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Fashion Week Flyer Design | Flyer Design In Photoshop | click3d - Duration: 10:09.Document 2004p* 2761p, resolution 300px
drop this image in your document
rename as "lady"
add new "adjustment layer" black & white
color balance
now select "lady" layer and add layer mask
now take a rectangular marquee tool, and draw a selection as shown
select layer mask and fill it with color "black"
now press (ctrl + i) to inverse the color
now unlink the layer mask from the layer as shown
now apply free transform tool to layer mask and adjust as shown
ones you are done link back the layer mask to the layer
now use "splatter brush" and paint the mask as shown
now take a new layer above the "bg" layer and rename it as "splatter"
color #017f8a
use splatter brush
now take a new layer above all the layers
create clipping mask
blending mode "overlay"
create clipping mask
blending mode "screen"
now will have to type the text
take a "text tool"
you can get the download link to this font in the description below
i have already showed you how to create this label in my previous tutorial
you can find the link to this tutorial in the description below
now drop this image in your document
blending mode "screen"
duplicate the layer (ctrl + j)
now take a new layer on top
fill it with "black"
get the selection of that layer (ctrl + click on layer thumbnail) and add layer mask
press (ctrl + i) to inverse the color
now apply free transform tool to the mask and adjust as shown
you will come up with the frame
ctrl + shift + alt + e
blending mode "linear light"
filter - other - high pass
hope you enjoyed this tutorial
How To Work In Fashion: Louis Vuitton, Off-White, & Beyonce | Aimee Song - Duration: 14:43.Virgil he comes from a music background he's an American DJ he did some art
direction for Kanye before he founded at the label Off-White
I'm doing this new youtube thing
Where I'm asking like my favorite inspiring people in fashion
And then, a lot of them ask about you
No way! But I don't know what question they want me to ask you
But I think it's more about like, you do come a different non-fashion background.
And I think that's what they're curious about
Because you were always a creative person, you were artsy.
making stuff is what I'm into
how do you make that jump if you don't have a traditional artsy background
What is it about you? I think just make something.
was just making things yeah make it and then critique it and worry about it out
and then but did you like actually study nah just applied my ideas but you travel
around and getting inspiration from like
nontraditional things
Is this your first fashion job?
Clemens Firmin, she's in charge of the digital communication at Louis Vuitton and
she handles anything influencer related so if you wanted to get invited to the
Fashion Show she's who you want to talk to
from out of college now I when I was studying in college I worked in the company that was
doing search engines I'm more of a web social media kind of girl then I came up to
fashion. And then how did you get this job?
Okay so I had a blog and then I received a few press releases from time to time
and I was very naive. At that time I was replying to people I think "no I'm not
[interested] thank you very much and I'm looking for a job." And someone replied to
me that "oh I know someone at Louis Vuitton hiring a social media intern
are you interested yeah sure uh-huh and then I got hired as an intern and since
the social media team was getting bigger I got hired right afterwards
so as an intern,
where you paid? Yes. In France of you have to oh so in France you have to
get paid as an intern but it wasn't a lot it's probably like minimum wage? yeah
As soon as you got the internship you got paid and then what was your role as an
at that time I was doing reports on the social media pages from Louis Vuitton,
so Instagram didn't exist yet so I had Facebook Twitter YouTube to manage
Doing reports for the whole company and then the team expanded and we had to decide
which way we wanted to go so I went to influencers PR yeah and then now what is
your roll at Vuitton?
Cause, I've known you for... Four years at least?
yeah and you've been growing doing more and more coordinating
everything influencer related at Louis Vuitton
so anything that's like digital influencer yeah
Influencer related, I'd say At the beginning, it was really digital,
But now influencers can be
everywhere we we shot you for internal magazine, for Louis Vuitton magazine
yeah and then who comes up with like who gets to be in the magazine
as a you or is it like a group effort mmm it's a group effort
we can send ideas and then then go through or not and also management comes
with ideas and say okay let's make it and then do you also hire people I did
yeah yeah so and then you became a boss and
Edouard Schneider, Clemence's boss, and also the Global PR Director of Louis Vuitton
I started at Svarovski, 3 years PR director
And then Givenchy
womenswear PR director, and then Sonya Rykiel communication director for seven years
and then Margiela two years communication director and
I started at LV in 2014 last week of April 2014 as a
international PR Director.
what were the steps that you have to take to become a PR
director your first PR director job. were you an intern ever yes?
I was at school and I need an internship at Svarovski because I was
studying marketing and communication and then I started there so you have a
degree in marketing and communication in college in Paris yes in college in Paris
high school and and then I started there as a style assistant but the artistic
director really wanted me to do communication so I said what do you
think it was about you like were you always a person anything your
personality do you so when you... I am very talkative
You are very talkative!
you were a sales assistant what does the sales assistant do? You were selling?
