SƠN TÙNG M-TP Style & Fashion - Duration: 14:03.hello everybody this is drew I'm feeling extra lazy today I'm just gonna lay here
but I just wanted to talk to you about style and most specifically the style
The style and fashion of Son Tung M-TP.
Vietnamese pop star Son Tung M-TP was the only artist of the country to be listed in the I-Magazine Fashion Face Award for Asian Male 2016.
The list was decided in a vote by 380 photographers, stylists and make-up artists from 40 countries.
Son Tung M-TP has many hair colors as there are colors of the color spectrum. from neon blue as pictured here.
to raspberry iced tea as like to call this color.
to pink highlights.
to blonde and white.
- black - blonde - Brown - gray - orange
- pink - You name the color and chances are Son Tung M-TP has had it.
Son Tung M-TP loves skinny jeans - namely skinny jeans with distressed rips
and tears in them - from all colors and shades from white to indigo to dark and
to classic
the Korean and Japanese influence street-style is a huge part of the
fashions that Son Tung M-TP loves to wear from pink tie-dye denim jackets to bold
print shirts and vintage style rock-and-roll tank tops
as part of his street-wear a lot of the time you will see zippered leather
jackets as part of this uniform - he usually pairs these with the
distressed skinny jeans. The colors also differ
he is a big fan of big fur coats - this is part of the pimp daddy hip-hop look that he tends to sport from time
to time
most of the jackets are faux fur not real
Son Tung makes the steampunk look very fashionable it is a popular look within
Kpop as well.
overcoats in camel, tweed and wool are a favorite item that he loves to wear
especially in the colder months
he has a love for colored suits and some of his best looks can be found here the
suits are usually accessorized with pocket-handkerchief the fit is usually
slim fit
during the Tet months the Vietnamese Lunar New Year, he can be seen wearing
traditional Vietnamese ao dai, his style of preference is the more modern cach tan look.
When dressing up in formal wear, he likes to look sharp with these looks - classic gray two-button jacket with slim pants and waistcoat - white tuxedo with
black lapels and bow tie and a more modern shimmery jacket with the pussycat bow.
you will find many types of designer eyewear from funky to classic in his
he likes to look flashy onstage to match his flashy persona - expect bold suits that make a statement!
Being fashion-forward and a trend-setter, Son Tung M-TP will always be sporting the latest fashion trends such as these big shoulder suits that are
reminiscent of the 1980s
whether he's wearing traditional hats or baseball caps his head wear will always
make a statement most of the time it's hip-hop
some of his favorite brands to wear are Gucci, Yves Saint-Laurent, Balenciaga
Versace - just to name a few
he is a big fan of shoes - he often wears these Yves saint-laurent ankle boots
He featured these Biti's Hunter shoes in his video for Lac Troi
oh and he loves athletic footwear as well.
here are some of the styles that he's worn.
Son Tung will continue to be a fashion in style icon in Asia and we'll be seeing a
lot more from him
How To Work In Fashion: Louis Vuitton, Off-White, & Beyonce | Aimee Song - Duration: 14:43.Virgil he comes from a music background he's an American DJ he did some art
direction for Kanye before he founded at the label Off-White
I'm doing this new youtube thing
Where I'm asking like my favorite inspiring people in fashion
And then, a lot of them ask about you
No way! But I don't know what question they want me to ask you
But I think it's more about like, you do come a different non-fashion background.
And I think that's what they're curious about
Because you were always a creative person, you were artsy.
making stuff is what I'm into
how do you make that jump if you don't have a traditional artsy background
What is it about you? I think just make something.
was just making things yeah make it and then critique it and worry about it out
and then but did you like actually study nah just applied my ideas but you travel
around and getting inspiration from like
nontraditional things
Is this your first fashion job?
Clemens Firmin, she's in charge of the digital communication at Louis Vuitton and
she handles anything influencer related so if you wanted to get invited to the
Fashion Show she's who you want to talk to
from out of college now I when I was studying in college I worked in the company that was
doing search engines I'm more of a web social media kind of girl then I came up to
fashion. And then how did you get this job?
Okay so I had a blog and then I received a few press releases from time to time
and I was very naive. At that time I was replying to people I think "no I'm not
[interested] thank you very much and I'm looking for a job." And someone replied to
me that "oh I know someone at Louis Vuitton hiring a social media intern
are you interested yeah sure uh-huh and then I got hired as an intern and since
the social media team was getting bigger I got hired right afterwards
so as an intern,
where you paid? Yes. In France of you have to oh so in France you have to
get paid as an intern but it wasn't a lot it's probably like minimum wage? yeah
As soon as you got the internship you got paid and then what was your role as an
at that time I was doing reports on the social media pages from Louis Vuitton,
so Instagram didn't exist yet so I had Facebook Twitter YouTube to manage
Doing reports for the whole company and then the team expanded and we had to decide
which way we wanted to go so I went to influencers PR yeah and then now what is
your roll at Vuitton?
Cause, I've known you for... Four years at least?
yeah and you've been growing doing more and more coordinating
everything influencer related at Louis Vuitton
so anything that's like digital influencer yeah
Influencer related, I'd say At the beginning, it was really digital,
But now influencers can be
everywhere we we shot you for internal magazine, for Louis Vuitton magazine
yeah and then who comes up with like who gets to be in the magazine
as a you or is it like a group effort mmm it's a group effort
we can send ideas and then then go through or not and also management comes
with ideas and say okay let's make it and then do you also hire people I did
yeah yeah so and then you became a boss and
Edouard Schneider, Clemence's boss, and also the Global PR Director of Louis Vuitton
I started at Svarovski, 3 years PR director
And then Givenchy
womenswear PR director, and then Sonya Rykiel communication director for seven years
and then Margiela two years communication director and
I started at LV in 2014 last week of April 2014 as a
international PR Director.
what were the steps that you have to take to become a PR
director your first PR director job. were you an intern ever yes?
I was at school and I need an internship at Svarovski because I was
studying marketing and communication and then I started there so you have a
degree in marketing and communication in college in Paris yes in college in Paris
high school and and then I started there as a style assistant but the artistic
director really wanted me to do communication so I said what do you
think it was about you like were you always a person anything your
personality do you so when you... I am very talkative
You are very talkative!
you were a sales assistant what does the sales assistant do? You were selling?
I'm fluent in Spanish so I was selling the collection to South Europe
and jewelry, handbags, evening bags. so but you're an intern for the sales
yeah and then after, she asked me, they wanted
to hire someone and she said we're gonna have two positions, one position as a sales
assistant and full-time contract and one position as a PR assistant and I said
okay I didn't know and she said you should try to be PR assistant and I said
okay why not and I started like that and how long ago was that
now we're gonna have to expose your age it's fine I was in 99. 99 right but you
did start from the bottom then you didn't just land up here no you cannot
no one can know I can't no you have to start from the bottom you have to learn
the press, you have to learn how it works the magazine you have to learn how to do
shopping you need to have a lot of contact if you want to be a PR director
you need to bring contact to the house but I still speak with the young interns
I think that's very nice of you because when I first came into the industry
people in your position don't talk to interns assistants they don't care yeah
they only talk to me or like or people they don't even talk to me they talk to
celebrities they don't care, but I think maybe that is why you are where
you are because of your personality how do you hire people to work for you
because you hired Clemence, Clemence hired Songe, but you're the one-- I hired Songe!
yeah I know why I pushed Clemence for Songe.
yeah so how do you hire like what makes you want to hire?
