Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 8, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Aug 26 2018

Hi guys, welcome to my channel. Today I partnered with Beyond App on a very special project.

I'm gonna be taking part at their Face-Off Competition.

It's gonna be a head to toe beauty and fashion makeover for one of my best friends from middle school.

Her name is Alesya and we're gonna go all the way in and make it super glam and chic.

How can you describe your style?

I think my style is casual and sporty.

Do you wear makeup?

No, but I like your makeup and I want to try.

I'm... Ready Steady Go!

Okay! Let's do it, girl!

As you guys know, I'm all about face masks. So today before we gonna start with Alisa's hair, I'm gonna apply those gold under eye patches onto her skin... she's ready for the eye makeup.

We just finished with the beauty part of our makeover.

We went for bold lips big lashes. Let's see how it looks together with the outfit!

For the fashion part of the makeover, I stopped by at Bloomingdale's where I picked up a few pieces that have the 90s grunge look.

Let's start with those boots because I'm absolutely in love with them.

Those boots have so many details. They look so trendy but at the same time timeless.

Knowing that Alesya loves comfort and casual style, I think she is gonna enjoy the comfort that this bag gives her.

You just put it on your belt and you go!

And for the main outfit option, I picked this plaid dress with a very cute detailing on the front.

It has such an interesting casual vibe, but because of the detailing and how it matches the rest of the pieces...'s gonna be a statement piece on its own.

That was it guys for the Face-Off Competition organized by the Beyond App.

I hope you enjoyed this video and my makeover for my bestie Alesya.

And if you'd like to join the competition too, make sure to tag Beyond App and also me at Style Sprinter so we can see all of your amazing submission.

On that note, thanks so much for watching. Bye!

For more infomation >> Complete Makeover // Fashion & Beauty Transformation - Duration: 3:37.


Reviewing VMA red carpet fashion because thats what gays do - Duration: 8:21.

*exasperated groan*

I think I did something.

Honestly I don't know at this point anymore like


Is my mic on?!

Oh my gOD?! *plus weird sound in background*

So, I just came back from the gym.

That is a lie, I came back from the gym three hours ago


leg slap

But then I remembered,

"OH YEAH, the VMAs just happened!"

so maybe I should talk about that.

I went onto Instagram and asked you guys

if you wanted me to review the VMAs,

you guys said, "yEaH!"

face full of regret for this video

So we're reviewing the goddamn VMAs.

inside his head: fuck why did i choose this

They sucked.

I'm just gonna say that right now. They suck.


Not even worth sucking dick

Also, I have a new camera.

Wasn't even gonna film on this camera

this camera is only for like Instagram photos

because I'm that bitch now apparently.

Do you guys want to know what the camera is or not?

I don't- you guys probably don't give a shit at all actually.

l i t i t

So the VMAs took place in the world today

not today... When am I uploading this? spoiler: a whole week later

But you know let's go review their attempts

king of cutting sentences gayly short

their attempts. That's all yep that's it.

Nicki Minaj. thERE she is. whAT is she doin-

Is she barefoot??? Are you barefoot girl???

What's happening here? No she's not barefoot.

Is she barefoot? She's not barefoot. Those are shoes??? Is she barefoot???

Gurl, you barefoot?!?

I mean, she looks good. I just don't understand what the skirt

what the skirt is the new what the fuck, for gays

agenda was in the first place?

Also, I just noticed the hair.

What i- What's happening?

Why- Why is the hair so sharp?? [to fuck one of these little rappers apparently]

What's happening here?

yOu cAn'T eVeN spELl pRaGUe

She's apparently wearing off-white. I don't give a crap.

Who is-What is that actually?

She also looks like she's like swatting away the peasants.

This is me trying to be funny by the way, guys [we know]

I do-do yu-do doo

Do you see why I'm not a comedian?? [uhh.... no?]


Goooood LooooOOoOoOOrrrDDDD


I mean, it's nice-lookin' I just...

... just stopped functioning?....

... never agreed to it. I didn't give consent.

