Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 1, 2019

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For more infomation >> Bing Rodrigo Nonstop Classic Songs - Bing Rodrigo Best Songs 2019 - Duration: 1:02:39.


Zelda Mods Weekly #1 - Play as Linkle, Oot Cuccos, & Classic Weapons! - Duration: 14:02.

What's going on boys and girls what's up world welcome to the first week of zelda

mods weekly I'm Austin Jon and I love breath of the wild you do too

well nice we have so much in common did we just become best friends what we're

going to be doing in this series is taking a look at the most popular and

newest mods for the legend has held the breath of the wild as well as some that

I find just generally really neat modding can be an intimidating process

with the risk of losing some or all functionality of your gaming console so

this is gonna be a great showcase of the mods that the creative modding community

has made of this game you can see me checking them out and seeing which ones

are awesome and which ones are dank and not worried about breaking your console

there are hundreds of mods between the switch and Wii U versions of the game

and I'm gonna be going over them both if you like to show your support for the

creators and the porters of these mods then there will be a link in the

description down below to the listing of all of them feel free to check out the

link and give them a ten point Oh incredible rating to show your support

play the intro music

have you ever thought Nintendo with somewhat sexist professor oak making you

identify as a boy or a girl well this isn't the 90s anymore

and 2019 that's not gonna stand we need a creative female protagonist in

zelda one with their own identity who isn't a blatant ripoff of Lincoln his

style color scheme or name until then we have

link'll this is Lincoln mod it's an ongoing project by several modders

they've brought Winkle into breath of the wild complete with their own sounds

updates her DLC a version for the switch and Wii U over 40 outfits modified in

the game and most importantly the most immersive possible experience possibly

possible the guards outside of Gerudo know you're a girl yeah you see me I'm a

strong independent woman and you'll respect me I don't need no outfit to

fool you no more shorts now she has adorable skirts that are completely

immersive and ready for combat the Hylian hood gives you a big compass

hanging from your neck your poor sweet old grandma who always wanted you to be

flava flav she'll be so proud when you're naked you have a top on because

this is a family-friendly channel damn it oh and the boy shorts can't forget

about the boy shorts the diamond circle it gives you Princess Leia style buns

and I love it the Gerudo outfit makes it look like she's ready for a Coachella

flame breaker Delp Zorro outfit fishy stealth armor

ninja AF climbers outfit Laura Croft AF reading outfit makes you look like a

Dark Mage out of Final Fantasy instead of some weird glow in the dark face

paint the effects coming off for the ancient outfit are absolutely stunning

and I wish they were on length to begin with the barbarian outfit damn look I

even say girl and the damn snow quill outfit is so fluffy I wanna die oh and

the royal bow is now a crossbow and I'm sure there's some other weapons that are

done but I was just too caught up with all of the the actual armor and stuff

it's amazing pretty much every single item in the game has been changed to

give linkle her own identity her own style and her own adventure that may

may not include always going the wrong way despite her wearing a compass around

her damn neck even the amiibo link outfits give her

her own unique look as if she was in that game Reggie takes some notes every

HD remake come forth needs these little outfits otherwise I'm not buying that

game okay I'm probably couldn't be still buying that game but still boys and

girls this isn't just a mod this is an experience now that your linkle from

ocarina of time because ocarina of time should have a girl version you know what

else from ocarina of time we're missing could it be the gorons rolling the

diving mechanic the long series of fetch quests for a sword that doesn't break if

you're thinking about any of these you're wrong

but if you're thinking about chickens then have I got news for you

introducing the ocarina time style cuoco made by Landis Sarah Lane these cuccos

by the way that's a proper way to say it it's Italian

these cuccos have too much color too much variety I need them all white

plucky and identical now these aren't your low poly blocky chickens that the

cuoco lady asks you to fetch an ocarina at time if that is her real name no each

of these chicks has a brand new model and texture giving their own full unique

identity of being exactly the same as the rest of the koukos in the world but

now they're all a different color hold your head up high chicken andross

chicken chicken rise and I think it changed my paraglider to one two there's

still a swarm that attacks you and they're all white cuccos but I give this

modded 9.9 because the swarm damage is only a quarter heart and it doesn't

knock you to the ground immersion broken did you boot up breath

of the wild for the first time and find items like the traveler sword and the

knight shield and thought what the heck are these did you find those adorable

and probably not going to drive you crazy looking for them corks in the

woods and look at their shield and think something was missing maybe a red swirl

do you want that shield that looks like there's a damn person stuck in it trying

to escape you do well good this is the classic weapons

pack by issue link this pack of weapon mods takes several mods have replaced

various swords and shields in the game with ones from previous Elder games the

Ocarina of Time series we have the Deku shield replacing the boku shield or Deku

shield however you want to say it the traveler sword now becomes the corcyra

sword now you're your own eight-year-old boy I mean girl cuz we're linkle from

majora's mask we have the steel Lassalle shield replacing the icon and mirror

shield maybe because the Ocarina x original mirror shield defended a group

of people that's a real thing look it up the knight shield is now the hero shield

