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For more infomation >> How to Remove Dark Circles in 3 Days / Serf 2 Bar Lagain Aankhon ke Halke Khatam By Rani G in Urdu - Duration: 4:32.
Kubrickian Irony: The Dark Humor of Stanley Kubrick - Duration: 4:47.
DR. STRANGELOVE: Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room!
Kubrick was not a director who wore his heart on his sleeve.
Except for this film:
Many people peg Kubrick as being indifferent to human suffering, and
indeed his art supports that viewpoint.
But Kubrick's love of beauty points that he was a sensitive soul.
He expressed his philosophy through many ironic statements on subjects like war and human
nature and in his unmistakable and stylish use of music.
But the common thread across all his films is his sharp and wicked sense of humor.
LOLITA: Sieg heil!
Kubrick's early films demonstrated an affinity for written irony, such as in signage that
comments humorously on the story or characters.
His imagery from this period is also spiked with the philosophy that man's elaborate
plans can be undone in unexpected and ironic ways.
No other director captures the insanity of war better than Kubrick.
Not only because of his battle scenes, but for his depiction of a primitive, belligerent
way of thinking.
PATHS OF GLORY: There are few things more fundamentally encouraging and stimulating
than seeing someone else die.
Kubrick's targets were the leaders who perpetuate war, and the tragic results for the men who
have to fight and die for an absurd cause.
PATHS OF GLORY: See that cockroach?
Tomorrow morning we'll be dead and it'll be alive.
FULL METAL JACKET: You write born to kill on your helmet and you wear a peace button.
What's that supposed to be, some kind of sick joke?
But Kubrick's anti-war stance extended to a critique of violence and aggression in general.
Kubrick films seem to say that violence is irrational but unavoidable.
To this effect he lampoons violence, most brutally in A CLOCKWORK ORANGE.
A CLOCKWORK ORANGE: (singing) Let the stormy clouds chase…everyone from the place.
Kubrick's ironic style holds up so well…it can often seem downright beautiful.
And some ironic scenes work if you take them seriously or humorously.
Which is why a contemporary reading of his films should address...
not just irony
but post-irony.
FEAR AND DESIRE: - What's the matter?
- And then we're an island.
Before I was a general and now I'm a fish!
Hooray for the magicians!
Is this supposed to be funny or serious?
Often, it's both!
There are many academic readings of A Clockwork Orange that point to it's ironic use of
classical music in violent situations.
But perhaps a post –ironic reading is more true to Kubrick's intentions as an artist:
the director sees the action as beautiful as well as terrible.
So the musical accompaniment supports the interpretation that the scene is both beautiful and terrible.
This effect produces a post-ironic mixture of emotions.
Getting back to this scene, yes it's heartwarming – but the song is German, and these are
French soldiers fighting a war against the German people.
Sincerity and sarcasm are muddled once again. .
Years later, Kubrick films can read as premonitions of the future.
The masks in EYES WIDE SHUT are loud and expressive,
yet the humans behind them are silent and unemotional
They judge without revealing themselves, a predictor of social media
and the Internet sensibility
Post-ironic communication dominates the Internet because it is often unclear when someone is
sincere or sarcastic.
Who else could humanize a computer to the point of being more sympathetic than the men
who kill it?
Kubrick's grand statement that a machine can be an art connoisseur, a polite chess
champion and be afraid of death –
2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY: I'm afraid.
- is an ironic thought from 1968 that seems more plausible than ever.
Green Sanctuary Episode 2 "Hope in the Dark" - Duration: 6:19.
I haven'd slept…
I kept walking the whole night…
I'm thirsty - and hungry…
God damned!
Maybe I can find some food inside there.
It looks deserted...
Why am I feeling so watched?
I hope they lost my track!
A blanked...
...might be useful for the night.
I still can't believe I lost everything I was given…
What do we have here?
Some gloves. They might be useful as well.
Damn it, too large!
I really need something to drink right now! I can feel how I'm getting dizzy…
Yes, it's full!
I have an idea! If I can manage to make a fire, I can boil some rainwater.
It worked!
Now I have at least some water for the next day. But...
...unfortunately, I still did not find any food…
This seems to be the best place here for some rest.
