hey in this video I'm gonna show you how to make a website with WordPress and
this is a training for beginners so if you are looking for something more
advanced this video is not for you this video we're gonna do a few things
actually one of the things we're gonna do is I want to leave a PDF also down in
the description and that PDF is gonna have some some of the things that I'm
gonna show you throughout the video that I'm gonna that I'm gonna go through and
just some things that you may want to download in order to help you build your
own website so if you are a beginner first of all don't be shaken up this is
gonna be very easy and that's the way I want it that's the way I make them easy
and this is also gonna come with a bonus section as well in this video so make
sure you stick around to the end it's gonna be some important content in that
it's gonna help your website it's gonna be I guess the way I should put it it's
gonna be the difference between your website succeeding and not succeeding
and the way Google will look at your website so make sure that you stick
around and hey let's get started on this video how to make a website with
WordPress for beginners only let's go
alright there's gonna be two things that you're gonna need in order to make a
website with WordPress and that's a domain name which is the WWN so and so
on so calm and in a hosting account because you're gonna need a platform to
host that domain name on and the platform that we use is Hostgator in
this video the platform that I'm gonna be using is a different one but I always
direct people to Hostgator because Hostgator has what's called a one-click
install for the WordPress application and it's it's much easier to use than
the one that I'm gonna be using so it's very it's very similar to the one I'm
using but Hostgator is a lot easier and I have a filling a link down in the
description and I actually get a little money from that so I have to be upfront
with you guys about that so when you do order a domain name and hosting it's
from an affiliate link it just look down in the description I really appreciate
if you guys go down to the description and click that link and purchase your
Hostgator domain and hosting account as well as you see right here is the domain
there should be a domain search that you can go to and it's just right here just
enter our web address though we've already purchased one and it's called
how to create our website and but just enter I'm just showing you guys how to
do it just enter your I guess the domain name that you're shooting for or the
name of your business or you know if you're doing um you know you want you
want to make sure that the website is it's close in name to whatever you're
trying to do so if you are let's say if you are if you live in Stockton
California and you are a bakery you know Stockton
bakery calm so you want something like that you want to make sure it's um it's
uh that you use the name pretty much is what I'm trying to say also what's
important here is make sure you get a.com domain the rest of these are okay
the dot organize viewer organization like a nonprofit dot org is fine also or
if you're if you're another business or something that may be it you're looking
for a name that's the is not accom dotnet is okay also but more than likely
Google and the search engines they like the dot org dot com dotnet but the
dot-com is the most popular so I highly recommend you to get you a dot-com
domain name all right right here web hosting there's a couple of things I'm
gonna show you here yeah Hostgator is a very easy platform for a WordPress right
here you have um if you are you know just setting up one website the
hatchling plan is fine if you have multiple websites the baby plan right
here as well but let's just just going to show you right here if you click that
sign up button and if you you know enter a domain name here the hatchling the
billing cycle 36 months at 395 395 $3.95 or you can you know you can pay
month-to-month like say you paid 3 years 2 years you can pay a whole year or six
months three months a month a month that's up to you however you want to do
that but just wanted to I like doing this part of the video just to show
everyone that
if you pay up front if you pay all that upfront they'll give you a discount but
if you want a month-to-month that'd be your price right there which is still
not bad for for hosting and you can enter your name and email address and
all of that stuff down here you know if you need um website monitoring that's
that's okay this here me personally I wouldn't get that um if you wanted to
something to back up your your website you know that stuff is up to you but you
really don't need this stuff right now
um there's always a coupon code also for hostgator so which is cool so um that
price right there is if you went with the I guess if you went with the
three-year if you went with the one-year and I guess if you didn't need any of
that stuff or if you wanted to keep us if you wanted to keep that one there you
know that's what you would pay today so just want to show you that that section
as well yeah Hostgator makes everything simple I guess for some reason I like to
do things I guess on my end I guess the I don't want to say the old way but you
know but for the sake of this you don't wanna show you guys some easy things but
as you can see um the one-click installation that they talked about here
on the Hostgator the WordPress hosting is is the one that we're using
well I wanted to see right there some of them Plus features gets compared to
GoDaddy and Squarespace but I'm gonna use Hostgator for this cPanel control is
what I was talking about the cPanel control is very easy um
programming and databases don't don't too much worry about worry about that
right now though I'm going to touch on
database in our bonus section is something I'm gonna do so make sure you
stick around to the end I'm somebody I'm gonna do that that's real important and
you might be missing out if you don't stick around so I have email features
and all that but okay this is a cPanel with look at the cPanel in Hostgator and
after you get your domain name and set up everything you purchase your hosting
this is where you want to come and you want to press this here the WordPress
one-click installation you see to create your blog a website so make sure you do
that you have some other features also um this is some database stuff from the
add-on domain if you need to add more domains on a particular hosting account
you have the ability to do that as well and just want to show you that all right
so now I'm gonna go to that I'm actually gonna go this is the one I'm using this
is from a different different provider but it's all the same the cPanel is is
this very similar just looks different visually so we're gonna click on the
WordPress and install now
all right which one are we using down here at the bottom how to create our
website also right here the protocol that you want to use you want to make
sure you use the proper ones so if you're using one that has a secure