which may or may not be a total ripoff of the Hylian Shield the feather edge is

now the razor sword which is upgraded after 100 swipes it'll turn back to a

regular sword or just disintegrate and the royal broadsword is the much better

Goldust enhanced gilded sword we also get a variant of the goddess shield from

Skyward Sword / the Royal shield the dragon boku shield is now the Ordon

shield from Twilight Princess this soldier shield is now the Hyrule

warriors knight's shield they're digging a little bit and the rusty shield is the

red rusty Knight shield that I don't know where this is from I think possibly

a Link to the Past oh and yes they added the mirror shield from Ocarina time over

the Gerudo shield but they went with the later release of Ocarina of Time the one

that didn't have the star in the moon resembling the Islamic symbol many of

the textures were lifted from the most recent remakes of the games and some

were made by hand but all of them are amazing it's a really awesome experience

to walk through the world and see these various weapons from previous Elder

games just there the textures are even replacing the weapons select thumbnail

but the only way it would be better is if the text for each weapon was changed

as well while going through the gray plateau instead of picking up random

boku weapons now you're grabbing Deku shields and corcyra swords

that's just great a quick little mod to definitely take note of is

true fierce day and a sword with sword beams this fixes the fierce deity sword

firstly its texture has to be the badass-looking original sword not the

cheap knockoff thing that falls from the sky when a figure is held on top of a

controller similar to the master sword the fierce deity sword shoots beams

whenever a swipe happens or with the throw command

unlike the Master Sword it shoots the beams regardless of your health these

beams travel longer than the master swords and even longer than some bows

also the sword now does 80 damage and the beams do 40 and it can't break

because it wouldn't be a god sword if it broke easily right I know the days

leading up to DLC pack 1 being released many people were talking about what new

benefits the new armor would have and I've had new things like daytime

speed-up because we have nighttime speed-up and just other great

enhancements but the best thing that we got with sideways climbing speed up that

all changes now with better armors by hylians e better armors while it doesn't

add any new armors in the game it makes all of the armor better it makes that

all that hard time that you spend finding all that armor in the game

worthwhile perfect example a big gripe in mind was always have the snow quilt

trousers with the boots don't give you increased snow speed well now they do

the tunic gives me level 2 cold resistance and the headdress makes me

unfreeze about I think having level 2 cold resists on level 1 gear might be a

little overpowered similarly the Gerudo veau headband is a flame guard the

spaulder I think that's how you say that word is heat resistant to and the

trousers are sand speed up it just works specialty sets such as the stealth

radiant and hero's armor remain untouched the elephants you find

yourself swapping all the time to deal with the environment and the enemies is

just fixed it just works a fully upgraded ancient armor set gives you

attack up 3 Guardian resist 3 climb speed up 3 and hm proficiency that's

pretty dope the dark set is still 3 climb speed up 3 and attack 3 and the

base powers increased to 28 and this set bonuses night speed up I really wish

they made one of the sets in the game full speed up just I would love that

just wear one outfit you run like the wind maybe that's in a different mod I

don't know yet I feel like if it was possible to have

each article give you two or three different level one enhancements that

would stack it'll be a little bit better or have them blocked after level one

gear but this is an overall quality of life mods so don't find yourself pausing

and changing outfits all the gosh dang time the million rupee question is it

immersive like if you get this folder you can be standing in super duper hot

environments it used to take two articles of clothing to achieve that

well if you think about it this way in ocarina of time if you wear a red shirt

you can stand in an active volcano so maybe it is immersive but I'll let you

be the judge of that have you ever played through breath of

the wild and thought to yourself wow it's very quiet except from when a

guardian spots you and you're about to be cut until laser cut link sushi do you

miss the roaring theme of the Zelda overworld when you leave a city do you

think that there should be more music than a few random piano notes while

you're going out on this expansive journey well if so then I've got news

for you this is the Legend of Zelda complete music pack by mr. gammon tour

he has painstakingly replaced over 40 music arrangements in the game with

excerpts from other Zelda games and even more games that aren't zelda to help

build the mood when you teleport instead of that long drawn-out sound we get a

quick sexy minute teleport sound from Twilight Princess when entering rito