I'll hide here for the night… and then I'll have to see…
How am I supposed to travel to the factory now? I don't even know where I am…
That's… that's the North Star! I can't believe it! Maybe I can still make it!
LUSH: Dark Angels 👎 Review & Demo🛀🏻 - Duration: 9:41.
Good morning!
So today I just want to talk about a Lush product.
I haven't had the best experience with this, which is why I wanted to make a video about it.
And it is the "Dark Angels" face & body cleanser.
So I guess I'll save the most important part for last,
because first I just want to mention another small thing that I don't really like about Lush products,
and why I don't use them that often.
Well, first of all there's no shop where I live, so I would have to order online.
But the thing that bothers me is that since it's all fresh cosmetics, it does not have a very long shelf life.
So this one I got as a Christmas gift this year. Or well, last year.
And even though this was given to me in December, it was already made fresh in November.
It was made the 17th November, and it says "use by 17th February" - which has passed now.
So it does have a shelf life of about 3 months, but since this was given to me late December-
I basically only had 2 months to use it before it expired.
So if you look inside, you can barely see that I've even touched it.
I have all this left.
It still kind of reaches to the top.
And it's not that I haven't been using it, it's just that the product is so...
What do you call it?
The English word that means you only have to use a really small amount each time.
And also since it is a scrub you're only supposed to use it maybe 2 or 3 times a week.
Otherwise it can be too rough on your skin.
So I've used it maybe 2 times a week and I still have this much left.
And now it's passed its expiry date.
And I guess I could probably still keep on using it until it kind of smells nasty, I guess...
but I just find it really sad that they expire so quickly,
because Lush products can be really expensive.
So that's one of my main issues with Lush in general,
but now we're getting to the main problem with this specific product,
and that is that it just won't get off my skin!
I'm guessing since there's...
it has avocado oil in it.
And I'm guessing it's the oil that won't wash off with just water.
It does say face AND body cleanser, but I've mainly been using this on my face.
Every time I try and wash it off with water, I rub and I rub and I rub,
And I use more water, I use more water... I use hot water, I use cold water...
and it just won't budge.
Even with a paper towel it was really hard to remove,
because every time I would try and wipe it off,
it would just kind of smear to a different place on my face.
And it wouldn't get off.
And I guess you could use a cotton ball with toner on it to remove it,
but I don't have a toner, so...
I had to go out and buy facial wipes just for the purpose to remove this product off my face.
So I'm kind of already spending even more money just trying to remove this product.
I did use it several times, I just kept using the facial wipes to remove it,
but that gets quite annoying after a while.
So then I had the great idea that "maybe it works better in the shower?!"
So I took it with me in the shower and I still only put it on my face.
I thought the extra steam and the hot water...
then I would be able to wash it off my face.
So I scrubbed my whole face with this in the shower.
Used a lot of water to really try and get this product off my face as best as I could.
And I rubbed my face with water for like 5 minutes...
And then I stepped out of the shower with my white(!) towel,
and I'm about to pat my face dry, but as soon as I did the first pat-
I could see my white towel turning black.
So my face was still completely black, even after the shower.
So every time I used this in the shower after that, I would have to try and pat my body dry
(and my hair) without touching my face with the towel.
So yeah... kind of tricky!
I kind of gave up on using it on my face because it's too much of a hazzle.
And yesterday I decided that I still kind of want to try and use this product,
because I have so much of it left, and I don't really feel like throwing it in the trash or something.
Maybe I could give it to someone...
but then I don't feel like I could do that since it has expired.
So I was still trying to find ways that I could use it, so yesterday-
I decided that "hmm...maybe it's something with the skin on my face?"
"Maybe I could try and use it on my body in the shower?!"
Such a great idea.
And what do you think happened...
Since it is a scrub I focused mainly under my armpits and my upper chest area, and my arms.
It did not wash off with water.
Luckily I had a different shower gel in the shower.
A gel that kind of foams up when you use it, so I was able to remove this with that one.
But just the fact that you have to use a different body cleanser-
to remove your first body cleanser is just completely ridiculous.
So I got most of it off... (most of it!) with the other shower gel.
And then even afterwards when I had dried myself off with the towel-
there was still some black residue on my body.
And I recorded a short clip so that you can see what that looked like.
And again I used the facial wipes to wipe it off.
So yeah, it's just really super hard to get off your skin!
