOMI, Mr. Sands is trying to find Garnok, and he's

been in the spaceship all along?

Well no, you see, the dark riders return back to the portal in order to rescusciate or "heal"

themselves after an injury.

They know what the spaceship is like, Garnok is said to be trapped under the ocean, or

in the ocean, after the spaceship crashed, everyone found shelter in the sea, at Golden

Hills, and surprisingly enough, the UFO is just next to the Golden hills!.

What Mr. Sands is looking for, is Garnok's prison, and a way to unlock it.

But there might actually be something more to it.

A few days ago, on Nightstar, I visited the UFO's crash site, with a friend (Teagan

Puppymountain) who also helped with concentrating the clues for our theory.

Anyway, we visited the crash site, and sat there for definitely an hour discussing the


that's when we heard a really intriging sound.

We heard fat heavy chains being pulled in rough terrain, again very similar to the sound

of the mechanics they use at Dark Core, unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to record any of the

sounds, but if you take a look closely I'm sure you'll hear them.

So we did hear chains, but Teagan also managed to hear a security drone noise, unfortunately

I didn't catch up to that one, but still, Dark Core seems to be the only company using


The last thing I heard, Teagan had gotten a network error though, was a girl either

crying, or sniffling, I could tell it was a girl cause it sounded like it, a lot like

the sound effects at the castle in Silverglade when Linda cried.

This was obviously terrifying so I immediately left Jorvik, and then we started writting

some stuff.

We don't know who, but there's definetely someone inside the UFO, and its a female!

Teagan and I suspect its Elise, as we think she is recovering inside the ship, like Katja


Based on the material we have, Elise is most likely to be inside, other than somebody else.

But also, keep in mind that we're just working with what we have, there is a possibility

of seeing a new character there too.

Another thing I'd like to mention, is that the ship might actually be originating from


Back in a really old video, I compared my "Pandoric" font to the letters inside

the cube of the UFO and the majority of them looked alike.

However there is a debate if they actually are Pandoric 'cause some people apparently

believe its the old Jorvigian language, BUT NO ONE CAN TELL FOR SURE ALRIGHT?!.

Another hint that might help us figure this out, is that there's signs of Pandoric goo

on the tracks of the spaceship, almost as if its being used as fuel!

And it leaked.

But where else have we seen this goo before?

Hmm, PANDORIC ROCKS of course!

They are full of it.

And they are coming from the sky, not exactly, but we know that they originate from Pandoria,

and that's where the name came from.

Inside the spaceship there's something I call "Pandoric Cube" and it has all the

murals inside, we can't decode it, but I think we might learn more about it in the

next new questline.

The last little thing I want to mention is that the term for the doors is "hatches"

while in the achievements tab they're reffered to as "hatchery" which has a completely

different meaning, there's no doubt this was used as a pun, much like the other titles

and descriptions.

However as I mentioned in the start of this theory, a hatchery is a place where eggs of

chickens and fish are hatched, raised, and sold, But what if,

and I'm only saying what if...There are more Garnoks being hatched there?.

I understand this sounds ridiculous but...Actually yeah it sounds pretty ridiculous to be honest.

Also I know I said in my previous that I'd be doing (even though I forgot about it) a

theory on why I believe the Dark riders are-

For more infomation >> PROOF DARK CORE IS CONNECTED TO THE UFO & The Hatches| SSO THEORY 23# - Duration: 14:54.


The Dark Reality Of NFL Cheerleading | Shady | Refinery29 - Duration: 11:48.

Anyone can learn a move, right?

Like when you're walking you can lift up that knee and point that toe.

You know make it sassy—Yes!

Like sassy!


Lexy's got sass, Lexy's all sass.

This is Kristan Ann Ware.

Sassy, I'm whipping it, sassy!

She knew joining the Miami Dolphins meant having the perfect hair, body, and smile.

But she wasn't prepared for what else she'd have to face.

They say you're only special in the uniform, your opinion doesn't matter, your

voice doesn't matter, you're here to perform and that's it.

