Dark Trap Type Beat 2017 x Prod. Reese Stay On The Beat - Duration: 2:49.
Indo Sub + Lyrics - Dark Blue And Moonlight (深藍與月光) MV - Duration: 4:09.-------------------------------------------
Engsub "Dark Blue & Moonlight" Web Series Music Video (Official Theme Song) - Duration: 4:09.Engsub by Adam Uni
"Growing up, irresistible"
♫ Who do you think of in the dark night?♫
♫ The cats on the street gradually fall asleep. ♫
♫ Extremely active senses exhaust me.♫
♫ Exhaust me.♫
♫ I've seen too much crystal clear detail . ♫
♫ Too many lies that don't need to be exposed.♫
♫ People get drunk in the life of uproar. ♫
♫ Missing somebody is the most beautiful defense. ♫
♫ Getting used to live without comfort when being apart.
♫ When you find out the key to growing up ♫
♫ The infatuation doesn't exist anymore.♫
♫ A lonely person always say they don't care.
♫ Because love is never absolute. ♫
♫ You can resist the feelings of growing up. ♫
♫ Who do you think of in the dark night?♫
♫ The cats on the street gradually fall asleep. ♫
♫ Extremely active senses exhaust me.♫
♫ Exhaust me.♫
♫ I've seen too much crystal clear detail . ♫
♫ Too many lies that don't need to be exposed.♫
♫ People get drunk in the life of uproar. ♫
♫ Missing somebody is the most beautiful defense. ♫
♫ Getting used to living without comfort when being apart.
♫ When you find out the key to growing up ♫
♫ The infatuation doesn't exist anymore.♫
♫ A lonely person always say they don't care.
♫ Because love is never absolute. ♫
♫ You need to taste every single feeling of growing up. ♫
♫ A glass is a glass. ♫
♫ Water is water.♫
♫ You are who you are. ♫
♫ I am who I am. ♫
How To Remove Dark Black Patches, Skin Hyper-Pigmentation, Dark Spots Mouth Area | PrettyPriyaTV - Duration: 5:04.Hello friends..... I am Anishka
few days earlier one of my friend shared
with me her problem of hyperpigmentation
I think I will share the solution to this problem
with all of you
as you all are my friends too
first of all I am telling you
what causes hyperpigmentation?
a pigment called melanin is present in our skin
that decides our skin colour
higher concentration of melanin darker skin colour
while its lower concentration makes lighter skin colour
friends most often you noticed
dark patches, tiny brown colour spots
in some parts of your face
this occurs due to increased level of melanin there
and thats called hyperpigmentation
hyperpigmentation of two major types
its easy to fade tiny spots or scars from your face
but if you have darkness in some specific area of your face
means melanin level increased there
its quite difficult to fade them as this is an ongoing process
so I bring for you friends such a DIY
that not only help to fade spots but also help in reducing melanin production
so lets start with todays video
this has two steps
for steaming we need
friends in this remedy I have used four ingredients that
proves beneficial in reducing hyperpigmentation
for pack we need
first of all grate the orange peel with the help of a grater
now take 2 tsp orange zest and 2 tsp raw milk in a pestle and mortar
blend them properly or you can use a grinder as well
now mix 1 tsp of sandalwood powder and 3 tsp of milk in a bowl
and lastly add a vitamin E capsule
and pack is ready
for steaming dip a clean towel in warm water
and then squeeze it
now gently tap your face with this towel
steaming opens the pores due to which our
pack deeply penetrate into the skin
take this pack on your fingertips and apply it on your face
Vitamin E as an antioxidant helps in reducing pigmentation
orange is a citric fruit which is a rich source of vitamin C
which naturally balances melanin production and
means help in reducing pigmentation, scars, patches
leave it for about five minutes
after that take remaining pack on your fingertips and
gently massage for about five minutes
milk contains vitamin D, A , calcium and
retinol helps in reducing pigmentation
sandalwood powder a soothing agent
and it helps in reducing skin blemisheslike pigmentation, spots, scars
now wash your face with normal water
apply sunscreen which protects you from harmful UV rays
use scarf, hat or umbrella whenever you go outside
include foods in your diet which are rich in vitamin A, C , E and retinol
apply retinol containing cream at night
so that all for this video
for best results follow this remedy daily