She's like, it's like

Okay let's unpack this.

Is she wearing chains? Are these chains? Are there chains?????

Why can't I zoom in? It could be beads. Is she wearin' beads?

Jennifer Lopez

he got lost in all that leg

Kay. We've seen that many times before.

Travis Scott is being Travis Scott.


Kylie got a type. That's all I'm gonna say here.

But he kinda looks like...

Nevermind. I'm not even gonna say it. I'm not even gonna say it.

But he kinda looks like Snoop Dogg.

I didn't say it, you did. (no u)

Audrina Partridge. I don't know who you are.

..................childhood memories come back.............

But stop.

Here we are! Kylie Jenner!

There we go. You not wearing pants?? (+ weirds "woooo" ive ever heard)

Honestly she looks like a detective I would trust.

Kevin Hart. Okay, like we get it. Masculinity is important guys.

It make us all dress in overly sized pants, jackets, and a lot of necklaces to feel like we can

pound some 'gina any second we please.

preach bitch preach

mac thinking about his collection of overly sized pants

Am I gonna upload this video??? (well apparently u did)

Blake Lively.

*Mac being lively and shit*

(get it ? :) )

hand gesture of extreme cOnfUsIOn

Where you goin'???


DJ Khalid. We get it.

Tiffany Haddish. WOOOOOOO! *what's with mac hitting such high notes*

ooh CHILD! hoohoo what is-

eh ehhhhhh

WOW. We love a theme.

We love just putting some Bendaroos©™ on some cloth

and goin' out on the town, honestly??


Wooooooo! *mac, u wanna be a singer or sth?*

She came. She's here.

She ain't winning anything, but she showed up. (same bitch same)

We LOVE glitter. Honestly, Michael's is the place to be.

Olivia Munn looks very disturbed at what she is seeing in front of her. (isn't it you mac?)

She looks like her ex-boyfriend just waltzed into the door right after she sent out a text

breaking up with him without knowing that he was gonna show up at the same event.

Has that happened to me? Noo.

You can't prove that.

Also we love a kitchen counter.

that remark will burn hard...


Anna Kendrick

has decided

that she

rephrase: "Anna Kendrick has decided THAT, she."

Iggy Azalea. Okay. OKAY!

I don't know what to say about this. This is just OKAY! You know???!!

BDSM is life, honestly? Those boots are probably on a LOT of porn websites right now.

Liam Payne. Oh! (he's MY daddy)

I just-so many thoughts just went in through my mind right now.

SO many things that I would LOVE to share, but I feel like I am not legally allowed to.

Just like (same)

All I need is two minutes (oh my god ;) mac!!)

We're just gonna stop it right there and we're just gonna move on, okay??


*leg slap 2*

*undecipherable gasp*

jesus take the wheel

Kylie has a type.

Hoooolyyyy shit.

Are those snAKES?! What's happening???

Oh my goddd. We can see her underwear first of all.

I don't-like I'm fine with that, I just don't know if you know.

Second of all, go ahead. Go the hell off. Honestly?

You came to represent and you represented a 3D gel pen.

Millie Bobby Brown is not happy to be around any of these peasants.

Gurl. The Queen. The queen of the gay.

This is a look. Go ahead. You're also like 14, so I'm not gonna say anything else because

you have friend (stop saying so quickly mac i am TIRED, and gay, for u)

you know? Let's go out. NOT

Nevermind. Okay?




damn he cute

i don't know about logic but mac's logic is definitely gone

i mean, can we NOT lose mac every 10 seconds?

*reevaluating life choices*

*recontemplating sexuality*

Am I bi? (maybe, go you, don't identify, love THAT PERSON, don't just love that orientation)

Honestly? We love a costume party in August.

I'm about that. We can do that any day you want. Any day you please.

Any weekend. Come over gurl. Let's do it.

With your consent obviously. Of course. Not-I'm not-

This wasn't a sex joke, but I felt like it ended kinda sexually and I didn't mean it, but now that it is...

