Let's begin with the post-Olympics diplomacy between the U.S. and North Korea that's being
meditated by South Korea.
Pyongyang claims it's up for talks,... but Washington insists a meeting can only happen
when the North makes a solid commitment to abandon its nuclear weapons program.
Lee Seung-jae starts us off.
It's seems the United States and North Korea are inching toward direct talks,... but only
under one condition.
The White House released a statement on Sunday saying the U.S. "will see" if North Korea's
willingness for talks is a commitment to denuclearize.
It added that the U.S. and the world must continue to make clear that Pyongyang's nuclear
and missile programs are a dead end.
However, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Pyongyang's willingness to talk
is a "first step" along the path to denuclearization.
This comes as South Korea's presidential office released a statement earlier in the day,...
stating that Kim Yong-chol expressed North Korea's willingness to begin dialogue with
the U.S. when he met with President Moon Jae-in shortly before the closing ceremony for the
PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
According to a spokesman for the Blue House,...
President Moon pointed out that U.S.-North Korea dialogue must take place in order to
improve relations between the two Koreas and to find a fundamental solution to issues on
the Korean Peninsula.
The spokesman added the North Korean delegates agreed that inter-Korean ties and relations
between the North and the U.S. should develop simultaneously.
Dubbed the 'Peace Olympics',... there's hope the PyeongChang Winter Games have opened doors
for a more peaceful Peninsula,... and could potentially be the catalyst that brings the
U.S. and North Korea back to talks.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> U.S "will see" if North Korea's willingness for talks is commitment to denuclearize - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
10 Foods You Can No Longer Buy In The United States - Duration: 10:43.
Remember in school, when you learned that Louis Pasteur figured out how to pasteurize
milk, saving millions of lives and making milk safe for everyone to drink?
It seems some folks missed school that day because there are people who enjoy drinking
raw, unpasteurized milk.
Raw milk isn't necessarily dangerous to consume, but when it is mass-produced on the
level the dairy industry puts out milk in the United States, the odds of passing on
harmful bacteria increase exponentially if pasteurization is skipped.Unpasteurized milk
can carry dangerous bacteria like Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria.
These and other harmful organisms killed in the pasteurization process can be dangerous
to the young, people with weakened immune systems, the elderly, and pregnant women.
Pasteurization prevents harmful diseases such as listeriosis, typhoid fever, tuberculosis,
diphtheria, and brucellosis, so it makes sense to keep raw milk under control.
In the US, 20 states and the District of Columbia prohibit the sale of raw milk, while its sale
is heavily regulated in all but 13 of the remaining 30 states.
When having trouble sleeping, some people may take melatonin.
In small doses, it's a harmless supplement that can help regulate sleep, but it is not
generally considered a food ingredient.
That's a problem for the makers of Lazy Larry brownies (formerly called Lazy Cakes),
as their principal marketed ingredient is melatonin.
The Food and Drug Administration found out about this additive and sent a letter to the
company responsible, informing them that their cakes weren't particularly good for people
to . . . well, eat.These cakes are particularly dangerous for children, who might see a delicious
brownie and eat it.
If a child were to take melatonin, they shouldn't exceed 0.3 milligrams, but these brownies
are packed with 8 milligrams of melatonin.
While the nation as a whole hasn't jumped on the bandwagon and outright banned Lazy
Larry brownies just yet, you won't be able to find them anywhere in Arkansas.
The state banned them in 2011
Sometimes, the most dangerous treats are also the most delicious.
That is certainly the case for the ackee fruit, which can be found in West Africa and Jamaica
but certainly not in the United States.
The FDA has completely banned the importation of ackee fruit into the country, and it may
have been for a good reason: Ingesting unripe ackee will result in something called Jamaican
vomiting sickness (JVS), which is pretty much exactly what you think it is.
About two to 12 hours after eating unripe ackee, someone with JVS will begin vomiting
uncontrollably, may lose consciousness, and is susceptible to seizures.
If this happens while you're out camping, this little fruit is going to kill you.The
reason ackee causes JVS has to do with the presence of hypoglycin, a nonproteinogenic
amino acid.
It functions by lowering a person's blood sugar, which leads to an increased use of
glucose and ultimately hypoglycemia.
There are thousands of people who eat ackee fruit and its products every day without harm
thanks to their patience in waiting for the fruit to ripen, but seeing as dozens of people
die from eating it every year, the FDA may be on the right track with this ban.