And in my opinion it's just not worth the hazzle.
I have no idea what I want to do with this now.
The only way I can think of using this is...maybe I can do a foot bath and-
just use a little bit in a big bowl of water to dissolve the whole thing.
And then maybe just keep my feet in there, and then..idk
Would probably have to scrub them down afterwards again, but yeah...idk!
I definitely won't be repurchasing this.
I know this was gifted to me, but like...I wouldn't buy this with my own money.
So yeah, I just wanted to share this with everyone-
just in case anyone is thinking about buying this product.
And I will use this one last time on my face - right now -
so you can see what the whole deal looks like!
So anyways, I hope you enjoyed the video and I hope to see you in my next one!
"Vi sees!"
Subaru WRX STI in Dark Grey Metallic - Intro to New Car Video - Duration: 1:11.
hey guys this is my 2016 Subaru WRX STI Premium and dark gray metallic I just
picked this car up about a week ago and finally has a chance to take it out and
take a quick video and some photos of it effectively you're seeing you here
pretty much stock standard I haven't done anything to it yet just getting a
quick coat of wax and removed some badges off the back everything seems to be
pretty much in perfect condition whether that's the wheels or interior and of
course it's gotta sound good and it's pretty bloody quiet right now
so we'll make sure we get that fixed up otherwise because pretty much spotless
there's only a few little minor imperfections on the paintwork which
I'll attack with a polisher down the line but she's had a coat of wax just to
keep it protected then we'll hopefully get stuck into the modifications and
tidy ups very soon thanks a lot for watching and stay tuned for more
*FREE* Dark Distorted XXXTentacion x Smokepurpp Type Beat 2018 "POI$ON" ft. Ronny J | Prod. Pianu - Duration: 2:18.
*FREE* Dark Distorted XXXTentacion x Smokepurpp Type Beat 2018 "POI$ON" ft. Ronny J | Prod. Pianu
DEFEATING GRAVITY ONCE AND FOR ALL | Dark Souls | Live Stream - Duration: 2:05:16.
*FREE* (DARK) Drake x Future Type Beat 2018 "ALIEN$" ft. Young Thug | Prod. Solo Otto & Pianu - Duration: 2:43.
*FREE* (DARK) Drake x Future Type Beat 2018 "ALIEN$" ft. Young Thug | Prod. Solo Otto & Pianu
"ONLY" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Dark Brutal Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beat | Free DL - Duration: 3:22.
"ONLY" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Dark Brutal Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beat | Free DL
Dark Money Followup - Duration: 2:35.
Sufro en Dark Souls 3 con un invitado - Duration: 3:07:47.
Dark new details emerge about quadruple murder in Detroit - Duration: 3:19.
It's Getting Dark (2004) Rough Cut **WATCH WITH SUBTITLES/CC** - Duration: 38:10.
When the hell are they gonna call?
They should've called by now.
It's already six!
They better call soon!
We have to get this project done, man.
This fuckers worth 20% of our mark.
Relax, they'll call.
I'm telling you, it better be soon,
Look, all I'm saying is this better be legit.
I'm not going on another one of your wild goose chases.
I'm telling you it's legit.
I had Jess check all the facts for me.
I see.
Hey, whats the deal with you two anyway?
What do you mean?
You don't see it?
Dude, see what?
You don't get women, do you man?
She's into you.
No, she can't be.
Whatever, all I'm saying is you might want to keep your eyes open.
Dude, my eyes are open.
You just don't get it.
Hello, Where are you?
No, we were supposed to meet at 5.
No, no, no...So you're leaving now?
K Don't bother coming here, we'll just meet
Alright, fine.
It's about fucking time.
We already lost an hour, not to mention the time it takes to get there.
Look, don't worry.
I have some lights with me if it gets too dark.
Hey Nat.
Are you going to stand there all day?
I'm coming.
I feel bad about being late, you guys know how jeff is about punctuality.
He'll be fine.
Ya, you'd be the one to know.
Wouldn't you?
And what is that supposed to mean?
That means, you should just tell Jeff how you feel.
everybody sees it, but him.
I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship.
I really hate it when people say that.
I mean, 'ruin our friendship'? you guys don't get together now, you'll always
wonder what you could've had.
He makes a good point, you should take a chance.
Thanks for helping me find the camera bag, girls.