village we get some soft Skyloft music from Skyward Sword get it cuz the birds

birds live in the sky Skyloft is in the sky riding your horse around during the

day we get that nostalgic Hyrule Field theme from ocarina of time the sound

quality is a bit lacking it might have been ripped from an old tube TVs output

with a fisher-price microphone and it's a little distorted so I'm not

too sure how I feel about it but gosh does it bring me back to the sound of

the late 90s all were missing is Backstreet Boys in Furbys when you're at

a tower you get the we channel music which sounds like a very weird thing but

it actually fits it fits very well when you visit the burnt up old destroyed

temple of time we get the ominous chanting choir from the temple of light

I mean the temple of time from ocarina of time

the only downside to this mod is that it's three gigabytes in size and some of

the levels are inconsistent other than that 10 out of 10 Ravalli scale is now

record you know who didn't get a dank track overdubbed in that mod I'll give

you a hint he's big and blue and rips a mean accordion and if you didn't get the

hints I'm not telling you since I've watched casas theme by mr. Gordian about

50 times today alone don't believe me look at my comment on his video this is

cast as theme from smash ultimate mod Sakurai's team decided cast needs a sexy

Mambo something or other remix to smash your friends too and why not put in

Zelda now it is if you thought that you spent too much time standing next to him

before well now he's broken out a full band for a sick theme where's the band

I'm not too sure either they're invisible or it's completely immersion

breaking I want to believe they're invisible or it's a sheik accordion with

the speaker with backing tracks coming out of it I don't care I love it and I

need it to end off the first episode of Zelda mods weekly 2 mods that are

horrible break immersion serve no place in our rule but are pretty funny my

motorcycle is now a banana and the giant horse is now Thomas the Tank Engine

Skyrim I got nothing on Zelda and that's could be wrapping up the first ever

episode of Zelda mods weekly since this is a brand new series do me a favor and

leave a like down below so I know you guys are a fan of it and want more as I

mentioned before links to all the mods will be in the description below even if

you have no interest in modding if you go choose one of your favorites and

leave them a ten-point no rating that'd be great and the least we can do support

and motivate the modding community if the series gets enough likes you're

going to see APIs so tube appearing in the top corner

right now from here feel free to check out the next week episode if you new to

the channel be sure to subscribe turn on notifications if you already

turned on notifications but notifications aren't happening we click

that Bell until next time Austin John out

For more infomation >> Zelda Mods Weekly #1 - Play as Linkle, Oot Cuccos, & Classic Weapons! - Duration: 14:02.


Smash Bros. Ultimate Classic Mode Explained! Inkling, Pac-Man, Game & Watch, Ice Climbers, Dr Mario - Duration: 9:34.

Hey everyone, how's it going?

This is Steve and welcome to the first episode of Instant Classic!

In this series, we're going to take a look at the hidden meaning behind every character's

classic mode route, five characters at a time.

In this first episode, we'll be looking mostly at old-school characters, with one newcomer

thrown in the mix.

If you've watched our other Smash videos, you won't be surprised that Classic Mode

is also packed with little details you might not notice if you aren't looking for them.

With that in mind, let's get started.

First up, we have the most old-school character in Smash: Mr. Game & Watch.

Game & Watch hails from Nintendo's oldest entry into portable gaming, which began in

the year 1980, a full three years before the NES would launch.

In fact, Game & Watch is so old-school that on his stage, Flat Zone X, every character

is forced into 2D.

So, for Mr. Game & Watch's Classic Mode theme, we're going to do a little traveling

back in time from the Gameboy all the way back to Game & Watch portable that started

it all.

Called A Long Legacy, Game & Watch's route starts us in the year 1992 where we face off

against Kirby in what many, apparently including Sakurai, consider to be the successor to the

Game & Watch, the original Gameboy, in the Dream Land GB stage.

Kirby is even black and white too, which is a nice added touch.

Next up, we're going to a less Orwellian version of 1984 in PAC-Land.

There's nothing really special about this match.

It's just you and PAC-Man on the PAC-Land stage here.

After you escape Namco's yellow icon, it's time to head on over to the next fight against

Duck Hunt Dog.

Duck Hunt released the same year as PAC-Land, in 1984, but a few months earlier.

Here you'll take on the antagonistic dog and his duck pal.

No special quirks about this one either, if you finish the match quickly like I did, you

might wonder why Zelda music is playing in the background, but it's actually the NES

medley which includes music from a ton of games including and you guessed it-Duck Hunt.