Sassafras oil is probably the one product many people have heard of but have never used.
That's certainly true for Americans, seeing as the use of it in commercially mass-produced
foods was banned back in 1960.
Sassafras is a bit different than other items on this list; you might just have it growing
in your backyard.
The plant hasn't been banned, but you aren't going to find it in your root beer anymore.
The reason the oil has been banned in the States stems from the presence of safrole,
a constituent in sassafras oil, which has been shown to be carcinogenic, causing cancer
in lab animals.There is another problem with safrole in that it is one of the principal
ingredients of MDMA, otherwise known as Molly or ecstasy.
Because the tree produces a component of the popular party drug, it is becoming threatened
and may disappear one day.
Despite the dangers posed from ingesting safrole, it is still used in a wide array of products
across the planet.
Some uses are not banned in the United States, but it is no longer included in foods.
If you have never been to Scotland or eaten their food, odds are you have heard of haggis
and want nothing to do with it.
Take it from the writer of this article, you are doing yourself a disservice!
Haggis is delicious!
Unfortunately, you cannot import it into the United States, thanks to a ban placed on the
dish in 1971 by the FDA.
They made the ban due to the presence of sheep lung, which constitutes less than 15 percent
of the total dish.
The FDA created the ban, which encompasses all lung meat, due to the potential presence
of stomach acid and phlegm.
The ban only exists on haggis imported from the United Kingdom, so there is nothing stopping
an intrepid eater from getting some homemade haggis in the States.
If you aren't ready to take the haggis challenge just yet, you may want to learn what it is:
Haggis is described as a pudding in the way only folks from the UK can call a meat dish
a pudding.
It consists of a sheep's heart, liver, and lung meat, which is then minced with various
spices, onions, and oats before it is stuffed into a sheep stomach.
It sounds disgusting but is arguably delicious, and many people in and out of Scotland enjoy
Most Americans reading this may be scratching their heads wondering what casu marzu is,
and there's a reason for it which you've probably already guessed: It's banned in
the United States.
The traditional dish from Sardinia is made from sheep milk that contains an ingredient
the people at the FDA may have gagged at learning: live insect larvae, more commonly known as
Yes, you read that correctly—when prepared in the traditional way, this dish contains
a cheeseload of maggots.Casu Marzu is made by placing a wheel of pecorino cheese outside
with a small portion of the rind removed.
This allows a fly, Piophila casei, to lay its eggs in the cheese.
Seeing as these little buggers can lay up to 500 eggs at a time, there are going to
be quite a few maggots inside.
As they mature and eat the cheese, the acid in their stomachs breaks down the cheese fat,
making the cheese incredibly soft.
The chef knows the dish is ready to be served when several thousand maggots are present.
It's up to the person eating the dish whether or not they want to eat the maggots whole
or by mashing them into a paste.
Many do this, while others flick them aside.
While casu marzu is certainly banned in the United States, it is also banned in the EU,
making it difficult to find . . . should you want to.
For most of the foods on this list, the United States government banned them for health reasons
or environmental concerns.
For the mirabelle plum, their reason is quite different, thanks to rules making the fruit
protected from importation due to its designation as a "protected origin" food.This designation
is the result of an agreement between the French and American governments aimed at helping
the French market.
As a regional delicacy in France, the country prefers to keep it in-house as a means of
attracting tourism.
This isn't unusual for France, which protects a number of regional delicacies, including
certain peppers and wines.Because of this agreement, it is nearly impossible to get
a mirabelle plum into the United States.
If you want one (and you do, they are delicious), you need to travel to the Lorraine region
of France.
You can even attend a two-week festival in honor of the fruit and its economic importance
to the region in the city of Metz.
They hold a mirabelle festival every August, when the fruit becomes ripe.
They do grow in other countries outside France but should be enjoyed when cultivated from
their native soil.
This food is so dangerous, it nearly killed Homer Simpson!
Fugu is the sushi cut from a pufferfish—you know, those cute fish that blow up at the
sense of danger.
These fish possess within their bodies an incredibly toxic chemical called tetrodotoxin,
a type of neurotoxin and one of the deadliest substances in the world.
Because of the danger from eating it, the United States slammed the ban hammer down
on serving it, but there are a few places you can get it.