Consent is important kids.

Consent Jack and Dean I am sitting in the club I feel it's not hot enough Until you walk in and it's like, "Oh my God" Then again I don't believe in God I believe in you and that's the truth I wanna get close to you And get all up inside your space Woah there! What're you doing? You don't even know this woman She's a fine young thing, she don't need grooming She's a human being, she's got a brain And remembers everything you say Which reminds me, hi, sorry to talk about you Anyway, Jack, we've got things to do… Women? No, that's what I'm trying to say Let's let this out to the right extent [Chorus: Both] This guy wants you, but only with your consent! Only with your consent! Only with your consent! Only with your consent!

I'm tired.

Camila Cabello. Honestly?

For a night she knew was gonna be all about her, she didn't really show out.

AH-HA! I'm not putting that in the video. Oh my god. People are gonna come for me.

It's Oscardelarenta (omg big words for big kids), whatever that is, and I know how to say that because of a rap song.

*incoherent ah hah uh huh*

He trash.

21 Savage. Is this not

Is this not Tyga with just a face tattoo??

I'm sorry. Was that racist??? Was that being problematic???


Okay, so first of all,

this entire thing stopped recording.

I don't know when it stopped. I wasn't paying attention and for that I am so sorry.

You know what, we're gonna go back, we're gonna back track, we're gonna doooo...

Hayley Kiyoko. We're gonna start with Hayley Kiyoko. I already reviewed her,

but we're gonna redo this because I'm trash.

Hayley Kiyoko. Ohhh my god. This is my first time seeing this. Holy shit.

She looks like a gothic fairy godmother. First time saying that.

Like if Cinderella and Twenty One Pilots made a movie together. (ooh he knows the bestest guys)

Here she is. Great. Awesome. Next person.

Pete Davidson & Ariana Grande. Oh my gawdd. FiRst TImE expression!!!

They're just-I just can-We

Can I, like, touch them once?

That was rude. Pfft.

Like we- I don't even care about what they're wearing I just want to hold them for like

a second. Honestly? We love a space princess with her man with some big ass lips and a big ass dic-.

mac crying for that 10 inches being only 1 minute long

Cardi B. Out here lookin' like a DEO. Honestly? Somebody's auntie

who got all this money and no kids.

We need this. But I need to finish.

But first let's talk about Shawn Mendes. Where's Shawn Mendes? I just need to see a Shawn Mendes.

I need to see a Shawn Mendes and then I'm gonna end this video. That's all I care about.



*uncontrolled cackling*

Wait a darn diddly second!

Did this boy just show OUT?!

Did this boy just SHOW UP for a quick second?!

Did this boy just like decide it's time to play??

Is he here rolling the dice??

Kay with that texture with that green with that shine with that FACE.

Honestly that face...

*gay fantasies*

*more gay fantasies coming to mac*

Woowwww I'm gay.

Okay we're done. I'm gonna put you down and then we're gonna finish this.

Okay wait there's Lil Xan and Noah Cyrus.

Okay no we're not gonna talk about that. We're just gonna put you down...

And that's that! That's the VMAs.

I have no idea who you guys saw me review and who you guys saw me not review.

I will see that in editing and maybe if I have time, add on to them.

We all know that wasn't gonna happen.

Kay great.

What did we learn today kids?

That I should not record with a different camera. Honestly?

I don't know this life. (me too it's okay)

I feel like this is very high quality or either very shitty quality.

I don't know. Try to mess with the settings. I don't know what happened. I don't know where it took me, but...

it took you really far

far away from us

No one gives a shit, right?

What did you guys think of the fashion from the VMAs?

The vamuhs?

The Vamaaahhhs.

And where the hell was BTS? Wait a minute. Where the hell was K-POP in general.

Why was there no K-POP at the Video Music Awards when their music videos get like 10 billion views in like the first hour?

Who are we fooling right now?

My name's Mac and don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe (subscribay).


