Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 9, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Sep 30 2017

Girl's Day Stopped Taking Photos With Fans After They Saw What Was Really Happening

Girls Days Hyeri revealed the real reason why they stopped taking photos with their fans.

In the past, Hyeri was approached by fans who asked for photos, and she happily obliged.

When her schedules were over, she searched #hyeri online and found the photos that she had taken with the fans.

To her surprise, however, the photos had some negative hashtags added along with it, like #notthatprettyIRL.

She also realized that the fans would completely Photoshop their face to look stunning, while she wasnt photo-ready.

Yura shows how Hyeri looks in the photo, compared to the fan who took the photo with her.

While she was happy to take photos with fans, Hyeri realized that these photos could ultimately be used against her.

They would write things like I saw Hyeri in real life but shes not that pretty.

Her personality seemed bad too. I took that photo with them because I was thankful, but I learned that it could be used against me. — Girls Days Hyeri.

Source: Idol Best.

For more infomation >> Girl's Day Stopped Taking Photos With Fans After They Saw What Was Really Happening - Duration: 1:52.


What do cats think about us ? - Duration: 5:46.

For more infomation >> What do cats think about us ? - Duration: 5:46.


What If There Was More Than One God? - Duration: 4:51.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Just about as long as we've been around as a species, large portions of humanity have

followed some sort of religion.

These have come in many forms, but most involve some sort of creator.

In recent years, the monotheistic Abrahamic religions have become far more prevalent,

to the point where most religious people believe in just one God.

However, in centuries past, civilizations like the ancient Greeks and Romans, as well

as the ancient Chinese, were polytheistic, believing in a pantheon of Gods.

Today we'll be discussing what the world would be like if it was, truly, ruled by a

number of gods.

It's time to ask the question: What if there was more than one God?

There are many kinds of polytheistic religions.

For example, the ancient Greeks and Romans both worshiped a pantheon of Gods, each with

their own specialty and powers.

Buddhism, on the other hand, involves many higher beings called Devas, who were people

who obtained great amounts of positive karma and were reborn as god-like beings.

For the sake of clarity, this video will be focusing on the Greek and Roman pantheon-style


Because they're fairly well known, and of course, they're cool.

Is there any better reason?

So how would the world be different if there really was a pantheon of Gods?

Well, for starters, there's a pretty good chance that the polytheistic religions would

still be around in full force today.

The Greeks and Romans worshipped very similar gods, and it's possible that both mythologies

would have lived on.

It's also possible that, if the gods truly were real, they would reveal themselves more

fully and create one true religion that all could agree on.

Another implication of this is that the Abrahamic religions would be proven to be incorrect,

since they claim that a single God exists.

This means that many of the things that occurred either wholly or partially due to these religions

would not have happened.

On the bright side, the terrible things done in the name of religion, like the Crusades,

The Spanish Inquisition, and more recently Islamic Terrorism, may not have taken place.

But it isn't all good news.

The Abrahamic religions have done a great deal of good in the world.

They increased literacy, improved the quality of life in many areas, brought about incredible

literature and architecture, and have had a huge impact on the arts in general.

Without their contributions, it's possible that certain areas of our society would lag

somewhat behind, particularly if the Gods had the affinity for war found in the Roman


But, you may be thinking, if there really were many gods, couldn't they have done

the same things as the Abrahamic religions?

Well, it's certainly possible.

However, the Greek and Roman religions and mythologies had very different values from

the Abrahamic religions that came later.

There was much more interest in making sacrifices and worshipping the clearly egotistical Gods,

often causing war and strife just to settle differences between them.

That said, it could be that very similar things would have occurred.

There was often fighting between those who worshipped one God and those who worshipped


This could potentially lead to holy wars similar to those done in the name of Abrahamic religion.

Furthermore, while many of the ancient gods were rather warlike, that doesn't mean there

was no love of culture in them as well.

Gods like Apollo, the god of Music and Poetry, and Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, would

likely be largely focused on developing science and the arts, and would likely provide support

to the great scientific and artistic minds of the world.

One rather intriguing implication is that the existence of more than one God would explain

a lot about the world.