They intimidate you into silence—but, I mean, you want to be a cheerleader.

It's the best job in the world.


An iconic American pastime.

Some love it, others think it's an image-obsessed second-rate sport.

It's a topic far removed from my day-to-day as Refinery29's senior beauty editor.

But growing up as a soccer player, they were always of the periphery.

What I looked like on the field never mattered, but I'm here today to learn how in cheerleading,

it could mean the difference of whether or not you make the team.

So there's a big difference in this, it's pretty.

Sideline Prep is a pro-cheer consulting company and Genienne Samuels is its leader.

Teaching the tricks of the trade from her 11-year run as a professional cheerleader.

What's most important: definitely nutrition and fitness, and then just don't sleep on

the importance of your appearance.

But when did appearance become so important to pro cheer?

Cheerleading in the early 1900s was a male-only activity at elite Ivy League schools.

During World War II, women took over when the men left to fight,

stepping it up with gymnastics and acrobatics.

It was in the 1970s that Dallas Cowboy owner, Tex Schramm, saw a lucrative opportunity to

boost ticket sales by making cheerleading all about sex appeal.

Skin tight outfits, suggestive dance moves and a beauty queen look became a must.

Today, professional cheer is as much about image as it is about dance.

For these women it's all part of the game, just as important as putting in long hours

at the gym and mastering moves.

We work so hard for years just for one audition.

It's about the experience, it's about the sisterhood.

I love the glam.

I love the feeling of putting on my makeup and getting my hair done and going to dance

and seeing myself in the mirror.

I just love it.

From their moves to their makeup, every last detail is considered.

Whatever it takes to land a coveted spot on a team of their dreams.

Women want to become professional cheerleaders to basically extend their life of a passion

that they already have.

Professional level is the next step for them.


That was so good!

But recent headlines are shining new light on to this dream, revealing just how vulnerable

it is to exploitation.

A new lawsuit against the Raiders.

Two Raiderettes say that they were humiliated and groped.

They're not even paid for quite a bit of the work that they do.

An entire reform on how professional cheerleaders are treated is long overdue.

She and her lawyer are calling on the NFL to do more to protect cheerleaders.

Kristan Ann Ware is currently filing a claim

against the NFL and her former Miami Dolphin's cheer team for discrimination based on her gender

and religious beliefs.

She says that once her team discovered her vow to wait for marriage, coaches started

singling her out and attacking her.

It all came to a head in her third season interview.

Usually in the interviews they talk about your dance technique, you know, how you are

in choreography, what they expect of you, and things like that, and nothing

of my job was talked about during that interview.

And I went in and sat down and the first thing that the director mentioned was, "let's talk

about your vow to wait for marriage."

I was, I don't know, I remember the feeling— of sitting there kind of like, my palms started

to sweat, your knee caps start to shake, your heart's pounding because something in me

told me, this isn't right.

What happened after your interview?

They asked me to change into a bikini

to see if I was calendar ready.

Which was usual. It was never a problem before, but just the fact that I felt like

I was attacked for something so personal and so valuable to me, and to then have to change

into a bikini and stand in front of them—I mean, it took a piece of me.

I remember looking in the mirror and just saying,

"Kristan, you can leave, you can walk out right now."

And I didn't.

Kristan Ann was used to being critiqued on her appearance, it was part of the job.

For her, what crossed the line was feeling disrespected and degraded, and she's not alone.

This kind of treatment is pervasive across the country.

Bailey Davis, a former New Orleans sensation says she was kicked off the team for an Instagram

photo deemed too sexy.

Members of the 2013 Washington Redskins cheer team reported being forced to post pose topless

at a photoshoot while male sponsors watched.

And former Houston Texans cheerleader, Gabriella Davis, alleges that she and her teammates were

called "crack whores" and "jelly bellies."

I have not spoken to a cheerleader, not one, where they didn't tell me that they were

told all the time that they are not special, that they are just a girl in a uniform

and there's a million girls that would take their place.

