Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 10, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Oct 3 2017

Hey guys I'm Alexander Jasper-Jay and today I wanted to touch on what I was talking about in my last video

in a bit more detail

I intentionally was very vague in that video

and that's because I want to approach this subject very delicately

not only because it's emotionally heavy for me

but because it might freak some of you guys out

who are on testosterone or planning to go on testosterone to hear that testosterone put me in a wheelchair

fret not testosterone is not at fault

my doctor was mishandling my testosterone

anyway she didn't know how to test my levels

by that I mean she didn't know the frequency in which she should be testing my levels

and she didn't know how to read my levels

despite the fact that I had provided all of that information to her with a representative of pflag present

what the fuck

anyway that's not the point of this video

this video I wanted to address a question I got shortly after uploading my last video

and that question was I thought when you overdosed on T it simply converted back into E

and that is true to some extent

your body has a safety mechanism in place

(so) that when you have a surplus of testosterone it will convert into estrogen

and this is to keep the testosterone from doing too much damage to your system

but when you have such a vast amount of testosterone in your system over such a long period of time

I-I was overdosing for three years okay

there's only so much your body can do to accommodate for that

and unfortunately mine couldn't really do anymore

I wound up developing something called polycythemia and something called Raynaud's

and I'll jump more into what those are in another video

I don't have much space or time with this battery on this camera

but I wanted to make this video kind of okay

Yeah I'm here I'm alive and I am slowly getting better

and I am still on testosterone for those of you who are wondering

in fact I did my shot today and I filmed it so

enjoy me freaking out


*Shots by lmfao playing*


so you may have noticed between this clip and the last one

my shirts changed

the lighting the camera angle its all changed and

that's because it's a few hours later and I edited a video while my camera battery was charging

because it drains kinda fast

but I ordered a new battery so that should be

a problem of the past pretty soon

anyway uh not really what I wanted to talk about

what I want to talk about goes back to the question that I recieved

and I really want to talk about the lack of information

that we have out there about testosterone overdose

people don't know how to spot red flags so

symptoms of testosterone overdose include but are not limited to

blurred vision

headache... seizures

slurred speech

sudden and sever inability to speak

temporary blindness

weakness in the arm or leg on one side of the body sudden and severe

I actually have a combination of these symptoms at one point

I wound up having to be rushed to the emergency room

with a migraine that presented as if it were a stroke

so at twenty-one years old I was rushing to the hospital thinking I was having a stroke

because I was dealing with side effects of testosterone overdose

even though at that point I had been off of testosterone for ten days

this is after I was released from the hospital

that was horrifying and I don't wish that on anybody

so in order to deter that from happening to other people I want to start a dialogue

a conversation about testosterone overdose

and just really get into it

you know it's kind of difficult to convey everything around all that mess


for a lot of it I was pretty fucked up

the entirety of the time I was in the hospital I was on dilaudid

and upon my release I was still being given T3s

and then there's also the fact


I was feeling very low energy

I was detoxing from testosterone

just was not a great time for my head

felt very spacey

really just swimming through all that it's clouded by emotions

and I would really appreciate if you guys had questions and maybe made this more of a two-way conversation

instead of just me talking at you

'cause that feels a little weird

I feel as if the fact (that) you are told when you overdose on T it converts back into E serves as a great deterrent

because you don't want something intended to alleviate dysphoria to wind up triggering it

I also feel as if that lack of information can be quite dangerous

because you don't really know what red flags to look out for

and unfortunately that was the case for me I had no idea

what red flags

I should be spotting

and honestly even looking back now it's difficult to determine

a lot of the mood stuff could have been attributed to the fact that I have BPD

and then

you know I was working a lot so that's how I wound up dismissing the pain in my feet

headaches I was stressed out like there's a number of different factors

but all of those together should have really told me something

I also just want to encourage you if you are not seeing somebody who specializes in trans care for your testosterone

that you yourself

educate yourself more about your levels

and where they should be at

so you can be more proactive with your care

you don't want to be like me

my doctor didn't know what the fuck she was doing

I trusted her

and I wound up getting really messed up over it

please... be careful

so yeah

peace out scout people I shall see you soon *clicks cheek* bye


For more infomation >> What Happens When You OD on T - FTM [CC] - Duration: 5:37.


What I saw in Puerto Rico was heartbreaking - Duration: 1:15.

Hi, I'm Luis Mendoza, I'm a staff with the United Steelworkers. As all of you know

last week devastating hurricane hit the island of Puerto Rico and the Virgin

Islands in the Caribbean. We have a large amount of members out there. Thousands.

I actually lived through this hurricane with with my family and the devastation

is beyond belief. I can't even put into words how to describe what I saw.

The devastation is incredible. A lot of people have been asking me what

can I do, where can I send stuff? There's so much

devastation that there is no way that a truck or cargo can actually transport

stuff to any part of the island. So if you want to help, and I'm begging

you to please help, we need you. The Steelworker family always steps up

when when a family member is in need. Go to because

your brothers and sisters and the people on the islands need you now more than ever .

Please, please make a contribution.

For more infomation >> What I saw in Puerto Rico was heartbreaking - Duration: 1:15.


What Happened to Grind King?! | Brand Breakdowns - Duration: 15:51.

This time on Rad Rat Video, we're learning

all about Grind King the brand, and Grind

King the dude. Let's get into it.

Welcome back to Rad Rat Video, the channel

where you can learn something new about

skateboarding three times a week, every

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I do a video

about skateboarding history,

skateboarding culture, skateboarding

video games, answering your questions on

Ask Rad Rat, and this newer series

called "brand breakdowns." The original

idea for this series was to do Grind

King, and I ended up getting the Seek one

done first. I'll talk about why at the

end, but the Grind King system was

something really interesting that came

up in my research before. What a lot of

people probably don't know is that grind

King was originally just a kingpin. It

was not an individual truck. So the

founder of Grind King, Donald Cassel, he

took the kingpin design as it was,

inverted it, had a rounded off edge that

had an Allen wrench hole in the top, and

it was smaller. It was lower profile and

it was a lot heavier duty steel, and it

was not its own truck for a couple years.

That was kind of interesting. I've got a

quote about it, so, "since what I created

was a grinding kingpin, I shortened the

two words to name my product Grind King."

And Donald, from another article I found,

was later called the Grind King in the

industry in the 90s. So back in 1988, the

year I was born,

Donald Cassel was 26 years old, and he

was going to be a land developer, and he

never did. Although, hold on to that

little nugget for a second. And he came

up with this idea of doing that inverted

kingpin and he went to a trade show in

1988, started showing them around to some

people. Next thing he knew, he had sold a

thousand of them. And this was going to

be a little part-time thing he did out

of his garage or his basement or

whatever, but he ended up turning it into

a real business just because he couldn't

keep up with orders. The Grind King bolts

were expensive to make.

