The US Supreme Court turned away the constitutional challenge that was brought by gun rights activists
in California.
It's supposed to impose a 10 ... We're at imposing a 10 day waiting period for the purchase
of firearms.
I mean, that's the least you can do, give them 10 days and it was intended to guard
against impulsive violence.
Husband gets mad at wife says, "Well, I'll teach you."
Goes out, buys a gun.
The 10 day cooling off period, it makes perfect sense.
So what I love is the Supreme Court turned that away.
They said, "Okay, we're not gonna mess with that law.
We're not even gonna look at that law."
Frankly, it's the least we could be doing when we talk about gun laws, what's your take?
Well, what's scary to me is that Justice Thomas, one of the Supreme Court justices that turned
down the decision, dissented from the court case and he said that ... He wrote his dissent
that the Second Amendment is the disfavored right in this court.
Now it's just, it's mind boggling to me-
Can you imagine?
A disfavored right.
I mean, my daughter is in one of the state universities and they actually showed up in
force in front of the president's office at the university to champion that there was
some cooling off period.
And can you imagine who in the world would not be in favor of a 10 day waiting period?
What in your right ... And here we have a Supreme Court justice saying it's a right.
We're not taking away the right.
We're not taking away the guns.
We're just saying, hey, just give it 10 days before you go buy one of these-
How about this?
Let me add some coal to this fire.
Let me tell you something that most people don't understand and they wonder, "Well, why
don't more people bring lawsuits against these gun manufacturers?"
What most people don't understand is these gun manufacturers have immunity.
I mean, the immunity is extraordinary.
The immunity says basically that we can't go after gun manufacturers the same way that
we do other manufacturers of other product.
And people are always ... And if you think about it, the way we bring about social change
in this country, it's very rarely legislatively.
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
It's hardly ever the media that accomplishes it.
It usually is taking people to court, suing them, taking their money away and saying,
"You know what?
If you're going to conduct business like this, we're going to sue you."
So friend of ours, Perry Whites, brings up in New York, brings a lawsuit, and the lawsuit
had to do with the fact that you had a manufacturer of a gun that was made for no other purpose
just to go out and commit murder and that's what it was about.
It was cheap.
You could get it easily.
And as matter of fact, he was even finding documents that showed that that was part of
the reason they wanted to produce this gun.
So what does he do?
He brings a lawsuit against the manufacturers and Congress during the time that the manufacturing
lawsuit is pending, passes a law that honestly states that you can't sue a gun manufacturer
for that type of thing.
And people are completely unaware of this.
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
You understand, the only time I've seen a lawsuit that's worked against the gun manufacturers
is with Remington.
Remington had a barrel that was exploding.
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Okay, well, you know, that's different.
That's not just a pure gun defect.
That's a-
Product failure.
... product failure.
So that's different from the kind of lawsuit that Perry was trying to bring and say, "Look,
we ought to be able to sue this company because we know what they're doing."
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
They're just creating something to kill somebody with-
... and we want this thing off the market.
It's called Saturday night-
Saturday night special.
Saturday night special, yeah.
What's your take on that?
I mean, I don't care-
How do you change things without lawsuit?
You have to.
I mean, quite frankly, the reason why the judicial branch was created is to give a voice
to the small people.
What we have driving this country is we have PACs, we have big money corporations.
They're driving public policy, they're driving new legislation.
In order to get things done, it has to be through the judicial system.
I'll tell you, I hate to go back to the story again, but I mentioned this one of the last
times we got together is the opiate epidemic.
This has gone on for 15 or 20 years.
Nobody did anything.
The DEA's sitting there, everybody's sitting there.
All of a sudden it's not even on the front page of the press and I know you've hit this
point before.
Because all these big companies, big pharma spending hundreds of millions of dollars in-
... advertising.
Doesn't make it in the front ... What's driving the change right now?
The fact that plaintiff's lawyers, judicial branch of filed 4, 5, 600 lawsuits and now
it's on the front page of the press.
And where are we driving the change?
Through the judicial system.
You see how many times ... If you're watching this, I want you to look and tell me if you
can ever find the media saying the obvious, and that is that without our ability to bring
lawsuits against these companies and take their money away, the media doesn't even get
the connections.
They don't even ... They do, but they won't talk about the fact the only place you get
anything done as in a courtroom, especially when you're dealing with criminals like we
have to deal with every day.
