Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Nov 1 2018

Help! I'm not seeing results, what should I do? Hi my name is Gretchen ,your virtual

Pilates instructor, as well as founder of Balance to the Core. It's my mission to

make Pilates part of your everyday living. I don't necessarily mean just

doing a daily Pilates workout ,but rather taking the Pilates principles into your everyday

living so that you feel fantastic and your movement becomes much more

efficient and effective and you feel a lot younger. How about that? So if you

want to be part of this community please hit the subscribe button as well as the

bell next to it to be notified whenever I have a new video because I'm here

every week and I would love to have you. So a question that I often get asked is

how often should I do Pilates? This is kind of a a question that has no

real "one answer" to it because our bodies are completely different and they're

completely different from each other they're completely different every day.

So to answer that question is kind of tough but I'll sort of back it up with

the values that we have at Balance to the Core and the number one

mission is to "listen to your body". Your body is the smartest most intelligent

part in the whole equation. It's going to tell you what it needs and if you really

stop and listen to it and give it what it needs you're gonna get the results

that you're looking for. Pilates these days has so many different version.

It can be based on the instructor's interpretation; are you using

apparatus?; are you working with an instructor?; are you watching videos

online?; are you taking a mat class that has props?; is it an hour long?; is it a

half-hour long?; is it 15 minutes? There are so many different factors to the

equation. since we're watching YouTube right now let's talk in

the sense of what you can do on your mat. You can have the Pilates that Joseph

Pilates himself intended which was his Contrology system which is rigorous, it has you sweating it has

flowing, it gets that heart rate up. It's meant for healthy bodies to help

them change bad postural habits realigning the body balancing the body

getting into the core muscles and then today we see a lot of the Pilates that's

more on a rehab level where if you're coming back from injury or you're you're

starting to just work out again. And third, there's this sort of halfway fusion

esque Pilates where you're gonna see sort of a combination of the two. I like

all of it because all of it is healthy on the body just getting us moving in an

intentional way in a healthy way in a way that connects our mind and body

that's what's most important. back to the question of "how often should we do

it?", well it depends on you know what your goals are? So in those three areas of

Pilates workouts from rigorous to the rehab well there's different purposes so

let's say you're a healthy body and you want to see results you're trying to

change the shape of your body so you want to do more of this traditional

sense moving flowing rigorous movement about three four times a week because

consistency is key. Consistency is what's going to give you

the results. Joseph Pilates himself said in ten sessions you're gonna feel

results in twenty sessions you're gonna see results in thirty sessions you're

gonna have a whole new body so if you're doing it three four times a week. ]Within

six weeks you are going to see major changes in your body if you're

consistent with it and if you're working deeply and with intention after a

session of Pilates you're not going to be so depleted and exhausted where

you're gonna be worn out you're gonna feel the exact opposite you're gonna

feel energized you're gonna feel amazing because what place does is it teaches

your body how to use its muscles correctly how to work them together how

to initiate movement correctly how to align the body so you're working your

body in a whole uniform system so that it trickles into your everyday

functioning movement your walking becomes effortless your daily movement

becomes effortless you pick pull lift push all of those things become second

nature because you working them from the deep core places

so it's really about how connected are you to the work how much are you

thinking about it and really intentionally working with the Pilates

principles if you're interested in learning more about Pilates I do have

two weeks free in my pilates members site and the link is below if you want

to check it out also if you want to be part of my weekly

email list where I give you Pilates tips tools all that fun stuff a little bit of

inspiration cuz you know I love doing that come sign up I would love to have

you part of the community. Thanks so much for watching. Please like this video if

you liked it; comment if there's something else you would like to see

because I want to make these videos for you. and I love being here so I will see

you again next week. Have a wonderful week and take care. Bye.

Auto news on Youtube Nov 1 2018

New Fashion Party wear Punjabi Suit

With Patiala Salwars & Palazzo Bottoms.

Ladies Salwar kameez in trendy designs.

For more infomation >> New Fashion Party wear Punjabi Suit With Patiala Salwars & Palazzo Bottoms | Ladies Salwar kameez - Duration: 1:03.


Style File: Fabulous Fall Fashion with RK Collections - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Style File: Fabulous Fall Fashion with RK Collections - Duration: 2:41.


Footage of Media's Trump 'Predictions' Comes Back in Humiliating Fashion - Duration: 4:14.

Every one of us can no doubt recall all of the dire predictions offered up about then-candidate

Donald Trump throughout 2015 and 2016.

It was a running theme of media coverage — how every supposed misstep or gaffe signaled the

imminent "end" of his campaign during the primaries, and how he had absolutely zero

chance of defeating heavily favored Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton in the general election.

Of course, Trump's campaign never actually ended because of the supposed gaffes and missteps,

and he walloped Clinton decisively in November 2016, in spite of the endless predictions

to the contrary.

Unfortunately, despite their many self-assured predictions prior to the election having been

proven incredibly wrong, countless members of the media — whether anchors, contributors

or "experts" — have insisted on continuing to offer up yet more confident predictions

of the impending political demise of Trump's presidency.

A small sampling of the multitude of media predictions about Trump has been compiled

into a video on social media that is both hilarious and somewhat disconcerting at the

same time.

The compilation video starts off in August 2017 with several media personalities proclaiming

the "bombshell" news that Trump's presidency had reached a "tipping point" and had

drawn near the "beginning of the end" of his time in office.

MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle was specifically featured (in a humorously repeated clip) saying,

"I know we've said this over and over … and over and over … and over and over


Fast-forwarding through September and October 2017, many of the same media personalities

continued to assure viewers that "this is the beginning of the end" as they added

in a new catch-phrase, "the walls are closing in."

That was a talking point that was quite obviously spread far and wide among the liberal media.

The dire "bombshells" that marked the "beginning of the end" continued through

November and December 2017, again as Trump's presidency hung precariously on a "tipping

point" and was veritably "crippled."

More "bombshells" and "trouble" came for Trump in January and February 2018, as

the president was supposedly preparing to resign the office in disgrace.

Several clips of sleazy porn star attorney Michael Avenatti — and Lord knows there

were hundreds of media appearances to choose from with this piece of work — featured

him confidently predicting that Trump's "resignation" was imminent and the president

would not serve out the remainder of his term in office.

June and July 2018 showcased a return of the "walls are closing in" talking point with

the media, as these same media personalities who've been so wrong on so many occasions

continued to insist they were correct this time … it was "over" for Trump.

The video quite cleverly then spliced together several different talking heads all saying

the exact same phrases one word at a time, which is both amusing and frightening, as

it laid bare the hive-mind of collectivist thought and adherence to scripted talking

points that the media routinely deny leaning on.

Considering all of the "bombshells" that were dropped by the media over the past year,

America's political landscape should be more pockmarked than the no-man's-land of

a World War I battlefield … yet Trump continues to govern the country, relatively unscathed.

Indeed, in spite of this past year being the "beginning of the end" for more than 12

months, and in spite of the media continually insisting the "walls are closing in" on

Trump, the president has nevertheless proceeded to achieve voluminous accomplishments.

Meanwhile, Trump hasn't resigned, been impeached or indicted, and the same folks who made laughably

wrong predictions during the 2016 election are still making laughably wrong predictions

through Trump's presidency.

Sadly, they will learn nothing from this video and will continue to pull out their hair as

they obsess over everything Trump does, and we will continue to laugh at their utter absurdity.

