Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 9, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Sep 27 2017

Now when I channel my mother and when I channel the Sisters of old one of the

most inexpensive pieces to wear on the head is always going to be that bun

these buns cost no more than about between maybe seven to ten dollars tops

depending on where you go now to update this bun you want to add a couple of

pieces one of the pieces I have and I don't too much take off the choker which

is my HORUS choker I don't even take that off but let me just push this to the

side a minute so you can see it one of the things I don't do is I don't too

much mess with what I already have in place so I move that to the side now you

can see it like I said this is probably one of my favorite styles from the 70s

all the way to 90s because it embodies the seventies fanfare so I'm gonna put

the phone down for a second and you're gonna see the chain that I was telling

you about with the Isaac Hayes inspired chain you're going to see me put that on

okay? And I'm going to change earrings with that too give me a sec won't be long I'm going

to go back to my Cougar splash using the chain on my head there we go

better see? And then--sorry if I've delayed this video I'm gonna add glasses bring

that look 100% out see? It's really pretty really trendy really us I like

to overlap my lipstick by now if they haven't told if you haven't paid

attention I typically put on my lipstick from here to here because if

you keep wearing lipstick it will somehow recede on its on and then

start going inward and all of this will become a cottonmouth to you so what

you want to do is you want to extend your lipstick all the way to the crevice

of your mouth and let it sit there so even if you eat or whatever you do to

kind of wipe away that particular color it's still there without you having to

constantly mess with it so this is the beautiful bun and it is the change the

glasses the splashes of Cougar but not necessarily Cougar but then lift it off

your head go! That's badass and this reminds me like I said of a softer

version of Grace Jones but her makeup trends forever lasting

from all over the world as we know it! Thank You Grace Jones for giving us the

strong beautiful black quick point squinty eyed beautiful Black Woman because again

we're in the same Diaspora and I consider you my Sister peace!

For more infomation >> AFRICA DARE WITH SHORT HAIR EDITION #6! THE CLASSIC BUN! - Duration: 3:13.


SNES CLASSIC Review - Games, Hardware, Controllers, & More! - Duration: 2:35.

Last year Nintendo launched the NES Classic, a $60 time capsule boasting some of that console's

best games.

This year Nintendo's doing it again: this is the SNES Classic, Nintendo's latest game collection in a box.

It continues the tradition with about 21 classic games representing some of the best of the 16-bit era.

It's a lot of fun to play, with just a few compromises.

Okay first off, let's talk about the console itself.

It's basically a tiny version of the original Super Nintendo.

Most every detail is there, including things like the cartridge flap, even if it's just for show.

You can charge it with micro USB and all it takes is an HDMI out for the TV.

The front cover itself is actually a flap hiding the real controller inputs, which are the

same as the NES Classic.

As for the controllers, they're more or less identical to the original SNES gamepads.

Seriously, it's kind of hard to tell the difference even in person.

Even the clickiness feels about the same.

The only catch?

The cord measures just over 4 1/2 feet long.

Longer than the NES Classic controllers, but much shorter than our original Super Nintendo pads,

and for many TV setups, it's not guaranteed to reach your couch comfortably — if, frankly, at all.

The software itself is super easy to navigate.

There are three display modes: CRT, 4-by-3, and the very sharp Pixel Perfect.

Honestly, we spent most of the time playing in CRT, which not only felt more true to the

games but also hid some of the jankiness of a few titles.

The game selection is great — there isn't really a bad title on here.

There are both pick-up-and-play games like Mario Kart

as well as more involved RPGs like Final Fantasy 6 and Earthbound.

You can also check out Star Fox 2, which is a never-before-released game

But it's more of an ambitious, academic title than something I think you'll play too much.

For each game you can have four suspend points, which lets you basically save anywhere and

pick up where you left off later.

You can also rewind the game about a minute into the past.

It's a neat feature, but getting to it requires going back to the home menu, and getting to

that means literally hitting the reset button on the console.

That's also the only way to switch between games, which I get is kind of a throwback,

but it's also just annoying.

