Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 10, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Oct 3 2017

Sup bro.

Today I´m playing with my friend

Carlinho. "today i will tell a story to you



One day, you enter your living room

and Carlinhos, you got him dancing

We´ll play

Dark Souls, so I asked Carlinhos

Teach me, and here is him. Can

you present yourself?


Okay, so...


Now I´m Playing this shit.

Ohh, look

the Florest

the Florest of your Fallen Mother (Mother=Giant, Get It, Get it?!?!).

Oh, Very Funny, Ehh. Did you ever think of creating a Youtube Channel?

Actually, no.

That´s kinda a good idea.

Talking about you mother... Look who shows up.


Goddamn, bro.

'Fuck, my Asshole'.

Fucking asshole.

"Really nig?"

Fuck, I´m a Retarded.

Find out for yourself?

"Here I´m one more day."

"By the Bloody Eyes of the Watcher"

I´m gonna jump to the other side.

You won´t make it.

"Won´t make it... Who says I won´t fucking Make it?!?!

Run, Bitch,



But, What the Actual Fuck?!

Shitty fag.

Keep Rolling.

Run, bitch, run.

Worthless fag.

Ohh, my Fucking ass, ohh.

Worthless bitch.

*Rolling Boss*.

Holy shit, I´m Pro, bro,


It´s not for nothing they call me Dark Souls Master.

Go fuck yourself, your hacking, you can only be hacking.

But, it´s your PC.


The desire to laugh is great, but crying is greater.

My god, what have I done with my life, jesus?

I'm crying,look.

Fuck, I'm a fuckin 'shit, will one day I win in life?... I'm sure not, I'm realist I know I do not... it's from here to worse.

Fuck, I´m so dumb.


Goddamn, more douchebag impossible.

Ohh, fuck.

Ohh my ass, ohh *laughs*.

Run, bitch, run.

Worthless, fag, bitch.

Fuck, who is the fucker, the douchebag who is calling me on skype.


Stop this shit.

Son of a bitch.

I don´t answer, and you keep calling,

What´s you fucking problem?



Son of a...

My god, finnaly.

If this little shit, be here...

I would punch him on the teeths.

Fuck, I´m shit, bro.

One day I´ll win in life?

Probably not.

I know I won´t.

Here from worse.


Really, fuck.

On drugs... he gets the knife and...

Stab the kid (x5).




Pow, pow,

pow, pow


And Died.

Gone for good.



Fuck, i´m a shit my brother. I won´t win in life?


Some times, I few,

so shitty, that, I stop whatever i´m doing

to watch Felipe Neto (A very Shitty Brazilian Channel, like, real shitty channel).


*Sound of Progress*

*Disappointment* .

*Alone*.("When i see you again "brazilian parody).



*Incomprehensible Alien Language*.

Come on, Otaku fucker


pow, pow,


Whipped to the ass.

Pow, pow.

And died.



Kleber, your animal.

You idiot, ever to attack, you can do it right.


Time to grind.





Pow, pow


pow, pow


Avada kedavra.

Avada kedavra.

Avada kedavra.

I´m fucking Voldemort,

Me, in the end of the #nofapsetember.


Holy fuck.


Beer, bitch.

*Thanking for seeing all this shit*.


For more infomation >> DARK SOULS 2 SCHOLAR OF THE FIRST SIN | EU SOU UM MERDA MERMÃO - Duration: 9:26.


Doc Mcstuffins The Dark Knight Episode 26 - Sofia Bray - Duration: 14:29.

♥ Like + Comments + 2 share helps Sofia Bray Channel

For more infomation >> Doc Mcstuffins The Dark Knight Episode 26 - Sofia Bray - Duration: 14:29.


Buildings Go Dark To Mark Las Vegas Massacre - Duration: 0:15.

For more infomation >> Buildings Go Dark To Mark Las Vegas Massacre - Duration: 0:15.


World Landmarks Go Dark In Memory Of Las Vegas Victims - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> World Landmarks Go Dark In Memory Of Las Vegas Victims - Duration: 0:32.


Dark Devotion Gameplay | Kickstarter Roguelike Souls Like 2D Pixel Art Action RPG - Duration: 26:56.

Good mornin-afternoo-vening dear viewers and today doing something a little bit

special and I'm actually playing a Kickstarter demo for a game called Dark

Devotion which is a both Souls like and a roguelike at the same time and to

think to think of it it was only a matter of time between a bit before the

two would start being combined since they're both the rope lights have been

returning to popularity recently and souls like the short leg genre is

becoming its own thing it also makes sense for the two to be a couple in such

a manner that devotion is a pixel art 2d approach to this interesting combination

of genres and it's actually the developers are seeking funding through

Kickstarter right now I think there's somewhere around the middle both in

terms of funding n as far as the this is your character by the way both in in

terms of money as well as the time that they still have to do and yeah I'm gonna

we're gonna wait for the intro cinematic sort of thing to finish as you've used

probably seen pixel art looks really nice and it looks pretty good in the

game as well the animations are very fluid the level of detail is okay I

think it could be higher but it's it's above average you you'll you'll see in

the game and it's a really it's quite a challenging motherfucker of a game I

have the have access to the demo and it is a slightly special demo than the one

you'll find on the Kickstarter page because there's the demo there's a demo

on the Kickstarter page as well the only thing is that I

have more bosses in mind which doesn't really mean a lot since the bosses tend

to kill me anyway I have managed to down one of them

barely the thing is and you'll see this when we start playing you don't actually

know which boss you're gonna get at least at least I haven't yet found at

least I haven't yet found how to perfectly tell which is which

so obviously OSS it's says it's souls like you to die quite a bit in this

portal here we'll bring you back to life a couple of things hey kitty kitty

no kneeling is a thing you will talk about as soon these two altars lit up

after I killed the first boss so most some of the features will probably

become more available as you advance to the game

this obviously means it sort of focuses on sword and shield or on nemesis for

200 I tend to use sword and shield a bit more and I think this is the cat's eye

blessing at the beginning of each each game you get some blessings that will

help you like buffs that will help you throughout your game here we kneel and

this is where you can upgrade your your general stats slash damage perforation

damage critical and loot chance critical hit and loot chances maximum stamina and

