Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 12, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Dec 27 2017

I'm Realpanther Girl.

Im in second place.Yay.


For more infomation >> Fashion Famous Roblox Game - Duration: 6:41.


Crowds flock to Fashion Outlets for Boxing Day deals - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Crowds flock to Fashion Outlets for Boxing Day deals - Duration: 2:05.


All the Fashion Details on Meghan Markle's Christmas Debut - Duration: 1:18.

All the Fashion Details on Meghan Markle's Christmas Debut, Meghan Markle stepped out

for her very first Christmas with the royal family and all eyes were on, what else, her

ensemble for the special occasion!

The 36-year-old actress and activist appeared to be all smiles as she stood alongside Kate

Middleton, Prince William and her soon-to-be husband Prince Harry outside of the church

near Sandringham.

Based on today's look, it's quite clear that Harry's fiancé has had no troubles at all

transitioning into royal dressing traditions and is already making her mark with her own

sense of style.

Markle wore a Sentaler camel-colored wrap coat for $1,295, a matching suede Chloe Pixie

bag for $1,550 and a fantastic pair of Stuart Weitzman over-the-knee boots that'll cost

you around $800.

It also seems as Markle has taken a page from Middleton's book as she re-wore a pair of

earrings (her Birks snowflake pair that tally up to $6,000) for the church appearance.

And while there's no denying that Markle was dressed to the nines for her first foray into

Christmas celebrations with the royals, there was one accessory that really topped things

off—her fascinator!

That's right, Markle wore a matching cap complete with an intricate design on the right side

that highlighted her slicked back hair and gorgeous earrings.

We gotta say, she knocked it out of the park with her head-to-toe look!

For more infomation >> All the Fashion Details on Meghan Markle's Christmas Debut - Duration: 1:18.


HSN | Fashion & Accessories Clearance 12.26.2017 - 03 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Fashion & Accessories Clearance 12.26.2017 - 03 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


HSN | Fashion & Accessories Clearance 12.26.2017 - 04 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Fashion & Accessories Clearance 12.26.2017 - 04 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


London Fashion Week | Iodine Deficiency Disease in China | What Is Food Poisoning? - Duration: 24:07.

at the beginning of time science lay dormant but to the yeoman

swing humankind have made the use of the reserves of a disposable much has been

lost due to an energy in green but the games are colossal

due to our vision and insight

London Fashion Week looks of fashionably unhealthy role models and the damage

they're doing to young girls in medical incidences of goiter in children reduced

by adding a double fortification of iron and iodine to salt in future a World

Health Organization report shows all nations that public health is affordable

at a reasonable cost an engineering breakthrough as Britain's motorway

stopovers provide all mod cons for the travelling businessman

in nature the surprising tropical splendor of England I love white Botanic

Gardens salmonella poisoning it kills hundreds of people each year but could a

device designed to test nuclear weapons hold the key to detecting the deadly

bacteria in our food today we take a look at scientists attempting to change

the way we view quality control motorway service areas usually offer an

opportunity for motorists to rest and grab a snack but what if you've got work

to do a report to write an important business

customer to meet this service area on a motorway heading out of London offers

more than the usual cafeteria and convenience stores

the answer they came up with was this a separate business area where you can

make calls plug in a laptop computer and hook up to the internet for emails or if

you want to hold a business meeting you can hire special rooms complete with

video conferencing equipment you can even conduct a job interview in private

instead of in a noisy restaurant the idea is called workspace and it's being

extended to other service areas on other motorways for Britain's four million

business travelers among motorists using this prototype workspace on the motorway