protocol secure dumb SSL which will end an S preferably that one do so but this
one for the sake of this one I'm just using this one here H HTTP 4 colon
forward slash forward slash www.h the web site right there I'm going to leave
this part here blank and site name we can name it site name is really
important also because this helps the search engine that helps search engines
find out what type of website that you that you have how to make a website with
WordPress for beginners site description
I'll just leave that as WordPress blog
all right
we'll actually leave this the same admin password set the language English and
you know you can add a theme right here
see what kind of themes that we have
let's just use this one for now all right before I press that install button
the one thing I like to do I like to go through this again just to make sure
that everything is right especially this stuff in here all right
comfortable with that now just press install and as you can see the software
was installed successfully and you see it right there now this part right here
this is what are we going to into WordPress what I call the the back
office of WordPress and that user and password that we saw this here is where
we're going to go and enter that so it's the WordPress dashboard you see it just
it automatically click me and maybe because I have another app open there
somewhere that's fine either way it usually acts for a user
and pass you know especially when you log out so make sure that you put your
user and password in a good place where you can find okay and right here is just
some some things that you're gonna gonna have to update
so right now the website visually looks like this so don't worry about any of
this but just just to show you what it looks like right now
it's what it looks like so this is just the the WordPress theme that we use um
if you want a better thing which you probably would want a better better
theme I would highly recommend - you know there's so many places where you
can go and look and find some some different things I'm gonna try to have
something in a description below for you as well to get a better thing I
generally don't ever use the themes that WordPress provides for free you know I
usually um if you get a paid theme paying the press is gonna be much much
better but that's right now this is how the website looks so one of the first
things that I like to do is add the plugins and I'm gonna provide a list of
plugins for you guys in the description also well they list the plugins will be
a part of the website PDF pack that um that you can download as well so we'll
we'll make sure that um that we have that introduced in the description as
well but the plugins are yeah I guess your your nut and bolts of a website and
I'm gonna put some and I'm going to show you how to do them actually so just like
I said click plugins add new and you'll see these right here so first one that
I'm gonna put above the fold and this one this is a toolkit that enables you
to achieve a Google page speed of 100 or more so um this is one of the one of the
things that keeps your website efficient or you can find out any problems on your
website is there a problem about about um website performance because one of
the thing that Google has put a real real big-time emphasis on is the page
speed and your website's ability to load quickly so you want to make sure that
you install this that we can swipe site
this is my anti-spam plug-in it's on here somewhere
all right there we go and this checks your comments and form contact form
submissions and it will protect your website and it and it works it works
really really good and just have to set it up right here um you'll click this
button and it'll prompt you to their website and you register and they'll
send you uh a key where you'll have to enter it right here in the in the
settings here so it's API key that you'll you'll get so just make sure you
sign up and get that that's real important
the next one is called Auto optimize and this is this helps your images on your
website a lot of times when you're running running this page speed that
that I showed you previously some of the problems might occur from the images
that you have maybe the images are too big on the website and this will help in
aiding you to shrink those images optimize the website broken link checker
I guess you got to go to new add new then press it so you have to get this
screen can't just press the just press add new and make sure this screen with
all of this stuff on here to search your plugins
like this right here I know it's this one because I can look at how many
active installs that it has all right the next one contact form seven I'll use
that for your contact page that I'm gonna show you how to field it's really
easy make sure that okay
I like to use that it flows well you neccessity probably don't need this but
I like to use this it makes editing your content a lot better and gives you a
gives you a lot more options when you're when you're writing content so you don't
need it if you don't want it but everything that I'm putting in
I do recommend plugin does not have validator
so right now that's probably just probably just something wrong with the
plug-in right now but it's you don't necessarily need it right now
but I think it's good to have image optimizer right here as good as well
all right Google Analytics install this one here if I share this just press
activate also in this dashboard also the GA d WP dashboard
it's another plugin insert headers and footers
this is the easy way to add code to it to your own website copy and paste the
code that's it you're not writing code or anything like that so long let the
word cold how are we doing we're doing coding so don't don't let that bother
you I'm going to show you how to use that how to use this also alright
jetpack stall this axe allows you to use this and wordpress.com to use it
together so the platform that you're using the WordPress CMS you're using
it's on the wordpress.org system so this is um very useful as well and you'll
connect to WordPress click that and it'll prompt you to everything that you
need to do make sure you back out of that also and get to here
page links - it's a good one also it makes your WordPress page link to an
external URL instead of its WordPress URL so we're gonna do that one also
while we hear this Yoast SEO which is probably one of the most important
plugins out of all of these that we've installed alright just one last one that
I wanna add and it's called WP edit take complete control over your WordPress
content all right activate there we go actually that I'm not even sure if we
really need that edit flow that I had I'm not sure but as for right now the
ones that we've the one that we downloaded and activated are all the
ones that we need here so and this is the WP any button you can add buttons to
your editor so whatever you're um typing typing up content or anything you can
add and delete buttons
all right the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna go to where it says
