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(Jazzy Beats start playing)
*Music to my ears*
(Some dope editing effects)
*Going deep inside the Windows web dimension*
(Windows Crashed Rip)
What is the training a security guard goes through when it comes to using force? - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
What If The Silence Was Real? - Duration: 7:07.It's nothing new to be fearful of grey-skinned men in black suits fading into the background
of historical events.
Ask any conspiracy theorist around - and you'll soon piece the same kind of concept together.
Lizard people, an underground race of Aryan technologists, Atlanteans - grey aliens blending
into society on an anthropological study.
But - what if something like that had been around all along - circumvented by the comfort
of hiding in plain sight.
What if we'd already seen them?
Stared them dead in the eye?
Yet the minute we looked away, they vanished from our memory - as if nothing was there
all along?
What if a strange, quiet dread had befallen our civilization?
What If Silence Will Fall?
Hello internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube.
As per usual, I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - as today, we're going
to dive into the hypothetical multiverse of - well, I suppose we'd already be in it,
wouldn't we?
It's just timey wimey stuff.
Nothing hypothetical about it, really.
Sorry - as we curiously ask the question, What If The Silence Was Real?
Roll the clip.
Alright - there's quite a lot of information to cram into this hypothetical alien dog-pile,
in fact - an entire religions worth.
So, hold on to your hats - if you're wearing one that is - as we circumvent the downright
creepy Silence and their even creepier Silent Priests - you know, the bulbous looking guys
that are more than likely the sole reason why you clicked this thumbnail - right?
But beyond that surface, we have to germinate the idea that is so often caught up in stereotypes
of ponytail swinging middle aged men in basements - administrators of geocities conspiracy theory
websites wearing tinfoil hats and screaming from the rooftops about gay frogs and chemtrails.
But - what if they were all - correct, guys?
What if conspiracy theory became conspiracy fact … when should we start drawing on our
arm with a sharpie?
Yeah - probably for the best.
Before we recombobulate our own consciousness though - you know the drill by now questioneers
- if you're a fan of this video, Doctor Who, Weird Men In Suits - or just Life's
Biggest Questions in general - then please, be a dear and hit that thumbs up button - as
well as that subscribe bell, so you can stay up to date with our latest and most inquisitive
of uploads.
Also, make sure that you stick around all the way to the end, where we'll be reading
out some of your more humorous comments from the past few days.
On with the show.
Now - this video is probably a good place to announce that all conspiracy theories can't
be true.
It's impossible - and our very existence would tear itself apart on a cascading series
of logical paradoxes.
The Earth would be flat, hollow - cone shaped and concave all at the same time - and we'd
all have a really hard time getting things done.
So - our best bet would be to narrow things down a little bit.
The archetypal New World Order - the puppet masters pulling the strings from the shadows.
Aliens - grey men in black suits - The Silence - that'll do.
First seen in Doctor Who's 2011 episode - The Impossible Astronaut - The Silence is
a galactic religious order created as an offshoot of the Papal Mainframe - which essentially,
if you know anything about Doctor Who - is a hybrid of the Vatican and Warhammer 40k's
Space Marines.
It's an interesting thought, isn't it?
To wonder what role religion would play if we were an intergalactic species - but that's
a thought for another video - because what we're concerned with are their existentially
terrifying henchmen - the Silent Priests, genetically engineered entities created by
the Church to allow people to confess their sins without remembering ever doing so.
Uh - creepy already.
The Silent Priests are tall humanoids - around seven feet tall, with large bulbous heads
- and grey, mouthless faces.
Oh, and also - they all dress in their uniform black suit - because, although they're capable
of wiping organic memories on the fly, they're still respectful of social etiquette.
Although it may have to do with the fact that they try their hardest to adhere to their
stereotype of creepy guys in black suits.
The Silents whole shtick is that they are uniquely memory-proof - i.e anyone that looks
at them would instantly forget that they were there the moment that they looked away - even
if they saw a photograph of a Silent, the same amnesiac function would apply - and according
to the canon of Doctor Who - these guys have remained hidden on Earth for hundreds of thousands
of years, ever since the early Stone Age - working their way through history, attaching themselves
to key, iconic events that shaped the course of our civilization - changing things minutely,
and then slinking back to the shadows until their next masterplan to meddle in our affairs.
