For some days, one thing has been making me excited: what Black Matter in the space is.
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When the sun goes down, our universe becomes black with some light sources.
At the same time, if we ask other people what black matter that we see in the night sky
is, 99% of normal people will say that it is just some empty space in the universe.
Let me stop you for a second, as if that space is empty, all the planetary bodies and stars
should collapse.
Maybe you will reply that these bodies are being held up together by gravitational force.
Well, yes, you are right that Star's gravity attracts planets to fall into it.
But, due to continuous revolution around the star, the planet acquires the equilibrium
state and keeps revolving around the star without falling into it.
Well, I am not going to talk about the physics behind the movement of stars and planets.
There is something which is controlling all these stars, planets and galaxies.
Yes, scientists determined some invisible matter which covers all the empty space in
the universe.
They named it "Dark Matter" or, in other words, "Black Matter."
Around 76% of matter in the Universe is Dark Matter.
Yes, this non-observable matter is the reason behind the equilibrium of the Universe.
There is a repulsive energy in the universe, known as Dark Energy which is responsible
for further spaces between the galaxies.
This energy is responsible for the universe's expansion.
In 1920, Edwin Hubble was the first to notice that our universe is bigger than just Milkyway.
Together, Dark Energy and Dark Matter consist 96% of the universe.
For over a decade, researchers in Sudan laboratory have been trying to identify the real proof
of Dark Matter.
Due to cosmic radiations, it's hard to detect the dark matter on the surface of Earth.
So, around 2341 feet beneath the Earth's surface, scientists have made a lab in Sudan to carry
out experiments on finding dark matter particles.
Now, the next is what made the scientists believe in dark matter.
Well, the hunting of dark matter started about a century ago.
An astronomer Fritz Zwicky looked up into the Coma cluster of galaxies and found that
a huge amount of matter was moving in the galaxies.
There was something which was affecting the motion of galaxies in the cluster, and something
was holding matter inside the cluster.
Taking it into consideration, Zwicky declared that an invisible matter is behind this phenomenon.
Vera Rubin, an American astronomer discovered a very strange activity in the galaxies' motion.
She found that if a galaxy is a city, all the cars inside it are stars, and planets
are without any traffic, then all the cars move at a constant speed.
She was one of the first people who actually pointed to the existence of Dark Matter.
Dark Matter existence is simple.
Let me give you a simple example.
You can also try it at home.
Tie a small stone on one of the ends of a string.
Hold another end with your hand and rotate the stone.
You will see the circular motion of the stone.
If I make you and the string invisible, only the stone will be moving.
That's how our galaxies are moving.
This proves the existence of Dark Matter.
For more infomation >> WHY DO WE SEE BLACK MATTER IN NIGHT SKY || **Dark Matter kya hota hai** - Duration: 4:30.-------------------------------------------
One Dark Evening in Nagland, India HD | Hornbill Festival - Duration: 2:19.
This is NST area of Kohima City in Nagland
This was celebration of Hornbill festival in Nagland
There was no electricity at that night so it was dark
Some people have rechargeable light and Generator
They have many stalls of food, souvenirs, Clothes etc
It was fun walk and a different atmosphere in Nagaland
Though it was dark outside people came outside and started enjoying, dancing, shouting
Good time spent
Candy vs Candy Review - Milky Way Simply Caramel vs Milky Way Midnight Dark - Duration: 2:28.
Hey guys, its Claire, and today we are doing candy vs candy.
And today, we have, Milky Way Simply Caramel and Milky Way Midnight Dark.
The midnight dark one has rich dark chocolate with golden caramel and nougat.
The simply caramel has real milk chocolate surrounding nothing but rich delicious caramel.
So, I'm going to open them both up.
This is the dark chocolate one.
This is the simply caramel one.
Now I'm going to cut them in half to see inside.
So, this one looks like this.
Its really cool looking.
There is caramel, then there is nougat, then there is chocolate.
Now I'm going to cut open the simply caramel one.
This one is different because it has no nougat at all.
It is all caramel.
So, lets try the midnight dark.
Sorry, its really chewy.
I'd rate it 8 out of 10 - it is really good.
The dark chocolate makes it nice.
Now I'm going to try the simply caramel one.
That one is really chewy.
