Bank Robbery Scene | The Dark Knight (2008) - Duration: 4:47.Three of a kind, let's do this. That's it? Three guys?
Two guys on the roof. Every guy gets a share. Five shares is plenty.
Six shares. Don't forget the guy who planned the job.
He thinks he can sit it out and still take a slice.
- I know why they call him the Joker. - Why do they call him the Joker?
I heard he wears makeup. Makeup?
Yeah, to scare people. You know, war paint.
All right, everybody, hands up, heads down!
I said, hands up, heads down!
Let's go, pal, I'm making a withdrawal here.
- I said, hands up! - No!
Here comes the silent alarm.
And there it goes.
Heads down!
All right, tootsie, you're taking a dive with me.
- Down! I said, stay down there! - Don't hurt me!
Funny, it didn't dial 911. It was trying to reach a private number.
Is it a problem? No, I'm done here.
Sit down! Down!
Down! I said, stay down there!
Obviously we don't want you doing anything with your hands...
...other than holding on for dear life.
On the ground! Stay on the ground!
Nobody make a move! Nobody! Stay down!
You have any idea who you're stealing from?
- You and your friends are dead. - He's out, right?
Where did you learn to count?
They wired this thing up with like 5000 volts. What kind of bank does that?
A Mob bank. I guess the Joker's as crazy as they say.
Where's the alarm guy?
Boss told me when the guy was done, I should take him out.
One less share, right?
Funny, he told me something similar.
He what? No! No!
That's a lot of money.
If this Joker guy was so smart, he'd have had us bring a bigger car.
I'm betting the Joker told you to kill me soon as we loaded the cash.
No, no, no, I kill the bus driver.
Bus driver?
What bus driver?
School's out. Time to go.
That guy's not getting up, is he?
That's a lot of money.
What happened to the rest of the guys?
You think you're smart, huh?
The guy that hired youse...
...he'll just do the same to you.
Oh, criminals in this town used to believe in things.
Look at you. What do you believe in, huh?
What do you believe in?!
I believe whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...
A dark conspiracy 🤓暗い陰謀 🙁Âm mưu đen tối 😵 💯Doraemon Animation🚼ドラえもんアニメーション - Doraemon chế- - Duration: 12:38.-------------------------------------------
Baby and child modelling in Korea. Dark side ;) and mistakes to avoid. AMWF - Duration: 14:45.-------------------------------------------
Why Dark Chocolate Is Better Than Milk Chocolate - Duration: 2:54.Welcome to Retirement Millionaire Daily's Weekly Update, where we answer questions from
readers like you.
Today, we're getting into the spirit of Halloween by talking about one of our favorite
topics – Chocolate.
With me today is my coworker and fellow chocolate enthusiast, Laura Greaver.
LG: This is a great time of year to be talking about chocolate.
That's because on Halloween, Americans buy more chocolate and sweets than at any other
time of the year.
That includes 90 million pounds of chocolate, which is over 930 million Hershey's chocolate
AC: Now that is a lot of chocolate.
And I'm pretty sure about half of it's in my house right now.
So, our regular readers are probably familiar with how many times we've written about
chocolate because of its great health benefits.
But it's very important that you pay attention to the type of chocolate.
That's because dark chocolate has the highest amount of antioxidants and that's what you
really want to be indulging in, not the Snickers bar out of the candy bowl.
For instance, one study out of Australia showed that people who ate dark chocolate had lower
blood pressure.
They were actually able to start eating dark chocolate and lower it over time.
This is probably because the antioxidants help expand your blood vessels and allow the
blood to flow more freely.
LG: We've also written about chocolate lowering the risk of irregular heartbeats too.
AC: Right.
And chocolate also helps with dementia.
A study a few years ago out of Harvard showed that folks who were drinking hot chocolate
actually improved their memory scores on different tests.
LG: And there's evidence that chocolate makes you feel good too.
That's because it triggers the release of endorphins.
These are the chemicals that make you feel happy.
AC: Right.
And one of those chemicals is also oxytocin, which we've written before is the so-called
"love" hormone.
Really, oxytocin's great for a lot of things, including stress relief.
And oxytocin we just found out has receptors in the brain that vary from person to person.
That's why you can actually blame your genes for how much you want to eat chocolate.
People who eat more chocolate have more of these receptors.
It's a brand new study – it's really fascinating research.
LG: Interesting.
So when you want to pick up some chocolate to enjoy at Halloween or throughout the year,
you want to be sure to buy the dark chocolate.