Auto news on Youtube Nov 1 2018

what is going on guys welcome back to the channel so today I'm going to be

giving you an update on exactly how I'm getting along with the savage affiliates

course and also exactly how my actual unit site is getting one so as I'm

currently building a website about 20 28 pages now 28 and yes currently got all

different pages that are indexed so I've got like about 28 pages that are indexed

on Google and the site's come along really well so I'm ranking for like

about I'd say probably about fourteen different terms now so it's doing really

well and I'm following all the course information from a guy called Franklin

Hatchett so he's the guy who's actually giving me all the sort of information of

how to do this how to register my site on Google search console over the last

week I've actually also registered let me just get a bed i've also registered

my site on bing bing search console so there's the Bing search console and I've

actually started getting traffic from being randomly just since I've done it

so I haven't force indexed any of my pages

I've just got traffic from the actual Bing platform just from register in the

whole site altogether so yeah basically what I wanted to do this week is just a

pure update on exactly how everything is getting on and someone asked me in the

comment section in the last video if I've made any money yet out of the site

sorry the Lighting's bad I haven't yet made any money out of the site any

commissions yet but I've got about 350 page views so far and that's probably

pushed up to about 500 so far now since my last video so it's going quite steady

and yeah I see it v being very bright for up you know the future coming in so

I'm actually going to build it to 50 pages myself then I'm gonna hire a

writer to actually you know take it up to a hundred pages because I want it to

be a hundred page niche website I think within the niche that I've chosen with

dogs and golden retrievers there's going to be enough sort of space for me to

build a hundred pages on on the site so what I've actually got today is was I've

got a few notes of exactly the topics that I want to cover as well so one of

the things that I wanted to discuss is how I'm actually approaching this

website building more together now because with any business I was always

thinking like you know how can I take a more holistic approach to what I'm doing

in regards to the actual site so I know at the beginning when I was doing it it

was more like I was just basically building a site and whatever else and I

was thinking how can actually you know build a sort of system because I know

everything it requires that it's like a whole system so what I decided to do and

that's right someone just skipped around me because I was recording but yeah what

I decided to do I was thinking how can I have like a holistic approach to the

business and build out like an actual system because everything has systems

that as we know and I think it's really easy to get stuck behind just building

one little thing like on a computer and whatever else and forgetting that you're

actually building an established business so things like I'm not saying

about taxes and all of that yet but it's like learning the different components

of the business that will make it move like all in cognitive sort of format so

what I'm saying is if you're learning like about content then you also need to

focus on learning about backlinks you also need to focus on you know learning

about on-page and off-page SEO and really honing on all of this stuff you

might need to learn about email marketing you know how to actually

increase your conversion so you might want to start using things like heat

maps on on your pages and things that you don't want to sort of run before you

can walk but at the same time you really need to understand that this is a very

holistic sort of thing so I was looking for that and came across obviously some

others because I've been following him recently and he was talking about sorry

the lighting so bad yet he was talking about my hair looks so rough there's all

bloody how that receding he was talking about exactly you know the type of

approach you need to take to any type of online business that you're doing so the

few things that I wanted to discuss let's have a look talk about love love

love and light it's been Hey okay so yeah what I did actually list

out recently is all the different things that I might be doing wrong that could

potentially harm my business and how far it will go

so the bloody huh I'm in a place where there's loads of like dug holes I don't

know if his badges or something like that but yeah so basically I was

thinking about you know all the things that I've been doing wrong that I could

improve on what I'm doing in his site so things like you know just in general

actually I would say I was talking to one of my work colleagues the other day

and he was asking me what I do outside and whatever else cause obviously I'm

only part-time at work so our drive trains during my part-time job and then

the rest of the time I spend building businesses online and whatever else and

basically my colleague was he was asking me like he was saying sorry that you

think successes is lucky so I don't know how many people have that type of

outlook on people who become successful but I think success is never accidental

so like everyone who become successful is usually doing it on purpose because

of the things that they've learnt and the advantages that they sort of take

take when it comes so sorry guys my memory card just got full up on the

camera but yeah so I think it's never accidental of anyone becoming successful

so I just wanted to clear the air on that for anyone who sort of is following

me and you know questioning that so what else yeah the other thing that I

actually have been focusing on recently is how I can add value to the

marketplace that I'm currently in so for example you know if I look at all of the

different people that are inside of the niche that I'm going into with dogs it's

like going to sort of different places like forums and whatever else and find

out what problems those people have so what I've done is I've actually listed

out all different problems that different people are having in that

industry and how I can solve it and you know the way you're going to solve

it is in the form of your your service or your product or whatever in your file

so that's what I'm focused on you know is actually solving a problem and the

moment you start focusing on exchanging value for you know sort of in exchange

for another form of value maybe it's money or whatever else that's when you

start going down the right track because I think it's easy to get sucked up and

thinking oh yeah I want to make money because everyone wants to make money but

if you think about anything in this world that was ever worth happening

having sorry like things like this iPhone for example look at how like sort

of unique this is made so whoever made this like obviously Steve Jobs is behind

you know the method behind the madness and whatever else but if you look at it

you never get a product that's this good like this effective and can change the

world in this way if the person was focused around money so if you're

focusing your website around money you're basically just putting like crap

out onto the marketplace whereas you know if you focus on delivering value to

the marketplace you'll be rewarded in big ways so I think it's really

important to list out all of the different problems that your industry

has and how you're going to go about solving it and you're going to solve it

in the form of your site so this stuff is not really the technical stuff but

it's just about the generic approach that you need to have to your site which

I think you know you need to have in that sense this is very subjective you

know but I believe this is the approach you need to take yes I've got here that

you know our brainstormed all different ways of exactly how I can fix these

people's problems so for example inside of my industry there's things like dogs

experiencing hip displacement so for dogs do you have hip displacement the

owners are very stressed upset sad and you know I need to take them to a point

of where they're happy cheerful and their dogs living a healthy life so I

need to base products around my sort of site that can help them to achieve that

so one of the things I've looked at is altered orthopedic beds I can't

pronounce it correctly but anyway orthopedic beds and what that does is

that caters to golden retrievers who back pains or hip displacements and

things like that and it provides like different elements of support of where

they use support foam to actually cater to the dog's needs you know so that's

like one of the things I look at yeah the other thing is I'm gonna say if

you're following many different people then stop following so many different

people at once like because what happens is if you follow one person and then

this person gives you some good advice I'm right now in the middle of a field

you know that some person gives you good advice so you get that advice and then

you follow someone else and they give you advice and then you think oh my god

and look at my white trainers sorry I'll just go get that in right now I've got

white trainers on I'm so stupid and but yes so someone gives you good advice

then you go to someone else and they give you good advice and you

try to sort of mix the information but what happens there is you've just messed

up the personal strategy because if you were to do it just say with something

like food if someone gave you a recipe and then you went and you've got someone

else's recipe then you've just basically messed the meal up you know it's not

going to come out the same way that that person cooks it or the way they gave you

