Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 9, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Sep 30 2017

hi everybody, welcome to my chanel

today we find ourselves in barcelona

for the event Arnold classic

a big europeen fitness convention

I hope that pleases you

thanks to like, share ans follow me

I tell you right away in this event, ciao !

we are welcome in the event ! with the beautiful little sign

we'll go see muscle, vein, biceps

tanning, oil

its going to be shiny and oily

we have the tickets

we will be able to go

we just arrived, on the other hand I think it is deceived date

because they are installing the event


I do not know what to do in barcelona

you want to do what ?

we go, let's go to the mac do

a little mac do

it's a joke it is on the passage of the event

as you can see, there is music

we will surely get bothered by copyrights

here is a small part of the event

as she said, the fitness disneyland

what you eat at the fitness event

we can eat diet a la arnold classic

"she's so beautiful !"

that is ok, the sono is HS

we have mr Starsky et Hutch who tries to tinker

he calls an electrician, he calls whom he wants

we are on the bietech stand

you who like the crossfit there is enough to do

we are on the inBody stand

it's a bit like the end-of-year control

ho la la her glutes

it gives the balls, it is the balls that upset

wait, i try !

during this time, there is a guy who walks his trash

it's small, it is so that it is molding

it's so molding !

it's good !

ho la la this bootys

we catch them !

hi, it's possible to make a picture

there is even an ice rink

we leave the event

with a lot of present

we will count this at the apartment

we eating a full of bar, we are hightprotein

we go to the party on barcelona

in a downtown

in the ramblas, conchicas des platas de la fajitas (lol)

there are some who barely start


it's 18h30

tomorow we will be back

tomorrow we make a steering

it's an old up

I warn you, we come back

people look at us oddly because we speak not a word of Spanish

and we speak only the camera

we make smile

we're crazy

pon pon on the garona

see you tomorrow my friends, kisses

one party after

we are there, we are going to sleep well

like a big shit

see you tomorow

welcome on air bnb the outside temperature is 24°C and we are arrived on bord

i do one squatt

little shooting photo

we are at the entrance of the event

we are ready to the arnold classic days 2

we will see what it will give

days 2

we are not really Wake up

leegs hs, we will avoid the people who wait their tickets

we will not avoid all the people waiting to check their bags

this way

we are witnessing a rather special scene

like on starport

carpets that help to walk

we are on the fitness event

everybody take around

exept 2-3 photograph

there is here that we can see it

behind me you have crossfit contest

that it was very calm yesterday

its going to be a more animated with the world that arrives

and it's not bad

the people behind me wait for one shaker

they are motivated

there are buttocks, vein

here is Arnold who walks in theevent

with 20 bodyguard and 200 people who follow him everywhere

it is at the stand of strongman

you got easy !

I almost died

the little diet meal

and so we just left the event

we are dead

our legs is over

we had plenty of samples

my bag must weigh 3 kg more when i start

we have a place for tomorrow but we will not go there

i finished to open my samples

it's good

we will bring this to toulouse

well I just got dropped off my car, it's over

we go back to home

thanks to support me and my projects

follow me mostly, take a like, a comment

se you later for more

take care of you, ciao

For more infomation >> HER BUTT WILL EXPLODE !! ARNOLD CLASSIC 2017 - Duration: 17:02.


New SNES Super Nintendo Classic Unboxing Review Gameplay of 21 Games - Duration: 19:12.

Wow guys I am super excited today I've waited in line this morning to get this

new mini Super Nintendo classic edition whoa this has a bunch of games and it is

here is a list of all the games that are on here and picture from the back of the

New SNES Super Nintendo Classic Unboxing Review Gameplay of 21 Games

I'm gonna try to go through each one of these videos at least two minutes into

each one of these games so without further ado let's check it out guys odd

Super Nintendo was one of my favorite systems I mean I love Nintendo and Super

Nintendo so I grew up with these systems and they are awesome so first things

first comes with this cool little looks like a

poster yeah poster of the games that are in the system label but this is the main

thing a little tiny Super Nintendo look at this it's about the size of the palm

of my hand got the reset and the power on/off button right here it does have an

eject button but the cartridge and everything is just for so nothing opens

up here it's got room for the two controllers in the front there look at

the back here in the back you've got the mini ah oh that's the power and HDMI

hookup so you could hook this up to like any TV or monitor it has HDMI hookup and

