Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 10, 2017

Auto news on Youtube Oct 28 2017

I don't enjoy a scary puppet on a bike, nor do I enjoy a scary psychotic killer with

a terminal illness hell bent on social revenge.

For these reasons, I am pretty sure myself and fictional Saw character, Jigsaw, would

not get along.

Luckily he isn't real….or isn't he?

Hello and welcome back to a spooktacular episode of Life's Biggest Questions where we are

celebrating the scariest time of the year with a few themed questions for you.

I am Rebecca Felgate and today we are asking What if Jigsaw was real?

Before we play a little game, I just want to remind you guys that we have a Patreon

– so if you want to check out what supporting this channel can get you in benefits then

I'll leave a link to that in the description box below.

Okay, do you want to play a game?

No Jigsaw…I don't….but for the sake of this video…lets.

Jigsaw refers to a serial killer who tests victims in deadly scenarios, or games, as

he would call them, and if the fail, he carves jigsaw shapes into their flesh.

The man behind the original murder spree was fictional character, John Kramer, a civil

engineer diagnosed with terminal cancer, which somehow drives him to kill people he doesn't

think appreciates life.

Then, after the cancer takes hold of him, copycats who consider themselves apprentices

start popping up.

So…what if this was all real?

So actually, in a few cases of life imitating art, there have been some sickos inspired

by the Saw movies who have drawn inspiration from the franchise, deciding to enact their

own brutal killings.

In 2013 Matthew Tinling mimicked scenes from Saw 6 when he killed Richard Hamilton at a

homeless hostel in London.

He tried to severe Hamilton's spinal cord, as he had seen in Saw.

This nasty trick has earned him 30 years in prison.

In 2009, a mother from Salt lake City turned her child into the police as she heard him

and his friends plotting to kill two students and a police officer in a game like death

play scenario.

They had even purchased cameras to record the murders and when questioned, they said

they wanted to harm people that had harmed others.

This is just two of dozens of examples of copycats inspired by the fiction of Jigsaw,

bringing him to life through their actions.

But, what if the character himself was real all along?

Let's have a little look at the Jig Saw job description; He would require exceptional

skills in subterfuge, planning, building and evading the police.

He would also need a willingness to travel.

People would probably notice that members of society went missing around the same time

as one another and start suspecting a serial killer, which means he would constantly have

to change the locations of his murders.

He also would have to have a lot of patience and a skilful mind for planning events.

Furthermore, he would also have to not be afraid to get his hands dirty.

Cleaning up all of that post murder scene must be a bit of a nightmare, I don't know

if you have seen the saw movies but, blimey, what an absolute mess.

It is all very well murdering someone with a bear trap, reverse bear trap, constructing

a pit of needles, putrid pig guts pool, building some limb twister machine….

The end result is pretty messy.

Jigsaw would need a strong stomach.

Okay, but jokes aside, historically, there have been men, and women, like Jigsaw out

there, and there still are… serial killers, many of which believe they are enacting their

own form of justice.

In 2006, Steven Wright served as a modern day Jack the Ripper as he murdered 5 women

in the sleepy town of Ipswich, England.

There is currently an unknown killer murdering people along the so called highway of tears

in Canada, there is the Long Island serial killer, the Mexican Ripper a killer on the

loose in South Africa targeting gay men….

The list of those we know about goes on, and then of course there is those we don't know


Perhaps what makes Saw such a scary and compelling, *COUGH* if at times a little ridiculous* franchise,

is because we all know that dark people like Jigsaw are out there and we don't want them

to take issue with us.

However it is important to note that, despite the real life existence of people like jigsaw,

for every sick twisted individual, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of good people

who act within the law to bring these people to justice.

In other words, any real life Jigsaws days are numbered.

Spooky spooky Halloween….. don't worry….

Jigsaw isn't real… but other bad people are…but what can you do…other than just

be safe and aware and good…….

A little Halloween ditty for you there.

So that is this episode of Life's Biggest Questions done with, for now I want to remind

you of our Patreon, the link is in the description box!

Also please do hit that like button if you enjoy our content and click on the notification

bell to get big answers straight in your inbox.

I am Rebecca Felgate, I will catch you in the next video, but for now, stay curious,

stay alert, watch out for Jigsaw peddling up to you like a weird puppety creep… and

never ever stop questioning.

Hungry for more answers?

Why not check out our biggest What Ifs playlist and our biggest history questions.

For more infomation >> What If Jigsaw Was Real? - Duration: 5:11.


What if Earth was Made Out of Lego? - Duration: 4:57.

What if we made a lifesize model of the earth out of Legos?

What would it look like, how many bricks would it take, and is it even possible?

To give you a sense of how big a project this is, we would need over 100 quintillion Lego


Stacked end to end, these Lego bricks would make a tower 400 million lightyears tall,

which, if it were on earth, would extend across the entire Laniakea supercluster of galaxies,

where our Milky Way lives.

So this is a lot of Legos- and we're excited to hear how they stack up, in this episode

of The Infographic Show, What if Earth was Made out of Legos.

