Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 8, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Aug 26 2018

what is the best software for music production? you may have asked yourself

the question just like I did when I start out in this video I'll give you

some guidance on what to look out for when choosing a DAW. so what is the best DAW?

the answer to that question may surprise you

welcome back how are you doing I hope you're doing marvelously well. consider

subscribing to the channel if you already haven't. the best DAW is

the DAW that you can work the quickest and the most comfortable with. but what

that is? well, in this video I'll give you some guidelines for that. don't listen to

what everybody else says you need to use: Ableton, Logic or whatever every DAW has

its strengths and weaknesses and if there was one DAW for everybody

everybody would use it. there are a couple of different DAWs out there

I'll start by naming a few starting with the bigger ones

FL Studio, Logic Pro X from Apple, Ableton and pro tools

less famous are Studio One, Reaper and Cubase. but there are a lot more DAWs

out there. let's start off with FL Studio. I FL Studio started out under the

name Fruity Loops and they released in 2018 a Mac version, so it's now available

on the windows and on the Mac. FL Studio has a little bit of an image problem. a

lot of people don't take FL studio seriously, because they solve things

differently in their software. okay. and as a computer programmer I have to step

in here. FL studio is written in the programming language Delphi and Delphi is

not the optimal language to program CPU and computing heavy stuff for. but a DAW

is. CPU heavy stuff is written in a programming language C or a derivative

of that, because it is the language closest to the language of the computer

and every big software company that is programming CPU heavy stuff will use C

for that. but not FL studio, so FL Studio will never be the fastest DAW around.

You pay about 800 euros for the full version of FL Studio. then the software that I

know pretty well. Logic, Logic Pro X. I started out producing in Logic and I took

producing classes and Logic. Logic is just one version so no standard professional

ultimate etc etc etc. one version for 200 euros and it is the

cheapest and most complete software there's only a Mac version so Windows is

not an option, because it's produced by Apple. there are three big problems that

I have with the software: first of all you can't search for plugins and presets

regretfully, every other software can, but they don't do that

second of all it displays a message when it maxed out the CPU, then you have to

click OK and press the spacebar again to stop playing the song and will probably

max out again, so you have to press ok spacebar, ok spacebar, ok spacebar, that's

annoying. any other software crackles a bit and continues playing also what I

don't like is that the bugs are really not fixed in the software. Apple updates

pretty much everything from equalizers to spiffy-looking plugins

yeah, but the bugs for example in the EXS24 sampler they refuse to fix

if you want the detailed review about Logic, leave it down in their comments below

then Live or Ableton Live, everybody says

Ableton but they mean Live, Live is the name of the software. Ableton is the name

of the firm. I think life is the most used software by EDM producers.

in my search for a new DAW. Tried Ableton Live and I really like it.

What I like the most is that editor. it works a little bit like Lego and that works

really well. also I like the plugins at the bottom of the screen, but regretfully

that works only with plugins developed by Ableton itself, so you don't take

advantage of that with third-party plugins, and what I also like is the live

feature in Ableton Live and almost every DAW lacks that feature. what I don't

like is the way how automation works. I also don't like the track folding it's

too big or too small it's nothing in between

Ok, bye

1985 just called they want a user interface back. by the way

Ableton Live is about 600 euros: full version then ProTools well I don't even consider

it is a serious option for a beginner. you need a software and hardware key for

that it's really complicated and then also they charge you 900 euros per year

just for the updates, then on top of that they lack features: they are behind

on the competition. the only, one and only reason why you want to consider Pro Tools

is because it is used in professional recording studios.

I use Studio One because for me it has the least weaknesses. but it's definitely not

the best software around for example when I want to zoom in or zoom out or

scroll and a bigger project it lags sometimes two three seconds before it

reacts to my commands. also what I don't like but, ok I can work around, is the way

side chains work. it's horribly complicated. I name a few things I like

about this software: first of all this search feature for plugins, .presets and

files also you can drag and drop your plugins on your project. also the editor.

clips stick really nicely to the grid. then the preview file browser with auto

tempo adjust to your project. I like also the scratch pad: just to try things out.

automation right click on a point and just enter a value. then the range tool

from Pro Tools so the upper section of a clip means something different than the

lower section of the clip when you hover over it with the mouse. with one you edit

and with the other you grab the clip and I like the start page a lot. I like also

that the software is constantly being developed. you can find Studio One the

pro version that's the biggest version for about 400 euros. if you want a more

in-depth view of Presonus Studio One let me know in the comments below, maybe I'll

make a video about it. you can download trial versions of different DAWS

regretfully Logic is an exception to that. but even

Presonus Studio One has a full-functioning version that you can get for free on the

website. most DAWs have Windows and a Mac version. but again Logic is an

exception to that. but just choose one DAW and start with it. try to learn and

try to learn the basics. if you learn the basics in one DAW, you can apply that to

the next ,so if you're unhappy with your choice in a year or so, you can still

switch to another one, but I think it's more important that you learn the basics

than choosing the right one immediately. Does one music genre suit a certain

DAW better than the other? well I personally don't see why, because the

basics are the same, maybe the way you are getting there is different, but you

can produce hits with every major DAW and there are hits produced in every

major DAW. does one DAW sound better than another?

