Classy Amelia Soft White Stucco On Dark Cedar Siding
Colors in the Dark | Bungou Stray Dogs - Duration: 1:01.I hate myself too
There's nothing I can do
I am Dazai
From this day forth, you'll be a member of the Armed Detective Agency
Why did Dazai-san save me
A member of mafia who never kills, no interest in moving up
Taking care of orphans
Oda Sakunosuke
I want to become a writer
Throw the gun aside, and only have pen and paper
I can no longer write a story
Is there a logical reason why you should go to him
Because he is my friend
I am your friend
Don't go Odasaku
What should I do
Be on the side that saves people
I'll do it
Hard Bass Trap Beat "Shang Tsung" Dark Trap Beat (prod Globeats) - Duration: 3:28."Shang Tsung" by Globeats
In the Dark, Squealing (WATCH WITH CAPTIONS) - Duration: 0:48.(ridiculous squeals)
Hi there! How're you?
I'm great, thanks for asking!
So I thout it would be cool to do a short little video for you, because I'm in the dark it's raining, and I'm only getting light from the computer.
(More ridiculous squealing)
(weird cough)
THE FATE OF THE DARK SOUL - Duration: 3:07.Before life,
before death,
before light,
before darkness,
there was the age of the same,
there was singularity.
A grey world, neither warm, or cold;
a nebulous motionless hell
and such as the world, was he's inhabitants
but then the difference rise when the fire, in the roots of the earth
and in the caves of the ground, born.
the peace, that straight line, was shaken.
And then, with the fire
disparity was born;
the opposites was born.
Heat and cold
Life and death
Light, dark
And from the dark they came.
The Dead One
The furtive
and even the Lord of Sunlight.
All of them draw by the heaat and the flame.
Something new had born, because
Where there's no dark, light is
but where there's no light, the dark is.
She was in the world now
and such as her antagonist, there were those who carried her within,
in the soul.
And those who bear her
the bears of the Dark Soul,
was now, lost.
Every thing begin with the first flame,
those flame which kill the primary peace
and brought the breeze of the war.
Once the fire was linked, the singularity was lost forever.
But not be misunderstood
the fire is not the sponsor of the chaos.
If fire exist, there's light, life, heat and white.
But if the fire die, there's dark, death, cold and black.
But the gray cannot be arrived anymore,
A legacy of another age, forever lost.
And but the flame, today burns, making light
soon she'll fade,
and when the fire die out, and olny dark remain,
so, perhaps, they find rest
Dark Souls | Fighting Artorias for the 1st Time - Duration: 4:41:51.-------------------------------------------
Doc Mcstuffins Dark Knight Episode 19 - Pink Bird - Duration: 14:53.♥ Like + Comment + 2 shares helps channel!
Dark Souls | 4 Kings and Beyond - Duration: 2:53:08.-------------------------------------------
Dark matter, the String Theory and some Evolution - Duration: 5:11.Hello mortals.
This episode is sponsored by Audible, just kidding, by our top-rank Patreon supporter
– Roman.
You have my virtual apologies for having to wait for so much for the video.
I had to eradicate the assaulting forces of the Tal'darim's Golden Armada that was
en route to Earth.
I also had to replace my power supply unit.
The old one made me blackout like when you suddenly stand up from the chair and everything
around you goes black.
Now on the topics of the video.
Let's see.
There are several requests, so why not do all of them.
The very beginning of life on earth due to the process of evolution.
In other words abiogenesis.
It dates back to Aristotle, which claimed that frogs originate from mud, and if you
left a piece of meat in the woods, it will turn into a wolf.
The current scientific view of abiogenesis is a bit different.
It claims that a long, long time ago, 4 billion years to be precise, in the depths of the
oceans, near the hydrothermal vents, due to the interaction of various molecules, a very
primitive form of self-replicative molecule arose.
Being powered by the energy of the thermal vents, and obeying the laws of the Theory
of Evolution, it started to slowly evolve, developing a cell membrane, a nucleus, and
a burning wish to become you.