But that aside, the SNES Classic is maybe the best way to play some of the best

games of all time, and most of them really hold up.

For $80, even if you only like a handful of games, it's probably worth considering.

That is, of course, if you can find one.

For more infomation >> SNES CLASSIC Review - Games, Hardware, Controllers, & More! - Duration: 2:35.


Star Fox 2 - REVIEW (Super NES Classic) - Duration: 5:44.

"It's about time you showed up fox"" Yeah, it only took you twenty years.

So in case you haven't heard the tale of Star Fox 2, here's the cliffnotes version:

it was a originally planned for release on the Super Nintendo back in 1996!

But despite being finished and ready to ship, Nintendo decided at the last minute to shelve

it, because of the fear it would look too "dated' compared to the then 32-bit competition.

Perhaps a wise move at the time, though one that left Star Fox fans wondering what could

have been all these years since

Well, wonder no more!

Because after, more than 20 years later, the game is finally seeing a proper release as

part of the Super NES Classic.

And that's super exciting--I mean, it's not every day that you're able to experience

a Nintendo game for the first time that you had expected to 20 years earlier.

So the question is, does Star Fox 2 hold up?

Well...let's find out.

So Star Fox 2 is, fundamentally, a very different game from the original.

Whereas the original was a simple on-rails shooter, with every enemy's placement and

movement orchestrated in advance like a space ballet, Star Fox 2 is considerably more complex,

now being an entirely free-roaming affair, allowing you to visit any level at any time,

while always affording a full 360 degrees of freedom--aka all-range mode.

And let me tell you, it feels weeeeird to have this level of control in a game that

looks like, well, the original Star Fox.

On top of this, your Arwing can also turn into a Walker when exploring planets or the

insides of spaceships, which grants you greater maneuverability, but at the expense of speed--and

speed is a big, big factor in this game.

And that's because the clock is always ticking in Star Fox 2.

You see, the World Map is an active battlefield, with Andross's troops constantly advancing

towards Corneria in an effort to destroy it--and they don't care whether you're caught

up in a mission or not--they'll keep moving regardless.

So the longer you take to complete your objective, the more progress Andross's troops can make,

and the greater peril Corneria will be in--because once it sustains 100% damage, it's Game


Now you can always hit pause during a mission to scope out what's happening on the World

Map--and if things look dire, you can quit the mission to try and intercept Andross's

forces elsewhere--but you'll have to start that mission over from scratch once you come

back later.

So in case you haven't guessed, Star Fox's objective is to eradicate Andross's forces

from the Lylat System--which is complicated by the fact that the planets under Andross's

control will continually launch missiles that home right in on Corneria.

And that's where the strategy comes into play.

Do you go on the offensive to try and wrestle back control of the planets to prevent more

missiles from being launched, or do you go on the defensive to take down Cornerian-bound

enemies and missiles before they can do some damage--but remember, if you take too long,

even more missiles might be launched in the meantime.

Oh, and then there's the fact that your ship's heath is a persistent factor between

levels too, meaning you'll need to be careful to not take too much damage.

So it's a constant battle of assessing risk vs reward--of when to make to go on the attack

and when to hold back.

And the constant threat of Corneria's looming destruction is the heart and soul of Star

Fox 2.

It lends the entire game a sense of intensity--one that makes every action have weight--and thank

goodness too, because the game's core gameplay isn't particularly engaging by itself, at

least in a vacuum of space.

Dogfights consist of little more than taking potshots at enemies that fly straight at you,

before turning around and doing it again.

And the planetary missions aren't much better, requiring you to find a certain amount of

switches to gain access to a base, where you'll navigate some corridors to reach a boss--which

almost always boils down to the same strategy of circling around them while shooting.

The missions are mostly repetitive and lack the meticulous design and skill requirements

of its predecessors' on-rail levels.

It's a little ironic that the greater player freedom comes at the expense of levels that

feel limited by that.