In order to serve fugu, a special license is required, and in Japan, three years of
training are required before a chef can serve the dish.If you ever end up eating fugu but
then start to feel a little sick, you might have ingested some of the toxin.
Here's what you have to look forward to: some light dizziness followed by outright
exhaustion, headache, and nausea.
If you ingested a lethal dose, you will begin to have difficulty breathing and then enter
a state of total paralysis in which you are unable to do much but contemplate your poor
life choices.
When the body is completely paralyzed, your lungs cease to work, and asphyxiation occurs.
There is no antidote to tetrodotoxin, but your life can be saved with a stomach pump
and the ingestion of more charcoal than anyone would want to eat.
Shark fin soup is a traditional dish found mostly in China and Vietnam, but it has made
its way around the world since it originated sometime in the Song dynasty roughly 1,000
years ago.
The dish is considered a luxury item and is traditionally served only during special occasions.
It is also considerably expensive, costing anywhere between $50 and $100 per serving.
You may be picturing a bowl of broth with a shark fin sticking out of the liquid, but
it is made using the meat from the fin, which is dried and shredded after the skin is removed.
One of the reasons the dish has been so prominent in Chinese culture is due to the belief that
it helps prevent cancer, among many other purported benefits.Its use in Chinese medicine
has caused the demand for shark fins to skyrocket, which has caused a decline in a number of
shark species.
The biggest problem occurs when fishermen pull in sharks, slice off the fin, and throw
the bleeding fish back in the water to die.
In order to help conservation efforts, many nations have written laws and bans protecting
various species targeted for the dish.
While shark fin soup is banned in only a handful of states, the US has established a law requiring
that sharks caught in American waters be documented before a fin can go on sale.
By the end of 2017, efforts to completely ban the dish in the United States were underway.
Saving the best for last, Kinder Eggs are probably the most ridiculous ban the United
States has placed on an imported item.
For most of Europe, these candies are ubiquitous and a nostalgic part of most people's childhood.
Kinder Eggs, also called Kinder Surprise, are hollow, egg-shaped chocolates containing
a toy.
The toy comes in a yellow plastic shell, and it can be just about anything.
Whether they are promoting a film or are releasing their own line of toys, these can range from
small cars to intricate playsets, unique characters, or just about anything imaginable.
Sadly, it's the toy inside that the US government has set its sights on.[10]Thanks to the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, food items cannot be sold if they contain a nonnutritive object.
Since there is very little nutrition in plastic toys, Kinder Eggs fell victim to the ban hammer.
In 1997, the Consumer Product Safety Commission reexamined the ban based on some eggs brought
illegally into the United States.
They determined the presence of small parts in the toys presented a health and safety
risk to small children under the age of three.
The fine for bringing a Kinder Egg into the United States is a whopping $2,500 per egg.
Ferrero, the company that makes Kinder Eggs, was able to create a modified version to market
in the US.
The new product started showing up in stores at the end of 2017, but they differ considerably
from their European counterpart and just aren't the same.
President Trump Sets Off Plan To Cost Sanctuary State Billions And A Seat In Congress - Duration: 2:54.
Donald Trump BELIEVES in Brexit : Farage warns US President is watching EU exit - Duration: 2:10.
[ vol. 5 ] Dye my hair for the first time in the US - Duration: 3:53.
Hey guys~~ Thank you for watching Mi-Channel!!
This is Mirai.
All my videos have subtitles both in English and Japanese.
So, if you prefer Japanese, you can check.
This is my 5th video.
Now, I'm in my room, and I was supposed to talk about my dorm, gym, and class.
But there is one thing that I wanted to do.
Dying my hair~~~ And, I bought this one!!
This is REVLON, Burgundy color.
So, now I'm gonna dye my hair with this one!!
Now, I applied all the things in this kit.
So, I'm gonna wait for 25 minutes for my hair to change its color!!
By the way, I chose this one because it was really cheap.
This was around $5.
Quite cheap.
So, I hope it works for my hair~~
25 minutes later...
I just took shower, so I'm gonna check my hair color now!!
Okey, let's go!!
3, 2, 1...
I think it changed.
Like more reddish color.
It's good.
I love this color.
And, I'll dry up, and then, see the color.
Now, I dried my hair.
Can you see the color?
I think it's a little reddish color than before.
I like this color.
Now, I can recommend this one.
And the conditioner smells really good.
Now, my hair is really smooth.
So, that was really nice.
Next day...