I'd rate that one about a 7 out of 10 because it is not as good as this one because this
one has the nougat as well as the caramel - it is really good.
So, overall, they are an 8 out of 10.
But, the midnight dark easily won the competition.
So, like, subscribe, and hit that little bell icon down there and bye bye!
[Gaming Livestream] Amnesia: The Dark Descent - Now why am I doing this again!? - Duration: 1:54:14.
The Dark Truth of Being a Food Delivery Rider (2018) - Duration: 7:52.
(Vietsub)Dark Souls 2 Story ► The Raven & The Royal Aegis - Duration: 10:59.
Soul Stone Is In The Dark Dimension NOT WAKANDA!? Avengers Infinity War Doctor Strange Is KEY! - Duration: 8:23.
systems were forged into concentrated ingots infinity stone he stones it seems
can only be brandished by things of extraordinary strength observe these
carriers can use the stone to bog down entire civilizations like wheat in a
field once what a moment that group was able to share the energy amongst
themselves but even they were quickly destroyed by it you
what is good YouTube Warstu here a video Marvel Avengers infinity war so if
you've seen Black Panther now you're wondering where is the stole stone and
why wasn't it in the Black Panther movie well Ryan Coogler the director for Black
Panthers said they already had vibe rain in the movie which is gonna be really
important going forward after phase well during phase three and in phase four so
I can see why they didn't actually include the infamous soulstone so
basically what's gonna happen when Stannis gets the soulstone if he has all
the gems and he uses a soul stone he's going to be able to take over every one
soul in of the whole universe which is gonna make him so Opie and he's going to
be able to control everybody change reality change time Lich do every once
just by snapping his finger just like he did in the comics so in the comics
Stannis gets all the stones during an arc in 1991 hold fast
Thanos quest when basically he's brought back to life because obviously died from
mistress death and his quest is to balance two universe and from the
trailer that's the only thing we know these were trying to do he's trying to
get all the stones to balance the universe and shape it in the way that he
as she wants but obviously due to contracts and obviously Fox still owned
in a lot of the properties it can't be exactly the same we can't have the
Silver Surfer we see in infinite concordance a fight and Doctor Doom so
it's gonna have to be slightly different but if it was exactly the same then we
would know the exact storyline so where is the soul stone there's been so many
theories of where the soul stone could be it's in Heimdall I now that theory is
pretty much been squashed but it still could be there it could be in a grand
master staff as we see in Thor 3 lots of people seem to think they see that like
the yellow-orange II shiny in the Grand Master's staff and the Grand Master does
is really old and ancient so yes I presume that could be a concept and
people still think it's in the Black Panther movie but realistically it could
be anywhere the collector could have it it could be anywhere but I'm thinking
it's gonna be somewhere and not in sight somewhere you can't see it in a
completely different dimension so each and every Marvel movie leading up to
infinity war the whole 80 movies each part it's gonna have a parts plate in
this movie so Doctor Strange was introduced obviously for the time stone
but also for the Dark Dimension which was introduced in the
verse of the MCU earth 199 the dart I mention which literally the laws of
physics the laws of scientific law does not apply in at that dimension you can
slow down time so you don't age it's controlled by dark movie who was
essentially the boss I hope I said that anyway
who said she was the villain of the Doctor Strange movie and obviously Dom
only feeds on the world it's managed to incorporate into the dark dimensions the
master of the mystical arts and they managed to shield earth from it the Dark
Dimension by building mystical sanctuaries in New
York London in Hong Kong that's why you see the New York one during the infinity
war trailer so possibly the soulstone could be stuck there obviously in the
ant-man movie which is pretty cool quantum realm was introduced and it's an
alternate dimension just like the dark if I mentioned were completely different
and it's only accessible through mystical energy magical energy mystical
transportation used in a sling ring so possibly the Krenzel quantum realm it
could be there in the quantum realm it's pretty dangerous to go in there because
space and time don't exist they're irrelevant so as we see in the movie
