Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Sep 27 2017

I mean one can say that everything is delivered from generation to another

and that's been since Bournonville's time. You know, in the basement of the

Royal Theatre in Copenhagen we have a huge safe. In there is lying all the stage

managers' protocols from way back from the 18th century, the originals with

handwriting. So we know exactly what the stage has looked like, we have the scores

of course, it's in the Royal Danish library. We have the scores, and La Sylphide has

never ever been out of the repertory of the Royal Danish Ballet. I mean that it's

maybe four years, maybe three years, maybe six years but it's never been out

of the repertory, so there's always been people that's been remembering it,

been able to remember it and pass it on like it was passed on to me, like I have

passed it on to the next generation of dancers. It was passed on to me and

to them before that and that's why it has survived in that sense and we know

that it's very very close to what it is.

For more infomation >> La Sylphide: the history of August Bournonville's classic ballet | English National Ballet - Duration: 1:34.


Royal Enfield launching a 750cc Bike named Interceptor | Classic Thunderbird Himalayan - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> Royal Enfield launching a 750cc Bike named Interceptor | Classic Thunderbird Himalayan - Duration: 1:16.


TOP 10 MEJORES Juegos del SNES Classic Edition | El Raúl Navarro - Duration: 15:16.

For more infomation >> TOP 10 MEJORES Juegos del SNES Classic Edition | El Raúl Navarro - Duration: 15:16.


Esee Izula Knife Review. A cute capable fixed blade classic. - Duration: 5:36.

Chances are you probably don't follow me on Instagram, I wouldn't follow me either...

but a cool bro over there named headin was like hey I got a few knives laying around-

want them?

Maybe he doesn't follow me here- and likes to keep his viewing of knife reviews to single

pictures with no talking and the Ludwig filter.

A short story long One of them was an esse Izula the 1st or 1 or whatever you call not

the 2, which is the original izula and now that I've wasted an entire minute on an introduction

that adds nothing to the review, let's look at the dimensions like the overall length

and weight.

With and without the sheath with the belt clip applied.

The blade length and cutting edge.

The handle size and grip area.

Spine thickness and handle thickness.

The Esee Izula is a small fixed blade knife made for Esee by Rowan manufacturing, right

here in the good ol USA.

You can get the knife neked with no handles or nothing, or the kit like I have, and the

separately purchased micarta handle scales.

The Izula which is a type of ant that drinks all your beer, and gives you thumbs down on

your youtube videos, is also a knife that comes in a few finishes.

I want to say mine is the desert tan version but it may not be.

It features a drop point flat ground blade, like found on a lot of esees, and this one

is made from powder coated 1095 Carbon steel.

The powder coat has been applied to keep it from rusting, and to blend into desert surroundings,

so you have to buy another one when you lose it.

I'm onto you esee.

It's still fairly sharp, so maybe this was just an instagram knife before hand, although

it does seem like it has seen a little use because of some light surface rust, and a

chip or two in the finish.

The powdercoat is a medium thickness, and not really teflony- If you've owned an esee

before you know what's up.

The handle is a skeletonized design with a hole in the back for tying some paracord to,

and wearing it to church- as a neck knife.

You can choose to buy optional scales, like whoever bought this did or go nekked, and

take off the scales.

I tend to like my knives not hung around my neck and with scales, but you can do whatever

the hell you want.

The scales add some girth to the knife, and since it's tiny, the girth really helps...

you get a good grip on it.

There's some jimping up top, it's sort of widely spaced, I prefer jimping to be a bit

more tightly spaced... but since this knife is small, my thumb doesn't rest in that area

to often anyway- so it doesn't matter.

The sheath.

Now I said earlier that the sheath is an optional accessory.

Mine came with a mounting clip, which makes more sense to myself because I don't wear

knives around my neck like a savage or a youtube survivalist.

The clip works best in a pocket of your jeans, because if you wear it on your belt it rides

too high for comfort.

The knife clicks into the plastic sheath with firction really, and you pop it off like this.

It holds pretty well especially if you don't use it often.

Ok... so what do I think of the izula.

It's very well made and light, but it's a little small for my main outdoor fixed blade.

I like a bit longer of a handle and an uncoated blade.

But for just a small food prep camp knife it works fine.

Not every fixed blade has to be a junglas.

But it really comes down to your hand size and how big of a handle you need.

Maybe blade size too.

For an outdoor knife I like a 3-4 inch blade size as a good general purpose knife.

The Esee 3 seems like it would be a good starting size for me.

But the knife is well made.

Here let's compare it to the Mora Eldris for a second.

The blade on the Eldris is a bit smaller, and the handle is a tad more bulbous, and


I like the blade size of the Izula a little more- but the Izula take up a bit more space


While ideally the Izula is a bit more of a robust deisgn, in theory because it's full

tang... what the hell are you going to be doing with a 2 and a half inch blade anyway.

