Welcome Airport CEO
okay welcome back our Airport CEOs it's great to have us back and in this
tutorial in session we're going to cover how to make a huge airport now the
reason I've done this I've had some really good feedback and a lot of my
other tutorials have been very very simple it's just focusing on certain
areas and it's also about seeing what the outcome is following those tips and
the tutorials that we've had so far so what I wanted to do is then just show
you how I've built this massive Airport and the things I've done to get here
when working with a massive Airport so let's just zoom out and actually have a
look at this Airport to give you a bit of an idea now it's 10 o'clock at night
so the airport's a little bit quiet but it makes it the easiest time to actually
show so let's just zoom out so this Airport has 12 medium stands 3 light
commercial stands and 10 general aviation now I've actually reduced the
general aviation I did have it 220 but what I've now got is I've got two
inbound arrivals to outbound for commercial and to inbound and outbound
general for general aviation and I found this as has worked well but not without
problems so let's just go through some of the points that I've got on building
this massive Airport now for all those budding Airport CEOs out there the two
main factors that have come in is such things as baggage so this was my early
early build on baggage and I have done a tutorial on on baggage so this was the
old system coming in we've also got the
the areas we've also got the the baggage destroyer and that goes into the old
baggage handling but with the latest patches we've been out to really reduce
this a tip and I'll have this in my next video when I'm just going to do handy
tips but a tip that I found out is you can actually increase your baggage
handlers and that will speed up immensely the size so now that I've done
that two four and four I've been able to get six six medium and two light
commercial onto this comfortably so I'm just starting to struggle now but I
think certainly for this size some people would be able to tell you you can
do it with one and maybe you can but I think to be safe I've literally divided
it into two setups just to make sure I didn't take the strain because as that
today my major blockages are not cues from check-ins
not cues from security but baggage so it's finding the right ratio on baggage
to handle the huge airport so I've actually whilst experimenting created to
baggage outlets so I've got five check-ins looking after five four medium
strips and that's there and I've got four check-ins so this is where I've
pushed it a lot further I've got four check-ins looking after seven medium
stands and this is working so let's just keep on pushing the boundaries to see
where we can get it to now with 12 medium stands and at peak I've got two
and a half thousand passengers coming through the airport and we should see
that soon as we come into Thursday and as you can see there it isn't just
building the stands but it's actually having every stand active now what I was
doing is I was simply just trying to fit four
flights in everyday like we would do here but because of the scheduling it
meant that I was getting 12 medium flights arriving at the same time so
clearly that wasn't a working solution so what I would suggest is if you want
to build a huge Airport you at some stage and I think it's probably beyond
six medium stands I could work with six medium stands comfortably having them
all in coming at the same time but now I work on three flights a day but I've
increased the stands by four stands so I'm working on a less-is-more type of
attitude to get the effect of the extra stands and we'll talk about sheet
scheduling a little bit more in the tips and tricks in the next video so that's
it on on the baggage and the flight planner the next thing is is also just
to help with it is also scheduling with with the huge airport making sure you
have sufficient baggage carts so the ratio I am using is for baggage carts
for every three stands now I don't know if that's the right ratio I don't know
if it's too much or too less but it is working for me so for for baggage carts
for every three stands now remembering that every stand at some stage will need
to baggage carts to visit that that stand the next thing we've got is that
is the ratios so for each medium stand I'm ray showing for ramp agents for ramp
agents and obviously for the baggage compartment you set the amount of
Rangpur agents you need by here so in this case I have four ramp agents each
side so I need to employ a tramp agent to be permanently based at this cargo
bay the next thing that we have is fuel and baggage carts now clearly I've got a
service road that goes around the outside of the building but what I
experimented with last night is actually cutting through the middle of the
building ensuring it is a secure zone and this is allowed to actually reduce
greatly the time of the baggage carts because they now can actually cut
through the building at the same time it allows the passengers to move freely
through here so I would certainly if you're going to build a huge Airport I
would certainly recommend experimenting with that to ensure that you have the
speed of your um your baggage carts going going through now today you cannot
allocate what vehicles go in each Depot it would be nice and I hope at a later
date much like an airstrip let me just go it much like an airstrip you can turn
on and off what is going I hope at a later patch you can actually turn on and
off what vehicles you want at what depo and therefore what you can do is you can
position your fuel trucks near your fuel depots and in this case here where I've
got a separate general aviation area I would just I don't need baggage carts to
be here I've got to help got three service vehicles here and I've got a jet
a one for fuel truck here completely useless and unfortunately it means that
he has to drive all the way around so if a future update has this selection box I
would just put my F gas fuel trucks in here and the Afghans fuel trucks will be
slowly just supporting the general aviation the next thing I'd suggest is
if you are intending to build a huge Airport segregate your air strips
so and what I mean by that is have a inbound so this one is a an inbound for
solely commercial so work with your runways and you've got inbound for
commercial I've got another inbound or rival for commercial and then away from
here I have some outbound for commercial outbound for commercial buy trying to
segregate the general aviation from your commercial aviation it means that this
can work completely independently now I've got this is both so it's both
inbound arrival and departure but it is just for general aviation and this
little setup here as I had in a tutorial and general aviation it's just a little
money spinner it just sits there it just works nicely it has a couple of
fuel trucks as you can see all this general aviation is parked overnight and
I'm just getting a little bit of money to come in the real money spinner though
as you can see I'm still making $32,000 an hour when the airport is closed it's
two o'clock in the morning and that is from rental I did a tutorial on food and
shops and even though there has been a patch to reduce the income by 30% the
food and shops will stabilize your income whilst you're you're focusing on
