You believe in all this?
l like it because it's quiet in here.
l feel comfortable sitting here.
Why don't you examine the guns?
l trust you.
Each day, I Iinger
This heart wanders day and night
I do so want to find my destined companion
So that my heart can stop wandering
I wish for the day that you wouId suddenIy come
GentIy accepting each other
Letting me know that the person I'm eyeing
That something has changed
So many expectations, so many dreams
Because the heart is worrying about so many things
Even if there wasn't much hope
Having hope wouId be enough for me to Iook forward to the future
Without getting my heartfeIt desire
If I get it, why wouId I not accept it
Don't move!
lt's so cloudy.
- Your cornea has been damaged. - Will l get better?
Your vision has been impaired, but there's hope.
- l can't see clearly. - The cornea can be replaced.
- Don't worry. - Will l go blind?
Jenny, l'm a policeman. Can you remember the face of the murderer?
- l don't know... l'm really scared. - Don't be afraid.
Help! Help!
Get up!
Don't touch me.
l've fought them off. Don't be afraid.
Why don't l drive you home?
How do you know my name?
l listen to you sing every night.
Who are you?
Listening to you sing all the time, l feel like we've become friends.
l know your eyes have been damaged,
and l've wanted to help, but l've never had a chance.
Actually, not everyone is a bad person in this world.
Will you let me help just this once?
Once l see that you're okay, l'll leave.
Be calm.
Let me go check.
lt's only a cat.
That cat always comes in and tears up my clothes. lt's a nuisance.
Why did you switch the light off?
You can see?
Just a shadow. lt wasn't as bad last month. At least l could see contours.
lt's better to leave the light on. l feel safer.
Where are you?
l was just looking at the scarf.
There's a bloodstain, right? l can't wash it off.
The man who injured my eyes left this scarf behind.
l will never forget him for the rest of my life.
Let me get you a cup of tea.
- No need. - No, let me. You've helped me.
Why not listen to some music?
Each day, I Iinger...
This heart wanders day and night
I do so want to find my destined companion
So that my heart can stop wandering
I wish for the day that you wouId suddenIy come
GentIy accepting each other...
Letting me know that the person that I'm eyeing
That something has changed...
So many expectations, so many dreams...
Little Eagle, you're too earnest. lt won't work.
One look at you, and they'll figure out you're a cop.
Smile... smile for me.
No way! You look like a police inspector.
Chang, stay alert. This guy is like a mad dog.
Just because he's crazy, don't you be crazy like him.
Staying alive is important.
Brother Hung, sorry to keep you waiting for so long.
Who's this?
He's one of my boys. Say hi to Brother Hung.
Brother Hung.
Pat him down.
Hey, Brother Hung. You don't have to be that nervous.
This isn't our first transaction.
l think l've seen him somewhere before.
Here's HK$ 200 000.
After l've looked at the merchandise, l'll give you the rest.
- What are you doing here? - Nothing, sir. We're just chatting.
Open the boot for me.
Open the boot!
Open it!
You bastard! You betrayed me!
Are you a turncoat?
Speak up!
l'm not a traitor!
l'll never be a traitor!
- Then why would a cop show up? - A misunderstanding!
A misunderstanding!
Brother Hung! On my life, he's not a traitor!
Don't get in my way!
- Get out of my way! - Trust me! He's not an undercover cop!
l've seen him at a police station!
Tsang Yeh! Hang in there!
Mad dog... He's a real mad dog!
Out of my way!
Don't come over here!
Don't move!
You... ass...
Finish your sentence!
lnspector Li, the suspect Wong Hung was holding a hostage
and the tram was filled with passengers.
You weren't even sure where the suspect was, correct?
- Yes. - On what basis did you fire your gun?
Then did you consider the passengers' safety?
Did you issue a warning before firing?
There wasn't enough time.
The hostage had a heart problem.
Her family complained that you fired without warning,
so she was literally frightened to death.
They insist on pursuing the matter.
Ridiculous! How would l have known that she had a heart problem?
l've been investigating Wong Hung for six to seven months.
l know that he's seriously mentally unstable
and has homicidal tendencies.
Would you rather l'd waited until he killed the hostage before l fired?
The cop that Wong Hung shot to death - did he deserve to die?!
Who can his family complain to?
Fine. Write up whatever you want.
