Good mornin-afternoo-vening dear viewers and today doing something a little bit
special and I'm actually playing a Kickstarter demo for a game called Dark
Devotion which is a both Souls like and a roguelike at the same time and to
think to think of it it was only a matter of time between a bit before the
two would start being combined since they're both the rope lights have been
returning to popularity recently and souls like the short leg genre is
becoming its own thing it also makes sense for the two to be a couple in such
a manner that devotion is a pixel art 2d approach to this interesting combination
of genres and it's actually the developers are seeking funding through
Kickstarter right now I think there's somewhere around the middle both in
terms of funding n as far as the this is your character by the way both in in
terms of money as well as the time that they still have to do and yeah I'm gonna
we're gonna wait for the intro cinematic sort of thing to finish as you've used
probably seen pixel art looks really nice and it looks pretty good in the
game as well the animations are very fluid the level of detail is okay I
think it could be higher but it's it's above average you you'll you'll see in
the game and it's a really it's quite a challenging motherfucker of a game I
have the have access to the demo and it is a slightly special demo than the one
you'll find on the Kickstarter page because there's the demo there's a demo
on the Kickstarter page as well the only thing is that I
have more bosses in mind which doesn't really mean a lot since the bosses tend
to kill me anyway I have managed to down one of them
barely the thing is and you'll see this when we start playing you don't actually
know which boss you're gonna get at least at least I haven't yet found at
least I haven't yet found how to perfectly tell which is which
so obviously OSS it's says it's souls like you to die quite a bit in this
portal here we'll bring you back to life a couple of things hey kitty kitty
no kneeling is a thing you will talk about as soon these two altars lit up
after I killed the first boss so most some of the features will probably
become more available as you advance to the game
this obviously means it sort of focuses on sword and shield or on nemesis for
200 I tend to use sword and shield a bit more and I think this is the cat's eye
blessing at the beginning of each each game you get some blessings that will
help you like buffs that will help you throughout your game here we kneel and
this is where you can upgrade your your general stats slash damage perforation
damage critical and loot chance critical hit and loot chances maximum stamina and
maximum faith faith is a separate receptor mechanic which you used to open
special doors you'll see what I mean this is the amount of points devotion
basically to a certain degree but so yeah I can do
I have upgraded my stamina a bit and my critical just my slash because I like to
slash a lot you can play the game with a controller I obviously can't because I
do not have a xbox controller and my third party controller just acts weirdly
thankfully the keyboard controls on this one are a bit more user friendly than
they were with the mortal planet blessing pressing F will interact with
various things and thing is around the world everyone has their own sort of
story not really they did they talk to you things I haven't yet gotten into
this particular setting idea is your any sort of a city-wide temple of sorts and
you're fighting stuff so the blessings I have now are a Google from one Idol
which is gives you a bit faster stamina region and cat's-eye less chance to hit
in the right-hand corner you can see the the the main stats these are your
initial weapons pretty much here they kind of suck and you can get a second
set momentarily nothing so initially you can only go through this door but as you
advanced the game a bit and at least as you kill one of the bosses some other
doors will open this one hasn't opened yet
but the sewer grate one will but before we check that out let me show you the
beginning stage sort of say sort of because from what I've noticed the game
has it's it also it's a Souls like but it's
also a roguelike so you can't really learn a stage there's a couple of
screens let's call them like there's a couple of stages between two doors that
will be the same those are static see this thing right here if I walk in it
will damage me so got to do that I cannot tell you how many times I've
gotten hit by that and you need to kneel so you can see what what's in store for
it down let's get in without force fight
you can kinda tell it's a it's a very dodge and hit-and-run in a sort of
affair you can carry four different types of items but there are more types
of items than four so it depends on what you pick what you choose to keep with
you so I was saying about the screens there's a couple of hard-coded let's go
there's a couple of squeeze that will always be the same in the same place
such as this one on the other hand there are several other screens that once you
get out of this one you'll get different screen on different playthroughs you'll
get a different skill that's where the roguelike elements in and usually some