Well I guess that's none of my business.

Also the Eldris is a bit better for striking ferro rods, and it's lighter too.

Anyway if you like this review subscribe, like, comment, and go play with your knives-

while your toddler is taking a nap.

Also stay tuned for my Junglas IIand PR4 knife reviews coming soon.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Esee Izula Knife Review. A cute capable fixed blade classic. - Duration: 5:36.


ECU takes 2017 Pirate Collegiate Classic; Forbrigd takes individual title in sudden death - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> ECU takes 2017 Pirate Collegiate Classic; Forbrigd takes individual title in sudden death - Duration: 1:16.


Mitsubishi Carisma 1.6 CLASSIC HB Royal Class - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Carisma 1.6 CLASSIC HB Royal Class - Duration: 0:55.


Škoda Fabia 1.2 CLASSIC , Motor niet 100% - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia 1.2 CLASSIC , Motor niet 100% - Duration: 0:54.



Now when I channel my mother and when I channel the Sisters of old one of the

most inexpensive pieces to wear on the head is always going to be that bun

these buns cost no more than about between maybe seven to ten dollars tops

depending on where you go now to update this bun you want to add a couple of

pieces one of the pieces I have and I don't too much take off the choker which

is my HORUS choker I don't even take that off but let me just push this to the

side a minute so you can see it one of the things I don't do is I don't too

much mess with what I already have in place so I move that to the side now you

can see it like I said this is probably one of my favorite styles from the 70s

all the way to 90s because it embodies the seventies fanfare so I'm gonna put

the phone down for a second and you're gonna see the chain that I was telling

you about with the Isaac Hayes inspired chain you're going to see me put that on

okay? And I'm going to change earrings with that too give me a sec won't be long I'm going

to go back to my Cougar splash using the chain oh my head there we go

better see? And then--sorry if I've delayed this video I'm gonna add glasses bring

that look 100% out see? It's really pretty really trendy really us I like

to overlap my lipstick by now if they haven't told if you haven't paid

attention I typically put on my lipstick from here to here because if

you keep wearing lipstick it will somehow recede on its on and then

start going inward and all of this will become a cottonmouth to you so what

you want to do is you want to extend your lipstick all the way to the crevice

of your mouth and let it sit there so even if you eat or whatever you do to

kind of wipe away that particular color it's still there without you having to

constantly mess with it so this is the beautiful bun and it is the change the

glasses the splashes of Cougar but not necessarily Cougar but then lift it off

your head go! That's badass and this reminds me like I said of a softer

version of Grace Jones but her makeup trends forever lasting

from all over the world as we know it! Thank You Grace Jones for giving us the

strong beautiful black quick point squinty eyed beautiful Black Woman because again

we're in the same Diaspora and I consider you my Sister peace!

For more infomation >> AFRICA DARE WITH SHORT HAIR EDITION #6! THE CLASSIC BUN! - Duration: 3:13.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 140 Classic - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 140 Classic - Duration: 1:00.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 170 CLASSIC 115pk airco Navigatie Cruisecontrol - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse 170 CLASSIC 115pk airco Navigatie Cruisecontrol - Duration: 0:59.


Classic Hyde Park Hotel in London, United Kingdom (Europe). The best of Classic Hyde Park Hotel - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> Classic Hyde Park Hotel in London, United Kingdom (Europe). The best of Classic Hyde Park Hotel - Duration: 5:02.


CLASSIC MOVIES 📽 He Walked by Night 1948 Police Procedural Film Noir - Duration: 1:18:54.

This is Los Angeles our Lady The queen of the Angels as the spaniards Named They're The fastest-growing City in the Nation

it's Been Called a Bunch of suburbs in Search of a City and it's Been Called the Glamour capital of The World a

Mecca for Tourists a

Stopover for Transients a Target for Gangsters a Haven for Those fleeing From Winter a home for the hard-Working

It is a City Holding The hopes and dreams of Over 2 million People its Brawls Out Horizontally Over

452 square miles of Ballets and Upland of Foothills and Beaches

Because of That vast area and Because of a Population made Up of People from Every state in the union

Los Angeles Is the largest police beat in the country and one of the toughest

We're going to take You into the city hall where police Headquarters are located Here

In communications are the Ears and Voice of the police the lights on the complaint Board Flashed 24 Hours a Day

Citizens reporting a Prowler a Large Child a Man Molesting a Woman an auto accident a Wild Party

Spend an hour to here and you will think the Whole City has Gone Berserk?

Minute By minute the orders go out. To the radio Cars and the far-flung divisions watts and wilshire and West los Angeles

Hollywood and Hollenbeck Heights in north Hollywood the Work of the police like that of Woman is never done

This is the case History of a Killer Taken from the files of The detective Division

The facts are told Here as They Happen the story properly starts here in hollywood division Headquarters at One o'clock of a June Morning?