She was an intern in the menswear department and we had a position as a menswear
international PR assistant but I had a long conversation with Songe,
she was the intern in the menswear department but I said Songe, could
please trust me I'd like you to try the digital because I think you're really
modern and with your energy your personality I think you will deserve
more being digital assistant and handling influencers and then I'm sure
while Songe was an intern there are many other interns what was Songe's
personality or her work desk she was different than the other her in
that she's very hardworking she's crazy she's a slut of work the way she talks
to people she's super kind now we hire her and sometimes she can be
bossy so I'm kicking her ass because I don't want her to be a dictator but
then she was different she was just she stood out from other interns if
everybody's starting as an intern and you're competing with thousands of
interns and how do you stand out you just have to be the natural you have to be
confident but keep you very loyal and sometimes we are disconnected now with
the new generation the new era for example you have a lot of people and
like young students they arrive they are interns and the first question is can I
do the press release can I write the press release I don't understand people
the young people there they always want to rush for everything so just listen
and even if you don't have like a lot of stuff to do
listen the name of the magazine the name of the journal is working for the
magazine all the international publication how it works look around
just don't be concentrate on yourself and look around look at what's going on
how works a company I think you're right everybody thinks there's an elevator to
success but it's not you got to walk up there
When did you move from Korea?
Laura Kim, she used to work directly under oscar de la renta before
leaving to start her own brand, MONSE, with her partner Fernando she and
Fernando went back to Oscar de la Renta as co-creative directors and the
I moved when I was 9 to Canada,
And then I moved to NY when I was 18
So you speak Korean fluently?
I think it's so incredible what you're doing as a korean woman And as an immigrant.
For like 2 really big brands
what what's the toughest thing when you went to Oscar
so my personality I'm very quieted I actually keep everything to myself kind
of Korean thing but I'm learning to express a little more how I feel
Like especially the negative part.
I usually only talk about positive, how I feel about things,
Are you bad at saying "no" or that you don't like this?
No that I'm good at.
But I just keep my personal feelings to myself.
I think that's a very Korean thing, cause I'm the same way.
I know what I like and what I don't like, but I keep my negative feelings to myself.
I keep those personal feelings hidden cause I just don't want people to find out
But it becomes a problem.
What are you gonna do in Paris?
So in Paris, we're doing a lot of dinners, a lot of parties, and I'm attending markets for Monse and for Oscar
for doing one selection
very major fashion house what's like the advice you could give them like
for me internship really taught me what to do
I really learned a lot from internship so when you are an intern like you
didn't get paid and you're doing everything my intern for four years for
free did you guys ever intern for free where did what was your first internship
college credit for college credit fashion-related
watch media media what did you do my intern graduated
okay 13 years ago we're going to rewind she own attorney she's a fashion editor
and stylist and her famous clients include Solange and remember that
Beyonce formation video yep she was part of that Nike and Dior how did you
picture a life with me
but did you expect where you're gonna be now like in my club they don't deal with
but you knew you would make it yeah like you would have on Korea
because you have a strong work ethic yeah it might be like I'm very like you
are very very much like if I don't email back she texting I know I know it's
gonna get very very good
Bella Hadid ohne BH in Paris: Promi-Auflauf bei Fashion Week - Duration: 1:39.-------------------------------------------
Flo-Jo The Fashion Trailblazer | Fashion Behind the Games - Duration: 3:13.(FASHION MOMENT FLORENCE GRIFFITH JOYNER)
Meet Dolorez Florence Griffith Joyner.
But let's call her Flo-Jo,
as everybody knows her.
She was an American track and field athlete
that changed the face of sports in the 1980s
until she became a fashion legend.
Let's see. Born in Los Angeles to a humble family
in the early '60s,
the young Flo-Jo was one of a kind.
By the time she was seven, she was running free
in the desert.
A few years later, Flo-Jo was running for her high school
in Los Angeles,
where she showed her own passion -
By that time, she was a cheerful girl
in love with the sport.
But at the age of 19,
she had to quit to help her family's economy.
So she went to work in a bank.
Yeah. Boring, right?
But then,
she met this guy.
Bob Kersee was a legendary track coach
who trained many of the most memorable athletes.
So he helped her to gain a place at UCLA,
and they began to work seriously.
And now...
in this very hot day in Los Angeles,
a gentle breeze starts to blow.
In the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles,
Flo-Jo won the silver medal.
Good enough, but what the people mostly remember
about her were her eccentric looks.
Mainly her long and wild fingernails.
From this moment, Flo-Jo became
sort of an attraction in the Games.
With her strong personality
and unique style,
all the eyes were upon her to see what was next.
She still had to work, and during her free nights,
she styled her friends' hair and nails.
Flo-Jo never quit on her passions.
In this you have to be very relaxed.
Once you reach your high rate of velocity,
then you just try to relax and maintain
that speed that you've built
and just carry through the finish line.
Then came her enormous success in Seoul,
winning four gold medals and a silver too.
After that, she became popular around the world.
And all thanks to these two things -
performance and style.
Flo-Jo kept working on her looks
as a part of a strategy to go further.
As you can see, her outfits were really something.
Laces, fluorescence...
and even a one-legged suit.
It would be these bold fashion decisions
made by Flo-Jo that would open the door
to many athletes that followed her.
Today, after almost 30 years,
she is considered the fastest woman
of all time.
And her records stand alone
with her personal and unique style.
She loved the game, and she made a statement
that still lives on today.
The modern generation will still look at her
as an inspiration.
What's Your 'Fall Financial Fashion'? - Duration: 3:11.-------------------------------------------
Each BTS Member Reveals His Favorite Fashion Brand - Duration: 4:15.Each BTS Member Reveals His Favorite Fashion Brand
These fashion styles are the go-to fashion lines for the members of BTS.
On September 30, 2015, Jin wore a black leather and nylon GIVENCHY backpack worth $750 USD.
Suga – Mastermind.
On May 27, 2016, Suga wore a Limited Edition BLACK Mastermind X Japan peace-sign t-shirt worth $70 USD.
On September 26, 2015, J-Hope wore both a SUPREME X THRASHER Skateboard Magazine Work Jacket ($200 USD) and a SUPREME x 47 BRAND New York Yankees-Red Towel ($90 USD).
Rap Monster – Yamamoto, WTAPS, and NEIGHBOORHOOD.
Rap Monster has worn his Yohji Yamamoto for Adidas Y-3 QASA High in Black shoes ($390 USD) in a number of his famously sexy #KimDaily inspirations.
Rap Monster also enjoys WTAPS brand – including both this WTAPS UNION S/S Shirt Cotton ($267 USD) and WTAPS Humans T-Shirt in Black ($83 USD) to the airport on May 29, 2017.
The fashion superstar also pegged NEIGHBOORHOOD as one of his go-to favorites and was seen wearing this NEIGHBOORHOOD Souvenir/E Jacket in Navy Blue ($800 USD) to Music Core on May 15, 2016.
Jimin – GUCCI.
Jimin named GUCCI as his favorite brand as well and has been seen wearing this GUCCI GucciGhost Womens Shirt in White ($1100 USD) gifted to him by V on his birthday, October 13, 2016.
V is known for his serious love for GUCCI, and even for looking like a rich CEOs son (or maybe the CEO himself) with his GUCCI attire.
One of his most-loved pieces seems to be his legendary GUCCI Snake Print Leather Duffle ($2,390 USD).