of these stages have two doors that you can go out or in through so in some
circumstances I actually think you'll be visiting the same screen but from a
different direction this is a bonus and this is one of those special doors this
is a simple thing which you need to pray in front of it will take up some of the
faith but the opens access to a lever
see the door open so I could go in there thing is once you go out the door or in
a door you can go back so it's better to spend some time exploring as much of the
level as possible and getting as much of this nice experience and devotion as you
can also it increases your chances of getting some better loot here and there
it opened the door it did not move a platform though so let's see oh it also
has destroy about some of the things around the world are destroyed and
that's what that critical chance stet comes into play
the music is pretty well done for most of the game when you're just
exploring various parts of it it's that I'm guessing at a certain point the more
you explore it will slightly change but it does get much more let's say I'm in a
/ epic when you're fighting bosses or when
there's some special type of events because I've actually found a weird sort
of event at a certain point but only once
like I said roguelike ah damn it yes and that will happen more often than not but
anyway I showed you the start the actual start start yeah 30 devotion not enough
not nearly enough let's get to the old guy who gives you basic stuff hello and
let's check out the store whenever you fall you don't get help
damage get stamina stamina damage I guess this is a place where I found the
earlier I found a slight bug we'll see if it appears again easy guys
yeah they met dilly dallying if this is a farmer so you know here you can see
how many you so basically have two are one and two health and with this a nice
thing it will actually repair your arm I'm gonna wait for it that one to be
destroyed as well and then use it because it repairs your whole armor you
will return number one more shields let's call at least that's what it does
in the demo it must be seen if that's what will happen in the final game as
well this one opened but we definitely see more stuff here so let's explore
that area this sorry excuse for a Wolverine yes that TT was a crit and for
this so healing your this will cure an illness the the longer you spend in the
game not dying you will actually get usually able to get a buff and some sort
of an illness so I'm gonna try to not die as much as possible so you guys can
can see that part of the game as well which is a nice it's it's a nice add-on
this is a interesting to be here let's fire a lot oh no no no no shit okay now
I use the armor repair it
not working and sometimes just don't appreciate the distances properly and I
just got some sort of onion I have pyro phobia knees crying mentor land and I'd
read them the curse or an illness 20% slow chance that's not good so let's
just use this too because you say it says cure you
yeah it should have cured me hmm try it back there what it's again it's a it's a
demo it's to be expected to a certain degree we have a bow now I have a bow
right this is a cool bow a wooden bow alright let's open this up so we have
both leather and one of these things let's open this thing first
and let's spread this thing it will give me a special item that's what these
chests do usually I'll get two items this is a sort of a mine and this is a
torch which I'd only suggest I've tried that yeah it gives you a bit more light
but you stop having the shield which is quite useful especially when dealing
with archers which will surely see soon yeah also I apologize up front the
setter point you will hear me use some very specific words because the game can
be frustrating when you get killed and more or less a stupid fashion okay let's
go let's go back up and through that door I have I don't have any armor
repair thing is yet my health is kind of good but no one and
you can also save progress here and there you'll find both types of shrines
that will actually save your frog save your location and I recently found one
that saved both my location and my be a better and it saved my location and my
gear at the time and once I die again I'll show you that thing as well
but for now go Spike's stamina now I don't like the mischance I'm not gonna
use that although it would give me three live their life points hmm
yeah more life rags no bony cloak see and it there is even the items or dog
that the same name will randomly generate their stats Diablo edge sort of
style or all you know roguelike sort of style so even though these are the same
thing this is totally better it has six percent both slashing perforation and no
miss this one has base this one customer so yeah it would be better if I could
fix it but oh well she just miss that one all swirled so mind as 5% crit 21 a
chance 21 to 33 damage miss for perch in this this one has a
higher maximum then I usually when it comes to RPGs I have a thing I like to
use I like to have the highest minimum damage possible it's just my way of
playing because I like to know that if I'm gonna hit I do as much damage as
possible because as you can see you can also miss quite a bit oh okay so this is