Maybe if you were a little more organized.
Oh look, here they come now.
Where have you guys been?
What took so long?
Fuck you, asshole!
You were supposed to meet is at five!
Sorry, that was my fault.
I got stuck working late.
Not to worry, Jess.
These things happen.
Let's just get this done.
Why the big rush?
Got a hot date?
Hanging out in a grave yard all night, with a bunch of corpses, isn't my idea of a good
Glad I'm not the only one.
tell me about it, when we got here I thought I saw...
Nobody cares what you think!
Don't be such a dick!
I'm really sick of hearing you too both at each other all the time.
Ya, why do you guys fight so much anyway?
It's a long story
It's not that long.
Anyway guys, lets just check out the equipment and get things started.
Alright Jess, please tell me you brought the script, history and shot list.
Yup, I got those right here.
Well, I got the lights and the camera.
But someone else has to bring the action.
Alright, take out the shot lost now and we'll get started.
I think it would be a good idea to get a shot of the gate before we get started.
OK, sounds good.
Good, great.
I think we're ready to get started.
*cast talking among themselves*
Hey, Nat.
Are you OK?
Ya, I got a bit of a headache.
Mike, we've know each other a ling time right.
I'd like to think I can trust you?
Of course you can trust me.
What's on your mind?
I think I saw...something
Something, as in...
At the gate.
I'm certain I saw a person standing there.
A person?
Nat, we're the only ones here.
Could it have been a shadow?
Trick of light?
It was no shadow.
I know what I saw and I didn't get a good feeling from it, either.
Is that why you asked about the groundskeeper?
Ya, I saw someone.
I looked back at you guys and when I looks back he was gone.
Like, walked away gone...?
Just gone!
Hey, you guys ready to go?
Nat, let me know if you see anything else.
And 3, 2, 1 action!
Hello, and welcome to the final instalment of Smiths Falls and our obscure history.
Today, we're on locations at Maple Grove Cemetery where we'll be uncovering the disturbing past
of Father Ivor Jones.
In 1856, 24 years after the completion of the Rideau Canal Smiths Falls was a growing
With he advent of a stable water way commerce and a means of travel were now available to
many people.
Things were very prosperous and on the surface everything seemed normal.
However, all was not right in the village.
A small group of settlers from eastern Europe began practising Demon resurrection rituals.
More specifically, they were trying to resurrect Tenebrion, the Demon of Darkness.
Naturally, the locals were quite upset by this, so they sought out their local clergy
to get some assistance.
The local Catholic Church, not being experienced in these matters, sent out a request to the
Vatican for assistance.
Pope Pius the IX must have been disturbed by the news, because Father Jones was quickly
As you maybe able to tell, Ivor Jones is not a roman name.
Originally a Welshman, Father Jones travelled to the Vatican shortly after achieving priesthood.
While there, he studied Demonology.
Obviously, his skills would be needed to combat this evil force.
So, what happened when Father Jones arrived in the village of Smiths Falls?
We believe our research has uncovered some key areas where events took place in the Father
Jones legend.
We plan to visit these sites and uncover the truth of the Father Jones legend.
And cut!
Guys, looks good.
Alright, lets get this gate open!
Can your flabby ass move any slower?
Shut you pie hole, needle dick.
I this all really true?
I mean it kinda sounds like something out of a B movie.
I hate to say it, but uh, did you think all this up on the shitter buddy?
Well, I did all the research with no help from anyone else, I might add.
Trying to loos the 'power nerd' image I see.
Well, I know you prefer things like UMMMM magazine.
Ok, first of all it's Urban Male Magazine and I don't just read the articles!
Well, I prefer something that doesn't need pictures to go along with the story.
And you call yourself and artist?
Ouch, verbal bitch slap!
Are you done diddling with your thingy there?
Ya, just give me a sec...
Alright, you OK?
Let's go.
Oh, shit!
I'm sorry.
What'd you stop for?
There's someone in the clearing.
I don't see anybody.
He's right there!
Nat, there's nobody there...
Ya, must be seeing things.
I think your meds must've ran out, you psycho
I know what I saw.
And, it's not the first time I've seen that figure.
What do you mean?
What do you mean, what do I mean?
I saw someone at the gate and I saw someone in the clearing wearing robes.
