Hello everyone!
Remember 2 weeks ago when I made a theory about how there was UFO music added to the
fridge doors.
eh I mean hatches?
Well my friends and I decided to take a closer look at this, and found some really interesting
So let's get started!
The first thing I questioned was obviously, why JUST WHY, Why did they add the UFO's music
to the so called "hatches"?
That's when I got an important flashback from the previous game Starshine Legacy.
Alex was walking down to Pinehill which coincidentally happens to be owned by Mr. Sands, or at least
that's what he thinks!.
Derek (a photographer) who in our game is working as a mailman, was also walking at
the same area and was attacked by Mr. Sand's goons, had his camera broken and lost the
majority of his photos (Anne's and Jessicas).
After the incident Derek confessed that his camera was "special'' and gave him the ability
to take pictures of things the naked eye can't see.
Now, a bonus, A viewer once told me, that in the Swedish book, there's actually a drawing
of Mr. Sands crumbling a photo of Concorde with wings ,l once came across this drawing
while researching, but for some reason I can't find it.
Anyway, back to Derek, so while Derek was walking, the UFO music started playing in
the background and lasted until Derek had his camera broken.
Needless to say, the UFO is somehow related to Dark Core, which also means that Dark Core
is related to the hatches, going back to an older theory, I had shown you, that the portal
at Dark core in daytime has the same light the hatches have at nighttime.
BUT...Do you know what else was changed regarding the portal?
If your character stepped into the portal several times you would get a purple swirl
along with the 'default' stone circle music, BUT NOWWW they replaced the default music
Which can only mean one thing.
The Dark Core portal is connected to the UFO, which is connected to the hatches.
Hatches lead to someplace underground, and they're mostly seen in boats, but in the achievements
book they are also referred to as the "Hatchery" hatcheries are used for businesses that hatch
eggs usually from fish and chicken, a hatch is actually way different from a hatchery.
Also A viewer of mine, Brigitte Purplemountain suggested that the underground area could
be Darko's Nightmare Institute, and that the noise comes from the monsters banging on the
door, while there is no solid proof to confirm this, it makes a lot of sense so congrats!
Anyway back to my theory, So, there's a connection between, Dark Core, the Hatches and the UFO,
According to Starshine Legacy the portal at Dark Core leads to Garnok's ship, yes it is
So if there is the music same Dark core has, wouldn't it make sense if the place it leads
to had the exact same music?
Portals are like wormholes, therefore the sound that's coming out of it is the sound
coming from the area the portal leads to.
If that makes sense.
So, it should be leading to either the hatches or the Ufo but, there's one more thing l want
to mention, In the Starshine Legacy comic, there is a specific part where Mr. Sands (After
kidnapping Starshine) said: "Gazing up these satellite infested heavens, I sense that the
only star I need will soon appear.."
Speaking about stars...
Have you noticed those little star silhouettes on the hatches?
Most of you already know what's up with them, there are four hatches and in every each one,
there's tiny star with a circle at its corner, According to Northena, who was the first person
to examine this the top corner is missing, and it is suspected to be somewhere around
So what if Mr. Sands is looking for the last hatch?
As if its something like a key to Garnoks prison?
He also mentioned that he is using satellites to look for it, so it might be either on land
or water.
But pay attention to the way he phrased it, the only star I need will soon "appear" he
didn't say "will soon be found".
Which means that the last star or hatch does not exist yet.
But again, if we assume that the last star is the fifth hatch, then what if its somehow
related to us being the fifth Soul rider?
Back at the times the comic was created, there was no fifth rider, so what if the last star
appeared when we did?
The last door could potentially be the key.
But, if its not found, it can also be done with a soul horse or rider.
Mr. Sands has attempted using Tin-Can before, and Darko even stated that Anne is their "insurance"
in case the other plan falls through.
According to Mr. Sands the other plan is to find the last star which I personally believe
is the fifth hatch but who knows?
What if we are the last star and we don't even know?!
Anyway, there's something else I'd like to state, as I said before, hatches are used
to go underground.
Which obviously means they lead somewhere, AND if they have the UFO music, wouldn't
it make sense, for them to lead to the...UFO?
The portal at Dark Core is known to lead to Garnok's ship, Back In Starshine Legacy
on Anne's route, when she entered Pandoria, she came across some murals printed on the
They visualized the story of Garnok, and he was transferred on a spaceship, which does
kinda look like the debris in the crash site.
Is it random that both of them Crashed?