People file charges against me on whichever case l work on anyway.
Take my badge, then!
l thought your hand had healed by now.
lt's hopeless.
No plans to go to physio?
lt's beyond that.
A shooter without an able hand is like a cripple.
Even if l get back into practice, it's not my show anymore.
His name is Wong Dung-Yu.
He has contacts with Central and South American drug lords.
- Why is he a target? - Why do you want to know so much?
Just do it.
l want HK$ 1 500 000.
lsn't that a bit high?
After this, you'll never see me again.
Okay. As you're going to be taking his life, it shouldn't be a problem.
These are not registered and don't have serial numbers.
Very clean. The police won't be able to trace them.
The bullets have been altered to the type that you like.
Easy to pick up, difficult to put down.
Do you want to change your mind?
Why agree to do it again?
Jenny's cornea is not transparent at all any more.
lf she doesn't get a cornea transplant soon,
then she may go blind.
There's a cornea bank in Hong Kong, but unfortunately there aren't any in it.
Even if someone is willing to donate a cornea,
there's already a waiting list of several hundred people.
Why don't you try overseas?
l have to do something. l have to go away for a few days.
l'll come back to take you to America to get your eyes healed.
You have to come back.
l will.
Today is the Dragon Boats Festival.
There will be many important government officials
attending the ''Painting The Dragon's Eyes Ceremony.''
The information that each of you have been given
pertains to the person that you have to protect.
Everyone, stay alert and be extra careful.
Even this scum...
needs our protection.
Attention everybody,
the Painting The Dragon's Eyes Ceremony is about to start.
WouId aII the competing dragon boats pIease gather in front of the podium.
Today we've been fortunate enough
to have the chairman of the Dung-Yu Group with us,
Mr. Dung-Yu Wong; the Legco counciIIor, Mr. Si-Ming Chow;
Hong Kong chairman of the Rotary CIub Mr. Gwok-Wah Chu;
President of the ProfessionaI Women's Association, Ms. Mung-Chu Lee Lam
and many other VIP's,
many of whom are our movie stars and pop idoIs.
After the ceremony, the exciting finaIe of the dragon boats race wiII begin.
We hope that aII athIetes wiII try their best to win! Good Iuck!
- Boss! Boss! - Mr. Wong!
- Boss! Boss! - Hooray! Hooray!
- Mr. Wong, please begin painting. - Okay.
- Mr. Chow, are you okay? - Find out how he is!
- Look! - What?
Cover him up. Don't alarm the public.
All units! There's been a shooting on the VlP podium.
Wong Dung-Yu has been killed.
The bullets came from the direction of the sea. The murderer is nearby.
All units! Begin searching.
Stop and interrogate anyone looking suspicious.
- Mr. Wong, just fainted. lt's nothing. - Good. He just fainted.
Please go on with the show.
Tsang Yeh!
Don't let him get away!
Tsang Yeh! There's an explosion over there!
Something's going on!
You're right! Let's go!
That's the guy we're after! Don't let him escape!
Don't move!
Don't be afraid!
You'll be fine.
Don't cry.
- He's down there! Follow him! Quickly! - Okay!
Do you know of any hospitals around here?
You think that's where he's heading?
He's not going to throw the little girl down the hill.
Nurse, where's the emergency room?
Come with me. Over here.
What's wrong with the little girl?
She's been shot.
Leave the rest to us then. Measure her blood pressure.
Prepare for an operation.
We have to help her regain consciousness as soon as possible.
Ready the ECG heart monitor.
What's the condition?
ls the pulse and blood pressure normal?
The pulse is very weak and the blood pressure is on the low side.
Did you see a man carrying a little girl entering this place?
- They're in the casualty room. - Keep an eye on the exits.
Sir, what's your relationship to the girl?
How did she get injured?
Sir, where are you going?
What's your name? l need to register the information.
Where did the man go?
l'm a policeman. Continue with your work.
Everyone stay calm and carry on.
- lgnore them. Let's save this girl. - Yes.
Don't bother the doctor. Lower your gun.
- Let's get out of here! - Run! Run!
- What's going on? - Someone fired a gun.
- Where? - Over there!
Help! Help!
Evacuate everyone first!
l'll call headquarters.
- What have you got? - Not much, Chief lnspector Dou.
l've seen the suspect but he escaped.