maximum faith faith is a separate receptor mechanic which you used to open

special doors you'll see what I mean this is the amount of points devotion

basically to a certain degree but so yeah I can do

I have upgraded my stamina a bit and my critical just my slash because I like to

slash a lot you can play the game with a controller I obviously can't because I

do not have a xbox controller and my third party controller just acts weirdly

thankfully the keyboard controls on this one are a bit more user friendly than

they were with the mortal planet blessing pressing F will interact with

various things and thing is around the world everyone has their own sort of

story not really they did they talk to you things I haven't yet gotten into

this particular setting idea is your any sort of a city-wide temple of sorts and

you're fighting stuff so the blessings I have now are a Google from one Idol

which is gives you a bit faster stamina region and cat's-eye less chance to hit

in the right-hand corner you can see the the the main stats these are your

initial weapons pretty much here they kind of suck and you can get a second

set momentarily nothing so initially you can only go through this door but as you

advanced the game a bit and at least as you kill one of the bosses some other

doors will open this one hasn't opened yet

but the sewer grate one will but before we check that out let me show you the

beginning stage sort of say sort of because from what I've noticed the game

has it's it also it's a Souls like but it's

also a roguelike so you can't really learn a stage there's a couple of

screens let's call them like there's a couple of stages between two doors that

will be the same those are static see this thing right here if I walk in it

will damage me so got to do that I cannot tell you how many times I've

gotten hit by that and you need to kneel so you can see what what's in store for

it down let's get in without force fight

you can kinda tell it's a it's a very dodge and hit-and-run in a sort of

affair you can carry four different types of items but there are more types

of items than four so it depends on what you pick what you choose to keep with

you so I was saying about the screens there's a couple of hard-coded let's go

there's a couple of squeeze that will always be the same in the same place

such as this one on the other hand there are several other screens that once you

get out of this one you'll get different screen on different playthroughs you'll

get a different skill that's where the roguelike elements in and usually some

of these stages have two doors that you can go out or in through so in some

circumstances I actually think you'll be visiting the same screen but from a

different direction this is a bonus and this is one of those special doors this

is a simple thing which you need to pray in front of it will take up some of the

faith but the opens access to a lever

see the door open so I could go in there thing is once you go out the door or in

a door you can go back so it's better to spend some time exploring as much of the

level as possible and getting as much of this nice experience and devotion as you

can also it increases your chances of getting some better loot here and there

it opened the door it did not move a platform though so let's see oh it also

has destroy about some of the things around the world are destroyed and

that's what that critical chance stet comes into play

the music is pretty well done for most of the game when you're just

exploring various parts of it it's that I'm guessing at a certain point the more

you explore it will slightly change but it does get much more let's say I'm in a

/ epic when you're fighting bosses or when

there's some special type of events because I've actually found a weird sort

of event at a certain point but only once

like I said roguelike ah damn it yes and that will happen more often than not but

