(FREE) "DETERMINED" Hard Trap Beat Instrumental | Dark Trap Beat Instrumental
Remove DARK CIRCLES, get rid of DARK CIRCLES Permanently, and FINE LINES in just 3 days ll NGWorld - Duration: 3:00.Friends subscribe my channel and turn on the bell icon so you're not gonna miss
any upcoming effective simple home remedies
hello my friends in this video I'm going to share with you how to remove dark
circles with very simple ingredients at home and and here I'm going to use baby
oil and I'm going to use it by Johnson at this video isn't sponsored or
anything you can use whichever available for you whichever you like
before we start out don't forget to hit that subscribe button in turn on the
well icons you're not gonna miss any effective simple beauty hacks again and
the first thing we'll need in a mixing bowl two tablespoons of baby oil and
like I told you here I'm using it on some baby oil but you can use whichever
available and whichever you like
the second ingredient will lead here is three tablespoons of aloe vera gel and
I'm using a pencil gel aloe vera gel or the market aloe vera gel you can use
whichever available for you and whichever you like you can also use the
natural aloe vera gel in this remedy and then we will need to add one tablespoon
of milk powder and it's not available for you to have unsweetened milk powder
you can use curd or yogurt mix all the ingredients very well until they
combined well together and then we'll need to place them
underneath double boiler method which is a very hot water or boiling water
underneath and mixing the ingredients until they combine well together
now remove the mixture and store it in an airtight container and this mixture
will be good to use for up to 10 days if you store it in the fridge and if you
store it in the room temperature it will be good to use for three days if you're
living in a cool country that billows 20 degrees Celsius now how to use this
magical remedy is I'm going to take this cotton pad and kind of fold it like so
my friends and cut it in half to create the C shapes or the moon shapes and dip
it into the mixture and apply it underneath your eyes like on the dark
circles on a clean skin that has no makeup or dust and leave it for 15
minutes before you sleep and then remove it off and don't wash it and then
massage your skin will be left over and in just three days I promise you your
dark circles will disappear I hope this video will help you to my friends don't
forget to let me know in the comment section if you do have any video
requests and I'll see you - with you so that was it guys today thank you for
watching I hope the video you and if you liked the video please
subscribe for more content I'm trying to upload for you a very cool
a beauty ideas and also like us that will help me a lot and I'll see you my
next to meet you I don't
Magneto es el centro de la nueva imagen de X-Men Dark Phoenix - Duration: 2:09.-------------------------------------------
As excited as you are for X-MEN: THE DARK PHOENIX, I can guarantee you the Jean Grey actress Sophie Turner has got you beat.
Recently, while speaking with Empire about the forthcoming X-Men sequel, Turner gushed about the films director, Simon Kinberg, and how the movie is going to revolutionize superhero films as a genre.
These are some bold words to be certain, so perhaps we should learn of their context before we go coming to any uninformed conclusions?.
In talking with Empire, Turner raved about Kinbergs directing prowess, and how hes perfect for the film by saying, "Simon has been the brain behind X-Men for years, and it's really exciting to have what feels like one of our own rise up and take hold of the franchise, and direct it in the way that he sees it," Turner remarked.
"I have to say he's one of the best director I've ever worked with.
He's so passionate and collaborative." While the GAME OF THRONES alum clearly has full-confidence in Kinbergs ability to deliver a rock-solid X-Men movie, the rabid fandom of the franchise might need some more convincing.
As the interview continued, Turner described DARK PHOENIX as a dark, gritty drama, and promised that the goal of the film to create a new benchmark for superhero-related entertainment.
"We are revolutionizing it. We wanted to create a whole new genre of superhero movie.".
The sequel itself will involve Jean discovering that her powers have reached a godlike state, and that a more sinister personality may very well be manifesting itself inside her.
However, even with all of the phoenix mumbo jumbo serving as the central plot of the film, Turner shared with Empire that while The X-Men go cosmic, the project will remaind a very grounded and personal story.
Lastly, Sophie also elaborated on the personal vibe of the story by saying that, Once I got the script though, I realized that not only were we telling this amazing superhero story, but we were also telling a very personal story as well, Turner said.
One which required research into mental health issues.
Because that is a big part of what drives the story.
I mainly drew inspiration from multiple personality disorder and schizophrenia, as it is really about duality, this movie.
Darkness and light - thats all within her.
This sense of being a completely other person and her struggling with that..
