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[FREE] Travis Scott Type Beat "DRUG$" | Dark Trap Beat 2018 (Free For Use) - Duration: 2:41.
Kelvin Soundz
Kelvin Soundz
Kelvin Soundz
Kelvin Soundz
Kelvin Soundz
Evine After Dark: 10.26 - Live Broadcast - Duration: 2:04:25.-------------------------------------------
Video: What's really on the 'Dark Web?' - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Ride the Glow-in-the-Dark Blacklight Slide! - Travel Channel - Duration: 0:33.-------------------------------------------
Dark Lips Makeup | 1 Feature Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 7:08.Good morning! Today I'll be showing you this look, where the lips are the focal
point of the makeup. I started this series last week or two weeks ago, I'm
not really sure, where I'm just going through the features of the face and I
am prioritizing always one of them. Last week was the eyebrows, so I'll link that
down below and let's get started right away! I've already prepped my face with
Hourglass Veil mineral primer and now I'm gonna go in directly with the
foundation. For that I'm using the Inglot HD PerfectCoverup foundation
in the shade 71. Just bouncing that in with my Real Techniques miracle
complexschion... complexion sponge. Hold on, my cat is unhappy because I closed the door.
As you can hear, I'm also kind of sick, so please forgive that my nose is looking
kind of rough. Now I'm taking the Too Faced Born This Way Multi-Use
Sculpting concealer in Vanilla and in Swan and I'm mixing those two together,
to get the perfect shade for me, because I do not have the perfect matching and
I'm using the Sigma concealer brush F75, to just really pinpoint those areas that
still need a little more coverage; and I'm just placing it on there. This dries
pretty quickly, so you have to work quite quick and I'm just gonna tap that in
with my finger. I'm also concealing my eyes, because I do
not want to put anything on my eyes, so I need all of those blue lines and the
blueness that I have in the inside corner here, to disappear; and before I
set all of that I'm actually gonna go in first and do my lips, because I need the
lips to be perfect and in case I need to change something, it's better than doing
it after it sets, because you're working with cream and cream products. So
the first thing I did, was actually use a lip scrub and this.... I used this one, the
lip scrub from Lush in Bubblegum and then I put some Vaseline on there, to
just let it soak in and so my lips are really prepared for the lipstick. I
recently got filler again, in my top lip, so that's why it's still kind of bruised
and still a little swollen, but I thought that would be perfect for this a lip
feature. So first, I'm gonna take the MAC lip pencil in Burgundy and just line
my lips with this and also fill it out, so the lipstick really lasts a long time;
and now that they're lined, I'm gonna take the Anastasia Beverly Hills lip palette
Volume 1 and I'm going to shade...take the shade 5. This is just a lip brush
from Bipa, which is a drugstore in Austria and I'm just gonna go over top
of the lip liner. It's pretty much exactly the same color.
Alright, so my camera cut out. All I did though, was take the RMS Beauty Luminizer X
Quad or by Quad, I don't know what's it called and I took the Luminizer shade
and I just put it on my finger and put it on top of my cheekbones, as well as
underneath my eyebrow here, in the center of the lid and a little bit on top of my
nose, but that's really all I did with that and now I'm gonna set my entire
face with the Ben Nye Neutral Set colorless powder. The center I'm gonna
set with a sponge and the rest of the face, to keep some of that luminosity,
I'm going to use the Bobbi Brown Sheer powder brush. With that same brush I'm
taking the Claudia Schiffer Contouring powder and I just, you know, I'm... since the
focus is on the lips I just want to use this as a bronzer and very diffused
put this on top of my cheekbones here. I'm also putting some of this on my
forehead, since I have a very high forehead, I like
to cheat a little bit and make it a little darker on top, so it appears a
little shorter; and a little bit underneath my chin here and dragging
that out also onto my jaw, just to define that jaw line a little bit. My nose
is looking a little light, so I'm just gonna squeeze the brush, with a tiny
amount of product and just go along the sides here, just to contour, well it's not
really contouring, but just to put a little bit of color back into my nose.
For blush, again, I'm staying with the same brush. Not using a lot of
brushes today. I have a shooting tomorrow, so I have to save my brushes, because I
don't want to wash them or disinfect them, so I'm gonna take the La
Femme blush palette, the CRC exclusive, and I'm going to take the color Soft Beige
and I'm really just very, very lightly putting this on my cheeks and blending
it upwards to my temples. Just taking the sponge again to bounce that in a little
bit and just reduce the color a little bit to make it really, really diffused.
