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at Karol Bagh
and met owner Saurabh
who showed us Various types of Helmet Bluetooth Headset available with him.
One by One he showed 4 type
of headsets from
to higher quality.
headset to
the one where
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and Comment.
Cheeseburger Pizza: A Must Try American Classic? || Really Dough? - Duration: 13:04.(dramatic music)
- [Scott] Dude, this is my first cheese burger pizza.
- People have tried it without a bun,
people have done different things with pickles and stuff.
- That sounds good actually, do you have any pickles?
- We got some pickles.
Can we get some pickles?
- You guys got picks?
- My name is Scott, I live and breathe pizza.
But Mark is a pizza purist.
- This is not pizza. (buzzing)
It's not pizza. (buzzing)
I'm about to kick you out.
- [Scott Voiceover] I'm trying to bring him
the craziest pizzas I can find.
They all claim to be pizza, but are they really dough?
(jazz music)
- [Mark] That's the original pizzeria,
they were bakers, I saved it.
- You saved a lot of stuff.
I found a Father's Day card in this book.
- This guy right here look.
I always said if I ever go to Italy
I want to go meet these guys.
So I go to Italy, and I didn't even realize
when I got back from Italy.
- That you had met. - I saw the book and I say,
you know what, let me look, and I was like, oh shit
I was making pizza with his son.
- But you didn't meet the parents?
- They're dead.
- Okay, so you can't meet them?
- No.
- But you're not, you're not making Naples-style pizza.
- No. - How crazy do they get
with toppings, when you were there?
- Not, no, not a lot of toppings.
- I saw them putting hot dogs and French fries on the pizza.
To me that's a little, - They did that in Naples?
- Yeah dude, they, that's a popular pizza in Naples.
- That's not a pizza.
- It is pizza, absolutely.
What about hamburger, okay, hamburger on a pizza.
There's a guy in Queens or something like that,
that's making like a cheeseburger pizza.
I think it's called Krave It.
- It's not pizza.
Sauce and cheese, that's it, done.
- Yeah but wait a second--
- If I put spaghetti on a hamburger bun is it a hamburger?
- No, because a hamburger is all about the meat patty.
- It doesn't matter.
- What do you mean it doesn't matter?
- It does matter. - It's not pizza.
- I'm telling you in Naples-- - In today's day and age,
it's not pizza.
- Whatever. - That's not pizza.
- Why not?
- Cheeseburger pizza.
- Different, but to me it's just a different kind of pizza.
- No, it's not.
- No, okay.
- So-- - Stop.
- That's it? (calculator whirring)
They would look at this, you know
they look at this and say this is not a pizza.
Do you think that they're making pepperoni pizza in Italy?
You know they're not.
I'm gonna bring some back, and I wanna watch you eat it.
Be able to persuade you that it is pizza.
I don't care if you like it or not, it is a pizza.
(somber music)
I made it all the way out here to Bayside, Queens
because Mr. Mark loves cheeseburgers.
So I'm gonna get him a crazy cheeseburger pizza
and bring it back as a reward
for finishing his accounting for the day.
Are you Vishee?
- Scott?
- Yes. - Yes, finally.
- Finally, good to finally meet you man.
I'm here for one pizza in particular,
I want that cheeseburger pizza.
- Okay, got you.
- Like, it's cheeseburgers on a pizza?
Even the bun?
- Even the egg.
- I'm here to blow your mind tonight.
- I gotta get one.
You mind making me a pie, I'll sit down we'll eat it?
- I got you.
- Thanks a lot, Vishee.
This is my first time at Krave It
and I've seen tons of pictures of all the weird pizzas.
And this cheeseburger pizza is definitely a stand-out.
And honestly, it makes me very nervous.
'Cause I love burgers, I love pizza,
I don't know if I can handle the combination,
I don't know if I'm strong enough.
- Sauce, cheese, and dough.
Scott, sauce, cheese, and dough.
Scott, sauce, cheese, and dough.
Pizza tastes best served right out of the oven.
It's not a pizza.
- What do you mean?
- It's not a pizza.
- I brought you some.
- Our pizza should look better than it tastes.
- Such a stickler.
- No exceptions.
Don't come back here and bring me this crazy stuff.
- Sauce, cheese, sauce, cheese,
sauce, cheese and dough, it's not pizza.
- I don't know if I'm strong enough.
- [Mark Voiceover] Sauce, cheese, and dough.
- [Announcer] Sunday, Sunday, Sunday.