well yes but again the differences are so small and there are hits produced in

every major DAW. if it wouldn't suit the job people would use it

I found a comparison video on YouTube, I will link it in the description below

I want to give a shout out to Pianology who commented in my video about RAM for

music production that sampled instruments take up more memory than

non sampled instruments. thank you for that comment. if you have a useful

comment for this video leave it down share it with the rest of us. I love to

make content free of charge on YouTube but I hope you want to support me in

that on my patreon page for as low as just one dollar a month

don't forget to Like subscribe and hit the bell and I love to see you in my

next video. thank you for watching. bye

For more infomation >> What is the best DAW software for music production // for beginners - Duration: 9:02.


Montalk - What is the Matrix Control System? - Duration: 20:00.

What is the matrix control system we see a portion of it in the areas of

government military medicine finance media education academia and religion

these institutions engineer our belief systems and way of life they're hidden

Architects may include secret societies elite

bloodlines corporate syndicates international bankers government think

tanks and black ops military networks some call this the shadow government the

Illuminati or the New World Order this social political machinery is what many

consider to be the matrix but in reality these things comprise only the outer

aspect of the matrix the part easiest to see study and believin they are only the

branches whereas the roots extend deep into the occult alien and

hyperdimensional realms to transcend the matrix we must understand the parts of

the control system that originate beyond the political level of the conspiracy

for there are the avenues through which an immense effort of spiritual warfare is being waged against us these deeper

components include first the central brain of the matrix control system known by the ancients as the Demiurge the

Demiurge is said to be the soul of the universe it is the all-pervading energy

field that protects matter energy space and time at the quantum level the

Demiurge is a non-physical artificial intelligence that in its original and rightful form fashioned physicality

according to the divine will except it has since broken away from the divine

framework and become a parasite upon its own corner of creation which is the

universe we now find ourselves in the Demiurge has shaped this universe into a

cold deterministic machine a construct that perpetuates the illusion of linear

time that grinds onward without regard for the consciousness of its inhabitants

and that forces its subjects to live by the law of the jungle

these spiritually suffocating conditions are what allow the matrix control system to exist they lead to a mode of living

that favors serving self at the expense of others what was supposed to have been

a nurturing womb a growth matrix for the evolution of through physical experience has instead

taken on overtones of a spiritual prison the second component of matrix includes

all the non-physical beings that have taken after the Demiurge in a realm of

limited resources there will be those who have developed competition predation

and survival to a high art such beings are spiritually dead and cut off from the divine they look to the living such

as ourselves for their source of energy and entertainment the more powerful ones

whom the Gnostics termed archons may be viewed as the henchmen of the corrupt

Demiurge here on earth they preside over a network of negative entities that form

us for our soul energy this network includes demons parasitic thought forms

generated by human suffering and perversion as well as ghosts working in

the service of demons they are all non-physical predators that roam around

and instigate human suffering at every opportunity mainly to feed off the soul energy released they are energy feeders

mine manipulators and tormenters that play us like fiddles of we're not aware

they can orchestrate misleading synchronicities create accidents and

freak illnesses insert foreign thoughts and emotions into us during lowered

states of consciousness and they can induce schizoid symptoms in the

vulnerable the third component consists of alien collectives that have

manipulated mankind in every way conceivable since the dawn of our

species they have shaped our genetics history

beliefs and want full control of our planetary destiny unlike demons aliens are physical or quasi physical beings

who possess superior intelligence psychic abilities and technology within

certain limits their technology allows them to alter matter energy space and

time through the use of Demiurge ik energies that is why aliens are

architects of the matrix control system the fourth component is our own biology

which is largely a product of alien genetic engineering over the eons our

bodies have been designed so that our perception is limited to only the five

physical senses and so that our drives are primarily those of the body and ego

it takes nothing to perceive the physical world and yet it takes

everything to reach up and connect with the spiritual world by default the odds are already stacked in the control

systems favour we perceive just enough to graze around the cattle form but not

so much that we easily find a way out the fifth component consists of empty or

programmed humans through whom aliens demons and thought forms can work people

who are not in conscious control of themselves are open to control by

something else whether momentarily or permanently almost everyone is

susceptible to being momentarily influenced we're not paying attention

this includes friends family neighbors co-workers politicians authors or

celebrities the ones who are completely empty or deeply programmed are permanent

agents of the matrix they function as hired clappers for the control system or

as walking mouthpieces for the alien agenda or they simply act as background

characters that prop up the status quo together these components create a

framework of control that exists everywhere around us and within us at

all times what is the matrix it is the totality of forces and mechanisms that

aim to keep us spiritually asleep


why does history keep repeating itself why can't mankind get its act together

and put an end to physical financial and spiritual slavery

maybe it's because every attempted solution has failed to address some very

fundamental human weaknesses until these critical flaws are overcome change will remain superficial as the old problems