the recipe you know for the outcome so I think it's really important to just

follow one person use YouTube to find like someone who you think is genuine

and whatever else and then just follow what they say you know religiously and

if you get stuck then they usually got you know like a sort of point of I don't

know like a group or something you can get into of where you can ask some

questions and things like that and definitely if it was like someone like

me then you can reach out to me because I'm very accessible you know in the

links below you can get through to me you can ask me any questions I'll make

the time to actually get back to you you know any time that you leave the

questions and I just want to say thank you as well to anyone who's here because

I can't thank you enough you know with everything that you guys are supporting

with and yeah to the person who was asking about the course anyone who

actually is thinking about buying the course if you use my link I'll do my

absolute best to help you as much as I can you know in regards to you know

making making a successful website I think I've learnt quite a lot and

there's a lot of skills that I can obviously you know help you

to developing with your sight as well and so far anyway so yeah the other

thing I want to talk about is your mindset because so many people we can

lis learn strategies and things like that about how to build these sites on

whatever else but the big thing is if you don't have the right mindset then

you're not going to be able to sort of you know take things on board in the

right way so I really recommend that first of all building up your your sort

of mindset about how you look at business and money and things like that

before you actually you know go into site building or before you learn any

type of strategy to actually get your monetary result because you need to have

the right mindset ordered tenacity perseverance and just like your generic

outlook on how you see life and your beliefs you know the things you believe

in because if you still have the mindset of an employee and you're very doubtful

pessimistic and things like that you're just never ever going to make it and

you're not going to have what it takes to actually succeed in in anything let

alone you know sight building so if we look at this other thing I've got here

email marketing and copywriting so I think like you know it's important if

you're gonna get into a site building you need to learn about how to write

copy because eventually you're gonna go into building sort of adverts and things

like that so you need to know how to write persuasively to convince people to

think the same way that you are so I think that's one of the most important

skills that you can actually learn in this day and age and the last thing I

wanted to talk about is the key search tools so that all I'm using at the

moment because a few people have asked me on a few things you know what I'm

using and how I'm finding my keywords and all of that stuff so I'm using a

tool from a site called key search Co and on that site you can find multiple

different things like organic keywords of your competitors I'll leave like a

little video so you guys can see right now just over the screen of exactly you

know what that tool does on that tool you'll also see the page authority of

your competitors that the main authority of your competitors and how many links

are referring to that site and you can also see the actual

referring websites so you could potentially contact those sites and

actually get backlinks from the same sites that they're actually getting them

from so you can build up the same type of authority you can also check

obviously like I said the volume as well so how much traffic they're getting from

each word and also you can check whether they've got anchors on what anchors

they're using and the follow of the link so do follow links and know follows and

things like that so it's a really good tool i'll definitely recommend it and

yeah that's about it it's a really really good toys only about $13 a month

if you use my link below that's $13 I think it's usually about seventeen

dollars or something like that so it's really reasonable and it pulls the data

from that Maas as well so that's like a very reputable company in the SEO world

which many of you may know about ready but yeah that's that's about it that's

the tool I'm using and what else am i using at the moment I think that's it

that's the only tool that I really use day-to-day for for SEO there's also a

website I use called Northcutt comm or something that allows me to check

competitor's pages how many difficult index so I know sort of how big the

sites are that I'm going up against but that is about it guys

that is it and that's the update for the moment at the moment the course is

really going good so after I've built up this site 250 pages I think over the

next week or so I'm going to start focusing on actually reaching out to

different websites and trying to get some guest posts and trying to get some

strong Authority backlinks and things like that

when a start fuck yeah guys I can't even remember what I was even saying I can't

remember but I'll probably remember after the videos done because you got

kind of pressure you never get used to this thing what I haven't yet because

I'm quite a kind of awkward person but yeah I hope you enjoyed the video I was

talking about the key search tool wasn't oh I don't even know what I was talking

about what was it I don't even remember but anyway guys yes that's what

my plan is currently footed for the moment of what I'm doing with the site

I'll be giving you regular updates and documenting you know all the way to the

first Commission when the site starts making money I'll be disclosing

everything if you want to know anything about the course so you have any

questions about that then simply just reach out to me I'll be willing to

answer any of the questions and if you don't enjoy the video then make sure you

leave a like below subscribe and I'll see you in the next one that will be it

okay peace

For more infomation >> Savage affiliates course update | Building a niche site 2018 UPDATE!!! - Duration: 15:52.



Welcome to the beautiful world of aquascaping,

to the Green Aqua Gallery!

I brought you some flowers.

Lovely isn't it?

I don't want to talk about flowers today,

I want to talk about this Nano Aquarium.

(Cinematic music)

Nano is a very popular subject among aquascapers,

because you can start with this, on a low budget.

You don't need many plants, you don't need a lot of soil.

You don't need a lot of hardscape.

You can build a beautiful tank

on a low budget.

On a relatively low budget.

This is a very good opportunity for you to see

weather aquariums, or the aquascaping hobby is good for you.

You can try your skills in building a beautiful little tank.

We're gonna help you with that today.

What I have here right next to me is an ADA Nature Aquarium Cube Garden.

Let me open it for you. You need scissors for that.

I'm gonna cut the straps.

I'm gonna take the cover off.

There you go.

I'm gonna throw everything out.

Take the aquarium...

Hold it with one hand...

Don't do this at home!

This is a beautiful

4 mm glass thickness opti white ADA aquarium.

20 liters in total.

It has a spotless look.

The exact measurement are 36x22x26 cm.


Let's start with me putting the gloves on.

Many of you guys asked weather I need gloves

for making an aquarium.

No, you don't really need those.

I just like to protect my hands so...

This is why I'm gonna put this on.

Beautiful gloves from Black Magic.

We got it from a friend of ours, Jurijs.

Thank you so much.

It's a Moscotton brand and we really like it.

Let's start with building the hardscape

or let's start with putting in the soil.

I'm gonna use three types of soils now.

You have the ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia.

Which will go to the bottom.

We are not using Power Sand special

or Power Sand at all in this aquarium

because we're just gonna have a couple of foreground plants.

Maybe we will use root sticks.

In order to provide some more nutrients.

We hope that in this small nano aquarium

the ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia

and the ADA fertilizers that we're gonna provide...

We're gonna use the ADA Mineral,

and we're gonna use the ADA Brighty K

to fertilize the plants.

The plants will get enough ferts from those.

And the soil itself.

So it's going to be fine, we're not going to use

any base layer fertilizing substrate in this tank.

On the top of the ADA Amazonia

we're gonna use the ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia Powder.

Which is a smaller grain-size ADA Soil.

It's much easier to plant in the substrate

when it has a smaller grain-size.

Especially with plants that have smaller roots.

It's much easier to push the roots in.

But you will see that in a moment.

As decoration we are going to use the ADA Colorado Sand.

You have it here.

It's a beautiful reddish sand.

It will help accentuate the brownish

and reddish color of the wood that I'm planning to use.

This is the Iron Wood.

That I have here prepared.

I also have the Dragon Stones here.

Just small pieces of it.

We don't need a lot of hardscape for a nano tank.

Let's start with the ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia.

I'm gonna put a little bit of this in the back.

I'm gonna use some more from a 3 liter bag.

I'm just gonna pour it in.

Only in the back.

Nowhere else at this moment.

I'm just gonna stop here now.

I'm gonna come back

with the Amazonia later.

Let's see what we're doing.

I'm going to arrange it a little bit.

I'm gonna put some rocks in the front.

I'm going to put the Dragon Stones

between the foreground sand and the Amazonia here.

To have a nice boundary between those two.