After that, it's back to the year 1983 to fight the Mario Bros, no Super Mario Bros

here just yet, either, as this match takes place on the stage of the same name, based

on the original arcade game.

It's a free-for-all, which is a perfect fit for this stage since back then Mario and

Luigi didn't exactly work together.

It won't be long before you get to team up though, because your next match is in 1981,

on the set of Donkey Kong.

The stage is known as 75 m in Smash.

75 m stands for 75 meters, which is how high Donkey Kong is in this stage.

It's the third stage in the arcade game, with Donkey Kong ascending another 25 meters

each time you defeat him.

Once you've helped Mario defeat Donkey Kong, you have one last stop on this trip down memory


Mr. Game & Watch returns home to Flat Zone X, and you have to battle six more Game & Watch


This puts you back in the year 1980 where it all began.!

After that, there's a fight with Master Hand, but I didn't expect Nintendo to shoehorn

in a special boss just for Game & Watch.

I would have loved to have seen Game & Watch's octopus as a boss, but it only would've

made sense for this one route.

Number two on today's list is Smash's first dynamic duo, the Ice Climbers.

If you heard Palutena's Guidance about them, you'd know that they were apparently banned

from Smash for illegal teaming.

Well, now they're back and they're ready to prove they're the strongest duo in Nintendo's

roster, which is exactly what they set out to do in their Classic Mode route, Duos for

Days in which the Climbers will take on iconic duos from gaming history.

After seeing this route, it's actually surprising just how many perfect combinations you can

put together.

Their route starts with the Ice Climbers facing Link and Zelda at the Great Plateau Tower,

and while that may seem an odd choice for the first fight, considering how strong Link

and Zelda are, they canonically are the worst team up since this Breath of the Wild Link

and Link to the Past Zelda, meaning before Smash, these two have never even met, let

alone fought alongside each other.

Either way, it's a fun match and I'll take any excuse to hear Breath of the Wild's

amazing soundtrack.

Next, the Ice Climbers take the fight to Ryu and Ken on their home turf.

Having debuted in 1987 in arcades, Ryu and Ken have been fighting for decades longer

than most other Smash competitors.

Fortunately, they're usually paired against each other instead of in a team!

Now that we've gotten some of the hardcore fighters out of the way, it's time to slow

down a bit and take on Villager and Isabelle from Animal Crossing.

Who am I kidding though?

These two are vicious, despite their outward appearances.

Just be careful a tree doesn't "accidentally" fall on you.

Now it's time for some Monkey Business in Jungle Japes.

Here you'll take on Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong.

They're a challenging duo, but no match for the Ice Climbers' teamwork.

Now it's on to Palutena's Temple to fight Palutena and Pit.

I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in this pairing, even though it makes sense.

I would've loved for them to paired Pit and Dark Pit as Palutena suggested in her


Regardless it's a fun match and I love hearing the Kid Icarus theme during it.

Finally, it's time to face Nintendo's First Lady and her rescuer-in-waiting, Peach

and Mario.

Of course this battle at Princess Peach's Castle.

Once you've toppled them, you've proven yourself, but of course, there's one more

duo to take out before the Ice Climbers can reign supreme.

Of course, in that case, this duo would be Master Hand and Crazy Hand.

As usual, once they're out of the way, illegal or not, the Ice Climbers are the best team

in Smash.

Just like the game they come from, the Inkling's Classic Mode route, dubbed "An Inkredible

Journey" is all about color with some great tunes to accompany the action.

In keeping with Splatoon's own theme, the enemies you face in this route will sport

team colors, meaning nobody is in their standard costume for these matches.

Each match is also accompanied by one of Splatoon's amazing songs.

Let's take a look.

There's nothing too crazy here, so we'll move through it quickly: First up are a green

Lucario and Sheikh in Yoshi's Island while Splattack plays in the background.

Clear them out and you're on to an awesome pink Greninja in Magicant; this time you'll

get to listen to Ink Or Sink while you fight.

Next up are Wario and Duck Hunt.

Wario's sporting his red outfit while Duck Hunt is brown.

You'll battle them to Metalopod on Norfair.

Now you have a giant blue Yoshi to fight on Summit from Ice Cleimbers while you jam out

to Seaskape.

Almost there, now it's time for a free-for-all against against a pink Shulk, Ness, and a

kinda-pink Mewtwo at the Fountain of Dreams with Kraken Up playing in the background.

Before your fateful encounter with this route's boss, you get to make your return to Inkopolis

for a free-for all match against two fellow Inklings at Moray Towers.