Don't you always operate on intuition?
A lot of people want to see me portrayed in a negative light.
l'm betting on the fact that l'll win this case, not lose it.
lf we do well, it benefits both of us.
You're not going to get another chance this good in your life.
Put on a good show, okay?
Chief lnspector Dou, l don't know how to perform.
l will try my best to catch the murderer.
l won't let you down.
When you get promoted, don't forget us.
Please, draw him as l describe him. Just try to draw his face.
ln his 30's.
Some crow's feet.
He has a manly air about him.
He's a bit different from the average assassin.
He's very calm... quite intelligent.
His eyes are very alert.
Full of compassion.
Full of passion.
- Hello. - It's Ah Jong.
Ah Jong? Why haven't you left?
l need all the money now.
Bring it over tonight.
Okay. l'll bring it over tonight.
Mr. Wong, you should have let me handle Ah Jong today.
You should not have sent people to kill him.
- What if he reveals my identity? - He's not that kind of person.
l've not trusted anyone since l've been in this line of work!
lncluding you!
l am very clear on Triad rules.
l'm his manager. l'll deal with the situation.
l don't care about the rules, just the methods.
As his identity has been exposed, l want him dead.
l'm the boss now. l can play this game however l want.
Okay, l'll let you deal with him. But if you can't handle him,
l'll deal with you!
You're on my payroll!
lt may be linked with this old case.
Six months ago, there was unrest among the Triads.
Wong Dung-Yu's Triad brother, Jeung Wan, was targeted and assassinated.
At the time, the assassin even injured the eyes of a female singer.
The assassin has still not been found.
What's the name of the singer?
l heard that she almost lost her sight.
A real shame.
Every shot takes a life.
He's no ordinary assassin.
l hope we're looking for the same man.
lf my intuition is correct, he's not a cold-blooded killer.
Every shot of his takes a life and he's not cold-blooded?
He risked his life to take that little girl to hospital to save her life.
lf he shot and injured that singer,
he'll still be in touch with her.
I have not yet shed any tears
A IeisureIy pace...
That wiII be accompanied by tears
- Ah Jong! - Miss, you've made a mistake.
Sorry. l can't see very well. l mistook you for my friend.
That song is very beautiful. Can you sing it again?
l only want to sing it for one person.
Ah Jong?
You sing the song with such feeling.
l feel l'm getting to know your friend just by listening to the song.
lt's unfortunate that he's not here right now.
Wherever you are, he's going to miss you.
Maybe he never left.
Don't you trust me?
Should l?
You're right.
ln our line of work, it's sometimes difficult to trust even a friend.
Why did someone know where l was getting off the boat?
When l was driving the getaway car to the pier, l was followed.
l was careless.
Who wants to kill me?
Why ask?
You know the rules of the game.
Why didn't you run away when you had a chance?
l hadn't been given my money.
Who wants to kill me?
lf you don't reveal your identity, he won't try to kill you.
l'll repeat my question. Who's trying to kill me?!
You're not even sure if there are any bullets left.
Don't you remember l always save the last bullet?
l either use it to kill someone or kill myself.
Wong Hoi.
Wong Dung-Yu's nephew.
He wants you dead.
He's the one who wanted you to kill his uncle.
Do you really only have one bullet left?
Ah Jong!
Thank you for saving my life.
Actually, like you,
l've been forced into a situation where there are no other choices.
l never want to see you again.
lnspector Li.
lnspector Li, it's not exactly a picnic.
lt's his place.
That would be a coincidence.
Get that drawing immediately and ask the neighbours.
GentIy accepting each other...
Letting me know that the person I'm eyeing...
That something has changed...
So many expectations, so many dreams
Because the heart is worrying about so many things
Even if there wasn't much hope
Having hope wouId be enough for me to Iook forward to the future
Without getting my heartfeIt desire
And if I was to get it, why wouId I not accept it
You were right. l asked around the neighbours.
He really has...
You losing it or what?
Ah Jong, you're back.
Why aren't you here?
l'm going to get your medicine first.
Then l'm going to take you somewhere else.
Moving to less polluted surroundings would be better for your eyes.
lt would be ideal if l could move close to the sea.
l want to see the sea and sky. That would be so good.
Why don't you pack first? l'll be there soon.
l'll wait for you.