Let's find a suitable

rock in the foreground.

What I'm looking for here at this point

is that the rock should lean against the side-glass

as smoothly as possible.

It should stop the Amazonia from coming to the foreground.

That's pretty fine there.

I'm gonna use additional rocks

smaller ones

to continue that line.

that I wanna make here.

Then I'm going to pour in sand.

Cosmetic sand.

In the foreground.

Usually you don't need a lot.

One cup of it was enough.

Make sure you use a sand-flattener.

Flatten the sand


You don't need a lot of sand in the foreground.

You can just make it nice and even.

You can increase the height

as you go towards the back of the aquarium.

Let's use the wider side of the sand-flattener

to make it even more nice and even.

Is it flat enough?

Maybe yes, so let's leave it like that

and let's use the Amazonia to the back.

Fill it up.

I'm just pouring it to the back like that.

Arranging it with my hands.

You have a nice layout that will start

from the right side and go towards the left side.

Let's see what we're gonna do with the wood.

The wood is prepared.

It's ready.

This is the hardscape.

Iron wood glued together.

I used some coconut fibre to hide the glue

that was used to get these pieces of wood together.

I want to show you guys how I made this.

I brought you different pieces

of wood.

I'm gonna show it how I select it.

First I have a main wood here.

I'm using another wood right next to it

to continue the line like this.

Right now this is good.

You need to glue these together.

You can use the coconut fibre to have the Seachem glue

that I was using to keep these pieces together...

You can hide it with that.

I hope you like the hardscape.

I'm going to put it in the tank now.

For that I will really need to go to the other side.

I'm going to check it out from the other side

to see how it goes.

I'm very happy with the hardscape at this moment.

I just need to find a good angle for it.

Okey, so I'm happy with the wood arrangement.

We're gonna fill in some more Amazonia.

To the back.

Then arrange it nicely.

You need at least 3 or 4 cm of Amazonia

In order to be able to plant in it.

I'm gonna use the sand flattener again.

To bring in the soil that put in the back.

To the front.

And arrange it in the front as well.

Be careful not to spill

any soil on the sand.

Alright. Ready.

So what we're gonna do now,

we're gonna use the Amazonia Powder

to put it on the top

of the regular Amazonia.

Let's pour some in the front as well.

Alright so we're done.

In order to be able to plant you need to wet the soil.

Plant roots will stick to the soil much easier

if it's wet a little bit.

But before we do that

I need to introduce some more rocks.

To add some detail.

The more detail you have in a tank the better.

It will increase the scale of your tank.

It will add to the overall look.

I'm using small pieces in the foreground.

I'm using bigger pieces in the background.

How do you like it so far?

Are you happy with this?

Let me ask Viktor.

Okey, so Viktor is telling me

that this is the words hardscape by a pro again.

It looks like I need a t-shirt.

Can you guys send me a t-shirt?

"The worst hardscape by a pro ever"


It looks like I'm lacking some hardscape elements

in the foreground on the right side.

What I have to do is to build some more

in the foreground

to have an elevation here.

That would add a little bit to the beauty of the whold thing.

Too big.

Too small.


And we're ready.

So I think the hardscape is ready guys.

Let's go with the planting.

We are going to use 5 types of plants.

The first plant that I'm gonna be using today

is the mini Bolbitis.

The official name is Bolbitis Heteroclita Difformis.

It's a small fern.

Which doesn't grow big.

I really like to use it in nano aquariums.

It doesn't cover completely the wood.

I use 6 pots of them.

I put them here-and-there.

Support it with some little rocks in the background.

So that they don't float up.

The second plant that I want to use is the Echinodorus Vesuvius.

This is a nice Echinodorus type

that will not grow too big but the leaves are long enough

and the general idea for me using this plant

was that I wanted to use another fern type...

Like the narrow-leaf Microsorum.

But we don't have a small narrow-leaf Microsorum

on the market yet.

So I'm going to use this instead of the Microsorum in this tank.

I'm going to use this in the background,

because I don't want it to cover

the complete


I don't want it to cover the fern - as well.

Let's go with the third plant.

This is the Bucephalandra Lamandau 'Mini Red'.

This is a nice Bucephalandra type.

It has reddish color.

It will accentuate the greens of the other plants

that we were using so far.

I'm gonna take it in two parts.

I'm gonna put it

to have some patches of red


I have the Elatine Hydropiper here.

It's a small lab plant in jelly.

That is a nice foreground plant.

You can just take it out of the jelly

wash the jelly off

and then use some great

pinsettes (tweezers)

I'm gonna use the small pinsettes here...

Just take small chunks of it.

Then plant it at the left side of the aquarium.

I forgot that I need to wet the soil first.

We're gonna use this


to add a little bit of water to the soil.

Also, I want to keep the plants

that I was using so far

from being dried out.

Okey, let's clean the foreground.

A little bit.

For you guys to see what am I actually doing in the aquarium.

Then I keep on planting the Elatine.

To the foreground here, on the left side.

Make sure that you are not big chunks of it.

Because it's really difficult to put down.

I just checked it from the front and I see

that we need need to go all the way to the back.

On the left side of the aquarium.

I think we need to raise the substrate a little bit more

on the right side

because I want the Elatine to be visible on the right sided as well.

Don't be afraid to plant as densely as possible.

The more plants you have in your aquarium

the more stabile the ecosystem will be in the long run.

The less prone you're gonna be to algae.

Having a good filter is always helping

but you need to help the system

with introducing as many plants as possible.

This Elatine is a nice plant.

The only trick to keeping it alive

is to have a nice cool water.

So don't try this at home if your room

has a higher temperature.

And you need a lot of CO2.

This Rotala 'Red Mini' is a nice plant

that will not grow high.

This means that I can use it in a nano tank.

I'm gonna plant it in the bacground.

You're not gonna see it at this moment.

But after a couple of weeks they will grow up

and the tops will show behind these plants.

Here. So you will have a nice red finish in the backgound.

Okey, you can see now

where I plant the Rotalas.

In the background.

Only in the center.

Not on the sides.

Okey guys, we are ready with the planting.

You might want to add some more patches

just one or two patches of something else.

Into the Elatine to have some detail in it later.

after they're grown together.

It's up to you to decide.

To improve the tank a little bit.

Having a nano tank is nice thing because you can always

Tweek it a little bit.

I want to show you the light guys.

I'm really excited because we have this

nano tank light here with us.

ONF light, you guys tell me what does it stand for.

ONF. One Night F....?


Alright, I don't know.

Viktor told me not to joke about this.

But I just have to joke all the time, you know me.

It's the best light from Taiwan at this moment.

It's the Rose Gold color.

You can see it now.

It has many features that are really absolutely needed.

For a nano tank. One of these features

is the adjustability..

You can adjust the height.

You can adjust the deapth.

You can adjust the strength of the light.

Finally guys, finally! It's one of the lights that is strong enough

to have a proper Nature Aquarium in a nano tank.

We didn't have that before in the LED section.

We're really happy to have this light here with us.

The Rose Gold... Flat one.

Is here in Green Aqua!

I'm gonna screw on the bottom part.

I have not used this before but at the Green Aqua

Gallery we've been testing one of these guys

for months now.

Like that.

I don't really like the fact that this one is in the front.

So I'm just gonna move it to the other side.

It's gonna look much better there.