*outro music*

*my mouth when looking at shawn mendes and ariana grande* translate: 15,75+ grams of salt

For more infomation >> Reviewing VMA red carpet fashion because thats what gays do - Duration: 8:21.


Photoshoot diary ǀ Day in the life of a fashion designer ǀ AD ǀ Justine Leconte - Duration: 15:19.

Hi everyone, it's Justine.

Earlier this year I said that I was learning more about photography and about how to create

good photos.

This video is the story of the full process of how I learned that, from learning the actual

skills necessary, to planning and executing an entire photoshoot.

You will see behind the scenes on the photoshoot day, and you will see the final results, which

is the photo.

I wanted a creative image of the jewelry collection that I designed.

Not something on a white background, like on a web shop.

This, we have everything we need already.

I wanted a better, more creative image.

Product photography is challenging because you're talking about very small pieces,

small products, and mine are in metal so they reflect light.

First I learned about the tools to get the technical part down, so to speak.

So that it's out of the way when I actually start creating images.

I watched tutorials on Skillshare.

Some of you may know that website already.

And I started with the basics.

Things like fundamentals of DSLR photography.

That's a good one to start with because you see examples, and he really says "This

photo was shot with shutter speed bla bla bla, aperture bla bla bla, ISO so and so.

If you change the aperture, this happens.

If you change the ISO, that happens."

I'm a visual person, so it helps me to be able to see the results and compare.

Then I dove into the specifics of creating flat lays, which is something that I could

reproduce and practice with pretty much alone, at home.

And I said, "Let's try and do a good flat lay of that jewelry.

With the props, with the lighting, whole program".

Then I thought, "Wait, if I'm gonna do a photoshoot, why not do a big one?" And so

one flat lay ended up being five completely different creative concepts and the mini-photoshoot

that I wanted to do became a full, full day.

No matter which item you're taking a photo of, I think that planning the composition

ahead of the shooting day is absolutely essential.

Each flat lay tutorial that you'll find online has a huge chapter on laying out the

things on the table, thinking it through before anyone even grabs a camera.

So I sketched what I wanted, I looked for props.

I tested them.

I got more props.

And in the end, I also built some of the props I used.

For instance, I found slices of wood.

I like it because the wood is warm; it has a warm color.

And it has texture on the outside.

But they were too new.

So I stained, I dyed the wood slices with tea.


My tea was Darjeeling tea, so I'll let you guess how many sponges of Darjeeling you need

to get the effect that you would get with actual black tea?

And the answer is "It doesn't work.

I ended up using coffee."

I also machine-washed a specific thick paper, to give it texture, relief, see what would happen

to the color.

Thinking how can this possibly survive being washed, but the instructions clearly said

that the paper was water-resistant, so I tried.

First I tried to get it into the machine, and then I added detergent to see what happens.

On the day of the photoshoot, I was super prepared.

I was bulletproof.

I also think it's the only way to get five photos down in one single day.

You need to test, rehearse everything before.

You can't guess and experiment on that day.

Like, you need to know pretty much what the final result is gonna look like before you

even start.

I was trying to put a natural-looking hand.

That's still a bit more…


This corner…

Good thing that I'm wearing a dress.

You see the edges?

No, I'm fine with cropping.


The two little hands are here in the middle so the most important is that it's not like



I need to change my seat.


This pose was a lot harder than I thought.

Like I needed to hold my hands super high above my head.

I was literally seated under the table.

You have to make it more…

This hand is not elegant.

The right hand higher.


This has to be more elegant.

More elegant?

Extreme sport.

I'm like "Hold.

Like… do like this and look natural."

This one is the warmest, like right now I'm super tanned, so I think this one works better,

the apricot one.

That's also why I did my nails lighter.


Here the contrast is better if I'm wearing silver, so it matches my undertone, because

I want all the backgrounds to be completely different in the five photos.

If I do like this, you don't see the hole.

I love the contrast.

The second photo was meant to be more graphic and also more colorful than the first one.

I just wanted to make it a bit brighter.

If you're going to do a pause, can you cream your fingers?