Hey guys~~ Yesterday, I dyed my hair, and I wanted to
show you my new color.
But it was difficult to show you with the light in my room.
So, now, I'm outside.
Can you see it?
More reddish color.
I love this.
Okey, that's it for today.
If you like it, please thumbs up, comments, and subscribe.
So, see you next time~~ Thank you!!
Hateful US Skier Blames Ivanka For Ruining His Olympics After Not Getting Medal... - Duration: 5:30.
Keller @ Large: US Congressman From Massachusetts Talks Gun Control - Duration: 4:52.
Citizens United Dealt DEVASTATING Blow In New York Court - Duration: 2:50.
You know, Citizens United, the group that brought the case that allowed corporate money
to destroy our democracy was recently handed a defeat in the state of New York where they
tried to prevent charities from having to disclose their super donor.
Peter, incredible case because think of what the donors were saying.
Here you had these mega billionaires that were saying, "We have a first amendment right
to keep it quiet where we're spending our money," and I love that the court rejected
and said, "That's nonsense."
This is only second circuit.
It hasn't gotten the Supreme's.
It'll be tested in the Supreme.
Give me your take on this.
I love this decision.
They said, "Look, there's no impermissible chilling of speech by you having to disclose
who you are when you give a gazillion dollars."
What's your take?
Well, Citizens United wanted to keep their donors secret.
They didn't want people to know.
They didn't want the regulators to know.
They wanted to keep them secret and didn't want anybody to find out or determine who
was the one that was funding Citizens United.
I think it's imperative that when you have these stories hitting the national press,
you have these theme and these campaigns.
You have the elections that are being influenced by some of these organizations.
You want to know who's funding it.
You want to know is this an objective message?
You want to know who's pushing the message, what corporations are behind it, what individuals
are behind it and that's all we're asking for.
Yeah, well, most of the time, what you have is you have the haves versus the have nots
on any kind of issue.
Well, best example I could give you is California.
They'll have a referendum.
Last referendum was, "We want to know if there's a GMO product that we're buying.
We have a right to know that."
Okay, well you got the people that say, "We have the right to know."
They can raise 1,000 here and 1,000 there and then you've got [Monsana 00:01:53] with
these other companies that have such big money that it's not even a fair fight.
The playing field's not level.
I mean, you got on hand, you've got these mega corporations, these mega billionaires
like the Coke brothers, exactly and you want to know where these messages coming from.
It just seems like common sense and it levels the playing field and so all the parties have
access to equal information.
I thought it was interesting.
The mega donor said, "You know what you're gonna do is create a climate of fear among
us, that we're gonna be fearful when it comes to funding."
Fearful of what?
Impermissible chill speech or assembly is what they were claiming.
Hopefully, of course this is second circuit decision.
The chances of this Supreme Court doing much to change anything about Citizens United,
I mean, you got Roberts.
It's a Roberts court.
He's the one that actually made Citizen United happen.
BREAKING: Military Patrol Makes SHOCKING Discovery In Freight Trailer At US/Mexico Border - Duration: 2:46.
BREAKING: Military Patrol Makes SHOCKING Discovery In Freight Trailer At US/Mexico Border- Here's
What We Know More than 100 migrants from Central America
were found in a freight trailer abandoned by a roadside near the U.S.-Mexico border,
agents from Mexico's National Immigration Institute said Friday.
The trailer was discovered near Ciudad Camargo, an extremely violent region across the border
from Rio Grande City, Texas, the Mexican immigration agents said.
Passing military patrol personnel heard people pounding on the inside walls of the truck
and calling for help, FOX News reports.
The migrants, from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, were suffering from dehydration
and asphyxiation when soldiers came across the truck in Tamaulipas, where migrants often
attempt illegal border crossings, Reuters reported.
The container had apparently been abandoned by migrant traffickers.
Thousands of Central Americans each year, fleeing violence and poverty, are transported
by human traffickers in treacherous, sometimes life-threatening conditions, the report said.
The migrants use Mexico as a channel to the U.S.
The rescued migrants, who crammed together for about 12 hours, included 91 Hondurans,
seven Guatemalans and five Salvadorans.