One issue that many critics have with monotheistic religion is that it doesn't sufficiently

explain suffering in the world.

If there was one God who is all powerful and all loving, why would he allow so many innocent

people to live such terrible lives?

On the other hand, the various quarrels and rivalries between the many gods of polytheistic

religions go a long way to explain why people do suffer.

Evil makes more sense in a world ruled be narcissistic, egotistical beings with far

too much power.

Read into that as you will.

(Maybe show a pic of Trump?)

Finally, we really ought to deal with the fact that this would be a world with actual

gods that exist and involve themselves in human affairs.

The world would be a significantly less predictable place, because you never know when the laws

of physics will suddenly be turned on their head, or when you will suddenly be smote by

a lightning bolt.

If the incredible events described in the mythology continued to occur throughout history,

the story of humanity would be very different, with supernatural events being much more commonplace.

You probably wouldn't skip church if it meant you'd be turned into a spider.

So now we return to our question: What if there was more than one God?

In a world with actual gods, making predictions is more or less impossible, since their supernatural

abilities could change the world in any number of ways.

However, there are certain things we can take from this.

Philosophically, the existence of many gods would go quite a long way to explaining why

suffering and evil exist, something that monotheistic religions struggle to sufficiently explain.

Furthermore, the religions that worshipped the pantheon of gods would likely still be

the predominant ideologies to this day, since if the Gods existed they would probably squash

out any competing false Gods.

The elimination of the monotheistic religions would also likely change the world in both

positive and negative ways, although the polytheistic religions could fall victim to similar events


Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,

and maybe even inspired you to look into the topic further.

If you enjoyed, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.

While you're down there, tell us about your favourite Greek or Roman God.

Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Life's Biggest Questions, wishing you

the best of luck, on your quest for answers.

For more infomation >> What If There Was More Than One God? - Duration: 4:51.


What Was I Thinking: Claudia and Kelly | Million Dollar Matchmaker | WE tv - Duration: 1:46.


I am so tired.

This is a really draining experience.

Like, it's highs, it's lows, you're crying, you're smiling,

you're happy, you're drinking wine,

you're not drinking wine. It's a lot going on.

You check people out when you date them?

I don't know. I'm not a dumb girl.

But I have dealt with some really tricky men.

I was really emotional

when we started talking about my issues with my father.

You're gonna call him.

Going through the process, I realize that, you know,

I still have some unresolved issues.

Claudia has really broken some ground here.

What I need you to understand is,

he made mistakes,

but you're not gonna marry a man like him.

I'm excited that Jorge has chosen

to go out with me on another date.

But he's a lawyer, so he's a smart man.

I had so much fun this week at the Millionaires Club.

First of all, I'm tan. Second of all, I'm so relaxed.

And I had such a great time. I learned so much.

Did she not give you body language to want to kiss?

There's a time and place,

because you're trying to see does it feel right.

The thing that I really didn't like about Sterling is

that, you know, he was just talking so much

and he wasn't listening to me.

So there's just a total difference

between hearing someone and listening to them.

This is a lesson.

It's better for you to use him as training wheels

to get out in the new world.

These are new muscles you've never used before.

There's two great takeaways from this week.

The first takeaway is to really take care of myself.

This is obviously

to take the edge off before the mingle.

[Laughs] A vibrator.

You plug it in, and you can charge it in your computer.

Yeah, that's what you want to do --

charge it in your computer.

The other great takeaway is just,

now that I've reconnected with myself,

to just really take care of myself.

The modern girl should always be prepared,

'cause some guys are "battery not included."

[Laughs] I'm...


For more infomation >> What Was I Thinking: Claudia and Kelly | Million Dollar Matchmaker | WE tv - Duration: 1:46.


Conversation with Melinda Gates: What Was Your Pathway Into Tech? - Duration: 5:13.

I didn't start studying computer science until college,

which I think is really common for a lot of us.

And I almost took a programming class in high school,

but a girlfriend of mine had said,

"You know, nobody takes that class,

it's just a bunch of dudes."

And so I said, "Okay",

and then I took something else with her.

