Hi everyone, I'm Jazmin and this is Break Through in English! Today's lesson is fashion!
To start off I think I should be honest and say I'm not exactly a fashion expert.
Someone who is really passionate about fashion is a fashionista.
Fashionistas are fashionable, which means they are trendy, stylish, or chic.
You're always so stylish. I know, right?
The opposite of fashionable is unfashionable, old-fashioned, or frumpy
You're always so...
frumpy. I know....
To commit a fashion faux pas means to wear something very unfashionable
like Crocs and socks or stripes and polka dots.
An item of clothing that is fashionable is in style or in fashion.
Leather jackets are so in style now.
Clothing can also go out of style, which means that it's no longer fashionable.
Didn't you know? Leather jackets went out of style last month. What?
Another expression with the word "style" is "have a sense of style".
This simply means that you know your fashion preferences.
I would say I have a really unique sense of style.
Yes. Yes, it is unique... yeah.
Fashion, like the weather, has seasons. For each natural season - summer spring fall winter -
fashion has a change in trends.
This winter season we have snow, snow, and more snow
with a low temperature of minus 25.
This fashion season features striped scarves and jean jackets!
If everyone wears a particular style it is called a trend.
A trend setter is someone who starts trends, like celebrities, and a trend follower is
everyone else who imitates the trend setter.
I think I'm gonna wear my scarf like this now.
OMG me too!!
Every once in a while a particular style becomes very popular and everyone and their dog is wearing it.
This is called a fad or a craze because everyone is crazy about it.
When clothing stores get new trendy merchandise or items you will often see the words "hot new trend or "must have".
This hat is a must-have item.
I simply must have it.
Finally, the phrase make a fashion statement is when you wear something
unusual or something that will draw attention to yourself.
Hello, I'd like to make a fashion statement. Oh sure sure go ahead...
Well, I've, I've already made it. Oh yes. Yes, yes, I see, ok.
Okay, let's talk about clothes.
Formal words for clothes include
apparel, attire, and wear.
These words are used usually to describe a specific type of clothing
Like sports apparel
Winter attire
and swim wear.
A single piece of clothing is a garment. A set of clothes that you wear all together is an outfit.
Wow, cute outfit!
Informal words for outfit include garb and get-up.
What exactly is that get-up supposed to be?
Oh I'm going for a "executive meets Hawaii".
Secondhand clothing is clothing that has already been worn or used.
A hand-me-down is a piece of clothing that your older brother or sister used to wear and now you have to wear it.
But mom I don't like the colour blue.
Accessories are non-clothing items that you wear or hold such as jewellery, belts, hats, and shoes.
To accessorize means to wear accessories.
I just love the way you accessorize!
I know, right? Accessorizing is truly an art.
If someone dresses really nicely you can say that they look smart or sharp.
Or you can say they are dressed to kill.
This is my murder outfit.
Not actually.
Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed this video!
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Lots of love!
For more infomation >> Fashion in English - Duration: 5:34.-------------------------------------------
[ENG SUB] 迪丽热巴《米兰时装周》D&G Fashion Devotion看秀影像 Dilireba for Milan Fashion Week - Watching the Show - Duration: 1:02.
Today I'll be seeing the Fashion Devotion concept designer clothes
This look
for the bottom, I'm wearing the Queen poker card skirt
The way the bags came out, even (I) thought
that it was really a really fresh concept
because previously, we've never seen anything like this
Using drones to bring the bags out, a scene like this
Then it's the models coming out one by one
I really wanted to wear every (piece of) dress
I felt it was very romantic
3 Fashion Mistakes EVERY Teen Makes - Duration: 2:31.
Friends In today's episode we are going to tell you some of the fashion styling mistakes that many of us usually do boys. watch till end
Friends, fashion experts have a science of fashion. Every kind of fashion does not suit every kind of person.
Everything is well organized and systematic, then it looks good.Those style you should know otherwise you will be better off if you become eligible for joke, then let's start-
1. Do not take care of hair- Friends Many of us are absolutely careless in the case of hair, such as taking a hair cut in the month or two months, using soap in the hair, taking oil from anyone etc.
Friend hair is a crown of your head, trim them one by one, twice a month. Use good quality shampoo on them and apply conditioners after shampoo so they are healthy and bright.
2. Too many colors to wear colorful clothes-
Friends, you have heard a thing which is beauty in simplicity, it is not in any other thing. Here we are not talking about simplicity, but you do not become so colorful that the smart little joker should be more.
Try that fashion to the extent that people are impressed with you and not joke. You should wear anything but your clothes should be decent.
3. Do not wear the right fitting clothes- Friends, what are the benefits of wearing good and expensive clothes when you do not get fit, i.e. when they are more tight than the limits or more than the limits.
Try that your clothes are in the right fit. Then if he is cheap and less good then neither will you feel like you are smart.