Among them were 24 youths and 12 unaccompanied minors who were turned over to child welfare
authorities.A photo sent by the INM appeared to show some of the migrants' belongings
in the back of the truck, including a small, pink backpack, duffel bags and trash strewn
across the floor.Subsequently, President Donald Trump called on the Mexican government Friday
to block MS-13 gang members from traveling through Mexico to the U.S.Trump on Friday
urged Mexico to do more to prevent violent illegal immigrants from El Salvador from entering
the United States, again pushing his long-proposed border wall but stopping short of his previous
claims that Mexico would fund it.
In a Twitter post, Trump said U.S. law enforcement was removing Salvadoran gang members but that
they continued to return, adding: "El Salvador just takes our money, and Mexico must help
MORE with this problem.
We need The Wall!"
In July 2017, 10 people died after a truck carrying more than 100 Guatemalan and Mexican
migrants was left in the parking lot of a Walmart store in San Antonio, Texas.
This needs to end.
U.S. Supreme Court Smacks Down Gun Rights Activists - Duration: 6:06.
The US Supreme Court turned away the constitutional challenge that was brought by gun rights activists
in California.
It's supposed to impose a 10 ... We're at imposing a 10 day waiting period for the purchase
of firearms.
I mean, that's the least you can do, give them 10 days and it was intended to guard
against impulsive violence.
Husband gets mad at wife says, "Well, I'll teach you."
Goes out, buys a gun.
The 10 day cooling off period, it makes perfect sense.
So what I love is the Supreme Court turned that away.
They said, "Okay, we're not gonna mess with that law.
We're not even gonna look at that law."
Frankly, it's the least we could be doing when we talk about gun laws, what's your take?
Well, what's scary to me is that Justice Thomas, one of the Supreme Court justices that turned
down the decision, dissented from the court case and he said that ... He wrote his dissent
that the Second Amendment is the disfavored right in this court.
Now it's just, it's mind boggling to me-
Can you imagine?
A disfavored right.
I mean, my daughter is in one of the state universities and they actually showed up in
force in front of the president's office at the university to champion that there was
some cooling off period.
And can you imagine who in the world would not be in favor of a 10 day waiting period?
What in your right ... And here we have a Supreme Court justice saying it's a right.
We're not taking away the right.
We're not taking away the guns.
We're just saying, hey, just give it 10 days before you go buy one of these-
How about this?
Let me add some coal to this fire.
Let me tell you something that most people don't understand and they wonder, "Well, why
don't more people bring lawsuits against these gun manufacturers?"
What most people don't understand is these gun manufacturers have immunity.
I mean, the immunity is extraordinary.
The immunity says basically that we can't go after gun manufacturers the same way that
we do other manufacturers of other product.
And people are always ... And if you think about it, the way we bring about social change
in this country, it's very rarely legislatively.
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
It's hardly ever the media that accomplishes it.
It usually is taking people to court, suing them, taking their money away and saying,
"You know what?
If you're going to conduct business like this, we're going to sue you."
So friend of ours, Perry Whites, brings up in New York, brings a lawsuit, and the lawsuit
had to do with the fact that you had a manufacturer of a gun that was made for no other purpose
just to go out and commit murder and that's what it was about.
It was cheap.
You could get it easily.
And as matter of fact, he was even finding documents that showed that that was part of
the reason they wanted to produce this gun.
So what does he do?
He brings a lawsuit against the manufacturers and Congress during the time that the manufacturing
lawsuit is pending, passes a law that honestly states that you can't sue a gun manufacturer
for that type of thing.
And people are completely unaware of this.
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
You understand, the only time I've seen a lawsuit that's worked against the gun manufacturers
is with Remington.
Remington had a barrel that was exploding.
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Okay, well, you know, that's different.
That's not just a pure gun defect.
That's a-
Product failure.
... product failure.
So that's different from the kind of lawsuit that Perry was trying to bring and say, "Look,
we ought to be able to sue this company because we know what they're doing."
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
They're just creating something to kill somebody with-
... and we want this thing off the market.
It's called Saturday night-
Saturday night special.
Saturday night special, yeah.
What's your take on that?
I mean, I don't care-
How do you change things without lawsuit?
You have to.
I mean, quite frankly, the reason why the judicial branch was created is to give a voice
to the small people.
What we have driving this country is we have PACs, we have big money corporations.
They're driving public policy, they're driving new legislation.
In order to get things done, it has to be through the judicial system.
I'll tell you, I hate to go back to the story again, but I mentioned this one of the last
times we got together is the opiate epidemic.
This has gone on for 15 or 20 years.
Nobody did anything.