I'm fluent in Spanish so I was selling the collection to South Europe
and jewelry, handbags, evening bags. so but you're an intern for the sales
yeah and then after, she asked me, they wanted
to hire someone and she said we're gonna have two positions, one position as a sales
assistant and full-time contract and one position as a PR assistant and I said
okay I didn't know and she said you should try to be PR assistant and I said
okay why not and I started like that and how long ago was that
now we're gonna have to expose your age it's fine I was in 99. 99 right but you
did start from the bottom then you didn't just land up here no you cannot
no one can know I can't no you have to start from the bottom you have to learn
the press, you have to learn how it works the magazine you have to learn how to do
shopping you need to have a lot of contact if you want to be a PR director
you need to bring contact to the house but I still speak with the young interns
I think that's very nice of you because when I first came into the industry
people in your position don't talk to interns assistants they don't care yeah
they only talk to me or like or people they don't even talk to me they talk to
celebrities they don't care, but I think maybe that is why you are where
you are because of your personality how do you hire people to work for you
because you hired Clemence, Clemence hired Songe, but you're the one-- I hired Songe!
yeah I know why I pushed Clemence for Songe.
yeah so how do you hire like what makes you want to hire?
She was an intern in the menswear department and we had a position as a menswear
international PR assistant but I had a long conversation with Songe,
she was the intern in the menswear department but I said Songe, could
please trust me I'd like you to try the digital because I think you're really
modern and with your energy your personality I think you will deserve
more being digital assistant and handling influencers and then I'm sure
while Songe was an intern there are many other interns what was Songe's
personality or her work desk she was different than the other her in
that she's very hardworking she's crazy she's a slut of work the way she talks
to people she's super kind now we hire her and sometimes she can be
bossy so I'm kicking her ass because I don't want her to be a dictator but
then she was different she was just she stood out from other interns if
everybody's starting as an intern and you're competing with thousands of
interns and how do you stand out you just have to be the natural you have to be
confident but keep you very loyal and sometimes we are disconnected now with
the new generation the new era for example you have a lot of people and
like young students they arrive they are interns and the first question is can I
do the press release can I write the press release I don't understand people
the young people there they always want to rush for everything so just listen
and even if you don't have like a lot of stuff to do
listen the name of the magazine the name of the journal is working for the
magazine all the international publication how it works look around
just don't be concentrate on yourself and look around look at what's going on
how works a company I think you're right everybody thinks there's an elevator to
success but it's not you got to walk up there
When did you move from Korea?
Laura Kim, she used to work directly under oscar de la renta before
leaving to start her own brand, MONSE, with her partner Fernando she and
Fernando went back to Oscar de la Renta as co-creative directors and the
I moved when I was 9 to Canada,
And then I moved to NY when I was 18
So you speak Korean fluently?
I think it's so incredible what you're doing as a korean woman And as an immigrant.
For like 2 really big brands
what what's the toughest thing when you went to Oscar
so my personality I'm very quieted I actually keep everything to myself kind
of Korean thing but I'm learning to express a little more how I feel
Like especially the negative part.
I usually only talk about positive, how I feel about things,
Are you bad at saying "no" or that you don't like this?
No that I'm good at.
But I just keep my personal feelings to myself.
I think that's a very Korean thing, cause I'm the same way.
I know what I like and what I don't like, but I keep my negative feelings to myself.
I keep those personal feelings hidden cause I just don't want people to find out
But it becomes a problem.
What are you gonna do in Paris?
So in Paris, we're doing a lot of dinners, a lot of parties, and I'm attending markets for Monse and for Oscar
for doing one selection
very major fashion house what's like the advice you could give them like
for me internship really taught me what to do
I really learned a lot from internship so when you are an intern like you
didn't get paid and you're doing everything my intern for four years for
free did you guys ever intern for free where did what was your first internship
college credit for college credit fashion-related
watch media media what did you do my intern graduated
okay 13 years ago we're going to rewind she own attorney she's a fashion editor
and stylist and her famous clients include Solange and remember that
Beyonce formation video yep she was part of that Nike and Dior how did you
picture a life with me
but did you expect where you're gonna be now like in my club they don't deal with
but you knew you would make it yeah like you would have on Korea
because you have a strong work ethic yeah it might be like I'm very like you
are very very much like if I don't email back she texting I know I know it's
gonna get very very good
Bella Hadid ohne BH in Paris: Promi-Auflauf bei Fashion Week - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
What's Your 'Fall Financial Fashion'? - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Models bei der Fashion Week dürfen nicht über 1,30 Meter sein - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
Neymar Jr assiste à la Fashion Week en très très bonne compagnie - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Cheryl spotted flaunting post-baby look at Paris Fashion Week - Duration: 2:20.Cheryl spotted flaunting post-baby look at Paris Fashion Week
Cheryl flaunted her impressive post-baby physique during a recent rare public appearance. The singer attended an event for Paris Fashion Week, a clear sign that she is slowly settling back into working life again, following the birth of baby Bear in March.
