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How to build a YouTube Channel Series - Overview - Duration: 3:31.Welcome to the basics of building a youtube channel
I'm Steve from PowerUp Design
And in this short video series we will demonstrate the fundamentals of building a channel on YouTube
this includes uploading and modifying videos
setting up your channel for YouTube partnership to start the process of earning revenue on your channel
live streaming and the different options for this
and sharing and embedding video & livestreams
YouTube provides a huge amount of information that may be used to learn about their features in creator academy
This video series is not meant to replace this
but instead to help you develop a solid foundation
then direct you to where you may learn more
in the description of each video
you will find a link to the Creator Academy to where you may find more in depth information about the topic covered
this first video will walk you through the buttons and navigation of YouTube
if you are already familiar with this
feel free to skip to the next video by clicking on the video link
or visit the Creator Academy link in the video description
After opening and logging into Youtube
you will see a number of tabs on the left side of the screen
these tabs help you find different video content on YouTube
and at the bottom of these tabs are all the legal regulations governing YouTube
moving to the top of the page
moving to the top of the page their is a search bar
video uploading
YouTube apps
in YouTube app you will also find a link to Creator Academy
Notifications and your user icon
which is also a button into your YouTube profile
to enter your YouTube channel click on the my channel option
if you only have a YouTube account but not a YouTube channel
after clicking on this option you will be prompted to create a channel
Once in your channel you may customize its appearance, your user icon,
general channel layout, as well as enter the creator studio
you may also enter the creator studio by again scrolling to the top right corner, clicking on the user icon then clicking creator studio
the creator studio is where you will manage all aspects of your YouTube channel
starting with your dashboard
this may be customized by selecting different widgets
then video manager
clicking on this tab will take you to all the videos you have uploaded on YouTube
within this tab you may modify your videos
add them to play lists or remove them
the next tab is live streaming
in this tab you will both setup and modify your live streaming software and settings
as well as both schedule and share live streams
the next tab down is community
used for communicating with your viewer and subscribers
after that is channel
in the channel tab you will be able to view you copyright and community guideline status
this is also where you will setup monetization and start the process towards becoming a YouTube Partner and earning revenue on your channel
the next tab is analytics
YouTube provides a wide array of analytic data to help you better connect with your viewer and subscribers
the last two tabs translations & transcriptions and create
are both YouTube tools that may be used to improve the quality of your videos
to learn more about the basics of Youtube click on the Creator Academy link in the video description
to move to the next lesson uploading and modifying videos on YouTube
click on the link in the video
How to build a Medieval Rustic School Minecraft Tutorial - Duration: 16:34.Hello friends.
The name is Jay and today we are building a medieval rustic styled school
We'll be handling the building today and tomorrow. I'll post a followup with the interior and the completely decorated garden
I'll also add the link to the library in the description in case you want to build the whole plot
In the end, this is what you'll have
Here is a list of what you'll need for this part. Now. let's get into building
This is where we ended up last time and we'll start in the same fashion
with a spruce log 1 block away from the pathway and sidewalk
We can then place 2 walls with a 1 block gap each time until we reach the corner
Then we'll alternate between spruce logs and cobblestone blocks in those gaps
and place a cobblestone slab on top of the logs
We'll do the exact same thing on the opposite side of the plot so we have 1 of these on both sides
In the center of the plot and in line with the pathway of the library
we'll build a new pathway 15 blocks long and that will give us our starting point for the layout
We'll begin by placing 3 spruce log pillars 4 blocks high in a corner pattern and 1 block away from the pathway
Then leave a 5 block gap and place three 4 block high pillars here as well
We can then connect them at the top and do the same thing on the right side of the path
On the sides of the school we'll have a 3 block gap and place a 3 block high pillar
3 block gap again and three 4 block high pillars on the corner
Connect these at the top as well
On the backside it's a 3 block gap, three 4 block high pillars
3 block gap, three 4 block high pillars
And one more time a 3 block gap and three 4 block high pillars on the corner
Place 1 more pillar in the middle here and connect it all at the top
In the front above the pathway we'll place 2 more 4 block high pillars and connect them at a top
We'll do the same on the backside in line with the one in the front
Now we can do the roof shapes and we'll start in the middle with 3 cobblestone stairs on both sides