So the point is this, that legislation is not going to change anything.
The media, they could write front page every day.
It's not gonna change anything.
The only thing that changes something is when you take these freaks into a courtroom and
they get hit for a billion dollars and then they say, "You know what?
This is risky business.
We can't do it."
You're with the common man.
At the end of the day, you're wondering if your state is one of those states that has
judges running for office or you see these Supreme Court justices being nominated.
Well, why doesn't ... Why does that impact me?
Actually, the judicial officers, the courts, the judges are probably the biggest necessary
stalwart against corporate America to ensure that the common man, the regular person's
being protected by big companies because they're the ones that [crosstalk 00:06:03]
A jury trial, yeah.
The jury trial's the only place you can do this.
For more infomation >> U.S. Supreme Court Smacks Down Gun Rights Activists - Duration: 6:06.-------------------------------------------
#Eakinomics: Does the U.S. Government Have a Budget? - Duration: 1:31.
I'm Doug Holtz-Eakin, president of the American Action Forum.
When President Trump released his budget on February 8th, most of the attention
focused on the 7 trillion dollars in deficit over the next 10 years, but that
should have come as no surprise. After all, the taxes were locked in by the tax
reform bill signed in December, and spending for the next two years was
negotiated with Congress in a bipartisan Budget Act that was signed in 2018. So
there really were no surprises in the budget, but the real reason we have the
deficits is the large and growing entitlement spending programs. Those are
the same spending programs that caused President Obama to leave behind a
deficit of 10 trillion dollars over the next 10 years. Now you might think the
problem is: we've got these special agreements and not the normal budget process.
What would the normal budget process do? Well the President would make
some suggestions. Congress would pass a budget resolution in the House,
maybe in the Senate, maybe in both, and then committees would go off and do
whatever they wanted with taxes – do what they want with spending. But nowhere, ever,
would there be an agreement on the taxes and the spending that added up to a
coherent budget. The U.S. doesn't have a budget. It has budgetary outcomes
– usually bad. We have to get a grip on our deficits, and we need a better process to do it.
Donald Trump BELIEVES in Brexit : Farage warns US President is watching EU exit - Duration: 2:10.
Citizens United Dealt DEVASTATING Blow In New York Court - Duration: 2:50.
You know, Citizens United, the group that brought the case that allowed corporate money
to destroy our democracy was recently handed a defeat in the state of New York where they
tried to prevent charities from having to disclose their super donor.
Peter, incredible case because think of what the donors were saying.
Here you had these mega billionaires that were saying, "We have a first amendment right
to keep it quiet where we're spending our money," and I love that the court rejected
and said, "That's nonsense."
This is only second circuit.
It hasn't gotten the Supreme's.
It'll be tested in the Supreme.
Give me your take on this.
I love this decision.
They said, "Look, there's no impermissible chilling of speech by you having to disclose
who you are when you give a gazillion dollars."
What's your take?
Well, Citizens United wanted to keep their donors secret.
They didn't want people to know.
They didn't want the regulators to know.
They wanted to keep them secret and didn't want anybody to find out or determine who
was the one that was funding Citizens United.
I think it's imperative that when you have these stories hitting the national press,
you have these theme and these campaigns.
You have the elections that are being influenced by some of these organizations.
You want to know who's funding it.
You want to know is this an objective message?
You want to know who's pushing the message, what corporations are behind it, what individuals
are behind it and that's all we're asking for.
Yeah, well, most of the time, what you have is you have the haves versus the have nots
on any kind of issue.
Well, best example I could give you is California.
They'll have a referendum.
Last referendum was, "We want to know if there's a GMO product that we're buying.
We have a right to know that."
Okay, well you got the people that say, "We have the right to know."
They can raise 1,000 here and 1,000 there and then you've got [Monsana 00:01:53] with
these other companies that have such big money that it's not even a fair fight.
The playing field's not level.
I mean, you got on hand, you've got these mega corporations, these mega billionaires
like the Coke brothers, exactly and you want to know where these messages coming from.
It just seems like common sense and it levels the playing field and so all the parties have
access to equal information.
I thought it was interesting.
The mega donor said, "You know what you're gonna do is create a climate of fear among
us, that we're gonna be fearful when it comes to funding."
Fearful of what?
Impermissible chill speech or assembly is what they were claiming.
Hopefully, of course this is second circuit decision.