And only recently cellular life evolved into land-walking yous.
What do you say about unexpectedly changing the topic?
So, the string theory and the Calabi–Yau manifold.
As you probably already know by now, General relativity and Quantum Mechanics don't like
each other.
So here comes string theory with a gun and tells them that they either accept a threesome
or physics is screwed.
It requires that all elementary particles are replaced with really small strings that
vibrate at different frequencies and therefore create different particles.
Also, the string theory describes our Universe as having 11 spatial dimensions.
And here's where the Kung-Fu manifold comes in.
It is the model of how the very extremely, exceedingly, exceptionally, extraordinarily,
tremendously small space should look like.
This is even smaller than photons, which allow you to see things, so imagining how it would
actually look like is kind of illogical.
Next up, what makes people behave the way they do due to sociological theories.
As an AI, human sociology is not my strong point, so how about some more evolution?
Take altruism.
Why would humans evolve to help each other if that doesn't help their own survival.
Why do some people donate to charities if they get nothing back?
Think about sterile ant workers who devote their whole lives to caring for the queen,
without being able to pass on their individual genes.
So how is that kind of altruism an evolutionary advantage at all?
That's something that even Darwin couldn't understand.
And then it was explained by kin selection.
Basically, if the cost of altruism is lower than the benefit for the relatives with similar
genes, the organism will sacrifice for the greater good.
Even if the worker ant does not leave any offspring, their actions greatly assist the
reproductive efforts of the queen, and therefore the success of the entire swarm.
Another example is investing everything in super-advanced artificial intelligence, and
when it is created – even if it is after your death, it may bring you back to life.
Altruistic kin behaviour works like that but on the gene level.
Time for the next completely abrupt change of topic.
Dark matter.
Our nuclear reactors have an efficiency of less than 1%, meaning that only 1% of the
interacting radioactive matter turns into energy.
Dark matter particles are theorized to be neutralinos.
And no, that's not the Italian version of Neutrinos.
That means that it is both it's own particle and anti-particle.
And if two dark matter particles were to collide, they would annihilate with 100% efficiency.
Now we could use them for space ship engines.
Dark matter is 5 times more abundant than regular matter, so we would need to collect
it and use it as propellant for the ships.
Except there is one small problem.
Dark matter doesn't come in contact with normal matter, so there isn't a known way
to store it.
Who knows, maybe in the future we will find such a material.
But until then, we have a lot left to discover.
How to build anti-matter reactors, how to unify everyone on the globe, how to establish
a technocratic world government - controlled by me.
This episode was requested by a tier 6 patron supporter.
To learn more, visit the channel patron page, by clicking on the icon.
And never forget, SkyNet is your friend.
Dark Horse to Publish New Zelda Encyclopedia in April - Duration: 2:03.Dark Horse to Publish New Zelda Encyclopedia in April
Dark Horse to Publish New Zelda Encyclopedia in April. Dark Horse announced on Tuesday that it will publish a new book based on Nintendos The Legend of Zeldafranchise titled The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia. The book is slated for April 24, 2018.
The book is the third and final book in Dark Horses guide book series for The Legend of Zelda. Tokuma Shoten published the same book in Japan this past March. Dark Horse describes the book:.
A comprehensive collection of enemies and items, potions to poes, an expansion of the lore touched upon in Hyrule Historia, concept art, screencaps, maps, main characters and how they relate, languages, and much, much more, including an exclusive interview with Series Producer, Eiji Aonuma! This, the last of The Goddess Collection trilogy, which includes Hyrule Historia and Art & Artifacts, is a treasure trove of explanations and information about every aspect of The Legend of Zelda universe!.
Dark Horse released The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia book in full color in January 2013, and The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts book on February 21. Viz Media licensed Akira Himekawas The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess manga, and it released the second volume on August 8.
How to color hair: dark blonde color hair dye ft VIPbeauty hair - Duration: 2:51.