"I used the best steel alloy I could find.

Originally the washer was machined and

the bolt was partly machined and partly

cold headed. Cold heading is the process

of forming something to shape under

extreme pressure.

I sold the kits for like 12.95,

although people warned me I wouldn't be

able to do it. Regular kingpins were

selling for less than a couple of bucks."

So that is a regular skateboard branded

kingpin, but if you were to just go to a

hardware store, I found from another

source, it was more like 60 cents. So $12.95

in 1988 is 27.37 in today's money.

Imagine spending that much on an

accessory for your truck. You could

almost buy a full set of trucks for that

much, but that wasn't the problem. He did

have some other problems though. First

one was that it wasn't compatible with

every single truck. Being a third-party

accessory, you know, other truck companies

weren't designing their trucks around

his kingpin so it didn't always match

perfectly. But the other big problem was

having counterfeits. So what other brands

would do, they would make something of

cheaper steel. They would steal his

design, but not the quality of it, and

they would break really easily and it

kind of gave him a bad name in the

marketplace. So what did he do? He decided

to make his own truck. He started in 1990,

making some clay models and figuring out

exactly what it would do, and in

September 1991, he released his first

model. "I started out with a pretty different

looking truck. The kingpin, the funky

curved baseplate. it was only mildly

successful." Funky how? Well, it had a

hollowed out, curved baseplate and the

axles would slip pretty much immediately.

It didn't sell all that well, so he

rushed to get a second model out within

only a few months. "It was really a [wild]

one. I had all these innovations. I went


I had a floating axle that would slide

back and forth, and it had the threads on

the inside instead of on the outside.

Allen screws went in the end to hold the

wheels on, and they had these funky

bushings with, like, corrugation. It was

either ahead of its time, or out in

left-field too far." The second model also

bombed pretty much immediately, but he

had another big problem around this time.

In 92, the truck companies all switched

to the new bolt pattern. Except for him.

And the problem with his curved base

plates is that he couldn't just drill

new holes into it and adapt to the

newest style. And he also had this other

insert that he made that would go -- I'm

not sure, I wasn't able to find a picture

of this, but it was able to protect the

bolts. So the reason why they switched to

the new bolt pattern, it

was the same size, but the holes were

further in, and that protected the bolts

and the nuts from hitting the ledge if

you do a nose slide. Noseslides were still

pretty new, so he was left with all these

trucks and also with his inserts that he

made that were no longer compatible with

what anybody had. So he had to rush to

make a third model. "I went back to a more

conventional design. People dug them

because they were really light. I think

as wild as skaters are portrayed, they're

really conservative in their buying

habits. They don't want to stray too far

from the norm." So the lightness was a

good thing for a lot of skaters, but for

a lot of pros, they didn't like it. So

they had gotten up to this point in

their careers with big heavy trucks, and

they didn't want to make a huge change.

There would be time that it would take

to adapt to them and everything like that,

and they weren't as popular with the

team as they were with regular skaters.

This is from an interview, "'They're too light,'

he tried to assure the skater that light

was better.

'No,' the pro had said, 'I'm used to heavy. I

want heavy.'" Although this lightness was

generally a good thing, this particular

design that he made was a little bit too

weak, and so hardcore skaters, he said,

would be able to break them. But

regardless of that, they were finally

successful and his company started to

take off. In 1992, he made $100,000 in

profit, and was starting to hire people

and get a warehouse and really get

things going. This is when he took on

the name of 'the grind King,' although that

was from a newspaper article, and not a

skate magazine. So who knows how much

that actually was used, but that's what

they call them. And around that time, he

started to diversify and start new


He started hazmat skateboards with Eric

Dressen, and I was not able to find much

about this brand.

There's another brand

that's more recent that's also called

hazmat. I don't think it's related to it.

That doesn't seem like it stayed around

for that long, but he did start hazmat

snowboards, which was relatively

successful until that also got pirated.

People would make fake copies of it, call

it 'haz-mate,' and kind of put him out of

business because they are making cheaper

snowboards with that same name. But one

of the reasons why the trucks were

getting to be more and more successful

was the style of advertising that they

would use. So for most brands, both in

trucks and in

anything else, they would always talk

about their team. You know, 'this guy uses

my truck, therefore it's the best.' They

wouldn't really advertise the truck

itself, and that's what he did. He worked

with a marketing guy, and he would talk

about the actual features of the truck

and advertised the truck itself. And Don

worked on continuing to make the product

better and better.

In 1994 the gk4 was released, which

solved a lot of these strength issues that

the gk3 had. In 1996, the GK 5 came out as

a very small change where they moved the

center nib of the base plate a little

bit in. Not a big deal, but they released

the high version of the truck, and he

said that that was a really great seller.

In 1999, the gk6 came out. This was a

complete redesign. It had a brand new king

pin and bushing setup. It had a lot beefier

axle, although it was also lighter. It was

a pretty big upgrade at that time. But

all throughout the 90s, up until this

point, he had started a lot of other

brands through the 80s and the 90s in

fact. Because he was also responsible for

bridge bolts. I've talked about them a

few times on the channel, like the weird

gimmicks video I made that's right here.

I finally figured out what the reason

for these were, and in theory, it was just

to have fewer parts. So yeah, the board's

gonna be heavier because you had this

extra bit of metal that connects the two

bolts, it's also gonna get in the way of

trying to do tricks, but it simplifies

the amount of parts that are in your

skateboard box or whatever. So that was

the point of that, but he started those

and he had a lot of other companies like

society skateboards, Grind Queen apparel,

belladonna women's clothing, underdog

shoes, Von Dutch, termite kid-sized

skateboards. These were not only smaller

in size, but they actually had fewer

plies to be lighter, so just a

scaled-down beginner kids' skateboard. You

may remember those from back in the day.

He also started Kre-per trucks. You may

remember these. These are very heavy-

looking. They were glow-in-the-dark. They

were shaped like a spiderweb, and had a

skull in them. They came out with a skate

video. Apparently they were very

heavy-duty, and really tough. I always

thought that there was some kind of

outsider joke brand, or like, maybe

something you'd put on a cruiser.

Not really a performance truck, you know,

but people who skated them at the time --

I've seen some reviews they said that

they were really good. They were really

heavy-duty and tough. So I don't know, I

had no idea that they were related to

grind King at the time, but those were

something that he did. He had so many

brands, in fact, that he had to start Dark

Horse distribution as a parent company

that went over all of these different

brands. Next in 2002, grind King released

the GK AXL, which was their high-end

premium type of truck. It solved a lot of

problems with trucks in general, like

slipping axles. So if you started skating

after this point, you've probably never even

seen this axle slip before. I never had

it personally happen. I've seen it once.