one of the situations where I can't take it because I only have four things I'm
gonna try using my one again again it didn't heal shit does damage me so but I
got armor now at least and I can use a poultice so that full armor and life and
to do here you see what is take this
oh shit damn it shit damn it so that's a trap although
the good thing is that it would these traps damage your enemies as well they
just got another disease or some shit come on goodbye fucking hell
open the prison fine what the fuck first he played using this
weapon for long made me understand it scattered plus tempers I see so haven't
I haven't died and I've used this weapon a lot so now it's slightly better but I
also have internal bleeding
that's so not good let's see this place I have only one of these thingies let's
hello rats goodbye rat Oh
Archer shield see that's what the shield is for oh that's nice when it gets a
nice screech archers would definitely better no no no discussion no argument
there damn it come on
chillax okay so because of the disease my stamina
whenever I roll gets really low so I would need to find one of those curing
things maybe choose this one at least door opens Thunder hey not fair
no no I want to go there let's see I can get there any lung fuck yeah as
something that happens in the game as well and you know the thing the the
interesting thing that I realized while playing it because I've been playing it
a couple of hours oh I'm gonna tell you after I get killed by this boss hello
ugly a dome yes sent by the king oh I am as well as you can't relax about
that what can help with that the disease on me this is gonna be extra difficult
plus I don't know the adonus monster I know the boss and he's horns um oh shit
now his puzzle in this picture it's also eats up stamina my way yep
got hit damn it damnit
one thing about archers they also get in melee
let's see if I can use this my thing come on explore now explore now ah damn
it these guys are a bit more difficult than your average thing let's see what
did did they drop anything won't stop hemorrhaging thank you
oh this this guy's gettin yeah well that was one of the bosses I've seen a couple
more I think so now that I'm back here I got like 124 of these things and I have
plus toad now I have hand of God yeah these blessings tend to be random
also I think not sure yet but I think they ran 123 hundredths of my neck
stamina I could do this could do this a bit more damage so thing I realized
while playing this was that I first of all I take it I like the game quite a
bit but I couldn't put my hand my finger on exactly why and then I realized
because it's pixel it's pixel art it's 2d you're this lone character through an
insanely immense huge what looks like a temple or a city it's sort of a prison
you're fighting things that platforms there's traps and then it dawned on me
this is basically what a modern-day Prince of Persia would be I mean at
least the first one Prince of Persia on one so that's that's the main thing that
makes me super to predict as it kind of brings back that those those memories of
me when I was completely cause doubly younger and playing Prince of Persia the
first one so right now I'm showing you one of the places that saved both my
location and my equipment as you can see up there is a healing statue this is a
qdz statue and these are grimoires which gives you this stuff but I don't need it
now and here we have some nice items
grant strength armor and stamina and now we get to see the items I had saved
which aren't that bad this is called gives 14 and 12 % - / and / 4 + 2 Life
Points which is great gift but the sward is pretty cool it's not that good in
damage but it looks cool so now get to see another boss and the thing is since
this place this save is for the boss you can't really do anything wrong along
this path until you defeat the boss but as I've just shown you
you can continue exploring the rest of the game through the other two entryways
and there is at least another one that hasn't opened yet so it's very good the
very well design from that point of that point of view let's see the butcher
Shatterer of fish of the flesh so it's either
he just power up there I have fought the butcher til now kid got killed several
times the bosses in this game have sort of a rage timer like in Wow once they
reach half-life they turn it up a notch and this guy mm-hmm this guy has to get
does death to begin with and then you just fucking ghosts all over the goddamn
place fuck you
yes I got a double hit on that one
did I kill him oh shit nice fall defeated whoa I did not expect
to kill him ooh
now those Nessen expected the good the good way to end Oh to go between the
video actually let see what happens now
no I haven't discovered all of the secrets so that was dark devotion make
sure if you like what you saw here make sure you go to their Kickstarter page
which I will link in the description and get the demo let play the demo and if
you like it seriously consider backing them because I would totally want to
play this game play the entire game maybe I'll stream it or make a
walkthrough or something like that but yeah thanks for watching and see you
next time have a nice day
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