building and simply if I go in here and have a sure you have a look at my food
and my shops I have a number of food and shop outlets throughout the airport so I
have a section here and a section here remembering you have to create a lot of
little shop squares find out what size is a 1 star a 2 star or a 3 star and a 4
star and build to those outlets when building a huge airport you need to
constantly look for when they go shadowed and then you can click on to
see if there's any shops that may be available so in this
case here for this food outlet I have no opportunities for contracts
but in this one I have opportunities for contracts but it's only as it's a medium
size so I'm looking for a two-star but actually what I can see is I can
actually raise the counters up to 12 and then I can sign one of these three stars
so I've got the right size I just don't have enough counters so that's very easy
let me just quickly add now a couple of small shelves
there's 13 and now I can easily just sign one of these contracts so 13 12 13
12 13 3800 the travelers shop welcome aboard and that will just bring in a
little bit more income so shops and food are extremely important for building a
huge Airport as well as obviously the layout now the other one is as you start
to grow because you're not going to have obviously the income I do my
construction in the middle of the night so build build your Airport in
preparation so have your vision and your plan but what I've done is so for
instance here I had a single runway here I built the second runway when I've
created all this I've built this during the night so from 10 o'clock in the
morning until five o'clock in the morning you actually have a seven-hour
window to do construction so it is sufficient and you'll learn how much you
can actually construct during the night in preparation for aircraft to - to
actually come in all right so now we can see the people coming in another one
sorry I'll say for building a huge airport is your buses I will have this
in the tips and tricks again but one thing that I've learnt with the buses
that has helped me is to create a space between the bus bus stops as you can see
my ratio to two bus stops and cars is one two three so I've found that three
car parks is more than enough to cater for the amount of vehicles that come in
and for the buses I've probably been doing maybe one bus per two or three
hundred passengers at peak when you see you you have my aircraft this will get
quite crazy so now we're building building here don't get overly
concerned on the keys you can't speed these up by obviously increasing your
check-in desks but even with this many I have not found it is the check-ins or
the security that is slowing down my airport so what is slowing it down at
the moment is baggage and that is where the blockages are if I actually have
some delays okay so let's just speed it up now for when we actually have some of
these aircraft starting to land
alright so it's 5 o'clock in the morning we're now starting to get a few aircraft
coming in
and as you can see with the two landing strips or the two runways it means that
we can actually have Plus we've got double taxiway route so you can see that
we can actually start to get a constant amount of aircraft to come in so I only
added this at the last minute but it has allowed it to to actually speed up as
you can also see is some aircraft actually move at a different speed so
this is allowed the faster aircraft as you come here to bypass this one and
then find it's it's stand to actually get in
dafair craft land at a different speed they take off so being able to give some
options has reduced as you can see here if I just had one taxiway Foundation it
would actually it would actually slow it down considerably because this is
obviously a slow slow aircraft so now we're coming in we've actually got what
do we got four five six seven and one light
as you can see I'm making a nice little hefty profit of about forty eight
thousand an hour so these ones are obviously the the slower aircraft on the
let's have a quick look at the flight planner
I've still got a couple more aircraft to come in and that will actually fill me
up so let's just scroll in for the final one I'd like to get it to the full full
twelve just to show you how to complete so that's ten
it's let's have a look at our cues here so as you can see yes the cues may be up
a little bit the other one that I find is there is make sure you put seating
around your your conveyor belt so that will stop all the passengers just
hanging around at these security exit there you can do normal seating as you
can see there it doesn't need to be sofa seating and they will actually come in
waiting for their luggage to come so let's zoom out what do we got so we
waiting on one more two more
is one
and there's two so there you have it guys
so that is a functional airport with 12 medium stands and three light stands but
only one is operational now as much as these are turned on it appears in the
flight planner when I go down the flight planner it's only giving me an option
for one small stand so I don't know if I've reached the limit I don't know if
it's capped the limit but it does not allow me to to have any more than 13
stands 12 mediums and one light so if anyone knows or can show me how to keep
building and expanding I'd be more than happy to show you that so let's just do
a final recap because we I did want to make this a quick tutorial on on tips on
how to make a massive massive airport cut throughs the the main one is to get
the the baggage moving as as efficiently as you can
so we've already had a couple of planes leaving now as you can see they're now
making their way down here and they're comfortably going to the to the exit or
to the departure runway I can have planes moving on a second Airport
foundation and this is allowing these planes to move concurrently if I didn't
have the two foundations this small plane would actually weight here at the
holding node until the large plane came back so here it will be interesting to
see so in this case here it is waiting at the holding note because this the
larger plane has priority but that's okay we've now got outgoing aircraft and
incoming aircraft and we've comfortably got the baggage moving through using the
bays so even though we've got a little bit of a blockage here we can
comfortably work with two baggage carts on those areas as you can see we do have
a pileup on the buses so when we've got so you can actually see it itself I've
got 2,300 passengers at the airport nearly 200 staff and I've got 21 planes
on the ground two taking off and two landing
making fifty seven thousand dollars an hour so I'm gonna wrap it up there
obviously I've got a little bit of work to do on the on the buses but I've
actually got some room there as well so we can actually put there it but
hopefully with the further patches we also get some more public transport such
as trains or where MRT or something like that so thank you very much for watching
this quick tutorial on how to build a huge Airport good luck Airport CEOs and
look forward to seeing you in the next tutorial don't forget to hit the
subscribe if and please make some comets okay it's from the comments that I've
continued the main thing is this video so put them in the in the comments and
I'm happy to respond alright see you later
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