Why didn't you run away when you had a chance
Hey! You're the new garbage man?
- Yes, grandma. - You're so negligent!
This is the fire escape route. You're throwing the trash everywhere.
- Okay, sorry, sorry. - lf we're trapped by a fire, then what?
You better move it all quickly!
l've paid my building maintenance fees. You're so lazy!
- l'm reporting you to the main office. - l'm moving it already?
You'd better move it all quickly.
You're a mature adult and you're so lazy.
So dirty! How dare you!
Ah Jong. ls that you?
Yes, Jenny.
You brought a friend home?
Yeah. He's a friend from football practice.
We've played football since we were children living in the housing estates.
Yeah. His name is...
Runt, Shrimp Head.
You were called Shrimp Head?
We're so happy to meet up again.
l'm not that happy.
Why aren't you happy about seeing your friend?
He gives out negative vibes.
From childhood, he's been following me around like a vengeful spirit.
l won't be following you around for much more.
Why don't l pour you two tea?
- No need. - No need.
l have to.
- Be careful not to burn yourself. - lndeed.
l'm smart, l won't burn myself.
Ah Jong, why don't you entertain Runt, and take a seat.
Take a seat, Runt.
Okay, Shrimp Head.
Grandma, do you watch everyone throw out the trash every day?
No, someone gave me HK$ 1 000 to chat with you.
Hey, sir, we haven't finished chatting yet!
Hey! Let's chat some more before you leave!
- You're going to lose this match. - Really?
Let's see who's going to lose.
You're the one who misses every time you're in front of the goal.
You're wrong. l have the best striker.
What a pity that your striker is lame.
Were you always this earnest?
l don't take things lightly.
Same with me.
That's why l feel we're alike in some ways.
Are you trying to say that we're as good as each other at football?
- That's unlikely. - Likely.
You two are really getting along well. Have a cup of tea first.
- Jenny, be careful with the tea. - Watch you don't burn yourself.
Jenny, entertain Runt first.
Have a cup of tea, Runt.
- Thank you. - You're welcome.
ls that another pal who's dropped by?
The garbage lady came by.
l don't have any trash to throw away.
She said the drain is blocked. She needs to help you unblock it.
The drain is on the balcony, grandma.
Runt, your voice is very familiar. Where have l heard it before?
l've seen you at the bar.
You weren't willing to sing the song l really liked.
Oh, you're Mr. Li. What a coincidence!
Yeah, Runt. Why don't you tell Jenny a bit more about yourself.
- l have to go to the toilet. - l need to go too.
Wait, l'll lead the way. There's a toilet in my bedroom too.
Wow, there's a big rat!
- Again? - lt's gone into the kitchen.
Why don't l catch it for you?
Hey, it's me!
Don't shoot!
You-know-who's down there pointing a gun at me!
What's happening?
Where's Ah Jong?
l know that you're both lying to me.
Speak up.
Tell me who you are.
l'm a police detective.
Ah Jong is an assassin. He's killed someone.
We've been after him for some time.
l don't believe you!
- Jenny, listen to me. - l won't listen to you!
Jenny, don't be like this.
Jenny, calm down. Listen to me.
Sit down first.
The guy whose shot injured your eyes six months ago was Ah Jong.
Now the Triads want to silence him.
l don't believe you!
The law sometimes cannot accommodate human folly.
l hope that you will cooperate with us and act as bait to lure him out.
l'm on your side.
lf Ah Jong is in our custody, at least it will be to his benefit.
lt's better than being killed by the Triads.
I don't care how much it costs, but I want him dead.
He exposed his identity, and broke the rules.
l want him lying dead in front of my feet!
First transfer USD 1 00 000 into my account.
After the job, pay in another USD 200 000.
lf l don't see the bank receipt from you,
even if someone were to hold a gun to your head now, l won't move a finger.
Go to the bank now and take out USD 1 00 000.
- Yes. - Mr. Wong.
You're finished. You still have the guts to come see me?
Give him the money.
He won't give up until he gets his hands on his money.
Or what? He'll shoot me?
l've got brothers all over the streets. We'll see!
As a Triad member, trustworthiness is also important.
Don't mention him anymore, unless you want to beg before me!
Why can't you see this as a chance for me to fix things with a friend?
That way things will be sorted out between us too.
