For more infomation >> SPRING FASHION 2018 | BEST WOMEN'S SPRING JACKETS FOR ANY OUTFIT | LOOKBOOK - Duration: 2:15.
💕 || FASHION by DARLA SEGANTI BLOG || 💕 ✔ - Duration: 1:01.
[ENG SUB] 180228 凤凰网视频专访黄子韬:和杨幂演对手戏学到很多 | Z.TAO x Ifeng Fashion interview - Duration: 1:31.
Hello, I'm Huang Zitao
I chose an outfit by myself
A sweater
Sweater and this shirt is not bad, I bought 3, 4 pieces yesterday
But they're different
I don't think we're totally the same
I just mix the interesting things in daily life and the scripts they write together
Then I act it with Xie Xiaofei's way
I learned lots of things from her
It helps me in both professionalism and dedication
I watched Street Dance of China before going to Paris
And I think it's very good
I think it's very real
I mean when that dancer dropped his identity card, I couldn't ignore it
I was afraid he would step on it or break it
It could ruin the performance so I asked him to do it again
I just never thought they would air that part and the voice cracking part too
I never care if there is a camera in front of me or something
I will just record with my most natural condition
Let's start by "mood" ! Seventies.
The years of revolution, an important decade
that today we still remember
Years when the woman said .. STOP
I'm a Woman with a capital W
So .. I'm always inspired
by great revolutions
when I' designing
I brought on the catwalk the 70s colored
The chic side instead of the more revolutionary hippie side
It's an explosion of colors
I pulled the cotton candy
than the delicacy of this color with
the wine must , with the strenght of must
I brought on the catwalk the "ocher" a powerful color
pulled with the eyeshadow , super delicacy color
protagonist is the classic leather color
color that is very reminiscent of that period
it remembers it a lot in the interior design
in the car steering wheels
in the gloves that women wore
we found it in the armchairs of the houses
and I made this color protagonist of my catwalk
Fabrics... i played a lot
with light laminated fabrics
wery much lurex
but a lurex
to wear with the sun
not a lurex to wear with the moon
robust fabrics
where inside i put a thousand colors
A warm greeting to Modeyes TV
HSN | Diane Gilman Fashions 02.27.2018 - 03 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.
Steax Hair Colour Highlight REVIEW | Love fashion hair colour | Review | subtitles on please - Duration: 2:46.
Rapping mode onnn
I'm doing stupid stuff on the screen to balance the rudeness in the voice over ^_^
Watch the video you like XD
That's how I risked my hair
EXACTRA? really?
My hands were BLUE..... T_T
Thanks! Leave a like if it helped :)
Philipp Plein vs. Fashion Week | KING OF BLING #5 | GQ Originals - Duration: 7:22.
The Findings Ep. 5: a curated list of fashion ideas and inspiration. - Duration: 4:14.
Hi everyone!
Here's another episode of the finding,
a curated list of the newest, best fashion related things.
Are you ready to geek out?
Did you know that each year, 2 billion pairs of tights
are produced, worn a few times and then discarded ?
Nylon is a synthetic fabric used for modern tights
is actually very harmful to the environment as it is not biodegradable.
The hosiery industry is in for a big change.
This Swedish brand figured out how to make eco-friendly tights
for all shapes, needs and sizes.
They have all kinds of tights, stockings and socks: basic, patterned, sexy.
And all of them are made out of recycled nylon.
On top of that, they also have a Recycling program
that will let you recycle your old tights
as they're usually made out of materials that take centuries to decompose.
We all have reasons to like or dislike fast fashion ,
but it's hard to really see behind the curtains of global brands and their processes.
In this podcast episode of 'Adam Ruins Everything'
professor Laura McAndrews - who previously worked at Gap
travelled to factories all over the world to oversee their fashion production.
Have a listen to her story touching on what she saw
the work conditions in those factories and how workers were treated.
A very honest and, in my opinion, much-needed insight into fast fashion production.