anyway I showed you the start the actual start start yeah 30 devotion not enough

not nearly enough let's get to the old guy who gives you basic stuff hello and

let's check out the store whenever you fall you don't get help

damage get stamina stamina damage I guess this is a place where I found the

earlier I found a slight bug we'll see if it appears again easy guys

yeah they met dilly dallying if this is a farmer so you know here you can see

how many you so basically have two are one and two health and with this a nice

thing it will actually repair your arm I'm gonna wait for it that one to be

destroyed as well and then use it because it repairs your whole armor you

will return number one more shields let's call at least that's what it does

in the demo it must be seen if that's what will happen in the final game as

well this one opened but we definitely see more stuff here so let's explore

that area this sorry excuse for a Wolverine yes that TT was a crit and for

this so healing your this will cure an illness the the longer you spend in the

game not dying you will actually get usually able to get a buff and some sort

of an illness so I'm gonna try to not die as much as possible so you guys can

can see that part of the game as well which is a nice it's it's a nice add-on

this is a interesting to be here let's fire a lot oh no no no no shit okay now

I use the armor repair it

not working and sometimes just don't appreciate the distances properly and I

just got some sort of onion I have pyro phobia knees crying mentor land and I'd

read them the curse or an illness 20% slow chance that's not good so let's

just use this too because you say it says cure you

yeah it should have cured me hmm try it back there what it's again it's a it's a

demo it's to be expected to a certain degree we have a bow now I have a bow

right this is a cool bow a wooden bow alright let's open this up so we have

both leather and one of these things let's open this thing first

and let's spread this thing it will give me a special item that's what these

chests do usually I'll get two items this is a sort of a mine and this is a

torch which I'd only suggest I've tried that yeah it gives you a bit more light

but you stop having the shield which is quite useful especially when dealing

with archers which will surely see soon yeah also I apologize up front the

setter point you will hear me use some very specific words because the game can

be frustrating when you get killed and more or less a stupid fashion okay let's

go let's go back up and through that door I have I don't have any armor

repair thing is yet my health is kind of good but no one and

you can also save progress here and there you'll find both types of shrines

that will actually save your frog save your location and I recently found one

that saved both my location and my be a better and it saved my location and my

gear at the time and once I die again I'll show you that thing as well

but for now go Spike's stamina now I don't like the mischance I'm not gonna

use that although it would give me three live their life points hmm

yeah more life rags no bony cloak see and it there is even the items or dog

that the same name will randomly generate their stats Diablo edge sort of

style or all you know roguelike sort of style so even though these are the same

thing this is totally better it has six percent both slashing perforation and no

miss this one has base this one customer so yeah it would be better if I could

fix it but oh well she just miss that one all swirled so mind as 5% crit 21 a

chance 21 to 33 damage miss for perch in this this one has a

higher maximum then I usually when it comes to RPGs I have a thing I like to

use I like to have the highest minimum damage possible it's just my way of

playing because I like to know that if I'm gonna hit I do as much damage as

possible because as you can see you can also miss quite a bit oh okay so this is

one of the situations where I can't take it because I only have four things I'm

gonna try using my one again again it didn't heal shit does damage me so but I

got armor now at least and I can use a poultice so that full armor and life and

to do here you see what is take this

oh shit damn it shit damn it so that's a trap although

the good thing is that it would these traps damage your enemies as well they

just got another disease or some shit come on goodbye fucking hell

open the prison fine what the fuck first he played using this

weapon for long made me understand it scattered plus tempers I see so haven't

I haven't died and I've used this weapon a lot so now it's slightly better but I

also have internal bleeding

that's so not good let's see this place I have only one of these thingies let's


hello rats goodbye rat Oh

Archer shield see that's what the shield is for oh that's nice when it gets a

nice screech archers would definitely better no no no discussion no argument

there damn it come on

chillax okay so because of the disease my stamina

whenever I roll gets really low so I would need to find one of those curing

things maybe choose this one at least door opens Thunder hey not fair

no no I want to go there let's see I can get there any lung fuck yeah as

something that happens in the game as well and you know the thing the the

interesting thing that I realized while playing it because I've been playing it

a couple of hours oh I'm gonna tell you after I get killed by this boss hello

ugly a dome yes sent by the king oh I am as well as you can't relax about

that what can help with that the disease on me this is gonna be extra difficult

plus I don't know the adonus monster I know the boss and he's horns um oh shit

now his puzzle in this picture it's also eats up stamina my way yep

got hit damn it damnit

one thing about archers they also get in melee

let's see if I can use this my thing come on explore now explore now ah damn

it these guys are a bit more difficult than your average thing let's see what

did did they drop anything won't stop hemorrhaging thank you

oh this this guy's gettin yeah well that was one of the bosses I've seen a couple

more I think so now that I'm back here I got like 124 of these things and I have

plus toad now I have hand of God yeah these blessings tend to be random

also I think not sure yet but I think they ran 123 hundredths of my neck

stamina I could do this could do this a bit more damage so thing I realized

while playing this was that I first of all I take it I like the game quite a

bit but I couldn't put my hand my finger on exactly why and then I realized

because it's pixel it's pixel art it's 2d you're this lone character through an

insanely immense huge what looks like a temple or a city it's sort of a prison

you're fighting things that platforms there's traps and then it dawned on me

this is basically what a modern-day Prince of Persia would be I mean at

least the first one Prince of Persia on one so that's that's the main thing that

makes me super to predict as it kind of brings back that those those memories of

me when I was completely cause doubly younger and playing Prince of Persia the

first one so right now I'm showing you one of the places that saved both my

location and my equipment as you can see up there is a healing statue this is a

qdz statue and these are grimoires which gives you this stuff but I don't need it

now and here we have some nice items

grant strength armor and stamina and now we get to see the items I had saved

which aren't that bad this is called gives 14 and 12 % - / and / 4 + 2 Life

Points which is great gift but the sward is pretty cool it's not that good in

damage but it looks cool so now get to see another boss and the thing is since

this place this save is for the boss you can't really do anything wrong along

this path until you defeat the boss but as I've just shown you

you can continue exploring the rest of the game through the other two entryways

and there is at least another one that hasn't opened yet so it's very good the

very well design from that point of that point of view let's see the butcher

Shatterer of fish of the flesh so it's either

he just power up there I have fought the butcher til now kid got killed several

times the bosses in this game have sort of a rage timer like in Wow once they

reach half-life they turn it up a notch and this guy mm-hmm this guy has to get

does death to begin with and then you just fucking ghosts all over the goddamn

place fuck you

yes I got a double hit on that one

did I kill him oh shit nice fall defeated whoa I did not expect

to kill him ooh

now those Nessen expected the good the good way to end Oh to go between the

video actually let see what happens now


no I haven't discovered all of the secrets so that was dark devotion make

sure if you like what you saw here make sure you go to their Kickstarter page

which I will link in the description and get the demo let play the demo and if

you like it seriously consider backing them because I would totally want to

play this game play the entire game maybe I'll stream it or make a

walkthrough or something like that but yeah thanks for watching and see you

next time have a nice day

For more infomation >> Dark Devotion Gameplay | Kickstarter Roguelike Souls Like 2D Pixel Art Action RPG - Duration: 26:56.


The Old Dark House (1932) - Duration: 1:12:12.

What are you stopping for?

I'm stopping for a rest.

Really Philip, you can't stop here.

For pity's sake rather go on or go back.

You can't expect me to spend the night like a half-drowned rat on a mountainside.

Better to stop than drive the car gently over a cliff, isn't it?

Well, it won't help things losing your temper.

I've never been in a better temper in my life.

I love driving a hundred miles through the dark practically without headlights.

I love the trickle of ice cold water pouring down my neck.

This is one of the happiest moments of my life.

- Would you like me to drive for a bit? - Yes, I was expecting that.

Oh, I shall be glad if we get to Shrewsbury.

If we get to Shrewsbury.

- You happen to have any idea where we are? - I haven't the least idea in the world.

That's very comforting.

You all right, Penderel?

Fine. Where are we?

We don't know. We've lost our way. We're somewhere in the Welsh mountains.

It's half past nine, and I'm very sorry.

Don't mention it!

- Ten to one we don't see Shrewsbury tonight. - Oh well, never mind.

Oh, Mister Waverton, what shall I do?

I wanted to go to Shrewsbury but they took me on to [Crew?]

As a matter of fact, taking one thing with another,

I'm not particularly sure that I want to go to Shrewsbury.

Far as that goes, I don't particularly want to go anywhere.

Something might happen here, but nothing ever happens in Shrewsbury.

Something certainly might happen here.

I'll tell you something that might happen.

- I don't want to frighten Mrs. Waverton. - Go on, Mr. Penderel, I'm not easily frightened.

- Aren't you? I am. Well, I was just going to say, we'll have to be a bit careful...

Don't stop!

How can I help stopping? You think we're in a motorboat?

Stuck for the night! Stuck for the night! Stuck...

- Sr. Penderel, please! - Sorry.

- Do you think we'll do it? - I really don't know.

Bon Voyage.

Well, now, for heaven's sakes, stop! Let's look at a map or something.

My own view is we're not on a map.

Oh, you look, Philip, I can't see anything. It's all a stupid puddle.

Seems to represent this country very well. Everything here is underwater.

Oh, just drive on. We'll arrive somewhere, sometime.

I suppose that's all we can do.

Singin' in the bathtub, singin' in the rain....

Oh, look, Phil! Lights! Lights! Pull in there.

- Probably wiser to push on. - Well, I'm for staying here.

There you are. The whole hilltop has probably fallen off.

'Is there anybody there?, said the Traveller.'

Knock again, louder.

I suppose that was loud enough to wake the dead.

- That's an idea. - What is?