Place 2 stairs next to them and 1 upside down stair with a full block of cobblestone on top
Now an upside down stair against this pillar and 2 stairs next to it
and we'll go around the corner with 2 stairs as well
Next to these an upside down stair and then 1 more against this pillar
On the corner we'll repeat the same pattern and our next v-shape will end up at that center pillar of those 3 pillars
Now we can bring this across and mirror all the v-shape starting blocks to the other side of the school
We'll have 1 more v-shape on those middle parts at the top, so follow what I do here for these last 2
Now we just have to build all the v-shapes using cobblestone stairs and cobblestone blocks
I'll do one of them slowly, and then it's just a matter of repeating the same thing on all those full blocks
It's a lot of stairs and blocks
but take your time for this and in the end you should end up with 8 v-shapes in total
Pause the video on the screenshot if you're in doubt
Now we can start filling up the roof, but before we do, in the back of the school
we have to add 2 more logs with pillars on top as we'll need this later on
Then we'll connect the two highest v-shapes on the sides with each other using spruce logs
And after that we can connect the front and back one as well
Using spruce wood planks we can then connect the full blocks in the cobblestone outline with each other in corner shapes
You'll have to bring the top one to the center front roof though
Now we'll do the same on the backside and keep in mind that the left and right side
of the school's roofs are the exact same in mirror, so I'll only build this side
Now we can place spruce wood stairs on all these full blocks though at the bottom
we want to place 4 spruce wood slabs in those corners
In this gap we'll connect the row below with a half rectangle
and we'll place our stairs first before we do the rows below this one
Now we want to start at the bottom and connect the first one with this pillar
the one about that ends up 1 block behind the pillar
And then we can add our stairs and slabs
For the backside of the school we'll start at the bottom, and we'll connect the first 2
in the same way we did on the front side of the school
Connect the top row with the v-shape and then we can follow the outline for our last layer
Finally we can close off the top with spruce logs and 1 spruce plank at the end
Now place 2 more slabs in the back next to that middle part
and then you want to flip this entire roof to the other side to end up with a nice symmetric roof
On top of the roofs we'll make a pattern in cobblestone with slabs and full blocks
We'll place 2 slabs followed by a full block each time and we'll do that on all the roofs
The only exception is the center one. Here we'll place 3 slabs followed by a block
The last line is with 2 slabs again
Now we can switch to white concrete to build the walls and we'll start across from the pathway on the backside of the school
Build a window 1 block away from the floor and make sure to build the second one 1 block above that crossbeam
Place a spruce pillar in the center and fill up the remaining gap with white concrete
To the right of this we'll build another window 1 block away from the floor in that 3 block gap
And we can then fill up this wall, but make sure to come out 1 block here
Replace this one log with a sideways log, build a spruce pillar in the center and fill up the gap with white concrete
We can also fill up this corner and then we'll repeat this on the left side of the school
but you'll have to flip the windows here as well
With the back down, we'll move to the front and start by building 2 doors at the pathway
Above that we'll build another window
We'll place a spruce pillar in the center and fill up the remaining gaps with white concrete
To the right of this we'll build 2 windows next to each other in that 5 block gap
Above that we want to have another window
But make sure to fill up the top bit with sideways spruce wood logs before filling the gaps with white concrete
And then again we are going to repeat the same thing on the left side of the doors
For the sides of the school we'll build 2 windows at the bottom
Above that we'll place 2 more logs in the corners and build 2 more windows
Do place a crossbeam above these with a pillar in the center, and then fill up the gaps with white concrete
Now we can do the final side, which is the same as the one we just did
Next we'll build 2 doorways to the right of the front doors as I do here
Then we'll add 1 more wall 1 block away from that first door
And then we can cover these 2 rooms with a ceiling in spruce wood planks
On this side we'll leave a 2 block wide gap for 2 doors and cover this entire room with spruce wood planks as well
After that you can put the floor in using the same wood
Let's add 2 more rows on top of the walls and fill up these 2 gaps with white concrete
The walls for the next floor are 1 block away from the edge and 3 blocks high
We'll add a door here, and then we can do the same on this side
Now cover these 2 rooms with the ceiling in spruce wood planks
In the hallway we want to replace these 2 blocks with spruce wood planks and connect them
Then place 2 more rows of spruce wood planks on both sides and leave the rest open so we have room to move around for the next part
Start with spruce wood stairs 2 blocks away from that window
and go up to the first floor using normal and upside down stairs
Then fill up the remaining floor and add 1 more block on this side
Now place a spruce pillar, 3 blocks high and fill up this level leaving 2 gaps open for our ladders