And - well, if they were real guys - we'd have no idea - unless of course, we had a
Timelord, which we don't - and that's where things look super bleak.
Because if the Silence was real - we'd have no idea - and we wouldn't have the presence
of mind to be able to do anything about it.
Show's over folks, we're all doomed - nothing to see here - move along - we'll just have
to accept the fact that there's a secret shadowy organisation looming over our civilization
for the rest of our existence, pulling the strings and wiping out all figment of self
determination …
Or - would we?
Because if the Silence was real - inevitably there'd be some crackpot who got a sniff
that something was up.
Maybe they'd even catch a glimpse of a Silent Priest - they'd record a voice note of their
experience so they didn't forget it - they'd post it on their favourite conspiracy forum
- and all of a sudden, similar instances would start to emerge.
People would start drawing on their arms with Sharpies - tallying every time they saw a
Silent Priest lurking in the background on a busy side street.
As time went on, more and more data would be compiled - more people would join the fringe
movement, advocating the acknowledgement of a shadowy alien organisation that was wiping
out our memories - encouraging people to wake up, it's time to take back control - until
one day, an event would occur - something that would hold up as undeniable evidence
of the existence of The Silence - and finally, after all this time we'd begin to --- hold
on, sorry - wait a minute, what was I saying?
I've lost my train of thought.
Where am I again?
Weird …
Anyway - I guess, before we depart we should read out some of your more creative comments
from the past few days.
Citokyne Studios says - To take such a silly question seriously and actually give an answer
supported by solid evidence and intensive research - leave it up to LifesBiggestQuestions
hahaha - Well Citokyne Studios - I'm glad that you enjoy my ferocious approach to hypothetical
questioning - remember buddy, there's no such thing as a stupid question.
I mean, there really is - like asking where is the Martin Scorsese movie Gangs of New
York set?
But - still, the sentiment remains the same.
Cheers for the appreciation.
-- Philip South says - make a video about how long a mummys life span.
- Err, Philip, I'm sorry to break it to you dude, but … mummys are dead.
-- SUCC says - What if you read my comments? -- got em.
Quick video again.
There we have it folks - cheers for sticking around all the way to the end.
Make sure to hit that thumbs up button and we'll be seeing you in the next one.
As per usual, I've been your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - you've been
watching Life's Biggest Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.
What is Trump's shutdown endgame? - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
What's Mum Gladdis doing on newborn George?/Newborn baby's Elsa was born 3days full sleep on mum - Duration: 10:11.
What if God was more like Google? | Pastor Steven Furtick - Duration: 12:27.I wish God could be more like Google just being honest with you cuz I have a
great relationship with Google Google knows what I want to ask it before I
finish the word what I like about Google is Google seems to anticipate what I
need to know and God seems to be the opposite because I'm begging him
sometimes to let me know what to do about this relationship about this
decision what if you could invest your money with the kind of knowledge with
which David went to Hebron what if God would tell you which stock what if
God will tell you how to balance the portfolio what if God will tell you
which position to apply for wouldn't that be amazing if God would order your steps
like that what's that the Amazon what's it called echo somebody sent us an Amazon
echo recently I would suggest putting it on your Christmas list it's an amazing
device this is not a product endorsement
but it's amazing do any of you have it it's voice-activated because sometimes
you can't be bothered to have to use your thumbs so I like Alexa that's her
name Alexa I have a relationship with Alexa where I say her name
I say Alexa and she lights up kind of like Holly when I say her what she's
nodding and I can tell her what song to play what tasks to perform Alexa and she
lights up and she answers me she hears me when I call
she's like the Lord well yesterday I walked in and Graham was doing his
homework but I want you to see something I caught it on my video camera cuz I
never seen anything like this before if 88 minus A equals... I don't know. Hmm.