Brother Hoi,
l'll kneel down...
if it makes you happy.
You're a real pain in the ass!
lf l didn't still consider you a Triad elder, l'd beat you senseless!
What's the big deal about him? He's just an insignificant nobody!
l really don't understand! Why are you always on his side?
He's a complicated man.
Don't mention him again!
Something's happened! Hurry up!
Kill him!
Kill him!
Don't let him escape!
Big Brother, you're injured! Stay back!
Kill him!
We can handle this! Get back! lt's too dangerous!
Kill him!
lf you still consider me a friend, then blow me away with one shot!
l don't want to see a friend
kneeling in front of someone else begging money for me!
l may not be very involved these days,
but l always come through when l've promised a friend!
lf l could kill you with one bullet,
then l wouldn't have to kneel in front of people begging for your money!
Of course l feel ashamed of myself!
The world has changed.
You and l are no longer suited to the Triad lifestyle,
because we treasure the past too much.
Maybe we're the lucky ones.
When the time comes to die,
l don't want to leave without even one friend.
My regret is that l owe you one.
One can't think like that with friends.
Otherwise, what are friends for?
- Ah Jong. - Thanks.
Jenny keeps hoping that she'll see the sea and sky again.
You've done so much for her.
l wonder how she feels about you.
Ah Jong, why did you leave so suddenly and leave me all to myself?
l'm very sorry. Something came up.
We have to Ieave tonight.
Dr. Ho contacted me and told me there's a pair of corneas in Singapore
that Iots of peopIe want to get hoId of.
He's aIready reserved it for me,
and said that it wouId be best for me to Ieave tonight.
Very well. l'll go with you.
l've booked tickets for tonight. l'll wait for you at the airport.
You have to come tonight.
Okay. Bye.
Do you think he'll come?
Are you going to go?
She's never lied to me.
- What's up? - Let's check out that way. Let's go.
We must keep an eye on all exits and corridors.
Stay alert, everyone.
lt's all set up, unless he's not coming.
lf he comes, he won't be able to escape.
Chairman, please don't worry when you're away. Just leave it up to us.
lf something happens, we will contact you.
Thank you for seeing me off.
Please have a good journey!
While l'm away, l'll leave the company in your capable hands.
Yes. We understand.
Take care!
Ah Jong!
Don't come! Ah Jong, run away!
What's wrong with you?
- Ah Jong! Ah Jong! - Take care and have a safe journey!
There're many policemen here. Don't come!
Ah Jong! Where are you?
The police want to arrest you.
Don't come!
Go quickly!
Ah Jong! lf you're here, run away quickly! Don't let them catch you!
- Miss, are you waiting for someone? - Ah Jong! Run away! Quickly!
The police want to arrest you!
Ah Jong! Don't let them catch you!
Ah Jong! Don't let them catch you!
Run away!
Ah Jong! Run away!
lt's me.
Don't move!
Don't move!
Stand up!
Don't move! Don't move!
Let's go now.
What's up, cop? ls it a crime to talk to a girl?
Arrest him!
Apologies! Apologies! Go and search the area!
What were you doing at the airport?
Checking out girls!
What's your profession?
l'm a talent scout for a film company.
- Why did you fight my officers? - l was drunk.
Drunk? Stand up and take a few steps!
Where's your friend?
l don't have friends.
l know that you people live your life by a code of honour.
l also want a friend like you.
lf you tell me, then you'll be helping him.
Not hindering him.
l also want to help him resolve his difficult situation.
Which would also solve my problem.
You'll have to sort out your own problems.
lf the person you're speaking of really doesn't have any friends,
then he would also resolve the situation himself.
Li Ying,
from this moment onwards, Chan Bok Man will be in charge of your case.
You're transferred to another case.
l want to know why?
l don't have confidence in you!
Your emotions are getting in the way of logic. You won't succeed. You'll fail.
Chief lnspector Dou, you've never understood me.
Yes, l misunderstood you. That's why l'm replacing you.
- l won't give up! - How dare you!
Ah Tsang!
Help lnspector Chan finish up.
Release Fung immediately and then follow him around 24 hours a day
until you get some dirt on him.
Do you understand?
Would you kill people again?
At first, l thought l would only kill bad people, and not good people.
But it's not that easy.
l don't want to kill anyone again. l hope l can achieve that.
l was followed. The cops and Wong Hoi's guys.