settings and damn writing are there some real important here we're going to add
to see all these right here when you publish new posts WordPress
automatically notifies the following site update services so that's how
Google finds out that you have new content because these websites will
these websites will pretty much tell Google ding-ding-ding-ding we have new
content on this website so it just pings the website is what it is and we also
have this list downloaded also in our in our PDF our website PDF they were going
to provide for you as well and make sure that you press Save Changes and you're
all done I'm right here go through this general the general settings part that's
what we set up when we install WordPress
and you can set a date time format if it's if it's not that's toughest is off
so all that looks good actually there was a couple of plugins that I forgot to
install it's actually two of them um for security purposes I themes security
this one right here want to make that's the one important thing you want to make
sure that your website is secured this is kind of why it's up in there at the
beginning of what I was talking about a Hostgator and you know they had some
some security features that you can pay for in my experience this I think is
just as good so that along with the next one that I'm going to download this one
is called w3 total catch right there and it's improves the SEO and using
experiences by increasing the web site performance so you can't go wrong with
this one as well so the other one is for security this one is for web performance
now sometimes with these different plugins
if you were to have a problem let's say if you installed a new plugin and all of
a sudden your website something's going wrong with your website then I will
suggest you to quickest way to fix that is to delete the previous plug-in that
you installed so um that's a pretty good tip there something else I was gonna say
okay so now that we got those two downloaded we can close one last thing
next we're gonna actually we're gonna make a few pages but before we do that
we need to go to the permalinks section also you need to set your permalinks as
this here post name press that right there and the reason for that whenever
you this gives you the ability to when you write a page or post gives you the
ability to set it up how you want it to other otherwise if you were to let's say
make a page or post it will spit out see after after the dot-com for SEO purposes
for search engine optimization purposes the way Google sees it if you want your
website to be found in the search engines you want to make sure you
connect post name and you know I'll go a little into that in this next section
make sure you save it
all right now we'll we'll make a few pages I would recommend a website really
to have about 20 25 pages make 20 25 pages of your website and I will say
that at a minimum starting out even though these examples you know we're
just gonna make about you know four or five of them you see this sample page
here that's what that is you see that sample page
but before we make the pages let's go right here to this um plug-in called WP
edit and what I've done with this plug and you'll have to do this because I
actually you guys can't tell but I moved some of these make sure you have the
format actually the format was actually down here along with the font family
font sizes and paragraph there are down here and I actually moved them up and
that's what this plugin is about it helps you construct your content and
I'll show you that in a second actually this sample page will will end up
deleting that but we'll go right here to this services when actually let me will
trash that I wasn't started from the beginning to show you exactly what we
will we did okay we just want to add new to add a new page and I'm gonna show you
what the permalinks will do for you
all right I'll serve our services see that that's what that permalink did for
us role in our services right here and you can edit that as well now if you
wanted to edit that and just write services no you can do that as well so
we'll just keep like that for the sake of um showing you guys how to do this
and let's see let's go down here actually you can add an image to the
page as well I don't have any um actually nee made up right now but just
to show you this is where you add an image now you can also add image right
here in the content but for this page you can however you want to you can add
an image here and the way you can do that is right here through media so if
you want to add or upload a picture to the image to the library you can do it
here there's an important thing also for SEO purposes down here this is the Yoast
SEO plug-in and this is how the website is seen in Google so remember you can
change this also on the way that do that well a few things you can change this
before you do that you want to make sure you have a focus word right there also
so we can just go with our services or we can just go with something as simple
as services and to edit the snippet you can just see how don't worry about any
of this stuff just press your title
press the button right there so you can just right
services we offer you know so you can change all of that
it's probably good to fill this up until you see green right here the services we
offer for our WordPress websites are affordable
so we'll just write that so you want to make sure it's green what that green
lets you know and let you know that it's optimized so it's optimized for the
search engines here and you can also write a description so remember anytime
that you google anything you'll see this part as well
so I was just kind of thinking of anything the rank right here just so you
can see this bar again this green bar now you see we have the services there
have it there and we have it in the description and you want to do that for
search engine optimization purposes and as you can see right here this is kind
of your lip miss test of you know the Scot on-page SEO so your on-page SEO
must be great also now I'm not gonna do this for every
page but just to kind of show you what you should be doing with your website
pages and for the sake of this we'll press will just go ahead and publish it
alright next one that we are going to do is contact page so we want to go right
here where it says contact and we want to let's go to contact forms have to do
some adjusting there actually before we go there we
want to it's gonna add new just wanna have to get that cold just wanted to
show you okay right here let's right
see this here when I take that coating and put it on our contact page it's
gonna have some sections for your name for a name an email address subject
matter and a message and the send button and this is this is where you want to
add your email address or at the address where those contacts go to and from
subject yeah I don't worry about that just this is what you want to change
messages apart also these are the messages that you can send to senders
message must've sent successfully and this is the return what you know your