if you like this video don't forget to like and share
do comment below
I create my next video on which topic
so friends see you in my next video till then
take care and
Learning Colors with 3D Dark Pacman and Halloween Pumpkin #RainbowKidsTV - Duration: 4:07.-------------------------------------------
How To Download Tor Browser , After use Dark or deep web. - Duration: 2:46.Today's I gonna show u
how to install Tor browser
lets go
at first open your any browser
and search tor download
after click# download tor-Tor project
After chose your using option ,, then start download
After download ,, click your downloaded tor browser for install
chose ur language ,and click OK ,click install and wait few minute
click finish,
click configure ,, after they are ask you two simple question
select no and click next
select no and click connect
wait a few minute to open tor browser
This is your tor browser
if this video appeal to u so please subscribe my channel and do like comment share
Take care
Kylo Ren Tribute - Dark Machine - Star Wars Fan Video - Duration: 7:36.Kylo Ren Star Wars Fan Tribute
He exists in a world beyond your world
What we only fantasize he does
He lives a life where nothing is beyond him
Nothing is beyond him
For all his charm and charisma
His wild and expensive toys
He is a driven
Unflynching, calculating
He exists in a world beyond your world
He lives a life where nothing is beyond him
He exists in a world beyond your world
He lives a life where nothing is beyond him
He is a driven
Unflynching, calculating
Nothing is beyond him
He is a driven unflynching, calculating machine.
New Japan - 「エイリアン」の造形を産んだギーガーのドキュメンタリー『DARK STAR H・R・ギーガーの世界』BD&DVD 12・20発売 - Duration: 8:43.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Prius 1.8 HSD Dark Edition, Nieuw, Voordeel, Direct leverbaar! - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
How to Lighten Dark Lips Naturally at Home - Dark Lips to Pink lips Naturally - Easy Home Remedies - Duration: 5:27.How to Lighten Dark Lips Naturally at Home - Dark Lips to Pink lips Naturally - Easy
Home Remedies
All women like pink and pink lips.
Pink lips enhance your beauty.
In this video, you will find 9 best natural home remedies to lighten dark lips.
Sometimes, darker lips are genetically inherited and are found more often in people with dark
However, lifestyle is also a big factor that contributes to having darker lips.
There are several factors that can make your lips darker.
The most common causes of the darkest lips are sun exposure, UV rays, smoking, allergies,
excessive caffeine consumption, hormonal imbalances and age.
Who does not like having rosy pink lips?
Everybody does.
But you can not use lipstick or lip balm at all times.
For your benefit, we will tell you the 8 best ways to lighten dark lips.
Read here for the best natural home remedies that will help you get pink and rosy lips.
Sugar Scrub:
This natural scrub works as an excellent lip exfoliant.
Whereas sugar helps to get rid of unwanted dead dead skin cells present on the lips,
the butter helps to improve the color and improve the gloss on the lips.
Make a thick paste by mixing three tablespoons of powdered sugar with two tablespoons of
Use this mixture as a scrub on your lips.
Try this natural beauty advice two or three times a week to get clearer lips.
Homemade natural lip scrub:
Make a thick paste of turmeric by mixing milk with turmeric powder.
Moisten your lips with water and gently rub your lips first with a soft toothbrush.
A soft toothbrush is a very good scrub for your lips.
Apply some of the turmeric paste on all your lips and let it stay there for no more than
2-3 minutes.
Exfoliate your lips again gently with the soft toothbrush.
You should do it gently for 2-3 minutes so you do not scrape healthy cells.
Dry your lips and apply the lip balm of your choice.
It is best to use homemade lip balm.
Continue reading below for the homemade lip balm recipe.
Lemon Juice:
Lemon is known for its natural whitening properties.
Therefore, it is an effective natural home remedy to lighten dark lips.
Not only can it brighten dark lips, but it can also eliminate blemishes and darker spots
on the lips and skin.
Lemon juice works to exfoliate the skin of your lips and brings a new tone to your lips.
Squeeze a lemon and massage your fresh juice on your lips.