keep resurfacing the first weakness is that our

perception is limited to only the five physical senses in being unable to see

anything beyond the material universe we are lured into emulating its ways into acting like animals or machines even

though at the core we are spirit it also blinds us from seeing our occult

enemies and the non-physical control structures and energies that they employ like an iceberg most of the matrix

control system is hidden from view for that reason humans are like puppets

being pulled by invisible strings sooner or later

mankind must develop clairvoyant powers through proper esoteric training it will become possible to perform miraculous

healing remote viewing psychic self-defense perception and removal of

etheric parasites precognition telekinesis probability influencing

telepathy and quick detection of agent saboteurs imagine how significantly this would level the playing field if we

could see beyond the flesh it would be game over for those Psychopaths driven

by alien and demonic forces but for now mainstream institutions don't even

believe in extrasensory perception let alone try to develop it

you never hear it mentioned by social or political movements either which goes to

show just how deeply our society has been had by the control system our

second weakness stems from science staying firmly in the realm of physical

matter physical energy 3d space and linear time this holds back the

necessary revolutions in technology that would overcome scarcity and

environmental destruction our primitive technology also makes earth physically

defenseless against alien forces giving them the strategic upper hand therefore we must move towards a higher type of

science that makes use of energies and principles still unexplored by the Orthodox

examples include scalar physics and Demiurge ik technology which employs

zero-point energy longitudinal electromagnetic waves force

free gauge potentials and etheric energy to accomplish the seemingly impossible

they would allow for free energy anti-gravity and visibility and time

travel without such technology the human race will continue being preoccupied

with physical survival competition over dwindling resources and dependence on

the few who control these resources our third weakness is ego the mental

parasite that keeps us emotionally invested in the matrix it is a foreign

installation grafted upon the soul through genetic imprinting and social

conditioning ego functions as a mortal personality worn by spirit in order to

operate smoothly within the matrix though at the risk of getting lost

within it when spirit the core of our being over

identifies with ego it takes on its weaknesses and forgets its own purpose

the writer then becomes the horse and can be easily led by the reins so long as the ego rules our choices we will

always be acting in ways that reinforce the matrix we must overcome the tyranny

of the ego and establish a personal connection with the spirit with the

higher self this can be done by recognizing what stems from the ego what

stems from the higher self and through discipline and introspection always

following the higher through consistent identification with the higher it grows

an influence over the lower it becomes more firmly anchored within us until igniting like a star and a full

manifestation we can augment that process through a cultivation of

intuition meaningful dreams synchronicity and deep contemplation we

can increase the clarity of the connection by nurturing noble feelings such as compassion beauty understanding

love and empathy without a connection to spirit

we remain Wanderers without compasses and lamps without fire lost in the

darkness as so many currently are the fourth weakness is ignorance stupidity

and naivete which keep us from making informed decisions deception succeeds

only when invited in by lack of awareness mankind's problem is not so

much the forces who seek to control it but the scourge of public ignorance that sustains and regenerates these forces

therefore we must increase awareness through a combination of study

observation experience contemplation and most of all revelation this requires a

deep love for truth and learning we must train

intellects without compromise and become very familiar with logical fallacies and

the spiritual warfare strategies used against us the intellect is not

something to throw away in favor of the heart rather both should be developed in parallel and brought to perfection the

more informed we are the smarter our decisions and the smarter our decisions

the better our future and the fifth weakness is humanity's unquestioned

faith in consensus reality consensus reality is a way that mainstream society perceives the world the way it works

what every individual must do to survive in it but is permissible and what is

impossible it is the map drawn by the matrix to chart our course through life

we are taught to assume that the rules and limitations of the many apply to us

without exception we must disentangle ourselves from

consensus reality this will only happen when we begin living by the principles

of a secret divine reality that exists around in within us which jurisdiction

you enter depends on where you are positioned on the citing scale between

ego and the higher divine self it depends on where you place your root

assumptions your emotional central point or your mental dwelling point by

entering the jurisdiction of the higher we overcome the authority of the lower with the mainstream deems foolish risky

or impossible then becomes the norm anomalies and miracles become the new

reality the only way to beat a rigged game is to play by a different set of

rules these unquestioned vulnerabilities all

stem from the same fundamental problem that of spirit being overcome by the

darkness of the material universe the transcendence we seek is not about

escape and avoidance it is about the mastery of the higher over the lower the real solutions are rooted in the above

whereas the weaknesses arise from below we cannot defeat the below using only

the tools and methods of the below attempting to do so merely replaces one

control system with another and that is why all human revolutions social

experiments and utopian attempts have failed for they have ignored the

fundamental problems I've outlined these weaknesses reinforce each other where

three are overcome the other two eventually produced defeat all must be

overcome together if mankind is to permanently secure its freedom

if the human race as a whole cannot do it maybe the rest of us can we shall

accomplish it through the mastery of spirit over the mind and mind over



as all spiritual traditions affirm there is more to existence than the

material universe we are more than mere animals or machines the truth is that we each have an inner core of consciousness

