Hello internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube - Life's
Biggest Question - the channel where we happily serve the marketing division of the SCP Foundation
for no other reason than the invaluable dissemination of vitality important information.
What's going on guys - as per usual I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch
- as we wake up in our quarters with a pretty groggy head, realise we've been asleep for
far too long - and then wonder who the hell that weird guy in our dream was - and cautiously
ask the question, What If SCP-990 Was Real?
Roll the clip.
Before we jump into that though you know the drill by now guys.
If you're a fan of this video, strange men in suits, or just LBQ in general - then be
a dear and hit that thumbs up button, as well as that subscribe bell so you can stay up
to date with our latest and greatest SCP based uploads.
Also - why don't you go ahead and share this video with a friend, so you can cross-reference
your own dreams and make sure there's no funny business going on.
You'll see what I mean in a moment.
Here's an interesting question - a morsel of food for thought before we once again dive
back into the Foundation's archive records.
I'm sure the thought has crossed your mind before, but imagine this - what would happen
if the whole planet - within 24 hours - fell asleep and had the exact same dream.
Every single person.
There's a little over 7.4 billion people on Planet Earth - all of which understand
the strange importance of dreams, and are affected by them in some various shape or
Imagine heading to work or school after a disturbed nights sleep - you tell your friend
and coworker about the oddly specific dream that you had last night, it had you pretty
They pause, silent.
They had the exact same dream.
So did your other friend, your teacher - your boss - the lady at the corner shop, every
single person that you speak to that day knows what you're talking about.
They saw it too, in their own sleep.
It's on the news - the anchor personally describes the same dream that you, and the
rest of the planet saw the last time you closed your eyes to sleep.
No one really knows what to do.
Government officials try to reassure the population that they have a protocol in place - but in
reality, they're just as perplexed as everyone else.
They saw it too.
What would we do?
How would we react?
Well, let me introduce you to SCP-990, and maybe this whole thing will make a hell of
a lot more sense.
SCP 990 is a Keter class entity, that as of the most recent protocol - has no known special
containment procedure.
Just like our theoretical dream that was posed previously - this skip has got the foundation
pretty shook.
990 generally appears as a human male dressed in a Cold War era business suit, think Mad-Men
- but a little more droll - who presents themself to Foundation personnel through dreams.
As far as we know, there have been no reports of SCP-990 appearing to non-Foundation personnel,
and the dream entity hasn't been encountered by anyone in the physical world.
The entity has been appearing to Foundation staff for at least 40 years - and just like
with our initial theoretical proposal - it's existence came to light after several Foundation
agents began discussing dreams involving a similar individual.
Numerous other agents reported dream-sightings that matched the entities description - and
whose classification was proceeded by the events of 990-07.
This is where things get interesting, because during the events of 990-07 - an unspecified
agent succumbed to the prophetic dream - describing the same man in the same suit, thoroughly
detailing a series of events that would lead to several tactical nuclear missiles being
launched into mid-Europe and eastern Asia, ultimately resulting in the extermination
of nearly 98% of the human race and the ultimate collapse of human society.
All of this had been outlined by SCP-990 while he was trapped inside the agents dream.
Now do you see what we're getting at?
Fortunately, as the Foundation record states, a Mobile Task Force was dispatched to eliminate
the initial threat that was alleged to begin the chain of events that the agent had described,
and the mission was a success.
The crisis was averted.
So let's slip back into our theoretical shared global dream - and say that every human
on the planet was warned about a specific event that would lead to the destruction of
the planet and the extinction of the human race.
Let's say it took - I don't know - three hours, for everyone to fully realise and understand
what was going on.
It's safe to say that no one would be going to work or school that day.
The world would grind to a standstill, trying to figure out and understand what the hell
to do with this new found prophetic information.
Life as we know it is going to end unless we stop these specific set of events, and
the clock is ticking.
The Emergency committee of the United Nations would convene, scrambling to come up with
a solution to avert this crisis.
Regardless of the Foundation's fictional involvement, the powers that be wouldn't
take an event like this lightly.
If every global world leader had the exact same prophetic dream that heralded the end
of the world, then - just like in the Foundation's report - the crisis would be averted.
SAS, Mossad, US Navy Seals, Spetsnaz.
Resources are plentiful, and with a small level of coordination, we'd save the world.
Job done, everyone can sleep soundly.
Or could we?
Because if the entire population realised that the saviour of the world was a *dream*
- then we'd be hooked.
Currently, we know next to nothing about the science of sleep and the unconscious brain
- but if SCP-990 Was Real - we'd be hooked on delving into the strange final frontier
- the human brain.
Well - that's how we see it guys - what do you reckon?
Let us know your thoughts in the comment box down below.
If you were a fan of this video, the SCP Foundation - or just LBQ in general, hit that thumbs
up and subscribe bell so you can stay up to date with our latest and greatest uploads.
Cheers for sticking around all the way to the end.
As always, I've been your host Jack Finch - you've been watching Life's Biggest
Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.
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