I highly suggest watching my previous theory on the UFO, as I have mentioned some pretty
important stuff there.
But I know what you're thinking.
Could Garnok fit in that tiny spaceship.
And this is where the good things start.
So the hatches are all placed symmetrically on Jorvik, AND the area they cover could possibly
be big enough for Garnok to fit.
Remember that the few times we've seen Garnok, we've only seen SOME of his tentacles reaching
up to the surface, and he was able to keep in track the dimension of Pandoria.
So no, Garnok can't possibly be transferred in that spaceship, but what if there's more
to it than we think?
As I mentioned, the hatches lead somewhere underground, and there was UFO music recently
added to them, so what if the spaceship's crash site, has something below of what we
already see?.
What if Garnok was actually placed on the bottom of the spaceship?.
Let's go back to the connection between, the portal at Dark Core, The Underground hatches,
and the UFO.
Literally the only thing making sense to me is that if one enters the portal, they are
transferred to the hatches, which the hatches lead them to the UFO, or atleast grant them
access to it.
The colors from the light at the portal are exactly the same as the hatches, and everysingle
part of the music, matches all of those 3 options aswell, so if I'm correct, the portal
should be leading to Garnok's ship, or the UFO's crash site.
But now you're probably thinking, UHM NAOMI, Mr. Sands is trying to find Garnok, and he's
been in the spaceship all along?
Well no, you see, the dark riders return back to the portal in order to rescusciate or "heal"
themselves after an injury.
They know what the spaceship is like, Garnok is said to be trapped under the ocean, or
in the ocean, after the spaceship crashed, everyone found shelter in the sea, at Golden
Hills, and surprisingly enough, the UFO is just next to the Golden hills!.
What Mr. Sands is looking for, is Garnok's prison, and a way to unlock it.
But there might actually be something more to it.
A few days ago, on Nightstar, I visited the UFO's crash site, with a friend (Teagan
Puppymountain) who also helped with concentrating the clues for our theory.
Anyway, we visited the crash site, and sat there for definitely an hour discussing the
that's when we heard a really intriging sound.
We heard fat heavy chains being pulled in rough terrain, again very similar to the sound
of the mechanics they use at Dark Core, unfortunately I wasn't fast enough to record any of the
sounds, but if you take a look closely I'm sure you'll hear them.
So we did hear chains, but Teagan also managed to hear a security drone noise, unfortunately
I didn't catch up to that one, but still, Dark Core seems to be the only company using
The last thing I heard, Teagan had gotten a network error though, was a girl either
crying, or sniffling, I could tell it was a girl cause it sounded like it, a lot like
the sound effects at the castle in Silverglade when Linda cried.
This was obviously terrifying so I immediately left Jorvik, and then we started writting
some stuff.
We don't know who, but there's definetely someone inside the UFO, and its a female!
Teagan and I suspect its Elise, as we think she is recovering inside the ship, like Katja
Based on the material we have, Elise is most likely to be inside, other than somebody else.
But also, keep in mind that we're just working with what we have, there is a possibility
of seeing a new character there too.
Another thing I'd like to mention, is that the ship might actually be originating from
Back in a really old video, I compared my "Pandoric" font to the letters inside
the cube of the UFO and the majority of them looked alike.
However there is a debate if they actually are Pandoric 'cause some people apparently
believe its the old Jorvigian language, BUT NO ONE CAN TELL FOR SURE ALRIGHT?!.
Another hint that might help us figure this out, is that there's signs of Pandoric goo
on the tracks of the spaceship, almost as if its being used as fuel!
And it leaked.
But where else have we seen this goo before?
Hmm, PANDORIC ROCKS of course!
They are full of it.
And they are coming from the sky, not exactly, but we know that they originate from Pandoria,
and that's where the name came from.
Inside the spaceship there's something I call "Pandoric Cube" and it has all the
murals inside, we can't decode it, but I think we might learn more about it in the
next new questline.
The last little thing I want to mention is that the term for the doors is "hatches"
while in the achievements tab they're reffered to as "hatchery" which has a completely
different meaning, there's no doubt this was used as a pun, much like the other titles
and descriptions.
However as I mentioned in the start of this theory, a hatchery is a place where eggs of
chickens and fish are hatched, raised, and sold, But what if,
and I'm only saying what if...There are more Garnoks being hatched there?.
I understand this sounds ridiculous but...Actually yeah it sounds pretty ridiculous to be honest.
Also I know I said in my previous that I'd be doing (even though I forgot about it) a
theory on why I believe the Dark riders are-
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