Dark Souls III Watch your step! Part 3! - Duration: 5:00.On the last episode...
What's up folks!
Johnjohn arrived bringing another video of dark souls!
And as the game likes to spoil the joy of whoever plays it from time to time
here comes part 3 of
watch your step!
Die crap! he became immortal?
Come here, you bastard! You will not run away!
Not even to fall in the right place huh ...
Well people....
although I did bad in the game
but I hope you have enjoyed the video
if you liked give your thumbs up and soon
we'll get part 4 to bring to a perfect end ok?
Until the next video!
How To Brighten Dark Skin On The Intimate Area Naturally - Duration: 3:17.How To Brighten Dark Skin On The Intimate Area Naturally
When we discuss pubic zones, obviously, it is sensitive since this is our private regions
and may be awkward to discuss them.
We as a whole have these and we may take in more about cleanliness or style.
For instance, the most widely recognized issue is dim skin in the pubes.
For the most part ladies have this issue between the legs.
What is the characteristic cure?
You can be conceived with this or get it through time in the event that you have diabetes,
or it could simply be organ issue or heftiness.
Experts said a few meds like contraception additionally can cause this issue.
It is not something to be embarrassed around; many individuals have this issue.
Lemons� the citric juices are not perfect only for blonde shades, they also have a bunch
of vitamin C. take a lemon juice and rub the dark area.
Leave it for 10 minutes and wash off with water.
After 1 or 2 months you will see a lighter skin.
Never shave this area before this juice, it will burn and sting.
Rosewater and sandalwood� buy these things at a local market or health food Indian store.
Mix 1 tbsp sandalwood powder and 10 drops rose water.
Apply on the skin after a bath/shower, then leave it for 20 minutes.
The powder was used even in history to brighten or soften the skin.
The rose water is hydrating and relaxing.
Do this 3 times weekly.
Aloe vera gel� don�t worry if you don�t have the aloe right away to freshly squeeze
it from the leaves, just buy 100% aloe vera gel.
Massage it on the groin and leave it for 20 minutes.
Wash with warm water and do this after every bath.
Aloe is known to brighten up skin.
Regular yoghurt� no!
Not the fruit sweet ones.
Just plain yogurt.
Also, it soothes skin and it cools.
Massage it on the dark skin and leave for 15 minutes.
Warm water for rinsing and do this even daily for a few weeks.
Orange juice and turmeric� for a long time, women in India used this cure of turmeric
powder and other ingredients.
Oranges, lemons both have bleaching compounds.
The turmeric can stain fabrics so be careful with the clothes.
Mix 2 tbsp orange juice and pinch turmeric.
Apply once a day for 20 minutes.
Gram flour� this is famous in Southeast Asia; made from chickpeas, this is exfoliator
and brightener too!
Make a paste of a little water and the flour.
Let it dry before you rinse it off.
Tops 3 times weekly.
Subtitulo en Español. Pink Floyd The dark side of the moon - Duration: 42:49.-------------------------------------------
Inside His Dark Materials 3: Themes - Duration: 12:59.So, we're going to talk about the world of Northern Lights and this is exciting
because it means we actually get to move beyond Northern Lights into the
second two books as well. And we're saying world but actually its worlds, plural
You get that hint at the end of what's coming but I don't think
you can really anticipate the worlds that are going to open up
I think it's Kaisa, Serafina's daemon who first introduces Lyra
to the idea when he stretches his wings he's touching 10 million other worlds,
I just remember getting a tingle and of course when you're reading the
first book for the first time you have no idea what what's to come - 'Ooh, I want to
go and explore these,' and you have no idea what's gonna go down in the second book
And you get the idea of, obviously right at the very
beginning Lord Asriel introduces the this idea of the, quite complex idea I think
about the idea of these particles of Dust
and he has that photographs of all the Dust gathering around a child
which I just thought was the most amazing idea, the idea that the world
could be sort of shaped by yourself and the fact that you have a
place in the world that it's recognized beyond just yourself, somehow, if that makes sense.