ant-man was kind of stuck there but got out so possibly if the soulstone was
there that we'd really hard for him for the Thanos and the black order to get
inside the quantum realm that could be an idea
now the astral plane obviously people saying this is where the kind of astral
plane that we've seen in a black panther movie where kill manga and - Charlie got
to speak to their previous their fathers where they communicate and some people
seem to think that's to do with the soul so now that is a very good theory but if
the directors going to say the soul stone wasn't there then why would he
like the astral plane is very powerful and it is a good concept but something
that's missing is you can't really have the soul stone without having Adam
warlock because he is an in technical character in the infinity war arc which
I presume Avengers 4 is going to fire so in my opinion it would be foolish and we
have had in varieties in the garden salad garden and gaps involving Rob but
the only issue is is Kevin Feige has said that Adam warlock isn't going to
appear until after God during Gardens 3 which would be after venues for so if
Adam warlock isn't in whitney's the soulstone storyline
because he's possessed by the soul own space be it's gonna be very strange I
guess but I can't see him introduce an Adam warlock because there's been no
castings for him it's very hard to keep stuff hidden from people because there's
people like Atlantic filming that take images and people in and out of where
they film so it would be very hard but there's multiple reasons aware the Stoll
stone could be it could be with hella because obviously as star blew up but
the sanctuary Thanos ship came along I'm presuming hella is the equivalent to
mistress that in the MCU so I wouldn't be surprised if we see Cate Blanchett's
Heller appear at some point but I just want to put it out there that the Dark
Dimension the quantum realm I mean it could be the mirror world there's so
many possibilities of where the soul stone was hidden but I think it's quite
clear cut that the soul stone is going to be the last stone because if it
wasn't then they wouldn't have showed you every other stone asset for the soul
stone and obviously the soul stone is the most powerful stone in my opinion as
it allows you to take over the soul of somebody so it's going to be very
interesting to see how splays up guys let me know in the compound below is it
in the dark I mentioned could it be in the quantum realm could it be in the
astral plane could it actually be in what kind of like everyone seems to
think because we know that it's gonna be a crazy-ass war in Wakanda but what is
that for is it for the mind gem we do see an image or vision the avengers
headquarters and it appears that the mind gem isn't this and maybe they're
coming for it there could be multiple reasons why the
black order are actually in Wakanda but they're not just coming for five brain
and they doubt they want the vibranium thereafter the gem so it's going to be
very interesting to see where the soul stone is this will be my final video on
where the soul phone is I pretty much gone over every single concept of where
it could be I think at least yeah I've gone over a fair few ideas of where it
could be if Adam warlock isn't linked to this storyline then it is going to be
very strange as there was some direct teases during garden that's got actually
one from the cocoon seen in the collectors Museum if you know if you
read comics you know exact you want one about but let me know guys where is the
soul stone is Adam warlock going to be possessed by the soul stone before Fanus
gets it because there could be a surprise cameo on Adam
before Thanos gets assigned because we basically know now that phallus is going
to get all the stones and Avengers 4 is essentially going to be called Infinity
Gauntlet which is a six-part comic book issue which would be interesting but a
lot of them characters can't be used so it's gonna be very interesting to see
how it plays out I don't know guys that's all I've got for this video just
just a short video and what I think's going on with the soul stone and
potentially where it actually could be but it could be on any the realms it
still could behind or as you can see over all the realms just guys let me
know where the soul stone is down below would love your input in the comments
section please like subscribe and comment and I will catch you guys in
that comment section very soon but first hit the Buy button down below to join
Team Wars jus I will catch you in another video very soon catch you later
《夜光/A Light in the Dark》灰色系文字冒險遊戲│體驗版 EP.1 - Duration: 11:24.
The Way To Whiten Your Dark Underams Rapidly By Home Remedy - Duration: 3:34.