particular or potential customers or what have you or whomever just trying to
contact you they'll get that back and you can change some of that stuff if you
actually let me we go back to that something that I wanted to see
additional settings messages mail form
go back to contact forms here and so actually this is the and actually grab
this cold because I added a new one so I made a new contact form
go find our contact page there we go
all right this is what you want to do it's gonna be a little tricky
you're not gonna add that right here you're gonna go to the text and add it
because you're heading cold okay to go back to the visual
press publish
preview changes you see that this is what its gonna say contact us your name
email subject your message along with the send button right there as well and
also you can see contact us our services that sample page that you still have
right there for now and I did that by previewing the changes okay the next
page next page is going to be our about page
so set the exact same concept as well I'm not gonna change any of this stuff
cuz I showed you how to do that earlier and for those that don't understand what
SEO is that search engine optimization anytime you have content online content
you want to make sure that you get traffic to it you want to make sure that
people are in the Google search engine looking for a particular thing or a
particular product particular service or particular some type of information you
know and you want to make sure you optimize any and all content for any
website for any video for it you want to make sure that you do that that's what
this is down here this is why I talked about it earlier in the pages that the
services page so right here like I said even with the previous previous one
since I showed you previously I'm not gonna change any event but you should
change it so I'm I'm highly recommending you to change it because you want to get
free traffic to your site you don't want no you don't want to pay for traffic if
you don't want to so even if you aren't doing any any type of paid paid methods
you know that's fine but for the sake of this video we're going to focus on
getting free traffic to your website okay about our products and services and
you can just write anything in here
you're just writing stuff in here
that was a keyboard mistake all right and like I said this this part here is
it is tool important even though I'm not gonna do it for the sake of the video
sake of the the training here but you know I'm gonna change right here
I'll just put about
and you know don't forget you can add a image right there
I highly recommend you to add an image
alright and next when this is gonna be last one everyone do well want to do two
more just be real quick
this will just be home we'll just keep that right there and we're we're doing
this here for a reason I don't put anything there or or anything down there
and I'm not gonna even publish this I'm just gonna save this for now cuz I may
or may not use this page but right now I'm just gonna save this and I'll get to
the last one this finish holding up okay and this next one will be block okay and
I'm not gonna write anything in here you already know to make sure you fill that
info you'll fall out down there and down here will let you know how good your SEO
is basically that's what it is so right here I'll just press publish and those
are the pages that I then I'm gonna add and you see alrighty let's go to menus
prepares their menus in the menus you can change this stuff here actually I
went into the page settings and change that about you see that right there we
already done that but just press take and go back to the home page but he
changed this is the menu so what changes though you can change the positions of
that as you can see here actually the the custom link when we press this here
primary actually what its gonna show on since this is a responsive theme it's a
mobile thing you'll have a tab where to show home then about then blog contact
us our services right now we just have this pretty much for the home page on
the menus and you can kind of set these up I guess the way you the way
you want and actually put about their blog there I put them however you want
to save menu if you also wanted another let's say if you made more pages if you
wanted to showcase another page up here on the menu you can do that here as well
you'd find it right here and checkmark it then add it to the menu but since we
already have these here we don't need to Adam but home in this primary location
on your mobile device it's gonna show like I said it's gonna show a drop down
the drop down button where to say home about block contact us our services and
it's pretty much it on the menu just make sure you say that for the menu
alright what I'm gonna do next is talk about blog the blog the blog so you see
blog there and you see we didn't put anything in here and you normally you
more likely you won't put anything here you just make the blog page and here's
why when you go to settings and reading so it's how you can set up the blog you
can make as you can see this is a reading settings page let me scroll down
so you can see all of that and this is where you set up your block so you can
have your blog pages show however many posts that you like I usually just keep
it right at 10 syndication feeds so the most reason I don't touch any of this
for each article in the feed show full texe our summary I usually just keep
that there and I never click this because you don't want to discourage the
search engines from indexing any of your content so you want to welcome the
search engine so don't touch any of that but for your blog you're gonna have to
make the front page static page now if you were using a different theme if
you're using a different thing you could you know I said if it was if it was a
landing page on the front page where you know that was either there either was a
video but you know um had a section for your name and you know your name and
email address so you can so your customers are visitors to the website
can opt in that page you would select but for the sake of this you know I have
to touch anything on the front page the only thing you have to do to set up the
blog has come here the select drop-down button and click blog that's your post
page you're setting up your blog and you can save changes here and now if you
want to write blog posts all you have to do is come here to you know your your
back office your website forward slash WP dash admin and that's where you know
that's how you get to this back office here um and you would go to posts say
add new posts that's what we'll do here
we'll let that load up so remember in order to get to where we're working at
now not not the post page but the entire back office remember at the
we when we get the one-click install and it gave us you know will be set up the
website and then it there is two URLs there so there was you know the wwl to
create our website calm and then there was one that said wwl to create our