It's where the axle actually kind of

slipped, so that there's more more axle

sticking out on one side than the other.

But he finally solved it with this truck.

So what he did was take the axle, flatten

it out a little bit, and then had it bend,

and then put holes in it to save weight.

And that way, there is no way that that

thing could move at all. But there was a

major problem with the tooling. So, if you

cast a truck, and you had the axle, and

it's turned a little bit, it makes no

difference, right? If it's just a straight

line. But if it has a shape and you turn

it a little bit, then it'll stick out of

the metal. So he had to get people from

the outside to come in. Different kinds

of engineers, and work on solving this

problem. And he would never say exactly

what they did, but they were able to

finally figure out how they did that, and

that was a pretty cool advancement. On

top of that, it also had a locking bolt

under the base plate that let you swap

bushings without having to take the

truck off. Very small thing. I don't know

how many people use that, but that was

another option. Next up was the gk7,

and that came out in 2004. And it had a

redesigned hanger shape, a kingpin sleeve

nut for stability, a lower kingpin, new

bushings, and he also launched the

Thunderbird, a long board truck. And then

after that, was the AXL II, which was the

peak of innovation in skateboarding

trucks once again. It was lighter and

stronger than the original AXL. It had a

hardtop bushing that had no break-in

period. They were so good that he sold

them separately because people wanted

them so much. It had a concave bushing

seat where they meet in the middle which

made it more stable and more durable. A

smaller kingpin head,

radial shaped hanger that curved for

better grind control, stronger base plate,

which was redesigned for nose slides. Now,

I see all this stuff, and I think, 'who's

really doing that today?

what truck brand still in business is

really doing new things?' Tensor's going

really low and really light. and they had

slider plates and all that kind of stuff.

and the nibs that dig into your board/

But who else is really doing new things

like these guys were back then? I can't

really think of anyone. So it's pretty

cool, and it's weird that they're the

ones that went out of business, but they

also did some really weird stuff, such as

the velvet series. I remember seeing

these back in the day, and I did not

understand the point. So it had this

textured paint job on it, and you would

think that that would interfere with

grinds. That's not gonna make it

grind smoother, right? I was never brave

enough to try them. Where I grew up, there

were no skate shops. I couldn't go feel

what they were like or anything, but I

never got the point of those. But one

thing that I did get the point of,

stupidly, it was the grind King dubs

series. So these came with these axle

nuts that had a rim on them. The point of it

was to keep dirt out of your bearings,

and I bought these back in the day. I

think I just bought the nuts separately.

But back in the day, rims were the

coolest thing in the world.

You know, even on your cars and

everything. Every rapper was talking

about, you know, their twenty-fours and

all that kind of stuff. And looking back

on it, it's so stupid that anyone cared

about that. But that's what they had for

trucks. They're doing velvet, they were

doing dubs, neither of these things

really made a lot of sense for

skateboarding, but they still lived on

for a few more years. The last news

article I was able to find about

grind king at all was in 2008, when Joey

Brezinski and Danny Supa left the team.

So what happened after that? I don't know.

There's no press releases, there's no

news articles there's really nothing

that talks about where grind King went

and how it died out. They had an official

blog, and it stopped updating in july

2010, and there are comments on there.

People were asking about why they're not

getting answers, why they can't find them

anymore, why they aren't getting replies

to their requests for replacements or

warranties and things like that. And they

just kind of fell off the map. So I think

it's really weird that you can't find a

news article. You would think Transworld

or Thrasher, somebody would have reported

on it, but they just haven't. So to look

it up, I figured I would look up Don

Cassel today, and see where he is. Maybe

try to talk to him. And I was able to

find him. So there's a lot of people with

that name on Facebook, but one of them is

actually still using an

email address. So I was able to find

him, and he's actually doing land

development. So something he wanted to do

way back in the day. He was posting to a

local group in LA about finding an

architect. So I don't know exactly what

he's doing, but I think he's finally into

the field that he originally thought he

was going to be going into 30 years ago.

But since he posted his email address

publicly on Facebook, I decided to send

him an email and ask him what happened

to grind King. What about all these other

brands? Where are you today? What's going

on? And this is what he said: "..." Yep, that's

it. He never answered. Most people I reach

out to do not answer. And I gave him a

lot of time. This is why this video came

out so much later, even though this was

the original idea for the series, because

I was waiting for an answer that never

came. Ao I don't know a lot about the

exact details of how grind king closed,

but it's pretty clear that they're gone.

Interesting fact though, while I was

researching this video, the grind King

website was still up. You could go there,

you go to the team page and you can see,

you know, they post YouTube videos of the

different pros on their team, and all that

stuff. And I think I had copyright 2009

on the bottom as the last time it was

updated. But after I email him, I checked

back on the site for something and it's

down now. So it's kind of weird. I don't

think I had anything to do with it, but I

did say I'm doing a YouTube video about

grind King, and suddenly the website goes

down. Again probably nothing to do with

me. Maybe they, I don't know, didn't renew

it finally or something, but it's kind of

weird. So there's not a lot of

information left to find at this point.

But if you know anything else about

grind King and where it went and what

the problem is in the end, let me

know below.

I'd be very interested to find out more

about that. But until next time, here's

more videos I did recently. I have a lot

more different series. I do this, brand

breakdowns one, I do a lot of other

different stuff. You can learn more about

skateboarding three times a week. Tap my

logo right here on the screen to

subscribe so you can stay up to date

with all that stuff, and I'll see you

next time. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> What Happened to Grind King?! | Brand Breakdowns - Duration: 15:51.


What If The One World Trade Center Was Attacked? - Duration: 4:47.

The One World Trade Center, Sometimes called freedom tower, replaced the twin towers that

were destroyed during 9/11.

Its 1776 feet tall and its the most expensive office tower in the world, costing 4 billion


But It sits only a few yards from the same site that had been hit by terrorists twice


One has to wonder…would it happen again?

Life's biggest questions asks, What if the One World Trade center was attacked?

Welcome to Life's Biggest Questions, I'm charlotte dobre.

Don't forget to give us a thumbs up, subscribe and let us know in the comments below what

topics you would like to see next.

When the plans for freedom tower were announced, the NYPD deputy commissioner for counter terrorism

objected to the buildings location.

The Port Authority never responded, saying they never received a letter from the NYPD.

They believed that another attempted attack on the world trade center within the next

10 years was inevitable, and pretty much a certainty.

But Governor Pataki went ahead with the plans, vowing to built a tower that would inspire

the nation and serve as a tribute to freedom.