Come on down to Krave It pizzeria to try
to conquer the world famous cheeseburger pizza.
These are three, that's right,
three different kinds of cheeses.
Grande mozzarella, shredded cheddar, sliced cheddar.
- The best cheese for the best pizza.
- [Announcer] And don't forget 30 all meat,
all American patties cut up into sliders,
and distributed around the pizza.
30 (bleep) patties.
- [Vishee] You wanna make sure every bite
has a burger on it.
- [Announcer] And while that's cooking up,
how 'bout we fry up eight whole eggs?
- Sunny-side up 'cause we like them runny.
We wanna get messy.
- [Announcer] It's no yolk.
- Gotta get messy at KraveIt.
- [Announcer] Cock-a-doodle-joke.
- [Vishee] Now we walk over to our buddies, our buns.
- [Announcer] Bun-day, bun-day, bun-day.
This pissed off pizza is egg-streme,
egg-regous, eggs-cellent.
Why don't you give it a fry?
- And we hypnotize with our homemade chipotle sauce.
- [Announcer] Super charged with sesame seeds and cilantro.
- Voila, boom, done.
F my life.
- [Announcer] Boom, done, F his life.
See for yourself, Scott.
(lips smacking)
- Uh oh.
(dramatic music)
- Ready?
- No, no, I, uh--
- Well you gotta get ready.
- I want to walk you through my emotions right now.
- [Vishee] Let's do it.
- Overwhelmed, confused, excited,
I'm hungry is my number four.
- It's like this is mind f-ing you right now.
- Seriously my mind is definitely getting hurt a little bit.
So, it starts with pizza dough, normal pizza style,
and then from there it goes off the walls.
Little meat slider patties, fries, bacon
the fried egg and then the buns, sesame seeds
and the Chipotle mayo on top of it.
- Ready?
(dramatic music)
(music mellows down)
Let it hit you, let it hit you.
(psychedelic music)
- There is drama in that bun.
Okay, cause at first I was scared,
I'm gettin' all this bun action.
- Bun action is good.
- Yeah but then the bacon came up.
- Yeah kicks you right in the ass with it.
- Yeah and spicy.
- That's the chipotle kickin' in.
- Oh it's the chipotle, oh my God, and then the egg.
You real...
This is over the top, right?
- Go big or go home.
- [Scott] This ain't your grand daddy's cheeseburger
or your grand mommy's pizza.
They all probably say, it's not pizza.
What do you say to them?
- This is the new age pizza movement.
- New age pizza movement.
- Yeah we're just here doing pizza our way,
our style and our style is street.
It reminds you of when you were a kid.
Reminds you of just a regular burger joint.
- [Scott] The egg though, what egg are you gettin'
on your regular old burger?
- Egg was just a last minute thing we threw on it.
Our first attempt was without the egg
and then one of my guys was like,
yo, let's try it with an egg.
I was just like, yeah, let's do the egg.
- [Scott] How does this fit in to the grand scheme
of New York style pizza?
- I don't think we fit in at all, we're outlaws.
People come in and people look at it
and they're like, what are they doing?
Fried chicken, waffles, cheeseburger pizza?
What are you doing?
When I say try it, they're like, holy shit.
And then from there it's just,
that's it, it's over for them, it's Krave It.
- [Vishee] That's it, it's over for them, it's Krave It.
Yeah, let's do the egg.
- I mean look,
I know, I know Mark,
is Mark. - Of course.
- And he's gonna think certain things about pizza.
To me this is absolutely a pizza.
- Nothing makes me more nervous more than
the old school traditionalist pizza guys
because those guys have been doing it forever
and I respect the hell out of them.
But now me as a newcomer, complete opposite
out of left field.
I feel like a lot of them might look at me
and be like what's going on?
What the f are you doing to pizza?
Are you sabotaging pizza?
- You obviously know Mark.
- Yeah, he's gonna be, why, what are we doing?
Then I feel like a lot of them will be like
you know what, this is good, it's a change, it's different,
you know it's 2018, everything is different now.
Maybe pizza needed this change,
not that pizza was boring,
'cause pizza could never be boring
but let's try to give pizza a little bit of a makeover.
You know, so, hopefully he's listening
and he can give some kind of love.
- Well honestly my definition of pizza is that,
it's a dough that has stuff baked on top of it
and I don't care if you add stuff
after it comes out of the oven.
I don't care if you add cheeseburgers.