Hmm, let me see if Ive got this right: Gritty, personal, and grouded? It sounds to me as if Kinberg might be taking a page out of the LOGAN playbook, but that remains to be seen.
Personally, I would love for someone to come along and shake things up in Marvels X-Men universe.
Im not entirely confident that X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX will be the film to do just that, though Sophie Turners remarks certainly have me feeling more optimistic than when this article began.
Are you excited to check out X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX? Whats your favorite of the X-Men-related films? Let us know the answers to both in the comments section below!.
X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX will rise in theaters come Novemeber 2, 2018.
The dark patches of Kpop 2017 - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 10:25.The dark patches of Kpop 2017
The dark patches of Kpop 2017.
In spite of its tremendous success and influence throughout the world, Kpop 2017 still has issues to consider.
The loneliness and enormous pressure of the artist.
On the afternoon of December 18th, the news of Jonghyuns (Janghyun) forever leaving shocked the Korean entertainment industry and tens of millions of K-pop fans around the world.
The public is in pain when a bright star is gone forever, but the more it hurts to know the cause of Jonghyuns death is due to evil depression.
Prior to his death, he left a suicide note with the confession that he was submerged by depression and loneliness.
The departure of Jonghyun once again exposed the enormous pressure that Kpop artists are facing.
Not only Jonghyun but many other idols are also struggling to cope with invisible burdens.
It is the loneliness of the limelight, the uncertainty of the future, the anxiety that does not meet public expectations and the criticism of netizens.
Taeyeon (SNSD) once said that she felt empty when she came downstairs, alone in the hotel room after the concert, even before performing in front of thousands of people.
G-Dragon (Big Bang) also revealed when he felt lonely especially after the concert.
And Sunggyu (INFINITE) shared that every artist is worried about his future, and he too: Every time I finish a concert, I worry about one day, We will not be cheering and loving as much as we do now.
It may be time for the Korean music industry to look back at the enormous pressures of the artist, and the agency should also be more concerned about its idols.
To the public, do not criticize without reason, because what the most wanted idols from the audience are simply encouraging words, encouraging them to overcome difficulties.
Sensitive or offensive?.
Short skirts showing body curves, dance moves, eye candy, shame on viewers, bold MVs or even provocative lyrics in the song.
are no longer The story is so strange in Kpop in recent years.
However, the provocation in the kimchi scene seems to have reached alarming levels in 2017.
Many music videos as well as stage performances are judged to have exceeded the cultural limits.
The tradition of an Asian country like Korea.
In mid-March, the Triple H group became the focus of controversy because of its extremely hot 365 Fresh debut.
In the music video, HyunA appeared with more exaggerated pictures of Trouble Maker and continued to act intimately with Hui and EDawn.
Shortly thereafter, the song was banned by many radio stations for containing bold sexual implications and other sensitive issues that could have a negative impact on younger audiences.
Then, on a music show of MBC in October, HyunA made many viewers at the studio as well as viewers are watching TV shocked by the momentum.
Her overly hot dance was judged to make adults too embarrassed.
Unstoppable, in December, 4Minutes ex-member once again rebel in the new MV Lip & Hip.
In particular, the scene of HyunAs underwear underscores that viewers do not understand it is hiding some message of the MV or just to shock the audience.
In addition to HyunA, many other names also have provocative performances and make viewers hot as EXID, Chungha.
Although not tweeting on the music stage as Triple H and HyunA These idols are also listed as part of the public list.
As such, Kpop this year reigns in the status of the singers screaming open, showing the skin to stand out.
There is no denying that boasting in the MVs and having shocking performances at the music scene makes the idols hotter.
However, what they have to get back is the stigma of a netizen, which is the constant criticism of the public, the critics of the parents and the risk of banning the door from the radio.
Many idols follow a sexy style that is considered cheap and does not receive respect.
When negative digital music is exposed.
In late August of this year, a TV program of JBTC broadcast the distribution of the profits of the songs on many major music sites in Korea.
The program reveals that each song will earn 7 won (140 VNĐ) per stream.
Of those, 40% (2.8 won ~ 59 USD) belonged to the music website, 44% (308 won ~ 65 VNĐ) towards the company, 10% (0.7 won ~ 14 VNĐ) For author / producer / lyricist.
In the end, only 6% (0.42 won ~ 8 VND) is about the artists bag.