Last Year Officer Robert Rollins had Finished his tour of Duty

Ensign Doubt It had Been a Tough day he'd Be Glad to get home

His Wife Would be Waiting up for him as she Always did

Hey fella i'm here

What were you doing back at That Radio Shop Mr. Logan Was on my way home

Live Around Here no a couple blocks down

Let me see some identification sure

yeah i guess i forgot my wallet

Look Lad I've Got to see some identification how about my army discharge i got it right Here

police department operator 27

All dog Blades give me that Again Please What'S the Address?

Just a minute

Later 27 505 7 state Street

50:57 state street an officer has Been shot send an ambulance all units all Units Vicinity of State street Santa Monica Boulevard

Repeated Once to 50:57 state street

505 7 state street At officer shot Code 3


Decatur Control One Patrol Walked Away dk Go ahead mrs

Breen and Struck Tom aside to Throw Out a Drag dip and pick uP all suspicious Characters in the area of The Shooting

Also Notify Sergeant Smarty Brennan and Chuck Jones Report to me at the scene of the crime

Control 1 to atk Roger

I see well what have you got so much Well not much Captain Bringing a Couple of cottage Cases

Omari Chuck I Kept

Eyewitnesses Who was first on the scene reported i was i live Here i'm a light Sleeper

But My Hearing is Good My kid all This is Say anything before he collapsed

Yeah he we have a description of the fella

Suspected of White male American Age Twenty Six or Seven five Feet ten or 11

155 to 165 pounds Brown Hair

Regular Features

Confirmes -

Repeat Broadcast

Not about It yes sir Exactly and the officer Kept Saying he Looked like such a Nice Kid

He looked like such a Nice Kid

As if he couldn't believe What had Happened to him

Achieved at all Yeah

Thank you Very much Yeah well anything else i can do i'd Be Glad to help you

We Make order Get His name an Address Maybe Bob

This Door vin Check Lee yeah it's okay

Find anything nothing But Some smudges so far on this and the Glove compartment i think it's Nitroglycerine

Doesn't look quite right i'll Check It down to lab Right

Regular Arsenal Yeah get a Load of That What is it i don't know It looks like some Kind of an Electrical device

and I'm States Navy

Either Stolen a War Surplus

Send all The stuff down to the lab and check the serial Number on that Navy equipment

Captain Breen

We Found these in the Weeds Over by The radio store Hmm

What do you got a Pair of Cloth Gloves Captain We Thought of Everything Didn't he

All right Give Him to one of The technicians yes sir

Marnie You and Chuck come along with me let's go downtown see what they've Picked up in the Dragnet right

You Know a Marty Yeah i know his wife too ever since high school

Captain i wish i'd Let Chuck and me Handle this case

All right i don't want any Dead heroes i Just want the man who shot Roland

The Suspects Began to arrive at Headquarters in Droves

The Police Tossed Every motel and hotel and Many private Homes in a four square mile area Around the scene of the Shooting

Every available Radio car and Patrolman and detective Was Out on the Dragnet the strings were being Drawn tighter and tighter

Many a Man returning from a date or a late Party or a Poker game

Surprisingly Found Himself in a squad car its sirens screaming as It Brought Him to the detective Bureau

The Dragnet Gathered in some strange fish and Many Ordinary Ones

All The rest of That Night The detectors probed Needle question quiz

Everything Was Checked

fingerprints Names Addresses Stories

Every fish in the net Was examined most of Them Thrown back into the sea not worth Keeping

Except a Few parole Violators and Slightly Shady Characters Whose Stories Needed a Lot of Verifying There Was a problem no cards

Just taking a Walk You know getting a Condition You were running with the radio convict yep yeah

Maybe That's Why the Guys call me punchy he's got a point there two Felony convictions no one

No one he's on parole fucking Violation of parole Let'S have the next one Joe?

What were you doing in that vacant Lot

The Vacant Lot

Laughs What were you doing with it at That time a night me moment. Oh boy vice you know you la

Santé Finding me you like One more no it's sittin Here Watchin garden to loot are your Chong Again

you Say Your name is rob Henderson so What

Well You know it's a Funny Thing ralph There's a guy Around This town That's Been Wearing youR fingerprints only His name is pete hannon

Okay so i'm dead so What's one more Confession in my life

Now you're talking okay

Whoa re what we Got here awesome Robbery Suspects

Candidates for San Quentin

handsome Here is the big shot he runs the outfit

Have a Gander At His record car theft Escape From reform School

Robbery Assault With a Deadly Weapon Not Bad look at The Heater we Found on Him German Luger Fully Loaded

Redhead here tried to carve up one of the arresting officers with This Pretty Toy