Have you ever wanted to wear a sleeveless or strapless top but felt self-conscious because the skin under
your arm is darkened and discolored this could be due to several factors genetics
could play a part in the color or discoloration of your skin store-bought
diode or it often uses chemicals that could over time change the color of your
skin but when you really want to wear that cute top and can't the reason your
skin has changed color really doesn't matter thankfully we've got some simple
ways to lighten the skin of your underarms we can also help you improve
the overall health of your skin even though you might be able to buy
something that is supposed to lighten underarm discoloration our natural
remedies will be less expensive they will also do a great job when you're
consistent in the application take a look at these five home remedies for
this unsightly and embarrassing issue one apple cider vinegar apple cider
vinegar kills bacteria on the skin when applied directly to it it works not only
on the appearance of the skin but also the odor that emanates from the
underarms if you want to try pure apple cider vinegar first dab some vinegar on
a clean rag and apply it to a small area of the skin make sure you don't have any
reactions before applying it to a larger area if you do have a reaction try
diluting into an equal parts mixture and follow the same instructions to lemon
juice lemon juice has similar whitening benefits as apple cider vinegar apply
some fresh lemon juice to your underarms before bed since lemon juice can also be
used as a disinfectant it will help clean your skin it's best to leave the
lemon juice on your skin for about thirty minutes wash it off before going
to sleep 3 lemon and sugar scrub lemon is used to clean but in this home remedy
we use sugar to act as an exfoliant since lemons contain citric acid you
should only use this treatment when affected air
will not be exposed to sunlight simply mix a tablespoon of brown sugar with
half a cup of lemon juice rub it on the discolored area and let it stay for 15
minutes rinse the mixture off and dry the skin well for coconut oil coconut
oil is a very versatile health and beauty aide and using it regularly on
the skin can significantly repair discolored areas it's rich in vitamin E
which makes it a fantastic moisturizer and it has a great smell 5 honey
oats and lemon you can take these 3 common household items and make a
homemade whitening solution mix a teaspoon of honey with the juice of one
lemon and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal make a cream and then just apply it to your
underarms let it stand for 10 minutes and then rinse it off before you know it
you'll be back to wearing those favorite tops again without any worries about
dark discolored spots on your skin.
10 Best Soy Free Healthy Organic Dark Chocolate - Duration: 5:46.
10 Best Soy Free Healthy Organic Dark Chocolate
if you have begun your soy free journey, you have come to realize that most of the foods we consume on a daily basis include soy ingredients and additives.
There is soy lecithin in seemingly everything, and it is extremely difficult to avoid— difficult, but not impossible.
Soy lecithin is one of the main additives in our foods and supplements.
Soy lecithin can be found in ice cream, peanut butter, vegetable broth, margarines, and even chocolate.
Why is there soy lecithin in chocolate? Soy lecithin is an oily substance that acts as a great emulsifier— in short, soy lecithin keeps cocoa and cocoa butter from separating.
Finding a soy free chocolate can be a daunting task; but, worry not— I have compiled a list of the 10 best soy free dark chocolate options.
Hail Merry Dark Chocolate Macaroon Merry Bites.
It may sound too good to be true, but this really is a "guilt-free chocolate treat." Ingredients include: shredded coconut, coconut oil, dark cocoa, vanilla, and sea salt.
These brownie bites are naturally sweetened with organic maple syrup.
Enjoy Life Dark Chocolate Boom Choco Boom Bar.
This indulgent and gluten-free treat contains chocolate liquor, evaporated cane juice, and non-dairy cocoa butter.
It is dairy, nut, and soy free.
Pascha Organic Dark Chocolate.
This delectable organic dark chocolae is completely soy free, gluten free, nut free, and dairy free—it is available in a variety of chocolates, including: milk, white, and even orange.
Santa Barbara Chocolate.
Bulk Organic Dark Chocolate Extra dark and GMO free, this chocolate packs a major soy free punch.
Foodie Fuel Swiss Chocolate Crisps.
This organic treat includes coconut sugar, cocoa powder, sea salt, and a blend of superfood seeds.
The Good Bean Roasted Chickpeas In Chocolate.
These crispy, crunchy chickpeas make a yummy snack or topper.
Go Raw Coco Crunch Sprouted Granola.
Ingredients include: buckwheat, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, dates, cocoa, and coconut.
Health Warrior Chocolate Peanut Butter Chia.
BarChia is the number one ingredient!.
Raw Revolution Chocolate Crave.
Includes dates, cashews, and sunflower seeds, sweetened with agave.
Wonderfully Raw Brownie Coco-Roons.
Marketed as the original superfood cookie, these vegan, gluten free, organic brownie bites are an ultra-rich, non-GMO treat sure to satisfy any chocolate craving.
Soy free food options are available, though they can be difficult to find at the market.
If you are one of the many people with a soy allergy (or simply want to avoid soy for health reasons), find comfort in knowing that there are food options out there— you just have to know where to look.
I salute you in your step toward a wholesome, soy free lifestyle.
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