which we'll place on the left and right side of that pillar
I'll turn up the brightness a little as I forgot to place torches here
but cover these 2 gaps with wooden trapdoors
We'll make 2 dormitories here, so leave a door opening on the side of the trapdoors
On the floor below we'll place 2 more white concrete in these corners
To decorate the exterior further we'll start with an overhang coming 3 slabs out from those stairs
And we'll place a row of half slabs above these
Below the 2 corners we'll place 2 spruce fences and a block of cobblestone
We'll connect them on the sides with fences as well
We can then fill up this bit with spruce wood planks and make a 5 block long flowerbed in the middle
Adding some flowers to decorate it
Now let's decorate the left v-shape first and we'll start with upside down cobblestone stairs in the 1 block gaps
with spruce fences at the top and 3 at the bottom of the windows
We'll place 2 more fences at the top window and then we'll place grass blocks in the gaps
Now just add wooden trapdoors next to the windows and against the grass blocks as I do here
Finish off with glass panes in the windows and flowers on the grass blocks
Now repeat this on these 2 v-shapes
For the middle part, we'll do the same thing as the top windows on the first ones we did, but at the top we'll add 4 more fences
The sides of the build are a combination of the 2, and we'll do this on both the left and right side of the school
For the backside we'll use the same pattern as the bottom level and I'll go over this a little faster
The middle top window is the same as well
But in the final two v-shapes we'll add spruce logs at the top with 2 fences in each of the gaps
We'll then add 3 more fences above the door
and place some lighting on the sides using cobblestone stairs, spruce fences, glowstone and the trap door
And finally we can place all the doors in the door gasps
Now the plan was to do the interior and garden in this tutorial as well
but as we are already closing in on 20 minutes
I'll make a second tutorial and post it tomorrow at the same time of day
So you can finish this build without having to wait too long
So tomorrow night you'll have this entire plot with the library, the school and completely decorated garden at your disposal
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This was Jay. Thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next tutorial
How To Build A Sales Funnel | A Must Learn Skill - Duration: 17:23.hey hey Aaron Chen here hope you're doing well if you're watching this video
right now then you're probably doing a bit of research on YouTube about how to
build a sales funnel okay well I'm gonna explain to you a little bit more about
how to do that over the next few minutes if this is the first time you're
watching one of my videos my name is Aaron Chen been online for nine years
eight of those nine years though really struggled badly made a lot of mistakes
in my business pretty much spent all of my savings okay and then something
magical happened over the last year figured some stuff out because I had
spent so much time with my business and you know I have since then generated
over a thousand sales really understanding you know how to convert
those leads into sales and I want to share with you exactly how to do that
okay and one of those things that really helped me do that was truly
understanding the power of a sales funnel right so I'm going to tell you a
little bit more about how that actually happened for me and why you're actually
in the right place all right first of all and then at the end of the video I'm
going to talk about you know how to build it a little bit and where to get
more resources on exactly how you can do that okay so important to understand
first though that having a sales funnel is one of the most important things that
you can have if you want to sell any type of product online right it doesn't
matter if it's a physical product or a digital product if you want to sell
something on the internet you need to have a sales funnel right and it took me
a long time to figure that out because over the I would say probably the first
seven years that I was online I never really had my own sales funnel basically
what I had was I was marketing other people's stuff I was you know a bit of a
chop and change kind of thing I didn't really have a proper structured sales
funnel and at that point what had happened was you know I was failing a
lot you know wanted to quit that kind of thing was taking a little bit of a break
in my business then this huge retailer furniture
retailer came into Malaysia I actually live in in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia right
and a huge retailer you might have heard of it before was called IKEA right now
IKEA is this huge Swedish retailer and they're one of the most amazing
businesses out there right and so we had heard about it I got really really
excited and on opening day I went with my girlfriend who you know my girlfriend
at the time was not my wife we went to Ikea and it was you know they
had the balloons and everything going and there were tons of people waiting
outside and you know my kids got this huge like beautiful sort of you know
yellow and blue sign where they're known for the for their yellow logo color yeah
and yellow and blue actually and so the doors open and we kind of go inside and
they have their you know their custom or this signature I should say escalator
that goes up into the you know furniture area and when you get to the top floor