I don't care if you add a used Honda afterwards,
like, it's a pizza.
It may be weird, it may look different
but the pizza that we're eating today is weird
to the people who were eating pizza 50 years ago.
- **
- And the pizza that we're eating right now
is gonna seem normal to the pizza
of a hundred years from now.
So, that's why I say,
no doubt in my mind, this is a pizza.
A weird pizza, and you are a weird man
but I love weird things.
We're definitely brothers in that sense.
- Just made my day.
- I don't think anybody can argue,
Mark can argue and he's like a stubborn guy.
- It's alright as long as I got your approval,
I can live with Mark, you know.
I know where he's coming from, he's old school.
It's good to hear from like pizza geniuses,
pizza guys, pizza connoisseurs.
- Thanks a lot man.
- Weird pizza.
(gentle music)
- Alright Mark, put down the phone.
Stop texting me, I'm here already.
Check this.
- What the-- - Cheese,
cheeseburger pizza.
- [Mark] Do you have a cutter for this thing.
- I got a small blade.
You have like one of those huge blades?
- I don't even know where to begin.
- You got like a mezzaluna, you know we could like,
(imitates splattering)
- No. - Nothing?
- Is that what that thing is called?
- Yeah.
- I'll do it.
- But go between the buns.
Don't interrupt the sanctity of the buns.
- I gotta get a pizza cutter.
- Okay, get a real one.
I'm gonna give it one cut, I think you're just a wimp.
- No, 'cause you're gonna mess it up.
Are you ready? - Yeah.
- What did you do?
- I cut a couple of them for you.
(suspenseful music)
How are you gonna attack this?
Are you gonna pick it up
and fold it? - I don't know.
We gotta get a plate for this.
- Here you don't have ketchup in your whole building do you?
- Are you kidding me?
- Look, this is what it is, it's a cheeseburger pizza.
You got a pizza crust, right?
There's cheese.
- What?
- There's sauce on here, that's sauce.
- Yeah. - Okay.
- You gonna tell me this is pizza?
- Look, I'm not telling you anything.
I've learned my lesson, I'm not telling you anything.
Just letting you do what you gotta do.
- [Scott] Wow, you got the bun in there too.
(intense music)
(Scott laughs)
- I was waiting to see your face
and it is worth every moment of waiting.
- My jaw hurts.
Yeah, you only took two bites.
- One bite.
- You're still working on bite number one?
- Uh-huh.
I'm done.
- [Scott] But, is this a pizza?
- This is a cheeseburger on, a bacon cheeseburger
with hard boiled eggs and french fries,
on pizza dough, not pizza.
- Okay, so this has pizza dough?
- [Mark] Yes.
- Okay, so that's one of your elements that you need.
- You just wanna argue for the sake of arguing.
- I'm just trying to make a point here.
What on this pizza is beyond the realm
of legality in pizza? - The buns.
- Okay, so what if we take off these buns,
I'm just saying for argument's sake.
Pizza or not a pizza?
- Not a pizza.
- What else that you see right now, violates pizza?
- Egg.
- If we like remove this egg,
pizza or not a pizza?
- The hamburger.
- That's illegal?
But what about if you take a meatball and slice it up?
- A meatball's a meatball, a hamburger's a hamburger.
French fries gotta go. - Okay.
- That's gotta go. - Okay.
- This gotta go. - Don't take the bacon off.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
You're taking the bacon off?
- I just wanted to eat the bacon.
- But you say, pizza or not a pizza?
- It's pizza dough. - It's a white pizza.
- It's pizza dough.
- It sounds like you're saying to me, not a pizza.
- I'll let you know if it's pizza.
(dramatic music)
- Pizza or not pizza?
- I don't know anymore.
(both laughing)
I really don't.
(triumphant music)
- Does that taste like pizza to you?
- It doesn't taste like any pizza I've ever had before.
But, I feel like academically speaking,
it's pizza, you know what I mean?
- Let's, I want to test your pizza knowledge.
What do you call a white pile of potatoes?
- What do you call it?
The uh, what is it, not the Flammkuchen,
the other stuff, not the onion stuff.
Flammkuchen is the Alsatian in the pile.
- I opened a can of worms.
(upbeat music)
- [Scott] To me, this is a pizza, to Mark.
- I don't know.
I love bacon, I love cheeseburgers.
I even love this orange stuff.
What is that?
- But if you wanna know for yourself,
you gotta go eat it at Krave It.
Thanks for watching Thrillist.
Check us out next time.