Wouldn't it be dramatic? Supposing the people inside were dead,

all stretched out with the lights quietly burning about them.

I'm sure it would be very amusing.

I'm sure I could do with a drink.

If people have to be soaked, they should be soaked inside, not out.

- Listen. - What is it?

I thought I heard something.

Good evening, we've come to ask for shelter, we've lost our way.

We're absolutely cut off.

Don't you understand? We can't go forward and we can't go back.

The road's blocked on both sides, landslide

Even Welsh ought not sound like that.

My name is Femm. Horace Femm. How do you do?

I'm very sorry to break in on you like this.

My name is Waverton. May I introduce my wife?

How do you do?


- Charmed, I'm sure. - How do you do?

Won't you sit down?

Thank you.

My sister was on the point of arranging these flowers.

I don't know if your man explained the situation to you.

He did his best but I'm afraid I couldn't understand him.

You see, Morgan is dumb.

Oh, I see. Of course, I didn't realize.

We saw your lights and wondered

if you'd be kind enough to give us shelter for the night.

You see it's quite impossible to go on.

I see. How awkward. How very awkward.

What is it? What do they want?

Allow me to introduce my sister, Rebecca Femm.

How do you do?

What are they doing here? What do they want?

How are you? How do you do?

What do they say? What do they want?

What are they doing here? What's all the fuss about? What?

You must excuse my sister. She's a little deaf.

In fact, sometimes quite deaf.

They want to know if they can stay here for the night.

Shelter. They've been caught in the storm.

Of course they can't stay! We can't have them here!

... Go on...

You see, there's a landslide. Half the mountain seems to be crumbling.

It only just missed us.

The road's blocked behind us and I'm pretty sure it's blocked in front as well.

We hate to intrude but what else can we do?

You see there isn't anywhere else we can go.

And even the road below is underwater and, for that matter,

this place itself may be underwater pretty soon or even buried.

What's the matter?

Did you hear what he said? There's a landslide and floods.

The lake has burst its banks. We're trapped. We're trapped.

We've got to go. Do you hear? We've got to go.

Hmmph. You're afraid, Horace. You're afraid, aren't you?

You don't believe in God and yet you're afraid to die.

You've seen His anger in the sky and you've heard Him in the night.

And you're afraid. Afraid. Afraid. Where's your mocking now?

You might well be afraid. Your time will come.

But it hasn't come yet. This house is safe. I know it better than you. Morgan!

You remember the great storm years ago when we were cut off?

And there was a landslide. And floods. And the roads were washed away?

Morgan remembers. He means this house is safe. Because it's built on rock.

You will have to stay here. The misfortune is yours, not ours.

No beds! They cann't have beds!

As my sister hints, there are, I'm afraid, no beds.

That's quite all right. If we can just sit around the fire that will be fine.

By all means. I'm not very sure that I want to go to bed myself tonight.

Morgan will tend to the fire.

Is there any place I can put the car out of the rain?

There are some stables 'round the corner, to the right.

- Morgan will show you. - Thanks very much.

- I'll come along and get the bags. - Right.

No beds! You can't have beds!

- Quite a storm! - We're well out of it.

I hope you're right, though this house gives me the creeps,

not to mention its inmates.

Well, it's better than driving along roads that aren't there.

At least there's a roof and a fire here.

Now, Mister Penderel, do you think that you could join me in a drink?

Mister Femm, I honestly believe I could join you in a drink.

It's only gin, you know. Only gin. I like gin.

Mrs. Waverton?

Thanks very much.

Mister Penderel, I'll give you a toast that you will not appreciate, being young.

I give you... illusion!

Illusion? Huh! I'm precisely the right age for that toast, Mister Femm.

Oh. I presume you are one of the gentlemen slightly,

shall we say, battered by the war?

Correct, Mister Femm. War generation, slightly soiled, a study in the bittersweet,

the man with the twisted smile, and this, Mr. Femm, is exceedingly good gin.

Dreadful night. Seems to be getting worse.

Yes, it is pretty bad. But evidently there's no danger here.

Your sister was quite definite about that.

But supposing we're cut off, shut up in here?

Well, it would be rather a nuisance for you having us billeted on you like this

But it's awful. How can you be so calm? You don't seem to understand.

We may be cut off. Shut up in this house!

I'm afraid I'm rather nervous. I am rather a nervous man.

The fact is... Morgan is an uncivilized brute. Sometimes he drinks heavily.

A night like this would set him going and once he's drunk, he's rather dangerous.

I don't wish to alarm you, Mrs. Waverton, but I don't quite know what we should do.

Well, I know what I'm going to do. That is, if Miss Femm will let me.


I'm dreadfully wet and I would be so glad if I could go and change my clothes.


I wondered if I might change my things?

You look wet. You'd better go and change your things.

Oh, thank you. A good idea. Is there a bedroom or something?

- It's a dreadful night. - What?

I say, it's a dreadful night.

Yes, it's a very old house. Very old.

- Very kind of you to let us stay. - What?

I say, you're very kind!

Yes, it's a dreadful night. I'm a little deaf.

I understand.

Yes. No beds!

I'll have none of this electric light. I won't have it.

Thanks very much. I can manage quite well now.

My sister Rachel had this room once. She died when she was twenty-one.

She was a wicked one. Handsome and wild as a hawk.

All the young men used to follow her about.

With her red lips and her big eyes and her white neck. But that didn't save her.

She fell off her horse, hunting. Hurt her spine.

On this bed she lay, month after month.

Many the time I sat here listening to her screaming.

How dreadful.

She used to cry out to me... to kill her.

But I'd tell her to turn to the Lord. But she didn't. She was godless to the last.

Well, I'd better change my wet things.

They were all godless here. They used to bring their women here.

Brazen, lolling creatures in silks and satins.

They filled the house with laughter and sin, laughter and sin.

If I ever went down among them... my own father and brothers...

They would tell me to go away and pray.

They wouldn't tell Rachel to go away and pray. Ha ha ha ha ha! And I prayed!

I left them with their lustful red and white women. My father's still alive.

He's upstairs. He's very old.

Oh, is he?

He's a hundred and two.

That's very old, isn't it?

He's a wicked, blasphemous old man.

You're wicked, too. Young and handsome. Silly. And wicked.