He also wore his staple GUCCI GG 1150/S – KCLHO, frame in Havana, Lenses Yellow SUNGLASSES ($270 USD).
Jungkook – TOPMAN or H&M.
Jungkook dubbed TOPMAN and H&M his favorite brands.
Hes been seen on several occasions wearing this pair of H&M joggers (including in the Baepsae dance practice video) for only $50 USD.
Source: BTS Secret Show.
Models bei der Fashion Week dürfen nicht über 1,30 Meter sein - Duration: 1:38.-------------------------------------------
Melania Trump Style 2017 - Celebrity Fashion - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
Neymar Jr assiste à la Fashion Week en très très bonne compagnie - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Cheryl spotted flaunting post-baby look at Paris Fashion Week - Duration: 2:20.Cheryl spotted flaunting post-baby look at Paris Fashion Week
Cheryl flaunted her impressive post-baby physique during a recent rare public appearance. The singer attended an event for Paris Fashion Week, a clear sign that she is slowly settling back into working life again, following the birth of baby Bear in March.
Cheryl was in Paris to attend an event for the beauty brand L'Oréal, because she is an ambassador for the company.
It was at Paris Fashion Week this time last year that Cheryl was photographed with the very beginnings of a baby bump, before her pregnancy became public knowledge.
Baby Bear and dad Liam Payne were nowhere to be seen, as Cheryls trip has been very work focused.
The former Girls Aloud star was attending the make up brands first ever fashion and beauty show in the French capital, and she will be walking the catwalk with other prolific stars including Dame Helen Mirren and Jane Fonda.
The fashion event will take place on Pariss famous Avenue des Champs-Élysées, which has been reimagined into a catwalk where fashion houses including Mulberry and Elley will showcase new lines.
The first time Cheryl went back to work following the birth of Bear was also for L'Oréal, the singer posed for this photoshoot for the brand earlier this summer.
The former X Factor judges other major public outing since the birth was as a supporter of the Game4Grenfell charity football match, where the star exposed her flat abs months after giving birth.
[STAR]Jemma Lucy reveals she spent £900 attending Amber Davies' fashion launch – only to... - Duration: 4:10.Jemma Lucy reveals she spent £900 attending Amber Davies' fashion launch – only to be refused entry at the door
JEMMA Lucy will never work for fashion brand Motel Rocks or attend its parties again after she was refused entry to Amber Davies launch last night - despite being invited.
The glamour girl spent £900 to attend the bash - £400 on a dress, another £400 on a hotel room and £100 train fare for the return trip from Manchester to London - but was left feeling disrespected and feeling like scum.
Jemma Lucy will never work for a fashion brand or attend its parties again after she was refused entry to Amber Davies launch last night - despite being invited. Speaking exclusively to The Sun Online, she said: Ive never felt so disrespected.
It was so rude and I will never ever go to an event organised by that PR company or Motel Rocks again because of this, its just put me off. My agent received an email. inviting me to Ambers launch party.
I was really happy to receive it. I watched Love Island, I loved her on it and I wanted to meet them and just wanted to say thank you for inviting me basically.
I then asked if I could bring a plus one. They got back to me and said yeah thats absolutely fine, so they knew I was coming with someone and they confirmed my name was on the list..
The Celebrity Big Brother star is still none-the-wiser as to why she was refused entry and claims Ambers boyfriend Kem Cetinay and the organisers were less than helpful when she asked why.
Jemma told us that everyone she spoke to simply says they had been told not to let her in but wouldnt confirm who had given the order.
She said: They wouldnt tell me who told them. I spoke to about 10 different people. We asked to speak to Ambers manager. Apparently he wasnt even there.
Every single one of them said the same thing. Theyd been told not to let me in. They wouldnt tell me whod told them not to let me in and they wouldnt tell me why.
The glamour girl spent £900 to attend the bash - £400 on a dress, another £400 on a hotel room and £100 train fare for the return trip.
They said to me the PR team should have emailed my agent saying I wasnt allowed to go. We had no email.
Plus they invited me. They absolutely did not give two sh*ts about me or the fact Id travelled and come to the event I was invited to.
The beauty admitted she asked if rivals Katie Price, Stephen Bear and Charlotte Crosby were inside but none of them were. She continued: Unless Amber herself didnt want me there I just dont know what the answer is.
The party was hosted by Amber Davies.
Jemma Lucy gets intimate with mystery woman in new Snapchat video. Ive never had any sort of Twitter beef. Nothing. How can they be so rude? Its rude to a person. It doesnt matter Im Jemma Lucy.
If someone gets a train to an event theyve been invited to and they get turned away without a reason, that is so disrespectful and rude. Its disgusting how can you treat a human like that.
I spoke to Kem outside, I said do you know what the problem is he didnt know what the problem was either. Everyone was so uninterested and unhelpful and rude to me.
Jemma said the was she was treated was rude. The whole thing was so unprofessional. I was treated like s**t.
Like a piece of scum. I always make an effort, I came all the way from Manchester, Its not like I live five minutes down the road and just decided to pop in last minute.
The thing that annoyed me the most is that they wouldn't give me a reason or tell me who wouldn't let me in.
My agent emailed the person who invited me and they still haven't given us any answers or even responded. I actually feel embarrassed for them..
Jemma is still none-the-wiser as to why she wasnt allowed in. Jemma underwent a Brazilian bum lift procedure last week and said that it made for an uncomfortable journey but she was keen top express her thanks for the invite.
Ive also just had an operation a week ago so Im not really in the best state to travel in.
Ive had a fat transfer in my bum so cant really sit down on the train and its not exactly the best time for me to be doing all this anyway but I wanted to go..
The Sun Online has contacted a representative for Motel Rocks for comment.
Models bei der Fashion Week dürfen nicht über 1,30 Meter sein - Duration: 1:23.-------------------------------------------
Fashion Week: NY, Londra, Milano, Parigi, ecco i trend da seguire.HD - Duration: 5:24.-------------------------------------------
Emily Ratajkowski: appuntamento hot alla Paris Fashion Week.HD - Duration: 5:19.-------------------------------------------
En pleine Fashion week, Kourtney Kardashian a retrouvé... Cruella - Duration: 2:14.-------------------------------------------
Models bei der Fashion Week dürfen nicht über 1,30 Meter sein - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Fashion Week Flyer Design | Flyer Design In Photoshop | click3d - Duration: 10:09.Document 2004p* 2761p, resolution 300px
drop this image in your document
rename as "lady"
add new "adjustment layer" black & white
color balance
now select "lady" layer and add layer mask
now take a rectangular marquee tool, and draw a selection as shown
select layer mask and fill it with color "black"
now press (ctrl + i) to inverse the color
now unlink the layer mask from the layer as shown
now apply free transform tool to layer mask and adjust as shown
ones you are done link back the layer mask to the layer
now use "splatter brush" and paint the mask as shown
now take a new layer above the "bg" layer and rename it as "splatter"
color #017f8a
use splatter brush
now take a new layer above all the layers
create clipping mask
blending mode "overlay"
create clipping mask
blending mode "screen"
now will have to type the text
take a "text tool"
you can get the download link to this font in the description below
i have already showed you how to create this label in my previous tutorial
you can find the link to this tutorial in the description below
now drop this image in your document
blending mode "screen"
duplicate the layer (ctrl + j)
now take a new layer on top
fill it with "black"
get the selection of that layer (ctrl + click on layer thumbnail) and add layer mask
press (ctrl + i) to inverse the color
now apply free transform tool to the mask and adjust as shown
you will come up with the frame
ctrl + shift + alt + e
blending mode "linear light"
filter - other - high pass
hope you enjoyed this tutorial
5 minutes MOTO CBR250RR ABS ヘッドライトは暗い? Is the headlight dark? - Duration: 5:55.Hello! I am roninpooh.