I think I've never been that tanned since I've lived in Germany.

The lower one I didn't touch I think.

But I will clean it again…

You will clean it again?

Thank you.

I can see everything.

There's some wind coming.

Do it again.

I made it darker.


The sharpness, I think it's sharper here.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's better.

The contrast is better.

I think just a normal T-shirt is not elegant enough, very basic.

And the blue one?

If I'm wearing a bandeau?

And you cut it out so I'm wearing nothing?

Yeah, that would be even better, actually.

We can do both.



So this needs to be really black, yeah?


And the back also.

Does this look really black?

It should look really, really black.

The contrast is great.

My collarbones need to be at the same height.

Like, it should almost be like, in the same method.


So, we have two options here, black and white and color.

In the end this photo became two different photos, because I wanted to try it also from

the back, with a necklace worn the other way around.

And that's only possible if you plan more than one outfit, so I actually had four different

dresses and tops, and different necklines with me in my suitcase on that day.

That's the muscle?


There's nothing there.

Could you do another position with your arms, perhaps…

There is good.

This is a lot more green than I thought.


I mean this is the thing you're gonna see on the photo.

You know?

Cause also it's so big.

It's very present.

That's true.

Or I take just the little ones… the mini ones.

Like one bit like this.

Yeah, that would be better.

When you build houses as an architect, like you make a miniature city, for instance…

Oh, that's what it is…

You use this for the stones and everything.

Like those that you find next to a river, you know?

You want to make one?

I just don't want the props to be too big because the pieces are so small.

So the props should not shift the focus away from the jewelry, you know?

I also can go towards the right angle, doesn't matter.

But you need to change the light as well.


Just turn.

Careful, careful.


Take the fabric.

Can you see where this starts, here?

Yes, I can.


It should be behind the… behind the box.

I wanted it to be hidden by this box with the angle.

This is actually the flat lay that I wanted to do originally, before I got a little bit

carried away and turned that into a huge project.

Yeah, it looks good.

I'm gonna change the position.

I think this is a bit too much on the…

If you do a square, I think the jewelry is a little bit too much…

I see what you're saying…

On the top.

So we'd perhaps…


We can move that a little bit.

I think you can't see those.


This needs to change.


Can we take another branch?

Very patient.


To do this job.

It's the art of flat lays.


You think it's easy… but it takes hours.

This is the result of the washed paper.

Now it looks old and used, which is exactly what I wanted.

Last shot.

This and this.

So in the end, I used coffee instead of tea.

Cause it's…

This is with tea.

This is with coffee.

And this is the original.

Lavender, dried.

Old books, with a nice texture and a nice cover, and this, which I found in an antique



It seems that it's more difficult sometimes to make it look messy.

Yeah, it's harder.

It's harder, right?


Especially in a flat lay where you're planning everything.

And doing like… thinking it through in advance.

And then you put the props and it looks all symmetrical and geometric and you're like



You know, actually, this…

This lavender thing was supposed to be olive branches.

Oh, ok.

I couldn't find any.

I went through all of Berlin.

So I took these ones, and in the end, nobody will know.

This photo, the last one, was meant to be completely different again.

You see it's afternoon light.

It's a completely different atmosphere and a different mood.

Even though both are pretty much from the top and pretty much like flat lays, this one

is about someone who just took off their jewelry, the pieces, and just let them fall onto the

bedside table.

Next to the book.

Next to an old, loved photo.

And they left.

They didn't think about what the layout would look like.

Everything should be like a little bit covered, yeah?


And also, random.


Like not so organized.

Is it too organized?

No, I think it's better.

It's like a warm light, but not too yellow, right?



But you can tell it's the afternoon?



In the end, you see that the five photos are completely different, and we've got options.

We've got vertical, horizontal and square ones.

Which is super practical to play with on social media, on my website, and you'll also see

more on my Instagram.

Actually, by the time you get this video online, published, I will have the final photos ready

to be shown.

Now I'm very curious to know, first, which photo, which layout, which mood, is your favorite

out of the five and why?