But l managed to lose them.
Wong Hoi hired a gang of experts to deal with you.
You'll be okay. There are enough guns here for you to deal with them.
Where are you going?
l'm going to get your money back.
Wait for me at the church tonight.
You're going by yourself?
lt's all right. lt's what l should do.
l'm still a Triad elder. They still have to show me respect.
Brother Sei.
lf it's not possible, let it go.
l don't want to lose a friend like you.
Tsang Yeh.
Tsang Yeh.
l followed him to...
no. 6 Horizon Drive.
lt's very easy to find.
- l'll find it. - Horizon Drive...
l'll find it.
l'll definitely find the place. Don't worry.
Little Ying...
lt's not about winning or losing.
No-one can win against everyone.
Sometimes losing doesn't mean that you failed.
Tsang Yeh...
Tsang Yeh!
Ah Ying! Did he tell you where the assassin was?
Go ask Tsang Yeh yourself!
Ah Jong!
What are you doing?
Ah Jong, why is it so dark?
lt looks like it's going to rain today.
Don't worry. Your eyes are fine.
- Are we leaving now? - Yes.
Stand still.
Who is it?
- lt's Runt. - Why is he here?
l guess he's seeing us off.
Why haven't you shot me?
l'm a policeman. l won't shoot someone in the back.
- Just like my profession. - They're nothing like each other!
l uphold the law, you violate it!
lf l can't arrest you today,
how am l supposed to avenge with my dead friend?
l'm sorry. l won't let you arrest me.
lf you need to avenge your pal, why don't you just shoot me dead?
Don't force me to fire on you!
l can't believe you actually shot me.
l don't miss an opportunity.
You won't have many more.
You won't win every time.
Where are you?
Ah Jong?
Runt... where is Runt?
He's just in front of us.
Don't arrest him.
He promised me he won't kill anyone else again.
- Put down the gun first. - Put down the gun.
l won't let go of the gun unless he lets us leave!
l beg you! Let us go! l won't let you arrest him!
Did l hit him? ls he dead?
l didn't mean it!
- l really didn't want to shoot him! - He's fine.
l didn't mean it!
Runt isn't dead.
Don't be afraid! Stay calm!
- Ah Jong! Ah Jong! - Don't go outside!
lf you want to arrest me, shoot us out of here first!
Let's discuss this after we get Jenny out safely!
My car is outside.
Let's go!
l won't let you take me back to the police station.
Put your gun down.
l know you won't kill a cop.
You could have shot me dead with one bullet just now.
l won't casually kill my enemy until l understand him.
Do you understand me?
Sometimes fate is a trickster.
Who would have guessed that the person who understands me... a cop.
Actually you could give up.
l've considered that,
but if l promise to do something, then l have to do it.
l wish l could be as carefree.
Sometimes l really want to do something, but l can't.
l believe in justice, but no-one believes in me.
Good people are usually misunderstood.
You really don't look like a cop.
You don't look like an assassin either.
l'm sorry. l've even dragged you into all this.
l just want to know who's behind all this.
Every profession has its rules. l can't tell you that.
l knew you wouldn't say anything.
But the road you're taking is a long one.
You must always take care.
l still have to arrest you.
Come on.
We'll stay here for the night. When my friend brings me the cash,
we'll fly off to America tomorrow.
l wonder if those people will find us here.
They won't.
They won't find their way here. Don't worry.
How come there isn't any light?
l can't see anything.
Ah Jong, quickly turn on the lights.
Why don't you turn on the lights?
Ah Jong.
Ah Jong, turn on the lights.
l think there's a temporary power failure.
ls your friend really going to show up?
He will.
He will definitely show up.
Big Brother, the money for Paul has already been prepared.
l wonder if he can deal with Ah Jong?
Big Brother. Brother Fung is here.
What if he betrays you again?
l will still consider him a friend. After all, he's helped me before.
- l need the money. - Where's Ah Jong?
There are few people who can be considered true friends.
They exist. They're just rare.
Throw down your weapons. Everyone, throw down your weapons!
lsn't your hand damaged?
lt's damaged, but l still have some of the pro left in me.
You profession only leads to death.
Why continue to stay in it?
Teach me how to retrace my steps then.
Where's my money?
Ah Sing!