Charity shops might not be your first go to when you're thinking of updating your wardrobe.
I've been impressed with Holly Moore's take
on how many treasures lie waiting for the curious, avid fashionistas.
Watch the full video on What's Your Legacy youtube channel.
'How to stay stylish on a budget?'
is one of the questions that I get the most.
And apparently, I'm not the only one trying to express my style on a tight budget.
This article offers the same solutions I have offered my clients over the years
but in a fresh voice.
I had a good time reading it and found it inspirational.
I hope you do too.
Colour is a hard topic to approach for most of my clients and students.
Just like the saying that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' so is colour.
But fear not, this Instagram account curates colour
in a such a simple and easy to understand way
that you'll feel more at ease with bringing your own colourful touch to your wardrobe.
3D printing in fashion is nothing new
but did you know that the thin line between tech and fashion
has gotten thinner in more than just production ?
Accessories like watches, rings, and jewellery are getting smarter and more affordable as well.
How did we get this far and how much further we can go ?
It's all covered in this in-depth article.
That's it. I hope you liked this episode of the findings.
Please, let me know where you get your fashion inspiration from
and what cool blogs or movies you've seen recently.
Let's discover things together and inspire each other.
Give this video a Like, share it with other fashion enthusiasts and
don't forget to subscribe to my channel.
Thank you for watching, I'll see you next time !
X-H1: Putrad Johan x Fashion -Proud of- / FUJIFILM - Duration: 4:00.
The best part of being a photographer is actually
having the freedom to explore something based on my point of view.
I see every side from my point of view
and I am pleased to share it with a lot of people.
My name is Putra Djohan, I am a professional photographer.
Fujifilm is not a stranger for me.
I have been knowing Fuji camera and film since I was a kid, for example Provia / Velvia
And I had already been interested to the colors produced by Fuji itself
by that moment I had started to be a professional.
At that time I was using S1Pro and S2Pro
then couple of years later, Fuji released X100,
the same moment when I fell in love with Fuji,
The color it produces is so real, that's because the precise auto white balance.
I often use the spot light source that makes my typical way to capture,
and sometime I use mixed light with continuous and flash
Fuji released the X-H1 which is really helpful for me
It has a very quick auto focus
Auto focus is useful for capturing quick motion
and again the precise auto white balance
With Fuji, I can fulfill my photography style
and the other most useful feature is in body stabilization
IBIS helps me in the low speed mode without being afraid of shaking
continuous shooting has already in medium
It used to only be low and high, and X-H1 provides medium continuous
The latest simulation in X-H1 is ETERNA, that is often used by cinematographers
I can say that it's Fuji's signature, and is used by numbers of movies in the world
This is something new for me to explore
X-H1 is designed with a strong handgrip, suitable for big hands
And i really like the new layout display.
Hi guys and welcome back to my YouTube channel
Today it's the last day of February, if you are watching it the day it goes live
February has flown by so fast
Both January and February has flown by, I feel like it was just new years
But that's always how it is
I've gathered my February favorites to share with you
Some fashion items, some beauty items and some random bits
I hope you like this video, give me a thumbs up if you did
And I would love it if you leave me a comment
I miss your comments so much
The last few videos I haven't gotten that many comments from you guys
You have been giving me thumbs up which is really nice
But I would love more comments from you guys, that makes me so happy
Let me know what you want to see from me in the future
And your wish is my command
Let's start with the lipstick I'm wearing
It's from Urban Decay
It's from their Vice collection
It's called backtalk
The color is backtalk and it's comfort matte
I still love matte lipsticks
Even though we see that it's kind of going back to more of
Glossy lipglosses and things like that
But I love this one so much, and the color is so nice
So this is definitley a favorite
I haven't used it that much, but I always think to myself that I need to get better at it
So I'm really trying. So this has become a favorite
And another thing for my lips, is this one
This little pink thing, from Clinique
It's from their pep start collection
And this is called pout restoring night mask
This one is SO amazing
I have been kind of bad at using lipbalms during the night
Just because I haven't found the ones that work for me
I've used carmex and some other kinds
But they haven't done that much in my opinion
But this one is crazy good!