Friends were some of the mistakes that boys often make. Tell us in the comment that if you do not do these mistakes then?
DESPACITO - Fashion Moda 2018 Video LIVE [HD] SuperSexy Girl - Fiorella Castaneda - Replay in [HD] - Duration: 5:28.
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I Finally Purchased Fashion Nova Jeans...BUT WILL I GET THAT KYLIE JENNER BOOTY NOW?? - Duration: 11:49.
Nia Jax asserts her dominance in painful fashion against Asuka: WWE Elimination Chamber 2018 - Duration: 1:29.
Asuka caught.
Now look at this, looking at to put Nia away.
Submission move here. >> Asuka's looking for a knee bar,
but Nia's just too powerful. >> Way too powerful.
Asuka could get nothing,
no torque at all on the leg of Nia. >> Look at that.
>> Who just lifts Asuka up like nothing
and drives her into the turnbuckle. >> Sternum first.
Asuka's streak is in a great deal of jeopardy
right now, gentlemen. >> Everything she's trying just
isn't working. >> Now this is Asuka's fourth pay-per-view
since arriving on the scene in WWE.
She's won her first three,
only one woman in history has won their first four pay-per-view events in WWE.
That woman, the Fabulous Mula.
So if Asuka wins tonight imagine the company she joins as Nia
continues to torture Asuka. >> Literally a torture rack right now,
Asuka bending the wrong way.
It's incredibly painful, able to free herself momentarily.
And Asuka again trying to put Nia away. >> Looking for a guillotine.
I don't know if Asuka's got it locked in completely.
>> You gotta give Asuka credit,
she's pulling out all the stops against Nia, and Nia may be in trouble now.
Asuka looking to lock it in,
Nia trying to counter.
>> Wow. >> And again look at that.
>> And again, with the power,
Vertical Suplex. >> Wow.
>> And falls on Asuka as well.
>> That was a version of
the Jackhammer from Nia Jax.
Barbara Palvin Beauty photoshoot BTS - how to shoot fashion - どのようにファッション誌を撮影するか - Duration: 10:11.
how's it going guys? today we're going to be talking about this photo shooting
with Victoria's Secret's model Barbara Palvin.
and now I'm going to introduce you to the guy who took those pictures.
c'mon in man...yeah yeah...hello good looking?
thank you!
I like your style!...pretty cool!...nice shades!
thank you!, you have a nice jacket too!
oh really? cool man! thanks a lot! you have nice pants too!
and you have nice boots.
oh! nice one, isn't it?
right man, let's go straight up the business.
you see that camera out there?
yeah! I'm gonna sit behind it.
you sit here, then you're gonna tell us the story about this Barbara Palvin
photo shooting. ok? ok! cool just sit down here and then we see!
hello everybody!!
ok guys. Barbara Palvin was in town,
and I was assigned to shoot a few
different images for two different clients.
one of the clients was L'Oreal Paris.
A cosmetic brand, and the other client was at fashion magazine.
both clients were very clear about what kind of images they want.
they both wanted
daytime image and nighttime image.
I mean, Barbara was gonna be wearing
daytime clothes with daytime makeup.
L'Oreal has a new line of lipsticks,
they want emphasis on the lips.
she was also gonna be wearing nighttime clothes.
once again with emphasis on the lipsticks for L'Oreal
we have the clothes for the fashion magazine and the
lipstick for the L'Oreal client.
the magazine asked me to shoot three
different colorful and pop images.
one of them, one of the images, was going to be
used for the cover.
L'Oreal are asked me
to take two different headshots
of Barbara wearing the two different color lipsticks.
one matte color for daytime fashion,
and another one kind of glossy
color for nighttime fashion.
cool, so far...so good!
but then the client told me
something that I didn't want to hear!
they said, you have only one hour to do the job!
well, one hour it's not too bad,
as long as I don't have to change the lighting setup.
the clients agreed
to have the same lighting for
both the fashion photos
and for the beauty photos.
as for the lighting, as I was gonna
photograph glossy lipsticks,
and as I like to see
where the shadows are,
I chose a 4,000 watts HMI continuous light.
using continuous lights for beauty shots
is what I like to do.
I can pretty much see
where the shadows are,
where the things are shining,
even her eyes,
I can tell. alright, look a bit
more this way. the eyes are gonna be
when shooting Beauty,
colour temperature is the most important thing you have to take care of.