But thankfully , the missions don't exist within a vacuum, and when combined with the

genuinely novel real-time World Map conceit, Star Fox 2 can be quite enjoyable--constantly

pushing you to play better and faster--both to save Corneria, as well as to earn a better

ranking at the end of the game, and eventually unlock the final difficulty.

Oh, and speaking of difficulty, I strongly recommend playing the game on Hard Mode, instead

of the, poorly titled "Normal mode," which I found to be so incredibly easy, that it

undermined the entire point of the real-time conceit.

But once I cranked it up to hard, that's when I really began to appreciate the game's

intricate gameplay.

Now it's impossible to talk about Star Fox 2 visuals without taking into account the

context how the game came to be.

And within that context, Star Fox 2 can both impress--as well as be genuinely ugly.

Some moments honestly blew me away, in that it's honestly hard to believe it could run

on the Super Nintendo--the mere act of being able to fly anywhere, including around giant

space structures, is impressive.

And a few moments even ran at a shockingly smooth framerate, by SNES Star Fox standards.

And one planet-based mission in particular really surprised me when I discovered it had

both an aerial, as well as underwater segment.

There are also some really neat details, like how when a Battleship begins charging its

laser on the World Map, you can see that reflected in the actual mission to destroy it too.

But on the other hand, the game is bogged down by ugly and repetitive interiors--especially

when you discover how much the game can chug during boss battles, with the framerate cratering

to just barely a notch above completely unplayable.

The music too, seemed mostly forgettable, and lacked the awesome punch of the original's

soundtrack--although I do quite like the title screen theme.

So all in all, I liked Star Fox 2.

It's very different from what you might expect, but if you give it a chance, it can

sink its addictive teeth into you--and truly amounts to more than the sum of its parts.

Plus, it's just gosh darn cool to be playing a "new" Super NES after all these years.

Thanks for watching and make sure to stay tuned to subscribe to gameXplain for more

on Star Fox 2 and everything Nintendo

For more infomation >> Star Fox 2 - REVIEW (Super NES Classic) - Duration: 5:44.


Super NES Classic Edition REVIEW - Duration: 5:08.

What the NES CLassic did for the 8-bit era, the Super NES Classic does even better for

the 16-bit era--which is to say, it kicks a lot of ass.

By Bringing together 21 of the finest Super Nintendo games ever released, or never released

in Star Fox 2's case, and strapping on a few modern-day features, the Super NES Classic

breathes new life into a library of games that have largely withstood the test of time.

Oh, and it's all contained within the adorable shell of a mini Super Nintendo.


But before we get too carried away, let's go over some bad news furst: The Super NES

CLassic only has 21 games as compared to the NES Classic's 30.

But here's the good news: Nearly every game here is fantastic.

I mean, you have classic RPGs like Fi nal Fantasy 6, Earthbound, and Secret of Mana,

one of the best 2D Marios, one of the best 2D Zeldas, the best Yoshi game, an awesome

Kirby game that's like 8 in one, the original DKC, the Mario Kart that started it all, and

even the original Star Fox--before it got rebooted to death.

And on top of it all, the never-before released Star Fox 2 makes its first official appearance

ever--which we even reviewed seperatly.

This is truly an all-star collection--with almost no filler--except for maybe Kirby's

Dream Course.

Sorry Kirby.

And in my opinion, these games, on the whole, hold up far better than the bulk of the NES

Classic's library.

THere is so much gaming greatness here that you might be tempted to jump around from game

to game just to try them all out as soon as possible--which unfortunately, is still a

bit of a pain since the only way to switch games is by physically pressing reset on the

system itself.


Although if you have a Wii Classic Controller lying around, you can use that and its home

button instead.

Now full-disclosure, I obviously haven't played every all 21 games all the way through.

But based on the portions that I have, nearly every one of the games, looked, sounded, and

played almost EXACTLY as I remembered--but even shaper thanks to the HDMI output.

Almost too sharp in the case of Star Fox, as the use of dithering which was imperceptible

on the original hardware, is now plain as day--although the optional old-school CRT

does help to hide it.

Even the Super FX games, which are the first time they've ever been officially emulated,

ran nearly flawlessly.