The chances of this Supreme Court doing much to change anything about Citizens United,
I mean, you got Roberts.
It's a Roberts court.
He's the one that actually made Citizen United happen.
U.S "will see" if North Korea's willingness for talks is commitment to denuclearize - Duration: 1:47.
Let's begin with the post-Olympics diplomacy between the U.S. and North Korea that's being
meditated by South Korea.
Pyongyang claims it's up for talks,... but Washington insists a meeting can only happen
when the North makes a solid commitment to abandon its nuclear weapons program.
Lee Seung-jae starts us off.
It's seems the United States and North Korea are inching toward direct talks,... but only
under one condition.
The White House released a statement on Sunday saying the U.S. "will see" if North Korea's
willingness for talks is a commitment to denuclearize.
It added that the U.S. and the world must continue to make clear that Pyongyang's nuclear
and missile programs are a dead end.
However, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Pyongyang's willingness to talk
is a "first step" along the path to denuclearization.
This comes as South Korea's presidential office released a statement earlier in the day,...
stating that Kim Yong-chol expressed North Korea's willingness to begin dialogue with
the U.S. when he met with President Moon Jae-in shortly before the closing ceremony for the
PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
According to a spokesman for the Blue House,...
President Moon pointed out that U.S.-North Korea dialogue must take place in order to
improve relations between the two Koreas and to find a fundamental solution to issues on
the Korean Peninsula.
The spokesman added the North Korean delegates agreed that inter-Korean ties and relations
between the North and the U.S. should develop simultaneously.
Dubbed the 'Peace Olympics',... there's hope the PyeongChang Winter Games have opened doors
for a more peaceful Peninsula,... and could potentially be the catalyst that brings the
U.S. and North Korea back to talks.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.
North Korea expresses willingness to hold talks with United States - Duration: 2:12.
Our top story this morning...
The 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games came to a close on Sunday night in the same
place they burst open slightly over two weeks ago.
While there was plenty of focus on the ceremony itself and the various performances,... political
watchers were keeping a close eye on President Moon Jae-in, and his guests: U.S.
First Daughter Ivanka Trump,... and high-ranking North Korean general Kim Yong-chol.
For more on what was an eventful day in Pyeongchang,... Lee Seung-jae reports.
With the 2018 Winter Olympics coming to a close on Sunday night,... the focus was on
President Moon Jae-in and his guests of honor,... the U.S.
First Daughter and White House advisor, Ivanka Trump,...... and North Korean general Kim
Entering the VIP enclosure at the PyeongChang Olympic Stadium,...
President Moon shook hands with Ivanka Trump,... and soon afterwards with Kim Yong-chol,...
but there was no interaction between the American and North Korean delegations.
South Korea's presidential office released a statement on Sunday,... stating that Kim
Yong-chol expressed North Korea's willingness to begin dialogue with the U.S. when he met
with President Moon shortly before the start of the closing ceremony.
According to a spokesman for the Blue House,...
President Moon pointed out that U.S.-North Korea dialogue must take place in order to
improve relations between the two Koreas and to find a fundamental solution to issues on
the Korean Peninsula.
The spokesman added the North Korean delegates agreed that inter-Korean ties and relations
between the North and the U.S. should develop simultaneously.
The White House later released a statement saying the U.S. "will see" if North Korea's
willingness for talks is a commitment to denuclearize.
It added that the U.S. and the world must continue to make clear that Pyongyang's nuclear
and missile programs are a dead end.
Dubbed the 'Peace Olympics',... there's hope the PyeongChang Winter Games have opened doors
for a more peaceful Peninsula,... and could potentially be the catalyst that brings the
U.S. and North Korea back to talks.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.
U.S "will see" if North Korea's willingness for talks is commitment to denuclearize - Duration: 1:47.
North Korea says it's willing to talk with the U.S. -- that message was relayed through
South Korea's presidential office.
But it takes two parties to start a dialogue, and the United States is once again insisting
that talks can only happen once the North has made a solid commitment to abandon its
nuclear weapons program.
Lee Seung-jae tells us more.
It's seems the United States and North Korea are inching toward direct talks,... but only
under one condition.
The White House released a statement on Sunday saying the U.S. "will see" if North Korea's
willingness for talks is a commitment to denuclearize.
It added that the U.S. and the world must continue to make clear that Pyongyang's nuclear
and missile programs are a dead end.
However, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Pyongyang's willingness to talk
is a "first step" along the path to denuclearization.
This comes as South Korea's presidential office released a statement earlier in the day,...
stating that Kim Yong-chol expressed North Korea's willingness to begin dialogue with
the U.S. when he met with President Moon Jae-in shortly before the closing ceremony for the
PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
According to a spokesman for the Blue House,...
President Moon pointed out that U.S.-North Korea dialogue must take place in order to
improve relations between the two Koreas and to find a fundamental solution to issues on
the Korean Peninsula.
The spokesman added the North Korean delegates agreed that inter-Korean ties and relations
between the North and the U.S. should develop simultaneously.
Dubbed the 'Peace Olympics',... there's hope the PyeongChang Winter Games have opened doors
for a more peaceful Peninsula,... and could potentially be the catalyst that brings the
U.S. and North Korea back to talks.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.
N. Korea 'willing to talk' with U.S. despite Pres. Moon's mention of nuclear program - Duration: 2:28.
North Korea's Kim Yong-chol... was known to have told President Moon Jae-in the regime
is willing to talk with Washington.
What's most surprising is that the comment came despite the liberal leader's direct mention
of Pyongyang's denuclearization.
Oh Jung-hee has the full story.
We now know that North Korea repeatedly said it's willing to talk with the United States...
even though South Korea spoke directly of denuclearization.
The leader of North Korea's high-level delegation, Kim Yong-chol, met with South Korean President
Moon Jae-in on Sunday... shortly before the closing ceremony of the Olympics.
Kim said Pyongyang is willing to talk with Washington... but the initial response from
the White House was simply "we'll see," and that talks would depend on a commitment to
On Monday,... it turned out... that President Moon, in his meeting with the North Korean
general, actually brought up the need for denuclearization.
President Moon is reported to have said that if North Korea halts its nuclear and missile
provocations and returns to the path of dialogue,... then the international community will cooperate
on related measures.
It's reported that the North Korean delegates listened to President Moon but showed no particular
Sunday's meeting was the first time North Korea has openly and clearly mentioned its
willingless to sit down with the U.S.
Before and during the Olympics, Pyongyang was reluctant to speak with U.S. delegates,...
saying it wouldn't use the Olympics as a political opportunity.
And just last week, the North's state-run news agency reported... that the target of
the regime's nuclear arms is the United States.
But whether the North is really ready to discuss denuclearization with the U.S. in earnest
is still up for debate.
"Kim Yong-chol apparently did not mention the word denuclearization of nuclear weapons
yet, so we don't know whether North Korea's willingness to talk with the United States
is about nuclear weapons of North Korea,... or as it has pursued before, any talks is
possible if nuclear weapons is not the agenda of the talks with the United States."
South Korea's been keen to keep up the dialogue momentum with North Korea and eventually have
that lead to talks between Washington and Pyongyang.
But whether the North is actually willing to meet Washington's condition and discuss
its nuclear program... remains to be seen.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
U.S "will see" if North Korea's willingness for talks is commitment to denuclearize - Duration: 1:48.
Let's begin with the post-Olympics diplomacy between the U.S. and North Korea that's being
meditated by South Korea.
Pyongyang claims it's up for talks,... but Washington insists a meeting can only happen
when the North makes a solid commitment to abandon its nuclear weapons program.
Lee Seung-jae starts us off.
It's seems the United States and North Korea are inching toward direct talks,... but only
under one condition.
The White House released a statement on Sunday saying the U.S. "will see" if North Korea's
willingness for talks is a commitment to denuclearize.
It added that the U.S. and the world must continue to make clear that Pyongyang's nuclear
and missile programs are a dead end.
However, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Pyongyang's willingness to talk
is a "first step" along the path to denuclearization.
This comes as South Korea's presidential office released a statement earlier in the day,...
stating that Kim Yong-chol expressed North Korea's willingness to begin dialogue with
the U.S. when he met with President Moon Jae-in shortly before the closing ceremony for the
PyeongChang Winter Olympics.
According to a spokesman for the Blue House,...
President Moon pointed out that U.S.-North Korea dialogue must take place in order to
improve relations between the two Koreas and to find a fundamental solution to issues on
the Korean Peninsula.
The spokesman added the North Korean delegates agreed that inter-Korean ties and relations
between the North and the U.S. should develop simultaneously.
