Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 10, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Oct 26 2018

All Hell Breaks Loose After Tucker Asks Jorge How Many Caravan Migrants He'll Will Take In

Jorge Ramos joins us tonight from southern Mexico at the site of the

caravan encampment where I am really glad you're here because I've wanted to

ask you this question all day so in the many times we've spoken you've explained

that immigrants to the United States from Central America are a net addition

to our economy they're America's strength they make this a much better

country given that why is it Mexico jumping at the chance to absorb these

migrants into its economy why is it wasting this human capital well there

the reality talker is that most of the immigrants that you see behind me and as

a matter of fact they're not criminals or terrorists or not even immigrants

they're refugees they don't want to stay here in Mexico they want to go to the

United States their plan is just to have a better life in the United States and

they are refugees so I think we have to treat them with respect we have to

listen to the stories hear the cases check the Badlands and if they apply for

political asylum go through the process the reality talker I understand what

you're asking but the reality is that there one say in Mexico where by the way

in the last 12 years more than 200,000 people were killed they don't want to

stay here they're fleeing violence and extreme poverty non-dual as most of them

so they want to go to the United States they don't want to stay here in Mexico

anyway Mexico by the way they cross the border between Guatemala and Mexico I

was there this morning but that's probably just for the poor Donuts want

to see just by the bridge you will see little boats crossing thousands of

immigrants in the last few days for that is completely different okay so you say

that the United States must show respect to these what you call refugees why

doesn't Mexico show them respect Mexico is a rich country the richest in the

region they're more billionaires in Monterrey in Mexico City than there are

in Washington DC why are they sleeping on the ground and why haven't they been

taken care of by rich Mexicans of goodwill the blue-eyed ruling class of

what you were a part why where are they well you know it's a great question and

I'm so glad that you asked it because Mexicans despite what you might hear in

social media Mexicans have been treated all these refugees with incredible

generosity and with incredible solidarity I know that there are fake

stories in in the United States saying that these people were funded by your

Soros and by Democrats or by Nicolas Maduro from Venezuela vice president

Pence is completely wrong about that because if they really find out these

people it was a scam I've been talking to people here in Chiapas who don't have

a single dollar talker to buy a bottle of water so there's no financing here

and that's not the politicians the politicians they be playing the game

with with no not from but civilians Mexicans civilians have been giving all

these refugees a little money water food clothes transportation - what about you

let me let me say yesterday they went 26 miles a marathon many kids hundreds of

kids talker and that's the people of the caravan no terrorists or criminals I

think most Mexicans are very nice people I grew up next to Mexico I always liked

them it's your ruling class I'm asking you about the people who are some of the

richest people in the world you spend the summer in France every year and

again you're from this group so you can speak to this where are they in this why

aren't they taking care of these people who are sleeping on the ground but where

are those two where the Mexican billionaires they're very good at

lecturing us about our moral inferiority but they don't seem to be helping at all