west of London the idea has proved time-saving convenient and popular so

standing around in noisy car parks trying to carry on a conversation with

important clients could be a thing of the past for travelling business people

it's unlikely to replace the office completely with its human interaction

but workspace is a useful idea likely to be picked up outside prison

China's economic expansion over the past two decades has been impressive but

according to the World Health Organization while per capita incomes in

China have risen they've not been matched by better health services for

the people the fact that welfare does not necessarily mean healthier is one of

the main findings of the wh o--'s first-ever report comparing the health

performances of different countries the message of the report is that everyone

with the available resources can do better the interest the World Health

Organization has in studying the performance of health systems is to help

countries learn from each other and to empower decision makers to improve the

performance of their health systems the World Health Organization believes that

by making critical comparisons between countries there are lessons to be

learned there are certain policies where the available monies whether they're

limited or more extensive can be used more effectively to get better health

for the population

not surprisingly health services in African countries burdened with chronic

disease internal conflict and now spiraling HIV cases are under stress but

there are also some examples in the report of poorer countries managing to

provide better healthcare than wealthier ones a man for example is number eight

in the world a man spends about 330 dollars per person on their health

system in a short time they've gone from a country that wasn't doing very well

with an infant death rate of one in four to a position where they're doing very

well indeed a good example that you can have a high performance health system at

relatively low cost but it also shows that a country can do something about

their health systems in a short period of time

this is the first attempt by the w-h-o to try to assess the success of health

services the criteria might be refined in future but already the organization

is confident of drawing some useful conclusions for example the report shows

that if patients prepay through taxation or insurance payments those systems do

better the World Health Organization's health league table will doubtless be

criticized by country's ranking lower than they feel they deserve but the

report is the first attempt to provide some objective measure of what health

output countries get for the money they put in

Sault a lack of it can lead to problems but it can also be the key to better

health a major breakthrough has allowed the addition of iodine and iron to salt

it could improve the health of more than half of the world's population here in

China a government-backed campaign to supply the double fortified salt has

improved the health of the nation and protected millions of children

incidences of goiter in children have been reduced but in some areas there's

still much work to be done almost all the children in this class have goiter

to some degree it means that the incidence of idd iodine deficiency

disorder is high even though the salt tested in the area looks good it is

deficient Community Health would respond markedly to the double fortification

initiative in the developing world if this problem is addressed through the

double fortification of salt you improve the iron stores of the population once

their iron stores improve people move from a severely anemic status to mild or

moderate anemic status which greatly improves their sense of well-being and

their productivity if they're involved in physical labor in young children it

could lead to improvement in cognitive development performance in schools and

all of these have huge economic implications as well

the process means that iron and iodine can be added to ordinary table salt at a

relatively low cost the salt is now protecting 85 million newborn children

worldwide the ideal would be for governments and private industries to

come together to address major nutritional problems like iron

deficiency amnesia and iron deficiency through a medium like salt it's an

extremely cost effective solution that just needs the will of governments and

industry to make it happen

in countries like Tanzania the double fortified salt can have a dramatic

effect on child health it's a major health breakthrough for many of the

world's poorest countries for the past two decades salmonella poisoning from

contaminated eggs has been recognized as a major public health concern in the

United States alone there are an estimated 1.4 million cases of this type

of food poisoning each year 500 of them fatal the problem for unsuspecting

consumers is that until now there's been no way of externally detecting the

Salmonella bacteria in eggs unlike earlier strains of the bacteria that

entered in perfect eggs through broken shells the current epidemic comes from

the ovaries of hens and appears in eggs that look and taste normal but

scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratories believe they may have found

the answer to detecting the disease in seemingly healthy eggs these members of

the engineering science and applications division are using nuclear weapons

research to develop a Salmonella testing device the simple technique involves

using acoustic sound analysis to determine the contents of the egg

including any unusual bacteria using an instrument called a swept frequency

acoustic interferometer the scientists have been able to identify Salmonella in

egg yolks within 20 seconds the acoustic device was developed at Los Alamos

several years ago in to identify the contents of munitions in

order to dispose of them safely instead of drilling a hole into an artillery

shell and extracting a sample for laboratory testing the interferometer or

an acoustic resonance spectroscopy ARS chemical filled detector allows weapon

inspectors to identify the contents of sealed metallic containers without

exposing themselves to the toxic chemicals within funded by the defense

nuclear agency an early version of the technique was successfully used in the

aftermath of the Gulf War when a United Nations team examined Iraq's chemical

weapons capabilities inspectors used the device to induce minut acoustic

vibrations or sound waves into the container and measure the response the

container resonated at certain frequencies determined by its material

properties a computer then matched these frequencies with results in a library of