instead of it being like a huge massive warehouse which is what most furniture
shops are right like Hobby norm and stuff like this this is just like huge
kind of space with a whole bunch of like furniture everywhere they don't do that
IKEA what they do instead is you get to the top and the first thing that you see
on the ground is a gigantic arrow okay and then you start in sort of the the
bedroom area right and instead of it being a huge warehouse is actually a
very narrow channel right and what they do is they basically strategically
position different pieces of furniture along the way and they've got arrows
that kind of point you in the right direction so you can't go anywhere else
so if you wanted to go off to the right or the left you can't do that you
basically have to you have to go the same exact route that IKEA wants you to
go in okay so we have never seen that before right and and you know just
before you get to the top floor where you start shopping
they've got shopping carts and they've got these big bags and you can actually
grab right so you know my girlfriend and I we grab
and while I'm walking through and you kind of see everything right you see
different mattresses you see the beds everything that has to do with the
bedrooms and you're just kind of like viewing all their stuff which is super
cool and then after that it makes a right turn a couple more arrows on the
ground and then it shows you the living room area right and so now it
transitions into the living room area you see the dining room tables you know
the couches or sofas and everything to do with the dining room area and then
you know it makes another turn another couple of arrows on the ground and it's
a kitchen area right so you see the fridges the kitchen cabinets the islands
all that kind of stuff right and then towards the end you see all the little
knickknacks like the plates and the Fox and the you know there's the jars and
you know the plants and the you know plastic bags and you know the the dust
bins and all that stuff it's just amazing right then you get to the end
and it's the cash register section but just before the cash register that's why
you pick up all the pick up all the furniture okay
so you kind of take a note all the way through and then at the end you pick up
your furniture and then you pay for it right but that's not all after you pay
for your stuff there's a huge food section okay because IKEA they want to
maximize their sales right so what they do is they create their own hotdogs and
they have their own mini supermarket and they've got their own sundae cones
okay soft-serve ice cream right now they're super cheap okay in Malaysia
they cost like I think to ringgit our money for a hot dog which is really
little and I think it's the same price to ring it for an ice-cream cone I think
it was one ringgit at the time right now dude I you know who's not gonna want a
one ringgit ice-cream cone or to ring at hot dogs so the line for this thing is
huge but I lined up okay first of all I ended up buying way more stuff than I
planned to that day right and then the second thing is after I bought all my
stuff I pretty much lined up for you know I don't know 10 or 15 minutes and I
got myself whatever two hotdogs and two ice cream cones it was ridiculous right
I mean they're they're okay they're not amazing but they're okay but the fact is
is that you've got a captive audience it's cheap you know it since IKEA thing
and they basically just so clever they just maximize their profits right so
after that experience I had a massive aha moment you know I was just
you know just lights we're just sort of going off in my head and I was thinking
to myself man this is the most like this is one of the cleverest offline sales
funnels that I've ever seen okay and I and at that time I hadn't really seen
that many online sales funnels and I was thinking to myself what if you could
take this offline model you know of you know bringing people through a very very
particular path right to maximize sales and commissions and why can't you
replicate that and do it online right and I was like well you know maybe I
should do that right and what I did after that was I went online I did a lot
of research and I basically you know for the next six to twelve months went out
there and researched lots of different lots of different sales funnels so that
I could actually generate sales with sorry I'm sorry guys I'm I'm just stuck
somebody's having some issues sorry so I went out there to research some some
like proper sales funnels and I was able to find a really really good one okay
and that's when my business kind of went to the next level it was when I figured
out that you have to bring people through a very very particular process
you have to get them to see everything that you want them to see and once you
get that you know you're able to maximize your your your commissions
you're actually able to maximize your conversions and that's kind of what you
want to do okay
last fall here and so you know after I did that it
completely changed my business okay and that's why having you know the right
sales funnel and understanding how to build a sales funnel is really really
important in fact it's it's the key thing that will make a difference to how
much money you make in your business okay so if you're trying to start some
sort of online business or maybe you've been doing it for a while now and you're
not really having any success then learning to build a sales funnel is the