why no I think you want to concentrate on what Mexicans are doing I just told

you that civilians have done it you know in a beautiful generous way and I think

we have to concentrate now and what the role of the United States should be in

all these crises first of all I spent two days with these

refugees and I have not seen a single person from the Middle East that's a lie

and I think toca you have you have to tell the truth to your audience and you

don't have you have to make sure that people are not lying about this Caravan

because the people from the Middle East are not

part of this company's service ask what are you juicy wait hold on a chance

alright I understand look I'm not there so I'm not I can't describe the people

there you said the United States its taxpayers me you know the other 330

million American citizens right have an obligation how many of these migrants

are you taking in personally into your home and are supporting once they get to

the United States I think that's a great question and and that's precisely the

kind of question that people like you ask when you don't want to understand

that this has nothing to do with individuals it has to do with nations

and what we have to understand even watch the activities right are not a

threat to the United States I know that in the United States I think it's really

a love letter to the United States and you know what they're saying at the in

the United States please help us you're the only ones who can help us I think

that's exactly what I agree with my agreements on Pyun three people like you

and from the audience so I think it's very important don't lie to your

audience but I'm not lying I'm saying I'm asking you a very simple

question okay let me just ask you and let's let's let's answer this question

we can end on this how many of these migrants are you personally taking

responsibility for how many are going home to Jorge's place in Miami at the

end of the day then please be specific yeah well I think that again this has

nothing to do with individuals because nothing to do I wish have to help all of

them but right now right now 7,000 here we're talking about 2,500

kids it is impossible for an individual to deal with a crisis like this I think

president Trump's immigration policy has been a completely donated money

personally I hope that you donated money I wish I could help them too

we could do that I wish we could do something like that right but I bet if

your kids were in danger of being rape or being raised in extreme poverty or

being threatened with join in right madam or again what will you do I mean

would you probably not welcome I noticed okay all right thank you so much

appreciate it people are very upset about the migrant

crisis not upset enough tell personally but upset enough to make you help for

days we have watched as a growing Caravan on of Honduran Nationals has

sneaked northward toward our border to claim asylum here the spectacle has been

televised with very stars and it is spoked sparked an explosive political

debate now more migrants are on the way their reports tonight that another

caravan of asylum seekers this one organized exclusively on social media is

planning to leave from El Salvador next week heading here you can be certain

than when and if that group actually arrives here the usual red-faced cable

news anchors will demand that we let them in immediately no questions asked

never mind that one-third of all Salvadorans on earth already live here

in the United States it is our duty they will tell us once those anchors get off

the air they will return home two entirely immigrant free neighborhoods

feeling good about themselves the only Salvadorans they will ever meet

personally are those doing their laundry for minimum wage but ignore the

hypocrisy if you can't stifle your personal concerns about mass immigration

people are suffering they're telling us and only America can save them if you've

been watching television you've seen pictures like this all day of desperate

poverty and hopelessness cable news geniuses could not be less concerned

about what is happening to American citizens which if you think about it

kind of explains the Trump phenomenon one of the great mysteries here in

Washington is how a president with no prior political experience who's

emotionally volatile and not very articulate remains nevertheless so very

popular outside of Washington it doesn't make any sense but of course it makes

sense Trump's secret he says things like this

they have a word it sort of became old-fashioned it's called a nationalist

and I say really we're not supposed to use that word you know what I am I'm a

nationalist okay a nationalist in other words a leader who puts his own country

first who cares about his own people most you think everyone in charge of a

nation would be a nationalist putting interests of your own citizens above

those of citizens of other countries was once considered a prerequisite for

running a democracy not anymore now it's considered immoral evil in fact not a

whistle it's a bullhorn Hitler was a nationalist

of course so we're Mahatma Gandhi neighbor ahem Lincoln and every other

leader of every other nation state throughout history until about 20

minutes ago but whatever nationalism provokes quote

hate activity says a sitting u.s. senator all the cable news geniuses say

Amen I hope you're following that at home immigration it turns out is not a

civic question that American voters might be allowed to have opinions about

it's bigger than that it's a moral outrage it's a humanitarian crisis the

law is irrelevant here so are any of your stupid selfish concerns about the

effect of impoverished foreigners moving into your neighborhood of your school

district the rule here is simple listen carefully if people from a place poorer

than America want to move to America they get to do that period if you

disagree or complain or do anything other than recite the poem at the bottom

of the Statue of Liberty you are we already know what you are because you've

heard it a thousand times but we're gonna tell you again anyway maybe this

time it will penetrate you are a racist yep you're racist just like you were

racist for opposing Obamacare or not watching Sunday Night Football or

believing that Brett Kavanaugh did not sexually assault someone you are a bigot

until the moment you obey the Democratic Party at which point you are a good

person like Al Sharpton or Louis Farrakhan you know the drill there's one

interesting new twist in this latest propaganda barrage though fear if you're

against admitting an entire caravan full of poor people into this

country it's because you've been coached by that dastardly Fox News to fear the

people in the caravan but let's be honest that's not really true there are

a lot of reasons to oppose admitting this caravan full of people we don't

need any more low-wage labor in this country for one thing we also have a

right to decide who occupies our property that's always true show up

uninvited at joy Reid's house and you'll discover that she agrees with that

principle too so there are good reasons to oppose this fear of Hondurans isn't

really one of them by and large these are not scary people mostly they're just

poor people from crappy countries who want a better life that's understandable

nobody blames them for that nobody's really afraid of these people what

normal people are afraid of it's you thank you god bless you and God bless


For more infomation >> All Hell Breaks Loose After Tucker Asks Jorge How Many Caravan Migrants He'll Will Take In(VIDEO)!! - Duration: 11:56.