You think of nothing but your long, straight legs and your white body

and how to please your man.

You revel in the joys of fleshly love, don't you?

That's fine stuff, but it'll rot.

That's finer stuff, still. But it'll rot, too, in time.

Don't! How dare you?

...brazen, lolling creatures in silks and satins...

laughter and sin... laughter and sin... lustful red and white women...

Philip! Aaah!

Good for you, Mrs. Waverton. You make it look like a party.

Thank you.

You must have thought I was a long time.

Matter of fact, I thought you were quicker than usual.

Oh. I just thought I'd been rather long.



Horace! What are you doing? We aren't all heathens.

Oh, I had forgotten my sister's strange tribal habits.

The beef will seem less tough when she has invoked a blessing upon it.

Horace Femm. If I can't hear, I can see. You're blaspheming.

On the contrary, my dear Rebecca. I was merely telling your wondering guests

that you were about to thank your gods for their bounty....

That'll do. I know your mocking, lying tongue.

... to thank them for the health and prosperity and happiness granted to this family.

For its years of peace and plenty. To thank them for having created Rebecca Femm.

And Roderick Femm. And Saul...


Bless O Lord this... mankind. Amen.

Have a potato.

Thank you.

Well, this is a storm and a half.

Yes, isn't it?

Have a potato.

Thank you. I should love a potato.

Vinegar, Miss Femm?

It's simply coming down in bucketfuls outside.

Thank you, Mrs. Waverton. That's the phrase I've been searching for all evening.

No, no pickled onions, thank you.

Those lights. They gave me quite a start. I suppose it's the storm.

On the contrary. We make our own electric light here

and we're not really good at it. Pray don't be alarmed if they go out altogether.

There's someone outside.

They can't come in!

But surely they must come in. It's probably dangerous out there now.

They're probably half drowned. You know, really, we oughtn't keep them waiting.

No, I'm afraid we shall have to let them in. Morgan, open the door.

Come on then, Morgan. Let them in.

Whoooo! What a night!

I thought you were never going to open that door.

Why... hoo huh hah!... there must've been a reservoir burst or something.

Ha ha ha! Anyhow, before we knew where we were,

something had fallen down and smashed the car in.

Ha ha ha! It's a wonder it didn't smash us. Hah!

Incidentally, this house will probably be washed away any minute.

Hey, whoa, ha! Look at that! Ha!

Ohhh. That's a grand fire.

I'm sorry to barge in on you like this, but... ha!...

needs must when the devil drives. Ha ha ha!

Well? Who's the owner here?

My sister is the owner. Miss Femm.

How do you do, Miss Femm?

My name is Porterhouse. Sir William Porterhouse

And this lady is Miss Gladys DuCane, a friend of mine.

Glad to know you. Nice weather for ducks.

Allow me to introduce you. This is Mrs. Waverton.

How do you do?

- Mister Penderel. - How do you do, Sir William?

- And, uh, Mister Waverton. - How do you do?

Sir William Porterhouse.


I've never seen such a night in all my born natural.

I tell you, it's coming down in bucketfuls. Pretty well soaked we were,

I don't mind telling you. I shouldn't be surprised if we caught our death.

Here, you'd better not put those wet shoes on again,

or, as Sir William points out, you'll probably catch your death.

Here you are. These may not be exactly your size but at least they're dry.

Thanks. That'll do fine. Whee! Ha ha!

Are you fond of opera, Monsieur?

Come and have something to eat.

Oh! Now, you're talkin'.

Morgan, bring out some chairs.

Oh ho! Roast beef! Hah! There's nothing like roast beef when a man's hungry.

Oh, the roast beef of old England...

How does that go? Do you remember that, Mister Waverton, or was that before your time?

- Penderel's our song expert. - Oh, so you're musical, are you?

Well, I've got a bit of an ear myself...

Have a potato.

Morgan, bring a glass of water for Sir William.

Ah, thanks very much.

... take ourselves, for instance.

Here we are, six people, sitting around,

and we've been talking now nearly two hours,

and what do we know about each other? Not a thing.

How reassuring.

I agree with Sir William. At best, we only make guesses.

If you were a woman, you wouldn't talk about only guesses.

Ah! The famous old feminine intuition.

Does it ever tell you which horse is going to win the Derby?

No. But it tells me quite a lot about you.

I wonder, Mrs. Waverton,

whether it happens to tell you that I am wanted by the police?

Why, no, Mister Femm, it tells me nothing so romantic.

After all, can you conceive of anybody living in a house like this if they didn't have to?

Well, there's no accounting for tastes, you know.


- Miss DuCane? - Yes?

What does your intuition tell you about me?

Quite a lot.

Hmm... that frightens me a good deal.

What does it tell you?

It tells me... Well, it's not very interesting anyway.

Oh, yes, it is. Let's have it.

Well... heh heh, it sounds silly but... I think he doesn't quite fit into these times.

You know, factories and cheap advertising and money grubbing and...

well, what I mean is, Bill here's all right with these things.

But they make Mister Penderel a kind of fish out of water.

You should be flattered, Mister Penderel.

No, I'm not flattered.

You see, I've not much sympathy with fish out of water although I happen to be one myself.

My trouble is, I don't think enough things are worthwhile.

Now, Sir William here would put tremendous energy into anything to make even a few pounds.

I don't think it's worth it.

No doubt you'll think I'm very fat-headed, my young friend.

But maybe I can see through things a bit further than you suppose.

That was a very fine speech of yours but I know as well as everybody else here

that you're really only getting at me.

But, honestly, I wasn't doing anything of the kind.

I envy you. I admire you.

Oh, yes, you envy me, all right. But you don't admire me.

Heh! Well, I... I don't admire myself so much. I know that money-making isn't everything.

But let me tell you something. I'm a young man, see?

Married to a Manchester girl, pretty as paint,

the only thing in the world I care about. Well... she dies.

It's this way. My directors give a party. They ask us. Red letter day for us, I can tell you.

Heh! I buy my first dress suit. And Lucy had a new frock. A cotton frock.

It seems that Lucy didn't go too well at that party. Especially with the women.

They snubbed her. Nothing definite, you know.

Just didn't think the cotton frock was good enough.

Well, Lucy worries about it. Gets into her head that she's gonna hold me back.

Well, you may not believe it, but I know that's what killed her.

