Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 10, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Oct 3 2017

(this video is all silenced) Oh god mom TT

He just smiled me~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know what should say nowwwwww


For more infomation >> LAY REACTION TO MY VIDEO I NEED U RECTION [OH MA GOD MY HEARTU] - Duration: 2:14.



Yixing: so cute Me: asdfkshfdkjsh

Hey guys!

It's Preeta and I am absolutely...I don't know-just like-at a loss for words I guess

Oh I forgot to mention at the beginning of this video that I'm filiming on my phone because

I left my camera at home this weekend when I went home for Dashain

So as most of you probably already know Yixing reacted to my reaction video again.

And I feel AGAIN very very lucky but since this is the second time that it's happening

and I knew that it was coming like I knew that Yixing was going to make reactions

there's less surprise I guess.

So I'm gonna try my best not to cry or be overdramatic but I think it should still be

really fun and exciting and I hope you guys are excited with me.

I woke up at 8AM this morning for my 9AM and I saw all of the messages I've been trying

to read as many of the messages you guys have sent me as possible

but I strayed away from watching any part of the reaction video so I haven't actually

seen any part of it so I'm so excited

Oh my god okay but I've heard that he said "Hi", that he might recognize me, that he

called me cute and so

all of today I've just been like playing in my head just like imagining how he would call

me cute

I just-I don't know.

you know, it's just-things don't need to be taken too heavily he's just saying 'cute'

like the way that we call Yixing cute so don't take things too seriously or anything like th

But still to me, I was just daydreaming in class and I would look down at my phone and

see you guys saying he called me cute and then I would smile and then

At this one point my MOL professor-molecular biology professor-just saw me right after

I smiled and put my phone down and we made eye contact and it was so awkward

But anyways....

I guess we should start

Okay, alright.


1, 2, 3--

Okay now I'm getting even more excited.

Okay 1, 2, 3


I like barely started the video but I just wanna say that this looks like--

I can see his tummy first of all which is iLLEGAL

but you know, on another note....

this looks like after that day that he had that interview where he wore those specs


His eyebrows looks especially good on this day and I'm really excited that he decided

to do a reaction and film himself looking absolutely glorious on this day

Yixing I'm so excited okay.

Why can't I hear anything?

OH OHOH okay wait

I muted it on YouTube (accidentally) so I need to-sorry-I need to redo this.

He talks more in this on

I remember like saying Yixing barely reacted in the first one.

I noticed that too


Oh my god Yixing I know you don't like us calling you cute but

(in Korean) if you're cute...

But quickly just because everyone's been saying that "maybe Yixing recognizes me"

because he said "hi"

(in Korean) Yixing-ah. If you're watching this

I....I'm currently learning Chinese but because I'm better at Korean

and because I'm can't speak Chinese at all

I will *I guess* send a message to you in Korean?

This is a little awkward...

but because I really wanted to talk to you I'm doing this.

So....if you're watching my reaction video

I...I... ah I don't know what I want to say

Here in the U.S. there are a lot of fans of Yixing please come here soon!

yes....we'll be waiting!

we want to see you (I said this wrong ㅠㅠ)

and (in chinese) very handsome

Today in Chinese class we learned this vocabulary (handsome)

I... I will always be cheering you on and loving you

Yes. I love you ♡

For more infomation >> YIXING (EXO) REACTS TO ME AGAIN???? #REACTIONCEPTION 2 - Duration: 16:05.


Do I need a username & password to access electronic journals? - Duration: 0:20.

All you need to access library resources

is your OU username and password

It's best if you access resources via the library website because

then it will recognise you as an OU student.

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