There we go. For my brows, I'm taking the Anastasia
Beverly Hills brow primer pencil and I'm just putting this all over my brows. In
every direction and now I'm just taking a spoolie to brush my brow hairs upwards;
and now I'm gonna go in with a tiny bit of the essence make me brow eyebrow gel
mascara in 01 blondy brows, just so the color
everywhere is the same. Really, just to define a little bit. Again, if you want to
watch the tutorial where the eyebrows are the focal point of my face, I will
link that down below, or I will link it right here actually, al... also
below, here and below! That was a little much from that side, so I'm just gonna go back with
the spoolie and diffuse that product, or disperse; probably the more accurate word.
And I'm actually gonna keep my eyelashes like this and my eyes like this. I like
that they're completely.... you can't completely see them. I want the lips to
be in the foreground, so I'm actually digging this look lately.
And last but not least, I am using the Cover FX high performance setting spray to
just set that whole face with. This is also just giving my face a little bit,
not like the MAC Fix+ or anything, but it does give the
face a little bit of shine back; and that's it! That's the makeup tutorial,
where the lips are the priority, done! I hope that you have fun recreating this,
if you have brown lashes, don't worry it'll still look very, very taken aback,
the eyes, if you don't use any mascara at all. So if you liked the video you can
always subscribe, if not don't, I make new videos every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday, so I really hope I'll see you next video! Bye bye!
MY TOP 30 DARK & EERIE KPOP MVs perfect for HALLOWEEN night - Duration: 10:59.I love their music and especially MVs
If I could the whole chart would be only VIXX :)
Their dark concepts are fenomenal
Oldie but goodie
still my most favorite one from BTS :)
Love the concept
Those aesthetics...❤
Those hands are more and more creepy every time I watch this :)
gosh, this breaks my heart every time
I. HAD. TO....Those aesthetics, chains, blood...and they all look wonderful
La La La La La La La La La La La La
I love the beginning here
This has so many creepy elements...❤
visuals on point
this is so cutely dark(ish) :)
I didn't breath the first time I watched this...the story was so immersive :)
Of course No. 1 is this :) I tried to pick not that creepy and disgusting part here
Holiday Card Series 2018 - Day 10 - Colored Pencils on a Dark Surface - Duration: 12:14.-------------------------------------------
What If The Dark Web Was Legal? - Duration: 5:09.The Dark Web.
The deep net.
The big onion.
We hear a lot about what goes on behind closed TORs, illicit trading, drug purchases and
even assassins for hire… but what if it was legit?
Hello and welcome back to life's biggest questions, the channel that looks to answer
a whole bunch of queries from the serious to the whimsical, from the political to the
apocalyptical….I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today I am asking What If The Dark Web
Was Legal.
Before we get into this video, I want to ask you guys what the scariest thing you have
ever seen on the internet is?
Let me know your thoughts and experiences in the comments section down below.
Also why don't you hit that thumbs up button to let us know you like these types of videos.
What if the Dark Web Was Illegal?
LADIES and gentlemen, hold on to your hats – this is about to be the shortest Life's
Biggest Questions answer ever…
The Dark web is legal!
Or, it isn't illegal, anyway!
Not in democratic free speaking countries.
But … wait…
I can't stop a video after one minute…so let's elaborate a bit and then go on one
of our classic LBQ flights of What If Fancy.
Firstly – let me explain the web and its many layers.
The surface web is things like Yahoo, Google, all mainstream, websites.
Basically all indexed websites.
Your .coms and the like.
Everything with a normal web address.
The deep web is unindexed, encrypted websites, private or protected sites.
The kind of things you will find on the deep web are sensitive information like medical
records, government records and reports, private science studies, legal documents and the like.
Then we have the dark web, which you need a TOR for.
A TOR obscures your computers IP address, making those who access the pages of the dark
web anonymous and untrackable…ish, anyway.
Using a TOR for internet anonymity isn't illegal, in fact the US Department of Defence
have partially funded it in some areas.
In fact, TORs have actually been helpful in some non-democratic countries, allowing people
in China and some Islamic countries where the state control the internet to access wider
Countries, including France, are looking at ways to ban TORs for safety purposes, but
electing to protect your anonymity is not and will never be illegal in a free country.