That's what started me making money.

I swore I'd smash those fellows and their wives who wouldn't give my Lucy a kind word.

Ha! And I have smashed 'em. At least, most of 'em.

Once you've started making money, it's hard to stop.

Especially if you're like me, there isn't much else you're good at.

Ha! But what Gladys here has to be superior about, I don't know.

Miss DuCane. Why don't you tell 'em your real name?

My real name... is Perkins.

And a very nice name, too.

I may not be this and I may not be that

but you don't catch me pretending to be what I'm not.

I think I'm finding you a little bit offensive.

That's all right, Mister Penderel. I can take care of myself.

Least, if I can't by now, I never will be able to.

I wasn't trying to put anything across you, Bill.

I don't pretend to be what I'm not either. I'm not as dumb as that.

These people here know a chorus girl when they see one.

And, incidentally, not a very good chorus girl at that.

If I were better at my job, I probably wouldn't be weekending with you.

No. I take that back. I probably would. You're nice enough. We get on, but...

Morgan's at the bottle again. I knew he'd begin tonight.

Where did he get it from?

He didn't get it from me. Can't you stop him?

He's in the kitchen now, drunk. Quite drunk.

Who's Morgan? Is he the fellow who waited on us at table?

Yes. Morgan is the... the butler.

Looks to me as if he could do with a shave. Ha ha!

Oh, hello.


Well? Have you come over to help me gaze upon the wrath of God?

No. I came to say thank you for trying to take my part just now.

Charmed, I'm sure, Miss DuCane.

Perkins to you.

Thanks, Perkins.

I say, I'd mortgage the old homestead for a drink.

Hmm... so would I.

And we'll have one! I've got some whiskey in the car.

I'd forgotten all about it. You stay here and I'll go and get it.

No, I'll come with you.


You'd better stay here under cover.

The car's in the stables and you'll get soaked.

All right. But don't be long.

Mister Penderel?

Hello. What are you doing here? I was just coming.

I thought I'd come and fetch you.

Hey, hey. What's the matter? What's happened?

Nothing. Nothing, really. I'm a bit scared, that's all.

Somebody slammed the door in my face.

- Probably the wind. - No, it wasn't.

I know wind when I see it. It doesn't sound much, but,

you know, it gave me a bit of a turn.

Yes, I bet it did. Here, what you want is a drink of this.


I feel a bit more human now.

This certainly is a benighted household.

You're right. It is.

Look at those.

Come on, take 'em off.

I seem to've spent most of the evening changing your shoes.

You ought to be a nursery maid.

Yes, except that the best nursery maids don't drink whiskey out of the bottle.

The storm's just as bad as ever, isn't it?


That's done it. The light's gone out.

I suppose they'll stay out this time. Now, we shall be miserable all the evening.

That's all right. Surely, there's some candles somewhere, aren't there?

Can I do anything about the lights, Miss Femm?

No. Nobody understands our lights except Morgan.

And, as an electrician, Morgan is temporary disqualified.

You haven't got a lamp by any chance, have you?

No. No. We haven't got a lamp.

- What did they say? - Nothing. Nothing important.

Oh? Not important? Ha! It happens I heard that time.

They want a lamp. Give them the large one. There's oil in it.

We used it the last time the lights went wrong. Go on, Horace. You know the one.

I don't remember where it is. Suppose you get it, Rebecca?

It's too big for me. If you don't know where it is, I'll tell you.

Now, you know as well as I do. It's on the top landing on the little table.

You know where the top landing is, Horace?

At least you might believe there is a top landing. Oh, but you do believe in so little.

It's up there, Horace. Up there. Next to the roof.

Yes, of course. I remember. But I think it's a little too heavy for me.

I don't think I could carry it down all those stairs.

Why don't you say what you mean, Horace? Ha!

You mean that you're afraid to go up there alone.

You go with him. Here take this. I don't know why I bother myself.

Do you all good to sit in the dark.

- We'd better go up, hadn't we? - Yes. I suppose we had.

We won't be long.

That's all right. Mrs. Waverton will see that I don't get nervy.

You'd better lead the way.

This is my room.


There are one or two things that I should very much like for you to see.

I should like to very much. But you must show me some other time.

We've got to get that lamp.


Listen, why should we bother about the lamp?

Let us wait here for a few minutes and then go back

and say that we couldn't find it. Or that it's broken.

I can't see the point.

Yes, but why should we trouble about the lamp if we don't want to?

But we said we'd get it, so why shouldn't we get it?

Yes, but why should we if we don't want to? And I don't want to.

But this is absurd...

Did you hear that?

I did hear something.

What was it?

It must have been Morgan. He's drunk, you know.

He's probably making a disturbance downstairs in the kitchen.

I thought that noise came from upstairs. Anyway, what about this lamp?

I wonder whether you would excuse me from coming with you?

I'm not very strong. There are rather a lot of stairs.

I really should have told you before but the, the vanity of age, you know...

You'll find it on the little table at the end of the landing, two floors above.

I suppose it's not too heavy for me to carry.

Oh, no, not at all. It's quite light really.

I see.

Thank you, thank you very much.

You opened it, didn't you? Well, now you can go and shut it.

Go on, shut it. I can't.

Go and shut what?

The rain's pouring in. The flood's rising.

We all'll be drenched if you don't come quickly.

She means the window in her room. I'm afraid I opened it.

Go on. You opened it. You can shut it.

That's all right, Miss Femm. I'll come and shut it.

Mister Penderel! Miss DuCane!

Mister Penderel! Miss DuCane!

It's Morgan. He's there at the bottom of the stairs.

Take the candle. Get back there.

Get back! Go on, get back!

- Is he dead? - No, you can see him breathing from here.

He's only stunned.

He'll be conscious in a minute but he'll probably fall asleep again. He's very drunk.

Oh, Philip, this is an awful house.

It isn't very nice, is it?

Listen, Margaret, something happened upstairs just now.

Oh, Philip. Not something else horrible.

No, this was nothing horrible. It was a voice calling from behind a door.

A tiny voice, rather like a child's. I think I ought to go and see what it is.

You'll have to come with me. I'm not going to leave you alone again.

He'll be all right. Take my hand, darling.

- Oh, Philip. - What is it?

Sit down here a minute, darling.


- Well, what happened then? - Well, then the war ended.

