s**t bi**h
What are we reading?
This window is never in service.
for ever ever
Do you reckon she'll notice if I grab the money from up here?
PayPass? Oo.. Savings..
She definitely noticed..
She was like "ooh. Out of nowhere"?
PayWave? Ahh Savings.
Savings? Yep!
She's like Oh F**k It's already done
Thanks. Cheers.
that's everything? Yeah that's everything. we got it, we going, we good.
Yes! Aww What was his name? That guy said his name.
"Prince Habibu" Aww yeah he was like "Hey Joel"
Nah that's the other one
Big Lez!
It was! One was Lez and one was Joel
what up guys welcome back! We're still an hour early. Are we? we are on our way to Street Karnage car show
Spring Classic! Lee lent me his wheels so I can get accepted.
Just went to the shop to kill some time. So now we're gonna go to for a cruise and then head to the..
place hopefully there's some people there
Hey? Yeah! Wait until you see the new wheels Makes me want to buy some myself.
Damn son!
delish! how much? How much you want for them?
Not for sale! There's no price.
hey guys! So a couple of weeks ago I went to spring classic! Spring Classic..
Which is a car show hosted by Street Karnage. and basically what happened is halfway
through the day I set up a time lapse and my phone died. I started playing
around and put it together and yeah I realized that I didn't have an outro or
anything which I think which is why I didn't make a video originally
So instead of happens like an hour on this video I thought I'd just explain a bit
about where I want this channel to go and what direction.. that was exactly the same thing but oh well.
Still new to to this chill!
so there's been a lot of car stuff on the channel and I know a lot of you guys are BMX riders that watch this and there
is still going to be plenty of BMX riding on this channel I promise but
for now I just want to say I haven't been riding a lot lately because I've
been trying to get my car ready for like a drift session one morning next month
where was I but anyway oh yeah so basically Me Lee and Brad are all
planning on going to a morning session next month
I've never been on the track so I'm super nervous about that I don't know
we'll just see what happens basically you guys can follow me along the way of
me learning to drift on track yeah it'll be interesting so plenty more content to
come BMX drifting cars modifications whatever you guys want to see leave
comments I need ideas it would be awesome I'm sure you've already noticed
the progression since my first vlog to here or maybe not here but the one
before this because this was before that but yeah you know what I'm saying
yeah massive shout out to Leeroy for lending his wheels for the day I do plan on
getting a set of wheels myself in the future but for now I'm just gonna keep
working on the car massive thanks to anyone who leaves a comment thumbs up
subscribe whatever you guys really motivate me to keep going to get on
track get my car where I want it to be and get back on my bike also so thanks leave
a comment like subscribe I've already said that like five times but yeah peace!
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