Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 9, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Sep 1 2017

IU And Her Stylist Exchange Funny Comments About Her Fashion

Last weeks episode of JTBCs Hyoris Homestay showed a hilarious scene of Lee Hyori and shopping and.

Since the episode aired, a conversation between IU and her stylist has become popular on internet communities. On her personal Instagram, IUs stylist posted a screenshot from Hyoris Homestay where Lee Hyori said, Why are you buying that? to IU.

Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.

The stylists post came with a caption that said, This is what I say to Ji Eun (IUs real name) when I see her buying clothes…Why did you buy this?… Interestingly, she does pull it off well. But….still…..

Then, IU added a comment to this post that said, But when I go to the airport, I think a lot about my outfits and dress properly so that my stylist wont be embarrassed.

For more infomation >> IU And Her Stylist Exchange Funny Comments About Her Fashion - Duration: 1:14.


New Zealand fashion creators share their talismanic objects - Duration: 4:36.

I'm really sentimental, but I also really like a good story.

I found it while walking on the beach in Matarangi.

And on the back it has a really beautiful inscription

that says "Violet Richan, Dux, 21st of the 12th, 1922."

You know, there's so much potential in this can.

It could honestly be anything.

So, it's a beautiful, really delicate, fine metal.

It's got little floral designs around the edge.

I just really liked the porosity and the way

that it's been worn away over time.

All of the environmental impact that's kind of worn its shape.

And it's funny to look at them and pull them out and think

that that was 50 or 60 years ago.

And think something that was once money is now

just a piece of metal.

So I got into painting about eight or so years ago,

and it was just a really good way for me

to get whatever I had going on off my chest.

My great grandmother Violet was female dux

of her school in 1922, and I think

that's a pretty awesome achievement

for a woman of her time.

I hear she was quite an outrageous lady.

My great uncle left my family a coin collection when he died.

And his whole life he talked to us

and our family about this coin collection

that he was going to bring us.

And they sit in a cupboard, and I always hated the fact

that something that used to have so much value and someone's

pride and joy became nothing.

People always ask me why and how I

came across sewing coins into my clothes and my outerwear.

To say that it was a thought out process

is a post rationalised lie.

Rather than thinking about a particular vibe or trend,

I try to think about a feeling that I

had when I was at the beach, and that calm and stillness.

And so all of the pieces that I've been working on recently

have been trying to evoke the sense

of the surface of the water, or the shape and stillness

and permanence of a rock, and those organic shapes

that you get.

In my garments that I make, I look at them

the same way I did at a canvas.

So when I used to paint, it would

be whatever was going on in my own life,

or what was going on around me, and it was my thoughts

and feelings on those things.

That's what I used to put on the canvas.

That's what I do with my garments.

I design in the same way.

I take a scenario or something and I just

start to build on it.

My great grandmother's dux medal informed my thinking

significantly when I was in university.

And my final graduate collection

was called Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.

And it was based around the attitudes

that the women in my family have always held

that sort of translated into my designs and clothing,

and just my ethos around the business in general.

So I was using this to mark the pocket inside the bag,

and inadvertently it got stitched into the pocket lining.

I dropped it off to a customer the next day.

And then they decided to email me and tell me

"The way you sewed that coin into that bag, it touches me

and it makes me feel so good, and that's such a cool idea."

And I just played along with the idea,

and then it became part of what I do.

It was a great way to tie in the arc between me trying

to give purpose to these coins again,

and me trying to create meaningful goods

that people relate to.

I think you get a real sense of satisfaction when

you finish something and you know that you

have made it with your hands.

You don't feel like the technology has

done a lot of the job for you.

Anything that's in my mind, anything that I dream,

or that I envision, I can put that out.

I can put that onto a canvas.

I can create something that wasn't there before.

I just like to build out different layers of stories

behind each of the garments and why they're there.

Through my clothes I'm kind of reliving memories

of my past and my family.

Our school motto is "Aim for the Highest."

A bit of a lame way of saying it, but really just going

out and making the world yours.

And not bending to what people expect of you,

or tell you you can't do.

For more infomation >> New Zealand fashion creators share their talismanic objects - Duration: 4:36.


Ellen Talks All Things Fashion - Duration: 3:17.

That's right, I completely forgot, we flew an entire audience from New York.

>> [LAUGH] >> Welcome to Los Angeles, where we have

beautiful weather, beautiful celebrities, and terrible bagels, I'm sorry.

>> [LAUGH] >> Not gonna compete with you on that.

One thing I love about New Yorkers is that you're very, very fashion savvy.

>> [LAUGH] >> I go to New York, and

I always see people very, very well dressed walking around.

Sometimes there's a naked person on the subway, but-

>> [LAUGH]

>> For the most part, you're well dressed.

So today, I thought I would show you some new fashion trends that are out there,

just in case.

You probably already have them, but- >> [LAUGH]

>> Because you got your finger

on the pulse.

Okay, so I did some online shopping, and these are all real items that you can buy.

A lot of people are talking about these new jeans from Nordstrom.

They're called Barracuda Straight Leg Jeans.

>> [LAUGH] >> Have you seen,

they're covered in fake mud?

>> [LAUGH] >> If you want to trick your spouse into

thinking you were doing yard work.

>> [LAUGH] >> $425 they cost, so yep.

And, I wonder if people buy these, and they get upset if they get them dirty?