Night Break in.
Night Break in.
♪ Night Break in........
I want to drink a warm drink because it is cold.
There is only a cold drink here.
Kit cut and high chu. (Sweets)
Ice cream when it's cold? :)
There is only a cold drink here.
Only here there is a warm drink.
Which one should I drink?
low in sugar.I will drink "the world's best varistor".
I will drink this.
How to Make Edible Glow in the Dark Goo - Duration: 0:32.-------------------------------------------
The Long Dark 『Interloperへの挑戦』#63 - Duration: 30:14.-------------------------------------------
Dark Souls 1 (w/ Facecam) - DPadGamer - Duration: 1:53:05.-------------------------------------------
"KALACHNIKOV" Hard trap beat Instrumental | Dark Rap Hip Hop Beat | Jaysx15 - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
Simple And The Most Effective Remedy For DARK Spots - Duration: 1:39.remove acne enlightens dark-skinned having flawless spot free skin is every
girl's dream this lemon juice and rosewater remedy
for skin may just solve all your problems and gives glowing skin for this
remedy we need rose water and 1/2 lemon rose water when applied to dry skin it
can provide moisturizing benefits it also beneficial for people with oily
skin as it can work as a toner to help calm over product to oil glands finally
it can provide antiseptic and antibacterial properties for people who
suffer from acne fungus or other bacterial skin infections lemon the
citrus fresh fragrance of lemons does amazing with more skin types it works to
lightens age spot skin brightner acne blackheads and improves skin tone take 3
tablespoons of rose water to a bowl and squeeze lemon in it and mix well apply
this lotion to your skin with help of cotton by rubbing in circular motions
for 2 to 3 minutes and let it stay for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse with normal
water and you can apply this lotion for every alternative day thank you for
watching this video like and subscribe for more videos
Dark Souls | Manus Father of The Abyss - Duration: 3:55:41.-------------------------------------------
10 Hidden Dark Sides Of Famous Historical Legacies - Duration: 7:49.10 Hidden Dark Sides Of Famous Historical Legacies
When someone dies, the legacy writers begin their work. Biopics and reams of books appear, all extolling the virtues of the heroes of our past.
However, we sometimes forget that our heroes were also flawed people, and history often neglects the more unpleasant parts of famous legacies.
10. Abraham Lincoln Allowed Seances And Suspended Constitutional Rights
Abraham Lincoln is one of the most famous leaders in world history, known for presiding over the United States during the Civil War. He is also credited with playing a part in bringing down the institution of slavery.
However, what many people don't realize is that during the extremely tense days leading up to the Civil War, Lincoln became convinced that keeping the Union together was more important than anything.
He suspended many constitutional rights, taking a very dark path, believing that anything and everything that could be done must be done.
He was also extremely depressed, suffered from horrible dreams about death and suicide, and along with his wife went half insane from the death of their son.
He even went so far as to allow her to conduct seances in the White House in the hopes of speaking with him.
9. John. F. Kennedy Cheated On His Wife And Didn't Care About How It Affected Her
JFK was the closest thing to a rock star president that the United States ever had. He was known for his looks, his charm, and a certain ability to get almost any lady he wanted.
Many people know that JFK was quite a hound, but some people don't know the extent of his philandering.
Some stories claim he tried to have sex with a different woman every day if he could and would claim this desire was partly the fault of the medications he took for Addison's disease.
Many people assume that this was one of those open relationships and his wife was okay with it, but many people believe she was truly hurt by his behavior.
Rumors suggest she not only threatened divorce but was once bought out by his father to the tune of $1 million, so she wouldn't put the family through an embarrassing divorce.
8. Benjamin Franklin Constantly Tried To Ruin Other People For Petty Reasons
Benjamin Franklin is known for being one of the fathers of the American revolution. He acted mainly as a diplomat, forging connections across the pond to help the fledgling colonies in their revolt.
He was also an inventor, coming up with the lightning rod, bifocals and several other seemingly unrelated ideas.
However, while he is often celebrated for his genius, he was not a very nice guy. He had a very harsh upbringing and would use his newspapers in an attempt to ruin the lives of rivals.
He once went so far as to convince everyone his biggest rival was dead—despite the man's insistence otherwise.
7. Margaret Sanger Was A Huge Fan Of Eugenics
Margaret Sanger was an avowed feminist in the early 1900s and at one point faced prosecution for her rather controversial writings and speeches.
She opened the first birth control clinic in the United States of America, which went on to become what Planned Parenthood is today.
While people with a certain viewpoint may not appreciate birth control in any form, there was a more insidious issue lurking behind her interest in birth control.
Sanger was a big supporter of eugenics, the idea that only the healthy and fit should continue to reproduce or live, and the others should be weeded out.
Some people have even suggested that the first birth control clinics were set up near black neighborhoods, proving her racist intentions as a eugenicist. Her actual intentions on this particular matter are hard to prove.
6. Lemmy Kilmister Was A Huge Fan Of Nazi Memorabilia
Lemmy Kilmister was the leader of the metal band Motorhead and lived quite a long life for someone who abused substances as much as he did.
He was known for loving his drink to an absolutely insane degree—he reportedly drank at least a fifth of whiskey every day for years.
He was also known for having a very poor diet in general, but for the most part, he was a likeable guy. However, many people don't know that Kilmister was a huge fan of collecting Nazi memorabilia.
While he claimed that he had no interest in actual Nazi ideas, many people found it extremely insensitive and felt the way he plastered it on his walls went beyond collecting history.
5. Patrick Stewart Is Alleged To Be Incredibly Overbearing And Arrogant In Person
Patrick Stewart is famous for starring in Star Trek: The Next Generation and playing Professor Charles Xavier of the X-Men. In recent years he has been the subject of many memes and has become a beloved pop culture icon.
However, memes make people out to be somewhat larger than life, but in the end, we are all human. On stage during a presentation recently at an award ceremony, he started criticizing and insulting the presenter, James Corden.
Corden would later state that he felt weird arguing back against such a respected voice, but he was taken aback by the criticism and felt the need to defend himself.
4. Peter Sellers Was Infamous For Being Almost Impossible To Work With
Peter Sellers is famous for movies like the Pink Panther series and for playing multiple parts in the Stanley Kubrick classic Dr. Strangelove.
He was able to perform a variety of accents and dialects flawlessly, and his attention to detail as an actor was second to none.
This was also his greatest flaw, as he drove everyone he worked with crazy. His family told of him being a very depressed man who was never happy with any of his work.
Some producers, despite his star power, wanted nothing to do with him after working with him just once. The man's perfectionism sometimes blinded him so much that he didn't realize no one could stand being around him.
3. Steve Jobs Cheated His Best Friend Wozniak With No Remorse
Steve Jobs left a legacy behind as the founder of Apple and the promoter of various doodads like the iPhone and the iPod. Many people remember Steve Jobs as a genius at marketing—the man could build hype like nothing else.
Biopics were made about the man almost as soon as he died, and many people still extol his virtues.
However, Jobs was not a very nice guy. He had a standing policy that Apple will never donate to charity, to make as much money as possible.
He consistently had his engineers do all the work and then personally took credit, and he once cheated his friend Steve Wozniak out of money back when they were first working together.