Now I'm gonna go in for one more piece, just 'cause I like.
- You didn't even finish that one.
- Yeah I know because it got all messed up
and it started, detach everything.
I just wanna feel what you felt on that first bite.
I know and I wanna--
- You gotta get all this stuff in there.
- That's what I'm, is that what you did?
I don't know man, I'm not, I don't have a big mouth.
- [Announcer] Alright I'll take it from cock-a-doodle-dough.
- [Man] Yeah!
- [Announcer] Cock-a-doodle-dough.
Golf Classic for Bethesda - Duration: 3:23. For more infomation >> Golf Classic for Bethesda - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
Rover 75 1.8 Turbo Classic | CD Wisselaar | Lichtmetalen velgen | Climate-control | - Duration: 1:04. For more infomation >> Rover 75 1.8 Turbo Classic | CD Wisselaar | Lichtmetalen velgen | Climate-control | - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Matt Lauer pictured with his estranged wife at the Hampton Classic - Duration: 7:17.Matt Lauer has been spotted out and about with his estranged wife Annette Roque since he allegedly agreed to give her a multi-million dollar payout
The disgraced former Today Show host, 60, who was axed following sexual misconduct allegations, reportedly agreed to go as high as $20million in their divorce settlement
Despite ironing out the details of the very pricey divorce, Lauer and Roque, 51, made a public appearance at the Hampton Classic, one of the largest outdoor horse shows in the US, together on Sunday
Although the pair didn't show physical affection, they seemed friendly as they kept up a low-key appearance sporting sunglasses and hats as they walked their dog and met up with friends
The couple has attended the Hampton Classic for years. In 2015 they posed for pictures and seemed very much so in love with their arms wrapped around one another
On Sunday Lauer seemed relaxed sporting a long sleeve navy sweater, khaki pats, and a New York Yankees cap
Roque sported a wide-brimmed hat to shade her face, a floral top and jeans. The two, who are co-parenting and will reportedly share custody of their three children - Jack, 17, Romy, 14, and Thijs, 11 - took turns caring for their pup at the Classic
At the outdoor event they met up with friends to enjoy the New York sunshine and munch on hot dogs
Despite their social outing together, the couple is said to have an estranged relationship following Lauer's public sexual misconduct scandal
Lauer reportedly felt so guilty about cheating on his Dutch model wife that he is was 'bending over backwards' to give her everything she wants in the divorce agreement, according to Page Six
The couple seem to be getting a long as they spend time in their enormous 12-bedroom Hamptons home as they wrap up the final details of their divorce
'Things really have settled down. Matt and Annette are getting on and they're both spending time with their kids
They hope to settle the divorce very soon,' a friend spilled to Page Six.However divorce talk is nothing new for the couple who tied the knot in 1998
RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next 'Hopefully he has used this time to consider how he abused
Matt Lauer's first wife says disgraced NBC anchor 'needs to. Share this article Share Back in 2006, Roque filed for divorce citing 'mental abuse, extreme mental and emotional distress, humiliation, torment and anxiety,' after learning of Lauer's infedelities
However, she agreed to pull the divorce off the table and remain with him, as another source says because at the time, 'Matt agreed to pay Annette a lump sum of millions back in 2006 as an incentive to stay with him to help him maintain his squeaky clean image as 'America's Dad
'Part of the incentive for her to stay was also a post-nup, which would make things smoother for her should she eventually divorce him again
'She also got an allowance every year, plus it was agreed that she would get a share of the value of all their homes if they did split
'Roque aquiessed in 2006, and pulled the divorce filing a few months later.Lauer has been busy listing his properties since his massive fall from grace as the face of Today
He recently sold his Upper East Side apartment for more than the $7.35million asking price
He also has listed his Sag Harbor home for $12.75 million, which is a massive price slash from the original asking price of $18million
The source added: 'Matt's bending over backwards to give Annette everything she wants because he feels so guilty
But he would love the Hamptons home.'Lauer has spent a great deal of time at the property since he was sacked by NBC, taking refuge in the privacy the six-acre estate offers
He bought the estate for $36.5million from Richard Gere in 2016.The couple are believed to have agreed to share custody of their three children and a friend tells Page Six he remains a 'devoted dad
'However he still resents his ultimate demise at the Peacock network. The source added: 'Matt still maintains the relationships he had in the workplace were consensual
He does feel like the poster boy of the #MeToo movement when he sees other high powered men hanging on to their jobs despite allegations
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