How Many Vacation Days is Credit Card Debt Costing You? - Duration: 10:18.

Today, I want to help you learn something

that I knew or at least I thought I knew,

but then because I was little to clever with things,

it ended up kicking me in the butt

and took me awhile to figure it out.

Maybe you're in the same situation.

Now, if you look at statistics on credit card debt

for Americans, you'll see numbers anywhere

from 4,000 to 6,000 per individual

or 10,000 to 16,000 per household.

And it'll all depend on whether you look

at households that are carrying balances

or not carrying balances, so there's a lot of data

that you can read either way.

Rather than try to prove anything,

I want to just show you a mathematical example

of what it can be costing you in vacation time

for you to be carrying credit card debt.

And what I'm going to do like I usually do

is use an example that's somewhat easy on the math

as far as using some round numbers here.

So whether you're listening to this or watching this,

hopefully, this will be easy to digest.

Imagine you have $12,000 of credit card debt,

and you're paying 25% on that.

25% of that would be $3,000.

In other words, a quarter of $12,000 would be $3,000,

and if you divided that, that would be $250 per month

that you're paying in credit card interest.

You're paying that with after tax dollars,

so there's no tax breaks on that.

It's not like a mortgage that could get

a tax break or student loan interest.

And that's what you're paying just

let's say to carry a balance.

Let's assume for a moment, again, round, pretty,

simple numbers, that you're earning $10 an hour.

You're taking home a little bit less than that

because you're working, let's say eight hours a day,

so $80 a day, eight times 10.

And again, just to keep things simple,

let's say that your taxes in total,

brackets, everything, costs you 25% of your paycheck.

So you're taking home $60.

Well, $60 times four would be 240 bucks per month,

right around the same number we just looked at.

So it would be costing you four days per month

to carry this balance.

Nobody's giving you anything extra for that.

You're not getting any benefits for that.

You're just working four extra days

just to tread water with your credit card interest.

Now, you might say, wait.

I make more than $10 an hour.

Okay, what if you make $20 an hour?

Well, similar concept, you're making more.

You're taking home $120 per day, let's say.

And it's still costing you two days per month.

That's two Fridays per month you could be taking off

if you were able to get on top of your credit card interest.

And if you're making $40 per hour, same concept,

just slightly different math.

You're taking home about $240 per day,

so it's still costing you one day per month.

That's one vacation day per month.

That's 12 days per year for you simply

to carry credit card interest.

You're getting nothing additional in benefits for that.

So I want you to think about this from a standpoint

of what it means to be carrying interest

that's just really high interest.

It's not getting you anything.

It's not backed up or guaranteed by a home or a car.

This is just money that was spent

that there was nothing else to cover it.

So whether your numbers are exactly like this

or slightly different numbers, this is the basic concept.

So what do you do about it?

How can you reduce your credit card debt?

I come from the generation where we were

first introduced to credit cards when we were 18 and 19,

and they had these mass mailers that would come out.

My parents' generation didn't experience this.

The most I ever had was a checking account

that was signed on with my parents.

So credit card debt for a lot of people

got them in trouble very quickly.

Now, today, student loan debt might

be doing the same for some people.

That's a little bit of a different conversation.

But the concept of having a lot of debt impacting

your situation, especially when it's not guaranteed

by anything is really brutal on you.

So first thing you can do is get clear about

what is it that's more important to you

than either overspending on your current lifestyle

or that's important enough that you

want to take time off where you say, gosh.

I gotta get a handle of this credit card debt

so I can start taking Fridays off or one Friday

a month or two Fridays a month, whatever it might be.

So you have to have a goal that's more exciting

than what you're currently doing with your money

otherwise you'll say, wait.

I'll just keep paying for my premium cable channels,

my latte Frappuccinos, whatever they are.

I'll pay for all these premium price things that maybe

I don't need, but I haven't thought of something better.

The second thing which ties along with this

is to reduce your current lifestyle spending.

This is not about trying to make your life horrible.

This is about saying, okay.

What could I cut away that I'm really not even using?

Very often, gym memberships are not being used.

Maybe it's you.

I've done that sometimes.

Who knows?

Maybe you're not using the premium cable channels

or you're recording DVRs, but you're recording it here.