- What about the girl? - Oh, the girl I left behind me?

- The girl you were in love with. - Why, she got married, Gladys.

What a beast.

No, on the contrary, a lady of rather good judgment.

Now, let's talk about you for a bit.

I know what you're going to say. You're going to ask me about Bill Porterhouse.

Clever, Miss Perkins.

I don't mind telling you. I'd rather like to.

Bill's all right, really. Of course, I don't love him.

Of course, he gives me money. Oh, not very much.

Just enough to keep me going.

You probably won't believe me, but Bill doesn't...

he doesn't expect anything.

Do you know what I mean by anything?

Yes. I know what you mean by anything.

He likes people to think he's ever so gay.

You see, for all his money, he's a bit lonely.

Yes, I spotted that when he told us the story of the cotton dress.

I think he's in love with that little dead wife still.

I'm sure he is. I suppose that's why he only wants me, well, for company.

He likes to sit on my bed at night

and boast to me about the things he's done during the day.

Well, that's harmless enough.

Mind you, I'm not pretending to be any better than I am.

You're a nice creature, aren't you?

I like you, awfully.

And I you.

What are you thinking of?

- You may not be very pleased. - Risk it.

I was thinking that I would like to pretend that I was your lover

and that you were mine, Gladys, body and soul.

I'd like to take you in my arms and hold you and press you to me very gently, very tight.

I'd like it, too.

Would you, Gladys Perkins? Why, then, let's pretend.

Listen. Gladys Perkins has an idea. I think she must have gone mad.

She... she... She wants to live with you.

Oh, I'm just flinging myself at your head.

I've got a crazy idea that I might help you to be a useful person.

Darling, Perkins...

Do you think I'm mad?

Quite mad, my darling. And thank God for it.

Well, what do you say?

That's what I say, Perkins darling.

But I've got a better idea than yours. An improvement on it.

What is it?

Why, it's just this... No, I won't tell you here. There's magic here.

I'll tell you later on in the house, perhaps even in the cold light of morning.

Tell me now.

- Come on, let's go back to the house. - No! No, let's stay here.

- You're cold.

No. It's just the idea of going back to that house that made me shiver.

I've got a funny feeling something dreadful might happen to us if we go back to that house.

Perkins, Perkins. You've my strong right arm, haven't you?

All right. Come on.

No, you can't put on those wet shoes. I'm going to try to carry you.

I'm a devil of a weight.

Well, if you're too heavy for me, I shall drop you in the mud and go on alone.

Hello. Where have you been?

I went out to the car to get a drink.

And I went with him.

She got her feet wet.

- Oh, she got her feet wet? - Yes, she got her feet wet.

Well, what the devil's been happening here?

I don't know what the devil's been happening here or anywhere else.

I don't know what's been happening anywhere.

I went into the old girl's room to close a window and came back and found this.

Where are all the others?

I don't know any more than you.

Mister Waverton went upstairs with Horace Femm to fetch a lamp.

I suppose his wife joined him. I've been asleep.

So, you got your feet wet?

Yes, Bill. And that wasn't all, either.

Yes, I didn't suppose it was.

I don't quite know how you'll take this but... well, I've got to get it off my chest.

Come on, let's have it.

I've fallen in love, Bill.

Oh, you have, have you? With him?

- Yes, with him. - Darned fool.

Probably. But we don't choose these things.

- Has he got any money? - Not a penny.

But you're going out with him?

Yes, Bill. Are you angry?

I think you're a lunatic. But I'm not angry.

He took it pretty well, didn't he, Perkins?

- I told you. Bill's all right. - He is indeed.

Wonder where the others can be?

Listen, Bill. She hasn't told you everything.

Hasn't she? Why not?

Because she doesn't know everything herself.

- We're going to be married. - Oh, are you?

At least, if she'll have me. I'm going to ask her tomorrow.

In the cold light of morning.

- Will you come to the wedding? - I think you're off your head.

Do you?

No. I don't.

I think it's probably the best day's work you've ever done in your life.

Ah, Bill, Bill...

Who told you that you could call me Bill?

Ha, ha. Well, you try and stop me.

Now, look here, come and make yourself useful and put this table on its feet.

Huh! That's no way to treat roast beef.

Miss Perkins, tin the roast beef.

Tin it yourself.

Sure you feel better?

Yes, I'm all right.

Well, let's go on.

This is the door.

Who are you?

I'm Mrs. Waverton. This is my husband. Are you Sir Roderick Femm?

We came in because we thought we heard you calling.

Can we get you anything?

Can you take it yourself or shall I give it to you?

I can take it myself, thank you.

Now, what was that noise?

- Was it... Morgan? - Yes.

Morgan is a savage. I, er, I must apologize.

But we have to keep him here. You shouldn't have come here.

I'm very sorry but, really, we couldn't help it.

Oh, I... I don't mean that. I was never inhospitable. Never.

This house was always filled with guests, once upon a time.

When you came, what did they tell you?

Why, they told us you were an invalid.

- Was that all? - Yes.

You've seen my son, Horace? And his sister, Rebecca?


And Morgan. I would like to tell you all about it but... but there may not be time.

You see, when you're as old as I am, at any minute, you may just die.

Oh, please don't talk if it tires you.

This is an unlucky house. Two of my children died when they were twenty.

And then... other things happened. Madness came.

We are all touched with it a little, you see. Except me. At least, I-I don't think I am.

Would you like to go to sleep now?

No. Not just yet. You see, it may be...

It may be what?


You mean Morgan?

No. Not Morgan. I mean from my eldest son, Saul.


They didn't tell you about Saul?

No, they didn't.

Saul is the worst, you know. We have to watch him.

Because you see, he wants... he just wants... to destroy, to kill. Poor Saul.

Where is he?

I know where he is. He's upstairs behind that bolted door, isn't he?

Yes. Locked in. Saul is why we have to keep Morgan.

But if he did get out?

Saul quite certainly would set fire to the house.

He tried to once before.

He wanted, he said, to make this house a burnt offering.

But isn't he safely locked in?

Yes. But you see, if Morgan is bad, I, er, I think he might, er, open the door.

Philip. What if he's come to?

Wait here. I'll go down and look at him.

He's gone upstairs. I heard him. He's gone to let Saul out.

Wait for him downstairs and kill him.