Nice Boys by Dawn Many Minor

wrongdoings had Been Uncovered and a Few incipient felonies the Checking of The Suspects had Been thorough

Painstaking and tedious But All The Work was for nothing

The Man Who had shot officer rowland's Was not Among Them he remained no more Than a Description a Shadow of a Man

mysterious elusive Deadly Hidden Away somewhere in the vast City

As for Rollins Himself he couldn't Help he was in a Coma at receiving Hospital

Mrs. Rollins waited Out The long tense Hours While her husband fought to live

Many Another Hoffa's His wife had so waited Many another Will

The Word came

Shortly After Sana


White male American

Twenty Six or Seven five Feet ten or Eleven

155 to 160 five pounds Brown Hair

Regular Features Pencil if -

This Was no Frightened fugitive

What went on in his mind

Why ahead he set his hand against his fellow men

Taken The life of Another Of a Stranger of a Man Who is merely Doing his duty

He must have some Plan some Goal that Called for Sudden Death to anyone who got in his Way

Morning Boys Morning lee hi professor

Well i thought This was Safe cracker soup you got a drink It i hope I'm really a Nice guy stick Around i'll prove it

Come over Here?

Oh this formula to check thank you

Now iF you'll hand me that Hammer Money

Thank you


Nitroglycerine i didn't Ask for a Collection of fingers Just Finger prints

All Those Nice Thing of prints on the car Belong?

To the man Who was stolen from capitol nothing on the guns of vic larks Not even an interesting smudge

The Gloves

Common Type Worn By Undertaker's

I'll Check on Him they won't Show anything What did you scientific test Show a couple Little Things

Tool identification on these pick Locks i

Got One Under the scope You want to take a look yeah

Take a Look-see

Well It Seems to tie the tool up with a lot

That microscope Would Only tell Us who did it i'm Working on there

no only an Amateur Would Carry That Liquid dynamite in the car this Boys no Amateur

Took The Precaution of desensitizing It so It Will take normal shot took a Lot of Other precautions to don't think of prints no identification

nothing definite

Accepted Scientific

Knows Electricity is Invented yeah i'm happy on the trigger

This Does Captain Breen Get me Captain Stevens of Burglary Over there i

Hate It disappoint you leave It i think you've come up with something

Hello steve how are you

did Your Daughter's marriage come off alright

okay look Steve on those Burglaries of Electrical Equipment Lately

Were there anywhere pick locks were used to gain Entry


well Let me know if there's another Report of One with you

I've got an idea The Rawlings Killer May Be tied in with us

Alright Oh and give my Regards to the Newlyweds - so long steve

Well What are you waiting for you've Got a Job Haven't you get going Yeah let's go John You

Hold This for me Wheely thank


so with no fingerprints and Only a vague description to go by Sergeant Brennan Turned to the modus operandi file a

Criminal Like Any Human Being has his own habit patterns

Unconscious traits That Can Lead to his downfall

They are Junior

Lister Burglars a Youth Pick Locks for Entry oh

Great This Narrows It Down to Just a couple of Hundred Suspects in This area give me a match

There may not be so bad

This Guy's Improved on the system maybe he's left His trademark on some other Job?

Up here we Go legging it all Over Town Asking a Million questions

What's a Paid for Isn't My paid to associate with you. Too Junior he could do worse not this year

Car 12 car 1-2 in the 10,000 block on mississippi at 390 415 disturbance

car 80k Code 1

All Units on the broadcaster The Suspect arrested in the Shooting of Patrolman Rollins?

Cancel The Cancellation Suspect Released From Custody

oh mr. Martin You find mysteries in the machine shop


Boy Glad to see

How a mystery hi i was hoping you'd drop in i wanted to thank you for showing us how to Handle that yeah

uh-huh What have We Got This time

Sewer grass i

Have Plenty of These Around Roy

Not Like This one

yes i see i suppose as Usual you've Added Your own improvements

you Know It seems Wrong That a Man of Your talent Should Bother consigning equipment for Rental

I'd like to see you devote Yourself entirely Too Experimental electronics it'll come One day

I'll have a Place Like This well Why Wait?

I've Got a Pretty Good set Up here they have modern Equipment to work with a lab and my confidence

Thanks mr. Reeves i

Have Other Plans but Oh you can't tell where it'll lead

Might Even Work your way Around to a percentage of the Business i

Like It This Way

you Just Rent out My equipment

All right all right i think you Should Change your Mind i'm not Likely to change my Mind i

Suppose You want me to set this Up for revell too

Mr. Reeves

You've Already Got five Pieces of My Equipment You'd like to know what results i've had from the Rentals so far?

