Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 10, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Oct 3 2017

United States Marine Corps Recruit Training - Receiving Phase (MCRD, Parris Island)

For more infomation >> United States Marine Corps Recruit Training - Receiving Phase (MCRD, Parris Island) - Duration: 6:07.


Are There Quotas for Family Based Visas to the United States? - Duration: 2:16.

So the next question yeah I'll do this one Abigail asks do they really have a

cap per year for visa applications?

This is a good question for predominantly

what we do Rapidvisa with family based visas if you're a US citizen sponsoring

someone the answer is no there is no per cap it's really you're you get to cut

the line if that makes sense your your priority as a US citizen, if you're a

green card holders maybe petitioning for a child or you know a spouse you know

then then you start playing with a little bit longer timelines and there

could be a cap I don't know the numbers up top of my head but we could

definitely get back to you on that. yeah! that's right if you're in the first in

the first priority category if it's a minor child a spouse a parent they're

these are non quota visas so there there is no limit but once you go beyond that

into adult children adult brother/sister you know brothers siblings then there

can be waits that can be up to 18-19 years been on the country there's a

quota there is a quota per country basically the more demand there is from

a country the more they're gonna cap it I think the the overriding policy when

all this was put in place was to try to even out or encourage applicants from

lower immigrant countries. So if you're a country like China or certainly

Philippines for instance you're gonna have much longer wait for a visa then

somebody from say a smaller country that is not sending a lot of people to the

United States but again if it's a minor child a spouse or a parent there are no

way there's certainly a wait to get through the process but that's typically

going to be less than a year and you're not on a waiting list you're just

waiting to get through the administrative process. And to answer

that broadly I'll just say you know other types of visas do have caps but

predominantly we do Rapidvisas the sponsoring family member that's right

there are certainly caps for h-1b for instance but that's out of our expertise

so we don't deal with those.

For more infomation >> Are There Quotas for Family Based Visas to the United States? - Duration: 2:16.


Celebrate American Archives Month with the Rhode Island State Archives! - Duration: 0:48.

Hi, I'm Nellie Gorbea your Secretary of State

October is American Archives Month.

Did you know that here in Rhode Island,

we have one of the country's richest archived histories dating back to the 1600s?

Throughout the month we will feature some of our most treasured

documents through social media, but I also encourage you to come to the

Archives to see some of the documents firsthand.

The archives will also be open until 7 p.m. on Tuesday October 17th.

The Rhode Island State Archives is history, but it is also our story. Enjoy.

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