I love it, and it's super moisturizing
And you still have some left when you wake up in the morning
I'm so scared of running out of it, but then I'm definitley buying a new one
I'll link all the products I can find below btw
If you wanna read more about them
And my favorite foundation in February
Was one I bought in Copenhagen in January
And that was from Fenty Beauty
A week ago I managed to break it...
On my bathroom tiles.. So I had foundation all over the bathroom floor
So I don't have it here, but I'll insert a photo
It's the only Fenty Beauty foundation, I don't even remember which shade I had
Because the entire bottle broke
It was made of glass and went into the tiles, which was not very good
I managed to save a little of it, and put it in a plastic holder
And I hope it stays ok in that
But that was definitley my favorite foundation in February
And I'm so sad that I broke it
It was the perfect shade now during winter
When I'm super pale and haven't seen the sun for a long time
So it was perfect, but that's how it is
Then we can move over to skincare
I did show you my evening routine in a vlog, which I'll link up here
But out of those items this has definitley become a favorite
It's their cleansing milk from the Aroma Cleanse collection
It's really good. I remove my makeup first
With make up remover, then I use this to cleanse and make sure everything is gone
Another thing from the same collection is this one
Which I was kind of sceptical off, because it seemed very "fat"
It's their hydrating night balm
It's amazing at this time of the year
I'm getting close to hitting pan on it
Which is sad, but it's so so good
I think I have a small tube of it as well
I use this "spoon" and warm it up in my hands, then apply to my face
If you wanna see more of my night time routine then you'll find it in a vlog (linked below)
I have a favorite from Björn Axen, a new dry shampoo
I have two, I almost said tastes, but I mean scents
Which I haven't tried yet. But it's basically the same, just another scent
And I like it so much, this one is all empty
You will see it in an empties videos in a few weeks
I have tried so many different dry shampoos
And I haven't found many other favorites then Batiste and Moroccanoil
But this climbs pretty high up on the list as well
So it has definitley become a favorite
Then to the perfume of the month
I have started to really like this one, Obsessed from Calvin Klein
I have a lot of perfumes, and I often forget to try new ones
And I always just reach for the same ones
Often Guerlain Mon Guerlain or Hugo Boss the scent
But I have decided to try some more of the ones I have
And this one is really good. It' doesn't look like have used anything
But I have.. It's super nice and fresh
Very appropriate for winter actually
Almost kind of sporty scent
Either way, it's very nice
And something really random that you've seen in my thumbnail
This one
How nice is this
I.... Die....
I got a thought this autumn
I've always been thinking that kettles
They just look boring, that's just how it is
I have never kind of looked at kettles
I've never thought that they can look cool
But naturally there is a lot of nice kettles out there
So when I started looking back in December
I found so many I wanted
And I figured it was perfect as a christmas wish
So Fredrik and I got this from my dear grandma and grandpa
For Christmas. It was sold out everywhere, so we got a giftcard
And now we have finally picked it up
And I'm so happy. It's pink and works really well in our apartment
We do have a pink door in our kitchen
And I think it's so cool
I love SMEG, and I would love to have both a fridge
And a lot of other stuff as well
But it's kind of expensive
When we're talking about random stuff
Our favorite tv-show this month is without a doubt Narcos
I'm not that into these kinds of shows normally, I don't know why
But Narcos is so good!