key okay I'm telling you that right now you're actually doing the right thing
you're doing the right research and and learning everything that you can about
building a sales funnel is absolutely key and how much money you make in your
business so if you're if you're not making any money right now
then you must build a sales funnel okay if you've been making a little bit of
money but you're struggling with that consistency because you can't figure out
how to maximize you know profits return on investment and the lifetime customer
value of your Canada off of your prospect sorry then you must improve
your sales funnel if you don't already have a good sales funnel okay so let's
talk a little bit about the different elements of a sales funnel and I'll talk
about what you can get a little bit more information on this kind of stuff okay
so first of all you've got to understand that it depends on what kind of business
you're building okay it depends on the product that you're selling it depends
on the industry that you're in but there are lots of different things or
different sales funnels that you can build it depends on what you're trying
to achieve right so you can build a regular sales funnel where you're just
trying to sell some sort of physical good or you're trying to sell some sort
of digital product okay that's one type of sales funnel if you're trying to
launch a product there is something called the launch sales funnel that
means it's a very specific sales funnel that is built to launch a product okay
then if you want you can build a presentation style sales funnel that's
usually that's called the webinar sounds funnel right the webinar machine sales
funnel where you can get a presentation to the point where it's really really
good and then you can put it through an
automated process and then you don't have to be there anymore you just have
to drive traffic to that sales funnel okay that's called the the webinar sales
funnel that's also called the Evergreen sales funnel so you can automate it and
it becomes evergreen because people just come through it they see a sales
presentation and then they like it and they buy okay so you can also build
something like that right so there are lots of there's also you know something
called the e-commerce funnel so if you're in the e-commerce industry if you
wanted to you can build a very specific ecommerce sales funnel right so it
depends on what you're doing but the most important thing to understand is
that you must build your own sales funnel that means it must be branded to
you okay you don't want to use somebody else's sales funnel you don't want to
use another business opportunity sales funnel you must have your own sales
funnel this is you know this is a lesson that took me a long time to learn it
took me like seven eight years to figure that out okay so now that you know that
another thing that you need to understand is that you must have some
sort of capture page at the start right so you must be asking for email
addresses you must be giving some sort of value in exchange for an email
address okay and once you get somebody's email address then you've got to lead
them to some sort of sales page right now that sales page could be a couple of
things right it could be a full-on webinar presentation live or recorded it
could be some sort of video sales letter which is a bit of a value add so you're
giving value and you're also trying to do a sale or it could be just pure value
okay and which leads up to a sale eventually okay that means you don't
sell them on the spot you sell them over a few days you're giving them value you
know over every single day and then on the
last day it could be like the fourth day or the third day you give them value and
then you ask for the sale okay so what you're building up there is you're
building up credibility you're building up trust and then at the end you know
people are gagging for your product they're like oh you know Aaron I want
the product when are you gonna sell me this product right so that that's kind
of you know a build up type of sales funnel so lots of different styles of
sales funnels that you can build but I'm not really I'm not gonna actually show
you how to build a sales funnel today because I don't have to do that okay I
can give you a resource that will actually teach you all this stuff if
you're serious okay if you're not serious you're just playing around you
want to get this information for free then this is probably not for you
okay because when it comes to actually being serious and building a sales
funnel you've got to invest okay you've got to invest in your business so if
you're thinking like oh I want to learn how to do this for free I want to get
free software I want to do everything free free free free free then I'm sorry
dude but you're not gonna be successful online okay I'm gonna tell you that
right now okay if you think that you can do this online business thing for free
build a sales funnel for free make money for free you're not gonna make any money
okay I'm gonna flat-out tell you that right now you may as well just quit you
may as well just stop okay because it doesn't work that way all right if you
want to be successful on the internet if you want to build a real business you
have to invest in your business and what are the what are some of the things that
you need in your business you need a funnel building software okay you need a
robust funnel building software okay that cost money it's not that much money
but it cost money okay they cost probably about 100 bucks a month look if