Don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button so that you can be part of our

Notification Squad.

Before making the earth out of Legos, let's see what happens if we just try to build this

cosmic tower.

If we began by stacking Legos on the surface of the earth, we wouldn't get very far.

Every material, whether it's steel (skyscrapers), rocks (mountain), or plastic (Legos), has

a breaking point- there is simply a maximum amount of weight it can support before breaking.

Once we've stacked 320,000 bricks, we won't be able to go any higher.

The weight of the tower would crush the base flat, and adding more bricks to the top would

only serve to crush more bricks on the bottom.

This is already beginning to spell bad news for our project - the earth's gravity is

simply too strong and Legos are simply too weak.

But you may remember that everything is weightless in space - the Lego tower on earth has to

be different from a Lego ball in space, right?

Unfortunately, we'll still run into the same problem.

If we started building a giant Lego ball in the vacuum of space, we wouldn't have to

worry about the strength of the plastic to begin with.

But as we add bricks and as our model grows, so too does its mass, and therefore, the strength

of its gravity.

When our Lego earth is 625 km across, barely a tenth of the size of the earth, the central

bricks will begin to be crushed from the immense pressure of the bricks above them.

So Planet-Lego starts to collapse on itself when it's barely larger than an asteroid.

This isn't due to any structural shortcoming of Legos, the same size-dependent crushing

controls the shape of ordinary heavenly bodies as well.

In fact, there is a cutoff size, known to experts as the potato radius, below which

a proto-planet can have shapes various and sundry, from a round ball to a spiky potato.

But as soon as a proto-planet gets any larger, it gives way to its own crushing self-gravity

and becomes a ball.

[Sponsor message starts] I'm not going to run through the theory,

but if you want to see how this really works, I strongly recommend you check out our partner,

They are a problem solving website that teaches you how to think like a scientist by guiding

you through problems.

(They take concepts like these, break them up into bite sized chunks, present clear thinking

in each part, and then build back up to an interesting conclusion.)

They have an entire course on Gravitation where in addition to interplanetary orbits,

black holes, and dark matter, you can learn exactly how proto-planets crush themselves

into balls, starting from the very intuition we got from the Lego tower at the beginning

of this video.

If you visit (or click the link in the description), you

can sign up for free and learn all kinds of math and science.

And as a bonus to The Infographics Show viewers, the first 200 people that go to that link

will get 20% off the annual Premium subscription.

[Sponsor message ends]

Okay, so that's two strikes against building a Lego earth.

We'll never get enough Lego bricks, and even if we could, the bricks would be crushed.

So what if instead of worrying about practicality, we just magically replace the real earth with

a Planet Lego?

What would happen?

This Lego-earth weighs a tenth of the actual earth, about as much as Mars, because Lego

bricks are a tenth the density of the iron-nickel fluid that makes up the bulk of our planet.

And as with our first attempt, it would immediately crush the bricks inside it.

Lego bricks are about half empty space, so our Lego earth will shrink over a thousand

kilometers as it squeezes out all those gaps.

In the process, the friction and warping of the plastic and the pressure all conspire

to heat the bricks to 15,000 degrees Celsius.

Lego bricks are made from a plastic known as acrylo-nitrile butadiene styrene, also

known as ABS, which has many common uses on earth, such as manufacturing and 3D printing,

because it is very pliable when heated.

Though at 15,000 degrees, the ABS would likely combust and burst into flames, but in our

model there is no oxygen - only Legos.

Instead, the ABS breaks down into its atomic components, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen,

giving Lego-earth a molten white-hot core.

The outer layers don't break down so horrendously, instead forming a sort of liquid Lego-plastic

mantle, with a cold crust of unharmed bricks at the top.

You might worry that replacing the earth with a Lego earth would have a catastrophic effect

on our orbit, but fear not.

The new Planet Lego can orbit the sun just like any other body in the solar system.

In the coming years, the surface layer of Legos will lose their color, being baked in

ultraviolet rays from the sun - the same light that gives us sunburns.

As the eons stretch on, the plastic on the scorched surface of the planet grows brittle,

becoming increasingly marked by impact craters which will last for eternity, not too different

from the moon.

As the core cools over millions of years, the material will begin to separate out.

Hydrogen will form H2 gas and will leak to the surface, briefly supplying the planet

with a thin atmosphere which will be washed away in the solar wind, as the core turns

solid and freezes, perhaps to diamond.

So if any aliens came looking for us far far in the future, they would, at the very least,

be incredibly confused by what they find.

What do you think of Planet Lego?

Best idea ever?

Worst idea ever?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called Earth Millions of Years Ago!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> What if Earth was Made Out of Lego? - Duration: 4:57.


What if there was an animal communicator in every family? - Duration: 4:55.

- Okay, it's Maribeth Decker with

where people and pets heal and connect.

I'm an intuitive animal communicator and

that's our new kitty, Shadow.

I wanted to ask you something.

Do you really think that animal communication

is a gift bestowed on a few special souls, right?

I mean, right?