We're not done with it yet, I think we're at the start of season two
But it's so exciting. About Pablo Escobar and his drug cartelle
Super exciting, in my opinion
And that comes from a girl who normally watches
Vampire Diaries, Gossip Girl, SATC, you get my point
Then let's move over to some other things
These for example
They are from Gucci
And I got them from a collaboration with Synsam
It's not much sun in Norway these days. Today it's amazing outside and it's supposed to be all week
It's super freezing, but it's sunny
But the days when it's been sunny, and I remember to bring my sunglasses (you kind of forget after a while without sun)
Then these are the ones I've been wearing, they are so cool
They are super simple, black and gold
Looks nice with everything
Then earrings
I think you might have seen these a lot on Insta stories, if you follow me on Instagram
They are so cool. I thought they were a little bit to big when I unboxed them
You might have seen that in a vlog, but
I love them. I kind of wanted to wear them today, but I also wanted to show them to you
So today I'm wearing some smaller ones, that I also like a lot
But these are from Frost, Bjørklund
Budget friendly and I love them
Then we have two knits
Which is kind of similar, this one from Lindex
Which is purple. Kind of similar to the Ganni knit that is really popular
But it's so expensive, and I don't wanna spend that kind of money on a knit
But this one from Lindex is similar and looks really nice on
I love the color, and I love pastels
Especially now when we are moving towards spring
Then we have a kind of similar one from KappAhl
This red one. You have probably also seen this a lot if you follow me on Instagram
I have used it so much, I think the color is super nice
It's really red, but not the kind of red that I can't wear
I've been kind of not so good at wearing red, but this one is so nice
And I think that red shade works for me
And a pair of boots. The thing with Norway is that
It's not possible to wear high heels or
smaller shoes at this time of the year
It's cold, slippery, a lot of snow
So to not fall or look really stupid you need to be practical
So these from Flattered
Has been a favorite. They are all flat
As well as they are light, so I get kind of a spring feeling when I wear them
Because they're not black
And the sole on them is really good
Super easy to take on and off, nice height on the ankle
I just love them, and they are so great this season
That was my February favorites
I hope you liked the video, give it a thumbs up if you did
Don't forget to comment below, that would make my day and I reply to every comment
Thank you for watching, I'll see you soon, bye
This is What Fashion Nova Looks Like In Real Life | ELLE - Duration: 6:13.
If you have an Instagram account,
you knowthat everyone from Cardi B
to the Kardashian-Jenners
loves Fashion Nova.
Believe it or not, people were searching Fashion Nova more than they were searching
Chanel, Saint Laurent, Christian Dior.
That is crazy!
Today, I'm gonna try on eight pieces from the site, to see how they really look, in
real life.
Whenever I'm on Instagram, I always see everyone talk about how amazing Fashion Nova jeans are.
Kylie Jenner, Amber Rose, everyone's always talking about how great Fashion Nova jeans are
so I absolutely had to give them a try today.
Holy s___!
These are stretchy.
Easy to get on.
You can kick, you can squat, I get it.
You see that kind of stretch?
Look at that.
I've got some hips.
I've got some butt.
So, you know, that's always nice for a curvy girl.
One bad thing.
This little bunching around the knee, I don't quite love.
Oh, another thing about these.
Fake pockets!
No, no!
It gives, like, a nice shape to my hips and my butt, if I do say so myself.
So, I wanted to buy these pants from Fashion Nova because they are a part of a two-piece set
I'm excited to give them a shot.
So, the blazer situation is a little tricky.
So, you sort of have to find your own waist, cross over the jacket, and then just hope
that it sort of looks the way it should.
So, the hem detailing at the bottom of this jacket is a little uneven, so it lays sort
of weird when you put it on.
But, I think that it looks better online than it feels in real life.
When you got to the Fashion Nova website, you see everything online, you want everything.
It photographs really well, it looks great on the models.
So, when you get it in real life, it's a little tricky because you'd ideally hope it would
look like the same way it would be on the model.
But it doesn't quite translate.
I wanted to try this Fashion Nova skirt because I think I look really great in pencil skirts,
and so, I really wanted to give this one a try.
I also was really taken by the stripes.
I think they can be super flattering on a girl with hips, a little curvy girl.
So, I wanted to give this a shot.
So, I was pleasantly surprised by this skirt.