A really good thing about it is that you can adjust

the height - there's a little rubber-ring here

which you can just move down a little bit.

If you move it down then the light will stand higher

If you move it up...

Then the light will stand lower.

Okey guys, the aquarium is ready.

The light is ready, let's switch it on.

There's a switch on the bottom of it.

If you keep pushing it

the light will turn on.

Wonderful-wonderful strength!

I really love it.

All we have to do now is fill it up with water.

Have the filtration plugged in.

To have the filter hoses, to have the CO2 system.

You have a lot of nice glass things from ADA.

Here. Specially made for nano tanks.

This is the outflow.

This is the bubble counter.

That will go with a hose to the diffuser.

We will probably put the diffuser on the opposite side.

From the outflow.

So the water will be pushed down here,

and it will work against the bubbles that are coming out

from the diffuser.

Okey, so this is it.

Let us know what you think guys.

I hope you really like this aquarium.

And you are not gonna say

that this is the ugliest aquarium made by a pro - again.

Let's see how it looks like when it's filled up.

Thank you for joining us to this video for this week.

I hope that you like the Green Aqua YouTube channel.

If you do, please subscribe.

And please hit the bell button to get notified

of our future uploads.

Until next week. Goodbye!

For more infomation >> BUILD A NANO AQUASCAPE - STARTING GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS - Duration: 17:12.


What's The Process Of Building A Website? - Moko Media Minute - Sandi Gauder - Duration: 2:15.

So when a customer comes to us and they come to the realization that they need a

professional website, they need somebody to build it for them, because they've

gone to Facebook route, or they've gone to you know a do-it-yourself platform

and it's proven to be a nightmare or it's just not working for them. So they

come to us and they say "I need help, will you build me a website?" Sure we will.

So we start by finding out why they want the website in the first place. What is

the purpose of the website? What do you need it to do? What do you, you know, is it

is it a brochure website, are you just providing information to people? Is it a

commerce website, are you hoping to sell things on it? Do you need to engage with

your customers, do you need a forum? Do you, I don't know, they're, you know, what

is it you're hoping it's going to do? So once we know what the purpose of the

website is, we then start asking questions about branding. Do you have any

kind of branding? Do you have a logo? Do you need a logo? Do you have particular

colours that you're working with? Do you have any existing marketing materials

that we need to kind of line up with? So we ask them to gather all that

information, we ask them for, you know, some sites that they have been to that,

they may not like the entire website, but there might be pieces about the website

that they go, "Oh, I like how they're doing that. That would be good. Something like

that on my website would solve that particular problem for me." Or, "I like how

on this website they there's lots of white space." You're trying to get a

sense of what it is that they're looking for, what resonates with

them, what kind of feel they're going for, what the you're trying to - the end goal

is going to look like. So we gather all that information, what the content is

going to look like, what kind of structure they need, and then off it goes

to the visual designer to kind of make it all look good and organized in a

proper fashion.

Auto news on Youtube Nov 1 2018


About one in eight women will develop

breast cancer over the course of their lifetime.

But a breakthrough study may help

women navigate this life changing diagnosis.

The study found that many women with early stage

breast cancer can avoid chemotherapy.

These findings, of course, could change

the treatment for as many as 70 000 women

per year here in the US.

Joining us now to discuss, via Skype, is breast surgeon,

our good friend, Dr. Kristi Funk.


Dr. Funk

Kristi, how are ya?

Hey guys, I'm well.

Good to be here.

So glad to have you back on

and I know, in your profession,

you get so excited when new research comes out,

changes the way you treat women,

particularly when it's good news.

Tell us about this study and what it means.

Travis, we've been waiting twelve years

for this study to come out and it is groundbreaking.

So, as you mentioned in the opener,

70 000 women will avoid having

to endure chemotherapy as part of their cure

because we know their prognosis is so excellent

that chemotherapy can't make a great thing even better.

This is so life changing.

So the women that this applies to

is no small number.

50 percent of all invasive breast cancers worldwide

apply to these criteria.

And you need a cancer under five centimeters,

with lymph nodes negative, meaning they're clear of tumor,

estrogen driven and not driven by HER2.

So, of all of these women, you take those cancers

and you put them into this assay,

this gene analysis called Oncotype DX.

And what that does is it looks at a bunch of tumor markers

that are either good genes to express or bad genes,

and depending on your personal cancer's fingerprint,

it spits out the percent chance that your cancer

will come back again in 10 years or less

in a metastatic, life-threatening place,

like lung, liver, brain, bone.

If that number is high, then you should do chemo,

because that can make the high number lower.

If it's low, you know that you don't need chemo.

But we've known that since 2004.

What this study did is it took the 70% of women

that landed in the middle ground.

That was a ton, over 6700 women in this study,

were in the intermediate group.

Like, I don't know, maybe you should do chemo.

You probably should do chemo.

Well, they took that 6700 women, divided them in half.

Half got chemo, half didn't.

It's been nine years.

We now know that none of them will benefit from chemo,

except a small subset, women under 50

in the high end of that middle range.

So, 70 000 women a year



So, Kristi, let's say one of our viewers

has a new breast cancer diagnosis.

How do they broach this conversation with their provider.

Like, how do you start out and where do you go

with this information.

So, when you're newly diagnosed,

you won't know a hundred percent if you meet these criteria

for the Oncotype DX because you don't have proof positive

evidence that your lymph nodes are clear or negative

until you have your surgery.

So, after your surgery, again if your cancer ends up

in the final analysis being under five centimeters,

driven by estrogen, not HER2,

and then, your nodes are clear,

ask your doctors, well can I do that new gene test

on the tumor to find out if I really need chemo

because you're telling me I do because I'm 42 years old

and I have three kids, which sounds like I should pull out

all the stops and do everything under the sun,

but if the genetics of my tumor

aren't going to respond to chemo,

and I already have a phenomenal survival rate,

wow, I don't need to like see what my head

looks like bald and being nauseated,

but more importantly, I don't want to be subject

to heart damage, nerve damage, leukemia down the road.

Chemo is no joke, let alone lost work,

sick days, child care issues.

It's a huge burden lifted from thousands of women

every single year in the world


It's such great news

Well and it...

Game changer

It really gets back to the way treatment for cancer

is changing universally, Dr. Funk,

because it's personalization,

it's looking at you, the individual.

Which is so different that even ten, fifteen years ago.

So as a breast surgeon, for you,

this is such great information.

Because I've always felt so bad for women

when you've had to give the advice,

Well, you could or you couldn't,

cause, how, I don't even...

That's really difficult

I don't even, yeah, I don't even know how

you say, Oh, I don't, I don't want to or I do.

We're not sure or we have to err on the safe side,

you going to get chemo

What a tough, tough decision.

I'm so excited for this.

And I'm curious then so, if people don't need chemo,

what is their treatment regimen going to look like?

So, they already had their operation

and if they kept their breast,

they probably need radiation.

If they had a mastectomy, they probably don't.

If they didn't need the chemo,

they probably don't have criteria

for radiation after mastectomy.

But all of these women that we're talking about,

have to at least strongly consider

taking anti-estrogen therapy.

That's sort of part of the deal.

You do the anti-estrogen therapy

instead of the chemo and it works equally well.

For more infomation >> How Many Breast Cancer Patients Can Possibly Skip Chemo - Duration: 5:16.