Well i can't say As i blame you i think you'll find this Satisfactory


Goodbye Mr. Reeves and You'll come back again soon won't you sure oh?

incidentally oh

That television projector coming on the One you Said would Reflected twelve-Foot Image still Working on it i

Just Wanted You to know i've already set Up a Rental on it

Thank i think They'd Like to buy

Your country hi oh Money IS no consideration with this customer

Tell me we can Pick It Up Tomorrow i thought you Said it wasn't Finished you it'll be Finished

It uses an Image fixer and Then Projects by Ordinary incandescent


This is the best television projector i've ever Seen Let's hope That Your custom i think so hey well


Send Him right in Charlotte

and See our customer is here

Begging for the privilege of Buying

It'll be running Along I'm not much Good at Business oh but Why he'll want to congratulate you

Just even the price is right all right i'll Get you a Good Deal so long


It'S a Beauty all right You like It they do like it

you see it's mine what do you Mean Let me have the police i

Built It Spent Years on it oh you must be crazy Roy built this machine Himself

Your friends are crook paul You've Been taken in hello give me the burglary detail

Tim regarding Your Inquiry on the 38 caliber smith & Wesson Father - Yeah oh come in Boys?

Burglary detail Descent This report Through Its a Man Named Dunning reports Chasing a Stolen Television Projected to the

Reeves Electronics Lab

Think it's a tire with the rawlings case Let's take a look at This fella Reeves and see What Gives

I'll notify Burglary we're following up on it right come on Jr

What else did he place with you parental oh Number of Payments

A-all war surplus that he bought on his veterans rating Hell is this more of His equipment yes yes he left it here on consignment

I'm sure that Roy can Explain everything maybe he can mr. Reeves he'll tell us where he lives but i don't know

On the phone

I'd Better talk i think so mysteries i'll take It in the superintendent's office

Tell Him that You sold The set and his Money is waiting for him here i know what time he's coming By?

What mr. Martin on

Hello Roy

yes yes i've sold It Your Money is waiting here for you

Yes i'll be Working late tonight What time Will you be by first Thing the morning

Well Maybe You Better come in tonight Roy a couple of Things i want Cleared up

Like What oh?

Technical Things Besides i don't like to leave the Money in the plant Overnight

How about 8:30 alright fine i'll see you then i'll leave the front Door Unlocked

You'll be here at 8:30

Well i'll Just Run Along home Get some dinner huh we'd like you to stay too mr. Reeves

Why for company You want to cooperate don't you mr. Reeves Certain Good oh you Just wait in your office we'll be Around

Very Well

This Way Gentlemen


That you're Right

Go outside Block That Alley Door

Where are you ryan

Who's in here no one i'm alone

Come on in i've Got your Money for It Bring It Out here all right?


None of Them even Looks Like Roy Martin

he had such a

fine face

and Keeping Him carrying a gun or didn't you know That

no i didn't i

Told You all i know only ever told me What about his friends didn't he have a Girl?

No, no i don't think so

He had no interest in anything But electronics Where'd he pick up the subject

Books Magazines

Mostly From The Signal Corps he was attached to a radar you

in a Teletype vote for the war department that might Help


Hello This is Captain Breen What is the latest report on Sergeant Jones i

See well let me know if there's Any change Would you


Chuck's in Pretty Bad Shape Marty He's paralyzed They never Walk again


I'm sorry

It's Funny That Martin Showed Up at 7:00 When he told you he wouldn't be there in late 30 i don't know Why

Except he was Always unpredictable

I'll tell you why because you warned That's Why he came Early That's Why he came in the back Way

What you Heard me tell him the front Door Would be open and the key to let him in the back Way he must have

Had One made Why don't you tell us the truth Marty

Now look Paul

You can Make It a lot easier for us to believe Your story if You'll Just give Us some facts

something It might Help i

Told You all i know

I've Been gullible alright Then he can make a Fool of me

But i'd do anything to make Up for what he did to detective Jones

sure sure you it

Didn'T Go now oh thanks thanks

My friend Thank you oh My character That's Good he'll call you benita thank you very much i

Think he's telling The truth Marty i think he's Just gullible like he said

What about the stolen Stuff he was trying to peddle for muck Will use it for bait

Maybe Martin i'll Come back for It then we Can Ask Him


Nevertheless i want a 24-Hour tail put on reeves and i want to watch on his home in his factory right

you Can Keep Those

okay cap

and Now the Killer Changed His tactics his modus operandi

It Would Baffle the police They always Expected Burglars to remain Burglars not Go in for stickups

They'd Ever Tie this up with Him

So wearing a Variety of disguises coming and Going Like a Shadow

Ready to Kill of corner he struck the bottle stores in a One-Man Blitz That had the Robbery detail dizzy

The Killer Always Resourceful Always Thinking Along Lines That Would Baffle as Hunters had discovered an Ideal avenue of Escape

Under Los Angeles Is a Vast and intricate System of Huge storm Drains built to siphon off the flash floods of The rainy season