Well, that's the way it is on the planet right now

but I had this vision of what if

every family had an animal communicator

and, so I'm going to use this just to be silly.

Picture, picture this, oh it's terrible right,

an animal communicator in every family.

I swear to you I know I would get

very obnoxious if it was me so it wouldn't be me.

It's somebody in your own family who does it.

When I get in a session with people,

something magical happens.

Everybody ends up having, and I'm including

animals here, a little more patience, love,

compassion for each other and sometimes even the

pet owner or kind of mind blowing to me

is some people walk out of the session with me

and they start to communicating to each other

and with their animals, just like that.

Now it doesn't happen all the time but

it's happening often enough that I'm going

hmm, something's going on here.

So why would I even think that there could be

an animal communicator in every family?

Well that's part of it but think of how nice

it would be if you were going on vacation,

you could say to the dogs and the cats and

the horses, and the bunnies, and guinea pigs,

hey I'm gone for six days and you show them that

and you know Aunt Bertha's taking care of you.

You love Aunt Bertha and I'll let you know

when I get back and everybody have a good time.

I do that with my animals I think it makes them more calm.

You take them to the vet and you can say to them

hey this time one thing's going to happen,

they're going to give you a shot, they're going to look at stuff,

not a lot and we're goin' right home.

Or, I'm taking you to the vet, they're going to do

some surgery, they're going to do some cutting.

You know that knee doesn't work and you can't run anymore?

They're going to fix that.

It's going to hurt, you're going to stay there for a couple days.

You're going to come home but after you get better,

you're going to run again so just have some patience.

I actually did that for somebody and their dog, yeah.

The dog, she was very cooperative in getting better

because she wanted to run again.

So think of all this stuff or a new family member's

coming in, a new baby, or maybe the kids

are going to college or somebody passed away

in the family and you want to tell 'em

why they're not seeing them anymore, all that cool stuff.

But you know I'm sure you're still thinking,

don't you have to be born with it?

My reality is no, I started communicating

with my animals after I became a Reiki master

and I don't know that that's even a requirement

because people who leave my sessions are

starting to communicate with their animals by

doing this guided meditation that I take them through.

Some people, yeah again, not everybody.

Wouldn't that be cool?

I mean you think about could we have some

animal communicators in the zoos.

You can just, picture this with me,

in the zoos, at the rescue places, at your vet's.

Maybe you're not a communicator but

somebody talks to the animals and

sees how much pain they are in 'cause I can do that.

All kinds of places so you get the idea, right?

So I would love to work with you.

If your animals have issues and you want to know something

or you wonder if it's the end of their life.

I do all those things but also I'd love to work with you

to see if I can help birth more animal communicators

in this world who will listen to their animals

and find more compassion and love

with whatever's going on in their lives.

Do a session with me.

I also have a do it yourself basic program

for folks who want to go a little deeper.

I work with them, we practice animal communication

and I work with them so then they can start

to feel for how they pick up information.

I teach them a little bit about what's out there

in the way of energy healing for animals.

So, you look into it.

I'd love to work with you.

And Shadow says hi, maybe.

She says let me enjoy my peace and quiet is what she says.

Maribeth Decker,

where people and pets heal and connect.

For more infomation >> What if there was an animal communicator in every family? - Duration: 4:55.


What Happened When Harry Kane Was Forced To Play As A Goalkeeper - Duration: 3:37.

What Happened When Harry Kane Was Forced To Play As A Goalkeeper

He was labelled a one-season wonder in his first competitive season at Tottenham Hotspur, but the prolific Harry Kane has continued to prove his doubters wrong, week after week - season after season.

I mean, were only two months into the 2017/18 Premier League season and the England international is well on his way to securing another Golden Boot.

17 goals in 16 games for club and country including strikes against Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund have boosted his reputation in world football, but things were very different in 2014.

Images: PA.

Back in 2014, in his breakthrough season at Tottenham, Hugo Lloris was sent off during a Europa League tie.

Kane, who had scored a hat-trick in the game, was forced to put on the purple goalkeeper jersey and go in net for the final minutes because Spurs had used all of their remaining subs.

Looking nervous between the posts, Kane was immediately faced with a free-kick from Asteras Tripolis set piece specialist Jeronimo Barrales.

The striker somehow managed to spill the ball into the back of the net and the rest is history.

Dont quit the day job, Harry.

Heres that hilarious moment from Tottenhams Europa League tie against Asteras Tripolis at White Hart Lane back in 2014:.

Credit: ITV.

Wearing the goalkeeper jersey after the final whistle, Kane walked off with the match ball after his impressive hat-trick.

You dont see that everyday.

Kane isnt the only outfield player to try his luck in between the sticks.

From Niall Quinn saving a penalty for Manchester City to Rio Ferdinand trying to save a spot kick against Portsmouth in the 2008 FA Cup, more often than not, the outfield player isnt quite up to scratch in the goalkeeper department.

Images: PA.

Its not very often an outfield player is forced to play in goal, but when they do, it is priceless entertainment.

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