then let's go ahead and check out these controllers ha ha ha

I have not seen one of these in so long Wow

I am super impressed guys and uh I believe they come with a 6 foot cord

well I also did buy an extension pack here which I will show you in one minute

which adds another 6 books so you've got twelve anyways go ahead and see the lens

yes the court is about six feet and it does come with two of the controllers so

that's real cool it comes with HDMI yeah

HDMI cables yeah this is the power cable it's like a USB end and the mini USB

with the adapter here and then this is the HDMI cable here so anyways I'm gonna

go ahead Oh actually before I do you do want to get yourself either wireless

joysticks or you want to get yourself an extension the six foot is just too close

to the screen so ah I went ahead and bought two back extension cable

so now I've done 12 feet so guys I've got six kids and they are gonna be super

excited playing this awesome Super Nintendo game let me get this set up and

we will check out the game okay guys set up is super easy just go ahead and plug

in the HDMI cable go ahead and plug in the power turn it on you are ready to go

this is the main screen I'm gonna run you through a couple minutes on each one

of these games so stop further ado we're gonna start with

I mean this brings back some really good memories guys and now you can see my

shadow the show well I'll have Yoshi here soon

there is good old youichi and then with you she just fun right off of him

well I gotta get used to these old controls and then he will eat stuff in

his path could have an eat Turtles full flames

my kids are gonna have a blast with this oh I remember this guy

yo cheatin oh there's you she awesome he came back ok guys if you wanna go ahead

continue to another game simply there's a reset button on the console if you

push Castlevania 4 cool the Castlevania games are hard

hard but fun okay give me an enemy so I could show you guys something

especially guys that haven't played before Oh looks like this day is closing

I'm gonna be crushed okay there's a skeleton let's go

okay so that's a good idea for that one and then ghouls and ghosts cool I'm

telling you me and they really picked some sweet games for this one

okay anyways

Super Mario Kart some really awesome plastics guys

talk about old-school

okay there's not anybody to move it on let's think of that one

Mario RPG why I love this little system guys so many cool games I mean my kids

are going to love it like I said before the RPG I can't really go into too much

detail you know I don't even know if I've played this RPG ball and I know I

played one of the Mario RPG ones I'm not sure if this was one of them

so anyways like I said RPG it's like you have to pretty much play it because it

takes forever okay so anyways let's go back I think it'll bring you to the main

screen where you could go ahead and pick up Metroid Wow well here's the intro of

Metroid sorry the intro is taking way too long

next one which would be super put

yeah yeah yeah I got it okay next is Zelda okay just move on

next you have Yoshi's Island Wow

this one is a classic guys but kids are gonna love these by the way guys if you

do like this video I do got over a thousand videos majority our dinosaur

Jurassic world Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong sarted come on no I don't