you can't even afford a hundred bucks a month then why are you even trying to
build a business you should be just working in your day job right
working in a good day job working hard saving up money making sure that you
build a sort of future investment business account and then once you have
enough money go ahead and start your business get involved okay but until
then you have no business building a business all right
and that's the truth I'm just I'm just being completely honest because what's
gonna happen is you're gonna try to build your business for free and then
after that you're gonna realize that you need to spend a little bit a bit of
money and then it kind of like throws you off track because you don't really
have that money it stalls your business you don't get results and then you end
up quitting that's what happens all the time
okay if you want to do this you've got to do this properly right get some
proper seed money do it properly give yourself the chance
to be successful okay and to be successful you need a few things like I
mentioned you need something to sell you need a funnel and you need a funnel
builder to build that funnel you need tracking there's no free tracking
software you have to invest in the tracking software okay and then you need
traffic okay you can you need traffic there's two types of traffic that's paid
traffic which you need money for which you need investment right and that's
free traffic the free traffic it it costs time right you're gonna have to
sit there for you know four five six seven eight hours a day trying to build
free traffic you know if you if you really want to do it for free if you how to build a sales funnel
wanted like you know post on social media sites and you know I do blogging
and stuff like that right all that stuff cost time okay so coming back to what I
was saying is that if you want to learn how to build a sales funnel properly
then you can click in the resources below right there's there's two
resources there number one is click funnels click funnels is the funnel
building software that I use it's absolutely amazing okay I wouldn't
recommend any other one because they're all crap compared to click funnels right
and I only want you to use the best okay it's not the most expensive there are
more expensive final building software's out there but it's definitely the
easiest to use is the most robust and it will teach you everything that you need
to know about building a funnel so if you want to build a launch funnel a
webinar final product funnel an evergreen funnel whatever you want write
a book funnel it's got templates in there so you literally just copy and
paste and you add your own videos and stuff like that so you don't need to
learn from me today how to build a sales funnel you can learn exactly how to do
it from click funnels but you got to invest okay you got to invest in it okay
so if you wanna if you're ready to get access to click funnels just click in it
click click in the resources below now if you want to learn how to build an
affiliate marketing business the same business that I built okay it's slightly
different you can also click on the right on the bottom as well it's gonna
lead you to my page it's gonna lead you to my business
it's gonna lead you to for my free training okay so if you want a little
bit more free training on this stuff how to build a sales funnel how to be
successful online you know that sort of ins and outs the invisible kind of
influence that you need to be successful in online business I want to show you
how to do that if that's what you want to do okay completely up to you yeah if
you want to do that you can also click in the resources below you'll find a
link of mine over there and I would love to coach you man
I would love to take you know help you take your business to the next level if
not then you know please subscribe to my channel anyway give me a thumbs up if
you got some value from this video today and just know alright it's so important
that that you understand that if you want to do this properly you've got to
invest okay don't be cheap when it comes to your business right you know don't
think that just cuz this is the internet that you can get stuff for free I mean I
wouldn't even dream of building any sort of business for free it's impossible I
mean can you imagine trying to build a restaurant for free you'd have the
property you'd probably have the worst restaurant in the world right and you
probably have to run it from your house that's the only way in fact you probably
couldn't even run a restaurant for free from your house because you have to
invest in the food you've to invest in the kitchen stuff you know your pots and
pans and all that stuff it's still gonna cost a little bit of money okay so just
understand that if you're serious about going into business then you've got to
treat it like a real business ok have the right attitude have the right
business acumen and and just you know have the right expectations when it
comes to building a business okay that's it I'm gonna get off my soapbox now but
I hope you enjoyed that information today about how to build a sales funnel and let me know what you thought in
the comments below make sure you you you build a sales funnel because that's the
way that you're gonna have huge huge success
sorry that's the that's how you're gonna have huge huge success online okay I
wish all the best I'll catch you in another video this is Erin chance
signing out take care
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