acoustic signatures and identified the content safely given the fragile nature

of eggs researchers saw a potential for this technology to be used in

non-invasive salmonella testing with a few variations they developed an

acoustic device that could be used on eggs it involves placing two transducers

on the shell one acts as a transmitter emitting electric signals that excite

the egg and generate mechanical vibration the other picks up the

resonance as the egg vibrates a computer then tracks the pattern of vibration

generating an acoustic spectrum or signature for the egg in the same way as

it does for nuclear weapons to test the salmonella los angeles scientists

applied this technique to both fresh eggs and eggs which had been

artificially infected with the bacteria they found the two types had distinct

acoustic spectrums the fresh eggs had a clean single

resonance peak the Salmonella eggs had a second peak that was never found in the

healthy variety the question still remains whether the detection technique

will work on naturally contaminated eggs the researchers involved are hoping to

look at eggs from chicken houses known to have a high rate of Salmonella if

successful they believe the acoustic device could have wide applications in

egg quality control it could be used to detect cracks and double yolks and to

determine the thickness of the shell an important factor for shippers and

Packers the advantage of the technique is that

it is non-invasive making it attractive to consumers from the manufacturers

point of view it is more efficient than picking up each egg for an individual

inspection the only downfall is that scientists don't yet know if the device

will be able to detect the bacteria outside the yolk of the egg there have

been many documented cases of salmonella only on the shell

even so acoustic sound analysis is a useful tool in the war against Tel

Manila food poisoning with thousands of infections each year this test designed

to identify nuclear weapons could be the key to saving lives the Isle of Wight

just off Britain's south coast is a favorite holiday spot nearly three

million people visit the island every year some are drawn by the action-packed

week of world-class yacht racing at cows

for others it's the traditional attractions of the British seaside

holiday the island only 12 miles north to south and 23 across is renowned for

its sunny climate

at Ventnor a small town nestling at the southern end of the island

an unusual botanical garden is proving popular with visitors a quirk of the

local climate allow semi-tropical plants to thrive here

the gardens laid out on the side of a disused hospital are an important part

of the local economy

visitors are now able to do more than just look around the gardens a new 3

million dollar Visitor Center includes a library study center and both permanent

and temporary exhibitions and a pleasant place to sit out of the occasional rain

visitors can research the unique subtropical botanical collections in the

gardens study the natural environment of the Isle of Wight National Park or if

they like just read a book about their own garden the permanent exhibition

describes the history of plant life and its impact on our lives with its mix of

public education study facilities and its range of plants from distinctly

unbrushed climbs the Botanic Gardens is like a mini version of Q the

world-famous pretend gardens in West London the gardens include areas of

plants from New Zealand the Americas and the Mediterranean and themed areas like

medicinal and culinary borders and with its own microclimate the gardens can

stay open to visitors throughout the year

traffic jams may soon be a thing of the past thanks to a new computer transport

simulation system being developed in the United States scientists at the Los

Alamos National Laboratory are working to develop a program aimed at

forecasting and improving transportation in our cities using one of the most

powerful computers in the world for Silicon Graphics

origin mm they're creating realistic simulations of our streets in the hope

of identifying transport problems President Clinton was one of the first

to see the capabilities of this new technology when he visited the

laboratory recently he was shown how the transportation analysis and simulation

system or transients uses an integrated system of travel forecasting methods to

give planners an accurate picture of traffic impacts congestion and pollution

using previous transportation surveys transients models create a virtual

metropolitan region representing all its residents their activities and modes of

transport they then simulate the residents use of cars and buses on the

transport network mimicking real driving behavior and traffic dynamics this

simulation tries to capture how factors such as congestion could influence an

individual's activity plan they might change their route or go somewhere else

for instance the beauty of transience is that it contract individual travelers

this means analysts can evaluate how well one person's travel plans proceed

and can identify who might benefit from alternatives looking at the bigger

picture they can estimate vehicle emissions and judge the overall

performance of the transport system these results are intended to help

planners and engineers with future infrastructure design the whole program

aims to bring transportation and air quality forecasting up to the standard

required by new regulations including the Clean Air Act and the intermodal

efficiency Act the venture is part of a joint initiative known as the travel

model Improvement Program or TM IP it was initiated by several agencies

including the US Department of Transportation the Fed

highway administration and the US Environmental Protection Agency so far

the Los Alamos team has done major studies of Albuquerque and Dallas in

Dallas they created a simulation of traffic patterns over an area of 25

square miles key characteristics of this study included monitoring shared rides

high occupancy vehicles and Lane usage the program also used generic detector

technology to control simulated traffic signals and represent people who were

just passing through at the moment researchers are working towards creating

a simulation of a typical day in Portland Oregon from there the aim is to

develop commercially viable software which could be used by planners

everywhere but simulation technology is not just limited to transportation at

Los Alamos an entire team is dedicated to the Delphi project which uses

advanced simulation on the origin mm computer to tackle a range of important

national and global issues like transportation these problems are so

complex they cannot be solved using traditional scientific analysis Delphi

sophisticated predictive modeling conducts virtual experiments that

demonstrate the long term outcomes of variables such as human action and the

physical environment this method has already been used to predict the

behavior of natural disasters and global climate and to map the human brain the

possibilities are endless but there is no doubt these computer simulations will

change the way we view planning in the future they may do away with congestion

and pollution and ultimately help us learn more about the environment in

which we live

London Fashion Week and once again designers have chosen film seemingly

undernourished models to show off their clothes but it's this way flag image

that's worrying women and health experts across Britain today the government

along with doctors and fashion magazine editors convened a special summit to

address these concerns and initiate discussion on how to change a worrying

obsession with a skinny body image the meeting brought together the

representatives of the wide range of industry fashion television and media

people who can actually be instrumental in delivering change to the culture that

so many girls grow up in and which they find so oppressive the culture to be

thin which makes them feel most of them less than perfect recent research shows

that one of the biggest worries for British schoolgirls is their weight and

appearance and at a time when women are becoming heavier and models thinner the

pressure is mounting these teenagers who spoke at the summit said their views

represented the thousands of teenagers who are unhappy and confused over body

image and most of it is down to the fashion magazines men's magazines favour

women with a full figure in women's magazines it's always slim young girls

are not sure what are the perfect figures generally they thought the

emphasis should be on health rather than figure shape

currently it's estimated 100 girls suffers from the eating disorders

anorexia and bulimia there is no question a large percentage

of teenagers are influenced by fashion designers medical experts say it's now a

matter of re-education fashion designers of past ages would have said voluptuous

women like Sophia Loren or Marilyn Monroe with the perfect body shapes it

just shows you how capricious and arbitrary fashion design is once a fed

for a fashion type gains popularity it is difficult to change the conference

pressed for a diversity of imagery so that our eyes can be retrained to

evaluate the beauty that really exists

the summit the first of its kind to be held by the British government now hopes

to see the introduction of a self-regulating body for magazines in

other words a new code of conduct that works to ensure that unhealthy body

images do not reach the front pages of magazines at the same time the

broadcasting Standards Commission has offered to monitor the images which

appear on British television

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