The world trade center has been attacked twice before, once in 1993 by a truck bomb, and

then of course, on 9/11.

According to CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen, it seems a target in perpetuity,

somebody will try something, even if it's some half-hearted attempt by somebody merely

inspired by al Qaeda.

He also said he would never work at freedom tower.

In fact, many terrorism experts agree that sooner or later, ground zero will be targeted


So now that you know that another attack on ground zero is inevitable, what will happen

once it does?

Will it be a catastrophic disaster like the one on 9/11?

NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly told 60 minutes that if necessary, the NYPD could blow an

airplane out of the sky, adding that the new york police department has lots of capabilities

that you don't know about, and you wont know about.

The world trade center has its own precinct, staffed by 6 hundred police officers, all

experts in counterterrorism.

The Port Authority police department is in charge of security at the freedom tower.

So in short, theres a lot of people protecting the world trade center.

So if an attacker somehow makes it past the NYPD, here's the deal.

To protect it from another car bomb attack, the freedom tower is located 90 feet from

the edge of the street, instead of the previous 25.

Its also protected by a 70 ton steep beam base 200 feet by 200 feet, designed to protect

the building from vehicular bomb blasts.

Every vehicle that enters the underground parking is screened for explosives.

Visitors pass through metal detectors, all packages and bags are screened much like in

an airport.

Stair access is restricted, and visitor time is limited, monitored, and recorded.

There are cameras pretty much everywhere, and they are monitored 24 center by both real

people and software that is designed to recognize suspicious people, activity and unattended


Freedom tower is designed to be an extremely strong structure.

It has a concrete wall, one meter thick, located within the steel frame.

The concrete core is the strongest ever mixed.

The original towers, were made entirely of steel.

When the plane crashed into the north tower, the jet fuel superheated the steel support

columns, softening it to the point that it buckled under its own weight.

Freedom tower also has multiple layers of beams and columns bolted together, which will

prevent bending.

Therefore, its likely that the one world trade center could survive an attack like the one

on 9/11 One of the major problems that occurred on

9/11 was not enough room in the stairwell for people to evacuate.

The new stairwells are 50% wider than required, allowing more people as well as wheelchairs.

If there is ever another attack that prompts an evacuation, the staircases interconnect

to allow people trying to escape to cross over should a stairwell become blocked.

They are internally pressurized, which keeps smoke out, and they also feature low level

emergency lighting, which were somehow not integrated in the original towers.

There are also stairwells dedicated to first responders, that are designed so that they

can only travel up as fast as possible and not have to maneuver around people who are

trying to rush down the stairs and escape.

If there is a fire in freedom tower, it has water tanks with double the capacity rewuired

by New york building code, and if theres a biological attack, freedom tower also has

chemical filters in the air supply system.

There is a first responder only, fireproof elevator, giving fire crews access to all

112 floors more quickly.

In conclusion, the One world trade center was designed in response to the problems that

cost 3000 people their lives on 9/11.

Of course, if there is another attack, new problems will arise.

Its imposible to completely secure a building against an attack, especially a plane.

But as it stands, freedom tower is one tough cookie to crack.

I'm charlotte dobre for lifes biggest questions, don't forget to like this video, share it

with a friend, and let us know in the comments below what topics you would like to see next.

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And if you want to continue watching lifes biggest questions, check out this video right

over here, what if the whitehouse was attacked.

Oh, and dot forget to subscribe to lifes biggest questions for all of lifes biggest answers.

For more infomation >> What If The One World Trade Center Was Attacked? - Duration: 4:47.


What Actors Really Use When Taking Drugs In Movies - Duration: 6:10.

A lot of things are legal in Hollywood, but cocaine and heroin?

Yeah, still not so much.

And when it comes to selling onscreen substance abuse, you can only go so far with a CGI high.

Hollywood's prop masters still have to use ingenious practical effects to make fake drugs

look like the real thing — without hurting the actors who have to put the stuff in their

lungs, up their noses, or… uh, elsewhere.

Here's what was really on the set in these movies where drugs were on the menu.

Horrible Bosses

Colin Farrell is no stranger to doing fake cocaine in front of the camera, or real cocaine

in real life, for that matter, back when he was one of Hollywood's biggest party boys.

But for Horrible Bosses, prop master Mychael Bates had the actor snorting powdered lactose

— a milk product that's so harmless, actors can inhale it without hurting themselves.

That's good news for Farrell, who was reportedly so keen on staying in character that he would

snort the fake cocaine between takes.

Pineapple Express

Despite Seth Rogen's outspoken advocacy for marijuana offscreen, the cast in the stoner

flick Pineapple Express wasn't actually smoking the real thing — which just goes to show

what a talented actor Bill Hader really is.

"Is this normal?"

Prop master Jeff Butcher purchased the movie's fake weed in bulk from International Oddities,

a company that specializes in bud without any THC, the substance that gets you high

— so that actors can smoke it, a lot, without suffering any weird after-effects.


You won't be surprised to learn that Ewan McGregor and his castmates weren't shooting

real heroin in Trainspotting— in fact, no human arms were punctured in the making of

this film.

Instead, the film's prop master Gordon Fitzgerald used a real syringe filled with dyed water,

which was injected into a prosthetic arm.

According to Fitzgerald, this method had a perk: "You can draw the plunger up and down

and it looks as if the blood is mixing with the liquid."

21 Jump Street

A fictional synthetic drug is central to the plot of 21 Jump Street, which stars Channing

Tatum and Jonah Hill as cops who go undercover to stop the threat.

"Goes by the street name HFS —

"Holy F------ S---."

But while HFS is a fabrication, Tatum and Hill still needed something to put in their

mouths when it came time to film this scene where they get high to avoid blowing their


The solution?

Communion-style dissolving wafers with a hint of yellow food covering, which melt on the

tongue the same way as drugs like acid.

The Wolf of Wall Street

Needless to say, cocaine was featured heavily in The Wolf of Wall Street, which is set in

the late 1980s.

So when it came time to do lines, actors were given vitamin D powder, which is harmless

to the body when ingested in small doses.

There's just one catch: these were not small doses.

"I never had more vitamin D in my entire life.

I could have lifted a car over my f------ head"

American Gangster

Powdered heroin was central to the plot of the 2007 film American Gangster, based on

the life of career criminal Frank Lucas played, who built his empire on a fortune made by

smuggling heroin into the U.S. on military planes returning from the Vietnam war.

It's also one of the most difficult drugs to fake onscreen — which is why American

Gangster's prop master used a substance called Mannitol.

Doctors use it to treat kidney conditions and reduce brain swelling — but it's also

used by real-life drug dealers to cut heroin, making it a convincing choice.