You've got an HD recorder here and another feature

over here and other cable channels over here.

See what you could be saving money on.

Very often you can renegotiate credit card rates.

You can call the bank and say, hey.

Can I get a break on my credit card interest?

And they might not say forever, but they might say, okay.

For six months, we'll get you to 20% or 15%.

Remember, banks are not necessarily evil,

but they're not your friends.

And I'm sure some of the people who work at banks might be

your friends, but the banks just want to make money.

They love credit card customers.

Credit card customers pay the highest interest rates.

They want to keep you.

Know that.

If not, we'll find a way to go somewhere else,

and you can always go to credit counseling as well

if you're ready to cut up your credit cards.

But let's say you're not at that stage yet,

although that can be very important

and very helpful if necessary.

Sometimes you can get a 0% balance transfer

credit card with another company.

This is a catch 22.

If your credit's really not good, and your credit score

is bad, that might be tougher.

The other thing is you gotta be careful that you don't

go and spend that money as well.

It's one of the traps I got into when I was younger

and thought I knew a lot more than I did today.

Throw away all the other new credit card offers.

If they're not good, if it's something that's just

going to get you further into credit card debt,

just throw them away.

Unless it's going to be a lower percent interest rate,

and you're going to cut up another card or in some way

to again reduce the total amount of either interest and/or

total debt you have, stay away from it.

Pay off your highest balance credit cards first.

This is really one of the core strategies of doing

credit counseling, but again, a lot of these things

like doing that and renegotiating your credit card rates

are things you can do without having

to use a credit card counseling company.

Again, they can be awesome, but sometimes

it doesn't necessarily work out for you.

Temporarily, this is a huge one, the temporarily part.

Reduce investments in your savings if necessary.

Again, this is another tough one because if you do this

and get in the habit of doing this,

then you just might adjust your lifestyle

and just start spending more, and now you're not saving.

But in the short run, if you say, wait.

You know what?

I've just got say this $12,000 credit card debt.

I've been saving $500 a month into my savings.

I could knock out that 25% interest quickly

and get back to my savings.

My savings aren't making me 25% weighed,

so again, mathematically, that can make sense.

But since we're humans and sometimes do foolish things,

that can hurt you if you don't execute properly.

Track your credit score and work to improve it.

This can be done very often with your bank

on the online website you have for your bank.

They might say, hey.

You can get your credit score.

If you can't do that, I've used at times

to look at my score, and again, track things

over all, looking for habits that help

you reduce your credit score.

Excuse me.

Help you increase your credit score

so that you can reduce your credit card

interest as a result of that.

Number nine, create a budget.

It sounds old fashioned.

It sounds boring.

But at the end of the day, a lot of this is just math.

And then finally, track your finances monthly.

I've used Quicken for years.

At times when I've not done well with my finances,

I've kind of ignored it and put it to the side

and said, you know what?

I'm too smart for this stuff.

I'm just going to go do other stuff.

And as a entrepreneur sometimes I'd say,

well, I'm just going to make it.

I'm going to out-earn this.

I'm going to make so much money that the fact I'm paying

high interest rates whether it be on credit cards

because of personal lifestyle spending

or in my small business taking risks that were maybe bigger

risks than I should be taking, I'd convince myself.

Well, I'll out-earn this.

And sometimes you don't.

So track your finances monthly.

If it's small business it might be QuickBooks

or one of the other tools that does that.

So if you want further help with this,

you can go to, and you can get a tool.

an Excel-based tool that's the vacation debt calculator

to help you free up more time and see what it's costing you

to not be making the most of how you're managing your money.

If you want to get the show slides and the notes

from this one, you can go to,

and then if you want to start creating your

4-Day Work Week Game Plan, go to

And this really integrates the concept of the budgeting

your income and how you start creating the plan

that gets you to 4 days.

As I've told you before if you've watched any of my videos

or listened to any of this.

It took me 22 years to lock in a four day work week

where I was working a 4-Day Work Week

at least 90 to 95% of the time.

Many years to do that.

It doesn't need to take that long.

It's a lot easier today than it used to be.

So if you have any questions on this,

put it in the comment section below or shoot me an email.

As always, I look forward to helping you create

the lifestyle you most desire and helping you

make more money in less time doing what you do best.

Thanks for listening.

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