Halloween Photoshoot - How many lights are needed for product photography? - Duration: 3:38.

So, just finished a fairly complicated two shoot.

One was an invisible man shoot.

One was a Halloween pumpkin shoot.

The Halloween pumpkin one actually required eight lights.

I know a lot of you always like gripe a little bit about the amount of lights but sometimes it's absolutely necessary.

I mean let's just give you... This was the light shining through the pumpkin to create the orange glow. We cut a hole in the back.

We gelled it, orange gel and diffusion inside.

These two lights on this scrim roll were for the pumpkin itself and also for the products in the pumpkin.

This was an edge light on the back of the pumpkin.

This blue gel light was for a blue glow on the edge of the pumpkin and another one from this little fresnel.

And then this top light was to create a pool of light and a little bit of a shadow.

And then the good old broncolor flooter on the background giving me my background glow.

So they're all absolutely necessary and they're all absolutely necessary because building the lighting up through the process

I'm looking at the light, looking at the contours and the pumpkin, looking at how

I'm going to make it more three dimensional, looking how I'm going to create the right atmosphere,

so it's that additional one light a time, building up, building up, and it ended up at eight lights.

Could have ended up at four, could have ended up at six, could have ended up at 12.

It's just going to go wherever it needs to go until it feels right, basically.

The Invisible Man one was a lot, lot simpler.

Background light from the flooter. Top light 35x60 softbox on the bowler hat

and a Para 133 from the front on the mannequin and suit.

So that one was a lot simpler lighting setup.

Stiffany's got a boyfriend for today.

This is our mannequin and we've had to borrow a male one so she's got a bit of a cheeky smile on her face.

Auto news on Youtube Oct 31 2018

Auto news on Youtube Oct 31 2018

Help! I'm not seeing results, what should I do? Hi my name is Gretchen ,your virtual

Pilates instructor, as well as founder of Balance to the Core. It's my mission to

make Pilates part of your everyday living. I don't necessarily mean just

doing a daily Pilates workout ,but rather taking the Pilates principles into your everyday

living so that you feel fantastic and your movement becomes much more

efficient and effective and you feel a lot younger. How about that? So if you

want to be part of this community please hit the subscribe button as well as the

bell next to it to be notified whenever I have a new video because I'm here

every week and I would love to have you. So a question that I often get asked is

how often should I do Pilates? This is kind of a a question that has no

real "one answer" to it because our bodies are completely different and they're

completely different from each other they're completely different every day.

So to answer that question is kind of tough but I'll sort of back it up with

the values that we have at Balance to the Core and the number one

mission is to "listen to your body". Your body is the smartest most intelligent

part in the whole equation. It's going to tell you what it needs and if you really

stop and listen to it and give it what it needs you're gonna get the results

that you're looking for. Pilates these days has so many different version.

It can be based on the instructor's interpretation; are you using

apparatus?; are you working with an instructor?; are you watching videos

online?; are you taking a mat class that has props?; is it an hour long?; is it a

half-hour long?; is it 15 minutes? There are so many different factors to the

equation. since we're watching YouTube right now let's talk in

the sense of what you can do on your mat. You can have the Pilates that Joseph

Pilates himself intended which was his Contrology system which is rigorous, it has you sweating it has

flowing, it gets that heart rate up. It's meant for healthy bodies to help

them change bad postural habits realigning the body balancing the body

getting into the core muscles and then today we see a lot of the Pilates that's

more on a rehab level where if you're coming back from injury or you're you're

starting to just work out again. And third, there's this sort of halfway fusion

esque Pilates where you're gonna see sort of a combination of the two. I like

all of it because all of it is healthy on the body just getting us moving in an

intentional way in a healthy way in a way that connects our mind and body

that's what's most important. back to the question of "how often should we do

it?", well it depends on you know what your goals are? So in those three areas of

Pilates workouts from rigorous to the rehab well there's different purposes so

let's say you're a healthy body and you want to see results you're trying to

change the shape of your body so you want to do more of this traditional

sense moving flowing rigorous movement about three four times a week because

consistency is key. Consistency is what's going to give you

the results. Joseph Pilates himself said in ten sessions you're gonna feel

results in twenty sessions you're gonna see results in thirty sessions you're

gonna have a whole new body so if you're doing it three four times a week. ]Within

six weeks you are going to see major changes in your body if you're

consistent with it and if you're working deeply and with intention after a

session of Pilates you're not going to be so depleted and exhausted where

you're gonna be worn out you're gonna feel the exact opposite you're gonna

feel energized you're gonna feel amazing because what place does is it teaches

your body how to use its muscles correctly how to work them together how

to initiate movement correctly how to align the body so you're working your

body in a whole uniform system so that it trickles into your everyday

functioning movement your walking becomes effortless your daily movement

becomes effortless you pick pull lift push all of those things become second

nature because you working them from the deep core places

so it's really about how connected are you to the work how much are you

thinking about it and really intentionally working with the Pilates

principles if you're interested in learning more about Pilates I do have

two weeks free in my pilates members site and the link is below if you want

to check it out also if you want to be part of my weekly

email list where I give you Pilates tips tools all that fun stuff a little bit of

inspiration cuz you know I love doing that come sign up I would love to have

you part of the community. Thanks so much for watching. Please like this video if

you liked it; comment if there's something else you would like to see

because I want to make these videos for you. and I love being here so I will see

you again next week. Have a wonderful week and take care. Bye.

Auto news on Youtube Oct 31 2018

Reptilian extraterrestrials in a recent series of posts the anonymous

whistleblower group cannon made an important connection between the Vatican

Rothschild family and reptilian symbolism many followers of cannon to

fall into the camp of Christian Patriots perceive the connection as exposing

another world lay satanic influence over the Vatican their auth and other forces

making up the deep state closer analysis however suggests that what Canon is

really referring to by the symbolism is a very physical this worldly influence

over the deep state reptilian extraterrestrials to begin with I need

to point out what has become very clear to those closely following the Canon

posts which first appeared on October 28th 2017 Canon represents several

military intelligence officials who are leaking sensitive information and a

cryptic and coded Man or due to the pervasive influence of the deep state

over many institutions of political financial and cultural power canons

close relationship with President Donald Trump has been demonstrated in various

public ways this has signaled he supports the Canon revelations and is

very familiar with who is really behind the deep state attempting to sabotage

his presidency in regard to deep state efforts to sabotage the Trump presidency

I highly recommend reading dr. Jerome courses book killing the deep state we

are now ready to take a closer look at what Canon is saying about the Vatican

Rothschilds and the reptilian connection on April 3rd canon made the following

post where he attached an image posted by another anonymous source asking the

question if Satanists took over the Vatican would you notice so does the

symbolism and that Paul the sixth audience Hall really shown reptilian

control over the Vatican Canon helps answer such a question by his response

to the posted image symbolism will be their downfall money power influenced by

emphasizing symbolism Kanon is saying that we need to closely

examine the reptilian imagery in the picture in order to really understand

who controls the Vatican Canadians - money power influence points to a nexus

of actors that underscore control of the Vatican this is where another canon post

