Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 10, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Oct 26 2018

- Humble yourself.

Be filled with the spirit.

Go to them in a spirit of mercy.

Help them out of the ditch.

Call them to repentance, but do it in a spirit of love.

(upbeat music)

- Welcome again to the Straight Truth podcast.

I'm your host Josh Philpot as always.

I'm joined by Pastor Richard Caldwell,

the pastor of Founder's Baptist Church.

And we would like to interact with you

about these discussions so please leave a comment

right below this video or interact with us on social media.

Then lastly, go to the iTunes podcast section

for us and please leave us a review.

Sometimes we have a friend or maybe even a family member

that we have discovered is in latent, serious

what the Old Testament would call high handed sin.

Somebody sinning with the high hand so to speak

and with disregard to what the scriptures

actually say about that sin.

So our question today is how do I confront

my friend who is sinning in this way?

What do I actually say?

How do I do it in a loving, biblical way?

And what would I actually say to them

if I'm confronting my friend in such a way?

- One thing, taking the hypothetical,

which is not theoretical because it happens all the time,

but one of the things I wanna make sure of is the person

I'm about to talk to, I'm confident

that they are a believer.

- Okay. - So I see this sometimes

in family issues that people wanna talk to their

family members about the sin they're committing

when that family member may not even be a believer.

They may be a professing believer but that doesn't mean

they are a believer so one of the things that I wanna

make sure of is are there evidences that the person

that I'm about to talk to, that they really know Jesus.

So my, you know, can I say...

I mean, nobody can know for certain another person's heart

but can I say you know, for certain, that I know

this person knows the gospel.

They understand the biblical gospel.

Do they profess faith in Christ?

That they're some evidences that they follow Christ.

So because it's gonna make different

how I deal with a person.

If I'm not certain of their conversion,

that's where I wanna begin.

Is, you know, you say you love Jesus, you say

you know Jesus, but can we talk about that just a bit

because here's what I see going on in your life

and it gives me concern.

If I am pretty confident that the person is a believer

then what I see in God's word is number one,

an attitude of humility.

I wanna go to them humbly.

It doesn't mean in a compromised, compromising fashion.

It doesn't mean in a weak fashion

but I do approach them humbly.

And I realize that probably what this is going

to represent is an entrapment of sorts.

What I mean by that is, they've been entrapped by the devil.

They've been entrapped through temptation

and so there's a mercy that operates in this

that I realize whatever they've fall into, it could be me.

It could me just as surely as it has been them.

So I wanna go with that kind of attitude.

I wanna make sure I'm filled with the spirit.

That I'm submitted in my own life

to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

That's what it means to be filled with the spirit,

that I'm submitted to the scriptures that he authored

and so in that way I am spiritual.

And I use that language because, lemme just

go ahead now and introduce a passage.

Galatians 6:1, "Brothers, if anyone is caught

"in any transgression," you hear that, caught?

Right, entrapped, they've fallen into it.

"In any transgression, you who are spiritual should

"restore him in a spirit of gentleness."

So also we hear in that verse, our goal.

The goal is restoration.

It's to help this person get out of their sin.

Have their feet planted again on the sound,

solid soil of truth following Christ

but the way I approach them is to be

in a spirit of humility, in a spirit of self examination,

even, next verse or next statement says,

"Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted."

So self examination and realize that this is a part

of loving each other.

This is the mutual responsibility we bear

in the body of Christ, to love each other enough,

care about each others soul enough, that when needed

we confront sin issues.

Next verse says, "Bear one another's burdens,

"and so fulfill the law of Christ.

"For if anyone thinks he's something when he's nothing,

"he deceives himself.

"But let each one test his own work, and then his reason

"to boast will be in himself alone

"and not in his neighbor."

That is also, you know, it's a very frightening

statement there because I think what Paul's indicating here

is that some might even take another person's failure

as a reason to boast in their own mind

or in their own heart.

You know, let me compare myself with this person

and look at how good I am.

- [Josh] Okay.

- No, humble yourself.

Be filled with the spirit.

Go to them in a spirit of mercy.

Help them out of the ditch.

Call them to repentance but do it in a spirit of love

and that's how we ought to approach each other.

- Okay, yeah, and if, a scenario here, what if

my friend refuses to listen even though I'm filled

with the spirit, I'm coming in the spirit of love--

- [Richard] Yeah.

- I'm trying to give them good counsel here

and they refuse it.

What are the follow ups there?

Not necessarily getting into the follow-ups

within a church, just say we're friends.

- [Richard] Yeah.

- You know, what are the follow-ups there

as to how I should treat that?

Constantly bringing it up or you know, just

not disregarding it but just deciding I'm not

gonna bring this up anymore for the sake

of our relationship, some difficult issues.

- Well this is where friendship and the church

do intersect--

- [Josh] Okay.

- Because if this person I'm talking to is a believer

and we're gonna also assume they're a member of a church.

- [Josh] Okay.

- And if we're talking about as you described it earlier,

high handed sin, I mean, clear and let me

take a step back and mention one other thing

about the friendship talk.

- Okay, yeah. - I see an issue

of sin in someone's life.

I do wanna make sure it's sin.

- [Josh] Okay.

- Because sometimes what happens is people

wanna talk to each other about matters

as if they're talking about sin--

- Yeah. - It's really matters

of personal preference. - That's true.

- So if what we're talking about is sin,

I can go to the word of God, clearly identify it,

you are violating scripture which is what

the word transgression has to do with.

You've stepped over the bounds, you've sinned against God

in some way that's clear.

Well now, if they're a member of our church

you know, my church, the church that I'm a part of,

the next step would be to go with two or more.

- [Josh] Yeah.

- So now we're talking about the steps

of church discipline.

If they belong to another church, this can be

even more complicated so now what do I do?

Well, maybe I do make a phone call to...

I would obviously let the person know in advance.

Listen, I love you too much just to let you go on in this.

This is gonna destroy you.

It's gonna destroy your life and your relationships.

I can't just watch this happen.

So if it's a serious matter, this is where

I maybe even make a phone call to one of their elders

and say listen, this is my friend and I love them

very much or depending upon who else I might

bring to bear upon their conscience in the situation,

maybe if they're my brother, for example,

maybe another of my siblings, or maybe this is where

if we're talking about a grown person,

this is even where they're parents can begin

to weigh in if I'm a sibling.

So, what you wanna do is walk through it in a way

that you're bringing scripture to them

in a spirit of humility and love.

If they won't receive it, the principles of church

discipline still apply.

I wanna bring somebody else with me.

I also wanna mention this.

The Bible says love covers a multitude of inequities.

Not every issue, even if it is sin, not every issue

is something I have to deal with immediately,

urgently, in that same kind of direct fashion.

Someone speaking across word is a matter of sin

but the fact of the matter is we live in a world

full of cross words and if it's not a pattern

in their life, if it's a momentary failure

and it's not what characteristic of their life,

just pray for them and watch and encourage them

and know that, I need that same kind

of encouragement in my life.

So there's so many different threads of issues

and questions that relate to the question

but given the scenario you set out at first,

serious sin, high handed sin, professing believer,

I think Galatians 6:1 is the way we approach it.

- Okay. - And if they won't listen,

we have to come with others to try to help them

out of their sin.

- Thanks for joining us again for the

Straight Truth podcast.

We are releasing episodes every week, on every Thursday,

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Now Straight Truth is a production

of Walking in Grace Ministries.

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(upbeat music)

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