Thứ Hai, 27 tháng 8, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Aug 27 2018

For more infomation >> ODDBODS Build a Rocket Bubbles Best Cartoon For Kids And Children - Sam Rees - Duration: 3:38.


Take the Build-a-Bear Double Standard Test - Duration: 4:39.

Imagine for a moment there's a quaint little Build a Bear in a remote idyllic village.

Imagine that just one of their employees hid cameras in teddy bears sold by the store and

filmed small children with it.

Imagine the mass-outrage that would follow.

Now imagine if thousands of employees were doing it, and the company covered it up.

They would be sued and bankrupt in a fortnight.

But imagine if instead of just filming small children, they were beating, molesting, and

even raping them.

Imagine if the company called the victims liars and threatened them if they told anyone…

and in the cases that were reported, the cops and judges sided with the abusers.

As the scandal grew, imagine that Build a Bear paid billions of dollars in settlements

to silence the victims from speaking out, and to avoid scandal, while keeping the offending

employees on the books – shuffling them from store to store, and sometimes if the

offenses became too public, moved them to foreign countries, placing them in positions

of authority over powerless communities.

Imagine they were put in charge of orphanages where they continued to rape and abuse the

most vulnerable of our children with impunity.

And imagine this going on for decade after decade after decade.

All over the globe

Imagine corrupt company officials feigning regret and remorse, promising swift action

and reform while hiding the names of abusers and protecting the rapists.

Refusing to release documents, and lobbying to protect their own.

Allowing it to happen again and again and again.

Now as this nightmare intensifies, imagine that you're a customer.

Would you continue to give them your money?

Would you continue to recommend this megalithic monster bringing family and friends into their store.

Would you continue to let their employees near your precious children?

Lastly, imagine that the company officials had the bold-faced gall to claim status as

mankind's sole moral authority - to be the voice of god on earth.

The audacity!

What if I told you the worst part of this hell-on-earth scenario is that you don't

have to imagine it.

Because outside your mental theater this hush-job of perpetual savagery

has become an ecclesiastical pandemic

turning the Catholic Church into a pedophile's paradise.

Enough is enough.

For more infomation >> Take the Build-a-Bear Double Standard Test - Duration: 4:39.


The exact steps you need to take to build a quick and easy consulting website - Duration: 4:44.

- Hey, Paul Klein again.

How you doin'?

Another quick business tip for ya today.

Today I wanna talk about the exact steps

you need to take to build a quick and easy

consulting website.

Everybody thinks that it's super hard,

you gotta spend all this money and everything,

and it's really not that difficult.

To get started when you're first

just starting something on the side

of you're trying something new and you don't wanna

spend a lot of money, don't go spend a ton of money

on a big giant web developer and invest all kinds of money.

You can make a great site with a lot of the free tools

and you don't need to be a programmer

or ya know, a rocket scientist to do it.

My site is done on Weebly.

I found Weebly to be super easy,

but the first thing you need to do is go get

your domain name, as I talked about in

why it's so important to be your personal brand

and get your domain name under your name.

Ya know, go get that registration.

You can register it at Weebly,

on my webpage under tools in my box,

I mean my toolbox,

or tools in my trade.

I can't remember what it's called.

Anyway, I have a lot of different tools,

different digital tools that I use there

and you're welcome to click on the links and use those.

Some of those are an affiliate link for me.

So I get a small, tiny, tiny commission on it.

I haven't even got one yet.

So hopefully, someday, I'll get one.

But at any rate, check it out.

You can check out Weebly.

Super easy to use, set up.

You only need two or three pages.

It's real easy to use and there's no coding

or anything like that.

I've tried WordPress, JoomLa, a lot of different

products out there like that.

They're all good and I'm sure there's certainly

a place and a time when that would be needed.

But I've found that just a basic Weebly site

and even I'm sure Squarespace and Wix

and oh, I don't know, there's other ones too

that are similar to Weebly, but are just as good.

But man, just get one of those and start it.

Put up a page with your picture on it,

your services, a phone number.

Even if you don't have a whole bunch of pages.

You don't need to have a Mercedes, ya know,

when the Corolla will get there, get ya there.

Just to get ya some traction.

In today's digital world as you know,

our resume or the way people do business,

the Yellow Pages are gone, all that stuff.

It's all about on the web, being able to find you

when they Google search ya and so forth

or they Google search a term in your industry.

Having that webpage is so crucial for that.

Just get a Wix site or a Weebly site.

Get it up and running.

Have a home page or a splash page.

Super easy to do.

The other thing I have on my page

that's under my tools is a web based logo creator.

So you can get on there right now

if you just wanna try an idea.

One of the things I found that really helped me

is if you use Logojoy just to create a logo

for an idea you have, even if you're not going anywhere,

I love to do that.

It's free, you can create a logo,

and kinda visualize what you're,

you have in mind for a product or service

or something like that and then you can put it on

as your screensaver or put it on your phone background

and you know, it kinda helps you visualize

where you're going with your product or service.