becomes helpful in understanding this nexus of actors he pointed out that the

Vatican Bank Institute for the works of religion is at the fulcrum point of its

financial influence through its shady relationship with the CI a clown

connection indeed this close relationship between the

Vatican and the CIA gave rise to operation Gladio that was targeted

against left-wing organizations that threatened to tear Italy away from NATO

towards a closer relationship with the Soviet Union to understand the Vatican's

role in operation Gladio I highly recommend Paul Williams book Operation

Gladio the unholy alliance between the Vatican the c.i.a and the Mafia

however Koons most intriguing reference was to the 1832 Rothschild lone cannon

suggested here that the 1832 loan made the Vatican dependent on Rothschild

financing at the time and this dependence continues into the modern era

this is not surprising since at the time the Vatican was desperate to maintain

its diminishing temporal authority over the remaining territory of the papal

States seven five four one eight seven zero which was increasingly being

challenged by Italian secular nationalists it was this effort to

maintain political control over the papal States that made the Vatican

increasingly dependent on the Rothschilds who could move their agents

and to senior positions in the Catholic Church hierarchy this included the

Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta which continues to be a

powerful force that linked Rothschild finances with elites drawn from around

the world kundan is telling us that the Rothschild family influence is very

important for understanding the financial power behind the deep state

and the Vatican is a key player in all of

this however there is more to the Rothschild family than simply possessing

financial influence over the Vatican this is where it becomes very helpful to

recount a story told by a former US Air Force doctor doe legal MD who described

in a Project Camelot interview a mysterious encounter he had with a

leading member of the Rothschild family Baron Guy de Rothschild in 1992 I woke

up in the middle of the night bolt upright and a sat up and I had all the

lights on because I'd have to periodically go to the restroom or

whatever I had all the lights on and this guy was standing in front of me

with what I call a $5,000 tuxedo not a grey hair in his head mid 50s slim and

trim I said how did you get in here and he says it's wonderful to see you my son

I said you are not my father and I looked at the sky and he looked like

French nobility right and I said who are you he says I am the Baron Guy de

Rothschild the Piner and I had this really kind of what I call a cheque or a

kind of a cringe in my spirit and I knew right away because I have this gift

right without getting into a big long discussion I knew right away I said I

know who you are you're the representative of the Lucifer power that

controls earth he says yes I am the CEO of Earth Incorporated and I am the man

that sits in the 13th chair of the druidic Council I want you to be my

understudy and when i transcend i want you to take over my job and I said no

I'm not going to he said we know your bloodlines we know your genetics we know

everything about you and you're a perfect replacement for me and I said no

what is interesting here is Rothschilds claim that he was the pine Durand was

the CEO of earthing incorporated this suggests that he is

merely running the earth on behalf of others but who for an answer we can look

to information about the Piner supplied by british researcher david grote about

the pine Durand the biggest secret after interviewing the former participant in

Satanic occult ceremonies Arizona Wilder throat Finder means penis of the Dragon

Arizona says that pine dur like all the reptilians when they shape-shift has

very powerful hypnotic eyes the evil eye of legend and at sacrifices the victims

faces turned to pine derp at the moment of death for him to steal the person's

soul or energy through this evil eye magnetic process pine durr attends the

major satanic ceremonies in europe and then flies to california for their

rituals their pages 302 to 3 the idea that a high-ranking member of the

Rothschild family Guy de Rothschild was a shape-shifting reptilian or a hybrid

of some kind will come as - a shock to many who disbelieve that

extraterrestrial life is a physical reality on earth this disbelief will be

markedly the case for those coming from a Christian background who ascribed the

Satanic Luciferian influence on earth to otherworldly demonic entities associated

with Hell as described in biblical passages however only last week Pope

Francis declared that there is no Hell in an interview he was quoted saying

they are not punished those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter

the rank of souls who contemplate him but those who do not repent and cannot

therefore be forgiven disappear there is no hell there is the disappearance of

sinful souls while the Vatican immediately tried to walk back the

Pope's comments his intent was very clear hell is no mere spiritual

dimension where Satan rules and acts as a distant but disruptive influence on

earth through his legion of demonic spirits the Pope has clarified that hell

is a very Zuka reality and corresponds to the

world created around us by sinful souls participating in satanic rituals

involving human sacrifice and pedophilia the implication here is that Satan is a

very physical being who is present on earth and has overlordship of the planet

through hybrid intermediaries such as the pine der which collectively make up

the deep state

For more infomation >> QAnon Reveals Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection Behind The Deep State - Duration: 9:22.


U.S. Senate Debate: Should the U.S. block the Raytheon arms deal with Saudi Arabia? - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> U.S. Senate Debate: Should the U.S. block the Raytheon arms deal with Saudi Arabia? - Duration: 3:45.


S. Korea and U.S. agree to establish new working group to cooperate on N. Korea's nuclear issue - Duration: 0:37.

Meanwhile, South Korea and the U.S. have agreed to establish a new working group on North

Korea issues.

This is one outcome of this week's visit to Seoul by the U.S. Special Representative for

North Korea, Steven Biegun.

The State Department said Tuesday that the group will further strengthen the two allies'

cooperation on diplomacy, denuclearization efforts, the implementation of UN sanctions

and ways for the two Koreas to cooperate under the sanctions.

The working group will be headed by Special Representative Biegun.

The State Department also said Seoul and Washington are coordinating on an almost daily basis.

For more infomation >> S. Korea and U.S. agree to establish new working group to cooperate on N. Korea's nuclear issue - Duration: 0:37.


Mass. US Senate candidates asked if deficits matter? - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Mass. US Senate candidates asked if deficits matter? - Duration: 3:36.


Post-debate discussion from U.S. Senate debate on Oct. 30, 2018, in Indianapolis - Duration: 45:16.

For more infomation >> Post-debate discussion from U.S. Senate debate on Oct. 30, 2018, in Indianapolis - Duration: 45:16.


Thoughts On Tipping Culture [UK/US + Worldwide] - Duration: 5:52.

So this is a video about tipping and just some thoughts

I'm a Brit, I'm living in Turkey

and I've just been out for dinner as you do

and I went to a nice restaurant, I had some salmon

it was very delicious

yep, that was a salmon burp

and I had a lovely meal and the staff were great

this was actually the second time I'd been to this said restaurant

the first time was a few days ago

when I went there, it (the food) was delicious

and I gave what I guess was considered quite a generous tip

now I went back today and I thought, hang on a minute, I'm out of cash, I've got my card, but I'd spent all my cash

the nearest ATM is a long walk

you can see where this is going

I'm there, in the restaurant, having these amazing olives and bread and water

and tea and salmon and salad, and it's all beautiful and they're treating me like royalty

totally undeservedly, I'm being treated like a prince

and I'm thinking... uhh... I'm really... I feel really bad now

because I'm kind of feeling his expectation of that

big tip, what is considered a pretty generous tip

it's going to buy him a meal or something or like a bottle of wine... I don't know

and I'm there like, 'oh no, I can't leave him a tip in cash and I'm paying on card', I'm stressing out

it's ridiculous right? And I'm there by myself, I've got nothing better to think about

than how let down this poor guy

who's a great waiter, can't fault him at all

is going to feel let down when I either don't give him a tip or certainly can't give him cash

so I'm there, I'm like, great, this is really good, and he's coming over, he's smiling, he's like 'is everything okay?'