Sara Blackwell is a lawyer representing Kristan Ann, along with several other former pro-cheerleaders

who are taking on the NFL.

It sounds to me like they just want to completely control them.

They have a lot of control over these women and the way they get it is by belittling them

and making them feel worthless.

You are told that you are only here to be seen and never heard.

Your opinion doesn't matter, your voice doesn't matter, you're completely replaceable.

Why would they say things like that?

I think it's the ownership and the control they want to have over you.

Not only when you're in the uniform and you're at your job, but when you're away from it.

Sara gave me access to some of the cheerleaders' handbooks and rules.

I saw guidelines for everything.

Love life, social media, and appearance.

The rules for dealing with players reveal a clear double standard, cheerleaders

are told to avoid players at all costs.

But the players are free to do what they want.

This is extreme gender discrimination, and players can go anywhere they want, they can

text the cheerleaders, they can call the cheerleaders, they can follow the cheerleaders on social

media, but if the cheerleaders even accept their request they can be immediately terminated.

They say it's for the girls' protection, which is sad, because we're not in the 1950s here.

Perhaps the best indicator of how much they're valued is how much they're paid.

I used to be a Cincinnati Bengal, but I was paid more being a dancing cupcake than an

NFL cheerleader.

It didn't take long for Alexa Brenneman, now Wesendorf, a two-season cheerleader for

the Cincinnati Bengals, to realize she was being taken advantage of.

You're expected to pay for your nails, you're expected to pay for your hair, you're going to

have to have a gym membership, stay in shape.

But we were paid around $100 per game.

I added up our practices, our trainings, our appearances, our events and then divided those

hours and it's less than $3.00 an hour.

Alexa filed a lawsuit against the Cincinnati Bengals and in 2015 the team finally agreed

to back pay and to raise salaries to meet minimum wage.

As these lawsuits come about, women are starting to be paid minimum wage and things are starting

to change.

Alexa's case shows that it's possible to take on the NFL and win.

Still, there's a long way to go.

Today, what cheerleaders are paid is less than the players and in many cases less than

the mascots, less than the concession stand workers.

I was curious to know what GeNienne Samuels, as a professional cheer veteran,

thought of everything I'd learned.

A lot of cheerleaders that we've spoken to have said one of the things that kept them

quiet was this idea of, you're easily replaceable, I can have a girl in here by tomorrow.

The concept of feeling as though you are easily replaceable is valid, I think for pro cheer.

It's also valid as a reporter, as an anchor, but I think that it's less of a fear

and just part of reality.

And I would hope that women don't allow that reality to hinder them speaking up and

voicing concerns or problems that they may encounter.

Cheerleading has been my life.

As a child it was my outlet.

We're in it because we love it, because we're dancers, and we love the sisterhood.

There are so many younger girls that look up to me, I just want to set the

tone for them and show them that this is an attainable dream for them.

While some have used the lawsuits as part of a bigger argument to end pro cheerleading,

the women leading the charge see an opportunity for something else.

A chance to be included in the conversation.

I'm just speaking out to make a positive difference for the NFL, not to bash the NFL.

What it's gonna take is a team of women that are going to stand up together

and say, we're not going to tolerate this any longer.

What do you hope happens with the NFL?

They need to say, "I hear you," to the cheerleaders and "we're gonna take effective and real

steps to make this a very professional and lawful environment."

And if their voices are heard it could transform the sport into something that's truly worth cheering for.

Thanks for watching Refinery29.

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For more infomation >> The Dark Reality Of NFL Cheerleading | Shady | Refinery29 - Duration: 11:48.



We start with Vivian or the B.A.T agent.

She begins taking notes since the end of our last map describing the events unfolding around

the world.

The axis powers share their technology causing the Japanese to implement the zombie menace

to defeat the American armies in the pacific front.

Vivian then reports that our team was shot down while their blimp was leaving.

Redoue is obsessed with finding the sword that he pulls all of his forces to search

for it.

Vivian is left wondering if Redou has lost his mind.

The world is on fire, but all he cares about is a sword!