Accessing the deep and dark web isn't illegal either and not all websites found on the deep
web are illicit.
The infamous Ross Ulbright, creator of the silk road, had a book club on the deep web!
So – speaking of silk road – the drug purchasing site hosted in the deep web was
illegal and saw Ulbricht jailed for life plus 40 years without the possibility of parole.
But, again, here is the loop hole – visiting the Silk Road site isn't illegal, buying
and selling drugs is illegal.
Ulbricht wasn't arrested for creating a dark web site, but for trafficking drugs.
There are some sites on the dark web that are illegal though – by and large sites
hosting child pornography.
Viewing child pornography is illegal, so clicking on a website showing it is breaking the law.
One of the most disgusting dark web stories ever to emerge was of a dark web site call
The Destruction of Daisy, which was a vile child snuff, abuse and torture site run by
Australian Peter Scully, who is now facing the death penalty.
The dark web is an unpredictable place where the lines between legal and illegal are horribly
You are also not always as anonymous as you think – it is possible for a web genius
to hack a TOR and find out exactly who you are – it is best not to stoke the hornets
nest and gain any unwanted attention or accidentally do something you don't want to do that could
land you in trouble, or worse.
It is, of course, up to you , though.
If we were to take this question to mean what if everything that calls the dark web home
was legal, then we would be talking about a world where child abuse and indecency is
legal, drug trade is above board, live murder streams are acceptable, it is possible to
hire someone to kill for you, credit card fraud is legit, fake passports are a-okay,
buying poison is not only fine, but easy, explosives can be bought, shipped and detonated…ISIS
are legally able to source recruits…the list goes on but basically equates to the
same thing – all hell breaks loose.
If everything on the dark web was legal, it would basically mean everything is a-okay.
So far as I understand, there is no limit as to what you can do and by on the dark web.
Thankfully, though….if you are caught doing shady stuff, you still have to answer to the
So guys, that was some dark web chat for you.
What are your thoughts?
Have you ever accessed the dark web?
Let me know in the comments section down below.
Are you surprised it IS legal?
While you are down there do make sure you leave a thumbs up and share this video with
a friend!
Thanks for tuning into this episode of life's biggest questions – I am your host, Rebecca
Felgate – I'll catch you in the next video – but until then, stay curious, stay alert
and never ever stop questioning.
Steve Schmidt: We've Arrived At This Dark Hour Because Of Donald Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 5:34.-------------------------------------------
La Casa Con La Scala Nel Buio - A Blade in the Dark (1983) Italian Version - Duration: 1:46:56.We've arrived.
Let go of me!
I don't want to come!
It's so dark!
Here's the candle. Don't you run away.
This way.
- Is that the door? - Quiet, coward.
Okay, let's see, show me you're not a little girl.
Go and get it.
Down there?
- Yes, go and get it back. - Little girl! Go and get it!
Little girl!
- I'm sure you'll like it here. - Yes, it seems like a quiet place.
I see you've already settled in.
So you're a film composer. Interesting.
- And what are you doing now? - A theme for a thriller.
A murder story.
But don't think it's always so exciting.
Sure, it all becomes routine.
But it's better than being in Kuwait building roads with my father.
But those roads allow you to buy a villa like this.
You're kidding.
Then you never live in it and have to rent it, just like we've done with you.
- Where's your car? - Round the back.
Listen, I was thinking, I really like music.
Why don't you call me when you play?
It's difficult because I don't know when I'm going to play.
I can record a cassette for you.
I like the music in giallo films. So who's the killer?
What a fool, you probably can't tell me, right?
The director won't let anyone see the ending.
She says it's going to be a big surprise.
I guess I'll have to watch it.
Bruno, you've seen Giovanni, the gardener, he lives in the outhouse...
He has all the keys. Any problems, just ask him.
- I'll do that cassette straight away. - Okay.
What do you think, Bruno?
What can I say, Sandra?
It's the third time I've seen it and it scares me every time.
Really? This is nothing compared to the final reel.
The one you still haven't seen.
The end of the film you're keeping a secret.
I'm curious, where did you get the idea for the story?
I don't know if you'll understand.
When I was young I couldn't sleep because I was afraid of the dark.
In the dark any sound is a threat, a danger.
The dark invites monsters, killers.
In the dark it's like death's waiting in ambush.
Maybe we don't think about it because we're distracted by other things...