I'm like, 'yes it is okay'

but like, everything's fine, apart from the fact that I can't give you a tip right now

now this is kind of by the by but...

it brought up a topic

which I have been baffled by when living in the US

when I've been spending time in the United States, in America

and that is... tipping. Now in the UK

we might tip our waiter/ waitress, maybe a £1 or £2 or £3

for like a typical high street Wagamama meal

like a few quid

it's great, maybe 10% or something like that

if you go to a really posh restaurant, maybe a bit more

you might a bit more of a generous tip but...

over in the United States, which maybe you're from, I don't know... leave a comment and...

tell me what your thoughts on this are

because I genuinely am intrigued

okay, I get that wait staff have traditionally been paid so little

that they actually kind of rely on their tips

now that is a totally different thing

in the UK we have this thing called minimum wage

where even, whatever job you're doing, even if you're a waiter, waitress, whatever

you are... you're paid what is a liveable wage supposedly

you can argue about that as well whether that's liveable or not but the point is

you'll be on £6-8 an hour

or something, whatever it is now, it was like £4.50 or something

when I used to work, I used to work on £3.25 an hour, that was my hourly rate

that was a while back

10 years ago now, but whatever, you get the point

okay so.... my thing is like...

okay so tipping's fine, great, but in America,

it's totally expected

so you go to a restaurant in the United States and

you are expected to leave a tip and if you don't there's outrage

it's a very strange thing to me

and it kind of... I wouldn't say it stresses me out, but it definitely...

my perfect meal is one where I go, I eat my food, I don't really have to...

this sounds weird, maybe you can psychoanalyse this

I would rather not, maybe it's a British thing, I don't know, but if you're British back me up here

I'd like to go to a meal

I'd like to go to a restaurant, eat my meal, eat food, and just like, pretty much have minimal engagement with

the wait staff, because I'm probably like

with someone, or chatting or whatever, and... or if I'm by myself and I'm reading

I don't know being anti social I guess

and yeah like, of course I don't want to be treated rudely

by staff but, what I kind of dislike

and I'm going to be very honest now is

the kind of, fake, hello, how are you today, yeah, you having a nice day?

when you're in a restaurant in the United States

so that really annoys me, and I know I'm not the only one, I know loads of Brits feel like this

I'd rather just go, get my food, and pay the price

in places like Japan, China, you know, Thailand

I think mostly Eastern Asian countries, I know it's almost considered an insult

to tip in Japan because well here's the price, this is the food, just pay the price

and I quite like that

I really like that, and I know there's a restaurant that popped up recently

in I think California

I can't remember the name right now, but I'll put it in the description

and it's a restaurant where basically tipping doesn't happen

and... it's kind of starting a new trend of no tips because

clearly I'm not the only who finds this whole thing a bit strange, a bit weird and a bit kind of awkward and uncomfortable

so they're actually starting a whole new pub based on the fact that there are no tips

the wait staff love it because they know exactly what to expect

and the customers love it because they pay a price, they get a meal, they get the standard

what's not to like right?

if you are Japanese, please back me up here, because

I listening to myself and I'm like...

I just sound really kind of like pissed off

but I'm not it's just something that I've always thought about

and now I'm sharing because it's an interesting difference between

how different countries do things and that's what my channel is all about

it's about, how do people in this country look at that country

and think about the behaviour and the little things that they do and that is interesting and different

from what you are used to

anyway, what happened with the story of guy and the tip?

I explained the situation, I was like look,

I have no cash, can I add a tip on a card?

he was like yeah no problem, no problem

so I gave him a nice big tip on a card

and I checked with him, I said, will you get this tip?

he said, yes it's fine, brought me out some tea and it was all good

it was really good

but anyway those are my thoughts on tipping

that's why I as a Brit find it a bit weird and a bit uncomfortable

especially in the United States

my name is Mike

the channel name is Arabic Mike

don't let that confuse you

it's because I started this channel in teaching

the Arabic language and that's kind of stuck

you can see more videos around here and if you want to see me again then SUBSCRIBE for more videos

leave a comment, tell me what you think about tipping

debate it, because it's something which I find

interesting, and I do see a trend potentially changing so share your thoughts

For more infomation >> Thoughts On Tipping Culture [UK/US + Worldwide] - Duration: 5:52.


How anti-Semitism persists in the United States - Duration: 2:44.

For more infomation >> How anti-Semitism persists in the United States - Duration: 2:44.


Oct 30th, 2018 U.S. Senate Debate - Duration: 1:11:10.

For more infomation >> Oct 30th, 2018 U.S. Senate Debate - Duration: 1:11:10.


Migrant caravan hundreds of miles from US-Mexico border - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Migrant caravan hundreds of miles from US-Mexico border - Duration: 2:50.


Migrant caravan hundreds of miles from United States-Mexico border - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Migrant caravan hundreds of miles from United States-Mexico border - Duration: 2:37.


Hispanic advocacy groups against effort to curb US birthright citizenship - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Hispanic advocacy groups against effort to curb US birthright citizenship - Duration: 1:58.


S. Korea, U.S. hold defense talks in Washington to address security issues including OPCON transfer - Duration: 0:47.

the defense ministers of South Korea and the United States will hold the 50th

security consultative meeting in Washington on Wednesday local time to

discuss extensive security issues including the transfer of wartime

operational control during the annual talks the two allies are also expected

to agree on a specific roadmap for a future combined command structure under

the new structure Seoul is expected to assume the commander's role while

Washington serves as deputy replacing the current us-led combined forces

command also on their agenda is the suspension of a massive joint air

exercise which has been held annually in a show force against North Korea

For more infomation >> S. Korea, U.S. hold defense talks in Washington to address security issues including OPCON transfer - Duration: 0:47.


Migrant Caravan Balloons, Now Bigger Than Many U.S. Towns - Duration: 3:12.

A new report out from a major Mexico newspaper states the Central American caravan that is

heading towards the United States is now 14 thousand people strong.

Back in mid October The Guardian reported that the group, which originated out of Honduras

included 1,600 migrants.







Mexico's "El Universal" newspaper is now reporting that the once small caravan

has swelled to around 14 thousand people.

At this size, the caravan would be bigger than many American towns.

From Daily Caller

The caravan making its way through various parts of Central America to the U.S. border

has already swelled to around 14,000 people, according to a major Mexican newspaper.

This staggering statistic, and even more conservative estimates, would render the mass of migrants

larger than many American towns and communities, according to a review of U.S. census data.

El Universal claims to have received the 14,000 number from "municipal authorities, [southwestern

Mexican city] Tapachula's diocese, and the National Migration Institute."

According to The Daily Mail, the number includes up to 10,000 in the main Mexican caravan,

1,500-2,000 more in a second Guatemalan caravan, and an additional 2,500 "planning to mobilize"

in Honduras and El Salvador.

The Mexican National Migration Institute cited by El Universal did not respond to The Daily

Caller's request for comment in time for publishing.

Reports conflict regarding the exact number of people who comprise what the Associated

Press has described as "the biggest [migrant caravan] ever."

A U.N. spokesperson gave a more conservative estimate last week, claiming that there were

7,200 individuals in the caravan.

The Mexican government claimed last Tuesday it was even smaller, at around 4,500 people.

Some Mexican sources claim that the caravan is dwindling, but other sources say it is

growing as it moves through Guatemala and Mexico toward the U.S. border.

But even if the smaller estimates are more accurate, the caravan could still rival many

American small towns in size.

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, there were 16,570 incorporated places in the U.S. with

a population of under 10,000 people.