that is immortal and originates from outside the matrix this core called spirit is the origin of our free will

and our sentence it is the heart of our soul the very fulcrum of our being it is

the only part of us that is permanent and real in an absolute sense spirit is the source of our wisdom and new Siddha

t our inner beauty and harmony justice and mercy kindness and warmth compassion

and understanding integrity and nobility these ideals are not arbitrary human

inventions but qualities intrinsic to spirit whenever we express these ideals

we radiate a divine influence into the world spirit comes from a metaphysical

realm brimming with vitality whose laws are perfect absolute and just this

divine realm has been called the kingdom of heaven eternity or true reality it

exists beyond space-time beyond even the etheric and astral regions where the

occult influences of the control system originate the problem is that we are

here but not from here we are intruders into the matrix spirit is a foreign

substance of the matrix and it's antibodies are trying to neutralize why

because spirit represents everything that the matrix is not it is the only

thing that the matrix cannot fully control or understand everything else

from our egos our intellects to our physical etheric and astral bodies to

human civilization itself as well within its grasp as a dual beings we are

therefore caught between two jurisdictions the worldly and the divine

each has its own laws and principles each has its own value systems and each

has its own presiding powers one is spiritual death the other spiritual life our lives take place at the intersection

between these two realms when you look around you or look within at the

contents of your own mind and emotions you're witnessing an overlap of these

incompatible dynamics externally if the intersection consists of the matrix and

the divine realm exerting their respective influence over the physical

etheric and astral environment the events in your life are

a mixture of these influences even your physical surroundings contain both

layers as there is both ugliness and beauty chaos and harmony entropy and

growth everywhere you look both exist simultaneously before your eyes and

cynics are those who see only half the picture through a shift in perspective you can bring one layer into better

focus by doing so that layer is also brought into better physical

manifestation through the phenomenon of mind over matter because mind affects

matter at the quantum level an inner consciousness shift will create an outer

physical shift in other words the inner and outer worlds are loosely coupled the

probability of personal life events changes in response to deep changes in

your mental and emotional landscape the more you live from your spirit instead

of matrix programming the more your external circumstances come under the

jurisdiction of the divine realm spirit affects reality in a synchronistic way

thereby bypassing the deterministic laws of the matrix life literally turns

around and begins pointing in a new direction in miracles become the norm

that is how the kingdom of heaven begins manifesting on earth one person at a

time it is done by untangling yourself from the clutches of matrix programmed illusions and reclaiming physicality in

the name of divinity internally the intersection between higher and lower is

expressed as spirit and ego battling over your mental and emotional landscape

ego is an artificial personality created when the intellect is programmed with all the rules fears and desires of the

matrix everyone has an ego it acts as an avatar through which spirit can

conveniently interact with the rest of the matrix world your everyday sense of

self comes from spirit shining through the mask of ego but like an actor losing

himself in his character spirit can get lost in the ego and that's when things

go wrong in that case matrix influences drown out the voice of spirit this is

actually the norm for most people they live life from their evolutionary

instincts hormonal drives and ego desires and insecurities spirit is too

faint within them to be heard where else is entirely absent

only when spirit grows sufficiently strong can it override the ego and

transmute it you can do this by consistently exercising your spirit

instead of feeding your ego providing you know how to distinguish between them

you must have the awareness honesty and humility to acknowledge when you're

acting out of selfish or dishonorable motives those who value ego more than

the truth or servants of the matrix to make any progress one must consistently

sacrifice ego on the altar of truth the goal of esoteric training is not to eliminate the ego entirely though as

that would make you ineffectual as a human being but to bring it under the control of spirit to reprogram it with a

new set of priorities then instead of a prison warden keeping spirit locked up

within the purified ego becomes more like a knight carrying the commands of

spirit out into the world what the matrix normally uses to subjugate spirit

then becomes the means through which spirit unravels the matrix this reversal

of flow is what we are after spirit / mind mind over matter to be

what the matrix is not we must do what the followers of the matrix are not

doing too many people have sloppy thinking and personality shaped solely

by societal expectations valuable authority figures biological drives in

the five senses therefore we must sharpen our minds purify our

personalities and place these in service of spiritual intuition and noble ideals

only through a higher guidance system that transcends logic and physical

perception can we ever hope to exit the cages of conformity mind and heart

reason and intuition intellect and spirit must work together for each alone

is not enough that is the first and most important key to transcending the matrix

control system




For more infomation >> Montalk - What is the Matrix Control System? - Duration: 20:00.


What is: Steel Vengeance - Cedar Point - Duration: 5:43.

Steel Vengeance is a steel hybrid roller coaster,

located at Cedar Point, in Sandusky, Ohio, USA.

The ride, which was manufactured by American company, Rocky Mountain Construction, became

the park's third operating hybrid roller coaster - after the likes of Gemini and the

Cedar Creek Mine Ride.