website calm forward slash WP dash admin so that's how you get into this section
that your wordpress back-office and remember on the one click how we set up
the password in a username so you'll use that password and username to get to the
back-office I just wanted to reiterate that and for the posts this is how we
write blog posts same thing that we that we did before let's say how about we
call this C I'll create a wordpress blog posts for advanced users only and when
we do that remember I talked about this here now what you want to do is the
target word that you want to focus on you want to keep here for SEO purposes
say here we want to how to create a wordpress blog post and we'll just leave
that out
just press okay I will just go with you and just create well how to create
WordPress blog post will do that there then this is where you type now you want
to be very conscious of your fonts because you also want to remember that
you know people are on mobile devices and they're reading it's their own
desktops also but I would always cater to my mobile users because that's gonna
be that's from that's where most of for my website that's where most of my
traffic come from mobile right now here at the time that we're living in at the
time of this there's so many statistics that are out right now most of your
website is gonna be mobile traffic as well and you want to grab the right kind
of font I usually either go with either this joy
Georgia are health health health Atika Helvetica you know one rose but we'll go
with Georgia and I wouldn't go over sixteen point five I would stay between
12 and 16 so for the sake of this let's just go with 16 cuz you have to keep in
mind mobile that your users are on mobile so you don't want to find too big
and you know you're writing blog posts you can write right here just right
just write that also you wanna I didn't add this plug-in in but you might want
to add some sort of plug-in some sort of well you might find it in jetpack where
it has some type of sharing feature because you want to make sure that all
of your all of your blog posts that you publish that it has the ability to be
shared on social media so I'm I didn't add a plug-in a sharing plug-in but you
know I would recommend that I recommend checking that jetpack plug-in that we
have first that we that we download it first and if that doesn't have a share
feature you know looking to you know the best plugins on WordPress and I would do
that because you definitely want that you definitely want your your post to be
shared now a couple blogging tips your blog posts you want you first of all you
want to check your competition what is your competition doing is your
competition how long will the blog posts that they're writing you want to check
that out as well because you want to be in conjunction with them in terms of the
length of the blog posts you also want to make sure don't I would say don't
write like blog posts like 200 word blog posts things such as that um
infographics are great also so I would use infographics if you know how to make
infographics I'll just go to canva.com you can actually make infographics at
canva.com canv a.com it's a free application where you can use images is
very easy to use so um yet with with block-posts just yeah just
make sure that they're long enough make sure you using images make sure that
just make sure that you're using even with your images make sure that you are
when you label them or you're naming your images make sure that like for this
one let's see if I added an image here before I even scroll down to here and
add an image I would definitely want that image once I downloaded it to my
computer before I uploaded it here the WordPress I would definitely that image
will have how to create WordPress blog posts in it and that's because Google
when it scans your site it looks for that and to see that I just want to make
sure everything is optimized one make sure you your content is optimized your
images are optimized everything has to be optimized for the search engines but
just for the sake of this this video that we're doing like here you don't
want that to be viewed as double content here so you always want to go in and
change this so edit snippet and I was just copy
and paste that how to create WordPress blog posts and then make sure that you
enter the description you to say what the page is about but you also want to
make sure that you use how to create WordPress blog posts right here in the
description as well because remember people gonna be looking looking up I
guess whatever your blog is about people are gonna be looking for how to create a
wordpress blog post for advanced users so they're gonna be looking for how to
create a wordpress blog post so make sure that that is in here along with you
know full sentences or whatnot like I showed you earlier you can enter tags
right here as well so tags are gonna be like your keywords so here would be how
to create a blog post also would write I will enter about six to eight keywords
here or sixty six eight tags
you know you can never like six to eight tags I'm not gonna enter them but sure
you do that like I said make sure you have an image you can add categories as
well so category let's say want to optimize it also and you want to
categorize it and obviously like I said earlier we're blocking blocking out more
like out do a whole video on blogging so I'll make sure I do that very soon
because I want to be I have to be very specific when it comes to blogging but
just for the sake of this you know will press um will publish it all right I'm
go here and refresh okay you actually see the home button so
all right
see this is our blogpost we can get rid of that also but you know right now
we'll just keep it just how it is
okay just so that I'm clear this you can use this setup if you're using a landing
page as your front page and as we go back to the reading settings page how we
made we made this a static page for that so if we had a landing page we will set
that up in the in the menus we will make sure we find that particular home page
in the in the and make it a part of our drop now but since we're not we'll just
go back here and we'll this is fine if you'd like I said if you're using the
landing page but we'll go back to where it says your latest posts and since
we're using different kind of a different type of deal we'll we'll just
limited at or we'll just show our latest
we can keep this head show the most let's just say one we'll just change
that to one because we're gonna go right back to the regular form that we had
previously all right now we'll go back here we'll just refresh the page I'll
show you what I'm talking about all right
it's our home button there so you have the bottom right here it's only gonna
show our latest blog posts so that's why we went back and changed that since
we're not using a landing page for you know the
the example here in this training so that's why we just put it at one post
that will show now if this was a landing page we would change that back to five
or ten you put that five or ten so all right also here you know you can set the