The nighttime backdrop coupled with Ink Me Up playing in the background lends this match

a strong Splatfest vibe.

It's amazing just how much this feels like a Splatoon match.

I couldn't get enough, but there's one more fight ahead.

Your final battle is against Marx.

I'm not too sure how he fits into the theme, but he's colorful, and as Derrick pointed

out he does give off a bit of a DJ Octavio vibe.

Even if I can't quite make sense of it, it's okay considering you get to listen

to the fantastic Calamari Inkantation as you put an end to the creepy little guy.

Ash suggested I check out Dr. Mario's Classic Mode route, Colorful Treatment Plan, and I'm

so glad he did.

Each match in this route is a three-on-one match with the odds stacked against the good

doctor, but what's even cooler is that each enemy you face bears one of the three virus

colors from Dr. Mario for the NES, all while classic Dr. Mario tunes play in the background.

Your first match will pit you against three Mr. Game and Watches in red, yellow and blue

on Flat Zone X.

After you clear them out it's on to Green Greens to fight three Kirbys sporting those

same colors.

After that, It's Yoshis, on Yoshi's Island followed by Wii Fit Trainers in the Wii Fit

Studio, then Robs on Battlefield.

After them is perhaps my favorite battle of the route, Warios in Luigi's Mansion.

They just so perfectly capture the annoying attitude of the virii in Dr. Mario that they

could easily pass for the real deal.

Unfortunately, our mustachioed medicine man didn't get the special boss treatment and

is instead left in the care of Master Hand and Crazy Hand.

Let's close this first episode out similarly to how it began, with Pac Man's route, Ageless


It's actually pretty similar to Mr. Game and Watch's, except you travel forward in

time, instead of backward.

Considering Pac-Man was a staple in arcades in the '80s, it makes sense that he'd

start off against the arcade machine that dethroned him and continue on to the console

Nintendo released following their arcade dominance.

Starting in 1981,Pac-Man battles Donkey Kong, Mario and Luigi in a free-for-all on 75 m.

Luigi didn't appear until 1983 in the Mario Bros.

But in a route full of ageless classics, it'd be a shame not to include him.

Next up is a stop off in 1984 with Duck Hunt.

No music plays during this fight, which is a really cool touch considering the same was

true of the NES version, well, while ducks were flying, anyway.

Move one year forward to 1985, where Pac Man has to fight Rob and Ice Climbers on a Wrecking

Crew stage.

Each of those games released that year.

This is the kind of stuff fans live for.

It's clear Sakurai put so much thought into each of these encounters; I just can't help

but be impressed.

Now it's one more year forward and we're up against Young Link, Samus, Pit and Simon


It's hard to believe but all of these games released in 1986.

I'll forgive the Hyrule Castle 64 stage being used considering they have the original

NES overworld theme playing.

Moving forward just one more year into 1987, we see Pac Man fighting LIttle Mac, Mega Man

and Snake.

And yep, just like before, all of these games released in 1987.

I'm beginning to think the NES never had a bad year!

Pac Man's route ends much the same way it began, with fighters from more than one year

making an appearance.

This time, Pac Man takes the fight to Marth and Dr. Mario, both of whom debuted in 1990

as well as Kirby, who didn't arrive on the scene until 1992.

Your final boss is Dracula, which is going back in time just a bit, but it's such a good


​ That's it for our first five Classic Mode


Which one did you like most, and who do you want to see in the episode?

Let us know in the comments, and as always, ,Thanks so muchfor watching, and make sure

to subscribe to Gamexplain for all things Smash!

For more infomation >> Smash Bros. Ultimate Classic Mode Explained! Inkling, Pac-Man, Game & Watch, Ice Climbers, Dr Mario - Duration: 9:34.


Винный шкаф до 140 см Caso WineMaster 66 Classic обзор - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Винный шкаф до 140 см Caso WineMaster 66 Classic обзор - Duration: 1:30.


Винный шкаф до 140 см Caso WineSafe 12 Classic обзор - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Винный шкаф до 140 см Caso WineSafe 12 Classic обзор - Duration: 1:18.


Fiat Panda 1.2 Classic (radio/cd - dakrails - electr. ramen voor - - Duration: 1:04.

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Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 K. Classic SPORT EDITION NAVI - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse 180 K. Classic SPORT EDITION NAVI - Duration: 1:08.


First day of the CNOS Classic - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> First day of the CNOS Classic - Duration: 3:33.


Luxury Hayden Classic – Single Park Home from Tingdene - Duration: 2:25.

Luxury Hayden Classic – Single Park Home from Tingdene

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