She is then tasked with a mission to recover the sword and save Colonel Jefferson's team

from their crash.

We will learn that the geisktcraft bolt we saw at the ending of the outro was the bolt

to do it.

By text file four Vivian's team receives a scrambled message informing the Bureau that

the team is still alive but headed farther inland.

Mikhail finds the sword in the wreckage after the blimp explosion.

He was the very soldier we heard on the radio during The Shadowed Throne!

He joined the Bureau after the Russians lost the battle of Berlin.

He accompanied our heroes out of the map "Altar of Blood".

Before Vivian's rescue party goes in to save the sword we learn that Europe is lost

to the zombie hoard.

By text file six she becomes corrupted by giestkraft.

She begins to hear voices telling her that the sword belongs in Thule not on the battlefield.

The same voices our team was hearing in Altar of Blood.

Vivian begins going insane when she figures out that the sword isn't special but the

property of the metals that make it are.

The metal originates from ancient meteor showers that flew over the ancient civilization of


Vivian describes vivid hallucinations of Thule's civilization before it was frozen over.

As Vivian falls deeper into the control of the God King she looks to break the cycle

of the Raven lords.

She describes how there is always a rook to create the new Raven lords in order to keep

the God King sleeping.

Vivian believes she can break the cycle by bringing the God King back to life.

Our map begins after the crash landing.

Our characters remark about the bolt that stuck them down and the other air ships.

The team made their way to the entrance of Thule because the team feels as though they

can't leave Thule without settling things.

The team enters the city by sacrificing zombie giesktraft energy.

Our team quickly learns that giestkraft originated in Thule.

It was always a part of the universe, but the ancient civilization harnessed its power

to dominate the world.

Through its brutal culture the Thulian culture influenced the rest of the world.

They taught the Egyptians how to cast their stone blocks.

Oliva comments how they were reasonable for the tales of vampires through the ages, which

was just people being turned by giestkraft.

During the main quest our characters unlock the weapons of the Raven Lords housed in Thule.

Klaus leeds them through all the trials speaking for the original Raven Lords.

Each trail is beautifully crafted to reflect the lore and origins behind each of the Raven

lord weapons.

In the Final Reich we saw murals describing King barborassa's journey to receiving the


The mural's story shows Barbarossa appointing his new Raven lords, but they would betray

him because his power would grow too strong.

Inside the forge room in the frozen dawn we see similar murals showing multiple cycles

of the God King being slain by Raven Lords.

Barbarossa takes the sword on one of his expeditions, claiming its power for himself.

The sword breaths life into the God King.

Once the Raven lords turned on King Barborass they disassembled the sword in hopes of keeping

the god king in endless slumber.

Once our characters build the Raven lord weapons through Klaus' guidance they unlock the

throne room that houses the God King.

Before entering the team hears Redou talking about Vivian's betrayalby taking the sword

for herself.

What originally was a mission to save our characters becomes a psychotic quest to revive

the God King to break the cycle.

As soon as our team enters the throne room Vivan stabs the sword into the God King.

The metal revives him, in return his kills Vivian because she is merely a pawn to him.

Vivian was literally disposable.

During the fight the team uses the Raven Lord weapons to defeat the God King.

By utilizing giestkraft they are able to weaken the king until he breaks.

Twice the God King has quotes demonstrating his own insanity.

He seems to be trapped inside the cycle as well as the following quote indicates.

*plays quote about peace*.

Once he returns to his throne for his final attack the intro cut scene rolls.

We experience Klaus give our team the powers of the Raven lords.

The serve as the balance between life and death.

They experience extreme power due to this gift.

Klaus is acting merely as a vessel for the rooks that create Raven lords in the past.

Once gifted our team rushes to the God King killing him.

He proclaims the cycle continues during his death.

He lays in the same position we found him in foreshadowing another cycle in the future.

A note about his belt, on it holds both Straub's and King Barbarossa's heads.

These are people who tried to harness the power for themselves but failed.

Once exiting the fight Reduo reveals his true identity.