Or perhaps because the sun cancels out the nightmares of the night.
Who knows?
But death is always watching us and it's only the darkness that can see it.
- Are you trying to scare me? - No...
I just want you to get into the spirit of the film...
because the music is enormously important.
It has to express the anxiety, the fear, the terror.
It has to underscore the breathing of the killer and his victim...
and it has to involve the audience and make them participants.
Are you sure you made the right choice calling me?
That's precisely why I chose you.
I don't want something predictable. You're new to this genre.
That villa I rented for you...
It's a villa where you might feel scared.
So big, so isolated.
There's an insect! A beetle, a spider!
I don't know! It's horrible!
- How are you feeling? - It's stronger than me.
I can't stand those creatures. They make my skin crawl.
I've still got goose bumps.
I must look horrible.
Have you got a cigarette?
I haven't seen you before. Are you a friend of Linda's?
Linda? No.
- What is it now? - Your face!
- What about it? - Nothing! Τhat expression!
You must have had quite a fright.
I bet you're wondering who's this lunatic who jumped out of the cupboard.
You must have very special skills...
because that's exactly what I was thinking.
- You're cute. - So are you.
My name's Katia. I live over the road.
And you like sneaking into your neighbours' homes.
Not always. Only if the tenants are nice.
- Are you staying long? - I've only rented it for a month.
Pity, you won't be staying long then.
I adore musicians, they're good at making love.
- How do you do it? - Depends on the answers.
The answers to what?
The reason you were hiding in the cupboard, for example.
Would you settle for a simple lie, or something more elaborate?
You know you really are cute.
Troublemakers have a gift; timing.
Just think about the lie you're going to tell me.
It's Tony Rendina. How's it going?
I wanted to ask you, have you recorded that cassette?
Sorry' I haven't had time. I'll do it tomorrow.
You know half the electrics don't work?
Where's the bathroom?
Hold on.
Behind that door on the right, the end of the corridor.
Sorry, you were saying?
You were telling me the electrics don't work.
Perhaps the light bulbs are missing.
Sorry about the inconvenience.
The last tenant, Linda, was a bit strange.
She liked the dark.
Ask Giovanni, there should be some light bulbs somewhere.
- Any other problems? - No, thank you.
Where are you?
I've discovered Linda's secret.
Something disturbing and terrifying.
But it also fascinates me.
I don't know if I should tell Angela, she might not understand.
I'm scared to keep it to myself. It's like a bad feeling.
"It's a secret, nobody must know"
"Yes... Linda!"
"Nobody must know"
"Yes... Linda!"
"Nobody must know"
"It's a secret"
Julia, is that you?
- What are you doing? - Sorry if I disturbed you.
- What's in that sack? - Nothing, newspapers and old magazines.
- Wait, I'll give you a hand. - No, I can manage.
I'm curious what was the previous tenant like?
I didn't see her very often.
She wasn't here long, then she left.
Tony doesn't like renting the house out for very long.
And I mind my own business.
- Then you don't know Katia. - No, not at all.
Goodnight, Giovanni.
What's wrong? Don't you recognise me?
Sorry, Julia' I was lost in thought.
But what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Naples?
Sorry if I drove 200 kilometres to spend a few hours with you.
But judging by your reaction maybe I should have stayed in Naples.
- I'm sorry. - I'll go, if you want.
No, what are you talking about?
I just didn't expect to find you here.
I didn't want to turn up unexpected. I even tried to let you know.
I tried calling but I couldn't get through.
- When? - About an hour ago.
Before I left the motorway.
- It was you then. - Why?
Nothing, because strange things are happening here.
Really? Strange, how?
Strange, very strange.
How do you untie this thing?
It unties, it doesn't untie.
It unties.
Okay, let's forget about the cut tape...
the torn-up diary' the footsteps, the noises...
But how do you explain the bloodstains? You saw my trousers.
Yes, I saw them. It really looks like a bloodstain.
But why don't you also add that foul smell from the pool to your list?
What the hell are you saying? What about it?
You're starting to bore me with this story.
Something happened here last night.
- That girl, Katia, disappeared... - Was she pretty?
Don't joke, I'm really worried something might have happened to her.
Yes, someone killed her while you were playing, happy now?
Okay, okay... You think I'm making it up.