think not if I played Yoshi's Island tell you the truth I don't think I did

because this is not familiar okay no I did not play this awesome well anyways

that gives you a good idea yeah you could probably tell I haven't played

this one

like holding B down you can hover in the air okay that's one of these okay yeah

okay I might anyways that's a good start to that one and then moving on Cooper

gets up up down down left right left right B a select start for two-player

anyways me and my brothers played the first contra so many times so let's like

I'm almost dead

Wow it's been a while that brings back some good memory Donkey Kong Country

yeah don't look eco okay so anyways let's get start tell you the truth I

don't need love I play Donkey Kong Country tell me I did not play this game

wow I don't know how I missed it so it was awesome

okay why anyways we have to continue on so next we have earthbound classic man

I mean the graphics this one's not that great but the graphics and these are

actually much better than if you played the original games especially went

through the HDMI cord and the sound is also better so and then next we have

final finish especially the old the older type skip it I guess not

okay well I mean I'm sure most of you guys have played Final Fantasy so and

then we've got Kurt another game I did not play is like okay there we go

Stage one come on okay so that's enough cutesy for now moving on okay then you

got Kirby's dream so anyways played Kirby before so I really don't know what

I'm doing so we will continue on megamix don't know how many of you guys have

played megaman probably most of you things are gonna be new to my kids and

I'll tell you they're gonna love them they are going to love these games

so anyways there's a good idea of Megaman that's a good way to die okay

that we oh wait I might have played this okay so

here is the game actually started so

okay so I'm moving on RPGs it's hard to get a good which was finished but never

the first starfox so I'm not really sure so anyways that's what the first one

looks like let's check out the second one starfox to clear stage one and

starfox to unlock oh sorry guys I can't unlock it but I does have it so this

Street Fighter 2 cool I like this dream fighter

okay turbo gamestar okay so anyways moving on

to the next one think we've gone through yep we've gone through all the games so

all let me know what you guys think because I think this system is totally

awesome guys and with the amount of games they give on it it is sweet okay

well anyways guys if you have any questions drop them in the comment

section if you enjoy the video please go ahead click like drop in the comments

subscribe guys if you click the subscribe button below the video next to

it izabel you put down notify you when I make new videos I make daily videos

Monday through Friday at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and Saturday 9

a.m. 9 p.m. but most of my videos are drastic world Jurassic Park

King Kong and Godzilla Wow okay guys that was totally awesome

thanks for viewing thanks for being a son and I will see you tomorrow

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For more infomation >> New SNES Super Nintendo Classic Unboxing Review Gameplay of 21 Games - Duration: 19:12.


【English SUB】開封!ニンテンドークラシックミニ・スーパーファミコン/Unpacking SNES CLASSIC EDITION - Duration: 7:07.

Hey guys, I'm Doga from DogaDoga TV.

Today there is a thing that

I want to show you guys.

Here it is. SNES Classic Edition!

This model is different from the Japanese one.

It's called Super Nintendo Entertainment System.

So-called "SNES" outside Japan.

As far as I know,

the Japanese version is supposed to come out

on the 5th of October.

But, in the world, at least in Canada,

Today, the 29th of September, was the release day.

When the pre-order started before,

I couldn't make it to pre-order because

the online page of the store I used went down.

I gave up then.

However, recently I got news that

some retail stores in Toronto will have stock

on the release day.

So I decided to try to go to a store.

I went to a Toys'R'Us.

Although the store opens at 10am,

I arrived there around 8:50am.

So, almost 1 hour before opening.

There was a line already there when I arrived.

I guess there were about 60 people then.

I had to get a ticket to be qualified to buy the SNES.

And I could make it to get it.

Although it was a Friday,

there were many adults like me.

Some of them even had chairs to sit while

they were waiting.

I wondered since when and how long they were waiting.

It wasn't so busy as I thought when I arrived.

I didn't expect that I could make it but

I was lucky enough to buy it.

This model is different from the Japanese model,

in both the shape and color.

The Japanese model has

red, blue, yellow, and green buttons.

This model is based on mostly grey and purple.

It's a little less colorful.

At the moment, at home,

I have no game console.

I don't have much time to play games anyway.


I wasn't so eager to buy a game console.

But this SNES classic edition is very cheap and

I thought that it would be kind of nostalgic to play classic games.

I wanted to place this in the living room and

I wanted to play whenever I have time to kill.

Of course, it would be nice if I had

a high tech console such as PlayStation VR but

They are so expensive that I don't want to spend so much money

to get them.

I might regret it later if I didn't have time to play with it.

This guy is much more reasonable.

So I decided to buy this.

Today I'm going to unpack the box and

briefly show you the set-up.

Alright, let's unpack this.

See the side... and back.

This box is also very small.


First of all,

This is kind of a directions booklet.

It's all written in English.

On this paper,

there are some descriptions of the software installed on the SNES.

It's well packed.

This is the power adaptor.

and then..

This one is ...

HDMI cable that connects with your TV.

This is the power cable.

We used to use AV cables of red, white and yellow.

I feel that's a long time ago.

The size of the controllers looks exactly the same

as the original ones.

Ok! Let's open this main body!



It looks unfamiliar for me because

I grew up with the Japanese model lol.

It's so light and it doesn't look like a game console.

In a sense, it looks like a toy.

You see an HDMI port and a power cable port here.

With the original SNES,

You would use these ports to connect your controllers but

There is a cover just like this.

There is a power button on the left and a reset button on the right.

You can go back to the main home page anytime with the reset button.

You slide them to activate them.

Can you believe that

this tiny body has 21 games in it?

Let's plug in the controllers.

I like that the cords of the controllers are quite long.