I think it fits nicely on the waist, and it really does hug my curves really nicely, and
I think that the stripes are actually quite flattering.
I was really, really excited to order this Fashion Nova top, because, first of all, I
love a going out top.
I think everyone should own them.
They're so fun.
Second of all, I liked this little ruffled, off-the-shoulder situation.
And, I liked the sweetheart neckline.
I think that'd be super flattering on my body, so I was really excited to give this a try.
But, I really think I'm gonna be let down.
Maybe I was a little hard on this top.
I've been told that it looks pretty nice, so I'm excited about that.
If I were going to, say, Cuba, to have caipirinhas or mojitos, like, this is what I would wear.
Everyone knows that a woman should have a good pair of black jeans in her closet.
So, when I saw these on Fashion Nova, I didn't think twice.
They have a nice little button-up fly, which I'm super in to, and then they have rips at
the knees, so they're not, you know, your basic black jeans.
They're a little elevated.
Super stretchy.
I like the button fly, I like that they have real pockets.
You know what I don't like, though?
Is that it's doing this to my knee.
Sausage, coming out its casing.
It's weird.
A lot of the Fashion Nova models have a certain type of body, which is kind of like mine,
but not exactly.
So when I was ordering online, I was slightly skeptical.
But I was really surprised, and pleasantly surprised, actually, with how these jeans
fit on my body.
When I saw this Fashion Nova polka dot top on the website, I was super excited.
I'm obsessed with polka dots right now, they're trending all over the Internet.
When I got it, though, I wasn't really sure how it was going to work on my body.
But, since I'm game for anything, I said ,
"Let me try it on."
As we all know,
when you look at a website, you see the model, and that's what sells you on it.
Then I got it, and I realized that there's no way I could wear it in the same way as
the model is, without fashion tape to keep it taped down, adjusting on the side, pulling
it down, maybe even some clamps in the back.
But I can't do that in real life.
So, when I saw this dress online, I thought it was really beautiful, actually.
I like the way it cut.
I liked the way the sleeves cut in, I thought that would be flattering on my body.
I thought the blue was super vivid, and really would pop in Instagram, and just in real life.
And I like this high-low hemline.
Let's see what it looks like.
So this gown is one that looks a lot more expensive than it actually is.
When I tried it on, I was pleasantly surprised.
The color is really vibrant, and I think it pops against my skin tone.
And I love how it cinches me in the waist, right here.
And as I said when I was holding in on the hanger, I really like the arms.
I think that this shape is really flattering on somebody with arms like mine.
There's been a little bit of a debate about whether this middle section is supposed to
be cut like this, exactly.
I'm not quite sure, but I think that for what tie gown costs, I did pretty well.
I don't hate them.
I actually kind of like them.
Fashion of the Hermit - Duration: 3:29.
Images from the Hermit Winter-Spring 2018
лопата Fiskars
for home
Navalny 2018
spring chic
the Hermit
13 Reasons Why We're Missing Kendall Jenner at Fashion Month - Duration: 1:11.
13 Reasons Why We're Missing Kendall Jenner at Fashion Month
Where in the world is Kendall Jenner? Apparently, not at fashion month. The runway model made her first and seemingly only appearance at the Adidas Originals presentation at the beginning of NYFW, the first of four consecutive international fashion weeks.
However, she was noticeably absent from the rest of the New York lineup.and the London and Milan shows, her usual stomping grounds around this time of year. Perhaps the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star is taking a break to coo over new niece and Kylie Jenners daughter, Stormi. According to her social media accounts, the model is spending valuable quality time with the famous family, first going on a ski trip with Kourtney and Kim Kardashian, then surprising an audience on the set of Celebrity Family Feud.
But as Paris Fashion Week ramps up, were missing the model do what she does best.
Will Kendall jet back to the City of Lights to strut down the catwalk alongside the Hadid sisters and Kaia Gerber? Or will she sit this season out? If its the latter, here are 13 reasons why the fashion world is missing you, Kenny!.
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