The DEA's sitting there, everybody's sitting there.
All of a sudden it's not even on the front page of the press and I know you've hit this
point before.
Because all these big companies, big pharma spending hundreds of millions of dollars in-
... advertising.
Doesn't make it in the front ... What's driving the change right now?
The fact that plaintiff's lawyers, judicial branch of filed 4, 5, 600 lawsuits and now
it's on the front page of the press.
And where are we driving the change?
Through the judicial system.
You see how many times ... If you're watching this, I want you to look and tell me if you
can ever find the media saying the obvious, and that is that without our ability to bring
lawsuits against these companies and take their money away, the media doesn't even get
the connections.
They don't even ... They do, but they won't talk about the fact the only place you get
anything done as in a courtroom, especially when you're dealing with criminals like we
have to deal with every day.
So the point is this, that legislation is not going to change anything.
The media, they could write front page every day.
It's not gonna change anything.
The only thing that changes something is when you take these freaks into a courtroom and
they get hit for a billion dollars and then they say, "You know what?
This is risky business.
We can't do it."
You're with the common man.
At the end of the day, you're wondering if your state is one of those states that has
judges running for office or you see these Supreme Court justices being nominated.
Well, why doesn't ... Why does that impact me?
Actually, the judicial officers, the courts, the judges are probably the biggest necessary
stalwart against corporate America to ensure that the common man, the regular person's
being protected by big companies because they're the ones that [crosstalk 00:06:03]
A jury trial, yeah.
The jury trial's the only place you can do this.
Scud Hits US military Barracks in Saudi Arabia - 2/25/1991 - Duration: 0:51.
Today in military history, 1991.
A Scud missile fired by Iraq
hits US military barracks in Saudi Arabia,
killing 28 Army reservists.
At the height of the Persian Gulf War,
Iraq shot a number of Scud missiles at coalition troops
at Israeli targets inside Israel.
The Scud is not exactly known for its accuracy.
It's an unguided missile that you pretty much fire
and hope it doesn't get intercepted by a Patriot battery.
On February 25th, 1991,
a Scud missile got through the Patriot defenses,
hitting a military barracks near Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
The barracks was the makeshift home
of a group of Army Reserve Quartermasters from Pennsylvania.
When the missile hit, it was 8:40 p.m.,
and the troops were winding down, eating dinner,
and relaxing for the night.
The missile killed 28 and wounded at least 100 more.
It was the single largest loss of life
for American troops in the entire Gulf War.
(moody piano and orchestration)
Peña Nieto cancels US trip over wall dispute - Duration: 0:53.
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto reportedly called off a trip to the White House after
a not-so-friendly border wall conversation with President Donald Trump, according to
an administration official.
The Washington Post first reported that Peña Nieto halted the trip after Trump refused
to publicly state that Mexico will not fund his border wall during a phone call last week.
The Trump administration asked Congress for $18 billion to fund construction of the wall
last month.
But Trump still insists Mexico will pay for it.
Trump repeatedly promised on the campaign trail that Mexico would fund a barrier along
the U.S.-Mexico border, though he's also said that payment might come "indirectly" from
trade negotiations.
Mexico's Foreign Ministry has repeatedly said it won't fund a wall.
North Korea seems willing to talk to the US - Duration: 0:38.
North Korea is willing to hold talks with a U.S. delegation, according to South Korea's
In a statement, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said the North also agreed that "the
inter-Korean relationship and North Korea-US relationship should develop together."
The presidential office didn't mention anything about the North's nuclear program or whether
these talks would address it.
The issue has long been a sticking point between North Korea and the U.S.
Still, this is also one of the first signs North Korea is willing to cooperate in a long
But some people are skeptical — they think it might be about easing sanctions.
Hateful US Skier Blames Ivanka For Ruining His Olympics After Not Getting Medal, Then Gets... - Duration: 5:11.
Hateful US Skier Blames Ivanka For Ruining His Olympics After Not Getting Medal, Then
Gets More Bad News The Olympic Games are coming to an end.
As such, the Vice President has already returned to the United States while First Daughter
Ivanka Trump went to conduct political business with South Korea's leaders as well as lead
the American Olympic delegation home.
However, one Olympic athlete, in particular, was not too pleased with this.
The Huffington Post reported,
"U.S. Olympian Gus Kenworthy on Sunday issued a dig at Ivanka Trump colder than snow on
which he skied during the Winter Games.