set these up for however you want however you want to set them up we'll
show you how to set that up real quick let's go to appearance and customize so
customize button you can customize could I actually win here for almost anything
but well we'll go right here on the front page let's go appearance here on
the front page okay front page CTA trio section is what
this will be and I actually went here and change something already but the
trio section see how it has the icon with this particular thing it has a
bunch of different icons so that these are the response of mobile and
the third one here just wrote the tagline there the title just a different
title just to show you different title tagline and put a link right there to
Hostgator and you would you know you were customize it however you like and
you would press the Save button right up there and the next thing that we are
going to do go right here and check the plugins so make sure I got all the
plugins okay something else here got on a plug-in so this here as far as
designing the website you know you can you can change all of this stuff and go
ahead and change all that but the only thing about plugins that WordPress
provide for you for free it's like this stuff here there's a
pretty sure you can change some of that stuff also along with that is well put
your company name and stuff there I don't think that's a real big deal other
than that this is how you build a website this is how you make a website
with WordPress if you are a beginner now I have a bonus section so stick around
now that wasn't hard was it I told you this training was gonna be very easy
when you're dealing with WordPress WordPress makes everything easy and
simple and hopefully I showed you some very
easy steps into building your website but this is the bonus section right here
this is what we're gonna go through we're gonna go through setting up a
Google Analytics account we're gonna set up a Google webmasters account well they
call it search console now and within the search console we're gonna show you
how to set up robots.txt file and to set up your sitemap all so I'm gonna go into
the database also I'm gonna show you yes I know
I had no database I don't know I'm sure I don't know anything about database
okay don't worry about that because I'm gonna show you how to do it and how to
upload the robots.txt files easily it's very easy trust me if you're hanging
would be this far along I've showed you an easy way to build your website now
I'm gonna show you the bonus section and this will make your website efficient
that's what this section is about so stay with us and let's go all right make
sure that you go to Google Analytics first of all make sure you have a Google
account you can get a free email at Google calm so make sure that you have a
gmail account once you get a gmail account just Google Google Analytics and
click on Google Analytics and you know register for it you'll get a page
similar to this and the admin section right there the admin section you can
click right there on the account and then come out here where it says create
new account and you can create a brand new account just make up a new account
name your website name enter the website URL as you can see this has the security
protocol right there as well so whichever kind of website you have enter
that make sure you enter find the industry that you in if you
can't find the industry that you're in it has an other button at the very
bottom and decide whether or not you want to share data with Google and once
you finish that just click that get your tracking ID and what it will return you
is something such as this tracking ID and some website code right here
actually what you want to do with this code you want to copy all of it so from
the top all the way down you want to copy it and go back to your website and
you can go to those at the insert headers and footers go to that and paste
it here remember that plug-in and we installed
insert headers and footers paste that there and press save
see this tracking ID you're gonna use that also but what you want to do next
is you want to go a little scroll down where it says Google Analytics either
one of those actually the both of those and you're gonna get a access code so
once you press the access code for it it's gonna prompt you to your gmail
account once it prompts you to your gmail account you know you'll see them
you'll see some code to come up and just copy paste that code stick it in there
press the Save access code button also on the other for the Google Dashboard
that we're using on for our dashboard remember we downloaded two different
download the Google Analytics plug-in and a plugin for this here or you can
just go straight from this page press the authorize plug and it'll do the same
thing or the Settings plug-in and you'll get this here you'll need to
authenticate Google it kind of do the same thing that
it did with with you previously give you some code and all of that stuff it'll
it'll prompt you to similar similar as before so you're all think a with Google
will show you your gmail account all of that and all that good stuff so that's
pretty much how you often Kate and get the Google Analytics dashboard and just
the Google Analytics together and and that's pretty much it on Google
Analytics it's it's fairly easy to do probably easy to set up and like I said
you can always go back into your account and I set this up previously you can
always go into your account and get the tracking ID number and that's the global
site tag numbers you like I said you copy and paste and put that in the
insert headers like we did and this is your Google tracking ID so now that you
know your website is Gugu is googled up so it actually um you know the search
engines will see that they will definitely see that now we will use okay
go to Google webmasters are a Google console that's what you'll need to do
once you go to Google console you'll get a page similar to similar to this and
press add a property and enter your website HTTP you know if you're using a
security protocol HTTP colon forward slash forward slash you know how to
enter it do that and then you just press that ad and once you do that you'll get
that just kind of how we got that this is a this hasn't updated yet so this was
a previous previous one that I did a previous thing that I did so what you'll
do is you'll go to you know you can go to manage the property and you pretty
much get this stuff okay messages search parent search traffic Google index crawl
all that good stuff so make sure that you set up your Google Analytics make
sure you set up the search console you want to set up the search console
for two important reasons I'm gonna show you how to how to update your how to
make a robot text file this same robot text file will be in in a PDF in a
description as part of our website PDF pack so it'll be in there so fairly easy
fairly easy to make and you can do this with them if you using uh I guess if
you're on the using a Windows app you can just simply use a notepad to do to
