Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 10, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Oct 27 2018

Sooner or later the truth is exposed.

Every American should be alarmed with what's going on.

What's even worse is when you have a certain political party that plans invasions to destroy

a country.

Typically refugees or migrants fleeing war-torn or generally shithole countries represent

the demographics of their country.




Some old.

Some young.

A lot of middle-aged peeps with the physical fortitude for the jaunt.

You know, the general population's makeup.

But lately, the save the women and children first axiom has gone the way of the just chose

one gender option.

Because the migrant caravan heading toward the Mexican/American border is 80% male.

Under the age of 35.

Maybe some ladies are happy their Tinder options will expand to include a new selection of

freshly arrived dudes.

But from where I sit, 7,000 people *gets out a calculator because of the public education

system over 15 years ago* 5,600 of which are military-aged men, who will likely do whatever

it takes to get into the country (like illegally get into it), this is less of a caravan, more

of a marching army.

Which begs the question: at what point does a migration turn into an invasion?

Wouldn't it be frankly great with a side if incredible of Donald Oh Donald headed down

to the Mexican/American border and just shook his head, while sending out the troops?

Hey, if these "migrants" decide to cross the border illegally, on their head be it.

For more infomation >> Dems Desperate To Hide What Was Just Uncovered Inside Invader Caravan Coming To U.S. - Duration: 2:00.


What is Nada Yoga? The Yoga of Sound - Duration: 11:06.

The first time I went to India, little did I know that

my life was going to completely change.

I know, many people come back from India saying they transformed.

It happened to me, too.

At that time, I was a singing student at the university in Montreal and was feeling blocked.

My voice was weak and so was my morale.

I heard that in India, before a concert, a singer would sometimes sing 'om' for almost

one hour, reconnecting to their soul, before starting the performance.

I became very intrigued.

"Maybe I could also find a way to reconnect to my voice?"

I thought to myself.

I bought my airplane ticket and suspended my university studies for one semester.

I didn't know where to go; India is huge!

However, a whole series of coincidences brought me to my teachers and I started my journey.

In my first class, one of them asked me to sing an "A" sound, which I did.

He listened.

After a few moments of silence, he said "You are not connected to your voice."

I smiled, as I thought to myself: "That is exactly why I came.

I must be in the right place."

That was the beginning of a fascinating adventure and my initiation into the Nada yoga tradition.

I had no idea at the time that I would be touched in the depths of my soul, healed in

places I didn't even know needed healing.

After a few months of studying with them, I came back home, and my voice was transformed

and my career shifted unexpectedly.

Above all, I came back humbled.

Now, I spend half the year, every year since, studying in that country, deepening in this

path and sharing this knowledge with people in the West.

WHAT IS NADA YOGA ? Nada, from the Sanskrit "नाद", means


Nada Yoga is the yoga of sound.

There are different ways in which you can explore sound on your yoga journey.

While some Nada Yoga practices have been well documented and are mentioned in the sacred

texts, other practices have only been passed from generation to generation, mostly as oral


Russill Paul is a contemporary Nada yogi who has written extensively on the subject, and

who suggests a classification of four different branches of Nada Yoga.

While this classification is not official, it helps explain the different aspects of

this form of yoga.

SHABD AND SHAKTI The first two branches are called, according

to Paul, Shabd Yoga and Shakti Yoga.

Both focus on mantras and their mystical properties, but their origins and ways of practicing differ.

BHAKTI The third branch is called Bhakti Yoga.

Bhakti means devotion.

Bhakti Yoga is all about chanting devotional songs to connect to a space of grace.

NADA The fourth branch of Nada Yoga, according

to Russill Paul, is also called Nada Yoga.

It uses pure sounds as a means of meditation.

There are no mantras involved.

The last branch - the one in which I am specializing - overlaps with classical Indian music.

Classical Indian music is a very complex, refined tradition.

It is a deeply mystical art form, and although one can study this music without exploring

Nada Yoga, one finds that the Nada Yoga journey lies at the very core of this art.

So, a musician can develop a Nada Yoga sadhana (spiritual practice) along with their musical


Of course, it is not necessary to be a professional musician to benefit from these practices.

I have taught Nada Yoga classes and workshops to people from varied backgrounds, and found

we all can benefit greatly from it.

Ultimately, this is not just an exotic form of yoga.

Nada yoga is about you and how you relate to yourself, how you inhabit your body, how

you align your mind, how you express your soul.

Let me give you a taste of it.

Since I'm specializing in the fourth branch mentioned above, and more specifically on

voice, I will share with you a vocal exercise from that branch.

AAKAR: A SINGING PRACTICE Take a moment now.

Sit in a comfortable position, ideally with the back straight.

As you are reading this text, take a deep breath and scan your body: is there any tension


See if you can become a bit more aligned, a bit more relaxed in your posture.