Sure, I manage to get a night off, I come running here to you...
and you waste precious minutes to tell me a strange story about a girl...
who hates beetles but loves locking herself in your cupboards.
To be fair, I wouldn't believe it if you told me.
Now you're being reasonable.
Admit you spent your time with a young admirer...
and I promise I'll settle the score by tonight...
Then we won't talk about it again, okay?
Actually, I'd prefer something else.
You'd have to break a record because I'm leaving in exactly fifty seconds.
Why the hurry?
You're saying that because it's about my work.
- That isn't work' it's fun. - You still haven't come to see me.
You should, you know. It's a great show.
Don't look at me like that.
I'll come and save you if a pretty girl tries to seduce you before she dies.
What if she really is dead?
And that was her blood.
The diary!
Katia wrote that she'd discovered something and she had a bad feeling.
Of course!
The killer must have arranged to meet her here.
They wanted to know what she'd found out.
Those phrases I recorded would make sense.
Wait, I wrote them down.
"Secret", "Yes, Linda", "Nobody must know".
And naturally the gardener's the killer.
You say that because you haven't seen him.
My love I think Sandra's horror films are getting to you.
I'll see you next week.
Look out for your admirers.
It's pointless. It's locked.
There are still some things from the last tenant in there.
But I can ask her to clear the room if you need it.
No, thanks, if there's one thing here there's plenty of, it's space.
- Can I offer you a coffee? - No, thanks, I've had two already.
- I came about the pool. - Yes, it's starting to smell.
I think it's the filter. I've asked Giovanni to replace it.
- How are you settling in? - Well, apart from a few surprises.
- I found a girl in a cupboard. - Lucky you, was she pretty?
Why are you all so worried if she was pretty?
Yes, she was.
But there were a whole series of strange events last night.
I don't know if I should tell you. My girlfriend thinks I'm making it up.
- I'm sorry about all that. - Forget it.
Do you know that girl, Katia?
Yes, curly hair, a bit crazy?
Yes, that's right, the girl in the cupboard.
She used the pool when the other tenant was here.
- Linda? - Right, Linda lived here before.
The one who left her things locked in that room.
What's she like?
Quite normal. Rather young.
Also rather pretty.
Why all this interest in Linda?
It's not exactly her.
The fact is, I got the impression...
I don't know, that Katia came here to meet Linda.
Does Linda still have the keys?
I don't know, you'll have to ask Giovanni.
He's a strange one as well.
- The phone. - Are you leaving or will you wait?
No, I have to go.
I'll see you when I get back from Kuwait.
Yes, hello?
Listen carefully...
Everything you're doing is pointless.
I'm going to kill you!
Who's speaking?
I'll kill you!
You're the same old idiot!
But I scared you, be honest.
How did you recognise me? Listen, Bruno...
I've had a great idea.
I want to see you. Let's say at seven, at the studio.
Try to be on time.
Were you looking for me?
- Can I help you? - I'm looking for Katia.
- Are you a friend of hers? - I'm Angela.
- Didn't she mention me? - We didn't have the time.
If you see her, tell her I'd like to talk to her.
That's the point. She hasn't come home.
She disappeared last night, around eleven.
How come her diary's still there?
She came here to get it back.
Right, and someone tore it. Do you know anything about it?
I haven't been back since Linda left.
She was so kind. She let me use the pool.
- You can use it when you like. - Do you mean that?
Then I'll use it right now.
Hold on. Listen...
- Second thoughts? - No, it isn't that.
I just want to ask you some questions about Katia.
It's not that I'm curious' it's just that she suddenly appeared here...
and then she disappeared without even saying goodbye.
Typical Katia.
- Have you known her long? - We live together.
Just here, across the road.
We're models.
Well, we'd like to be. For now we get by doing door-to-door.
You know what it is? Doorstep sales.
Would you be interested in a series of books on pre-Columbian culture?
There are tons of photos, it doesn't cost a lot.
- No, thanks. - It doesn't matter.
You're a little girl!
Little girl!
"I waited till eight for you. You'll find me at home."
I'm almost certain I've uncovered a series of murders.
There's still a possibility it could all be in my head...
and I'm getting carried away.
But I don't think so.
There's too much evidence.
Something terrible happened in this house.
What was Katia and Angela's secret?
Who is Linda?
I feel her presence, and the presence of death.
And it's all around me.
But strangely it doesn't frighten me.