You can apply this home remedy every night before bed to get bright pink lips.
Lemon and sugar lip scrub:
In a small bowl, combine 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice and coconut oil.
Add and stir 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar, a little at a time to make a thick paste of
uniform consistency.
If necessary, you can add more sugar.
After mixing well, you can transfer the scrub to a suitable storage container.
It can be stored safely in the refrigerator for about a week.
Apply a little of the scrub to your lips and rub it with a circular motion.
To effectively exfoliate your lips, use a small toothbrush.
Rinse your lips with warm water, and apply a balm or shine of your choice.
Honey is another natural home remedy for treating dark lips that have darkened with age and
external factors.
Apply honey on all your lips every night, let it dry and stay there all night.
It will not only lighten your lips but also soften and give them a pinkish shine.
The dark purple ingredient present in the beet has natural properties to gradually reduce
the darkness of the lips and so can clean and lighten your dark lips.
Homemade Strawberry Lip Balm:
For naturally soft pink lips, mix one tablespoon of strawberry with two tablespoons of Vaseline.
Try this as a lip balm every day to get bright pink lips.
Raspberry scrub:
Raspberry contains essential minerals and vitamins that can make your lips vibrate and
Make a paste mixing raspberry with aloe vera and pure honey.
Message and rub your lips with this paste and rinse after 10 minutes.
Then apply a homemade lip balm on your lips to enhance the luster on your lips and give
them a pinkish color.
Olive oil:
Olive oil contains several vital minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.
Scrub the olive oil on your lips before bedtime at night to soften your lips and lighten the
lips fast.
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Why Dark Chocolate Is Better Than Milk Chocolate - Duration: 2:54.Welcome to Retirement Millionaire Daily's Weekly Update, where we answer questions from
readers like you.
Today, we're getting into the spirit of Halloween by talking about one of our favorite
topics – Chocolate.
With me today is my coworker and fellow chocolate enthusiast, Laura Greaver.
LG: This is a great time of year to be talking about chocolate.
That's because on Halloween, Americans buy more chocolate and sweets than at any other
time of the year.
That includes 90 million pounds of chocolate, which is over 930 million Hershey's chocolate
AC: Now that is a lot of chocolate.
And I'm pretty sure about half of it's in my house right now.
So, our regular readers are probably familiar with how many times we've written about
chocolate because of its great health benefits.
But it's very important that you pay attention to the type of chocolate.
That's because dark chocolate has the highest amount of antioxidants and that's what you
really want to be indulging in, not the Snickers bar out of the candy bowl.
For instance, one study out of Australia showed that people who ate dark chocolate had lower
blood pressure.
They were actually able to start eating dark chocolate and lower it over time.
This is probably because the antioxidants help expand your blood vessels and allow the
blood to flow more freely.
LG: We've also written about chocolate lowering the risk of irregular heartbeats too.
AC: Right.
And chocolate also helps with dementia.
A study a few years ago out of Harvard showed that folks who were drinking hot chocolate
actually improved their memory scores on different tests.
LG: And there's evidence that chocolate makes you feel good too.
That's because it triggers the release of endorphins.
These are the chemicals that make you feel happy.
AC: Right.
And one of those chemicals is also oxytocin, which we've written before is the so-called
"love" hormone.
Really, oxytocin's great for a lot of things, including stress relief.
And oxytocin we just found out has receptors in the brain that vary from person to person.
That's why you can actually blame your genes for how much you want to eat chocolate.
People who eat more chocolate have more of these receptors.
It's a brand new study – it's really fascinating research.
LG: Interesting.
So when you want to pick up some chocolate to enjoy at Halloween or throughout the year,
you want to be sure to buy the dark chocolate.
It has a lot more of the benefits and milk chocolate has so much sugar, you don't get
as much out of it.
AC: That's right.
And we like brands such as Lindt or Ghirardelli that have higher contents.
Anything with 70% or higher cocoa is usually what we look for.
So that's about it.
Please keep in mind that when you are indulging this season, to keep it in moderation.
That's it for now.
Please keep your comments and questions coming.
Like, share, and subscribe.
And we'll see you next week!
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