Not all fake cocaine is created equal— especially when the fake cocaine is actually baby laxative.

That's right: in Scarface, prop masters used powdered baby laxative to stand in for the

massive amount of cocaine that's bought, sold, and ingested by drug lord Tony Montana, played

by Al Pacino.

And while the substance didn't get anyone high, it did have certain other effects on

the human body — "So much so that no one would want to put it up their nose," according

to actor Stephen Bauer, who played Manny Rivera.

What happens when you snort too much powdered baby laxative?

Nobody's saying, but it can't be good.

"What the f*** was that?"

The Breakfast Club

Before people figured out how to make THC-free weed, oregano was the preferred stand-in for

marijuana in movies like The Breakfast Club — so that's what they're smoking in this

scene from John Hughes' classic film about a crew of misfits sentenced to high school

detention on a Saturday.

There's just one problem: back in the day, people still had some pretty weird ideas about

the physical effects of smoking up.


The burning weed with its roots in HELL!"

Thanks to the movie's prop master, the joint they're passing around looks legit — but

nothing else about this scene is especially realistic.

Half Nelson

Ryan Gosling's Oscar-nominated performance as a drug-addicted teacher in New York City

would have been wasted if Half Nelson's on-screen crack looked wack.

But prop master Jeremy Balon found an ingenious solution: an off-white coffee mug that he

"broke up into about a million little pieces, then dyed in coffee."

A piece of broken, stained porcelain would be set in front of a small ball of tobacco

that smoked when lit, lending a realistic look to Gosling's fake crack pipe.

American Beauty

For all this talk of oregano and baby laxative, it's worth noting that Hollywood still does

occasionally do its drugs the old-fashioned way — like in this scene from American Beauty,

where Kevin Spacey's Lester Burnham gets stoned in a parking lot at a real estate convention.

American Beauty director Sam Mendes said, "There may or may not have been real pot available

on that particular movie, I couldn't possibly comment" — but Kevin Spacey's giggling fit

kind of says it all.

"Honey, this is…"

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What Actors Really Use When Taking Drugs In Movies - Duration: 6:10.


His Partner Was Killed By A Suspected DUI Driver: What's Next For Ike? - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> His Partner Was Killed By A Suspected DUI Driver: What's Next For Ike? - Duration: 2:05.


What Was It? by Fitz James O'Brien - Duration: 39:27.

What Was It?


It is, I confess, with considerable diffidence, that I approach the strange narrative which

I am about to relate.

The events which I purpose detailing are of so extraordinary a character that I am quite

prepared to meet with an unusual amount of incredulity and scorn.

I accept all such beforehand.

I have, I trust, the literary courage to face unbelief.

I have, after mature consideration resolved to narrate, in as simple and straightforward

a manner as I can compass, some facts that passed under my observation, in the month

of July last, and which, in the annals of the mysteries of physical science, are wholly


I live at No.

—— Twenty-sixth Street, in New York.

The house is in some respects a curious one.

It has enjoyed for the last two years the reputation of being haunted.

It is a large and stately residence, surrounded by what was once a garden, but which is now

only a green enclosure used for bleaching clothes.

The dry basin of what has been a fountain, and a few fruit trees ragged and unpruned,

indicate that this spot in past days was a pleasant, shady retreat, filled with fruits

and flowers and the sweet murmur of waters.

The house is very spacious.

A hall of noble size leads to a large spiral staircase winding through its center, while

the various apartments are of imposing dimensions.

It was built some fifteen or twenty years since by Mr. A——, the well-known New York

merchant, who five years ago threw the commercial world into convulsions by a stupendous bank


Mr. A——, as everyone knows, escaped to Europe, and died not long after, of a broken


Almost immediately after the news of his decease reached this country and was verified, the

report spread in Twenty-sixth Street that No. —— was haunted.

Legal measures had dispossessed the widow of its former owner, and it was inhabited

merely by a caretaker and his wife, placed there by the house agent into whose hands

it had passed for the purposes of renting or sale.

These people declared that they were troubled with unnatural noises.

Doors were opened without any visible agency.

The remnants of furniture scattered through the various rooms were, during the night,

piled one upon the other by unknown hands.

Invisible feet passed up and down the stairs in broad daylight, accompanied by the rustle

of unseen silk dresses, and the gliding of viewless hands along the massive balusters.

The caretaker and his wife declared they would live there no longer.

The house agent laughed, dismissed them, and put others in their place.

The noises and supernatural manifestations continued.

The neighborhood caught up the story, and the house remained untenanted for three years.

Several persons negotiated for it; but, somehow, always before the bargain was closed they

heard the unpleasant rumors and declined to treat any further.

It was in this state of things that my landlady, who at that time kept a boarding-house in

Bleecker Street, and who wished to move further up town, conceived the bold idea of renting


—— Twenty-sixth Street.

Happening to have in her house rather a plucky and philosophical set of boarders, she laid

her scheme before us, stating candidly everything she had heard respecting the ghostly qualities

of the establishment to which she wished to remove us.

With the exception of two timid persons,—a sea-captain and a returned Californian, who

immediately gave notice that they would leave,—all of Mrs. Moffat's guests declared that they

would accompany her in her chivalric incursion into the abode of spirits.

Our removal was effected in the month of May, and we were charmed with our new residence.

The portion of Twenty-sixth Street where our house is situated, between Seventh and Eighth

Avenues, is one of the pleasantest localities in New York.

The gardens back of the houses, running down nearly to the Hudson, form, in the summer

time, a perfect avenue of verdure.

The air is pure and invigorating, sweeping, as it does, straight across the river from

the Weehawken heights, and even the ragged garden which surrounded the house, although

displaying on washing days rather too much clothesline, still gave us a piece of greensward

to look at, and a cool retreat in the summer evenings, where we smoked our cigars in the

dusk, and watched the fireflies flashing their dark lanterns in the long grass.

Of course we had no sooner established ourselves at No. —— than we began to expect ghosts.

We absolutely awaited their advent with eagerness.

Our dinner conversation was supernatural.

One of the boarders, who had purchased Mrs. Crowe's Night Side of Nature for his own private

delectation, was regarded as a public enemy by the entire household for not having bought

twenty copies.

The man led a life of supreme wretchedness while he was reading this volume.

A system of espionage was established, of which he was the victim.

If he incautiously laid the book down for an instant and left the room, it was immediately

seized and read aloud in secret places to a select few.

I found myself a person of immense importance, it having leaked out that I was tolerably

well versed in the history of supernaturalism, and had once written a story the foundation

of which was a ghost.

If a table or a wainscot panel happened to warp when we were assembled in the large drawing-room,

there was an instant silence, and everyone was prepared for an immediate clanking of

chains and a spectral form.