What's on your mind, Jess?
If you guys read your scripts before you got here, you'd know the next part of the story.
After Father Jones arrived here he spent several days tracking down the demon worshippers.
There weren't many details in the official records only that he disappeared while tracking
However, from some unofficial reports rather than stopping them he quickly joined them
and became their leader.
What an asshole!
Ok, one minute he's on the good team, the next he decides to become a free agent and
crosses over?
Even through the haze of sports references, he does make a point.
Who better to lead a group of demon worshippers then someone who knows all the is to know
about demons?
Makes sense.
You know, one of those know thine enemy kind of situations.
Excatly, so he joined them and became their leader.
That's why were headed for the clearing, that's where they held their rituals.
What rituals?
Well, one of the rituals called for a human sacrifice.
Hoping to use the sacrifice to bring Tenebrion to this world they kidnapped the daughter
of a wealthy family.
Once the townspeople found out they disguised themselves as his followers, by the time they
broke up the ceremony it was too late.
She was already dead.
She's right.
There is one other thing.
What would that be?
Well, before the locals killed Father Jones his last words were; 'You may destroy this
body, but the killings will go on until he is satisfied'.
Man, that is fucked up.
Where did you dig up this shit?
As I said, officially none of this happened but I did find some old diaries in the local
Then what the hell did I see?
Well, no one else saw anything, and we've wasted a long tome telling the story but the
fucking problem is we did get anything of it on camera!
Actually guys, I got most of that...but I only have enough battery for a couple more
If that...
I thought you checked all that shit out before we got started?
I did!
Obviously not well enough.
Well, I didn't see you making any second checks moron.
Hey, fuck you!
Come on guys.
I'll get the batteries.
Let me guess, they're back at the office, right?
Big mistake, a big fucking mistake!
Can you go with him please?
Why me?
So that you two can make some fucking peace and we can focus on the film.
Whatever, whatever.
this is bullshit.
Holy shit!
Can I help you?
You've gotta get out of here.
It's getting dark!
I gotta get the fuck outta here...
Unfortunately, no one knows what happened that night.
But when the caretaker arrived the net morning he found the mutilated bodies of the stone
The official explanation was that they were attacked by wolves.
However, the coroners notes indicated that he believed otherwise.
What's even stranger is how the bodies were laid out in the form of a cross.
If it had been wolves that had killed them, they wouldn't be laid out in such a manner.
Is this what Father Jones meant when he said ' the killings will go on until he is satisfied'?
And cut.
Jess, looks great.
Oh crap. battery.
Camera's almost dead.
Great...that's ok Ummmm, ya when Mat...Mike and Steve get back
with the new battery we'll, uh, just do one more take for safety.
But first, I'd just like to get on over by that rock cut there that leads to the old
rail bed.
What up?
Uh, Jess has something she wants to tell you.
So, uh, I like you.
I like you too!
Maybe we should go out sometime.
I'd really like that.
Jess Scream
FATHER JONES OFF SCREEN: He is not satisfied...
What's wrong with you?
We have to go!
Why are you standing there?
We have to get out of here!
Let's just go!
We can't leave her!
We can't worry about her, Jess.
Lets go!
Do not tell me you forgot something else.
Look, I just want to apologize about what happened earlier.
It was obviously my fault.
How long did it take you to rehearse that?
Like a half hour.
Ya, don't bullshit me.
I've seen you act.
OK, 45 minutes.
Did you just see that?
The trees?
No, a person.
You didn't see that?
Was it that girl?
What fucking girl?
I saw girl, earlier by the car.
She was warning me about the dark, or some shit.
I was smoking weed, I thought it was a hallucination.
Because her lips weren't moving.
I think we better go find the others, quickly.
Have you noticed a pattern forming here?
What pattern, Steve?
Everything happens at night.
The rituals happen at night, the sacrifices happen at night, they were trying to resurrect
the demon of darkness and that girl was warning me about the darkness.
I thought you said they'd meet us here.
Well shit man, they tustve moved!
Holy shit!
Is that blood?
Of course it's fucking blood!
Did you hear that?
It came from over there.
Let's go.
Is she breathing?
Holy shit, she's banged up man.
Nat, Nat.
Wake up.
Wake up!
I don't think there's anything you can do to help her.