Alright, let's turn it on!

This body is connected with my TV through the HDMI cable now.

You need to slide up the power button

to turn it on.


Oh, there it comes.


You can select your language at first.

This is an international model, so

this doesn't have Japanese.

I choose English.


It's so nostalgic...

I see Zelda... Yoshi's Island...Donkey Kong

Well, there are some other games that I have't played before.

I grew up playing these old games when I was a kid.

I played them in Japanese.

So I might find playing them in English strange but

I think that I'm ok as long as I know the story of those games already.

No problem.

It seems that the Japanese version has

different games from the international model.

For example, the Japanese model has Goemon,

and Street Fighter 2 instead of Street Fighter 2 Turbo that's in the international model.

It's interesting huh?

I wonder which model you prefer.

All right.

That's it for today.

I'm going to show some gameplay in the next video.

Please follow my twitter account and my blog.

You can see those in the description space below.

Thank you for watching!! Bye!!

For more infomation >> 【English SUB】開封!ニンテンドークラシックミニ・スーパーファミコン/Unpacking SNES CLASSIC EDITION - Duration: 7:07.


SNES Classic Edition Unboxing! Gameplay Features & Quick Review (2017) HD - Duration: 6:08.

What's up people's YouTube, I just got home from the store, and I was lucky enough to get my hands on a classic Super

Nintendo Entertainment System

So I'm doing an unboxing for everyone at home

Looking at the box. It is very reminiscent of the original box introduced in the 90s

With this street art as well as box art


The box is about half the size, and it includes 20 games

It's like as well as two controllers when the games included are contravening mean

Where is Donkey Kong Country earthbound Final Fantasy 3 f-zero?

kirby's dream course kirby superstar Mega Man x2 from Anna's starfox Street Fighter 2 turbo microphone super Castlevania 4 super doneö super motorcar super mario

RPG lighting this time start super mario world super metroid super punch-out legend zelda only gonna. Ask you to the island

Sorry for the annoying high-pitched voice. I can't talk about fast

Let's see what's inside this bad boy, though?

And also I don't know if anybody caught but on the phone there says now you're playing with super power

plastic nineties advertising for Nintendo

The manual got the power brick a

Controller, which looks and buttons feel very similar to the original

So must be the console which I can already tell is a lot smaller than the original

Yep just like in the box I can put it in my hand woah

Alright, and there are the controller ports

As wise it's got HDMI, which HDMI cable should be included and a power block

I've got a temporary set up on my xbox one for scale and it's sitting there looking pretty alright. Let's get this thing booted up

And it looks like all the games are through this front menu interface available

Like for almost all of them has the original box art, which is very cool. There's one player two player

All right, and there's pretty good list of games never played earthbound personally, I'm excited to play that

Check those out later

Manuals built into the system as well as some display settings nice CRT filter

That's what we need here in 2017

Make our new TVs feel old

That's awesome

It looks like you know so choose for outer screen frame

Suite speakers go on my CRT filter

And let's start this up right and play with

first one

Game that I remember us playing forever and for always

Super Mario World

aha, yeah I

Think sometimes I would sit there and watch that game play just the intro

Oh, then it frees the DeFries

Come on Oh

There we go, okay

Let's get this started oh

Yeah control. Oh yeah, it feels just like they used to awesome I

Think today. I'm a little buzzed either would get a minute's use considering. It's been

15 20 years that quick to get lost

But now this feels great

Well I was like heat up from so far playing this game it is

Very annoying I believe it's playing at 720p at 60 frames a second

Which is pretty good?

Let's see how he's kind of hard to see in the video, but it definitely adds a cool effect

Yeah forget you

Yep catchy too

30 stars

Well that's my unboxing and my quick review, I definitely give this two thumbs up

Recommend it almost anyone might like this. It's great nostalgia for somebody growing up with the system or

Somebody that is gaming new generation or something new to games

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below. Don't forget to Like and subscribe. Thanks for watching peace

For more infomation >> SNES Classic Edition Unboxing! Gameplay Features & Quick Review (2017) HD - Duration: 6:08.


SNES Classic Launch Coverage! - The Rundown - Electric Playground - Duration: 7:09.

The Super Nintendo was basically the zenith of dot-based games.

You had the NES before that, but then the SNES came out and that was the peak.

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