So, Logojoy's a great nother one.

There's also like Fiverr and 99designs.

What's the other one?

Yeah, Fiverr, 99designs, Upwork,

those are all good too.

They encompass multiple designers and people

all around the whole world to do design work,

but Logojoy is simple.

It's web based, bam.

Put your name and your business in there

and it'll come up with 10 different logos

and you can pick one.

If you wanna buy it, you can.

You don't have to.

So it's a great tool out there.

So go out there, get your webpage, get your domain first.

GoDaddy or Weebly is one of the domain registrations.

Get just a basic Weebly site.

Just set it up, just get in there and dig on it.

It's not that hard to do and use Logojoy

or one of those types of places

and create you a logo and man, you're up and running

and going and get in the game and get in the business.

So it's a good thing.

I'd love to connect with you at

where I have my one-page consulting agreement

that you can get.

It's a template that I've used for all my consulting

with working with Target and Cracker Barrel

and Taco Bell and so forth.

I've used that same template for those contracts.

You can certainly use it, plagiarize it,

copy it and adapt it to your situation.

So, would love to connect with you.

Again, that's at

Check that out and get in the game and keep it going.

Until next time, we will have another business tip for ya

and hope to hear from you soon.

Talk to you later, bye bye.

For more infomation >> The exact steps you need to take to build a quick and easy consulting website - Duration: 4:44.


How To Build A Real Connection With A Man ! - Duration: 5:03.

How to build a real connection with a man.

Hello guys, my name is Alex Cormont.

I'm the French relationship expert in 2007.

In this video, I want to share with you my advice, because it's really important to build

a real connection when you meet a man.

I have coached so many women who were in a relationship in the beginning, and then the

man ghost them.

Or, the man said, "Oh, sorry, I'm not really ready for a relationship."

What is that?

Why is that happening?

It's just because the relationship starts to fast, and you need now to understand how

to create a real connection when it comes to meet a man.

The first thing that I wanna share with you, is most of the time women don't hide.

When it comes to attraction, you're just here with your body.

You're just here with your smile.

I know you work on yourself.

You prepare yourself.

The trouble is, a man needs to know why are you different?

What makes you unique?

This is the only one way to create a strong connection with a man.

First of all, I want you to ask questions, smart questions like I say.

This is, "What are your values?

What do you like in love?

Why are you doing this job?

Where do you see you in the future?

What was your dream when you were a child?"

This is something really important, because you need to create a connection by sharing

the strong values, by sharing what is really important for each other.

You will find exactly what are the common interests.

What are the things that you can share?

What are the things that you can do together?

What are the things that you can bring to each other?

This is what makes a relationship and a connection stronger?

Please, when you meet a man, take your time.

Ask a couple questions.

Show interest in who he is.

Then he will show you some interest for who you are, and at this moment, you created a

real connection.

It's not just physically.

It's not just fun because you have a good activity.

It's something more deeper.

Something that really touch you and your values.

I want to insist in this point.

This is not him doing an interview.

It's not trying to get a job.

This is a relationship with two humans, so you need to talk.

You need to have a conversation.

This is something really important.

If you look at the question that I gave you, for example, what did he want to do when he

was a child?

Or, where does he see himself in the future?

These two questions are really important.

First of all, because we will talk about something in the past and something in the future.

The man will not be able to lie.

This is something important.

A man can lie when he's talking about the present.

"Yeah, I'm an artist.

I'm making millions of dollars."

Where do he see himself in the future?

"Oh, I have to think about that."

This is something really important, so my brain is working.

What do you want to do when I was a child?

"Oh, I really want to do a basketball player."

This is something really important for me.

And why is it important for you?

Because you know what is loving in life, and this tricky question that I call them, are

really important when you want to create a real connection.

When you want to try the to attract this man, but when you know that you want to be different.

You don't want to be like every woman.

You don't want to be like, "I like to travel.

I like to sports.

I am going to the gym two times a week, and I love my career."

This is too basic.

This is something everybody can say.

No, you need to have a real connection.

You need to go deeper.

You need to use questions.

In the past, in the future, and then you need to share your strong values.

This is how you can create a real connection with a man, and this is how you can find the

right one.

This is how you can build a real relationship where you will never need a love coach like


Okay, guys.

If you enjoy this video, just put a like in the comments just below, and I want you to

subscribe to this channel.

I need your support.

I want to give you love.

I want to give you advice.

If you need something, just leave me a comment, and I will do a video.

I want you also to download my free e-book.

This is in the description below.

I will put you the link.

This free e-book is close to 100 pages.

I'm giving you all of my philosophy.

What I learned since 2007, in France, but also in Miami, and all around the world with

the people that I have coached.

I spent so many time on the phone, on Skype, meeting people.

I spend so many time doing speeches in Europe.

I want to share this with you, because most of the time, you don't know how to create

this real connection with a man.

This is where the real happiness is happening.

I want you to just enjoy this video.

I want you to share it to your friends, and I will see you tomorrow for a new video.

Bye bye, guys.

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