Many of The Tunnels are large enough for two cars to drive a brace Here Was 700 miles of Hidden Highways

Ideal For The use of someone Who needed to Hurry From place to place without being Seen

Ideal Is a Hiding Place for Guns and Supplies in case of Emergency

Literally Well The reason i Asked you to come over is i think i've hit on something an identification no not quite but a tire

Now these are the shells from the gun that Killed Rollins

These were fired in the liquor store Holdup in which the bandit Got away

and These were fired to check

Now as you Know every ejected even in guns of The same model and caliber is different

Each One Leaves Its own Markings on the cartridge casing

Now look at these fine striations this deep Gouge

The Same on all three


in other Words the Man Who Killed Roland

And the Man who shot At Jones and Brennan The stick-up Was bit singh the liquor stores are all the same man Right

All We Need to know is what that Man Looks like?

Get me chandler and Robbery Will you

I've got an idea about That

Also it'll Give us a Chance to see it breathes it on the level with us

Steve Breen

about Those Bits hold Up you're on

Round Up all the victims and Have them down here tonight with you, oh?

It's Just a little scheme thank you oh?

That's Good i'll Sketch another one of The same Type only this time pin it on it all huh

All Right Hey How's it coming Be Ready for tonight we'll be ready i

Think it'll Work


Don't you Get the idea from a Kidnapping case in chicago

but i thought These Slides might be an improve the method They used could Be Captain think so

Ladies and Gentleman You Know i have your attention please

You've all Been Asked to sit in on a little experiment tonight

we're gonna Try to build a picture of a face a

Face of a Man Who's cunning resourceful and Deadly

He's a Man Who Killed a police officer?

Now some of You he held up at the point of a gun you may Have seen His face?

Remembered something About It and we want You to tell us exactly What you Remember

Whether it's his hair Eyes nose or mouth

And we're gonna Try to put those Pieces together so that They add up into a picture of the face of the man we Want

Now you can see how we're depending on


Now first we're gonna concentrate on the type of Hair our man had

and if the picture looks anything Like it's hair i want you to speak right up

All right The first slide

He's Herod Waved in IT Well-Groomed That'S the idea Miss smith?

Is that Any closer no It was parted on the side oh?

That's more Like It Except It Was Thicker

Oh That's very close?

Yes That's the way his forehead looked It was brought hi all right oh That's like?

On the next series of Slides we've taken to account his eyes?

A one-minute please wait one minute his eyes were a Little like That Maybe a Little Smaller Like Beads?

Go on me

Now Now you've got It i hold that Slightly

Anyone Else

That Looks Like Him only a Little Matter

you had a Patch Over One Eye When he come into my diet at My Place of Business i

Remember noticing The One Showing Was blue well the guy Who stuck me up i don't horn-Rimmed Glasses

He was wearing a Band-Aid across His nose When i knocked me over?


All Right hold That Lee

Well so much for The Eyes

Go ahead

Then Your Capitan Rasmus montalvo i

Listen English Historian Incinerator okay Bien en esta bandido Lana Wristwatch atta

Comma Kenya Their own Pokemon Chat i am a Santa Like That Captain but the morse enough Wider

Try Another One Lee

Come on kid Yeah casi la misma she Says That's about It Thank You Very Much Miss montalvo it reads

anymore comment That's Pretty close all right oh right Bit all right i would start on the mouth and chin

The Next series lee i

Think His lower Lip stuck Out Lord The mouth Was thin and Mean Like It never Left

something Like That But Thicker Lips

There That's it That's him all right i'll hold That right there lee oh?

come in mr. Reaves

Good Evening Captain Do You ever see that face before

well It's Roy

Except For The Hair being a Little lighter and The eyebrows Heavier

It's Roy

You're sure i'm positive i'd know him anywhere

Lee i want to retouch the photograph i'll lighten The hair and give more Body, to the eyebrows Right Right

That's all Thank You Very Much You've Been a Great Help it'S positively Amazing how you found out What he looks like?

well we're Looking for an Amazing Criminal Mrs. Johnson Thank you and Good night Good night

And so the face of the unknown Killer Built Up from fragments of evidence Was sent Out all Over the country

To chiefs of police to sheriff's to county constables and county Jailers to

The Wardens of Prisons

To all postmasters and Postal Inspectors

To the Agents of The Treasury department

To the fbi?

They Showed that picture to the inmates of Jails and prisons to men with a Wide acquaintance among the cat Burglars in the Violence Boys

Informers and con men and Sharpshooters were quiz those on the fringe of crime and those deep in the rackets Many Wanted to help

Nobody Could no one in the underworld recognized that Mysterious face

He was as Unknown as if he had lived in the 16th Century


Boy Listen Carefully Please

Control Yourself I

Know you're alone in the house

Act Like You're Alone

Cops Are watching Every move you Make

Please Here i

Got You Staked Out Like I'm not scrat Hide Watching you Around the clock here at youR plant tailing your car

Sit in that Chair

Pick Up three Books

Don't look Up and don't Answer me all right Blanton Books

Pick One of them

Okay Now That's the book you want. To read before you go to bed

Now Get up and Turn off the lamp

Come here come here?