It wasn't even that much money, but Jobs did it out of petty greed. Wozniak was hurt later when he found out, never understanding why his once friend would be so awful to others.
2. Henry Ford Was A Nazi Sympathizer And A Loony Vegan
Henry Ford is known for being the namesake of the Ford automobile company—still the first and longest running major automobile manufacturer in the country. Even more importantly, Ford revolutionized assembly line technology, in a way that changed production the world over forever.
Unfortunately, Ford was also a huge Nazi sympathizer. He was one of those on the side of Hitler before we got involved, and he remained a supporter of the ideals after the war was over.
While some businesses would not work with Germany during those years, Ford was all too happy to help.
He also believed that he could subsist eating random weeds—a theory he designed based on the idea that humans were like cars and just needed basic fuel of any kind at all.
1. Carnegie The Philanthropist Was A Cruel Despot
Carnegie Hall, Carnegie Mellon, the Carnegie Institute—his name can also be seen on libraries and random concert halls all over the United States of America.
Many people think of Andrew Carnegie as a great philanthropist, but his real history shows a much different picture.
Carnegie made his fortune on massive worker exploitation, to a point that even the most fervent anti-union person today would have thought his employees needed a good union.
He would even call in the army and just force people to work for a pittance if he had to. Carnegie ran work camps, with whole families and generations controlled by his evil, helping him earn more fortune to enjoy.
In his later life, Carnegie felt guilty about what a horrible person he had been, and started massively donating money to charitable causes—all while many people toiled away in his camps, making him enjoy a rich life, still slaves.
Review: In 'Clockwork Orange,' the Future is Dark and Very Fit - Duration: 6:01.Review: In 'Clockwork Orange,' the Future is Dark and Very Fit
Violence is epidemic. Drug use is rampant. An authoritarian state imposes brutal forms of social control. Ugh.
Dystopia. The worst, right? But look on the bright side: In the future, everyone is ripped. That's the gym-sculpted impression left by Alexandra Spencer-Jones's staging of Anthony Burgess's dark, word-drunk fantasy "A Clockwork Orange" at New World Stages in Manhattan.
Vigorously acted and bluntly entertaining, this study of a young man's maturation is notable less for the themes it explores and the provocations it offers than for the imposing physiques of its nine-member, all-male, often-shirtless cast.
The brawny Jonno Davies stars as Alex deLarge, a name this production takes pretty literally.
Alex is a precocious 15-year-old whose varied interests include eyeliner, ultraviolence and classical music, particularly the works of the "lovely Ludwig van." He passes his days with his gang of droogs, gulping Moloko (narcotics-laced milk) and committing gang rape when the mood strikes.
Most people will know "A Clockwork Orange" from the lurid perfection of Stanley Kubrick's film. There have been previous attempts at stage adaptations, and these have mostly failed.
(A disastrous production by the Royal Shakespeare Company with music by Bono and the Edge should have been an early warning signal for "Spider-Man" producers.) Here, the palette is almost exclusively black and white, the settings minimal.
Burgess's novel is notable for its teenspeak patois, called "Nadsat," a dizzy distillate of Cockney street slang, Elizabethan poetry and Russian vocab.
On stage the emphasis is less on the language (especially as several of the actors tend to garble it) and more on the ferocious movement sequences it inspires.
A government official describes Alex as "young, bold, vicious," which clearly inspires the choreography. The dance-fight sequences make the rumble number in "West Side Story" look like a leisurely game of patty-cake.
The production also favors a barefaced and bare-chested homoeroticism. Sometimes these men play men, sometimes they play women and it's difficult to tell the difference. Lust and brutality color every encounter, with rape treated no differently from a barroom hookup.
I'd like to think that the steroidal bodies and all-purpose sexiness are intended as a deliberate distraction, a gotcha embellishment meant to implicate the audience for failing to reckon with the full horror of Alex's actions.
Spencer-Jones doesn't deliver on such high-minded intentions. The violence never lets up, but as it's set to synth-heavy Beethoven riffs, it also never lands.
Like "1984," which recently received its own stage adaptation, the novel "A Clockwork Orange" explores the tensions between free will and social responsibility. It asks how far the state should impinge on individual liberty and whether morality is innate or learned.
Yet as you leave this "A Clockwork Orange," you'll be asking yourself other questions: How much whey protein goes into each glass of Moloko? And do stomachs usually have that many muscles? A Clockwork Orange New World Stages 340 W.
Midtown West 212-239-6200 newworldstages.com Find Tickets Category Off Broadway, Drama, Play Runtime 1 hr.
Credits Written by Anthony Burgess; Directed by Alexandra Spencer-Jones Cast Jonno Davies, Matt Doyle, Sean Patrick Higgins, Brian Lee Huynh, Timothy Sekk, Aleksander Varadian, Ashley Robinson, Jimmy Brooks, Misha Osherovich and Jordan Bondurant Preview September 2, 2017 Opened September 25, 2017 Closing Date January 6, 2018 Upcoming Shows Saturday September 30 2:00 pm Saturday September 30 8:00 pm Sunday October 1 3:00 pm Sunday October 1 7:30 pm Monday October 2 8:00 pm This information was last updated: Sep.
29, 2017 Find Tickets When you purchase a ticket for an independently reviewed play or musical through our site, we earn an affiliate commission. But our primary goal is that this feature adds value to your reading experience.
Moscow State University to create a modern day Noah�s Ark.
Moscow State University has been granted a billion rubles, the largest ever scientific
grant in Russian history, to collect and store the DNA over every single living and extinct
creature to have ever walked the Earth.
This is planned to be the world�s first database containing such a comprehensive reserve
of biological information about the species of the Earth.
The project has been termed �Noah�s Ark� after the Biblical story by the rector of
Moscow State University, Viktor Sadivnichy.
He has explained to the media that the ambitious project will involve a databank which will
store comprehensive information about every single creature that has ever lived on Earth
and will be accessible to students and to the public in the form of a giant ark, approximately
430 square kilometers in size.
Some of the specimens will be held in cryogenically frozen form, whereas others will have their
DNA extracted and stored in petri-dishes.
There will also be information banks where DNA is not necessarily available, he explains.
The ark, which is expected to be finished in 2018, will be housed in one of the central
campuses at the university.
press office, the database will involve biomaterials collected from various branches of Moscow
State University including the Botanical Garden, the Anthropological Museum, the Zoological
Museum and others.
In addition to involving established academics from various departments of the university,
it will also involve extensive input from the younger generation of scientists affiliated
with Moscow State.
It is also hoped that assistance will be forthcoming for the project from other places across the
This is not the first time that a country has embarked on such an incredibly ambitious
In the United Kingdom, the Frozen Ark project is still ongoing.
The British project involves the preservation of the genetic information of all endangered
life forms on the planet Earth.
This project is referred to as the animal equivalent of the Millennium Seed Bank which
plans to collect a specimen of all of the world�s seeds.
However, this latest project is considered to be the most ambitious of all the biological
data collection enterprises, and the historical significance of the Ark is not lost on the
staff at Moscow State University.
�If it�s realized, this will be a leap in Russian history as the first nation to
create an actual Noah�s Ark of sorts, � the rector said.