His callsign is a giveaway form the start of the game.

His title is Raven Crown.

He is apart of the secret order pulling the strings throughout the ages that Klaus warns

us about in the first map.

Redou informs us that this group is called the Order of the Ravens.

It makes perfect sense that this order would be seeking out the next Raven lords to keep

the world under their control.

It reveals Redou's motivation throughout the whole game and during the final DLC when

his actions were only concerned about the sword, not winning the war.

His knowledge about the Raven lords allowed him to bet on our team to rebalance life and


What is fascinating is our character were unaware of their futures.

People were lining up their destiny's according to their plans.

It is a contrast from the cycle our characters experience

in Treyarch zombies.

This could lead to our characters resenting the order of the Raven's.

Marie's look alone in the outro shows her confusion for the whole ordeal.

Possibly showing a sign of disgust at the manipulation the team received since the very


In a different train of thought Redou tells our characters on a private channel that he

needs them to balance life and death.

The story has revolved around the abuse of live and death.

We had Straub try to harness it through his obsession of pain.

We had Barbarossa seize the sword in efforts to rule the world.

Each was defeated by the Raven lords who brought balance.

The sword is crafted from magnetic monopolized ore from the meteors that crashed when Thule

was still thriving.

The hunter gathers culture of Thule found these ores and discovered their secrets.

The ore created the geistkraft energy that had the power to bring the dead back to life.

The farther the people dove into the monopolized ore the more the discovered about the effects

pain had on it.

Pain allowed for the energy to be enhanced.

Geisktcraft is a seeming endless source of energy that could be made stronger by causing

more pain.

This could have breaded the society we see inside Frozen Dawn.

All the blood could come from the millions of lives they killed and revived to strengthen

their power.

Reviving them endlessly to harness giestkraft energy.

This culture would breed one of absolute power through tyrannical rule.

Let's talk about Klaus before we wrap up.

Klaus has a major role since the final Reich.

He was chosen to become the newest Rook.

That means it was his job to lead the next four candidates to their destiny like we saw

throughout the season.

When we hear Klaus talk about the evil and awakening hell in the final Reich that was

Klaus referring to the god king while his brain went into overdrive.

All the information of the rooks, raven lords, and thulian world was being downloaded into

his brain right before he was exploded into a new entity.

During Alar of Blood Klaus was still fighting his role in the cycle.

It isn't until the Frozen Dawn does he give into his role as rook.

Whether Klaus truly believes in this path or not doesn't matter because he is out

of control by the final DLC.

We can see a physical transformation that indicates the departure of Klaus to rook.

He is no longer the brother of Marie, but a puppet of the order of the ravens.

Circling back to the murals on the walls.

We find more story explanations for the Raven lords and God King.

It would seem Nerthus is behind the original Raven Lords and God King.

We see one of her statues in the hands of the ancient leader of Thule.

He assigns his first Raven lords, only to have the four betray him.

Then we see three cycles of the Raven lords.

In the first you see a Raven lord wielding the sword of Barbarossa, but in the second

cycle we see it is stolen by the King himself.

Instead we have red talon's sword from the final Reich used to beat him with Nerthus

in the background.

On the final cycle we see our current God King, but not our group of characters.

The final information I'd like to leave you with is from the creator himself.

Cameron asks What would an unlimited energy source tied to pain do to a hunter gatherer

tribe that came across it?

What kind of society would they build?

And if they were wiped out, what kind of legacy would they leave with their slaves?

Could the slaves be the origins for the order of the Raven's?

Trying to stop the cycle of pain from ever happening again?

Or did the slaves get corrupted by the endless power?

Why not both?

I'd love to hear your speculations on that and the storyline in the comments of this


What I love about the ending is it could be the end.

It leaves the game open for the future if they decide to continue the game.

We could see our team far in the future when the next raven lords try to break or continue

the cycle.

We could even get Marie betraying the order of the raven in the future game!

This allows any setting for the next game to fit our zombie story.

Or this is the end because the cycle has been fulfilled.