Why would you say that?
Take a look at this.
Holy jesus.
Is she dead?
She's alive, we just gotta get her to, we gotta get her to a Doctor.
Where's Jess?
We got separated, I don't know where she is?
I thought she might've been with you guys?
You left her alone in this fucked up grave yard?
I didn't leave her man, I lost her.
Whatever, I'm going to take Nat to the Hospital I suggest you two find her before anything
else happens.
Are you going to be OK getting back to the car by yourself?
I better be, for Nat's sake.
Hey, asshole.
If you're thinking about leaving you can fucking forget it.
Come on, lets go JESS!
Don't worry, Nat.
You're going to be fine.
Just hold on.
Come on, guys.
Did you guys find Jess already....
Where was the last pace you saw her?
Jeff...Jeff, where are you?
Jeff, is that you?
If I knew that, we wouldn't be looking for her.
Now would we?
Hey look, asshole.
You're the one that lost her.
I just find it a little hard to keep track of another person while I'm running in fear
for my fucking life.
In the dark I might add.
We wouldn't even be in this mess if it wasn't for you.
I can barley see you.
Why are you just standing there?
We have to get out of here.
Ya, you heard me.
It was your idea to come here.
You knew about Father Jones.
Everybody knew about him, that's why you were all given scripts.
Besides I just thought it was a myth, I didn't;t know any of it was for real.
OK< well its fucking real.
Besides, all myth is based on a little fact.
You're not Jeff...
You're responsible for the fact that Nat is messed up and Jess is missing.
You wanna blame me, fine.
I can deal with that.
But the more time we spend arguing, the less time we spend looking for Jess.
Fine, but you be...HEY.
You better pray that Jess is alive and we get the hell out of here.
I'm so, so sorry.
You should be sorry, this is your fault!
I didn't mean for this to happen.
I know you didn't
But it did happen.
Why are you doing this?
Because you left me, just like you left Nat.
This isn't my fault
I know.
I didn't mean to accuse you.
So what happens now?
Are you going to run away and leave Steve alone too?
Who are you talking to, man?
Can't you see her?
Of course I can see her, she's right where we found her.
This isn't happening.
This is happening.
I'm dead, and you're next!
Dude, where the fuck are you going?
JESS WHISPERS: Now we can be together forever.
Jeff, where you going man.
You're too close to the fucking ravine.
Holy shit!
It is not going down like that.
Mike, oh dude!
Oh shit man...dude!
You're not going to miss those dirty magazines I took from you now, are you?
Oh fuck.
Fuck, what am I?
The amazing gate climbing guy or something?
Oh, fucking brilliant.
Just fucking brilliant.
Oh shit.
Jesus fucking christ!
Open the door.
Don't worry Mike.
I'm coming buddy.
What the fuck am I doing out here?
Nat, come on.
open the fucking door!
Nat I'm sorry I'm an asshole, I'm sorry I cheated on you just open the fucking door.
JOGGER 1: Oh shit!
JOGGER 2: What?
What in the name of christ is that?
JOGGER 1: I don't know, lets check it out.
JOGGER 1: Oh shit!
Holy fuck!
JOGGER 2: Just relax
JOGGER 1: How can I relax, his intestines are on the ground.
JOGGER 2: Calm down, call the cops.
I'll take care of it.
JOGGER 1:Hello, police?
You gotta get down he...oh shit!
Oh shit!
Shit, we found another one!
Oh fuck
JOGGER 2: I think we got one that's alive here
JOGGER 1: We think we got one that's alive!
Do you know who the man in the video is?
That was Father Ivor Jones.
And what did he do to you?
I don't remember...I don't know.
Your first night in the hospital, after the police found you, you kept insisting you couldn't
be in the dark.
Why was that?
It's,'s still a blur.
But ever since that night when I'm in the dark I don't feel alone.
And who do you feel is with you?
Father Jones.
The man from the video.
You do know that Father Jones dies 148 years ago.
The man in the video couldn't possibly be him.
I know that.
I also know that death didn't stop him from KILLING MY FRIENDS!
According to the police report, your friends were killed by a pack of wolves.
Nat, I'd like you to try a little exercise for me.
I'm going to turn out this light, I'm going to keep it out for 1 minute.
When I turn it back on, I want you to describe your feelings to me.
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