"So proud of all these people," he tweeted as Team USA prepared to participate in the
closing ceremony for the 2018 Olympics Pyeongchang, South Korea.
Kenworthy, who came in 12th place in the slopestyle final, noted that "everyone has worked so
hard to make it to the Olympics."
"Well … Everyone except Ivanka," he quipped.
"Honestly, tf is she doing here?"
The first daughter traveled to South Korea to head the U.S. delegation during the closing
She met and dined with South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Friday and greeted athletes
from Team USA earlier on Sunday.
Trump has faced backlash over her presence at the event, as did Vice President Mike Pence,
who led the delegation who led the delegation during the games' opening ceremony."Dan
Calabrese had a particularly interesting opinion on Kenworthy's comments,
"OK, fine, you don't like her politically and you think she doesn't support your agenda.
I'm not actually sure that's true where Ivanka is concerned, but whatever.
She's Trump's daughter and you're politically anti-Trump.
Got it.
Why exactly does that necessitate this?
For those not up to speed on current online lingo, "tf" means "the f***".
I suppose we can't ignore this 800-pound gorilla: Kenworthy, like Adam Rippon, is gay
and is being hailed as a gay rights ambassador by those enthralled with that movement.
Also like Rippon, he apparently feels the need to go off on anyone connected to the
Trump Administration who shows up at the Olympics in support of the U.S. team, regardless of
whether the administration member being attacked has said or done anything averse to him.
What is Ivanka doing there?
She's doing what presidents always send representatives to do, which is providing
the Olympic team with the imprimatur of the head of state's support and leadership.
Every country at the Olympics will have someone there from its government serving as a titular
figurehead of the team.
To not do that would be to disrespect the Olympic team in a way that would surely set
Twitter alight all its own.
Two questions: 1.
Can you imagine Mike Eruzione, or Dorothy Hamill, or Mark Spitz, or Michael Jordan,
or, er . . . Caitlin Jenner . . . taking an unprovoked shot at a president's son or
daughter, regardless of their politics, just because they showed up at the Olympics?
And if they did, can you imagine leading cultural voices hailing such behavior as brave and
Both Kenworthy and Rippon are being lauded for the way they're representing the gay
Isn't it a stereotype of gay men that they tend to be catty?
Isn't that exactly what their respective unprovoked attacks on Mike Pence and Ivanka
Trump are, by definition?"
US Weekly also reported more about the backstory,
"Trump traveled to PyeongChang to support the U.S. delegation during the Closing Ceremony.
She landed in the country on Friday, February 23, and spent time with President Moon Jae-in
before greeting the athletes on Sunday.
Kenworthy also spoke out against Vice President Mike Pence's trip to the country two weeks
earlier when the conservative politician cheered on Team USA at the Opening Ceremony.
"Our country is a patchwork nation, so I want to make sure people remember that,"
the openly gay athlete previously told Us Weekly.
"The LGBT community has been so marginalized and underrepresented in so many ways that
it's more important than ever to stand up and be proud at these games.
Mike Pence may say he's an ally, but he has previously pushed agendas that have not
been supportive, so that's why I want to use my voice."
Ivanka Trump was representing the United States because President Trump and Vice President
Pence had to go back to the states to do work.
She is a well-known member of the Trump administration and thus is a good representative.
It is completely normal for her to be there.
For anyone to take issue with that is simply strange.
Kenworthy did not even medal at the Olympics and perhaps if he had worried less about politics
and who was attending the Olympics from the administration he would have actually succeeded
and received a medal.
But instead, he chose to focus on superfluous nonsense that did not really matter.
U.S "will see" if North Korea's willingness for talks is commitment to denuclearize - Duration: 1:47.
Let's begin with the post-Olympics diplomacy between the U.S. and North Korea that's being
meditated by South Korea.
Pyongyang claims it's up for talks,... but Washington insists a meeting can only happen
when the North makes a solid commitment to abandon its nuclear weapons program.
Lee Seung-jae starts us off.
It's seems the United States and North Korea are inching toward direct talks,... but only
under one condition.
The White House released a statement on Sunday saying the U.S. "will see" if North Korea's
willingness for talks is a commitment to denuclearize.
It added that the U.S. and the world must continue to make clear that Pyongyang's nuclear
and missile programs are a dead end.
However, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Pyongyang's willingness to talk
is a "first step" along the path to denuclearization.