It endlessly repeats throughout all of time.

Thank you for watching.

This will most likely be my last world war two zombie video for a long time or ever if

the series doesn't return.

I'd like to expression my enjoyment for the mode.

It was an interesting story that engaged me from start to finish.

If we could experience an entire game like prologue I think we would be in for a serious

contender to Treyarch zombies.

But for now, it was a good experience for me.

It wasn't life changing like a Bioshock, Last of Us, or Horizon Zero Dawn, but I enjoyed

the hell out of it when I played.

I want to thank the wonderful team at sledgehammer for working hard to make a game for our enjoyment.

Their team did a great job based on the resources they had.

This team stepping up to the challenge reminds me a lot of what Treyarch did when IW began

to faulter.

Not that I see treyarch going anywhere, but sledgehammer is paying their dues.

It will be interesting to see what happens to zombies moving forward.

A huge congrats to the team and I wish them all the best in their future games.

I hope you enjoyed the video!

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Amazing Rustic Custom Tiny House with Beautiful Dark Stain Cabinets by Tiny House Chattanooga - Duration: 3:26.

Amazing Rustic Custom Tiny House with Beautiful Dark Stain Cabinets by Tiny House Chattanooga

For more infomation >> Amazing Rustic Custom Tiny House with Beautiful Dark Stain Cabinets by Tiny House Chattanooga - Duration: 3:26.


#mydarkside Alan Walker dark side feat Au/Ra and Tomine Harket cover by Priya Burele - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> #mydarkside Alan Walker dark side feat Au/Ra and Tomine Harket cover by Priya Burele - Duration: 3:39.


Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection - Hwoarang Story Battle - Duration: 9:39.

For more infomation >> Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection - Hwoarang Story Battle - Duration: 9:39.


Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection - Baek Doo San Story Battle - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection - Baek Doo San Story Battle - Duration: 9:22.


The Dark Side of Tekashi 6ix9ine – Tekashi69 Exposed! (Top 10 Shocking 6ix9ine Facts!) - Duration: 5:12.

Many rappers are of the mentality that being bad is a matter of pride rather than that

of shame, and no one personifies this mentality better than Tekashi 6ix9ine.

He is constantly in the news for all the wrong reasons and it might have also played a part

in his meteoric rise.

He might be taking the rapper lifestyle a bit too far.

EverythingTop10 is proud to present, "The Dark Side of Tekashi 6ix9ine!"


6ix9ine does not know when or how to shut up: In 2018, he was denied entrance into Hot

97's Summer Jam that was taking place in New York.

This came as a shock to many considering the year he had just had.

He had even gone so far as to put concealing makeup over his face tattoos to try to get


It was later revealed that he was not allowed inside not because of the way he looks, but

because he does not know when to shut up.

He reportedly had "no clue as to how one needs to speak on air" which led to him

being banned.

This was confirmed by Hot 97 presenter Ebro.


He once got kidnapped and beaten for his brash attitude: Even though his attackers were never

revealed, he managed to get on the nerves of some people so badly that he was kidnapped

and pistol-whipped.

He was robbed of $750,000 worth of custom jewelry and $35,000 in cash.

In spite of being badly beaten, he gloated about it like it was something to be proud



6ix9ine is setting the wrong precedence: A normal man who would have committed the crimes

6ix9ine has committed would be firmly locked up by now, but for whatever reason 6ix9ine

is still being allowed to do whatever he wants and appear publicly.

All pointers suggest that the worst thing that could happen to him is being put on probation.

He is definitely setting a wrong example as even if he is arrested and dealt the appropriate

punishment, he would "only be hailed as a folk hero" as the "man persecuted by

the law is seen as a savior" amongst the NYC rap community.

His crimes, however, might be inspiring some very wrong actions in the future.


His songs are offensive: Rap music is known for being explicit, but when your songs explicitly

condone stuff like murder and using racial slurs, it is taking things a bit too far.

This is especially a cause for concern given his recent rise of popularity.