I find it almost fascinating...
because Katia and Angela were killed here...
but what happened to their bodies?
Where are they hidden?
It's me, Bruno.
I found your message.
It's a good thing you came, I've got something to tell you.
- Is this all the whiskey you've got? - I'm sorry but I finished it.
There's milk, coffee, and yoghurt, it's all I can offer you.
I could never live with you.
I'd never ask.
So you're saying two girls were killed in this house.
- You don't believe me, right? - It seems so strange.
- Why haven't you called the police? - Because they wouldn't believe me...
- but it's the truth. - And I'm meant to believe you?
- Of course you do. - It isn't easy.
The thought that there are dead bodies in here frightens me.
Why? Do you think they could still be here?
The killer wouldn't have had much time to get rid of them...
and there are so many places where they could have hidden them.
Apart from the fact that they could have buried them in the garden.
- Have you looked in all the rooms? - No.
- Not all of them, one of them's locked. - A locked room? Where?
Down in the basement.
The previous tenant keeps her things there, Linda.
- What's her surname? - How do I know?
I knew a Linda, but it can't be the same one.
Besides, it would be an incredible coincidence.
- What do you know about this Linda? - I already told you...
Her name was on the torn-up diary and it's on the recording.
- Who's the Linda you know? - I just know it can't be her.
Let's have a look at the room.
This is the room.
We'll have to figure out a way to get in.
- It's open! - I swear it was locked.
If someone opened it...
- You think that... - The bodies are hidden in here?
You hold it.
Nothing here, either.
Tennis balls!
- It doesn't make sense. - What are you saying?
- It's impossible! - What's impossible?
It really is the same Linda.
What makes you think it's her?
- It's a strange story. - You had no idea she lived here?
No, how could I? I haven't seen her for two years.
But now I'm more than convinced it's her.
What about these tennis balls?
They were her obsession, her nightmare.
When she was young she would hear them bouncing at night.
- Like in your film? - Yes, Linda was my inspiration.
The story of a childhood trauma that turns someone into a killer.
- You mean Linda... - I can't say she's the killer...
but I got the idea for the film from her memories.
The rest is the work of my imagination.
The difference between fantasy and reality...
is sometimes so small that they cross paths.
You still haven't shown me the last reel of the film.
How does it end?
Do you think there's a connection between my film and what's happening?
I don't know, also because I don't know what's happening anymore.
Did you hear that?
Someone's upstairs.
They're above us, in the living room.
They sound like a woman's footsteps.
- The footsteps have stopped. - What could they be doing?
- They must have heard us now. - I don't know.
- I don't hear any footsteps. - Sure, but I don't think they've gone.
- Why have they come back? - You should know...
The killer always returns to the scene of the crime.
- What shall we do? - You're asking me?
You're the expert on these things, I'm just a musician!
Be quiet! Do you really want them to hear us?
- Where are you going? - I can't stay here forever.
Wait for me!
Did you see that?
- Wait here. - What are you going to do?
You saw the knife, we should wait.
- My god, it's you! - Who did you think it was?
I don't know.
After everything you told me the other night...
Why were you hiding?
Hiding? What are you talking about?
You're the one who comes and goes waving a knife around.
Stop that, we're all scared enough.
I don't think we need to continue.
It's obvious we all got a bit too carried away.
My love, I'm so sorry.
If you knew how scared I was.
I saw a shadow behind the curtain, I didn't recognise you, and...
You're telling me! I was ready to strangle you.
Seeing as all's well that ends well, I can go home.
It's been quite a night.
- This is yours. - And this is yours.
If I still had some whiskey this would be the right time to offer you some.
Keep the milk and yoghurt for your breakfast.
Thanks for eνerything.
- Are you okay going home alone? - I think so.
Even if I've discovered I'm quite the coward.
My love.
- What is it? - I'm just curious...
What were you doing down there with Sandra?
- Don't tell me you're jealous. - Who knows?
How come you're here? What about the show?
If you're about to lie to me it had better be good.
It's the second time you've turned up unannounced.
The show's been suspended...
and if you don't believe me you can read it in the papers tomorrow.
And why has it been suspended?
They charged us with obscenity. Can you believe it?
A play by Mae West is considered obscene.
I guess I should have seen it.
- What is it about? - Female homosexuality.
I'm not surprised, people don't want to know about it.
You know, for a moment earlier I really thought you wanted to kill me.