All three of these rides feature a metal track, reinforced by a grid of wooden supports.

However, unlike the other two, Steel Vengeance uses RMCs modern iBox track technology, allowing

for the ride to complete multiple inversions as it navigates the course.

Cedar Point's new addition opened to the public on the 5th of May 2018.

Upon debut, the ride broke an alleged 10 records, many of which were within the category of

Hybrid roller coasters.

It currently resides as the tallest, fastest and steepest hybrid roller coaster, also becoming

the world's first hyper-hybrid, that's a hybrid coaster measuring over 200ft (61m) high.

On the grander stage, Steel Vengeance did set a new world record.

The ride features a total of 27.2 seconds of airtime during it's layout, more than

any other roller coaster around the globe.

The ride can be found in FrontierTown section of the park, next to the likes of Maverick,

another of the Cedar Point's well loved rides.

Interesting, the story of Steel Vengeance plays on this competition between the two


Once intimidated and disrespected by the musings of Maverick, characters Blackjack, Chess and

Digger have returned to FrontierTown to right the wrongs.

Upon their return, the trio set about constructing a one-of-a-kind machine.

Mirroring Blackjack's impressive height, Chess' unconventional and wild personality,

and Digger's blazing speed - the gang's impressive new roller coaster is the new force

to be reckoned with - giving them control of the FrontierTown area.

As visitors walk up to the ride, they are greeted by the entrance sign, which has been

chained to a large rock face.

Guests can then enter the caged queue line, which travels beneath the ride.

Scattered throughout the queue are signs, allowing them to learn more about the characters

and storylines involved within the attraction.

After traversing the line, visitors enter the plain station building, and board one

of three trains.

The mining themed trains consists of 6 cars, each of which seat riders in 2 rows of 2.

This leads to a total of 24 guests per train.

Once visitors have boarded, they leave the station building, undergo a right hand turn,

traverse two bunny hills, and begin the upwards climb.

Riders ascend the 62m (205ft) high chain lift hill, and crest 61m (200ft) drop.

At this point, the trains dive towards the ground, at the maximum vertical angle of 90

degrees, and reach the top speed of 119kmh (74mph).

After the drop, riders traverse a speed hill, followed by a large airtime hill.

Guests then quickly navigate a second, outward banked, airtime hill, followed by a double-up,

leading riders into the first inversion, an upwards Zero-G Roll.

The trains travels through a 90 degree banked turn, and enters the second inversion, a Zero-G


Guests head towards the ground through a double down element, immediately followed by elongated

double up, into the mid-course brake run.

Riders then turn left, and descend a large drop.

After navigating yet another double up element, the trains enter a twisted airtime hill, followed

by an overbanked turn, and a second Zero-G roll.

At this point, the rest of the ride experience uses a mixture of airtime hills, overbanked

turns, and a final Zero-G roll to direct guests back towards the station building.

78 seconds after being released from the top of the lift hill, the trains plough into the

final break run, marking the end of the ride.

Throughout the experience, visitors travel through four inversions, and navigate a total

of 1750m (5740ft) of track.

Despite its notable statistics and many records, Steel Vengeance hasn't always been a world

record breaking coaster.

In fact, the ride was the result of a dramatic upgrade to a previous roller coaster at the

park, Mean Streak.

Mean Streak was a large scale wooden coaster, built in 1991.

During its 26 years of operation, the ride built up a bad reputation.

Therefore, many were happy to see the ride close in 2016.

At this point, the track of the ride, as well as part of the support structure was removed,

allowing for the layout to be altered and improved.

It is safe to say that most prefer Steel Vengeance over its predecessor, as a result of the smoother,

faster, and more exciting ride experience.

Furthermore, many name the ride to be their favourite roller coaster in existence, quoting

its abundance of all types of airtime.

However, the rides brief life hasn't been all plain sailing.

Shortly after opening, a train failed to fully stop on the final brake run, causing it to

the lightly collide with a second train in the station.

The ride closed for several days prior to the incident, before reopening with only a

single train in operation.

Steel Vengeance has since returned to normal operation, after the rides brakes and blocking

systems were altered by RMC themselves.

With a ride so loved and highly rated as Steel Vengeance, it leads us to question when, and

where, the next world leading roller coaster will be built.

I'd like to hear your thoughts about what type of ride you think could possibly beat

Steel Vengeance.

Thank you for watching, and I'll see you all next time.

Be sure to check out the adventures of myself, Taylor of Coaster Studios,

Logan of Koaster Kids,

and Chad of Ohio Valley Coasters in our recent vlogs,

as we are travel around some of Europe's best theme parks.

For more infomation >> What is: Steel Vengeance - Cedar Point - Duration: 5:43.


Klopp says what Alisson did during Brighton win was "not too cool" - Daily News - Duration: 3:15.