Cheryl was in Paris to attend an event for the beauty brand L'Oréal, because she is an ambassador for the company.
It was at Paris Fashion Week this time last year that Cheryl was photographed with the very beginnings of a baby bump, before her pregnancy became public knowledge.
Baby Bear and dad Liam Payne were nowhere to be seen, as Cheryls trip has been very work focused.
The former Girls Aloud star was attending the make up brands first ever fashion and beauty show in the French capital, and she will be walking the catwalk with other prolific stars including Dame Helen Mirren and Jane Fonda.
The fashion event will take place on Pariss famous Avenue des Champs-Élysées, which has been reimagined into a catwalk where fashion houses including Mulberry and Elley will showcase new lines.
The first time Cheryl went back to work following the birth of Bear was also for L'Oréal, the singer posed for this photoshoot for the brand earlier this summer.
The former X Factor judges other major public outing since the birth was as a supporter of the Game4Grenfell charity football match, where the star exposed her flat abs months after giving birth.
[STAR]Jemma Lucy reveals she spent £900 attending Amber Davies' fashion launch – only to... - Duration: 4:10.Jemma Lucy reveals she spent £900 attending Amber Davies' fashion launch – only to be refused entry at the door
JEMMA Lucy will never work for fashion brand Motel Rocks or attend its parties again after she was refused entry to Amber Davies launch last night - despite being invited.
The glamour girl spent £900 to attend the bash - £400 on a dress, another £400 on a hotel room and £100 train fare for the return trip from Manchester to London - but was left feeling disrespected and feeling like scum.
Jemma Lucy will never work for a fashion brand or attend its parties again after she was refused entry to Amber Davies launch last night - despite being invited. Speaking exclusively to The Sun Online, she said: Ive never felt so disrespected.
It was so rude and I will never ever go to an event organised by that PR company or Motel Rocks again because of this, its just put me off. My agent received an email. inviting me to Ambers launch party.
I was really happy to receive it. I watched Love Island, I loved her on it and I wanted to meet them and just wanted to say thank you for inviting me basically.
I then asked if I could bring a plus one. They got back to me and said yeah thats absolutely fine, so they knew I was coming with someone and they confirmed my name was on the list..
The Celebrity Big Brother star is still none-the-wiser as to why she was refused entry and claims Ambers boyfriend Kem Cetinay and the organisers were less than helpful when she asked why.
Jemma told us that everyone she spoke to simply says they had been told not to let her in but wouldnt confirm who had given the order.
She said: They wouldnt tell me who told them. I spoke to about 10 different people. We asked to speak to Ambers manager. Apparently he wasnt even there.
Every single one of them said the same thing. Theyd been told not to let me in. They wouldnt tell me whod told them not to let me in and they wouldnt tell me why.
The glamour girl spent £900 to attend the bash - £400 on a dress, another £400 on a hotel room and £100 train fare for the return trip.
They said to me the PR team should have emailed my agent saying I wasnt allowed to go. We had no email.
Plus they invited me. They absolutely did not give two sh*ts about me or the fact Id travelled and come to the event I was invited to.
The beauty admitted she asked if rivals Katie Price, Stephen Bear and Charlotte Crosby were inside but none of them were. She continued: Unless Amber herself didnt want me there I just dont know what the answer is.
The party was hosted by Amber Davies.
Jemma Lucy gets intimate with mystery woman in new Snapchat video. Ive never had any sort of Twitter beef. Nothing. How can they be so rude? Its rude to a person. It doesnt matter Im Jemma Lucy.
If someone gets a train to an event theyve been invited to and they get turned away without a reason, that is so disrespectful and rude. Its disgusting how can you treat a human like that.
I spoke to Kem outside, I said do you know what the problem is he didnt know what the problem was either. Everyone was so uninterested and unhelpful and rude to me.
Jemma said the was she was treated was rude. The whole thing was so unprofessional. I was treated like s**t.
Like a piece of scum. I always make an effort, I came all the way from Manchester, Its not like I live five minutes down the road and just decided to pop in last minute.
The thing that annoyed me the most is that they wouldn't give me a reason or tell me who wouldn't let me in.
My agent emailed the person who invited me and they still haven't given us any answers or even responded. I actually feel embarrassed for them..
Jemma is still none-the-wiser as to why she wasnt allowed in. Jemma underwent a Brazilian bum lift procedure last week and said that it made for an uncomfortable journey but she was keen top express her thanks for the invite.
Ive also just had an operation a week ago so Im not really in the best state to travel in.
Ive had a fat transfer in my bum so cant really sit down on the train and its not exactly the best time for me to be doing all this anyway but I wanted to go..
The Sun Online has contacted a representative for Motel Rocks for comment.
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