After a month of psychological excitement, it was with the utmost dissatisfaction that

we were forced to acknowledge that nothing in the remotest degree approaching the supernatural

had manifested itself.

Once the black butler asseverated that his candle had been blown out by some invisible

agency while he was undressing himself for the night; but as I had more than once discovered

this colored gentleman in a condition when one candle must have appeared to him like

two, thought it possible that, by going a step further in his potations, he might have

reversed this phenomenon, and seen no candle at all where he ought to have beheld one.

Things were in this state when an accident took place so awful and inexplicable in its

character that my reason fairly reels at the bare memory of the occurrence.

It was the tenth of July.

After dinner was over I repaired, with my friend Dr. Hammond, to the garden to smoke

my evening pipe.

Independent of certain mental sympathies which existed between the Doctor and myself, we

were linked together by a vice.

We both smoked opium.

We knew each other's secret, and respected it.

We enjoyed together that wonderful expansion of thought, that marvelous intensifying of

the perceptive faculties, that boundless feeling of existence when we seem to have points of

contact with the whole universe,—in short, that unimaginable spiritual bliss, which I

would not surrender for a throne, and which I hope you, reader, will never—never taste.

Those hours of opium happiness which the Doctor and I spent together in secret were regulated

with a scientific accuracy.

We did not blindly smoke the drug of paradise, and leave our dreams to chance.

While smoking, we carefully steered our conversation through the brightest and calmest channels

of thought.

We talked of the East, and endeavored to recall the magical panorama of its glowing scenery.

We criticized the most sensuous poets,—those who painted life ruddy with health, brimming

with passion, happy in the possession of youth and strength and beauty.

If we talked of Shakespeare's Tempest, we lingered over Ariel, and avoided Caliban.

Like the Guebers, we turned our faces to the East, and saw only the sunny side of the world.

This skillful coloring of our train of thought produced in our subsequent visions a corresponding


The splendors of Arabian fairyland dyed our dreams.

We paced the narrow strip of grass with the tread and port of kings.

The song of the Rana arborea, while he clung to the bark of the ragged plum-tree, sounded

like the strains of divine musicians.

Houses, walls, and streets melted like rain clouds, and vistas of unimaginable glory stretched

away before us.

It was a rapturous companionship.

We enjoyed the vast delight more perfectly because, even in our most ecstatic moments,

we were conscious of each other's presence.

Our pleasures, while individual, were still twin, vibrating and moving in musical accord.

On the evening in question, the tenth of July, the Doctor and myself drifted into an unusually

metaphysical mood.

We lit our large meerschaums, filled with fine Turkish tobacco, in the core of which

burned a little black nut of opium, that, like the nut in the fairy tale, held within

its narrow limits wonders beyond the reach of kings; we paced to and fro, conversing.

A strange perversity dominated the currents of our thought.

They would not flow through the sun-lit channels into which we strove to divert them.

For some unaccountable reason, they constantly diverged into dark and lonesome beds, where

a continual gloom brooded.

It was in vain that, after our old fashion, we flung ourselves on the shores of the East,

and talked of its gay bazaars, of the splendors of the time of Haroun, of harems and golden


Black afreets continually arose from the depths of our talk, and expanded, like the one the

fisherman released from the copper vessel, until they blotted everything bright from

our vision.

Insensibly, we yielded to the occult force that swayed us, and indulged in gloomy speculation.

We had talked some time upon the proneness of the human mind to mysticism, and the almost

universal love of the terrible, when Hammond suddenly said to me.

"What do you consider to be the greatest element of terror?"

The question puzzled me.

That many things were terrible, I knew.

Stumbling over a corpse in the dark; beholding, as I once did, a woman floating down a deep

and rapid river, with wildly lifted arms, and awful, upturned face, uttering, as she

drifted, shrieks that rent one's heart while we, spectators, stood frozen at a window which

overhung the river at a height of sixty feet, unable to make the slightest effort to save

her, but dumbly watching her last supreme agony and her disappearance.

A shattered wreck, with no life visible, encountered floating listlessly on the ocean, is a terrible

object, for it suggests a huge terror, the proportions of which are veiled.

But it now struck me, for the first time, that there must be one great and ruling embodiment

of fear,—a King of Terrors, to which all others must succumb.

What might it be?

To what train of circumstances would it owe its existence?

"I confess, Hammond," I replied to my friend, "I never considered the subject before.

That there must be one Something more terrible than any other thing, I feel.

I cannot attempt, however, even the most vague definition."

"I am somewhat like you, Harry," he answered.

"I feel my capacity to experience a terror greater than anything yet conceived by the

human mind;—something combining in fearful and unnatural amalgamation hitherto supposed

incompatible elements.

The calling of the voices in Brockden Brown's novel of Wieland is awful; so is the picture

of the Dweller of the Threshold, in Bulwer's Zanoni; but," he added, shaking his head gloomily,

"there is something more horrible still than those."

"Look here, Hammond," I rejoined, "let us drop this kind of talk, for Heaven's sake!

We shall suffer for it, depend on it."

"I don't know what's the matter with me to-night," he replied, "but my brain is running upon

all sorts of weird and awful thoughts.

I feel as if I could write a story like Hoffman, to-night, if I were only master of a literary


"Well, if we are going to be Hoffmanesque in our talk, I'm off to bed.

Opium and nightmares should never be brought together.

How sultry it is!

Good-night, Hammond."

"Good-night, Harry.

Pleasant dreams to you."

"To you, gloomy wretch, afreets, ghouls, and enchanters."

We parted, and each sought his respective chamber.

I undressed quickly and got into bed, taking with me, according to my usual custom, a book,

over which I generally read myself to sleep.

I opened the volume as soon as I had laid my head upon the pillow, and instantly flung

it to the other side of the room.

It was Goudon's History of Monsters,—a curious French work, which I had lately imported from

Paris, but which, in the state of mind I had then reached, was anything but an agreeable


I resolved to go to sleep at once; so, turning down my gas until nothing but a little blue

point of light glimmered on the top of the tube, I composed myself to rest.

The room was in total darkness.

The atom of gas that still remained alight did not illuminate a distance of three inches

round the burner.

I desperately drew my arm across my eyes, as if to shut out even the darkness, and tried

to think of nothing.

It was in vain.

The confounded themes touched on by Hammond in the garden kept obtruding themselves on

my brain.

I battled against them.

I erected ramparts of would-be blackness of intellect to keep them out.

They still crowded upon me.

While I was lying still as a corpse, hoping that by a perfect physical inaction I should

hasten mental repose, an awful incident occurred.

A Something dropped, as it seemed, from the ceiling, plumb upon my chest, and the next

instant I felt two bony hands encircling my throat, endeavoring to choke me.