And I'll always leave you with that doubt.
Wait! I have a surprise.
Don't come straight away.
Can I come?
Where are you?
I thought you liked girls in cupboards.
Only if they're being chased by black spiders.
Is it yours?
Are you forgetting we met on a tennis court?
- Who are you? - Who am I?
A young actress full of talent.
Who's going to be rich and famous and have lots of lovers.
Even if' for now, she has to settle for a simple musician...
full of dreams but without a penny!
Ours really is a great love.
It won't last long but it will be unforgettable!
Where are you?
Linda, is that you?
Why don't you say something?
No, don't cry.
Yes, I know, what's happening is very strange.
I didn't betray you I just used your story for the film.
The rest was all unnecessary.
Please, Linda. You know, I haven't told anyone...
and we can meet if you want. Please, say something!
Good morning. Working already?
Good morning, Giovanni. Have you seen Julia?
Who? That blonde girl who was with you?
Sure, I saw her earlier.
- She was just by the outhouse. - Are you sure? She got up early.
It's none of my business but your friend must suffer from insomnia.
She's always around here at dawn.
She was by the outhouse the other day as well.
But I shouldn't be surprised I can't sleep myself, sometimes.
By the way, the new filter for the swimming pool has arrived.
- What are you doing? - What?
- How come you're already up? - I needed to relax a bit.
I haven't slept, I had such a headache after listening to your stories.
Yes, call them stories.
Two girls have disappeared and they might have been killed in this house.
What are you talking about? Don't start that again.
Please, not again.
You've changed since you started working with Sandra.
I don't recognise you anymore.
- You see bodies everywhere. - I haven't seen anything...
- I just have my suspicions. - Enough!
If you really must know, I don't like Sandra.
There's something wrong with her.
Seems to me there's something wrong with you this morning...
and not just this morning, when I think about it.
You come and go without any explanation...
Don't trouble yourself, just think of your murders.
Thank you. I didn't want to trouble you.
God, it's heavy!
Like that... Mind your hands.
Are you sure you've never seen Julia in this house before?
Listen, I don't care who comes in and out of this house.
- I just do my job. - Really?
Then you also don't know that Angela and Julia have disappeared.
What's happened to them?
How do I know?
They must be dead.
Sure, Giovanni, it wouldn't be so unusual.
I hope you're kidding.
I'm not kidding at all.
I assure you I'll find out the truth.
You're blocking the sun.
Listen to me.
You look so worried, my love. What is it now?
This is no laughing matter.
- I have to leave for a few hours. - Go ahead, I'll stay by the pool.
That's exactly what I don't want, I'd feel better if you came with me.
Don't start that again.
Do you have to be so inconsiderate?
All you know how to do is stay here and sunbathe.
Why? What else should I do?
Think about it...
If there really was a killer wandering around the house...
wouldn't they have tried to kill us by now?
The other night you were scared out of your wits with a knife in your hand.
Yes, but the other night I was scared and it was dark...
Today it's sunny and I see things differently.
Do what you want, but be careful.
Of what? Of who?
I sometimes wonder why we're still together.
You're not the only one.
Of course I love you.
I already told you.
A kiss.
Okay, okay.
Excuse me.
Hello? Naples? Duze Theatre?
Hello? Speak up.
The Duze theatre?
Yes. Who's speaking?
I'd like to talk to the director of the theatre company.
That's me, but speak up because I can't hear anything.
Listen, I heard your show's been suspended.
Is it true you've been charged with obscenity?
Charged with obscenity? What the hell are you talking about?
It's a show for schools, sponsored by the Education Board.
Perhaps we're not talking about the same show.
Does the actress Julia Rubini work for you?
Julia! Are you a friend of that lunatic?
You tell her from me, we haven't reported that little stunt of hers...
but it will cost her very dearly, because we'll make her pay the fine.
Why? What has she done?
You don't know?
She disappeared on the opening night and we haven't seen her since.
When did it happen?
Last week, and if you're a friend tell her not to call us, goodbye!
It's ready to be sent out.
I'd like to see the last reel of the film?
You know Sandra won't let anyone see it.
Does she ever get off the phone?
Yes, hold on...
Okay, mum, I'll be round for dinner tonight.
I can't finish it unless I see it. Sandra knows, I have to work.
Okay, tonight.
I don't know anything. The reel's in the editing suite.
What is it?
What a mess! Look at all this.