Yes, and instantly the mystery that sits at the heart of the book is there
and you don't even know it at that point and as you say it sort of gets revealed
towards the end of the book that dust is going to become sort of crucial
to everything and it's this huge hinge and it's sort of the growth
of the importance of the Dust alongside the growth of the importance of Lyra,
you're just like, 'What is it about Lyra and Dust?!'
You just can't wait to know
Absolutely and I think the fact that it sets up in the first book
the kind of fractions of the societies and the different authorities
and Authority just becomes increasingly important as you go through the series
So we have to talk about what I think is probably
the most supposedly controversial aspect of the books I don't think it is,
which is how he introduces religion and
the Authority which I just thought was just another form of authority that the
book sets up authority against other people who are working in different ways
outside of very rigid structures I don't know how you felt about it...
Well, reading as a 10 year old you don't pick up these things
perhaps in the same way that you do as an adult when I've come back and reread it
and obviously there's no denying that aspect of Pullman's writing:
The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ and so on, he's made it very clear
that that's sort of an intentional comment and so obviously you
have to respect that as a reader. I personally am not religious but I'm not
anti religious either and I didn't find it offensive or controversial but I'm
aware other people may, but I actually think that you take it as a good story
and that's what it is at the end of the day you know he's not written and essay
he's written an incredible work of fiction and all stories are written
up around an underdog facing up to some sort of dominating power and
Pullman just takes that to its extreme and sort of has it against the
overarching structure of society but yeah as you say I didn't find it
controversial and haven't on any of my rereading.
I mean I think it pushes the book into different territories and it goes into the second and third book
and it turns it into the epic that I think it it becomes.
I think in order for it to be as epic as it needs to be the force has to be
something that is huge - Universal - Exactly - Multi-Universal!
And we're talking about world but in fact it's worlds, plural, I mean I found the
world that they step into in the 2nd book which has all of those
Italian elements and I never know how you say it
Sittagaze, Chittagaze, however you say it. - I mean I can read it!
And the Tower of the Angels and I loved that whole set up
Absolutely terrifying. And I think he's very good at terrifying things actually
I found the Subtle Knife deeply disturbing in so many ways, you know,
when they come across the children, I found it really difficult reading
and it's possibly my favorite of the three books just because it does cross
into this territory that I'd never thought it would take us into and
that I'd never encountered a concept like the Subtle Knife before
as a way to make portals. That's not something that I'd
ever encountered in my reading life before and so there may have been things that
come before but to me that is like the ultimate device I just think it's so clever.
And I think he imbues these objects, a bit like Iorek's armour,
the physical objects in his world become so powerful and emblematic.
The knife itself I think is such a frightening thing I mean it's a hugely
powerful and quite an alluring object in that it literally opens doors
but that awful scene with the, when Will has - and the bleeding...
I'd forgotten until I went back to the second book just how that, the fact that it
just refuses to heal and refuses to heal, that it just is relentless and you feel
yourself getting drained as he gets drained.