Go in the den

Pull those Grapes tank

I get Away from

But are the cups know about me

Not Very Much Why no fingerprints They haven't even got a picture of You They're trying to make one

How much cash you got in the house

no i never Keep any cash in the house it isn't Good Business i

suppose you think it Was Good Business Listen They walked into That trap

No don't do anything You'll regret Now listen to me it isn't. Too late give Yourself

Up come to your senses before you kill someone else

What do you Mean someone else What are you made nothing the two officers They Said one of them might die

He's Still alive isn't he

Wreaths i never Thought You'd stood for the police

you Almost Got me Killed Froy you know the police are right outside You'd Never Get away with it

That's right i Get being sensible i

Know there's Money Here where is it don't

Smell It up stuff you've Got a - Were Thousands i'll get more

Get It Keep It Handy i'll be back next week next month but get it and. Have it Ready Just give me time

look i

Don't want policemen outside my house following me around

What's It Made Rory Suspicious

I'm leaving in the Morning

I'm afraid i'll have to disappoint you Paul

Unfortunately You're our Bait i

won't do it i've done enough Look no one's done enough Until we find this Killer i

Asked You to keep a Sharp Lookout on this house Marty i did

Two of The best Undercover men of an apartment were assigned Here i didn't Keep Martin from getting in

What's the Matter you're tired

You Got Any Idea How long You've Been on this case Marty Months long enough, to have come up with something by This time?

You Know any more about the rowland's Killer Than in your the first week yeah he's about the toughest nut i've ever had to crack

That's What i told the Chief When he called me in this afternoon want to know Why the case hadn't Been Broken

Look Captain Roland's Was a Friend of mine so chuck

I've Got a Biggest Bacon List of The Chief Knows

I'm Doing everything i can

I'm afraid it's not enough Marty

Maybe you took close to it to see it Clearly maybe It Needs a fresh team a New Viewpoint i

think you better take a Couple of Weeks off Marty

Starting Tomorrow

AnyThing You Say Kevin

Hiya Marty That Chuck meet My scanner My new Bodyguard

He's the one i've Been telling you about oh you Mean the one with the steel trap ring how do you do

Hello Say This guy Been Behaving after a Fashion

See she takes me off my gold car puts me to bed wakes me up dresses me you're perfectly capable of Dressing Yourself Now

Mr. Jones i'll be back in a Few Minutes

Well hasn't Been gone Junior, oh?

Pretty Good Chuck Pretty Good

Is that Why you're off the case

How'd you Know Breehn Was in the cima this Morning oh?

Suppose he also told Her they put a New team on the case he told me everything

Yeah Let's see what his new Boys dig up well maybe They'll Examine the facts of the case a little more Carefully What Faxed

and I'm an Sharp and intelligent Works Alone

and he has no record never leave the finger print Knows Every move We Make

sure Plenty of facts Only They add Up to nothing sure forget It you got Yourself a Ten-day Vacation

Go on out of a Beach Get a Suntan

The time you get back the case Will be Broken i know what you want you know it better Than That

Oh i know it's what i hear you Sit there batting your gums about

How the old Man Let You down maybe he's trying to wake you up

He's Got a Funny Way of Showing it

Now yet Go flying off the Handle always taking Things for granted i wish i could Get Up buuut some sense into you

He knew What this case meant to me he still does That's Why he's trying to get you mad enough to do something about it


Don't really figure That's his idea do you i know it is a

Tough case Chuck not an angle nothing to go on

You'd know What i meant if you were out Working with me i have Been Working with you

That's all i've had to do lately Just Sit Around Studying What little facts we have trying to figure out who he might be

Another Kind of a Guy we're up against then i

Tell You Chuck This Guy'S a Genius the way he operates i

Said we were right There with us Every time you go out after a Lead

Oh sure brains Been tipping Him off Just to make you look Bad hey Almost like That

Wait Beat Us to the punch Every time

Did your angle you Just hit it on the head but you don't see it look start adding one he's Unknown to the underworld

- he beat you to the punch right and three it's almost as if he would Witness Now What you Said

Yeah Well tie that up with a lot of Other Little Things like The fact that he uses a police gun and the Accuracy of

The Shooting

Anybody could buy a police gun are They Army could Have taught him how to shoot Yeah but Who taught Him how the police operate


Know What you're driving at Chuckling but a cop those Things Happen


Now if i were still in the case i'd start with our own department first and Santa Monica cobra City Burbank Pasadena