I am no coward, and am possessed of considerable physical strength.

The suddenness of the attack, instead of stunning me, strung every nerve to its highest tension.

My body acted from instinct, before my brain had time to realize the terrors of my position.

In an instant I wound two muscular arms around the creature, and squeezed it, with all the

strength of despair, against my chest.

In a few seconds the bony hands that had fastened on my throat loosened their hold, and I was

free to breathe once more.

Then commenced a struggle of awful intensity.

Immersed in the most profound darkness, totally ignorant of the nature of the Thing by which

I was so suddenly attacked, finding my grasp slipping every moment, by reason, it seemed

to me, of the entire nakedness of my assailant, bitten with sharp teeth in the shoulder, neck,

and chest, having every moment to protect my throat against a pair of sinewy, agile

hands, which my utmost efforts could not confine,—these were a combination of circumstances to combat

which required all the strength, skill, and courage that I possessed.

At last, after a silent, deadly, exhausting struggle, I got my assailant under by a series

of incredible efforts of strength.

Once pinned, with my knee on what I made out to be its chest, I knew that I was victor.

I rested for a moment to breathe.

I heard the creature beneath me panting in the darkness, and felt the violent throbbing

of a heart.

It was apparently as exhausted as I was; that was one comfort.

At this moment I remembered that I usually placed under my pillow, before going to bed,

a large yellow silk pocket handkerchief.

I felt for it instantly; it was there.

In a few seconds more I had, after a fashion, pinioned the creature's arms.

I now felt tolerably secure.

There was nothing more to be done but to turn on the gas, and, having first seen what my

midnight assailant was like, arouse the household.

I will confess to being actuated by a certain pride in not giving the alarm before; I wished

to make the capture alone and unaided.

Never losing my hold for an instant, I slipped from the bed to the floor, dragging my captive

with me.

I had but a few steps to make to reach the gas-burner; these I made with the greatest

caution, holding the creature in a grip like a vice.

At last I got within arm's length of the tiny speck of blue light which told me where the

gas-burner lay.

Quick as lightning I released my grasp with one hand and let on the full flood of light.

Then I turned to look at my captive.

I cannot even attempt to give any definition of my sensations the instant after I turned

on the gas.

I suppose I must have shrieked with terror, for in less than a minute afterward my room

was crowded with the inmates of the house.

I shudder now as I think of that awful moment.

I saw nothing!

Yes; I had one arm firmly clasped round a breathing, panting, corporeal shape, my other

hand gripped with all its strength a throat as warm, as apparently fleshy, as my own;

and yet, with this living substance in my grasp, with its body pressed against my own,

and all in the bright glare of a large jet of gas, I absolutely beheld nothing!

Not even an outline,—a vapor!

I do not, even at this hour, realize the situation in which I found myself.

I cannot recall the astounding incident thoroughly.

Imagination in vain tries to compass the awful paradox.

It breathed.

I felt its warm breath upon my cheek.

It struggled fiercely.

It had hands.

They clutched me.

Its skin was smooth, like my own.

There it lay, pressed close up against me, solid as stone,—and yet utterly invisible!

I wonder that I did not faint or go mad on the instant.

Some wonderful instinct must have sustained me; for, absolutely, in place of loosening

my hold on the terrible Enigma, I seemed to gain an additional strength in my moment of

horror, and tightened my grasp with such wonderful force that I felt the creature shivering with


Just then Hammond entered my room at the head of the household.

As soon as he beheld my face—which, I suppose, must have been an awful sight to look at—he

hastened forward, crying, "Great heaven, Harry! what has happened?"

"Hammond! Hammond!"

I cried, "come here.

O, this is awful!

I have been attacked in bed by something or other, which I have hold of; but I can't see

it,—I can't see it!"

Hammond, doubtless struck by the unfeigned horror expressed in my countenance, made one

or two steps forward with an anxious yet puzzled expression.

A very audible titter burst from the remainder of my visitors.

This suppressed laughter made me furious.

To laugh at a human being in my position!

It was the worst species of cruelty.

Now, I can understand why the appearance of a man struggling violently, as it would seem,

with an airy nothing, and calling for assistance against a vision, should have appeared ludicrous.

Then, so great was my rage against the mocking crowd that had I the power I would have stricken

them dead where they stood.

"Hammond! Hammond!"

I cried again, despairingly, "for God's sake come to me.

I can hold the—the thing but a short while longer.

It is overpowering me.

Help me!

Help me!"

"Harry," whispered Hammond, approaching me, "you have been smoking too much opium."

"I swear to you, Hammond, that this is no vision," I answered, in the same low tone.

"Don't you see how it shakes my whole frame with its struggles?

If you don't believe me, convince yourself.

Feel it,—touch it."

Hammond advanced and laid his hand in the spot I indicated.

A wild cry of horror burst from him.

He had felt it!

In a moment he had discovered somewhere in my room a long piece of cord, and was the

next instant winding it and knotting it about the body of the unseen being that I clasped

in my arms.

"Harry," he said, in a hoarse, agitated voice, for, though he preserved his presence of mind,

he was deeply moved, "Harry, it's all safe now.

You may let go, old fellow, if you're tired.

The Thing can't move."

I was utterly exhausted, and I gladly loosed my hold.

Hammond stood holding the ends of the cord that bound the Invisible, twisted round his

hand, while before him, self-supporting as it were, he beheld a rope laced and interlaced,

and stretching tightly around a vacant space.

I never saw a man look so thoroughly stricken with awe.

Nevertheless his face expressed all the courage and determination which I knew him to possess.

His lips, although white, were set firmly, and one could perceive at a glance that, although

stricken with fear, he was not daunted.

The confusion that ensued among the guests of the house who were witnesses of this extraordinary

scene between Hammond and myself,—who beheld the pantomime of binding this struggling Something,—who

beheld me almost sinking from physical exhaustion when my task of jailer was over,—the confusion

and terror that took possession of the bystanders, when they saw all this, was beyond description.

The weaker ones fled from the apartment.

The few who remained clustered near the door and could not be induced to approach Hammond

and his Charge.

Still incredulity broke out through their terror.

They had not the courage to satisfy themselves, and yet they doubted.

It was in vain that I begged of some of the men to come near and convince themselves by

touch of the existence in that room of a living being which was invisible.

They were incredulous, but did not dare to undeceive themselves.

How could a solid, living, breathing body be invisible, they asked.

My reply was this.

I gave a sign to Hammond, and both of us—conquering our fearful repugnance to touch the invisible

creature—lifted it from the ground, manacled as it was, and took it to my bed.

Its weight was about that of a boy of fourteen.