What are we to do? Can't we stay in here?

No, supposing he set fire to the place? Come on.

But what about Sir Roderick?

We must lock the door.

Sir Roderick, I'm going to lock you in.

He's asleep.

What is it?

Listen, there's a madman upstairs. Morgan's let him out and he's dangerous.

- We've got to do something. - Good gosh. Where are they?

Upstairs. But they may come down any minute.

That's all right, my dear.

I knew I felt something dreadful was going to happen.

- Hadn't we better get out of the way? - No, we can't do that.

He might set fire to the place. He's tried it once before.

Well, let him. Let the rotten old place burn. I wish it would.

That's all right but what about the Femms?

What is it?

Your brother's out of his room.

What? Saul?


Here. Get back.

Take him back, Morgan! You hear me? Take him back!

Take him in the kitchen!

Take him inside!

Lock him in the kitchen!

The sins of the fathers. The sins of the fathers.

Come on, you! Come into my room!

No! I'm going to stay here.

Then, stay here!

There's going to be trouble.

Oh! Penderel!

Come on. Come in here.

No! I don't want to be shut up. I'd rather stay.

Gladys, for heaven's sake, come in here. Margaret.

No. Oh, all right.

Wait a minute.

Here, light this.

Oh, I love him so. I just love him.

Please. Please don't touch me.

Well! What is it?

Listen, don't put me back. Don't let them put me back.

I'm not mad. I swear before heaven I'm not mad.

It's just that they've locked me up here. They're all wicked.

Why should they lock you up?

They're frightened of me. I know something about them.

Years ago, they killed their sister Rachel. But I wouldn't tell! I promised I'd never tell.

And they've kept you here all that time for that?

And Morgan... I tell you, he's the devil... Morgan beats me.

Don't leave me! Stay with me!

That's all right. You sit here and wait. I'll be back.

The door's locked! Miss Femm must have locked it.

- It's locked, is it? - Yes, it is.

I'm glad. Then, you can't leave me.

Listen, we've got to help the others with Morgan.

Isn't there some way of getting through?

No. No way...

But there must be a back entrance into the house.


I want to tell you a story.

- Who's in there? - Nobody.

Friends of yours?

I tell you, nobody.

Shall we invite them out?

You... you were going to tell me something.

Yes. So I was.

Don't you... won't you tell me that story?

Yes. Shall we sit down?

Yes. Let's.

Who is in that cupboard?

Nobody. Tell me what you were going to say to me.

Are you interested in flame?

Why... why, yes. Yes, I am, rather.

I've made a study of flame.

Have you? That happens to be very interesting.

I know things about flames that nobody else in the world knows.

Won't you tell me? I'd like very much to know.

Why should I tell you? You wouldn't tell me who is in that cupboard.

Well, I did tell you. Besides, you know, it isn't fair to make me curious

and then just not say anything.

You'd like me to tell you all about fire, would you?

Yes, I wish you would.

Well, first of all, I learned that flames are really knives.

They're cold, my friend. Sharp and cold as snow. They burn like ice.

Oh. That certainly is very... very interesting.

So, they're really like knives, are they? Well, do go on.

Tell me what else you found out.

Oh, a lot of things. My friend, sit down.

So, you thought you could cheat me, did you?

You thought you could leave me sitting here and I wouldn't notice.

But, you see, I am a clever man also. That is why we understand one another.

That is why you understood so quickly that I wanted to kill you.

We understand each other so well, don't we, my friend?

Yes. Yes, indeed we do. From the start, somehow I... I liked you

and I... I thought you liked me.

Like you? My friend, I love you. Did you know my name is Saul?

Saul, my friend. And Saul loved David.

Yes, indeed he did.

But Saul was afraid of David because the Lord was with him and was departed from Saul.

And it came to pass on the morrow that the evil spirit came upon Saul

and he prophesied in the midst of the house. And David played upon the harp with his hand.

And there was a javelin in Saul's hand.

And Saul cast the javelin.

And he said, I will smite David even to the wall with it.

And David appointed out of his presence twice. Twice, my friend.

And the third time... the third time... you must be careful.

Listen. I'm your friend. I'm on your side. It's silly to lose me. If you lose me...

Look! There's Morgan! He's come for you! Morgan!

Stop! Don't move!

Philip! Philip!

Oh, let go! Can't you see? There's Penderel!

Let me go to him. Go on, let me go by. Go on, let me pass.

Ooh, you swine. But I'm not afraid of you. I'm going to him. Do you hear?

Oh, how could you?

Listen, you've got to let me alone, do you hear? I've got to go to Penderel. He's hurt.

Oh, how can I make you understand? He's hurt.

I've got to look after him and the other man, too, Saul.

They're both hurt.

- Are you all right, Margaret? - Yes, I'm all right, darling.


It's all right. Come on now. You feeling better?

Yes, I'm not so bad.

- What happened to you? - That was Morgan. He hit her.

Come on.

I'm all right now. Where's Penderel? I've got to look after him.

You'd better not go over there.

Come with me.

- He's alive! - What?

He's alive, I tell you! He's alive!

Good Morning.

Good Morning.

Good morning, Mr. Waverton.

Good Morning.

The floods have subsided considerably.

Thank heaven for that.

I think it will be possible for you to send for an ambulance now.

You mean we can go?

Yes, I'm sure we can go now. Come along, darling.

You're going to stay here with Gladys, aren't you?

I am. Don't be long.

We won't. We'll be as quick as we can.

- Goodbye. - Goodbye.

Goodbye. So happy to have met you.

So, I'm really dead and gone to Heaven?

No, it's morning and we've only just left hell behind.


Yes. Cold light of day. Wasn't there something you were going to tell me in the cold light of day?

Come to think of it, there was.

Perkins. Will you marry me?

For more infomation >> The Old Dark House (1932) - Duration: 1:12:12.


From Dusk Till Dawn - After Dark - Duration: 4:28.

Watching Her


In the Night

So White



It's Only

After Dark


Her Eyes

A distant

Fire Light

Burns Bright



It's Only

After Dark

I find Myself

In Her Room

Feel the Fever

Of My Doom



Through the Floor

I'm Knocking On

The Devil's Door




In the Flame


I know Her

Secret Name

You can Tear Her

Temple Down

But She'll be Back

and Rule Again


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