How to Build a Teleporter with Aliens - Duration: 3:51.Suppose we're working with aliens who live near Alpha Centauri to build a wormhole teleporter
so we can go visit them - for dinner, or interstellar diplomacy, or whatever. Of course we'll
need to be able to talk with them about what to make each side of the portal out of, how
big to make the various pieces, and so on. But since we've never been to Alpha Centauri,
and they've never been here, this is tricky – I mean, if you tell me to make you an
arc that's 300 cubits long, and I don't know what a cubit is, you'll probably get
an arc that's not exactly what you were hoping for .
So we'll have to build, from the ground up, an easily sharable way of communicating
about the universe, where distances and such are based on ideas, rather than specific artifacts
. We'd probably start with basic materials, you know, like how instead of sending a vial
with a chunk of lithium in it across interstellar space, we can just say "use the atom that
has 3 protons, 3 neutrons, and 3 electrons." Water would be "the molecule that's a
combination of one atom with 8 protons and two atoms with 1 proton." And so on.
Once we have materials down, we can do clocks – we just tell the aliens that if they take
the atom with 55 protons and 78 neutrons , make it emit a photon of light in a certain way
, and wait for that photon to oscillate 9,192,631,770 times: that's what we call one second.
Once we have clocks, we can do distances: just tell the aliens to see how far light
goes in one 299,792,458th of a second – that's what we call a meter.
But this is when we would run into a massive roadblock – literally. Pretty much the
rest of our communication about the universe requires knowing what mass is, and what we
currently call a kilogram isn't an idea we can just tell distant aliens, the way we
can say "the atom with 3 protons". A kilogram is just a particular lump of metal sitting
in a particular room in a particular place on our planet , and if you want to know how
many kilograms of say, antimatter, you have, you have to take it there and weigh them against
each other . In the very near future, we're going to
settle on a more sensible way of talking about mass, so instead of saying "in order to
build this teleporter you have to come to the part of earth with good cheese so we can
show you our shiny lump of metal," , we'll either be telling the aliens to just get a
pile of something like 21.5253873 septillion of the atom that has 14 protons and 14 neutrons,
or we'll tell them to weigh how much mass an atom or molecule loses after emitting a
photon of light that oscillates roughly 135.6392534 septillion septillion times each second. One
of these two concepts will be our new kilogram, and even though the pile of atoms option sounds
simpler in principle, it's actually kind of harder and more expensive to do in practice.
Whichever way it is, once we have our new way of communicating about mass as an idea
instead of an object, we'll be able to build our wormhole teleporter with the alpha centaurians
. And then we can bring them here to earth, have dinner, and afterwards, show them the
chunk of metal that used to be THE THING that we used to talk about the mass of all other
things. Before I tell you about this video's sponsor,
Skillshare, I want to tell you a story. I recently turned 30, but back when I was in
high school, I was super into computer visual effects and sci-fi movies – however, there
were very few easy ways to learn how to do visual effects yourself. I mean, consumer
access to digital video cameras was still very new, personal computers were just starting
to be good enough for legit video editing, and youtube didn't even exist. I had to
scrounge in vfx chat-rooms, dvd special features, and arcane blogs to learn enough to make my
lord-of-the-rings and star-wars parodies. Today at age 30, the situation is night and
day – you can shoot and edit high definition footage on a telephone, for crying out loud!
And it's much easier to learn how to use more powerful tools like After Effects and
Photoshop – services like Skillshare, for example, now allow you to find tens of thousands
of video tutorials on design, photography, programming, visual effects, and more. And
Skillshare is offering 30% off a year-long premium membership for the first 200 people
who go to skl.sh/minutephysics30 – again, that's skl.sh/minutephysics30 for 30% off
– and it works even if you didn't just turn 30!
How to build a smart Facebook Messenger chatbot using AI and NLP ft Inigo Montoya - Duration: 7:58.My name is Inigo Montoya.
You killed my father.
Prepare to die.
Hey my name is actually Bhaskar Sarma and my father is hale and hearty and this is not
a video about an outlaw about to avenge his father's murder.
It's kind of boring.
it's about building a smart Facebook chatbot.
I know I know.
If you are using a Facebook Chatbot you are gonna love this video because here I want
to show you how I built a chatbot which doesn't just behave like a glorified app or website
or navigation bar, which most chatbots do.
You basically have a specific set of responses that the bot asks and if you follow the response,
for instance the bot asks you to send the email if you type something else the bot gets
all confused and the user experience is kinda shit because the user doesn't feel like they
are chatting with a real person which is the whole point of a bot because it's a sort of a
natural language processing engine. This is built on Google and it's called api.ai. This
service basically uses all the fancy machine learning and AI and it takes the responses
from chatfuel- in this example I am using chatfuel to build my bot. So it takes the
responses that are not expected by the bot. it processes the responses through its NLP
engine and it transfers back the responses to the user in such a way the user understands.
I am not going to show you a lot of things here because I've not really set it up that
much but I have a use case. Suppose you have a restaurant and you have a bot which basically
tells people when they can get their pizza.burgers, what have you. tells them the order status,
tells them how long it will take for the order to be sent and there are a specific set of
responses that the bot understands. So you click on a button that says Order Status and
I found a way to
the bot will tell the user that "Hey, your order is dispatched and it's going to be reach
you in 15 minutes". What happens if the user instead of tapping on the button says "Hey,
where's my pizza". So if you have not incorporated some specific responses in chatfuel's native
incorporate artificial intelligence using a natural language
artificial intelligence setting then the bot won't understand that and there are so many
variations of language. We understand that when the customer asks where is my pizza the
customer wants the order status. But the bot is dumb and it doesn't understand the nuances
of the language. And this is where the natural language processing tool comes in. So if your
bot has an NLP engine built in its going to recognize a vast array of responses which
all mean order status and is going to deliver a usable response. So I have a dumb bot right
now which is a lead gen bot. This bot basically introduces you to a series of services. For
instance this bot is built to get people to ask if they want a bot. I know, pretty meta.
So if I click on the Yes here which is what the bot expects then I will get the standard
response which asks me to send my email and then it will ask me to send a Skype ID and
set up an appointment. That's all well and good. But what happens if I type something
like I am bored. You have given users option to type and people do that even if you have
given explicit instructions sometimes people just type something. So there you go. It doesn't
recognize it. People will not really do this but you never know. This is a simple use case.
Now this is a smart bot for a mortgage broker which basically asks people information about
their financial status when they are seeking a home loan. So if I click on this I will
get the normal bot flow. I can show you this later. But what if I type How are you. So
as you can see this might look like a party trick but as I told you before there are a
lot of options you have given that api.ai is compatible with Facebook Messenger which
means that you can send photos, clickable links, gifs...everything which Facebook Messenger
can display. So the scope is vast and you can do a lot of things like pulling things
from a database, map locations, what have you. So if this is interesting and I believe
that it will be for you I am going to put the link of the tutorial that I followed in
the comment below . it takes some time and there are some services you have to sign up
for and there's some tech stuff going on- it's more or less copy paste but you still
need to do some groundwork. Do that and if you want a bot of your own give me a ping.
Montoya out.
Ba ba ba bam~!
- Hello - Wait, wait~ There are 20 viewers.
- We were one minute late. We're sorry. - We're very sorry
We had to spare a moment to check to show you a better live today
That's right
We hope you forgive us for being one minute late
- There are already 164 viewers. Today we have unusually many hearts. - I know
- There are 70,000 hearts now - I think 50,000 hearts are pressed by you, Seung Hyub
- 50,000 hearts by only me? What's that? - Every time I see Seung Hyub, he's like...
This live was accessible 2 days ago when you look at the schedule
So, I read all the comments
- All~ - All? All~
Then, can you tell me what comment was there on the 231st line?