</form> Liverpool weren't at their best against Brighton on Saturday, but managed to clinch the three points in the end

 Mo Salah scored the only goal at Anfield as the Reds saw off Chris Hughton's spirited Seagulls to move to the top of the Premier League , taking advantage of the fact that Manchester City had dropped points in a 1-1 draw at Wolves earlier in the day

 The win was achieved with a third consecutive clean sheet in the Premier League this season, with new goalkeeper Alisson yet to concede a goal since joining the club

Read More Mo Salah latest news  And in the second half, the Brazilian showed his new fans what he was all about

 When dealing with a backpass and being faced with Brighton's Anthony Knockaert closing him down, Alisson nonchalantly flicked the ball over the Frenchman's head before controlling it expertly

 It was a remarkable moment of calmness from the 'keeper, who made a fine late save from a Glenn Murray header to confirm victory

 But after the match, Jurgen Klopp was clear about which one he enjoyed more.  "[The Alisson chip] was not too cool," he said

 "I had a few centre halves, like Mats Hummels, who did things like this.  "Alisson is obviously a very good footballing goalkeeper! I like the save more than the chip!"  Liverpool fans loved it though, and have instantly taken to the new goalkeeper, with Loris Karius' two-year loan deal to Besiktas also confirmed on Saturday

 Klopp paid tribute to the goalkeeper, saying: ""We said goodbye yesterday. He's really looking forward to it, so that's good

 "It's good for him, I really think Loris is a fantastic goalkeeper, at a very good goalkeeper age

 "A lot of people spoke now about our improved defence, and as good as Alisson was in the last three games, in most of the games when we were already really good he was not here

 "It was Loris in goal, and he did a lot of good things.  "When I saw the Besiktas team, it's quite an experienced team so they have a good chance to win the league in Turkey

 "Now they have a really good goalkeeper, I'm really happy for him and he was very happy for the opportunity as well


For more infomation >> Klopp says what Alisson did during Brighton win was "not too cool" - Daily News - Duration: 3:15.


Arsenal fans stunned by what Torreira was doing in the 84th minute v West Ham - Duration: 3:12.

 Arsenal finally have their first three points of the Premier League season.  They didn't exactly do it in style at the Emirates, beating West Ham 3-1 after the visitors pretty much dominated the entire 90 minutes

 Had Marko Arnautovic not been substituted on 58 minutes, the three points could have been heading back to east London

 The Austrian striker opened the scoring, before Nacho Monreal was on hand to equalise shortly after

 Debutant Issa Diop then headed into his own net on 70 minutes, with substitute Danny Welbeck sealing the victory in injury time

 But there were arguably way more negatives than positives for Unai Emery's side

 Defensively, Arsenal were a shambles, with Arnautovic and summer arrival Felipe Anderson really testing them  And the Gunners were stale in midfield, Matteo Guendouzi and Granit Xhaka proving once again that they're not a compatible partnership

 The introduction of Uruguayan international Lucas Torreira really helped settle down the Gunners

 He simply has to start games from now on.  But Arsenal fans were stunned by one aspect of Torreira's performance and it's hard to know whether it was his own fault or not

 In the 84th minute, Torreira was bizarrely on corner duty and West Ham then countered and nearly scored through Lucas Perez

 Your main defensive midfielder should never be taking corners.  And Arsenal fans were not happy with the decision

FANS LIVID WITH TORREIRA ON CORNER DUTY  You can understand their frustration.  Had Perez equalised, Arsenal would have faced the prospect of failing to win in their opening three Premier League games

 But Emery finally has a win under his belt and now a team in transition can look at trying to move forward

 However, so much needs to be fixed as soon as possible. Aaron Ramsey's contract situation, the best formation for the team and the issues surrounding Mesut Ozil

 Do YOU want to write for GiveMeSport? Get started today by signing-up and submitting an article HERE: https://www

For more infomation >> Arsenal fans stunned by what Torreira was doing in the 84th minute v West Ham - Duration: 3:12.


Mother of 'fire challenge' victim: She was 'in flames from her knees to her hair' - Duration: 15:33.

When Brandi Owens saw her daughter, Timiyah, running toward her engulfed in flames, she shut down

"I almost just folded. I almost just fell apart. I almost really just lost my mind, looking at my baby on fire," Owens told ABC News

"Seeing her in flames from her knees to her hair, I just went into a deep shock. I panicked, I was hysterical

Oh God, I really hate remembering that day." It's been a little more than a week since Timiyah Landers was burned over 50 percent of her body while attempting the "fire challenge" she reportedly had seen on YouTube

Covered almost head to toe in heavy gauze bandages, the 12-year-old has been relying on a feeding tube and a respirator as doctors treat the second- and third-degree burns that cover 50 percent of her body

"She has opened her eyes, she has told me she loved me," Owens said. "She can't talk, but I read her lips

I asked her if she was comfortable, she shook her head yes. I asked her if she was in pain, she shook her head no

So she does respond with head movements." Owens said Timiyah can't yet tell her what happened that Friday

She and her two longtime friends had been having pancakes in the kitchen with Owens and her fiancé, Owens said, and then went to play

