Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 8, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Aug 27 2018

It's a popular haircut right now.

I see a lot of guys who get haircuts and they cut off all

the hair around the side of their head,

leaving only the top hair, which I imagine

for balding men is infuriating.


So you're walking around, you're having a good day.

You've got your little scope going around,

like "Aaaah, you look fine, Rick".

And then you see some young dude and he's like,

"All I need is my top hair, baby".

And you're like "Damn you!"

It's a different experience for a man

to get a haircut than a woman, you know what I mean?

My girlfriend told me she was getting

her hair cut in May in December.

I was like, "All right, merry Christmas.

"Can we focus?"

(light laughter)

It's just a different thing.

She goes in, she has to find someone she trusts.

My girlfriend ah, has brown hair.

Sometimes she goes and dyes her hair brown.


She's twenty-five years old.

She's not going gray, I don't know

what's going through her head.

She's like "Uuummm, if they're loving me with this chocolate

"do, they're going to love my new gingerbread

"elk hybrid ombre. Whatever. I'm not walking out of here

"without something I can hashtag."

And then she comes in, she be like,

"Notice anything different?"

And I gotta be like, "You have less money."

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