do this but before we get to that what's cool about this search console is that
you can you can check a lot of data using this tool as well you can see the
links to your site internal links to your site um some mobile usability you
check that google index if you have any issues right there with URLs or anything
of that nature but what I'm gonna show you is the cross section and that's how
Google crawls your website and we're interested in two things right now
robot.txt file and the sitemap let me show you how to find your sitemap you'll
go back to your website the back office of the website the admin section of your
WordPress site and you will go to SEO the Yoast SEO you'll have to you
actually have to go in here and set this up and I'll I'll show you a little bit
in just second alright we want to go to the Yoast SEO dashboard and we're gonna
check a couple of things out here
make sure that you after we're done you can come back in here and connect this
to the search to the Google search console general scan it features okay
this is what we're gonna do all the stuff that's enabled we want to keep it
the way it is everything looks good but the advanced setting which includes a
site-wide settings of your titles meta description social metadata sitemaps and
much more we want to enable that okay so we want to enable that and we want to
press Save Changes and once we do that worry about that I always go back and
earth fix that what we want to do is as you see all of this stuff just came up
now now sitemaps is where we want to go for one all right this is our site map
right here and this is it so it's really sitemap can't see it but I'm looking in
my url section or you can also see it if you put the see that at the bottom here
seen it at the very bottom the part after the.com the sitemap underscore
index dot XML that's the part that you want so once we click that and got this
here you'd go up in the browser and you just copy the the URL we're after
the.com which is a sitemap underscore index dot XML
and you want to go back to the search console but right here is fine actually
this is where you should make your robots.txt file so just going to notepad
and you'll see this right here this is a robots.txt file and you see as part of
it is the sitemap so and like I said this will be in the as part of the PDF
the website PDF pack you'll see this so you can copy and paste this but what we
want to do this is what we will do you want to make sure you save it as robots
dot txt okay and no pad robots dot txt so it's just a robot txt
file and you want to go into the database now remember remember was it
there you go
the Hostgator database has a file manager as well remember I'm using a
different a different one but it's the same thing if you click on the file
manager what you want to do is you want to find wanna come over here and I want
to find the public underscore HTML this right here is where I'm going to find
the website and right here you press upload and then you press select file
and you'll find your robots.txt file and uploaded here once you upload it you'll
get it like I got it right here robots.txt file that is the exact same
thing as this so once you do that and that's it this
is just a database that's all this is just uploading it you upload it to your
file manager not necessarily the database but technically it is the
database even though the PHP myadmin is database stuff as well so we'll go back
here to the search console once we got it upload it and that's how it comes out
okay has our sitemap there but we still
haven't uploaded our sitemap okay so we still have that to do but this is the
file that we uploaded to the file manager sitemaps right here sitemaps
very easy remember I talked about after the section right here you just take
that copy go to sitemaps and upload the sitemap gonna have the sitemap right
here then you just press submit and I've already done that right here this is the
previous one that I done that's the new sitemap
so when you make websites whether it's on the WordPress WordPress platform or
not it is so important to upload that robots.txt file because Google is gonna
be looking for your sitemap it's gonna be looking for your sitemap and it's
gonna be looking for that robot text file in order to get there because they
want make sure that it's scanning scanning
everything that you wanted to scan in terms of your posts and your pages on
your website so make sure you upload a robots.txt file and upload your sitemap
and with the Google Analytics as well you want you want all of that because
you want that data you want to look at that data you want to start watching
that traffic go in and out your you know your website you want to make sure that
you have as much data as you possibly can and that way you can you can
possibly target your audience a whole lot better so Google Google Analytics
and Google search console Oh before I go I wanted to talk about a couple of
things PageSpeed this PageSpeed insights is a
it's a Google website where you can test your PageSpeed and so so something I
alluded to earlier in the video I know I suck at typing but that's okay and you
can analyze a website for PageSpeed and that's one of the factors that Google
looked looks at when it comes to efficiency your website efficiency so
you want to make sure that you check the website you see this website here that
we've been working on and look at that score there 85 and 87 so it's passing
also you want to make sure that you go to another Google site it's a
mobile-friendly test site that Google has you want to make sure that you're in
told you I can't type you want to make sure that your webpage is a
mobile-friendly site because that's another factor that Google looks at and
make sure that all of the websites that that are shown well the websites that
are mobile-friendly are gonna get more more um gonna be visible more and the
reason for that in the search results and that's a big thing that that google
has been working on and a big emphasis area that they've been working on for
this search result so they just want us just looking out for the users and this
is a mobile-friendly site so just wanted to add this to the video so page speed
you can just look up page speed also one of the one of the UM you see that page B
right there one of the plugins that we install the above-the-fold plugin that's
with this page but you can test the page speed straight from the website when you
download this plug-in above-the-fold optimization enables to achieve google
page speed score so um you just want to make sure that page speed score is
passing and if it's not passing it's gone um
below there it's gonna show you what the problems are so I just wanted to add
this on to a website efficiency section
promoting your website can be can be tricky and here's why it can be tricky
because you have to you have to make sure that you have a plan to promote
your website because sometimes with a lot of the information that's out about
our promoting website it can get you it can actually get you lost it can
