Hi everybody from Coach Dom Costa I'm going to show you what my garage looks
like before a yard sale punch that like button like subscribe comment as I go
through storage lockers and my other little side hustles of acquiring stuff
the better stuff I pull off and I sell it on eBay Amazon Craigslist my facebook
sale page any other selling venue that I can find all the other stuff I need to
blow out at a yard sale and based on the list that I created of regular buyers
and they're a variety of buyers looking for a variety of things I'll have a yard
sale and blow it out and I don't get crazy like some yard sale people do they
want like retail prices for their stuff not me I leave a little meat on the
bones so my buyers can make a profit if they need to resell it or the other
people are just gonna get a great deal and every time they see my email cuz I
got an email list every time I get a buyer I asked for an email or a text
that they get from me on their phone number I'm not a spammer they get a
great deal and a big smile on their face and this is made during the holiday
season this video and it's a whole lot of fun let me show you what I got and
then I'll show you uh later on you'll see how this garage looks when there's
nothing left cuz we're gonna have nothing left it's all gotta go I gotta
sell it all before I go searching for more good morning this is the Saturday
of the yard sale it may not look like we've sold a ton yet but you see that
brown floor we sold a ton yesterday this room is gonna be emptied by the time
we're done so I'm just showing you what it's like out here first thing in the
morning my signs are up all my ads on Craigslist are out and about all my
emails from my email list are out it's time to go out in the cold morning and
go sell let's go make that money well kids the driveways empty the chairs are
put away nothing left in the garage everything is sold so it was a good
garage sale we cleared everything out we're ready to go hunting for more so
hit the links below punch the like button like share comment subscribe I
empty storage lockers I clean out people's garages houses
and I keep some of the better stuff and I try to sell that on your eBay Amazon
different social media groups etc I think you can do this too and it all
depends to what you have you might not only be an apartment but I think you can
figure out an area of where you can sell some stuff at a yard sale to blow it out
and sell your better stuff on the other platforms that I do as well
check it out thank you and have a great time thanks for watching this video
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