Since there are 616 viewers, we'll start with the V-App song when there are 800
Then... There are 800 already
- Oh~! - Already
There's something to tell you now after reading the comments
- We're not wearing couple tees! - Actually, I wore it first
But I noticed Hun was wearing this too. So, I told him "Hun, we are couples today."
Then his face was like...
I should change my clothes
"Are you guys shooting *'Silmido'?" *(A title of a Korean film)
- I'm wearing like a college student today - Kwang Jin, what concept is your fashion today?
- According to here, it's like a costume in "Silmido" - Kwang Jin is a military guy for today
- There are 1,400 viewers logged in. Let's greet them first. - Okay
- One two three! Hello~ - We're N.Flying
Finally, our live is back again. How was your week?
- I had a great week - We didn't ask you
- We already know that. It's all well-known.
- Today's title of our V-App live is "I Need U," right? - Right
-I thought it was like Taeyang's song "I Need A Girl" - [Singing the song]
Perform it with the dance
- [Singing] - No!!!
Come on. Let's do it a little more.
- Ah! Stop that! - I think we're in the wrong place
- They are dangerous - You know you wanted this
Dancing machine Kwang Jin
But, what we're covering today is BTS' "I Need U" girl~
- No. It's just "I Need U." - "I Need U"
- Well, erase your memories please
- Ppyong! Yeah yeah... - We're covering BTS' "I Need U"
That's right. It's the song we could listen to and appreciate during our promotion.
I assume you might wonder how we arrange this song
I know
We were so fascinated by the choreography and the song while we were promoting "Awesome"
That's why... Stop that! Stop, please!
That's not for you
So, before we actually begin, we'll sing our logo song first
We've been preparing this live for the week.
Our logo song first... We'll start~!
Are we going to keep doing that line? I assume it might go on after 10 years.
[Singing the logo song]
Then let's get back to our seat
You're "a bowl of rice Seung Hyub" in the lyrics?
- Yes. - Why bowl of rice?
Don't you visit our official cafe?
- I do - But I don't read your posts
- Won't you read them? - We always read our fans' posts, but not yours
I used to call myself "a bowl of rice Seung Hyub" when I had my hair longer.
Don't you think it's cute?
Let's just go
- Let's go for the live, Jae Hyun - Let's go for the live!
- Be careful with the mic - Hurry, I can't go in till you go in first
- I'm sorry~
Jae Hyun, you're so slow
Are you gonna sit there?
Let's tune up first
Ah! Ah! Can you hear?
- This is... - Can you hear... in the sky?!
Let's concentrate on the emotion. This is a sad song.
To our beloved N.Fia...
We'll start "I Need U"
Our beloved N.Fia...
- Ah! - Oh, no~!
Then, three verses of N.Fia as a penalty
- N! - N.Flying and N.Fia...
- Fi! - *Figa sseokhi jin ahn aht ji mahn... *(They are not brothers or sisters in blood)
- Oh~ Impressive~ Ah! - Ah~! *Gajok gatda *(We're like family)
- What was that?! - Was it not right?
- Aha aha~! You try it then. - N! - If the flow was like that...
- N.Flying and N.Fia... - Fi!
- *Fihal su upneun oonmyungeul gah jin... *(They have a ineluctable destiny) - Oh~!
- *Areumdaun Inyeon imnidah *(In a beautiful relationship) - Oh!
This is how you should've gone
I can't agree more. Sorry about 'Ah~ We're like family.'
- What was that?
- Let's go, then - Where?
- Let's go for the performance - Let's go, Jae Hyun
- Aren't you ready? - I'm done. We can start. I'm good.
Then, we'll start with N.Flying version of BTS' "I Need U"
Why am I so nervous?
I saw Seung Hyub's fingers
They were trembling like a leaf
- I already have hand tremor - But you were really trembling like this
I was nervous.
Let's read the comments.
I'll read them via my cellphone
- I have visions 20.0, so I can see everything - What's 20.0?
I can read the comment."You're super awesome."
"Seung Hyub's voice is superb"
- The volume was up. "It was awesome~!" - Hey~ - That's not a manner
"That was so good." Seung Hyub, they want your heart.
- Stop making that sound - This is all I can do for acting cute
- Practice another - They asked for your heart not cuteness
- Hun, I'm sorry. But we have to be a couple for a while. I'm so hot right now. - Really?
It's too hot here.
Many viewers are leaving lots of compliments. We're so honored. Let's all dance!
- We're so honored - Then, how about expressing about being so honored?
Jae Hyun, Jae Hyun! Can't you dance to this song?
You've been practicing when you were free
- The choreography was so cool - Then try it like a cool guy
Let's clap for him
But Jae Hyun lost in the dance battle with me
- Oh really? Did you guys have a dance battle? - Yes
This choreography is originally cool. But I haven't been dancing for a long time.
We'll move back for you.
- This dance starts by leaning backwards - Really?
I'll start from the front and then go back
I'll start the music
Let the music start~
You gotta turn this first
- It's about 38 seconds - I know, I know...
I'll tell you the truth. I've actually been practicing this.
You've been practicing hard
Wow~! You're sexy~!
I can't see the camera
This is the climax
Let's back off
You're trying really hard
- Wow!! - Did you see? I've been preparing it hard.
- Jae Hyun, you should just play the drums - Okay
- But that was good. It was awesome.
You're covered with sweat.
- How about Hun trying dancing? - Everyone...
Maybe not
Anyway, I did it
- I can dance, too - Then just show it to us
- Everyone... - But I haven't been dancing for a long time
I heard more than 4,000 viewers were watching us performing in live
We really want to thank you
Since we saw my, Jae Hyun's dancing,
we'll discuss our arrangement and other musical things up close
BTW, "Jae Hyun's dancing was good"
There are lots of comments about praising your dance
After your dance, a comment said, "I am so proud of your dance"
"The dance looks so sincere"
I have practiced it before. But it's still been too long since I've danced last time.
So, it's really hard. I've been practicing though.
If there's another opportunity to show other dances, I'll practice them later
- That's cool - "Jae Hyun, you're so good at dancing"
- I can't agree more for today - Thank you
"A heart attack!"
- What was that? That's the weirdest one today. - Could you guys please proceed?
We'll talk about our arrangement
Maybe you noticed that there was something you saw for the first time in our live performance
- This one - Ah! The keyboard! - Let's listen to it
- Seung Hyub has been playing the piano for 15 years, right? - No. For 34 years.
Why is there no sound?
- Seung Hyub, can you perform a piano piece? - Ah~ Kim Jae Hyun... A piano piece?
- Can I do what I practice everyday? - Okay
Oh! Oh!
Be quiet! I can't hear the piano!
- I thought you were "Steel Heart" - We played the piano firstly, right?
- That's right - So a lot of things happened to us
We discussed a lot in order to
perform "I Need U" by BTS more nicely
I felt burden. Because...
more people came in than usual
and pressed hearts
So we practiced harder
There is a piano solo of yours in "I Need U", right?
Right, actually, I haven't played piano solo many times
- But it's really good - When arranging, the piano
makes zestful sound and... What should I say?
When we play the drums and guitar,
the feeling is changed when the piano is added.
- "I hope you and BTS get close" - Actually...
there is JIN in BTS
We're the same age
- So we became friends - Really? - I envy you
Jae-kyung from RAINBOW is my sister, but we're not close
We're family though...
I once lived with CNBLUE
My parents are in Yangju
- That's good - My parents are in Yangju
Later, if we get the chance...