Second question…

Which one do you think best matches the original mood of the jewelry?

If you've seen my previous video where I explain the inspiration for this collection,

I think that one photo out of the five clearly is the closest to that concept, but I'm

curious to see what you guys think.

I'd like to thank Skillshare for sponsoring this video.

I learned the skills in their tutorials.

They made it possible for me to shoot that project with a team, and to even hire somebody

to document and film the whole day so that you guys could see it as well.

Skillshare is a membership-based website where you can learn a ton of different skills, including

photography, but not only…

There are many, many more things that you can learn on there.

And if you're interested in testing it, trying it out, here is my code for you to

get two months for free.

The first 500 people who register will get it.

I will put this link also down below in the description for you.

Did you enjoy being able to see behind the scenes on the day of the photoshoot?

If yes, thumbs up.

Thank you very much.

I know that my creative job is not like a regular office job, and I get tons of questions

about it.

In the future, I will do my best to take you with me more often, especially with fun days

and projects like this one because it's visually, I think, interesting to see, so

that you understand what I do all day when I'm not filming videos for Youtube.

See you next week in the next one.

Take care.


For more infomation >> Photoshoot diary ǀ Day in the life of a fashion designer ǀ AD ǀ Justine Leconte - Duration: 15:19.


Latest & Stylish Summer Fashion Weekend - Plus Size Fashion #3 - Duration: 2:47.

Download This Video - (Link in Description)

For more infomation >> Latest & Stylish Summer Fashion Weekend - Plus Size Fashion #3 - Duration: 2:47.


Tomboy to Girly Fashion Makeover - Duration: 4:07.

Hi loves, welcome back to the channel,

so today I have a very exciting video for you guys

which is a fashion makeover which I don't think

I've done on this channel before.

So I've partnered up with an app called Beyond

which is an app based out in China

and they pretty much have all the stores that I shop at

in one place which is super convenient

and also can be kind of dangerous

for all those shopaholics out there.

And they are hosting a fashion style-off so I've decided

to take on the challenge and give someone a makeover.

Alright, let's get started.

(soft music)

Alright so this is Ashley, she is 20 years old

and you are a college student, correct?

- Yeah.

- So tell me a little bit more

about your style and what it is

that you kinda want to change within your style.

- Well I've always been a bit more on the tomboy side,

so I'd really like to be more professional

for future jobs and interviews,

and maybe a little more girly to help with my confidence.

- Alright so I'm really glad you're here

'cause I'm gonna be able to help you out

with that, so should we get started?

- Mhmm - Okay

So this is the app and it pretty much lists out

all of the stores on here, different brands and retailers.

I went ahead and I went to Saks Fifth Avenue for you,

I hope you don't mind, and I picked out an outfit

that I would look amazing on you.

(soft music)

Okay, so before we go to the outfit transformation,

I have a little surprise for you.

We're going to give you a beauty makeover.

I figured that, you know, if you feel good

with your, you know, your skin and your face

and it's just gonna enhance your outfit as well.

So let's get started with the beauty transformation first.

(soft music)

Alright so now that we have this beautiful

beauty transformation, are you ready

for the outfit transformation?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, okay let's go.

(soft music)

Okay Ashley, so I went ahead and picked out

an outfit for you because I think it would look so amazing.

This is a beautiful dress from Saks.

It has a cinch in the waistline

so it's gonna really emphasize your beautiful curves

and it has off the shoulder which is also quite feminine.

So what do you think?

- It looks nice.

- Yeah? (laughs) you're like I'll wait till I try it on.

- Yeah.

(soft music)

- Okay, this is exactly how I imagined it to look like.

It looks amazing on you, and although I love

your sneakers with this outfit,

I actually bought some accessories for you

that I think could work for this.

Do you own a pair of black pumps?

You don't! get out, really?

okay we're gonna change that up today.

And this beautiful purse, not that you can fit

that much into it, but I think a little pop of color

would really help to bring out this look.

Yeah, super cute.