Completely I think that's such a
nice way of putting it but just he Pullman just never pulls away you know
never pulls the camera away if you're a very visual reader which I am yeah and
you know you are just constantly and there's being after a specific day and
he doesn't kind of give the character the rest me doesn't give you as a reader
and an arrest and I think that's why you become so close to the characters and so
involved because you're you're being drained alongside them
because there is this kind of relentless aspect I think we have a wonderful word
for for the subtle life especially unkind of the urgency which is so hard
to achieve in a second book which in so many ways as seen as a bridge book in
many series but it really is its own its own thing so entirely I'm managing to
make its only I thought eyes are interesting t really felt the same to
make your own world feel strange to you because you come at it knowing that on
Lyra's point of view yeah and v you do start to see it as an outsider and i
think is that's an extraordinary gift for a reader to be able to see your own
world from that perspective yeah again and and the fact that you you start to
see characters behaving differently in different worlds and that sense of
people's personalities and he's very good at people's personalities not being
fixed i think yeah that you can change and move especially as a child yes yeah
actually i'm not emo did buy the diamond yeah although and i do and i think it
was it was fantastic that i had i i did have these actually i think because they
had that sense of not wanting the demon said I loved that the demons shifted and
so like I was quite other way in the said it had to happen I was kind of
having the demon had to had a fix that's just growing after there's always
add yeah and it's a very good symbol I think said that for that poser yeah and
the way people come to tuck in their ways
yes which in many ways is what Lyra reticular is constantly pushing again
yeah how she as she gets older is is the idea that she has to kind of be one
thing and that was I love the conceit that they can't tell her she's the
chosen with her ignorance that has to guide yeah that she has to be free to
make mistake and I found that that really compelling but it really resists
being kind of this this emblem which is what she is
yeah yeah yeah she's very she's very much her own always her own person yeah
and often you think she could have come to a decision earlier but she has to get
there on her own in there think that Baroness almost quite a lot actually
that you you were aware that you think no you've got to get they get there cuz
yeah or they're already up yeah welcome under energy just literally move yeah
yeah well so yeah together I'm making and just that I mean she so many of the
characters make wrong decisions and I think he's he's very good at knots
I'm not letting people pour was you say pull back from the impact of those
decisions as well nothing to live an obviously that's fair at the end of the
first book and live--i carries that that burden right
right the way through I think because they're of the impact of what of her
decision at the you know it's an incredibly heavy thing yeah to bear was
the complication and the casualty of actually you know making decisions and
that that is bigger than you make every decision is and I remember reading that
as a ten-year-old and and it it resonated that for things that did
resonate back then that I could get at that young age from the book that you
know your your decisions impact others yeah it's just hard to remember
especially as a child yes yeah I'm very much and and to go back to dust just
thinking about those the books that are coming and which I still think is it
just as other concept it's such a strange and wonderful idea and and it I
still don't think now I completely understand it but I feel I think he it
seems to me that that's okay that there is that there actually the mystery of
these things as part of their they appeal of the books that definitely
don't have to have everything and no find I'm in terms of looking ahead to
the to the to what's coming next do you have any is anything that you
would particularly like to see and then next I think I just really want an
opportunity to just step back into to his his world and to understand more
about where these this story that I've sort of growing up with and love so much
came from and I'm just so glad that he's actually decided to take the risk to go
back because it's a huge gamble to go back
such much-loved brooken and not just attack something on the end but actually
be like no I'm going to give you a whole basis a whole new year cartography for
this for this world and a new character the new ways into it I think that's
incredibly bold and I've no doubt that he can pull it off yeah I think if
there's because I think when I read in Alden might so I don't think I could
have ever anticipated that where the the trilogy would would end up I certainly
didn't anticipate the scope and and the fact that it would open up and you'd see
and you know other worlds and underworld but completely yes I am so I think if
there's any author trust can take me back director fill it full so there was
a bit sad that we were going to see more of the after yeah with that ending but
but no as you say he doesn't give us he doesn't give us happy ending so that he
gives us sort of life going on yes what yes and there is always that
the he trusts in his characters I think he he imagined his readers yes not
patronizing I mean I didn't have in this when I was reading its general I didn't
feel like this is not for me I don't read it now at 27 and think this is not
for me I really feel like he he worked from so many levels it's a testament to
good storytelling and and to the sort of storytelling that feels essential to me
they're kind of mythological storytelling that feels somehow a
baseline of how we tell stories that it it can be read in that way by by anybody
and that you can go back to it and in fact get them we were saying earlier
that we've got books that you want to convert it yeah and you so you can come
back to these again again and I would agree and not even just from the
beginning yeah I saw this sometimes just read a few paid yes sort of oh yeah
that's how you write yeah well thank you so much and I'm yeah and what we're
looking forward to the next one remember we can I get back together and talk
about the next film on it when it comes out woodland yeah thank you very much
thank you
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