I hope we can sing songs with piano
We had great time while practicing and trying new thing
Of course, there was a conflict of opinions
Jae Hyun played an essential role
- *Gong? Soccer Ball? *(Ball. Similar pron. with essential role in Korean)
- Basketball - He practiced dance a lot
- Shuttlecock - Then, now
We're gonna sing request songs
We read comments a lot
Many viewers requested "I Need U" we performed today
- Also, many wanted us to sing "PICK ME" - I know the song
Say 'Jae Hyun, please turn on the volume'
Say 'Jae Hyun, please turn on the volume'
Please give it to me
Say 'Jae Hyun, please turn on the volume'
- Wait - Quickly
Stop it, Jae Hyun. The base amp is angry.
Please turn up the volume
Jae Hyun, please...
- Jae Hyun, please... - Stop
"PICK ME" is in vogue, these days
I listened to the song. It's really exciting song.
What is the melody?
- Anyone who knows the lyrics? - Of course, I know!
That's it?
Is that all?
Then let's play savi of "PICK ME".
- E key - Jae Hyun, do you know the choreography?
- I danced just now - I know the dance too
Wait! Don't wreck this.
Then, Jae Hyun, while beating the drums,
please choreograph in savi
- It'll be a rare scene - You can do it, right? You're a drummer.
Show the dance
Like this
And this
- Then, it'll be first and then... - And this
This is first, right?
Hun, this is...
Could you play like this?
- Split the beat - More funky?
Lower volume
Not a dance song, but a N.Flying version
Shall we change it to be more funky?
Stop! As a funky rhythm!
Not dance
Countdown please
- This is not good enough - We need a little more practice
This song is only for cute girls
That's right. It's for girls.
Not for the older generations like us
Two are 25 years old
Wait. His body is a man, but his mind is a girl.
- Only mind. That's a problem. - Really?
I checked comments before
We did "In My Head" last week
- It was very well received - Really?
"You're old fashioned"
What were you doing?
- He sang "In My Head" - Yep
Then, shall we communicate with our viewers?
Shall we? Then, there are lots of request songs on comment.
- I'm wondering about what we will do next week - "Rough"
"Rough"? This?
A spring song!
Spring comes~
- What are you doing? - I don't want to stay with him today
Wow. Is it a couple t-shirt?
- Imitate Kwang Jin - "Cherry Blossom Ending"
Like this.
- What are you doing? - "Cherry Blossom Ending"
"Spring, Spring, Spring" by Roy Kim. "Cherry Blossom Ending"? It's good.
- We can't say spring without the song - But it's too cold to sing a spring song
- "Something tough" - "My Type"
- "Cherry blossom pension" - What?
*Alchemy? *(Similar pron. with pension in Korean)
Someone wants us to play "Can't Stop"
Not that one
Red Hot Chili Peppers? It's cool.
Block B's "HER"
That sounds good! It'll be fun!
Anyway, let's say hello again for new viewers
Hello, we're N... Oh. One, two, three. Hello, we're N.Flying!
- Sorry. I was a tad overzealous. - It was good
Please introduce N.Flying
- He is an official explanation-bug in N.Flying - What?
- I'm human - Explanation-bot
- You did it before - Do it today. About N.Flying.
For many viewers. 8,400 viewers.
We, N.Flying, are...
in FNC
- and artists - That's right. Band.
- We made a debut on this May 20th... - No no. Last year.
- Last year. It is now March. - Last year, on May 20th...
We're third best band in FNC
- N.Flying and new flying - By yourself?
New flying for new leap
- Do you know the spelling? - New flying
Why are you so surprised?
Anyway, we're accepting song requests
Someone wants us to play Ji Min and XIUMIN's "CALL YOU BAE"
It's good song, huh?
Can I detach this? And shall we sit down?
Are you tired? Okay.
Seung Hyub, please clean up scattered clothes
- Scattered? - I didn't wear sunglasses while performing!
- We are a couple - No way
- Don't do that - Day 1 from today
- I was almost angry - I didn't wear sunglasses. What're you doing?
We should sit down! Let's have a seat.
Hun, go to the right and give me the camera
Hello, I'm a guitarist Cha Hun in N.Flying
- You look handsome - You're awesome
- How soulless! - I have no soul
Kwang Jin, please change seats with me
I hate you too! Come on. Day 1 from today.
- Ah, because of your clothes? - I don't want to sit by him
Can you guys see them?
- I can't see Hun - "Please buy clothes for Seung Hyub"
- I saw the comment - I can't afford to help others
- I like it - Do I look like a tough guy?
- I'll take this off - Do I look like a tough guy?
- It looks like the clothes for drill - You look great today
You look so ugly. It wouldn't be right for fans, Jae Hyun.
I lost my foundation today... So I didn't put on make up.
How do women call it?
*Fa-de. Me-be. *(Foundation. Make up base)
Anyway, for next week
- Why? - You moved on too quickly
- It's weird. I've never heard these before. - Okay
We're gonna perform a request song next week
I hope you request a good song
Which song will be changed to N.Flying's version?
Not B, but V
Please look forward to it
It's good! Once again.
It makes me sad but...
It's time to wrap up
- Already? - Not farewell
We'll always be with you
Over 9,000 viewers are watching this show. It's our first time.
I'm gonna make N.Fia poem
N.Flying likes pistachios very much
- What does that mean? - You like pistachios, right?
- We like. We used to eat it in Japan. - Anyway!
How many episodes have we filmed?
Third. No, fourth.
We played the fourth "I Need U"
We haven't decided which song we will play and when we will film
- Actually you'll probably know when. - And...
To over 9,000 viewers
We can show our performance
to many viewers. It makes me happy.
We'll come back nicely. Please do expect on us.
Please subscribe to our channel and...
Can you see this? Heart?
- It may be located here - Please press heart
No it's located in the middle. By Kwang Jin.
Here. Please press this.
Anyway, we'll practice harder to see you. Shall we sing our logo song?
Don't do that. It's irritating.
Don't do that! Let's go.
Kwang Jin, give me my acoustic guitar
He is ready to play
Let's go
Our V app show finished. Put your phone into your pocket~
With Jae Hyun, Hun, Kwang Jin
and Seung Hyub. Please give us heart.
It finished! Let's roll together!
- I don't want to finish - Let's drag on
[Engsub] EXO Lay - I Need You MV Behind The Scene - Duration: 1:12.Subbed by lyuanz
This is my grandfather on my left and my grandmother on my right
I usually call them YeYe (grandfather) and Waipo (grandmother)
It's also my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary this year
So, having walked this journey
I felt that, as a grandson, there isn't much I can give them too
So I hope that I can give them a wonderful memory
And that this will be a wonderful gift for them
And look, my grandmother is so pretty and my grandfather is so handsome
I am really happy today
Are you guys happy?
Happy! This is the best gift Yixing has given us
I hope that through the music video I NEED U, everyone would be able to feel
The charms of France, Paris and CHAUMET
Including the loving hug that my grandparents gave each other at Place Vendôme
<I NEED U> is a song that is a continuation of the style from <what U need>
And there are also some funky hip-hop R&B
These two songs are actually a correspondence to each other I was already writing <I NEED U> when I released <what U need>
Because, when you use a song to ask a question
You would also need to use a song to answer this question as well
And also, thank you to CHAUMET for your overwhemling support
Thank you CHAUMET Thanks CHAUMET
Merci CHAUMET :)