His music in general talks about using guns as a way of settling things which can drive

a very wrong type of message home to his audience.

Some of his songs even encourage robbery and other acts of crime which most will not take

literally, but all it takes is for one person to go rogue.


6ix9ine encourages the gangster lifestyle amongst his followers: If you are wondering

why gun violence has increased among youngsters today, then people like 6ix9ine are partly

to be blamed.

He has more than 11 million followers on his Instagram account, most of who are youngsters

and the way he interacts with his highly impressionable followers is by regularly posting pictures

of himself with guns and stacks of cash giving the false impression that such a lifestyle

is cool and something to be desired.


He often uses derogatory words proudly: If you happen to follow him on various social

media platforms then you would know that he uses derogatory terms like "rapist" for

his fellow rappers.

He also has often written homophobic things about others which just goes on to show that

either he is a very deranged person or that he does not care what his words or actions

can do to others.


6ix9ine was arrested for having an outstanding arrest warrant: His troubles with the law

are frequent and on July 12, 2018, he was arrested in New York for an outstanding arrest


This was in light of his attack on a 16-year-old in Houston's Galleria Mall where he apparently

choked the teenager and put his life at risk.

This is still under investigation.


He allegedly ordered a hit on fellow rapper Chief Keef: Having a feud is one thing, but

to intentionally put someone's life in danger is a totally different and heinous thing to


On June 2, 2018, Chief Keef was shot at in New York just after 6ix9ine had threatened

him on social media.

Even though Chief Keef was unharmed, the matter is no joke as it is under investigation by

the New York Police Department and could spell a lot of trouble for 6ix9ine.


6ix9ine has been to jail as a minor: It might not be a huge surprise that someone like him

had seen the insides of a jail cell at an early age.

He was arrested multiple times for charges from "assault to the sale of heroin."

The worst part of all of this is that he has no regrets of his past and wears it like a

badge of honor despite the fact that being a bully and a drug dealer are not exactly

the best ways to spend one's formative years.


He is scheduled to be sentenced for sexual misconduct with a minor: While most rappers

commit crimes that can be eventually forgiven, 6ix9ine has taken it to the worst level possible.

He is scheduled to be sentenced on October 2, 2018 for having sexual contact with a 13-year-old

and using her in a sexual performance.

He was initially charged with three separate counts of sexual misconduct and opted for

a plea bargain which could see him being sentenced to up to 3 years in prison.

That is all folks!

Please leave a like if you enjoyed the video and comment down below who or what you want

to see us expose next!

Make sure you subscribe to us as well!

Also, tell us if you think Tekashi 6ix9ine is better than Chief Keef!

See you next time!

For more infomation >> The Dark Side of Tekashi 6ix9ine – Tekashi69 Exposed! (Top 10 Shocking 6ix9ine Facts!) - Duration: 5:12.


DARK SOULS® REMASTERED_カンスト世界9周目 墓王ニト - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> DARK SOULS® REMASTERED_カンスト世界9周目 墓王ニト - Duration: 3:11.


Citroën Berlingo 1.6 HDI SPECIALE DARK EDITION! NAVI/PDC/AIRCO! UNIEK! - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Citroën Berlingo 1.6 HDI SPECIALE DARK EDITION! NAVI/PDC/AIRCO! UNIEK! - Duration: 1:09.


Ultrasabers Dark Standard Issue battle saber review - Duration: 9:37.

Yes... No I'm not saying that you don't do your work but i'de like to know when people are comming !

Because last time, when I came, they were already there !

So I had to improvise !

Yeah for the Phantasm !

So If you could tell me just few minutes ago, that would be great !

What ?

Yes I have an appointment today and ...

they are here ?

I'll call you back !

I'm really sorry !

Small staff you know

they choose the dark side but don't know why !

then you get........ motivated staff yes

to join the dark side and the power it gives

But they are not good for little administratives tasks, even the easy one !

So for those who want to join the dark side, think about it !

so you are here to talk about theeee.....