- Who was in here? - How do I know?
But I know what will happen when Sandra finds out.
Look at this, they've cut it to pieces.
- It's the last reel of the film. - It was, half of it's missing.
- Can you fix it? - It's junk, how can I fix this?
Okay' let's give it a shot, but lots of pieces are missing.
It will take a miracle to put this back together.
But that's the same scene.
Are you sure it's the last reel?
Of course I'm sure, this is what they left us.
Look at the state of it.
Would you mind rewinding it?
The key to everything was meant to be in this reel.
- What was her secret? - What secret?
I see the same kids playing with a tennis ball.
Kids? But that's a woman!
Go back.
Who is she? I haven't seen her before.
Do you know about this?
No, it's meant to have a twist ending and that's the scene that's missing.
These frames just happened to be left behind.
Who knows? That woman's probably the killer in the film.
In the film?
I think I'm beginning to understand.
I thought of you as well!
Don't be afraid!
I don't want to hurt you, I want your blood!
Don't be a little girl, come out!
I'm not a little girl!
Poor Sandra, she'd figured it all out without even realising it.
Yes' she knew Linda's secret but she didn't know Tony was Linda.
The shock he suffered as a child had traumatised him.
His female side had taken over but Tony couldn't accept it.
He projected his hate on other girls who reminded him of himself.
But what reason did he have to kill them?
Perhaps for the simplest reason...
to prove to himself that he wasn't afraid.
The Witch City: Salem's dark, haunted history - Duration: 5:48.-------------------------------------------
Dark Souls 3_Ep:1 "The Parry God" - Duration: 18:10.Hey guys!
Welcome to the bright and happy kingdom of Lothric!
As you peeps can see here, there are a lotta tombstones here. Jolly!!
Ooo. It's like super dreary too. Yay!!!
(Awkward Silence......)
Hey! That's me!!
Wait till you guys see my character.
Dark Side of Japan, 2019 야마하 네이키드 MT 시리즈 #3 - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
Dark Side of Japan, 2019 야마하 네이키드 MT 시리즈 #2 - Duration: 6:53.-------------------------------------------
Megatron & Dark Energon | Transformers: Prime (Season 1 Episode 2) [+Subtitles] - Duration: 5:44.Of the Energon deposits we have located
while you were away, Lord Megatron,
this one is by far the most significant.
The drones have been mining without a pause during your absence,
and have amassed quite a stockpile.
You there! Fetch me a sample!
Now that I have returned
I will issue the commands.
I... understand, Lord Megatron.
Then as your humble servant,
shall I ready the Space Bridge
to bring forth the Decepticon army
you have surely gathered during your three years in space?
My army will come.
But my time away has yielded a more... intriguing means of materializing them.
The solidified form of the matter the ancient texts referred to...
as the Blood of Unicron!
Unicron the Destroyer...
But it is said that his blood is the anti-Spark!
Plucked from cosmic shores,
gaze upon Dark Energon!
Legend tells that it holds the power to...
revive the dead.
We require only a cadaver to be certain.
Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice?
That may not necessary
If I may, Lord Megatron?
Consider it a welcome home present.
Let us see if power born of darkness
can reignite the spark.
That's your plan?!
Bring Autobots back from the dead to attack us?!
That is no longer an Autobot.
Just a mindless beast,
its only instinct to destroy anything in it's path.
There, Starscream,
lies the indestructible seed of my army.
The ultimate weapon!
Once I learn to control it.
Blasted Earth Tech!
Cliffjumper's signal popped back online.
Who's Cliffjumper? How is that possible?
It isn't.
Another bug! The system is chock-full of them.
If there's any chance Cliff's alive... Ratchet, prepare sickbay.
We may need it.
Hey! What can we do?
Remain with Ratchet.
Autobots, roll out!
What... Just happened?
I transported them to the designated coordinates
via the Ground Bridge.
What's a 'ground bridge'?
Ugh... A scaled down version of Space Bridge technology.
Since we don't currently possess the means or the energon
required for intergalactic travel.
You're stuck here. On Earth.
With the likes of you, yes.
But I constructed the Ground Bridge to enable travel from here
to anywhere on your planet
Wow! Does it work for humans?
You mean I could just
shoot on over and visit my parents in Tokyo?
Within moments.
In fact allow me to send you there immediately, all three of you.
Watch it, Ratchet.
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