(soft music)

Thank you so much, I hope that you

enjoyed this whole transformation, you look amazing.

- Thank you, I feel more confident

and more like an adult, more professional.

- More professional? - Yeah.

- Maybe we should go out and look for a job now, right?

- Yeah (laughs)

(soft music)

- Thank you guys so much for watching.

I hope that you guys enjoyed this fashion transformation

and it was so much fun for me to be a part of

Beyond's fashion style-off as well.

And if you guys haven't downloaded the Beyond app yet,

I highly recommend that you guys do so

just because it's a really cool and convenient app

especially for those of you that love shopping like me,

and also challenge yourself to be a part of

the fashion transformation challenge as well.

Thank you guys so much and I will

see you guys next time, bye.

(soft music)

For more infomation >> Tomboy to Girly Fashion Makeover - Duration: 4:07.


Celebrating Fashion Freedom with Entrepreneur, Shinta Nurfauzia - Duration: 1:47.

Hi, my name is Shinta Nurfauzia, you can call me Shinta.

I'm the co-founder and CEO of Lemonilo.

In my opinion, freedom of fashion is the freedom to express yourself through your own style.

For me, fashion freedom, is not just about feeling good.

So, fashion freedom, first of all, like,

I think everybody wants to be fashionable,

wants to be, you know, be able to be stylish.

But it's not like...

we have to ruin the environment, or like you know, buying things excessively.

Because I think, right now, part of the freedom, and to maintain our freedom

we have to think about the environment as well.

I really think fast fashion is one of the things that,

make our environment so unsustainable like now.

It relates to,

hy I decided to have a healthy lifestyle.

You can say that my personal style is "simple".

Please don't get me wrong, I like to be fashionable as well.

But the difference is, I don't like to spend too much time to shop.

I really believe that in order for me to be happy with the way I dress,

I don't have to burden the world.

I don't have to burden the environment.

So, just keeping it simple, including,

now there're a lot of ways to be fashionable.

Just borrow, or just buy the basic stuff.

So part of fashion freedom, I think,

we have to be very very conscious about what happened with the environment.

For more infomation >> Celebrating Fashion Freedom with Entrepreneur, Shinta Nurfauzia - Duration: 1:47.


[Eng Sub][Yang Mi] 16082018 | if Fashion interview 《iFBI》 - Duration: 2:14.

iFBI. I'm this episode's celeb superviser, Yangmi.

I'm Yangmi too. Hello, everyone.

Q: What's the biggest attraction of the handbag that we reviewed on?

I think that it's that one... What do you laugh at?

Why you want to laugh at me?

(Describing the handbag... sorry for this irresponsible n lazy trans)

Do you have any question?


Very pretty.

It's in a lot of colors.

Not only in red

but also in black.

I think that black one is very cool.

Black will make you think it's more neutral-liked.

So, you can choose it when wearing some cool clothings. Yeah.

Plus, it can be used many occassions.

Some formal occassions, also can.

Some relaxing places, also can.

Q: Please say out the items that will the other one bring when going out.

For Zhou Bichang, may be she will bring eyeliner and...

Eyeliner and lipstick.

I think this kind of bag can fulfill her needs.

Because everyone can see that Bibi's eye and lips make up are very exquisite. Yeah.

Are you talking about yourself?

You. Your eyeliner so long, so pretty.

I think usually when you go out, you also draw long eyeliner, right?

I will draw my eyebrow longer.

Then, what about me?


Bring me.

Can fit in too.

I will ask everyone a question. How many steps do I need to put Zhou Bichang into the handbag?

Q: Please say out how the other one should match this handbag so that it will look prettier.

You? No matter how you match it, it'll look fine.

Of course.


You too.

Me? Ok. Thank you very much.

Either you want to present it for your girlfriend or confess to her,

I think it's a good choice because there's the blessing of Yangmi.


If you fail, you can tag her in weibo.

There's handbag, then you definitely will success.

Bless you.

if Fashion. You deserve to

have a better life.

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