The only exception I noticed was a flashing background whenever Yoshi would get Dizzy

in Yoshi's Island--but unfortunate, but also only affects a handful of levels in the


Those exceptions aside, I'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between the Classic

and a real Super Nintendo...unless maybe you had one of the new borders turned on, which

fills in the black bars with a stationary image, some of which change color to match

what's happening on-screen.

As one who prefers to keep them black, I found them pretty pointless.

Besides a sharper images, the Super NES Classic also provides some other tangible benefits

over playing these games on the original system.

And one of the biggest ones is a feature that returns from the NES Classic being the ability

to create up to 4 Suspend Points for every game, allowing you to quit at any time, and

then pick right back up from where you left at later But the SNES Classic goes one step

farther, now giving you the option to rewind each Save Point by up to a minute or so, allowing

you to resume playing from any point therein in case you screwed up, such as during a boss

battle or something--or you can just watch it like a replay instead, in case you wqant

to relive that sweet turn I pulled off in Super Mario Kart.

The Suspend Points and Rewind features alone makes the entire library even more accessible

than ever before.

Hardware wise, the SNES Classic feels sturdily built--I've already accidentally pulled

it off its shelf a time or two with no damage once so ever.

But I do have some qualms when it comes to the controller--or should I say controllers,

since it thankfully comes with two of them packed-in this time.

On the upside, the cords are 2 feet longer than the pathetically short NES Classic--but

they still feel a little on the short side, coming up two feet shy of the of the original

Super Nintendo.

Secondly, while the Classic controller looks the part, it doesn't exactly feel the part.

Instead of the slippery smooth plastic of the original controller, the imposter features

a rougher, sandpaper-like texture.

It's not uncomfortable, but it will definitely be noticed by those who grew up with the system.

Otherwise, the Super Nintendo Classic is a fantastic piece of hardware, offering instant

access to some of the best games ever created.

Yeah, it still has a few annoyances, like the inability to return to the Home Menu from

the primary controller.

And more games would always be preferable--with the lack of DKC2 or Chrono Trigger being especially


But everything else about the system is sublime--and I love it for that.

Whether you're just looking to rekindle an old flame with games you grew up with,

or looking to create new memories with games you've never played before, the Super NES

Classic offers some of the best experiences in an adorable and easy to use form factor.

Oh, and if you want even more, make sure to check out our full review of Star Fox 2--just

click on the card or the link in the description below.

Thanks for watching and make sure to stay tuned to GameXplain for more on the Super

NES Classic, and everything Nintendo as well.

For more infomation >> Super NES Classic Edition REVIEW - Duration: 5:08.


Classic Log Driver's Waltz updated for 2017 - Duration: 2:05.

Canadian Moments, 1979.

National Film Board releases Log Driver's Waltz animation.

In celebration of Canada 150,

NFB updates the story of the log driver and his wife.

For more infomation >> Classic Log Driver's Waltz updated for 2017 - Duration: 2:05.


ECU takes 2017 Pirate Collegiate Classic; Forbrigd takes individual title in sudden death - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> ECU takes 2017 Pirate Collegiate Classic; Forbrigd takes individual title in sudden death - Duration: 1:16.


Mitsubishi Carisma 1.6 CLASSIC HB Royal Class - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Mitsubishi Carisma 1.6 CLASSIC HB Royal Class - Duration: 0:55.


Benten izle Benten Savaşları Reboot ben ten VS. Ben Ten Classic - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Benten izle Benten Savaşları Reboot ben ten VS. Ben Ten Classic - Duration: 3:17.


Škoda Fabia 1.2 CLASSIC - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Škoda Fabia 1.2 CLASSIC - Duration: 0:51.


52" Harbor Breeze Classic Style ceiling fan - Duration: 1:41.

Hi viewers, here is a video of this Harbor Breeze Classic

on low, medium, and high.

It's currently on low speed.

I'm turning it on medium.

I'm turning it on high.

It has some wobble and it blows good amount of air.

Anyways, thanks for watching, and please remember to comment, rate, and subscribe!

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