Owens said she went upstairs to lie down and "dozed off for maybe 15, 20 minutes

" "Then I heard some kind of pop. I asked my fiance, 'What was that?' Next thing I know, my daughter is running down the hallway yelling 'Help me!' She was on fire from her knees to her head

I panicked. I screamed, 'My baby!'" Owens said. Her fiance sprayed Timiyah down, Owens said, and "I began to rip the clothes off her

I burnt my hands in the process of ripping her clothes off while he was spraying her down with cold water

" Now, instead of getting ready to go back to school, Timiyah is undergoing multiple operations at the Children's Hospital of Michigan to remove her severely burned skin, her mother said

Her family is left wondering how their daughter -- a "very outgoing, very outspoken" girl who loves volleyball and was a "little mother" to her classmates -- came to set herself on fire

And Timiyah's family is far from alone: a number of children have been seriously injured or died after attempting dangerous social media "challenges" involving boiling water, detergent pods, bath salts and fire, among others

"For kids today, it's all about attention, the immediate gratification, and how do we become internet famous?" Sue Scheff, a family therapist and the author of "Shame Nation," told ABC News

"Everyone wants that immediate gratification without thinking about the long-term ramifications, especially because their minds are not mature enough to think about those

" Scheff said children and teens are also highly susceptible to peer pressure, and it starts earlier than most parents realize

"It's something that as young people get older, they're less likely to do," Scheff said

"We're seeing the tweens to the 14- and 15-year-olds doing this because they're truly trying to find where they fit in

" Last year, an 8-year-old Florida girl died months after drinking boiling water through a straw after being dared by her cousins to do so as part of a "boiling water challenge" they said they saw on YouTube, ABC affiliate WPBF reported

Ki'ari Pope suffered severe internal burns in the March 2017 incident and died on July 31, 2017, after complaining about having difficulty breathing

The Florida Department of Child and Family Services had investigated the boiling water incident and other incidents related to the girl, the Palm Beach Post reportedat the time

Last month, a 15-year-old boy in Indiana suffered severe burns on his face and body after he said his friend poured boiling water on him while he was asleep as part of the same challenge

Kyland Parker said he and his friend watched a video about the challenge online before the incident

"I came to my senses, the water got hot and I just got up and ripped my shirt off," Parker said

"I looked down at my chest and my skin just fell off my chest. I went in and looked in the mirror and I had skin falling off, even from my face

" Earlier this year, poison control centers reported a surge in teens attempting the so-called "Tide pod challenge" in which they bit into laundry detergent packets

Laundry detergent is poisonous to humans and animals and can cause serious health effects including "breathing problems, damage to the esophagus from the corrosive ingredients, burns, blood pressure changes, gastrointestinal problems and neurological symptoms, including loss of consciousness," according to Dr

Sarang Koushik, a resident in ABC News' medical unit. The American Association of Poison Control Centers reported that during the first three weeks of 2018, there were 86 cases of 13- to 19-year-olds intentionally ingesting detergent pods

The CEO of Proctor & Gamble, which makes the Tide pods, issued a statement in January addressing the dangers

"As a father, seeing recent examples of young people intentionally take part in self-harming challenges like ingesting large amounts of cinnamon or the so-called 'Tide Pods Challenge' is extremely concerning," Procter & Gamble CEO David Taylor wrote in the statement

"The possible life-altering consequences of this act, seeking internet fame, can derail young people's hopes and dreams and ultimately their health

Taylor also said at the time that the company had taken a number of measures to stop the dangerous trend and promised to remove videos that glorified the challenge from social media networks

"Let's all take a moment to talk with the young people in our lives and let them know that their life and health matter more than clicks, views and likes," Taylor added

But clicks, views and likes can be a powerful motivator for young people, Scheff said, and a group of children might attempt something riskier than an individual child would on his or her own

Owens said she does not yet know which of the three girls' idea it was to light Timiyah on fire

She said rubbing alcohol might have been involved as well. "I'm not going to really know the truth until Timiyah is able to talk," Owens said, adding that the police are not involved in the matter at this time

Frequent conversations between parents and their kids are key to combatting peer pressure, Scheff said

"This is not the sex talk, the 'birds and the bees' talk, this is the tech talk, and this talk is continuous

It starts when you hand that child a device, and then it never stops, because you know what? Technology is evolving," Scheff said

"Your child is always going to be an app ahead of you, but that doesn't mean they still don't need your parenting wisdom

" Still, Owens, who is the mom of three other girls and a boy, said those conversations with Timiyah didn't prevent the tragic incident

"I am angry about it because she knew better," Owens added. "I talk to my kids about playing with fire, I talk to my kids about peer pressure

And she had an option to say no, and instead, she volunteered to do this YouTube challenge, so I am very angry

It's a lesson learned." For its part, YouTube said it has long had policies that prohibit videos like the fire challenge, Tide pod challenge and boiling water challenge

"YouTube's Community Guidelines prohibit content that's intended to encourage dangerous activities that have an inherent risk of physical harm or death