It has a lot more of the benefits and milk chocolate has so much sugar, you don't get
as much out of it.
AC: That's right.
And we like brands such as Lindt or Ghirardelli that have higher contents.
Anything with 70% or higher cocoa is usually what we look for.
So that's about it.
Please keep in mind that when you are indulging this season, to keep it in moderation.
That's it for now.
Please keep your comments and questions coming.
Like, share, and subscribe.
And we'll see you next week!
No Man's Land「AMV」▪ Uchiha Obito² (2017) ▪ (HD) - Duration: 13:16.-------------------------------------------
Indo Sub + Lyrics - Dark Blue And Moonlight (深藍與月光) MV - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
SCP-678 Trauma Harvester | Object Class: Safe | Marshall, Carter, and Dark .Ltd SCP - Duration: 4:59.SCP-678 "Trauma Harvester" Object Class: Safe
Item #: SCP-678
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-678 is to be contained in a secure lockbox on-site
in a container rated for security against at least Level 2 attempted containment breaches.
Guards posted to guard SCP-678 should not be aware of what they are guarding, as recovery
attempts are a risk.
SCP-678 poses no recognized threat of escape at this time, but if the container is ruptured
or SCP-678 removed for any reason, no personnel are to make unshielded contact with SCP-678.
Description: SCP-678 is a small statuette of a sleeping angel, that displays no unusual
characteristics under visual inspection.
Upon unshielded physical contact with SCP-678, however, SCP-678 excises highly traumatic
events from the subject's memory immediately, leaving a blank period in the subject's recollections
of the past.
This function is currently being evaluated for use as a new grade of amnesiac, but the
further effects of SCP-678 render it unsuitable for use at this time.
The process of memory removal utilized by SCP-678 is damaging to the subject, however,
and in the week following contact with SCP-678, the subject's mind continues to erode.
This erosion does not stop, but reaches a critical point at any time from six to nine
days after initial contact when the autonomous capabilities of the brain to regulate heartbeat,
breathing, and other homeostatic effects is eradicated.
At this point, the subject typically dies of asphyxiation.
Autopsy reveals no physical damage to the brain, and the method utilized by SCP-678
is currently unknown.
After an event such as this, SCP-678 alters shape, the statuette shifting to a standing
position with its eyes open and teeth clenched.
The next unshielded contact with SCP-678 will cause the transference of the memories initially
erased to the subject currently touching SCP-678, and SCP-678 will revert to its standard form.
Subjects interviewed during the decay process describe themselves as fearful, but cannot
identify the source of the fear.
As their personal sense of identity disintegrates, they continue to voice a nameless terror as
long as they retain the capability of speech, which is gone by the second to third day.
Those informed of their impending death seem unconcerned by it, if they understand at all,
instead continuing to complain of a 'problem' that they can't figure out.
Staff psychologists suspect this communication issue is due to both the subject's loss of
mental faculties combined with an inability to easily express the ongoing nature of the
damage to the subject.
After the subject's capability of speech is gone, they typically retreat to a corner when
permitted to do so, clawing at their head intermittently for approximately a day before
lapsing into a coma until their death.
SCP-678 was taken from a Mr. ████ ██████████ upon his apprehension by Foundation personnel.
██████████ was a "travelling chaplain" who was visiting Veteran's Administration
hospitals across the eastern United States and offering counselling to any willing to
speak to him.
During these counselling sessions, he would encourage the subject in any of a variety
of ways to come into contact with SCP-678, an item which he only handled with a pair
of gloves he wore specifically for this purpose.
██████████ would wrap up his counselling session shortly afterwards
and leave the hospital.
Interrogation reports indicate that ██████████, a citizen of Belgium and suspected patron of
Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd., appears to have been using the device to harvest these
'experiences' for personal amusement. ██████████ has been remanded to Psychological Ward 14 for
evaluation, his termination pending background check and review of possible value to the
Foundation as a bargaining tool.
Note: Nix the value check, move Mr. ██████████'s termination date up.
He's a nasty piece of work, and I don't trust anyone to not try and work around any pre-release
amnesiacs we give him.
Better to just shut him up for good.
- O5-██
Learning Colors with 3D Dark Pacman and Halloween Pumpkin #RainbowKidsTV - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
Scare prank on neighbors! *dark and scary* - Duration: 2:25.Hey guys, sorry for late uploads heres a video hope you enjoy!) What do we do?