And then my freshman year at the UW

I took a computer science class.

And it took maybe two weeks I think

before I changed my major

and wanted to study that.

Well, in high school I had a teacher

who was my math teacher,

and she'd gone to a convention

and seen these things called computers.

Apple had just come out with their Apple II,

so she went to the principal of the school,

it was an all-girls school,

headed by a nun, and said, "We need to get some of these

for the girls," and so she succeeded

in getting about a dozen computers.

And she just asked a bunch of us in math class,

it was an all-girl school, "So do you wanna do this thing?

We can make it really fun".

And so a bunch of us signed up.

And so I didn't have the thing

about okay, were guys better than me or not.

It was just a bunch of girls

and we were just coding away.

And then I got in college, and not very many women

in my freshman class, and

almost none my sophomore year.

And so I just got used to that in college,

I was there for three years just basically

being in classes with males,

I mean that's just kinda what you did,

and yeah, so I got hooked.

You know, it's not like it came naturally

to me immediately, but the fact that it was kinda

challenging for me I thought was really fun,

and so I kinda kept at it and it felt really rewarding

I think, because of that.

I spent a summer, a week of my summer,

at the UW DawgBytes camp, which is like just

a week to introduce girls to coding.

And I fell in love with it because it's the perfect balance

of creativity and logic.

I can't draw for my life,

(group laughs)

but you can create a lot of things just with code.

Tell us more about TUNE House and what it does for you,

and the community of support,

and we'd just love to hear more about that.

The TUNE House is a program where I guess eight

of us are coming together who are interested

in pursuing tech, and it's a scholarship program

where we live in this space.

Sometimes in tech it's difficult for us

to share our stories of failure as well as success.

And this space has been really important for that,

having that discussion.

Kind of just having that time to think about what went wrong

and discuss what went wrong and how we can improve,

in addition to celebrating each other's successes,

which is equally important.

But having that balance, and having the really friendly

and open and safe space to do that

has been really important.

Yeah, it's interesting you use the word safe.

Cause that's what a lot of women will talk to you about

in something, anything they're trying to pursue that's hard,

having a safe space to do it in, right?

Makes a huge difference

to feeling like you can move forward

and that you're supported.

And who are some of your role models?

Actually a lot of my role models were astronauts,

so Kalpana Chawla,

Sally Ride, Buzz Aldrin,

so all these people that were so brave

and they went to space

and just having that sort of

I'm pushing the boundaries of what can be done

and literally pushing the boundaries of

what can be done on Earth.

So just having that idea in the back of your head growing up

was really.

You know it's interesting so my dad worked on

the very earliest Apollo missions

like when they landed

(group laughing)

on the moon, he was an engineer that

they worked on radiators actually for the Apollo mission,

so as a little girl

he would take my sister and me and my mom

and we'd go in our pajamas to his friend's house,

who's also an engineer across town

and we'd all wait and wait by the black and white set

to watch the rocket,

of course you know it would take longer and longer

and I'd fall asleep and they'd wake me up for it,

but I think that idea that engineering and mathematics

is boundless, that you could put a man on the moon, right?

Cause then when I got into software,

that was what interested me so much

when I came and interviewed for the job at Microsoft

is they were creating something new that didn't exist.

They knew they were changing the world,

cause they're making something that doesn't exist.

And same thing when you all create a new app today, right

or any new thing that you're doing,

you're expanding the possibilities, which is pretty neat.

How important was it that quite a few of the TAs

and professors are women?

Like had it been all male TAs and all male professors,

would that have been a different experience you think?

Most likely,

actually the professor that I have for the first

class in the series, Riley Porter,

she was amazing and I looked up to her

and just seeing how successful she was,

even at such a young age was really inspiring to me.

And so Melinda, what would be

your biggest piece of advice to these


Stick with it.

(group laughing)

The possibilities are so endless in this field,

I mean what you can create from neural networks

to machine learning, to biology and chemistry,

to you know some new app that'll change somebody's life,

wow, just keep going.

If I was starting over again

I would definitely go into tech again, no doubt about it.

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