You're really stupid!
You should have shot me in the head!
You're right.
l haven't held a gun in so long. l'm less competent now.
lf l had a chance, l'd like to restart my life.
But it's a shame...
l want that money.
Where's Ah Jong?
You should give him that money.
That's the meaning of ethics and honour.
Are ethics and honour valid in your profession?
The world's changed now.
Very few people believe.
if it's this tough being human,
it's better for you to be a dog.
Actually we're very similar.
We both make a living with a gun.
But how we use a gun is different.
lf l'm a dog, l still have my dignity.
lf you won't tell me where Ah Jong is,
you won't even get the chance to be a dog!
Throw him in the garbage!
Get me the money!
Do you still have bullets?
Try me.
Those of us in our profession
usually save the last bullet to kill another or ourselves.
Turn around!
l can't believe l was stupid enough to miscount!
Follow him! Quickly!
l want you to do me a favour.
lf l'm killed but my eyes aren't injured,
get me to a hospital to save my corneas for Jenny.
lf you can't even do that,
then give her the money and get her on the plane.
Are there really no other choices?
The only time in my life l've done the right thing... this time.
Are you going to help me?
What is it?
- Did someone arrive? - Come over here.
Brother Sei.
Your money...
l got the money back for you.
To be able to settle matters with a friend is the most important thing.
Brother Sei.
Thank you for this.
They say that l'm a dog.
l don't even know if l'm a man or a dog.
Brother Sei.
They're not qualified to criticise you.
Brother Sei!
Brother Sei!
Brother Sei...
Am l a dog?
You're not a dog,
you're a man.
You and l are no longer suited to the Triad world.
l don't want to be like a dog, and be shot to death by them.
l'm dying, and l don't even have a bullet.
You do.
l do.
- Ah Jong. - Stay here and don't move.
Don't leave me.
Hey! What are you planning?
Shoot my way out!
Don't kill more people!
Throw down your gun and come with me!
Throw down my gun?
l've had to kill a friend l've known for more than a decade with one shot,
and you're asking me to throw down my gun?
When my partner died, l wanted to shoot you too!
But now l don't want you to die.
Take Jenny and get out of here!
Run away?
Even if l run to the ends of the earth, they'll still follow me!
l can't run away, so l'll take a risk!
Go outside and try telling them that you're a cop!
Let's see if they drop their weapons!
Ah Jong!
Ah Jong!
Thank you, Shrimp Head!
Runt, l owe you.
Don't talk about owing favours.
One can never fully repay favours done out of compassion. Good luck!
Jenny, don't run!
Stay there! Don't move!
Give me a gun!
Shrimp Head! Catch!
Are you an accurate shoot?
How else could l be a cop?
We've been friends for so long, and l still don't know your real name.
Do you need to know?
Well, something tells me that after all this is settled,
if you're not dead, you'll have escaped.
lt'll be good to be able to remember that l once had such a friend.
Then do you want me to die or escape?
lf fate hasn't already decided, then l don't want either.
That shows you care about me.
Didn't you make up my nickname Shrimp Head?
Who is it?
Please do not hurt her!
Throw down your weapon!
l told you to throw down your weapon!
Will you or won't you, you bastard!
Ah Jong!
Ah Jong! Where are you, Ah Jong?
You don't have to be afraid!
l'm just in front of you!
You had better put down your weapon!
Jenny, don't struggle!
Don't hurt her!
l won't hurt her!
l'm going to kill her!
Let her go!
Don't make any dumb moves!
Let the girl go first!
No way!
And if l don't let her go?
Put down your weapons!
l hope you're able to pull off what you promised me.
No problem.
Don't forget that you still have a friend to back you up.
Throw down your weapons!
l will kill her!
Put it down, you piece of shit!
Shrimp Head!
Shrimp Head!
Ah Jong!
Ah Jong!
Where are you?
Ah Jong!
Ah Jong!
l surrender! l surrender!
l'm willing to cooperate with the police!
Lock me up!
You don't look like a cop.
You don't look like an assassin either.
l believe in justice.
But no-one believes in me.
Good people are usually misunderstood.
Arrest him!
Let me!
Arrest me! Arrest me! Take me away!
l request that the police protect me!
l will cooperate...!
Shrimp Head...
Shrimp Head...
Shrimp Head...
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