Like, ugh. >> [LAUGH]

>> Damn it, I got real mud on my fake mud.

>> [LAUGH] >> Then,

here's another style that they're selling.



>> Yeah.

These are called, clear knee mom jeans.

>> [LAUGH] >> They put the no in Nordstrom, I think.

>> [LAUGH] >> The ad says,

a slick, plastic panels bare your knees for futuristic feel.

>> [LAUGH] >> Honestly,

that's not what I thought the future would feel like.

>> [LAUGH] >> Here's a shirt,

also, from Sandy Leeang.

This is the designer.

And, it's hard to see how pretty it is on there, but-

>> [LAUGH]

>> I guess, jeans have windows, and

shirts need curtains, so.

>> [LAUGH] >> This one has a little sleeve right here

in case you get chilly on that arm right there.

>> [LAUGH] >> You know how sometimes you turn shirts

into dust cloths?

This is the other way around.

>> [LAUGH] >> This was a dust cloth that somebody

decided to make a shirt.

>> [LAUGH] >> And finally, here's something.

This is from Urban Outfitters.

Here it is.

>> [LAUGH]


>> It's called,

Out From Under extreme crop tank top shrug.

>> [LAUGH] >> The name is bigger than the outfit.

>> [LAUGH] >> This really is what it looks like.

It's a tank top.

It comes halfway down to your chest.

I've seen necklaces cover more.

>> [LAUGH] >> It's a little hat for your bra.

>> [LAUGH] >> If this is what people think they want,

here I'm going to make it better.

I have an idea.

>> [SOUND] >> I think this is good idea anyway,

we'll see.

>> [LAUGH] >> Okay,


>> [LAUGH]

>> [APPLAUSE] >> They're straps.

For more infomation >> Ellen Talks All Things Fashion - Duration: 3:17.


Melania Trump may have changed her shoes, but it was still just a fashion moment - Duration: 2:26.

Melania Trump is the kind of woman who travels to a flood-ravaged state in a pair of black

snakeskin stilettos.

Heels this high are not practical.

But Trump is not the kind of woman who has to be practical.

Heels this high are not comfortable.

Comfort is not the point.

Neither hers, nor yours.

Trump is the kind of woman who knows that when she walks from the White House to Marine

One there will be photographers.

On the morning she traveled to Texas, that meant stilettos with a pair of cropped black

trousers and an Army-green bomber jacket.

And she looked great.

It's an image that would have been at home in any fashion magazine.

But it was also an image that suggested that Trump is the kind of woman who refuses to

pretend that her feet will, at any point, ever be immersed in cold, bacteria-infested

Texas water.

She is the kind of woman who may listen empathetically to your pain, but she knows that you know

that she is not going to experience it.

So why pretend?

Well, sometimes pretense is everything.

It's the reason for the first lady to go to Texas at all: To symbolize care and concern

and camaraderie.

And for her trip to Texas, the first lady offered up a fashion moment instead of an

expression of empathy.

Observers were baffled by her shoes in particular.

It's not the brand or the cost that matter: It's the heels.

She defies gravity in them.

She floats above it all.

Her ensemble implied that people's personal stories would be ferried to her after they

had been vetted and tidied up.

There was no suggestion that Trump would be flat-footed in the muck, hearing their truth

in tearful confusion.

By the time she landed in Texas she had changed.

She was wearing sneakers.

She also was wearing a black baseball cap that said "FLOTUS," a defense against

any possibility that for just a split second she might seem regular.

She is not like you, or you, or you, it says.

She is the first lady.

Still, her Corpus Christi ensemble was more akin to what one might have expected her to

wear for the Hurricane Harvey briefing.

It was in sync with the president's khakis and boots.

It was optically optimal.

But the chance to tell an uninterrupted narrative of care and concern had already been missed.

This was just a costume change for another fashion moment.

For more infomation >> Melania Trump may have changed her shoes, but it was still just a fashion moment - Duration: 2:26.


Fashion blouse hand models - Duration: 4:43.

Subscribe for more videos

For more infomation >> Fashion blouse hand models - Duration: 4:43.


S3 E21 Bright Heart Birth Services/ Recording Artist and Fashion Designer Christine Storm - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> S3 E21 Bright Heart Birth Services/ Recording Artist and Fashion Designer Christine Storm - Duration: 28:31.


WINNER Talks About How Much YG Entertainment Prioritizes Their Fashion Style - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 1:19.

WINNER Talks About How Much YG Entertainment Prioritizes Their Fashion Style

On August 8, WINNER made an appearance as guests on SM PowerFMs Choi Hwa Jungs Power Time and talked about the importance of fashion for YG Entertainment artists.

WINNERs Lee Seunghoon said, Our agency is fashionable and the BIGBANG members are fashion icons. YG prioritizes everything fashion-related, including our casual, daily-wear clothes.

They prioritize it to the point where, even when we were trainees, our CEO gave us a company credit card because he wanted us to wear fashionable clothes.. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.

Lee Seunghoon also talked about his new bobbed hairstyle, which was a point of interest for many fans with their latest comeback.

He said, Theyre actually hair extensions…We attached them and then I cut my hair to make it look more natural. Right now, Ive taken them all off..

Meanwhile, WINNER made a speedy comeback with their album Our Twenty For, with double title tracks LOVE ME LOVE ME and ISLAND. Plus, the group recently talked about the difficulties of filming their MV outdoors and their hopes for the future.

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