Dark Standard Issue Battle Saber !

sorry my english accent is awful

SOOOOoooooo yes, it belongs to my wife !

<3 I love her so much ! <3

I'll show you now, it's a beautiful saber !

there it is !


Dark Standard Issue Battle Saber

see..... with

the vertical grooves

really beautiful

black aluminium

with silver grooves

really beautiful

again a guarded switch, same as the phantasm i showed you

It comes with a 36" blade

But because we are not very tall

My wife is not very tall too, I told you a wasn't but neither does she


So she chose a 32" blade !

Smaller than the 36" but longer than the 24" ..... -_- logical

it's beautiful, you see the details, the emitter is diagonal cut !

really beautiful, I like that !

what could I say.... TRI LED again, stunt setup, so without sound

we don't want sound


do I turn it on ........ Or not ?

you know, it's a common saber, you know

ok I turn it on.................;

Before anything, I want to say that

she still don't know..... ok I turn it on

So, ........... sorry it's blue -_-

But Artic blue !!!

Artic blue

it's not Guardian blue, but Artic blue

so she is not really a jedi ! moreover she likes Anakin !!!

so she likes Anakin !

and she think that the Jedi are....... no they are kind !

they are kind but she doesn't like same ... things

We are all agree with this fact : it would be more beautiful in RED !

but so... hey the hilt !

I turn it off !

The Hilt is black !!!! the hilt is black ! DARK


so it's close to the dark side !


really beautiful ! again an Ultra edge blade

so while turned on, it's not dimmer at the end !

moreover, the batteries are full !!!!! Awful blue ! I can't xD

batteries are new !

so : stunt, without sound

difference between it and the Initiate V2

this one is MHS compatible

so you can put another pommel from Ultrasaber !

so it's interesting because you can custom it, this one was with the hilt

Little fail !

for this setup

the batterie pack can move !

Ultrasaber gave a strap

that keep the batteries in the pack

but the pack still can move in the hilt

not really confortable

this is only my opinion !

really cool

really cool, I love the grooves !

good to hold

really cool I like it

I didn't show you last time because I didn't took it

not confortable for double blade

I won't take it for my double blade, but for single blade !

it's beautiful and useful

covertec wheel

there it is

to wear you saber on your belt !

I'll show you the covertec clip

there it is

put it on your belt


and here to put the saber (covertec wheel)

really simple (sorry, cats' toys !!! )

and the saber is on your belt !

don't know how to show you

the belt is here

it holds the saber

to put of, it's simple, there is 2 little pieces to push

push and pull

covertec clip and wheel are cool

but if you choose a staff, you should not take it because it's big

bigger than the guarded switch

it can be less confortable even than the guarded switch

I did'nt show you last time

the plug

you can get a plug

remove the blade and put it to hold your hilt on your belt, for example because

because the saber with the blade, on the belt, not good

really simple, remove the blade

there is the retention screw

unscrew it a little

remove the blade

put the plug

replace the screw

plug is in

and when I turn on, it don't hirt

the hilt is beautiful

hilt is beautiful

it's blue matter

maybe she'll join the dark side !!!

the hilt alone and you can get it on belt, with covertec wheel and clip

It's really interesting, i think if i take a single blade saber

the hilt is longer than the initiate

standard size

it's longer than my initiate, maybe 4"


for 1 hand or 2 hand, it's confortable and easy to spin

super design

Ultrasaber, if you make the same but silver with golden grooves

I'll take it !

later... really cool

you can have it as a double blade saber

remove the pommel, put a compatible coupler

not the V2 ! there is many type

Maybe one day, i'll get one of them to show you ! 1 at least !

that's all I have to say, I hope you enjoyed, anyway I like the hilt !

I really like the hilt, not really the Led color but....

do what you want !!

Just saying that RED is better xD

really beautiful hilt, take it !!! and again don't look too much the website pictures

watch videos and Emory's videos !

Hey see you next time for a RED saber I hope !

we can't say ! but the hilt is the most important !

It's black so DARK !!!!!

I love my wife :)

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