We remove flagged videos that violate our policies," a YouTube spokesperson told ABC News in a statement

But it can be hard to keep up with flagging and removing videos, and parents also need to worry about what their kids' friends are watching and sharing

"Talk to your kids a little bit more, because you never know what another child is doing at their home and then coming to your home and introducing to your child, that they have no clue of," Owens said

Timiyah is expected to make a full recovery, her mom said. But Owens hopes sharing her family's painful story will help others prevent the same thing from happening to their children

"My situation isn't something I want to see another family go through. My situation is very devastating and hurtful," Owens said

"Show your kids my daughter's pictures and tell them this is what happens when you play with fire

" Scheff agreed. "Every time we see a headline about these horrible incidents, every parent needs to have that discussion with their child

These are teachable moments," she said. "What parents need to remember is no matter how many apps your kid knows, your child always needs your parenting wisdom

They always have to have your voice insider their head saying, 'This is not a good idea

'" ABC News' Karma Allen contributed to this report.

For more infomation >> Mother of 'fire challenge' victim: She was 'in flames from her knees to her hair' - Duration: 15:33.


Animal Control Could not Figure Out What Was Wrong, Until The Neighborhood Kids Admitted The Worst - Duration: 3:17.

Dogs are innocent loving animals that just want your love and attention.

It is incomprehensible why someone would ever want to hurt an animal.

An animal control officer sprung into action when he found a dog lying unresponsive on

the sidewalk.

He first tried to call to the dog, but there was no response.

He slowly approached and noticed the dog was still breathing, but not responding to his


Then he learned the horrifying truth about what happened to the sweet dog named Peanut.

Neighborhood kids allegedly injected Peanut with cocaine.

The drug caused her heart to race and left her clinging to life.

The officer picked her up and noticed she was panting heavily.

He rushed her to Faithful Friends Animal Society.

Peanut was finally surrounded by loving people who would do everything they could to save


Without knowing exactly how much drugs she had in her system and her declining state,

her survival was uncertain.

The staff put Peanut on an IV to start flushing out the dangerous drug.

Due to the deadly dose, Peanut was not able to walk, stand, eat, or drink when she arrived.

All she could do was lay panting with her heart racing.

After a few days on the IV, she started to improve a bit.

A toxicology report was run and the results were shocking.

Peanut tested positive for cocaine and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

The poor dog was suffering because kids forced her to consume drugs.

The drugs needed to be flushed quickly out of her system before they killed her.

The IV was her only hope at pulling through.

The staff gave her fluids for two days along with much needed emotional support.

They showed Peanut that not all humans are cruel.

They thought Peanut was about a year old.

This young pup had already endured extreme torture instead of running and playing.

Luckily, because of her young age, her body was more resilient and able to survive the

intense torture.

Kevin Rentz, Marketing Manager at the rescue center, said, "When she first arrived, she

was unable to walk, stand, eat, or drink.

Our vets had never seen mistreatment dealing with narcotics like this.

It was heartbreaking."

Surprisingly, Peanut returned to her happy self and was friendly with the staff.

Even after all she had been through she was a sweet dog just looking for love.

The staff fell in love with her and wanted her to find a loving home.

She stole the hearts of all the vets and techs here.

Once the drugs had started leaving her system, you could see her personality pick up."

Although she was starting to improve, she had a long road of recovery ahead.

With persistent care, Peanut made a full recovery.

They discovered that she loves to play with a ball.

"She would not let her ball out of her sight," Rentz said.

When her story made the news, a family in Delaware contacted the center and asked if

they could adopt her.

They came to the center to meet her and fell in love.

Peanut finally found a loving home.

What do you think ?

For more infomation >> Animal Control Could not Figure Out What Was Wrong, Until The Neighborhood Kids Admitted The Worst - Duration: 3:17.


Six Blind Men Who Come To Find Out What An Elephant Is - Duration: 1:32.


blind men once went to find out what an elephant is.

The first blind man touched the legs of the elephant, being a blind man he could only

touch and not see.

He touched the legs of the elephant and came to the conclusion that the elephant is like

a big pillar or a tree; straight, round, long and strong with thick skin.

The second man touched the tail of the elephant and came to the conclusion that an elephant

is like a rope with a brush at the end and it can move right and left very easily in


The third man touched the ear of the elephant and said, "Elephant is a flat animal, like

a hand fan" The fourth man who had touched only the trunk

of the elephant said "No, the elephant is like a snake or a tree branch, rough on the

surface and is hollow inside.

The fifth man who had touched its belly said "An elephant is like a big wall, but with

curves here and there" The sixth man who had touched only the tusk

said "An elephant is like a pipe or spear and very strong"

After they found out they had disagreement, they went to a man who had eyes and had seen

the elephant.

Each explained his side of the story and asked him who was right among them.

The man who had seen the elephant said: "You are all partially correct, Elephant has features

that you explained but it is much more" The sensual eye is just like the palm of the


The palm has not the means of covering the whole of the beast.

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