Take your time.

When you feel ready, take another deep breath, and let a simple /a:/

sound come, as in the word "spa".

Listen to yourself as you sing this tone.

Pay as much attention to the act of emitting a sound as to the act of listening to it.

Now, check in with yourself: are you afraid of expressing this sound?

If yes, then see how it feels to take your space a bit more.

Don't force yourself to open up all at once.

Just gently explore the possibility of taking more space around you with your voice.

Are you feeling tense, anxious?

Can you hear that in your voice as well?

Just observe and listen.

Is your voice shaking?

Let it shake.

Do you feel frustrated that it is shaking?

Let frustration be.

Does it feel stuck?

Let it be stuck.

Discover the relief of allowing yourself to be, just as you are, right now.

So often in our lives we have to compromise, adjust, refrain, etc.

But here you have an opportunity to create an inner temple for yourself.

Give space to for your voice to be exactly as it is.

Receive and give space to whatever comes up.

But in your mind, remain focused, aware and equanimous.

As you keep this neutral witnessing quality, you will notice that your voice will gradually

settle down, open up and naturally realign itself.

OBSERVE THE BODY Continue breathing deeply, and calmly singing

your "A" on the exhalations.

Then, observe the body.

Keep watching your posture, so that it is aligned and keep listening to yourself.

See if you can let your body become more open and relaxed, but not so relaxed that your

sound becomes feeble.

Find balance between tonus and relaxation.

Look for that middle point.

Now look at your shoulders, your neck.

Necks tend to tense, especially when singing.

See if you can relax that region.

Scan your chest, your face, your jaw, your eyes; bring release to these parts, too.

Observe your belly and your hip area: these are areas where we often hold tension.

Sing your 'A's as you focus respectively on each area, and bring some deeper tonus

and relaxation to them.

In more advanced states of practice, we can actually bring the sound vibrations to different

parts of the body, but for now, let's just focus on them, letting your voice open up

as your body realigns itself.

As you explore this practice you will notice your mind wandering again and again.

Bring it back, again and again.

My teacher said something one time that I never forgot: "Mental power has to be developed


It is not a matter of one to two hours, or one to two weeks… or even one to two years.

Mental power has to be developed over a long time.

What is mental power?

The power to focus."

So use this exercise as an opportunity to develop that.

You will find that as you develop it, you start to reach deeper levels of perception,

insight and peacefulness.

It will also allow you to access deeper levels of the practice and open your voice even further.

As your mind settles you begin shining presence on your vocal expression, and it starts to


Imagine a channel that has been clogged for a long time.

Once you pass some water through it, gently, over and over, slowly it starts to unclog.

Likewise, your voice, totally welcomed as it is, united with your conscious presence

and aligned posture and breath, becomes like water to your system.

Slowly you are unblocking your inner pipe; you are realigning your system.

With this exercise, you are peeling away, gradually, all these layers of subconscious

blockages that we all carry around.

Much more could be said about Aakar practice, but this is a good introduction.

If you are new to singing, practice up to 30 minutes at a time, as your vocal cords

might get tired if you practice longer.

Drinking water throughout your practice is also recommended to keep your throat hydrated.

Now remember, breath work, body alignment and mental focus are the key aspects here.

Without these the "yoga" aspect of this practice is gone.

Aakar can be very simple at first sight, but you might discover tremendous depth in it.

It is one of the main exercises we do in the tradition I am studying.

For in-depth work, it is recommended that you have an assisted practice, so that you

can understand all the different ways in which you, personally (and often unconsciously),

block your voice.

But with this simple written explanation you can already benefit a lot.

THE POWER OF YOUR VOICE Voice is such a great tool to guide us in

our life quest, because it is a very loyal mirror of our inner reality.

Our voices change every day, depending on how we feel, and how our bodies and minds


In ancient traditional medicine systems, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) or Ayurveda,

voice has been used as a tool of diagnosis.

Just by listening to the voice the doctor can get information about the patient's

overall health condition.

We also can make the best use of this amazing tool, not only as a means of diagnosis like

in these medicinal traditions, but as a guide to liberation.

We can let our voices guide us into deeper alignment, emotional release, reconnection

to our essence, mental clarity and inner peace.

It has been scientifically proven that the whole universe is made of vibrations.

The ancient Indian scriptures actually affirm that the universe was created by sound.

As you experiment with different Nada Yoga practices, maybe you will also find that sound

is indeed a powerful doorway into the Great Mystery.

I wish you all happy explorations in your yoga journey.

For more infomation >> What is Nada Yoga? The Yoga of Sound - Duration: 11:06.


What If The Dark Web Was Legal? - Duration: 5:09.

The Dark Web.

The deep net.

The big onion.

We hear a lot about what goes on behind closed TORs, illicit trading, drug purchases and

even assassins for hire… but what if it was legit?

Hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions, the channel that looks to answer

a whole bunch of queries from the serious to the whimsical, from the political to the

apocalyptical….I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking What If The Dark Web

Was Legal.

Before we get into this video, I want to ask you guys what the scariest thing you have

ever seen on the internet is?

Let me know your thoughts and experiences in the comments section down below.

Also why don't you hit that thumbs up button to let us know you like these types of videos.

What if the Dark Web Was Illegal?

LADIES and gentlemen, hold on to your hats – this is about to be the shortest Life's

Biggest Questions answer ever…

The Dark web is legal!

Or, it isn't illegal, anyway!

Not in democratic free speaking countries.

But … wait…

I can't stop a video after one minute…so let's elaborate a bit and then go on one

of our classic LBQ flights of What If Fancy.

Firstly – let me explain the web and its many layers.

The surface web is things like Yahoo, Google, all mainstream, websites.

Basically all indexed websites.

Your .coms and the like.

Everything with a normal web address.

The deep web is unindexed, encrypted websites, private or protected sites.

The kind of things you will find on the deep web are sensitive information like medical

records, government records and reports, private science studies, legal documents and the like.

Then we have the dark web, which you need a TOR for.

A TOR obscures your computers IP address, making those who access the pages of the dark

web anonymous and untrackable…ish, anyway.

Using a TOR for internet anonymity isn't illegal, in fact the US Department of Defence

have partially funded it in some areas.

In fact, TORs have actually been helpful in some non-democratic countries, allowing people

in China and some Islamic countries where the state control the internet to access wider


Countries, including France, are looking at ways to ban TORs for safety purposes, but

electing to protect your anonymity is not and will never be illegal in a free country.

Accessing the deep and dark web isn't illegal either and not all websites found on the deep

web are illicit.

The infamous Ross Ulbright, creator of the silk road, had a book club on the deep web!

So – speaking of silk road – the drug purchasing site hosted in the deep web was

illegal and saw Ulbricht jailed for life plus 40 years without the possibility of parole.

But, again, here is the loop hole – visiting the Silk Road site isn't illegal, buying

and selling drugs is illegal.

Ulbricht wasn't arrested for creating a dark web site, but for trafficking drugs.

There are some sites on the dark web that are illegal though – by and large sites

hosting child pornography.

Viewing child pornography is illegal, so clicking on a website showing it is breaking the law.

One of the most disgusting dark web stories ever to emerge was of a dark web site call

The Destruction of Daisy, which was a vile child snuff, abuse and torture site run by

Australian Peter Scully, who is now facing the death penalty.

The dark web is an unpredictable place where the lines between legal and illegal are horribly


You are also not always as anonymous as you think – it is possible for a web genius

to hack a TOR and find out exactly who you are – it is best not to stoke the hornets

nest and gain any unwanted attention or accidentally do something you don't want to do that could

land you in trouble, or worse.

It is, of course, up to you , though.

If we were to take this question to mean what if everything that calls the dark web home

was legal, then we would be talking about a world where child abuse and indecency is

legal, drug trade is above board, live murder streams are acceptable, it is possible to

hire someone to kill for you, credit card fraud is legit, fake passports are a-okay,

buying poison is not only fine, but easy, explosives can be bought, shipped and detonated…ISIS

are legally able to source recruits…the list goes on but basically equates to the

same thing – all hell breaks loose.

If everything on the dark web was legal, it would basically mean everything is a-okay.

So far as I understand, there is no limit as to what you can do and by on the dark web.

Thankfully, though….if you are caught doing shady stuff, you still have to answer to the


So guys, that was some dark web chat for you.

What are your thoughts?

Have you ever accessed the dark web?

Let me know in the comments section down below.

Are you surprised it IS legal?

While you are down there do make sure you leave a thumbs up and share this video with

a friend!

Thanks for tuning into this episode of life's biggest questions – I am your host, Rebecca

Felgate – I'll catch you in the next video – but until then, stay curious, stay alert

and never ever stop questioning.

For more infomation >> What If The Dark Web Was Legal? - Duration: 5:09.


Peter Crouch share what was said in stoke dressing room when Shaqiri sealed move to Liverpool - Duration: 2:13.