700psカーボン外装の911ターボS!Auto-Dynamics.pl「Dark Knight」公開 - Duration: 4:31.-------------------------------------------
Satin Villa Customized 100% Cotton Dark Gray Bedding SQ-23 - Duration: 0:17.http://www.yrftextile.com/
Dark Souls III Reading-Learning Patterns and Vordt Of The Boreal Valley - Duration: 3:37.Hello guys, talsiyan here again.
This time, I'll be showing you
how to read your opponents'/enemies' actions, moves, patterns etc.
as you can see, there are 2 lothric knights in front of me
I am gonna pull one of them,
what is gonna happen is probably he will move slowly
after a while he will try to run,
and at that moment I'm gonna parry him
as you can see, he is slowly moving, he will run
and he will get parried like this
You will(or need to) improvise, by time, you will learn every action/moves
I failed there :(
There are 2 spear-shielded hollows in front of me,
what will/is gonna happen is
I'm gonna attack one of them, he will block
and after that, he will try to attack me like this
then I'll backstab him.
I also want to show you how vordt of the boreal valley acts, attacks, moves
As far as we know, he has 2 phases
He slides his hammer or* he tries to put you to the ground(literally)
All you need to do is poke/slash/whatever his butt safely
I wouldn't recommend attacking to his head
Because it's dangerous(and you need to be cautious about it)
And now he just goes into the second phase, charges like 3 times
After that, he just breathes frost(you get the frostbite effect/bar)
Don't forget to save estus flasks before you go into this fight
That's it guys, thank you for watching.
Maserati 424 V - Dark Aquamarine - Airco - Leder - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
USS Callister Explained: The Dark Side of the Ending You Might Have Missed | SML TV - Duration: 5:12.USS Callister Explained: The Dark Side of the Ending You Might Have Missed
The first episode of Season 4's Black Mirror had a pretty straightforward ending, didn't it? Well, not exactly.
Viewers who are taking some time to think about the episode are realizing that the ending isn't quite as happy as we were led to believe.
In fact, much like San Junipero, there's a twist to this ending that might leave it darker than you realized when you first finished the episode. This post, of course, will have spoilers for Black Mirror's USS Callister episode. .
The entire episode was dark enough without considering a different viewpoint on the ending.
Just consider the premise. Capt.
Daly was actually CTO Daly, and he was taking the DNA of coworkers who had "wronged" him, creating digital cookie copies of them, and inserting them permanently into his game.
He was god there and could torture them however much he wanted.
And if Callister takes place after cookies had been granted human rights, then Daly knew they had sentience and was doing this anyway.
In the end, our heroes break free, enter the real online world of Infinity, and Daly is stuck locked into a tiny section of his game.
He had set his door to "Do Not Disturb," so by the time anyone finds him, he'll likely be dead.
He won't have any way to give himself water to stay hydrated, and since everyone's leaving for Christmas break, it could be a while before anyone even realizes something's wrong and breaks through his "do not disturb" door setting.
And sure, after everything Daly did, we're not too upset about this.
But we're forgetting about Nanette in the real world.
Yes, her digital cookie is free and enjoying her online freedom.
But real-Nanette was just blackmailed into breaking into Daly's house and stealing items from his refrigerator and switching out the headpiece he uses to connect to the game.
What if Daly has security cameras in his home? The CTO of a company this huge likely does.
Will Nanette be accused of murdering him? He did get caught in the game, which will cause him to die.
And security footage may show that she was the last one there, and she switched out some of his tech.
Even without security footage, they'll likely find her fingerprints if they investigate at all.
And even if that doesn't happen, she'll always live with the guilt that someone blackmailed her into causing Daly's death.
She may live in fear of being caught.
(Does that sound like another episode from this season?) So things aren't looking so great for Real Life Nanette, who kind of liked Daly until she was warned away from him (and part of her might still like him.).
And consider this… Daly was the genius who programmed the world of Infinity.
What if no one else can quite do what he's done? There's a chance his death might end up breaking down the Infinity world, hurting our heroes.
Of course, they were ready to die just to get away from him, so they'd likely prefer this possibility to Daly still being around.
But still… I can't shake the feeling of Real Life Nanette and where all this may leave her.
Hopefully, her digital clone in the game will reach out to her and let her know what happened.
If digital cookies now have human rights at this point in the timeline, the police might even listen to Digital Nanette if Real Life Nanette gets arrested… Provided they find out what happened.
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