Dubbed the 'Peace Olympics',... there's hope the PyeongChang Winter Games have opened doors
for a more peaceful Peninsula,... and could potentially be the catalyst that brings the
U.S. and North Korea back to talks.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.
N. Korea 'willing to talk' with U.S. despite Pres. Moon's mention of nuclear program - Duration: 2:24.
North Korea's Kim Yong-chol... was known to have told President Moon Jae-in the regime
is willing to talk with Washington.
What's most surprising is that the comment came despite the liberal leader's direct mention
of Pyongyang's denuclearization.
Oh Jung-hee has the full story.
We now know that North Korea said it's willing to talk with the United States... even though
South Korea spoke directly of denuclearization.
The leader of North Korea's high-level delegation, Kim Yong-chol, met with South Korean President
Moon Jae-in on Sunday... shortly before the closing ceremony of the Olympics.
Kim said Pyongyang is willing to talk with Washington... but the initial response from
the White House was simply "we'll see," and that talks would depend on a commitment to
On Monday,... it turned out... that President Moon, in his meeting with the North Korean
general, actually brought up the need for denuclearization.
President Moon is reported to have said that if North Korea halts its nuclear and missile
provocations and returns to the path of dialogue,... then the international community will cooperate
on related measures.
It's reported that the North Korean delegates listened to President Moon but showed no particular
Sunday's meeting was the first time North Korea has openly and clearly mentioned its
willingless to sit down with the U.S.
Before and during the Olympics, Pyongyang was reluctant to speak with U.S. delegates,...
saying it wouldn't use the Olympics as a political opportunity.
And just last week, the North's state-run news agency reported... that the target of
the regime's nuclear arms is the United States.
But whether the North is really ready to discuss denuclearization with the U.S. in earnest
is still up for debate.
"Kim Yong-chol apparently did not mention the word denuclearization of nuclear weapons
yet, so we don't know whether North Korea's willingness to talk with the United States
is about nuclear weapons of North Korea,... or as it has pursued before, any talks is
possible if nuclear weapons is not the agenda of the talks with the United States."
South Korea's been keen to keep up the dialogue momentum with North Korea and eventually have
that lead to talks between Washington and Pyongyang.
But whether the North is actually willing to meet Washington's condition and discuss
its nuclear program... remains to be seen.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
U.S. First Daughter Ivanka Trump Says Her Kids Are Fans Of K-Pop, Including BTS(News) - Duration: 1:22.
U.S. First Daughter Ivanka Trump Says Her Kids Are Fans Of K-Pop, Including BTS
Ivanka Trump, the daughter of U.S. President Donald Trump, mentioned her childrens love of K-pop while dining with South Korean President Moon Jae In.
On February 23, Ivanka Trump attended a dinner at the Presidential Blue House in Korea, where she told President Moon Jae In that her children have recently become K-pop fans. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.
According to Blue House spokesman Yoon Young Chan, Ivanka Trump said, After I showed my children K-pop, theyve been holding a dance party every night.
She went on to add, Ill teach my children Korean so that next time [we visit], I can have them sing K-pop in front of you and your wife.
Ivanka Trump is also said to have specifically mentioned BTS while discussing her childrens new love of K-pop music.
Democratic primary candidates for US House seat debate in Bozeman - Duration: 1:38.
GUN laws in the UNITED STATES by state - WikiVidi Documentary - Duration: 2:51.
U.S. First Daughter Ivanka Trump Says Her Kids Are Fans Of K-Pop, Including BTS - Duration: 2:08.
U.S. First Daughter Ivanka Trump Says Her Kids Are Fans Of K-Pop, Including BTS
Ivanka Trump, the daughter of U.S.
President Donald Trump, mentioned her childrens love of K-pop while dining with South Korean President Moon Jae In.
On February 23, Ivanka Trump attended a dinner at the Presidential Blue House in Korea, where she told President Moon Jae In that her children have recently become K-pop fans.
Soompi. Display. News. English.
300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.
300x250. ATF.
According to Blue House spokesman Yoon Young Chan, Ivanka Trump said, After I showed my children K-pop, theyve been holding a dance party every night.
She went on to add, Ill teach my children Korean so that next time [we visit], I can have them sing K-pop in front of you and your wife.
Ivanka Trump is also said to have specifically mentioned BTS while discussing her childrens new love of K-pop music.
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