"Now my friends," I said, as Hammond and myself held the creature suspended over the bed,

"I can give you self-evident proof that here is a solid, ponderable body, which, nevertheless,

you cannot see.

Be good enough to watch the surface of the bed attentively."

I was astonished at my own courage in treating this strange event so calmly; but I had recovered

from my first terror, and felt a sort of scientific pride in the affair, which dominated every

other feeling.

The eyes of the bystanders were immediately fixed on my bed.

At a given signal Hammond and I let the creature fall.

There was a dull sound of a heavy body alighting on a soft mass.

The timbers of the bed creaked.

A deep impression marked itself distinctly on the pillow, and on the bed itself.

The crowd who witnessed this gave a low cry, and rushed from the room.

Hammond and I were left alone with our Mystery.

We remained silent for some time, listening to the low, irregular breathing of the creature

on the bed, and watching the rustle of the bedclothes as it impotently struggled to free

itself from confinement.

Then Hammond spoke.

"Harry, this is awful."

"Ay, awful."

"But not unaccountable."

"Not unaccountable!

What do you mean?

Such a thing has never occurred since the birth of the world.

I know not what to think, Hammond.

God grant that I am not mad, and that this is not an insane fantasy!"

"Let us reason a little, Harry.

Here is a solid body which we touch, but which we cannot see.

The fact is so unusual that it strikes us with terror.

Is there no parallel, though, for such a phenomenon?

Take a piece of pure glass.

It is tangible and transparent.

A certain chemical coarseness is all that prevents its being so entirely transparent

as to be totally invisible.

It is not theoretically impossible, mind you, to make a glass which shall not reflect a

single ray of light,—a glass so pure and homogeneous in its atoms that the rays from

the sun will pass through it as they do through the air, refracted but not reflected.

We do not see the air, and yet we feel it."

"That's all very well, Hammond, but these are inanimate substances.

Glass does not breathe, air does not breathe.

This thing has a heart that palpitates,—a will that moves it,—lungs that play, and

inspire and respire."

"You forget the phenomena of which we have so often heard of late," answered the Doctor,


"At the meetings called 'spirit circles,' invisible hands have been thrust into the

hands of those persons round the table,—warm, fleshly hands that seemed to pulsate with

mortal life."


Do you think, then, that this thing is——"

"I don't know what it is," was the solemn reply; "but please the gods I will, with your

assistance, thoroughly investigate it."

We watched together, smoking many pipes, all night long, by the bedside of the unearthly

being that tossed and panted until it was apparently wearied out.

Then we learned by the low, regular breathing that it slept.

The next morning the house was all astir.

The boarders congregated on the landing outside my room, and Hammond and myself were lions.

We had to answer a thousand questions as to the state of our extraordinary prisoner, for

as yet not one person in the house except ourselves could be induced to set foot in

the apartment.

The creature was awake.

This was evidenced by the convulsive manner in which the bedclothes were moved in its

efforts to escape.

There was something truly terrible in beholding, as it were, those second-hand indications

of the terrible writhings and agonized struggles for liberty which themselves were invisible.

Hammond and myself had racked our brains during the long night to discover some means by which

we might realize the shape and general appearance of the Enigma.

As well as we could make out by passing our hands over the creature's form, its outlines

and lineaments were human.

There was a mouth; a round, smooth head without hair; a nose, which, however, was little elevated

above the cheeks; and its hands and feet felt like those of a boy.

At first we thought of placing the being on a smooth surface and tracing its outlines

with chalk, as shoemakers trace the outline of the foot.

This plan was given up as being of no value.

Such an outline would give not the slightest idea of its conformation.

A happy thought struck me.

We would take a cast of it in plaster of Paris.

This would give us the solid figure, and satisfy all our wishes.

But how to do it?

The movements of the creature would disturb the setting of the plastic covering, and distort

the mold.

Another thought.

Why not give it chloroform?

It had respiratory organs,—that was evident by its breathing.

Once reduced to a state of insensibility, we could do with it what we would.

Doctor X—— was sent for; and after the worthy physician had recovered from the first

shock of amazement, he proceeded to administer the chloroform.

In three minutes afterward we were enabled to remove the fetters from the creature's

body, and a modeler was busily engaged in covering the invisible form with the moist


In five minutes more we had a mold, and before evening a rough facsimile of the Mystery.

It was shaped like a man—distorted, uncouth, and horrible, but still a man.

It was small, not over four feet and some inches in height, and its limbs revealed a

muscular development that was unparalleled.

Its face surpassed in hideousness anything I had ever seen.

Gustav Doré, or Callot, or Tony Johannot, never conceived anything so horrible.

There is a face in one of the latter's illustrations to Un Voyage où il vous plaira, which somewhat

approaches the countenance of this creature, but does not equal it.

It was the physiognomy of what I should fancy a ghoul might be.

It looked as if it was capable of feeding on human flesh.

Having satisfied our curiosity, and bound every one in the house to secrecy, it became

a question what was to be done with our Enigma?

It was impossible that we should keep such a horror in our house; it was equally impossible

that such an awful being should be let loose upon the world.

I confess that I would have gladly voted for the creature's destruction.

But who would shoulder the responsibility?

Who would undertake the execution of this horrible semblance of a human being?

Day after day this question was deliberated gravely.

The boarders all left the house.

Mrs. Moffat was in despair, and threatened Hammond and myself with all sorts of legal

penalties if we did not remove the Horror.

Our answer was, "We will go if you like, but we decline taking this creature with us.

Remove it yourself if you please.

It appeared in your house.

On you the responsibility rests."

To this there was, of course, no answer.

Mrs. Moffat could not obtain for love or money a person who would even approach the Mystery.

The most singular part of the affair was that we were entirely ignorant of what the creature

habitually fed on.

Everything in the way of nutriment that we could think of was placed before it, but was

never touched.

It was awful to stand by, day after day, and see the clothes toss, and hear the hard breathing,

and know that it was starving.

Ten, twelve days, a fortnight passed, and it still lived.

The pulsations of the heart, however, were daily growing fainter, and had now nearly


It was evident that the creature was dying for want of sustenance.

While this terrible life-struggle was going on, I felt miserable.

I could not sleep.

Horrible as the creature was, it was pitiful to think of the pangs it was suffering.

At last it died.

Hammond and I found it cold and stiff one morning in the bed.

The heart had ceased to beat, the lungs to inspire.

We hastened to bury it in the garden.

It was a strange funeral, the dropping of that viewless corpse into the damp hole.

The cast of its form I gave to Doctor X——, who keeps it in his museum in Tenth Street.

As I am on the eve of a long journey from which I may not return, I have drawn up this

narrative of an event the most singular that has ever come to my knowledge.

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