the Merseyside Giants were questioned when they triggered the attacking

midfielders pounds 13,000,000 release Clause following Stokes relegation from

the Premier League but former England international told the Daily Mail he has

no doubts about the ability of Shaqiri and believes he has a special talent

that could take Liverpool to the next level to see him thriving for Liverpool

then comes as no surprise to me Crouch said when he got his move to Anfield in

the summer I said to a few of the lads in our dressing room that he would go

there and rip it up in that is what he has been doing over the last few weeks

people say it is impossible to break up Liverpool's three-man attack of Mohamed

Salah Roberto Firmino and say Theo mein when they are all fit but if anyone is

going to do it Shakira can in terms of ability he is up

there with the best I played with trust me he can be whatever he wants to be

opinion Shakira has had its share of voluble critics Gary Neville and his

former Stoke teammate Charlie Adam are notably not like members of his fan club

but there is a growing sense that the Switzerland international can be more

than a useful squad man at Liverpool over the next few years

unsurprisingly he was initially used sparingly as he watched the Holy Trinity

of Sallust Firmino and main from the sidelines Jurgen Klopp was initially

brutal handing him his first league start against Southampton and then

hauling him off at half-time despite an impressive display the firm message has

been you have to work your socks off to get in this team the penny appears to

have dropped judging by Shakira's outstanding

For more infomation >> Peter Crouch share what was said in stoke dressing room when Shaqiri sealed move to Liverpool - Duration: 2:13.


Arsenal fans noticed what Guendouzi did after Torreira was fouled by Nani - Duration: 2:45.

 Confidence in the Arsenal squad should be sky high right now following 11 straight wins across all competitions

 After losing their first two games of the season against Manchester City and Chelsea, the Gunners have picked up form under new head coach Unai Emery and the post-Arsene Wenger era is shaping up to be a good one

 A 3-1 win over West Ham was followed up by back-to-back victories over Cardiff City and Newcastle United either side of the first international break, of the season and then there was four consecutive home successes against FC Vorskla, Everton, Brentford and Watford across three different competitions

 Win number eight came in the Europa League against Qarabag and then the 5-1 thrashing of Fulham before the second international break of the campaign made it nine in row

 Leicester City threatened to halt that run on after taking the lead through an Hector Bellerin own goal at the Emirates Stadium on Monday night

 However, Mesut Ozil inspired the turnaround as the Gunners came from behind to win 3-1 and extend this brilliant sequence of wins to 10 games and Danny Welbeck's only goal against Sporting CP on Thursday made it 11 in a row

  It's no doubt been a massive effort from the entire squad to put this magnificent run together, but Arsenal fans have singled out Matteo Guendouzi for praise following the win at the Estadio Jose Alvalade

  There was an incident in the second half when the young Frenchman stuck up for Lucas Torreira following a foul from former Manchester United winger Nani - who often tormented the Gunners during his time in England

  That incident has ensured Guendouzi is firmly in supporters' good books.  Take a look at the reaction from fans on Twitter

Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Arsenal fans noticed what Guendouzi did after Torreira was fouled by Nani - Duration: 2:45.


Courtois dismisses suggestions he is dreading prospect of working under Conte and Mourinho - Duration: 2:39.

Courtois took to Twitter to confirm that what was reported in El Pais was wrong Julen Lopetegui's position as Real Madrid boss is under threat as they're seventh Thibaut Courtois has dismissed suggestions he is dreading the prospect of working under former managers Antonio Conte and Jose Mourinho at Real Madrid

Spanish newspaper El Pais reported on Friday morning that the Madrid goalkeeper was not looking forward to his former Blues' bosses taking charge

Julen Lopetegui's position as Madrid boss is under threat following five games without a win in all competitions prior to Tuesday night's Champions League victory over Viktoria Plzen and sitting in seventh place in the La Liga table

El Pais reported Courtois as saying: 'I cannot believe it.Here I am the only one who has worked with Conte and with Mourinho

'I left London to not have to go through something like that again and now it turns out that Conte comes, and if not, Mourinho

' Courtois took to Twitter later on Friday to confirm that what was reported in the Spanish paper was wrong

'I want to categorically deny the information published today by El Pais in reference to my character,' he wrote

'It included lies that harm me as a professional and I expect a retraction by taking legal action

' Madrid and Courtois face a tough test on Sunday when they travel to the Nou Camp for El Clasico against rivals Barcelona

For more infomation >> Courtois dismisses suggestions he is dreading prospect of working under Conte and Mourinho - Duration: 2:39.


What was it like leaving Duke to study away for a semester? – Fran L'Esperance - Duration: 1:20.


there is definitely a bit of hesitation in terms of leaving Duke. Duke is a ton

of fun, I love going to school here, I think it was that was just outweighed by

sort of a desire to experience something else and experience a different culture

in a different part of the world, I think that was my sort of main drive for

wanting to study abroad, but at the same time there was definitely, you know, FOMO and a

bit of a nostalgia and sadness you know not going to school at Duke for a

semester. Coming back from abroad was definitely also a very memorable feeling I

think that when you're abroad you start you, as much as you're having fun and

experiencing different cultures, you also start to appreciate and miss a lot of

things you're used to in America, and I think that that adjustment process was

also something that was very important and definitely a unique experience that

I think that I got a lot out of, because you, really, right when you get back

you're able to compare the things that you experienced while you were abroad to

sort of the things that you've been used to your whole life living in the United

States and also going to class at Duke.

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