I usually use a Kelvin color meter. to see if the color temperature of the
lighting I am using. is around 5500 Kelvin.
then I set the white balance of my
camera to Kelvin 5500.
in case your lighting is below 5500, then what you
have to do is, you should get some blue gels in front in front of
the HMI
or in case it's higher than 5500,
then you should get some warm kind of
gels in front today of spot.
you can bring the temperature up or down
depending on the color temperature you have in your lighting source.
once you get there,
you take one picture
with a grey card positioned
in front of the model.
you're photographing in RAW. of course!
when you're photographing beauty, you have to photograph in RAW.
take this picture to Photoshop and open on Bridge.
and use the eyedropper tool,
right where the grey card is.
you're gonna see that the
colour is gonna change
to somewhere where is supposed to be
the best white balance
you can get!.
the client asked me for something pop and colorful.
yeah! what I was talking about?
oh yeah! the backdrop!
then what?
millions of balloons!!
pretty colorful isn'it?
it so I chose blue and
green balloons for the daytime image.
and red and pink balloons for the nighttime image.
I told Barbara to look happy, kind of smilesh, and make some funny faces
for the daytime look, and for the nighttime look I just told her to look
now let's take a look at the behind-the-scenes video.
you can see
that I'm kind of singing and dancing.
seems like I'm having the
best time of my life.
but it's fake man!!
I was just pretending to be having
a good time! why?
because I had just one hour.
I had one eye on the model
and another eye
on the watch!!
you know I mean?
in every time the stylists or hair makeup artist
got in the scene to retouch
something, or to fix the clothes. or to fix her hair, whatever, I was like....
just pretend to be cool,
but I was like...can you hurry up man!!
because we
have no time!!
we don't have the whole day here to do this job!!
let's go guys!! let's go!!
I am just pretending to be
having a good time!!
just keep myself cool.
if I was a dog,
I was gonna be barking at everyone!!...hurry up...would you?
have a look at the video!!
check this out
hey, that was pretty cool!!
I love it! I love you!
I am out of here!
no! hold on! hold on!
I'm just about to show the preview of the video.
I gonna be uploading on YouTube
next week!
could you just send our viewers a little message?
you know?
okay guys!
could you please help this poor man
make his YouTube channel grow?!
seems like under the new rules,
if you have less than 1000 subscribers,
YouTube you not promote your channel!
and he has only 500!!
poor man!!
if you have not
subscribed yet, would you please subscribe so you can
make this guy happy!
and maybe you can motivate him to keep on posting!
you know how these things are.
if nobody comment, nobody click like,
he is gonna
feel so sad...ain't you?...poor guy!!
so just comment a little thing cuz you know,
a relationship
without communication
doesn't work!!
just comment a little bit,
click like,
he's gonna be alright!!
are you ok now bro?
I am out of here!!
nice to see you guys!!
yeah!! that was nice!!
thanks a lot man!!
I'm gonna buy your beer next!!
yeah man! here's the preview
of the video I gonna be uploading next week!
check it out!
yeah guys! don't miss it yeah?
thanks for watching!!
please subscribe,
drop me a comment,
click like,
kiss your girlfriend,
kiss your mother,
take your dog for a walk,
buy me a beer,
and, you know?
talking about beer,
I'm off for beer!!
switch off!
Melania Trump fashion: What Melania Trump wore her 57th week as first lady US - Duration: 2:12.
Greenville Fashion Week - Duration: 3:41.
On trend or fashion faux pas? | Keep It Stylish, Sexy! - Duration: 2:49.
Of course I'll be posting kiss keep it stylish, sexy fashion trends and fashion faux-pas
You never know what you find in public places
Standing in line. I couldn't help noticing this lady at the cash
Are you seeing what I'm seeing? She hasn't removed the basting from the vent of her coat
This is not the first time I've noticed this and when I do I wonder why?
Why would somebody leave the basting in?
It takes two seconds to remove it and you don't need a special tool like a seam ripper to do it
Just cut the thread with small scissors, and you'll be able to pull it out quite easily
It's loosely stitched on purpose because it's meant to be removed once you take the garment home
Did they not know that the stitching is only there for shipping purposes so that the garment looks intact while it's in the stores that?
That you are supposed to remove the stitching before you wear it
maybe they are deliberately keeping it in so they don't end up sitting on it and creasing it
I would suggest that you get in the habit of
Straightening out and smoothing out your jacket before you sit on it
Now there are times when I recommend my clients not take out the stitching like in pockets
We'll talk more about that in a different video
Recently I observed a gentleman who obviously had a tailor stitched down the whole vent
Top-to-bottom it looked awful
Vents are supposed to be open and they're supposed to move with you
As you can see in the photo it's not doing that
If you want your image to say that your polished and put together, please remove the stitching in the vents of your jacket
Kiss keep it stylish sexy is all about following trends getting inspiration and enlightening style tips and tricks
So that you can avoid those fashion faux-pas
One of our videos might have you on there
Showing what? What are we going
to be seeing on your back is it going to be a trend or a fashion faux-pas tell me
You know what to do hit that subscribe button if you haven't already done so
If you enjoyed this video, please give us the thumbs up and remember caring is sharing
Thanks for watching remember kiss keep it stylish sexy. We'll see you next time bye for now
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