Alexa what is 19 plus 9 the some of 19 and 9 is 28 are you kidding me right now are
you kidding me what are you kidding me right now
about what how you're doing your homework I am checking checking touch your neighbor
say I'm checking I'm checking I'm checking I already did the work I'm just
checking and see I have a feeling when when David inquired of the Lord where do
I go next he was already on his way he was just checking because when you
walk in God's ways you will know God's will all you gotta do is check Jesus
said if I leave I'll send you the spirit of truth and he'll show you the
ways to walk in I'm checking I'm checking I'm checking so I don't have to ask God
about every decision I don't have to stress about God's will when I live my
life in God's ways I have the confidence that my steps are ordered where's my organ my
steps are ordered by the Lord cuz I delight in his way why aren't y'all on
your feet I'm trying to tell you you don't have to
worry so much about what when you get your why right
when you walk in the ways of God you submit to him because God's strategy is
submission and now you can sit down cuz you're not gonna like this part
the other s word is submission and in all of the steps that David took away
from the throne for 15 years into the land of the Philistines into the place
of Ziklag while it looked like he was moving away from the promise God had
made him he was moving into submission
submission the steps of a good man are ordered wait a minute that's what they
do in the military ordered and I found out a lot of people will rejoice over
the sovereignty of God but resist submission and to believe in sovereignty
without embracing submission is not faith it's fairy tale if I say my steps
are ordered by the Lord as a way of excusing my decisions I have
misunderstood the implication of psalm 37:23 I wonder how much differently we
would respond to Psalm 37:23 if we considered the word ordered because when
God went to David went to God David didn't give God his opinion he asked God
for his next order now when you lived like that you can have complete and
total confidence in every move you make every breath you take
and whether you're moving away from your goal or toward your goal you can know
I'm in submission so I'm at piece
submission brings peace when you try to get the strategy before submission
you're out of order and it doesn't work when you say God
orders your steps understand what you're saying is not that God will take the
step for you it's that he will tell you which one to take
so when I ask God to heal my relationship with my dad
God did not do it until I submitted to the way that he wanted me to do it which
was to humble myself and go into my dad and instead of proving how right I was
and how wrong he was to find a point of connection but that required submission
and when I submitted myself to God's Way I experienced God's will a lot of the
things that are not working in my life are because I'm out of order sometimes
when your finances are out of order you have the money you need it's just not in
I think I preached us into a funeral
it's because God is really not first in your priorities I can tell by your
ledger I can tell because everybody else gets your first and God gets what's left
when you give God your best he blesses what's left when you give God what's
left how can you believe him for his best
you're out of order the the three times that me and Holly have fought in 15 years
of marriage I might be understating but when we fight it's not because we don't
have a blessed marriage it's because something is out of order something is
out of order there's a step I'm skipping and see when I talk to my wife and I need to
work something out the thing I gotta do before I can explain myself is to
empathize which does not come naturally to me to listen to your wrong point of
view before I give you the correct one but sometimes there's something I need
to learn about how you see it so I can come over onto your side that's why we
have so much racial and religious tension in our nation we're out of order
we're out of order before we even listen to one another we're giving a lesson to
the other but you can't give the lesson until you're willing to listen
so we're out of order and now we're frustrated cuz it's not working and we
don't know what to do but but David's life is a life it's interesting how when
he was in order how everything had a flow to it the oil flows when you're
in order the Bible says he inquired of the Lord shall I go up to one of the
cities of Judah which was not by the way the ultimate capital because everything
God does he does in steps and stages it would be seven and a half more years
before David would come into the fullness of his calling but all you need
for now is the next step David had been making moves see he he had been he had
been working toward this this moment where he would go to Judah and he had
sent the men of Judah gifts and he was set up now and he asked God is now the
time because I don't want to move til you want me to move and in one sentence God
taught him his next move because for 15 years God had taught him to submit
if you can receive this message today and submit your desires God will God
will tell you what to do when you delight yourself in his way that's what
Psalm 37 says that he delighteth in his way I thought that meant and I'm so
stupid I thought that meant for the longest time I don't know why I can't get
this stuff the first time I thought that man God delights in his way the steps of
a good man are ordered by the Lord put it up there the steps of a good man are
ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way I thought that meant that if I'm
a good man and my steps are ordered God will delight and well of course God
delights in the way that he orders that doesn't make any sense it means that when
I delight in his way see he delighteth in his way who's he
the man whose steps are ordered when I delight in God's way I will be in God's
will and my steps will be ordered and I can stay on this step as long as I need
to stay on this step and I can stay in this season as long as I need to be in
this season because God I don't want to go into any greater responsibility or
influence until you say I'm ready I don't want to come out of this oven till
I'm ready I don't want to enter into the promotion until I'm ready and when you
say step I step and my steps are order it's a statement of submission
hey thank you for watching make sure you subscribe to this channel so you don't
miss a single video or livestream and share this video with a friend and don't
forget you can join me live every Sunday thanks again for watching
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