This comes as South Korea's presidential office released a statement earlier in the day,...
stating that Kim Yong-chol expressed North Korea's willingness to begin dialogue with
the U.S. when he met with President Moon Jae-in shortly before the closing ceremony for the
PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
According to a spokesman for the Blue House,...
President Moon pointed out that U.S.-North Korea dialogue must take place in order to
improve relations between the two Koreas and to find a fundamental solution to issues on
the Korean Peninsula.
The spokesman added the North Korean delegates agreed that inter-Korean ties and relations
between the North and the U.S. should develop simultaneously.
Dubbed the 'Peace Olympics',... there's hope the PyeongChang Winter Games have opened doors
for a more peaceful Peninsula,... and could potentially be the catalyst that brings the
U.S. and North Korea back to talks.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.
North Korea expresses willingness to hold talks with United States - Duration: 2:12.
Our top story this morning...
The 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games came to a close on Sunday night in the same
place they burst open slightly over two weeks ago.
While there was plenty of focus on the ceremony itself and the various performances,... political
watchers were keeping a close eye on President Moon Jae-in, and his guests: U.S.
First Daughter Ivanka Trump,... and high-ranking North Korean general Kim Yong-chol.
For more on what was an eventful day in Pyeongchang,... Lee Seung-jae reports.
With the 2018 Winter Olympics coming to a close on Sunday night,... the focus was on
President Moon Jae-in and his guests of honor,... the U.S.
First Daughter and White House advisor, Ivanka Trump,...... and North Korean general Kim
Entering the VIP enclosure at the PyeongChang Olympic Stadium,...
President Moon shook hands with Ivanka Trump,... and soon afterwards with Kim Yong-chol,...
but there was no interaction between the American and North Korean delegations.
South Korea's presidential office released a statement on Sunday,... stating that Kim
Yong-chol expressed North Korea's willingness to begin dialogue with the U.S. when he met
with President Moon shortly before the start of the closing ceremony.
According to a spokesman for the Blue House,...
President Moon pointed out that U.S.-North Korea dialogue must take place in order to
improve relations between the two Koreas and to find a fundamental solution to issues on
the Korean Peninsula.
The spokesman added the North Korean delegates agreed that inter-Korean ties and relations
between the North and the U.S. should develop simultaneously.
The White House later released a statement saying the U.S. "will see" if North Korea's
willingness for talks is a commitment to denuclearize.
It added that the U.S. and the world must continue to make clear that Pyongyang's nuclear
and missile programs are a dead end.
Dubbed the 'Peace Olympics',... there's hope the PyeongChang Winter Games have opened doors
for a more peaceful Peninsula,... and could potentially be the catalyst that brings the
U.S. and North Korea back to talks.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.
Glenn Beck: US political divide like 1920s Germany - Duration: 8:20.
U.S "will see" if North Korea's willingness for talks is commitment to denuclearize - Duration: 1:47.
North Korea says it's willing to talk with the U.S. -- that message was relayed through
South Korea's presidential office.
But it takes two parties to start a dialogue, and the United States is once again insisting
that talks can only happen once the North has made a solid commitment to abandon its
nuclear weapons program.
Lee Seung-jae tells us more.
It's seems the United States and North Korea are inching toward direct talks,... but only
under one condition.
The White House released a statement on Sunday saying the U.S. "will see" if North Korea's
willingness for talks is a commitment to denuclearize.
It added that the U.S. and the world must continue to make clear that Pyongyang's nuclear
and missile programs are a dead end.
However, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Pyongyang's willingness to talk
is a "first step" along the path to denuclearization.
This comes as South Korea's presidential office released a statement earlier in the day,...
stating that Kim Yong-chol expressed North Korea's willingness to begin dialogue with
the U.S. when he met with President Moon Jae-in shortly before the closing ceremony for the
PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
According to a spokesman for the Blue House,...
President Moon pointed out that U.S.-North Korea dialogue must take place in order to
improve relations between the two Koreas and to find a fundamental solution to issues on
the Korean Peninsula.
The spokesman added the North Korean delegates agreed that inter-Korean ties and relations
between the North and the U.S. should develop simultaneously.
Dubbed the 'Peace Olympics',... there's hope the PyeongChang Winter Games have opened doors
for a more peaceful Peninsula,... and could potentially be the catalyst that brings the
U.S. and North Korea back to talks.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.
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