Did it grab their attention
HAhaha got you! *neighbor* "get the F### out of our house
get out no thank you it's my mom's pillows oh thank you guys
for the footage don't lie we all show your faces
oh that's sweet Wow yeah we did
well thank you guys for watching if you didn't know what we were doing we were
actually pranking neighbors it actually didn't go so well like before you shush
um but like when we did it before without the town no I'm going to show it
How to Lighten Dark Lips Naturally at Home - Dark Lips to Pink lips Naturally - Easy Home Remedies - Duration: 5:27.How to Lighten Dark Lips Naturally at Home - Dark Lips to Pink lips Naturally - Easy
Home Remedies
All women like pink and pink lips.
Pink lips enhance your beauty.
In this video, you will find 9 best natural home remedies to lighten dark lips.
Sometimes, darker lips are genetically inherited and are found more often in people with dark
However, lifestyle is also a big factor that contributes to having darker lips.
There are several factors that can make your lips darker.
The most common causes of the darkest lips are sun exposure, UV rays, smoking, allergies,
excessive caffeine consumption, hormonal imbalances and age.
Who does not like having rosy pink lips?
Everybody does.
But you can not use lipstick or lip balm at all times.
For your benefit, we will tell you the 8 best ways to lighten dark lips.
Read here for the best natural home remedies that will help you get pink and rosy lips.
Sugar Scrub:
This natural scrub works as an excellent lip exfoliant.
Whereas sugar helps to get rid of unwanted dead dead skin cells present on the lips,
the butter helps to improve the color and improve the gloss on the lips.
Make a thick paste by mixing three tablespoons of powdered sugar with two tablespoons of
Use this mixture as a scrub on your lips.
Try this natural beauty advice two or three times a week to get clearer lips.
Homemade natural lip scrub:
Make a thick paste of turmeric by mixing milk with turmeric powder.
Moisten your lips with water and gently rub your lips first with a soft toothbrush.
A soft toothbrush is a very good scrub for your lips.
Apply some of the turmeric paste on all your lips and let it stay there for no more than
2-3 minutes.
Exfoliate your lips again gently with the soft toothbrush.
You should do it gently for 2-3 minutes so you do not scrape healthy cells.
Dry your lips and apply the lip balm of your choice.
It is best to use homemade lip balm.
Continue reading below for the homemade lip balm recipe.
Lemon Juice:
Lemon is known for its natural whitening properties.
Therefore, it is an effective natural home remedy to lighten dark lips.
Not only can it brighten dark lips, but it can also eliminate blemishes and darker spots
on the lips and skin.
Lemon juice works to exfoliate the skin of your lips and brings a new tone to your lips.
Squeeze a lemon and massage your fresh juice on your lips.
You can apply this home remedy every night before bed to get bright pink lips.
Lemon and sugar lip scrub:
In a small bowl, combine 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice and coconut oil.
Add and stir 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar, a little at a time to make a thick paste of
uniform consistency.
If necessary, you can add more sugar.
After mixing well, you can transfer the scrub to a suitable storage container.
It can be stored safely in the refrigerator for about a week.
Apply a little of the scrub to your lips and rub it with a circular motion.
To effectively exfoliate your lips, use a small toothbrush.
Rinse your lips with warm water, and apply a balm or shine of your choice.
Honey is another natural home remedy for treating dark lips that have darkened with age and
external factors.
Apply honey on all your lips every night, let it dry and stay there all night.
It will not only lighten your lips but also soften and give them a pinkish shine.
The dark purple ingredient present in the beet has natural properties to gradually reduce
the darkness of the lips and so can clean and lighten your dark lips.
Homemade Strawberry Lip Balm:
For naturally soft pink lips, mix one tablespoon of strawberry with two tablespoons of Vaseline.
Try this as a lip balm every day to get bright pink lips.
Raspberry scrub:
Raspberry contains essential minerals and vitamins that can make your lips vibrate and
Make a paste mixing raspberry with aloe vera and pure honey.
Message and rub your lips with this paste and rinse after 10 minutes.
Then apply a homemade lip balm on your lips to enhance the luster on your lips and give
them a pinkish color.
Olive oil:
Olive oil contains several vital minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.
Scrub the olive oil on your lips before bedtime at night to soften your lips and lighten the
lips fast.
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Toyota Prius 1.8 HSD Dark Edition, Nieuw, Voordeel, Direct leverbaar! - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
The Dark Goddess - Lunar : Silver Star Story (English/Japanese Subtitles) - Duration: 4:31.The beginning of the revival of the Goddess's power
This song..
The Goddess's tower!
Can this be..
This is the city of heresy, Althena
The power of the goddess which has been forgotten
That voice.. It must be!
No way..
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