actually get your website banned as well and when it comes to search engine
optimization seo it's a very important thing because it can definitely yield
you some free traffic you have on-page and off-page SEO on page SEO meaning
your website has to be optimized right meaning your titles have to be right
your description of your website have to be right and that goes the same for your
pages on your website in your post when you when you are when you're blogging as
well so it has to be optimized so that that's in a nutshell that's um on-page
SEO actually a great guy to to look at his
guy by the name of Neil Patel Neil Patel um you can go to either Neil Patel
dot-com go to Neil Patel I just googled Neil Patel you'll see a couple of
different websites that he's associated with but he's um he's a very best at SEO
also on off page which is backlinks so the thing about backlinks is this a few
years ago Google came out with Google Panda and Google penguin where they
punished a lot of different websites for doing a lot of blackhat backlink
building and things of things that such so um you have to be careful when it
comes to backlinks because there's a lot of those things that worked a couple of
years ago that just doesn't work anymore the only only couple of things that I
would I would worry about is you know getting links you know build
relationships with with people in that you're in and you know asking them
for a link or you know writing content similar to someone and you know you know
offering to you know offer offering to be of some value with the content that
you wrote and a lot of times you can get links back that way but things such as
block commenting I wouldn't do that things such as article directories I
wouldn't do that either I would just focus on I would
just focus on like I said getting links from you know from other bloggers and
social media social media is a is a very important thing it's a very powerful
engine is a very powerful powerful tool that that you can use as well so whether
it's paid social media or you know organic um you know make sure that you
share all your content on social media but right now paid social media is a big
thing because you have to look at it um a lot of these companies now such as
Facebook and Twitter a lot of them are publicly traded companies and that's
where the revenue comes from you know in order to pay shareholders from
advertising you know so um advertising is a big is a big thing when it comes to
social media collaborating so collaboration you know I spoke about
that briefly collaboration is very important just find someone in your
niche or identify the people in your niche that you could possibly
collaborate with just see how you can be a value to them like I spoke about
previously the other thing that you can do to promote your website is things
such as you know writing for large publications and I know that's the thing
you know it's probably way off off of out out in space for some people you
know write for large publications yeah you can do that as well there's a guy by
the name a command Z constable so you can google that name also command Z
constable and I'll try to put all these either in the PDF far down in the in the
description and you know he teaches people how to write for large
publications but he also has a lot of free content as well so I'm or you can
just um you know you you always have YouTube and and Google at your disposal
where you can look up these things so writing for large publications a lot of
these people that put our content for these large publications are
contributors you know myself I contribute to the good men project I'm
also a contribute to thrive global thrive global is a website that's owned
by Arianna Huffington of The Huffington Post you remember she sold the
Huffington Post to aol.com and um now she has a new baby which is called
thrive global so I write for thrive global as a contributor and for the good
men project and you know I get links back from those websites I get backlinks
from those websites and they help as well so um I think she'd do that but all
the old methods of backlink and just leave that stuff alone I wouldn't touch
it at all I really wouldn't I wouldn't touch it at all the blog comments
article directories all these different things all these other different things
that and in the past would help you skyrocket your rankings in Google they
just simply don't work anymore so I just would focus on old-fashioned getting
links from you know from collaborating and and you know possibly guest posting
on other blogs as well and um you know social media you know um obviously with
social media you know you you're getting help from from many other people that
you know if your weren't riding crop quality content they're gonna share it
and you know like I said there's a paid version of of it as well you know for
Facebook so get in tune with that with that stuff but um search engine
optimization seo is very important on-page SEO and off page SEO so I just
wanted to add that to this video and
yeah I just wanted to have that to this video so um some of you all would would
get um I guess get kind of a true and and I've tested so many of these things
and I wouldn't waste my time going to a website like Fiverr and and buying
backlinks and stuff this I don't care what the what they tell you on fiber
fiber the old school way of backlinking it just doesn't work you you'll get your
website penalized a lot of times you'll get penalized in the rankings and you
won't even know it just right quality content have a good website make sure
that your website is efficient like I showed you early in this in this video
and you know just write good content and you know find others in your niche and
build that and build that way and and you know then you have large
publications at your disposable you have social media at your disposal that's
just the way I would go that's the route I will go you save yourself a lot of
time and a lot of headache alright now we've come to the end I just want to say
hey thank you for allowing me to show you how to build a website in WordPress
very easy process and actually the whole video was a pretty easy process actually
for me to make and it was enjoyable showing you guys how to make the website
but make sure that you download the website PDF pack the website PDF pack
contains some some free information from it actually has the ping the ping list
that I that I showed you all throughout the video it has a few other things also
such as the robots.txt file and things that I nature so make sure that you
download the PDF down in the description of this video make sure that you do that
right now so I it was great showing you all like I said
how to make a website with WordPress you guys are not beginners anymore you gonna
have your website up and up and running before you know it if you guys have any
questions hey leave it down in the comment don't forget to subscribe
subscribe do that right now thanks for watching this video hey we'll see you in
the next one thank you
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