See you later Junior hey don't let Him out of Your sight Because well it's the first time in Years he's used his head

But You get a print of Every mug We Take We Always Send la a copy Sergeant its personnel photos i want give me a


That's Roland's Killer Isn't It That's right You've Checked Your own department we did that first


so the tedious quest went on

Sergeant Brennan Wore out his shoes and his patients going from police Station to police station checking Photos Until His eyes were Blurry

Poor police Work is not all glamour and excitement and Glory There are Days and Days of routine

of tedious probing of Tireless Searching

Fruitless Days

Days When nothing Goes Right

When It Seems As if no One could ever think his way Through The maze of battling trails at Criminal leaves

But The Answer to that Is persistence and the hope that Sooner or Later something Will Turn Up

Some tiny Lead that can Grow into a warm trail and point. To the cracking of a Tough case

Well It Doesn't Boys can't Say I'm Sorry You Didn't find him in here

They do think It Was a cop

Doesn't Seem to be anybody

Just a Lot of Pieces of a Face That Never Existed do you Mind if i see that again

Sure Raymond Put It on your dresser

Wait a minute he wasn't a cop he was a radio technician Right Here in our dispatch office

What did you Say i am Saying he worked here in 42

well come on give i remember the kid well

We're sort of strange never Bothered With Anyone in the department Just Kept to Himself

She was in line for promotion When he was drafted Where was he living at the time i

Don't remember

Try The Dead files

Never Ask for Job back After the war i remember writing Him about It though Excellent Work oh Yeah here we are?

Yeah This is it

Took a While before he answered but like he Says in the letter he wasn't interested


Postmarked Hollywood a Return Address What do You want us to do all the Work. Oh?

Thanks a Lot freddie remember he was a Civilian employee


How about and anybody recognize Him not on my route i

Never Saw Him before

Huh okay fellow Thanks Very Much

I'm gonna

Hit that face


Well This May Not Mean anything but he looks like a Guy That's on my route he never gets any mail but i see him

Around there all the Time

He lives in one of The courts where come on i'll show you?

It's not That Easy

What time is your rule take Your pass those Courts thought Nine o'clock What

Just Thank you

you Got a chocolate Milk your hat buddy

Yeah Thanks

Would You pop

straight on back

The Second the New yell

Number Seven right I don't want Today huh oh it's not too bad for this time of The year

something to

See oh What'S the matter i don't know i?

Can't Hear me Hear about it in the radio Next morning i got. Too Bad

The Regular fellow and Stop and talk to sorry I'm a little late This morning i was hoping maybe You could Help me

There's something Very Funny Going on in this car yeah i'm scared to go to the police

Maybe i might Be Boy

What yeah i have a manager She's a Witch?

He's a White college she put the poison in my new oh?

i Say

Look You switched the bottles once he is a Rookie Drink our Milk and You'll Be Safe Right

Why i had a little accident Got a mop i'll clean It up

leave It be i'll clean It Up Myself


The Place is called Bellevue court i drew This to memory but it's pretty close That's where he's hiding out right There

I'm sure he's our man Marty Captain i couldn't Go wrong on that face he's our man

They're fire cottages in This area and two Over Six and Seven in the l at the end of the roll

Our Man Lives in Number Seven

This Building Department Plan I'll Show you the Whole Layout

Bounded on three sides By Fuller Santa Monica and Poinsettias Now the court is partly Surrounded By a High Wall

Breehn Homicide

Thought You'll Keep Your eyes open till we Get There

Morgan Has Just gone into his bungalow alone

Any questions all right You all have the instructions Let's go

Right on time wait five Minutes Go Around and Bark The side entrance Keep Your lights off

These loose i want a radial car in a Hurry

All units all Units Vicinity of Santa Monica and Fuller The Murder suspect in the roland Killings at large


Want a Map covering The storm Drain System in this area Get It and meet me at venice and Garfield

Jones Villa You Stay Here in case he comes Up for air i

want a Man At Every other Drain entrance Along This line

Gotta come up somewhere

Keep This Drain Covered Liable To pop out anywhere

Why venice and Garfield Captain's the Main Other Section of The System we can Head Him off that Way a decade of control one

Their Frequency Seven This Is an Emergency control One to wall cars on Frequency Seven Standby control one to atk Go ahead

Notify homicide Send the following to venice and Garfield four Squads Battle Lanterns gas Masks Tear gas

Urgent This Is a Code three control one to atk Roger

And You'll probably Head down this main Drain to where it comes Out of The Rio hondo oh You take Your squad and cover That

Exit Right he Bolts Fair Radial Cars Cruising back and Forth Along This Main Street What's the curb inlet

On Yuma no we first-ever foot Between here and the Rio hondo outlet and you must be up ahead


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