The impact of Hurricane - Tropical Storm Irma Not yet known for sure, whether to the United States
EUROPE! JAPAN! UNITED STATES! - Let's ENERGIZE Your Business! - Duration: 9:44.(peaceful music)
- Hello, Mark Stevens, CEO of Trévo.
I'm excited to share the new promotion
that we're launching called Energize.
It will start on September the first,
and this will be for Japan, Europe, and the United States.
We're very excited about this promotion.
We're going to be doing a reward called Token rewards
for your efforts that you accomplish
in building your Trévo business.
This promotion's built around all the activities necessary
for success in Trévo.
The tokens are earned each and every month,
and the following month they can be redeemed,
or they can be accumulated over the promotion
and redeemed before the closing date,
which will be March 15th 2018.
Qualifications must be met in one calendar month
in order to earn tokens.
So the activities required have to be done
in one calendar month, the calendar month of September,
and you redeem those tokens in October
and so forth throughout the promotions.
Promotion runs six months.
So the first part of the promotion is called our
Personal Enrollments.
When you enroll three life and health coaches
with a PS2 or greater, you will earn 200 Trévo tokens.
Then, for any additional enrollment you do that month,
you'll earn an additional 75 tokens for each enrollment
of a PS2 or greater.
Now, when you have a PS1 or two enroll,
if they upgrade within that calendar month,
you'll get to count them as one of your enrollments also.
The next part is PS6.
When someone on your first generation
that you have personally enrolled,
whether they enrolled during the promotion
or they enrolled prior to the promotion starting,
you will earn 200 tokens when they upgrade to a PS6
during this promotion.
Now I wanna make one thing clear.
If someone enrolls for a PS6 to start,
you'll not only get the tokens for the enrollments
if they're part of your three,
but you will also get 200 tokens
for them coming in at a PS6 or if they upgrade
at a PS6 during the promotion.
Now, for the individual upgrading,
we're using the free qualification bottles
so that they don't also have to purchase a QVP
to qualify for commissions.
So if they upgrade from a PS1 to a two,
they get a one-bottle qualifier, and so forth
as you will see on the Trévo flier for this promotion.
They do not receive actual, physical product,
but they receive the qualification.
So that is anyone on your first generation,
whether they came in during the promotion
or when you first started your business
all the way from the beginning.
The third part: this is your QVP orders.
This is for individuals on your first generation,
your personally enrolled again,
when they purchase their QVP.
So, if on your first generation,
you have three life and health coaches
that do three bottles or greater in a calendar month,
you'll receive 100 tokens.
Or, if you have first generation three life and health
coaches that purchase six bottles,
you'll receive 200 tokens.
Or, if you have six on your first generation
who purchase three bottles or greater,
you'll receive 300 tokens.
Or you have six on your first generation that do six bottles
or greater, you'll get 600 tokens.
Notice the word or is there.
That means that you can only receive
one of these amounts of tokens
within one calendar month,
and you don't get to multiply that.
It's simply either 100, 200, 300, or 600 tokens
that you can earn in one calendar month
when your first generation, those are your team members,
that you personally brought into the business,
do their QVP order for qualification.
One thing I wanna mention is
the upgrade qualification bottles
that we do for the individuals upgrading towards the PS6,
those do not count towards this qualification.
And then we have, what I think is super exciting,
that is our First Time Ranking.
These are cash bonuses that you
and your team members can earn.
So, when a life and health coach for the first time
ranks at platinum executive leader,
they have opportunity to earn a 500-dollar cash bonus.
Now, you'll need to convert that in Europe
for Euros or Pounds and in Japan into Yen.
And if you hit the white sapphire director,
another 500 dollars.
I do want to mention that at platinum executive,
at least 30% of the volume can come from one leg.
That means you have to have multiple team legs
on your first generation.
At the white sapphire, no more than 25% volume
can come from one leg.
Emerald director: another 500-dollar cash bonus.
No more than 25% of the volume coming from that leg.
Yellow diamond elite: a 5,000-dollar cash bonus.
White diamond: 10,000-dollar cash bonus.
This is a powerful promotion
for not only for your team to be rewarded for their efforts
but for you to set goals in ranking
in the recognition program,
so you can qualify for the global pool bonuses,
which is where leaders are really
rewarded for their efforts.
I'm excited about this, and I know that many of you
are gonna qualify for these cash bonuses because
you are focused, you have the power to go out
and develop a very, very strong business.
Now, let's talk about redeeming your tokens.
This is the fun part.
This is again, you can redeem them the following month
after you earn them or accumulate them towards
maybe a larger prize that's available, a reward.
So, for 100 tokens you can get one bottle QVP.
For 100 tokens you could choose to get ten Trévos to go.
The Trévos to go are not an auto-ship qualifier.
You could do, for 200 tokens, two bottles,
or 200 tokens: 20 Trévos to go.
Again the two bottles is a QVP qualifier.
The 20 bottles of Trévo to go are not.
And then the 300 tokens, three bottles.
300 tokens: two bottles and ten Trévos to go.
Or 300 tokens, you could get 30 Trévos to go.
100 tokens: you could get one of the promotional t-shirts.
And then for 75 tokens you can get
one of the tote bags that promote the promotion.
Then, this is what's exciting,
for 1,500 tokens you can get an Android cell phone.
2,200 tokens: a tablet.
3,500 tokens: a flat-screen TV.
Or 4,200 tokens: you could get a laptop computer.
So, here's the strategy that I would use.
What I would do, is I would get enough tokens each month
to get my QVP qualifier for free,
so I don't have to spend any money out of my pocket,
and I get the product that I'm going to use
each and every month to be an example of Trévo.
And then I would do extra effort to accumulate
additional tokens so that I can later qualify
for some of the technology items.
At Trévo, we wanna make sure that you know
that we appreciate everything that you're doing.
You know, my wife Holli and I, our passion is people.
It's about people living their best life.
We want people to know that, through the platform of Trévo,
people can experience wellness
that they've never experienced before.
They can experience prosperity
they've never experienced before.
And they can find a place
where they can make a difference in the world
because, for us, that's what life is all about.
It's not what we get for ourselves.
It's what we do to impact other people's lives.
That's our passion, that's our mission for this company,
and we're so grateful that you have become a part
of this great mission.
Now, I want you to understand that this promotion
is a way for not only you to be rewarded,
but for a path for your team members
to be able to build their business,
move up in the ranking, and build a business
that will bring in a residual income
that will reward them month after month,
year after year that can change their story
and the future of their family.
We're all about affecting generations
through the Trévo opportunity, the Trévo platform,
and we want it to affect yours.
So get involved in the promotion.
Move out, begin to expand your business,
begin to build your teams so that you, too,
can reap the rewards of the Energized promotion
that we're launching on September 1,
and we're excited that you're a part.
Thank you so much, and God bless you.
(peaceful music)
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